@HANZELVANDERLAAY thank you Hanzel, I am a human mother. My kids are 17 and 21 now. I sunk into a mental black hole last year and landed in Kansas, away from my kids. I have a lot of guilt about this that I can't figure out how to work through and make it out of, back to feeling normal and functional. I am grateful to here, taking care of babies on this farm for now where i am surviving, even though it's not at all what I thought I was trying to get to. I don't understand anything anymore, to tell you the truth. But I am getting up every day and continuing to walk this walk until maybe I will feel OK again. It turns out I can do so many things. Nearly anything I give a try to. But I can't figure out how to be societally functional anymore.
Ud make a great human mother ..I imagine 🎉
@HANZELVANDERLAAY thank you Hanzel, I am a human mother. My kids are 17 and 21 now. I sunk into a mental black hole last year and landed in Kansas, away from my kids. I have a lot of guilt about this that I can't figure out how to work through and make it out of, back to feeling normal and functional. I am grateful to here, taking care of babies on this farm for now where i am surviving, even though it's not at all what I thought I was trying to get to. I don't understand anything anymore, to tell you the truth. But I am getting up every day and continuing to walk this walk until maybe I will feel OK again. It turns out I can do so many things. Nearly anything I give a try to. But I can't figure out how to be societally functional anymore.
My kids think I'm great, for the most part. They are wonderful and amazing. I am just about 1500 miles from them at this time