A much needed video - I've just taken delivery of my NN6 and there are no instructions at all. Bags of bits, with no idea what to do with them. Thanks for the video :)
They should've allowed an option to use an arca style clamp to attach your camera. It would be nice to keep your camera's brackets in place to use this.
A much needed video - I've just taken delivery of my NN6 and there are no instructions at all. Bags of bits, with no idea what to do with them. Thanks for the video :)
This was extremely helpful. Thank you.
Very nice video. This model will be mt next buy. Now, I have the Nodal Ninja 5. J. Payne, Charlotte, NC.
Very much needed video. Thanks
Very nice choice of music :)
They should've allowed an option to use an arca style clamp to attach your camera. It would be nice to keep your camera's brackets in place to use this.
That's an extra.
Thank you for this video. Do you have an Instagram page?