wow i found such a cool creator on youtube. i accept you as my savior oh lord discern4! expose this bloodthirsty selfclaimed narcissist god. no thanks to you biblical god.
you forgot something... since immortality was taken away from humans in Genesis the real number is... Every Person That Has Ever Died! Billions???? am I right?
Not exactly .. Adam and Eve wasnt immortal in the first place. But you are right anyway : in the way bible thinks, god gives, and god takes life. In this case : everyone is killed by gods will. Billions, like you said correct.
+PygmalionFaciebat technically you are right but Adam and Eve had access to the "tree of life" which would have provided something to keep them alive indefinitely that was removed which then led to perpetual death for them and all other humans that followed.
We can make more math. Bibilical timeline begins before 4000 BC and ends in 95 AD. Say 4100 years. In 4100 years, assuming the casualties correct (a few might be questionable actually), that makes 604 a year namely 1 person and 0.6 a day (assuming all non leap years).
"Actually it was mans desires that killed man, just as it does today." You just watched a video showing a ridiculous amount of verses where God himself told the Israelites to kill. At least on one occasion, God punished the Israelites for not killing enough people. This had nothing to do with man's desires, these were God's instructions. Hitler and Stalin's actions don't excuse God's. God shouldn't even be a contender for the prize of Most People Killed.
Excuses from Christians : 1) "Out of context" 2) "Who are you to judge God ? After all you atheist have no objective moral standard to judge god ." 3)"It's for the divine plan , only God knows : he works in mysterious way ." 4) "They were sinners - who did stuff and didn't acknowledged God - so we the Hebrews are justify to do the same thing as the pagans did on behalf of God ."
The main music was two remixes of Commando from the Commodore 64. You can find the original on UA-cam. From Satan onwards, the music is from Blazing Star for NeoGeo.
Satan has killed 10 people and Was once an angel and he’s suffering since he is Also trapped in hell for all eternity and his job is to literally torture people meanwhile god killed almost 3 million and he gets to live the dream in heaven.
Things I learned from this video: 1) When the announcer in Unreal Tournament (and other later games) goes "GOD-LIKE!!" - he is not actually complementing you for being a really good player - but rather trying to accurately describe how well you murder people... 2) If you want to take on god in a fight then bring cold iron. Apparently its his great weakness (and also interestingly the same as that of ghouls and other assorted undead - who would have thunk it? ;) ) Now thumb this up my minions!
God's Grace and Mercy (Two very important attributes and characteristics of God) should not overcloud the Justice He must enforce on those people, who deserve to be held accountable for the crimes they have committed in their lives. Also, The Bible reveals the evil nature of man (Which would probably be subjectively relative in your view, Besides how you might view compassion), It does not hide it. Many people who have committed harm or death to another human being in the Bible, Did so out of their own will, Not because God instructed them to do so.
"The Bible reveals the evil nature of man.." Do you mean the evil nature God endowed them with? Well, then God is to blame for their evil nature and evil acts. "Many people who have committed harm or death to another human being in the Bible, Did so out of their own will, Not because God instructed them to do so." You are off topic with that comment. The video isn't about people's responsibility for deaths. It is about God's responsibility.
Endowed is the wrong choice of wording here, "Optional availability" would perhaps be a better word to use in this particular context. You may be well aware of the 'apologetical' counter-argument, Similar along the lines of "God did not want to create mere robotic creatures with no emotions, actions or thoughts of their own, So 'He' gave them the ability to choose, and be in control of their lives for themselves." God created everything originally perfect, harmonious and sound in the beginning. According to the Bible, Lucifer was created perfect and sinless as well, Then he decided to rebel against God out of his own volition, and ego. Adam and Eve were also created perfect and sinless in the garden as well, With the freedom of complete choice at their disposal. They also decided to disobey a clear instruction by the One who gave them life (Do not eat from the tree of good and evil), And as such, They brought sin & death into the world. They inherited a sin nature due to their own chosen folly. I still struggle with the question of... How can someone commit wrong if they were created absolutely perfect without any impurity. However, It's still that powerful thing God gave us called " *_Freedom_* of deciding for one's own self." According to the book of Genesis, The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Was a test by God to see if they would live up to His standards, If given complete power over their own lives. They listened to Lucifer, and failed the test. "...Also, people aren't evil by choice. Do you realize that a food allergy can make a boy look possessed and repeatedly bite his own mother, yet he is normal when he doesn't." I did not realize food allergies could have such a profound effect on a child. I did grow up with some major allergy-triggers as well, So I can relate to this unfortunate situation in a way. People's societal upbringing, environment and their surrounding chemicals (Such as food, allergies, lack to proper education, harassment, medication or water...) can trigger some deeply hurt, and wild reactions to some people, Which they themselves can not help, or control. However, Many people are indeed evil by choice. Just look at our recent history within the 20th century... Over 100s of millions of people were killed by the Atheist/Communist regimes of Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot. The bottom line is, God gives people freedom of choice. People decide to go after worldly & Satanic temptations and evilness. You even admitted this is a cause-effect world, or universe in your comment below mine here. Therefore, There was a consequence to Adam and Eve's wrong-doing (Spread of sin & death to our world). God's Grace & Mercy extended alongside His Justice at the Cross so much that, When Jesus Christ died for sinners just like me, So we can get into Heaven, and spend eternity with our Heavenly father, Our sin debt was paid fully by taking the full punishment upon Himself, That which we ourselves deserved. So God is not only full of Holy Grace* & Holy Mercy*, But He is also perfectly Just! Thank you for reading. God bless you in the Lord. :).
Soar-ed Recreational I'm not trying to offend you, but why not keep comments within reality? The creation story is just a story. Adam? There was no 'first man' because animals evolved over million so generations until eventually becoming what we now call humans. (We are actually apes.) As for Hell, that wasn't biblical throughout much of the bible! It was made up after the Old Testaments, and that is why Jews don't have the concept of Hell/eternal torture. I surprised a Catholic in about the year 2000 by informing him that purgatory was made up by the Catholic church because it eased people's minds after their babies died. Now that has become common knowledge. Do you think that only the Catholic institution makes doctrine up? It is suspicious that the doctrine of guilt, fire, brimstone, and 'you are still not good enough' keeps people returning every Sunday. That is how they keep the money coming in.
+PleaseCiteYourSources Thanks, Sorry for the late reply. 1. There is a well-attested to and supported hypothesis being accessed by legitimate Science, called the Y-Chromosomal Adam & Mitochondrial Eve hypothesis. I know this 'hypothesis' isn't anything like a theory or Scientific law yet, But it has been given plenty of peer-reviewed attention, Which helps my case here. It isn't exactly like the Biblical first man and woman, But I am glad that this is actually being gradually discovered. | | | | |. Now, this wasn't meant as a "gotcha" moment, but I do think both sides of the evidence should be considered here. 2. Yes, you are right. Hell didn't exist in the Old Testament. Even the concept of Heaven, as it is described in the New Testament, did not exist in the Hebrew scriptures before Christ was born either. Jesus dying on the Cross finally allowed people entry with God again into His Kingdom, And those who rejected His entry He made for them, Were then placed into the lake of hell. 3. I don't believe in Roman Catholicism, or adhere to any tenet of Christianity made up by people's version of their Christianity. There will always be money-hungry churches out there, That will use certain dialogue techniques to keep people in check, and to receive checks. The truth people should known is, Without preaching at you, Is that we will never be good enough, As in reach God's standard of moral perfection. So, instead of turning to churches filled with people with the exact same issue, Get right with God first, Then worry about the rest, Which church should I attend, etc. Final; Do you believe in objective morality? If so, Where is your particular moral compass coming from, Other then from yourself or from your society and surroundings? If not, Then why is what God did in the bible right or wrong?, Wouldn't it be amoral at best? I think it all comes down to how we view compassion towards other people.
Dude much respect for your channel, as an atheist my whole life it's nice to know a lot of these Christian details without having to find them out the hard way
The first version was an XM file. You can find it on UA-cam here: Dezire - Commando You can download the original file here: (use Winamp, AIMP or any mod player to play it)
Oh I believe you Mister devil. It's just that the religious of the Abrahamic persuasion doesn't see this. They are blind. After all, humanity desires a scapegoat for their sins..
"God never killed anyone" Who sent the flood? Who rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom? Who hardened Pharaoh's heart to cause him to pursue the Israelites? "But Er, Judah's firstborn, was evil in the LORD's sight, so the LORD killed him." Genesis 38:7 Is that clear enough? The Israelites were directly instructed by God to kill millions of people. If someone is given a death sentence in a trial, who is to blame for that person's death: the man giving the lethal injection, or the government?
You mean said child-burning people that have been described as so bad that "the land vomited them" right? Hell, The Bible claims multiple times that God takes no pleasure in killing people at all. If anything, Satan has objectively killed more people due to his influence.
AWESOME video.. I don't remember seeing it, but did you include the 40 children that God had mauled by 2 bears, all because they made fun of a bald man? That's one of my favorite bible stories. I'm going to read that to my children every night before they go to bed.
I can't believe this doesn't have more views... Even if maybe the content is old news (but seriously what ISN'T old news when it comes to theology?) the presentation is incredibly well done.
Can't really count Satan on those 10 children of Job - he wouldn't have slain them except God & Satan made a bet & God allowed it to happen. So those 10 should actually be added to God's side.
Sin Burner - Not sure Satan really WANTS to be a killer. Man can claim more devious ways to torture than all the demons in hell (according to the book GOOD OMENS)....But I guess if Satan REALLY WANTS to claim credit for 1.......
wilbertmatlock How do you know that?Have you asked him?When Jesus wandered off into the desert and the devil told that he could turn stone to bread how did you interpret that?The way I saw it, a sensible man saw a man with omnipotent power starving in the desert, suggest that he use his powers to save himself, to show people that he was really the son of God and even free people from the Romans but instead Jesus decided he'd settle things the hard way and Satan just went on his merry way.
The Omnipotent God paradox If god really is omnipotent then how come he failed to help the Israelites kill the enemies That means he isn't the omnipotent God
Yahweh aka God also lost in a fight with the human Jacob The Bible says Jacob wrestled with God aka Yahweh aka Jacob fought with God so white Christians changed it and said Jacob fought a angel instead of God but the Bible says Jacob fought with God
eh, who knows. But anyway, the 20 million estimate is from Steve Wells, from whose research I got these figures. You can see my video description for a link to his website.
So many people on this thread seem to think its OK that God can do whatever he wants. Well, here's the crunch. Jesus had a lot to say about loving enemies and Paul tells us very clearly in 1 Cor 13 what love looks like. But apparently God doesn't have to exercise those same standards. In fact he imposes FAR higher moral, ethical and spiritual standards on us than himself. Not my God, sorry.
Could I get some help in finding music similar to that found in this video, Sounds like it has some video gam influence but it mixed, any information on what is found sound wise in this video would be great.
Thankfully, most of us have parents who would never feel they have the right to take their child's life. If you think about it, an omniscient, benevolent God should NEVER have a reason to kill people. In his omniscience he could think up infinite ways to resolve conflict and problems without any bloodshed whatsoever. But he just insists on being a sicko who would rather kill babies and cause heartache.
@TheStigma It's very difficult to get views on UA-cam these days. It used to be a lot easier when there were less users. This bible content may be old to atheists, but to many christians on the fence, it's a revelation :)
Look at all the conquests of Moses and Joshua. The groups of people that they war against are almost never warned. They aren't given a chance to accept Yahweh, or even the choice to move away. They're simply slaughtered (in fact Yahweh is only for Israelites to worship...there are very few foreigners that God accepted back then). Later on with the prophets, they start warning people, but a supposedly loving, powerful God could've found alternatives to slaughtering men, women, and children.
Actually no we were deceived into believing that the Old Testament god is god he is actually satan in disguise pretending to be god so this video is accurate but they think it’s god but it’s actually satan Jesus said no one seen the father that’s including Moses so who did Moses really meet on that mountain yup Satan aka Yahweh who is also an angel pretending to be God
We are all going to die one day. I am. Christian. I used to be a super atheist that delighted in debating and destroying Christians. If you atheists are right in the end, and I am wrong, I STILL leave a legacy of good will, charity, and helping my fellow man and loving all Gods creatures and helping the downtrodden. I leave that for generations upon generations and influence people who knew me to do the same and they influence others and so on. All that, even if you are right and I was wrong in believing a fairy tale. BUT, WHAT HAPPENS IF I'M RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG? And God does exist? What do you think happens to people like atheists if Im right and atheists are wrong? Woe to you. No legacy. Our human mind are incapable of fathoming the suffering of hell. You may be an atheist now, but NOBODY dies an atheist. On that death bed, gasping for air, you will call on God. There is till time. You are loved.
As an "ex atheist " you should be familiar with Pascal's Wager. If not please look it up so that you can see how ridiculous you sound. Oh and by the way ! If I died an atheists I will leave behind a legacy of good will, charity and helping my fellow man. Just like you. And if even then, this god of yours want to condemn me to eternal torture because I didn't kiss his ass 24/7 then what does that tell you about his character ??
Well, what if you are wrong about Zeus or any of the many other gods? You will go to their version of hell. And do you have any proof that "NOBODY dies an atheist"? And I wouldn't call saying to people if you don't agree with them you will burn forever loving.
"You may be an atheist now, but NOBODY dies an atheist. On that death bed, gasping for air, you will call on God." I believe living eternally is hell. Subscribing to an agency of a celestial dictatorship which one must love and simultaneously fear. No thanks. What is it like to lie to children and tell them that they have an authority, that they must love and be terrified of it at the same time. What's that like? Emancipate yourself from the idea of a celestial dictatorship and you've taken the first step to becoming free. You are just lying to yourself, as no evidence exists for magic. It's a very arrogant one and there's no evidence for it. To the contrary, in the bible many passages are known forgeries and contradictions are in the hundreds. There is no need to follow the bronze age words of the bible. Chris Em
Amen. But please see the updated version which has fixed typos, etc. This version may be taken down. Updated version:
This is sort of stupid. God creates death in the beginning in Genesis, in the Garden of Eden, part of mans punishment is death. Therefore God slays all of mankind. He even created Satan, and like I said death as well. So God is actually credited with every death that will ever occur. This is his wrathful punishment for the Fall of Man, in Genesis. So know when you die it is as a result of God's wrath.
+Greg Howard true nothing should be punishable by death. The duty of moral person is to understand criminals, even complete sociopath and change them for better, not kill them. Superman, Batman never killed even the most amoral criminals
Here's a tough talking point: Paul says Pharaoh was "raised up" that God's power might be shown, that God has mercy on who he wants and hardens who he wants. Then he provides a hypothetical counter argument to this and says, "then how can God blame us for being bad if that is how God made us?" Rather than a lofty explanation, Paul just asks: shall the thing formed say to that which formed it, why have you made me this way?
Wait if God is evil for killing(Not murdering).......Should we all really be the one's to call God evil when we made it the most bloodiest murderous time in all of history, even if you put all of history together........I blame Satan for tricking us in being that way....if anything all that blood is on his hand and ours............
+Emster Erick - *"Kill them all - old and young, girls and women and little children"* (Ezekiel 9:5-7). That's God speaking. Not Satan. Did you read the verses in the video? Satan barely did a thing. The rest of it was God killing or telling his people to kill.
Discern4 You do realize that was written during the Babylon period B.C or better known the captivity of the Jews. I literally watched a video a couples of day's ago to see what the Iraqi's and Jews are going through over in the middle east. And I seen the children of ISIS shooting them in the head after finding their targets in a cave as a "GAME" and the children of "ISIS that ISIS created and had the children ISIS taught slaughter other children and adults as the family watching. The kids was giggling and making fun as they split the guts of their son's, daughter,s, grandma's,farther's, and mothers.These children and the rest of these monstrous ISIS bastards laughed as they slaughtered them. and guess what the people they slaughtered said "KILL the children for what they done to us", HELP US AMERICA, RUSSIA,Israel, Iraq,Anyone" "Slaughter even the children that placed our children heads on pikes".........If you think the ones getting slaughtered are also evil for saying that, then of course you will never understand the bible. You need to read the bible mature like anyone who wants to know humans are dark. Now imagine that......but in a society and empire. You seem like the people who learn about ethics of war or hearing victims that say thing like this. Good thing you have the God given right to talk your head off in comfort as thing's like this happen every day. It took thing's like that for me to understand the bible. Having people slaughter you and think less of you and even teaching their young that you nothing........I never found in scripture where God "Murdered" I only found "Kill".
+Emster Erick - God gave the Israelites the "promised land", which turned out to be land already inhabited by other people. The Israelites had to kill the existing people in order to move in. Almost never were non-Israelites given a chance to repent, nor were they simply asked to move somewhere else. They were slaughtered instead. This was the best solution an omniscient God could come up with? Funny you mention ISIS....have you heard all the sex slave rules that ISIS advises its members? There are multiple news articles about it, on CNN, etc. ISIS have rules for the women they capture. They are allowed to capture and have sex with women, they're not allowed to have sex when the woman is on her period, they're not allowed to have sex with both a woman and her daughter, the women are considered the man's _property_, and so on. It's all there in the ISIS documents. Guess where these rules come from? They are lifted directly from the OLD TESTAMENT, given by God himself. Including all the parts about enslaving foreign women, keeping them as property and so on.
+Discern4 You do realize in the beginning of the bible God stated this world is his and rightfully so like everything I build and get is mine. God stated the forth generation that was cursed for the atrocities they committed will lose their land. The Canaanites had *FOUR* generations to change from their murderous, adulteress, sinful lifestyle.......and they never did change and because of that God gave his children who obeyed him the inheritance. Like how parents can choose who take their inheritance. Some children won't get it over others because they definitely don't deserve it. Like which brother do you think will inherit a business from their farther? A crackhead who will beat a child over a penny or the one who studied and worked hard for it? Just like can take back something from my children if they choose to act up. If God made everything then he have rights over it all. I don't know why like everyone else why God done that, but like every other prophecy that came and coming true, God has knowledge of the future. Like when people say "What would it be if Hitler never was born,killed, changed, etc". If we had that power some like you would say "Your evil,wrong, etc" even if you know it's for the better. Also the bible never said "Slavery" is ok. In fact in the bible in the old testament God said the punishment for those who own other people as property is "DEATH"......isn't the definition of slavery owning another human being? As for women if you believe that about women then you never read about Deborah, Esther, Hannah, Huldah, Jochebed, Miriam, Noadiah, Rachel, Rebekah, Rahab, Ruth and Sarah......God made women the image of the church and made women very respected. And yes I kept up with "ISIS" rape and monstrosity, so then I ask you to bring me where it say's to do this in the bible. When you do i'll explain the punishment and hatred toward these acts by God and his people in the same book. It'll show you, you need to re'read it instead of picking things out to bash. Anyone can pick things that you say that you actually may had said.....but it's a different story when you know they don't understand the context or even the take passages and like "Wipe out the Canaanites", but leave out how they raped, murder, lied, bestiality, made sex their god, etc........yeah of course leaving out the "WHY" will make it seems bad.
+Discern4 You got people, thousands saying "Killer".....there's nothing wrong with a killer, but there's no love for a "murderer". If you feel that much hatred towards "killers" tell every soldier you hate them with a passion for the lives they taken. Every evil thing our enemy's do and did is no reason to take their lives because who are we to do that. While your at it write a huge apology letter to the family's of the Nazis. We had no right apparently by your way of thinking.
I found this account of killings very interesting and at the same time terrifying. It just made me aware of something that may or not come into account: The number of men, women and children killed in the name of any of the gods invented by other men. That number would be really scary.
@gallantentry Many of these scriptures have God killing people without warning and no chance of repentance. Including the slaughter of women and children. Is that "just"? If God knew they'd never repent, why did He give them lives and families in the first place if He planned to massacre them? How is that consistent with a loving, merciful God? If you were God, would you kill millions of people? Or would you, in your wisdom, offer them a chance to repent or give some alternative besides death?
@kevinrspBelieves said "Jesus didn't spend and eternity in Hell because He Himself was sinless." The animals sacrificed in the OT were sinless as well, but they died a permanent death to atone for sin. If Jesus was the final sacrifice, shouldn't He die a permanent death? Or at least spend eternity in hell to take our place? @kevinrspBelieves said "He was separated from the Trinity for the first time in all of eternity" Do you have a scripture reference for this?
To be precise, I don't find eugenics in principle to be unethical, I find the methods employed in history to accomplish eugenics programs to be unethical. I do think we should improve our genes using genetic engineering, but killing people or sterilizing them is completely unacceptable.
Commando C64, Super Mario Bros, Blazing Star, Sonic the Hedgehog (100 rings tune). The intermission was a chiptune version of Somewhere over the Rainbow.
yeah, the other side to it, is that this verse is almost always mentioned first by people who believe you have to speak in tongues to be saved. Forget the gospel and simply believing in Jesus as your saviour: when these guys preach on the streets they're more concerned that you speak in tongues. (I illustrated this in my video "Which Christian Denomination is Correct?")
If we can't understand god, then you can't say that god exists, because that's understanding it. If god is incomprehensible, you can't say anything about it, including whether it exists or not. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
It was from Bejeweled 3. I don't know why I didn't use Unreal samples. If UA-cam finally allows video/audio replacement, then I might go back and add more voices.
So which denomination represents your beliefs the closest, pentecostal, baptist, lutheran, etc? Do you speak in tongues or do you believe that's not for today's christians? Do you believe in divine healing? The rapture? Tithing?
@Discern4 ...said "He was separated from the Trinity for the first time in all of eternity" "Do you have a scripture reference for this?" "About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"--which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" - Matthew 27:46. Because God can have nothing to do with sin, He had to separate and turn even from Jesus as He bore our sins on the cross. A break in the Trinity for the first time in all eternity.
Mark 16:9-20 is not in the oldest manuscripts, though appears in later copies. Most scholars believe this is a later addition to the book by someone else, and you can see the abrupt change in narrative in 16:9. Verse 9 refers to events that should've happened back in 16:2. The KJV and NKJV were translated from a newer manuscript so they contain 16:9-20, however all other translations use the oldest manuscripts available, and they put Mark 16:9-20 in brackets or in footnotes.
@kevinrspBelieves said "Animals do not and cannot sin. Sin doesn't apply to animals one way or the other." It could be argued that Jesus can't sin either (tempted, yes, though that contradicts God not being able to be tempted, James 1:13) . Either way, that doesn't solve the problem of a sacrifice that is not really a sacrifice, and does not meet the punishment requirement.
The Bible says 600,000 men escaped from Egypt, not counting women and children. So let's say 2 million total. After that, God kills so many of them with war and punishment that by the time they are taken over by the Babylonians, there were only 10,000 skilled workers and soldiers worthy to be taken captive. "Only the poorest people were left in the land" (2 Kings 24:14). Some said they should flee to Egypt, but God said if they go, he'll kill them. Jer. 42:14-17. So much for God's protection.
I previously never thought christianity contradicted itself. Every problem could be explained away. But at the end of the day, the things that caused me to remain a christian: like the conversion experience, the miracles, the holy book, the huge following - these same reasons are used by 'false' religions. And I easily dismissed them. In the end the arguments came down to "My god is right, your god is wrong. My book is true, yours is not". There was never any real proof I had the *real* god.
This is nothing short of a minor work of art. Well done. The information is really nothing new - but the presentation was spot on. Please please please give me the name of the main track you used in there :) Oh and for the nerd-cred I spotted "Above the rainbow" and "commando" in there ;)
hey mate, I'm not really interested in doing a debate about it...though I think you've missed one of the core points of the video. It's not about the overall number of people that God/Satan killed, it's a count of the *exact* numbers mentioned. This is noted right in the middle of the video, I don't know how you missed it. So when you say Satan killed more than 10, what exact numbers mentioned in the bible did I miss? Though technically, Satan's kills in Job were God's since God gave permission.
@kevinrspBelieves said "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Matthew has Jesus quoting a Psalm right before He dies. That same psalm says "Nor has He hidden His face from Him, but when He cried to Him, He heard" (22:24). The psalmist makes it clear that God did not reject Jesus. (that's even if it's a prophecy, which it's not) And even if there was a break in the Trinity, Christians would be polytheists, worshipping two Gods for at least a small period of time: God/Holy Spirit + Jesus.
*This video has now been replaced!* View the updated version here:
wow i found such a cool creator on youtube. i accept you as my savior oh lord discern4! expose this bloodthirsty selfclaimed narcissist god. no thanks to you biblical god.
So why has it been replaced? You adding more kills or something?
@thelustprophet what's wrong with god
Conclusion: i would recommend to Satan to build chariots of iron, he would be invincible.
you forgot something... since immortality was taken away from humans in Genesis the real number is... Every Person That Has Ever Died! Billions???? am I right?
Not exactly .. Adam and Eve wasnt immortal in the first place. But you are right anyway : in the way bible thinks, god gives, and god takes life. In this case : everyone is killed by gods will. Billions, like you said correct.
+PygmalionFaciebat technically you are right but Adam and Eve had access to the "tree of life" which would have provided something to keep them alive indefinitely that was removed which then led to perpetual death for them and all other humans that followed.
OverWatchChannel wow excellent point he kills all of us hahahaha
Linny Marzucco fucking shiiiiiiiiiit
@@PygmalionFaciebat there are about an estimated 101 billion humans that ever existed amd was born into this planet so yeah
Musically, visually, and content wise, this video was so enthralling, I had to watch it twice in a row and just gape like a zombie.
+mercedes walt The music hit me right in the childhood, bringing back memories of playing old C64 games
You seriously do not wanna mess with this guy. But on a more serious note a very interesting eye opening video
We can make more math. Bibilical timeline begins before 4000 BC and ends in 95 AD. Say 4100 years. In 4100 years, assuming the casualties correct (a few might be questionable actually), that makes 604 a year namely 1 person and 0.6 a day (assuming all non leap years).
"Actually it was mans desires that killed man, just as it does today."
You just watched a video showing a ridiculous amount of verses where God himself told the Israelites to kill. At least on one occasion, God punished the Israelites for not killing enough people. This had nothing to do with man's desires, these were God's instructions.
Hitler and Stalin's actions don't excuse God's. God shouldn't even be a contender for the prize of Most People Killed.
You're right. Because he would forever win that prize.
Excuses from Christians :
1) "Out of context"
2) "Who are you to judge God ? After all you atheist have no objective moral standard to judge god ."
3)"It's for the divine plan , only God knows : he works in mysterious way ."
4) "They were sinners - who did stuff and didn't acknowledged God - so we the Hebrews are justify to do the same thing as the pagans did on behalf of God ."
The main music was two remixes of Commando from the Commodore 64. You can find the original on UA-cam. From Satan onwards, the music is from Blazing Star for NeoGeo.
Holy shit, I literally lost it with the Sonic extra life sound byte. so epic.
Every time I watch this work I love it. Good job.
Who would have thought years ago that Satanist were the good guys... HAH!!
you're and idiot
so god wad evil and then he changed
science prove that duvorce is normally okay
Satan has killed 10 people and Was once an angel and he’s suffering since he is Also trapped in hell for all eternity and his job is to literally torture people meanwhile god killed almost 3 million and he gets to live the dream in heaven.
0:06 Genesis 19:26 (not 36)
_26 At that point Lot’s wife looked back. When she did, she became a pillar of salt._
dang it, thanks for that. Really irritates me how you can't update existing videos on UA-cam.
@@Discern4 i am an ex Christian
I'm sorry satan I see now that you are not so bad
"The most Dangerous Man on the World.." "COMING TO A THEATER NEAR YOU!"
Verse for what? I'm referring to every instance of God killing people.
God should be nerfed
God is omnipotent like damn
How do you beat that?
@@Nova67827 to get the game devs to nerf him
Did anybody else notice that Samson was fucking some shit up? Killing 1000 people with the JAWBONE of a donkey... What the hell? Hahaha
Things I learned from this video:
1) When the announcer in Unreal Tournament (and other later games) goes "GOD-LIKE!!" - he is not actually complementing you for being a really good player - but rather trying to accurately describe how well you murder people...
2) If you want to take on god in a fight then bring cold iron. Apparently its his great weakness (and also interestingly the same as that of ghouls and other assorted undead - who would have thunk it? ;) )
Now thumb this up my minions!
Brb, gonna kill a god.
God's Grace and Mercy (Two very important attributes and characteristics of God) should not overcloud the Justice He must enforce on those people, who deserve to be held accountable for the crimes they have committed in their lives. Also, The Bible reveals the evil nature of man (Which would probably be subjectively relative in your view, Besides how you might view compassion), It does not hide it. Many people who have committed harm or death to another human being in the Bible, Did so out of their own will, Not because God instructed them to do so.
"The Bible reveals the evil nature of man.."
Do you mean the evil nature God endowed them with? Well, then God is to blame for their evil nature and evil acts.
"Many people who have committed harm or death to another human being in the Bible, Did so out of their own will, Not because God instructed them to do so."
You are off topic with that comment. The video isn't about people's responsibility for deaths. It is about God's responsibility.
Endowed is the wrong choice of wording here, "Optional availability" would perhaps be a better word to use in this particular context. You may be well aware of the 'apologetical' counter-argument, Similar along the lines of "God did not want to create mere robotic creatures with no emotions, actions or thoughts of their own, So 'He' gave them the ability to choose, and be in control of their lives for themselves." God created everything originally perfect, harmonious and sound in the beginning. According to the Bible, Lucifer was created perfect and sinless as well, Then he decided to rebel against God out of his own volition, and ego. Adam and Eve were also created perfect and sinless in the garden as well, With the freedom of complete choice at their disposal. They also decided to disobey a clear instruction by the One who gave them life (Do not eat from the tree of good and evil), And as such, They brought sin & death into the world. They inherited a sin nature due to their own chosen folly. I still struggle with the question of... How can someone commit wrong if they were created absolutely perfect without any impurity. However, It's still that powerful thing God gave us called " *_Freedom_* of deciding for one's own self." According to the book of Genesis, The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Was a test by God to see if they would live up to His standards, If given complete power over their own lives. They listened to Lucifer, and failed the test.
"...Also, people aren't evil by choice. Do you realize that a
food allergy can make a boy look possessed and repeatedly bite his own
mother, yet he is normal when he doesn't." I did not realize food allergies could have such a profound effect on a child. I did grow up with some major allergy-triggers as well, So I can relate to this unfortunate situation in a way. People's societal upbringing, environment and their surrounding chemicals (Such as food, allergies, lack to proper education, harassment, medication or water...) can trigger some deeply hurt, and wild reactions to some people, Which they themselves can not help, or control. However, Many people are indeed evil by choice. Just look at our recent history within the 20th century... Over 100s of millions of people were killed by the Atheist/Communist regimes of Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot.
The bottom line is, God gives people freedom of choice. People decide to go after worldly & Satanic temptations and evilness. You even admitted this is a cause-effect world, or universe in your comment below mine here. Therefore, There was a consequence to Adam and Eve's wrong-doing (Spread of sin & death to our world). God's Grace & Mercy extended alongside His Justice at the Cross so much that, When Jesus Christ died for sinners just like me, So we can get into Heaven, and spend eternity with our Heavenly father, Our sin debt was paid fully by taking the full punishment upon Himself, That which we ourselves deserved. So God is not only full of Holy Grace* & Holy Mercy*, But He is also perfectly Just! Thank you for reading. God bless you in the Lord. :).
Soar-ed Recreational I'm not trying to offend you, but why not keep comments within reality?
The creation story is just a story. Adam? There was no 'first man' because animals evolved over million so generations until eventually becoming what we now call humans. (We are actually apes.)
As for Hell, that wasn't biblical throughout much of the bible! It was made up after the Old Testaments, and that is why Jews don't have the concept of Hell/eternal torture.
I surprised a Catholic in about the year 2000 by informing him that purgatory was made up by the Catholic church because it eased people's minds after their babies died.
Now that has become common knowledge.
Do you think that only the Catholic institution makes doctrine up?
It is suspicious that the doctrine of guilt, fire, brimstone, and 'you are still not good enough' keeps people returning every Sunday.
That is how they keep the money coming in.
+PleaseCiteYourSources Thanks, Sorry for the late reply.
1. There is a well-attested to and supported hypothesis being accessed by legitimate Science, called the Y-Chromosomal Adam & Mitochondrial Eve hypothesis. I know this 'hypothesis' isn't anything like a theory or Scientific law yet, But it has been given plenty of peer-reviewed attention, Which helps my case here. It isn't exactly like the Biblical first man and woman, But I am glad that this is actually being gradually discovered. | | | | |. Now, this wasn't meant as a "gotcha" moment, but I do think both sides of the evidence should be considered here.
2. Yes, you are right. Hell didn't exist in the Old Testament. Even the concept of Heaven, as it is described in the New Testament, did not exist in the Hebrew scriptures before Christ was born either. Jesus dying on the Cross finally allowed people entry with God again into His Kingdom, And those who rejected His entry He made for them, Were then placed into the lake of hell.
3. I don't believe in Roman Catholicism, or adhere to any tenet of Christianity made up by people's version of their Christianity. There will always be money-hungry churches out there, That will use certain dialogue techniques to keep people in check, and to receive checks. The truth people should known is, Without preaching at you, Is that we will never be good enough, As in reach God's standard of moral perfection. So, instead of turning to churches filled with people with the exact same issue, Get right with God first, Then worry about the rest, Which church should I attend, etc.
Final; Do you believe in objective morality? If so, Where is your particular moral compass coming from, Other then from yourself or from your society and surroundings? If not, Then why is what God did in the bible right or wrong?, Wouldn't it be amoral at best? I think it all comes down to how we view compassion towards other people.
Dude much respect for your channel, as an atheist my whole life it's nice to know a lot of these Christian details without having to find them out the hard way
Lol you could get the same info from Google but I like his presentation.
where did you find the commando remix you used in the beginning?!
i managed to find the one you used from 3:08-4-13, but no luck on the other one :(
The first version was an XM file. You can find it on UA-cam here: Dezire - Commando You can download the original file here: (use Winamp, AIMP or any mod player to play it)
Discern4 thanks man
You see, gentlemen, I'm not the asshole you always make me out to be.
Oh I believe you Mister devil. It's just that the religious of the Abrahamic persuasion doesn't see this. They are blind. After all, humanity desires a scapegoat for their sins..
"14,700 people think God is killing too many people. God kills them."
I almost pissed my pants at that part.
"God never killed anyone"
Who sent the flood? Who rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom? Who hardened Pharaoh's heart to cause him to pursue the Israelites?
"But Er, Judah's firstborn, was evil in the LORD's sight, so the LORD killed him." Genesis 38:7
Is that clear enough?
The Israelites were directly instructed by God to kill millions of people. If someone is given a death sentence in a trial, who is to blame for that person's death: the man giving the lethal injection, or the government?
when god kills someone it's not murder he did make us all he can do what he wants
@@marcellofunhouse1234 It's an excuse for the powerful to oppress the weak. God is no different
You mean said child-burning people that have been described as so bad that "the land vomited them" right?
Hell, The Bible claims multiple times that God takes no pleasure in killing people at all. If anything, Satan has objectively killed more people due to his influence.
I didn't make the music, the main themes were remixes of Commando by Rob Hubbard. The music at the end was from Blazing Star.
What's the name of Satan's theme when he appears as a new challenger? I want tht as my ring tone.
great little tune. Here it is: Blazing Star OST 19 - Accomplish ~ Stage Clear
AWESOME video.. I don't remember seeing it, but did you include the 40 children that God had mauled by 2 bears, all because they made fun of a bald man? That's one of my favorite bible stories. I'm going to read that to my children every night before they go to bed.
I can't believe this doesn't have more views...
Even if maybe the content is old news (but seriously what ISN'T old news when it comes to theology?) the presentation is incredibly well done.
Damn this God character is really overpowered
Sorry, that was a typo. The scripture reference for that is Judges 4:14 and 4:21-22.
Can't really count Satan on those 10 children of Job - he wouldn't have slain them except God & Satan made a bet & God allowed it to happen. So those 10 should actually be added to God's side.
Glenna Jones-Kachtik Damnit, can Satan at least have 1
Sin Burner - Not sure Satan really WANTS to be a killer. Man can claim more devious ways to torture than all the demons in hell (according to the book GOOD OMENS)....But I guess if Satan REALLY WANTS to claim credit for 1.......
Glenna Jones-Kachtik i agree your completely right
Glenna Jones-Kachtik satan will allways be a murder forever he would be he likes doing stuff all evil he has no good in him do you believe in jesus
wilbertmatlock How do you know that?Have you asked him?When Jesus wandered off into the desert and the devil told that he could turn stone to bread how did you interpret that?The way I saw it, a sensible man saw a man with omnipotent power starving in the desert, suggest that he use his powers to save himself, to show people that he was really the son of God and even free people from the Romans but instead Jesus decided he'd settle things the hard way and Satan just went on his merry way.
1:19 so God's weakness is iron like ghosts?
+Discern4 I thought I recognizes the game music of commando of the C64 :)
Great video. I especially love the music and sound effects. I am subbing you so hard right now.
Loved the part when God couldn't kill some of the enemies because they had 'chariots of iron'. LMAO Awesome video!
The Omnipotent God paradox
If god really is omnipotent then how come he failed to help the Israelites kill the enemies
That means he isn't the omnipotent God
Yahweh aka God also lost in a fight with the human Jacob
The Bible says Jacob wrestled with God aka Yahweh
aka Jacob fought with God so white Christians changed it and said Jacob fought a angel instead of God but the Bible says Jacob fought with God
eh, who knows. But anyway, the 20 million estimate is from Steve Wells, from whose research I got these figures. You can see my video description for a link to his website.
So many people on this thread seem to think its OK that God can do whatever he wants. Well, here's the crunch. Jesus had a lot to say about loving enemies and Paul tells us very clearly in 1 Cor 13 what love looks like. But apparently God doesn't have to exercise those same standards. In fact he imposes FAR higher moral, ethical and spiritual standards on us than himself.
Not my God, sorry.
I know this comment is basically half my age but, the fuck?
Could I get some help in finding music similar to that found in this video, Sounds like it has some video gam influence but it mixed, any information on what is found sound wise in this video would be great.
Hitler: 6,000,000
God: 2,476,636
Satan: 10
God is love
If we add the flood god killed 20 Milion people
You forgot 20million
Thankfully, most of us have parents who would never feel they have the right to take their child's life.
If you think about it, an omniscient, benevolent God should NEVER have a reason to kill people. In his omniscience he could think up infinite ways to resolve conflict and problems without any bloodshed whatsoever. But he just insists on being a sicko who would rather kill babies and cause heartache.
@TheStigma It's very difficult to get views on UA-cam these days. It used to be a lot easier when there were less users.
This bible content may be old to atheists, but to many christians on the fence, it's a revelation :)
Look at all the conquests of Moses and Joshua. The groups of people that they war against are almost never warned. They aren't given a chance to accept Yahweh, or even the choice to move away. They're simply slaughtered (in fact Yahweh is only for Israelites to worship...there are very few foreigners that God accepted back then). Later on with the prophets, they start warning people, but a supposedly loving, powerful God could've found alternatives to slaughtering men, women, and children.
What ever happened to God is love 😢
*COMANDMENT #6:* _Thou shall not kill..._
Unless it's God's will.
@@an.d.m.a God is nothing but SHIT from my ass...
Have you accepted Satan as your Lord and Savior? He's really changed my life.
@kevinrspBelieves thank you for your comments, kevinrspBelieves!
I'm so done! Damn Satan was painted to be so evil but the loving god showed his true colors😂
Actually no we were deceived into believing that the Old Testament god is god he is actually satan in disguise pretending to be god so this video is accurate but they think it’s god but it’s actually satan Jesus said no one seen the father that’s including Moses so who did Moses really meet on that mountain yup Satan aka Yahweh who is also an angel pretending to be God
So which god's "heaven" will you be going to?
We are all going to die one day. I am. Christian. I used to be a super atheist that delighted in debating and destroying Christians.
If you atheists are right in the end, and I am wrong, I STILL leave a legacy of good will, charity, and helping my fellow man and loving all Gods creatures and helping the downtrodden. I leave that for generations upon generations and influence people who knew me to do the same and they influence others and so on. All that, even if you are right and I was wrong in believing a fairy tale. BUT, WHAT HAPPENS IF I'M RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG? And God does exist? What do you think happens to people like atheists if Im right and atheists are wrong? Woe to you. No legacy. Our human mind are incapable of fathoming the suffering of hell.
You may be an atheist now, but NOBODY dies an atheist. On that death bed, gasping for air, you will call on God.
There is till time. You are loved.
As an "ex atheist " you should be familiar with Pascal's Wager. If not please look it up so that you can see how ridiculous you sound. Oh and by the way ! If I died an atheists I will leave behind a legacy of good will, charity and helping my fellow man. Just like you. And if even then, this god of yours want to condemn me to eternal torture because I didn't kiss his ass 24/7 then what does that tell you about his character ??
Well, what if you are wrong about Zeus or any of the many other gods? You will go to their version of hell. And do you have any proof that "NOBODY dies an atheist"? And I wouldn't call saying to people if you don't agree with them you will burn forever loving.
We atheist also have a reason for good deeds. It's called humanism. You have to prove first, that your good deeds are better than ours.
"You may be an atheist now, but NOBODY dies an atheist. On that death bed, gasping for air, you will call on God."
I believe living eternally is hell. Subscribing to an agency of a celestial dictatorship which one must love and simultaneously fear. No thanks.
What is it like to lie to children and tell them that they have an authority, that they must love and be terrified of it at the same time. What's that like?
Emancipate yourself from the idea of a celestial dictatorship and you've taken the first step to becoming free. You are just lying to yourself, as no evidence exists for magic. It's a very arrogant one and there's no evidence for it. To the contrary, in the bible many passages are known forgeries and contradictions are in the hundreds.
There is no need to follow the bronze age words of the bible. Chris Em
Chris Em Yes, you use Pascal's Wager as the basis to believe. That is a logical fallacy.
People forget this and say god is a good person I think Not
What's this music? It's great!
Praise His unholy name
*+Discern4* What is the music for this video called?
All the track names are in the video description :)
Discern4 Thanks
Everyman dies when God chooses. Thus it may be said that all who have died died because God killed them.
I've watched many videos on UA-cam this one by far is now my favorite 🤣😂🤣😂😂🤩🤩
But please see the updated version which has fixed typos, etc. This version may be taken down. Updated version:
the main themes were remixes of Commando by Rob Hubbard. The music at the end was from the Neo-Geo game Blazing Star.
Excellent job!
Thanks for making me laugh.
Acts 2:13
haha! These people aren't drunk ! it's only 9 a.m
Wasn't it Debora who pounded a tent stake through somebody's head?
This is sort of stupid. God creates death in the beginning in Genesis, in the Garden of Eden, part of mans punishment is death. Therefore God slays all of mankind. He even created Satan, and like I said death as well. So God is actually credited with every death that will ever occur. This is his wrathful punishment for the Fall of Man, in Genesis. So know when you die it is as a result of God's wrath.
+Greg Howard
nothing should be punishable by death.
The duty of moral person is to understand criminals, even complete sociopath and change them for better, not kill them.
Superman, Batman never killed even the most amoral criminals
That still doesn't make it okay.
Why doesn't god simply use the delete key?
Here's a tough talking point: Paul says Pharaoh was "raised up" that God's power might be shown, that God has mercy on who he wants and hardens who he wants. Then he provides a hypothetical counter argument to this and says, "then how can God blame us for being bad if that is how God made us?" Rather than a lofty explanation, Paul just asks: shall the thing formed say to that which formed it, why have you made me this way?
What video games did this music come from? I already identified 2 and at least 2 more I can't remember.
Also, when god had that hissy-fit and killed everyone and all animals - except Noah.
That music... is that "Commando" (C64)?
Wait if God is evil for killing(Not murdering).......Should we all really be the one's to call God evil when we made it the most bloodiest murderous time in all of history, even if you put all of history together........I blame Satan for tricking us in being that way....if anything all that blood is on his hand and ours............
+Emster Erick - *"Kill them all - old and young, girls and women and little children"* (Ezekiel 9:5-7). That's God speaking. Not Satan. Did you read the verses in the video? Satan barely did a thing. The rest of it was God killing or telling his people to kill.
Discern4 You do realize that was written during the Babylon period B.C or better known the captivity of the Jews. I literally watched a video a couples of day's ago to see what the Iraqi's and Jews are going through over in the middle east. And I seen the children of ISIS shooting them in the head after finding their targets in a cave as a "GAME" and the children of "ISIS that ISIS created and had the children ISIS taught slaughter other children and adults as the family watching. The kids was giggling and making fun as they split the guts of their son's, daughter,s, grandma's,farther's, and mothers.These children and the rest of these monstrous ISIS bastards laughed as they slaughtered them. and guess what the people they slaughtered said "KILL the children for what they done to us", HELP US AMERICA, RUSSIA,Israel, Iraq,Anyone" "Slaughter even the children that placed our children heads on pikes".........If you think the ones getting slaughtered are also evil for saying that, then of course you will never understand the bible. You need to read the bible mature like anyone who wants to know humans are dark. Now imagine that......but in a society and empire. You seem like the people who learn about ethics of war or hearing victims that say thing like this. Good thing you have the God given right to talk your head off in comfort as thing's like this happen every day. It took thing's like that for me to understand the bible. Having people slaughter you and think less of you and even teaching their young that you nothing........I never found in scripture where God "Murdered" I only found "Kill".
+Emster Erick - God gave the Israelites the "promised land", which turned out to be land already inhabited by other people. The Israelites had to kill the existing people in order to move in. Almost never were non-Israelites given a chance to repent, nor were they simply asked to move somewhere else. They were slaughtered instead. This was the best solution an omniscient God could come up with?
Funny you mention ISIS....have you heard all the sex slave rules that ISIS advises its members? There are multiple news articles about it, on CNN, etc. ISIS have rules for the women they capture. They are allowed to capture and have sex with women, they're not allowed to have sex when the woman is on her period, they're not allowed to have sex with both a woman and her daughter, the women are considered the man's _property_, and so on. It's all there in the ISIS documents.
Guess where these rules come from? They are lifted directly from the OLD TESTAMENT, given by God himself. Including all the parts about enslaving foreign women, keeping them as property and so on.
+Discern4 You do realize in the beginning of the bible God stated this world is his and rightfully so like everything I build and get is mine. God stated the forth generation that was cursed for the atrocities they committed will lose their land. The Canaanites had *FOUR* generations to change from their murderous, adulteress, sinful lifestyle.......and they never did change and because of that God gave his children who obeyed him the inheritance. Like how parents can choose who take their inheritance. Some children won't get it over others because they definitely don't deserve it. Like which brother do you think will inherit a business from their farther? A crackhead who will beat a child over a penny or the one who studied and worked hard for it? Just like can take back something from my children if they choose to act up. If God made everything then he have rights over it all. I don't know why like everyone else why God done that, but like every other prophecy that came and coming true, God has knowledge of the future. Like when people say "What would it be if Hitler never was born,killed, changed, etc". If we had that power some like you would say "Your evil,wrong, etc" even if you know it's for the better. Also the bible never said "Slavery" is ok. In fact in the bible in the old testament God said the punishment for those who own other people as property is "DEATH"......isn't the definition of slavery owning another human being? As for women if you believe that about women then you never read about Deborah, Esther, Hannah, Huldah, Jochebed, Miriam, Noadiah, Rachel, Rebekah, Rahab, Ruth and Sarah......God made women the image of the church and made women very respected. And yes I kept up with "ISIS" rape and monstrosity, so then I ask you to bring me where it say's to do this in the bible. When you do i'll explain the punishment and hatred toward these acts by God and his people in the same book. It'll show you, you need to re'read it instead of picking things out to bash. Anyone can pick things that you say that you actually may had said.....but it's a different story when you know they don't understand the context or even the take passages and like "Wipe out the Canaanites", but leave out how they raped, murder, lied, bestiality, made sex their god, etc........yeah of course leaving out the "WHY" will make it seems bad.
+Discern4 You got people, thousands saying "Killer".....there's nothing wrong with a killer, but there's no love for a "murderer". If you feel that much hatred towards "killers" tell every soldier you hate them with a passion for the lives they taken. Every evil thing our enemy's do and did is no reason to take their lives because who are we to do that. While your at it write a huge apology letter to the family's of the Nazis. We had no right apparently by your way of thinking.
Thanks for uploading this
You're welcome. May it strengthen your faith.
I found this account of killings very interesting and at the same time terrifying. It just made me aware of something that may or not come into account: The number of men, women and children killed in the name of any of the gods invented by other men. That number would be really scary.
let's just total up the amount of people who have died from religion
I know, it should be there! If UA-cam ever lets us replace videos, then I might update this video with new announcer sayings.
@gallantentry Many of these scriptures have God killing people without warning and no chance of repentance. Including the slaughter of women and children. Is that "just"? If God knew they'd never repent, why did He give them lives and families in the first place if He planned to massacre them? How is that consistent with a loving, merciful God? If you were God, would you kill millions of people? Or would you, in your wisdom, offer them a chance to repent or give some alternative besides death?
@kevinrspBelieves said "Jesus didn't spend and eternity in Hell because He Himself was sinless."
The animals sacrificed in the OT were sinless as well, but they died a permanent death to atone for sin. If Jesus was the final sacrifice, shouldn't He die a permanent death? Or at least spend eternity in hell to take our place?
@kevinrspBelieves said "He was separated from the Trinity for the first time in all of eternity"
Do you have a scripture reference for this?
Great vid man! Subscribed!
could anyone tell me which songs are used in the video ? please
+Sandro merkva - See the video description for the music list.
To be precise, I don't find eugenics in principle to be unethical, I find the methods employed in history to accomplish eugenics programs to be unethical. I do think we should improve our genes using genetic engineering, but killing people or sterilizing them is completely unacceptable.
You forgot all those that died in the flood - you probably hear it before but it's worth mentioning
To whom death itself you hold account to ?
Commando C64, Super Mario Bros, Blazing Star, Sonic the Hedgehog (100 rings tune). The intermission was a chiptune version of Somewhere over the Rainbow.
yeah, the other side to it, is that this verse is almost always mentioned first by people who believe you have to speak in tongues to be saved. Forget the gospel and simply believing in Jesus as your saviour: when these guys preach on the streets they're more concerned that you speak in tongues. (I illustrated this in my video "Which Christian Denomination is Correct?")
If we can't understand god, then you can't say that god exists, because that's understanding it. If god is incomprehensible, you can't say anything about it, including whether it exists or not. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
what did i misspell other than "impossible"? I know the grammar is right.
@omri9325 said "did you take the second music from blazing star video game right?"
Yes, well spotted!
@PhantomSephiroth remixes of the Commodore 64 game Commando.
It was from Bejeweled 3. I don't know why I didn't use Unreal samples. If UA-cam finally allows video/audio replacement, then I might go back and add more voices.
I'm not sure about the remix version but original is from Commando C64 tune.
Check out if you can find it.
Where's the backing music from?
Was kinda expecting the "Game Over" tune on the final bodycount.
So which denomination represents your beliefs the closest, pentecostal, baptist, lutheran, etc? Do you speak in tongues or do you believe that's not for today's christians? Do you believe in divine healing? The rapture? Tithing?
Wow, this video was thoroughly entertaining. Well done, I wasn't expecting this. Subscribed!
I'm curious where I can find that version of Once In A Lullaby that starts around 2:40
@Discern4 ...said "He was separated from the Trinity for the first time in all of eternity"
"Do you have a scripture reference for this?"
"About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"--which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" - Matthew 27:46.
Because God can have nothing to do with sin, He had to separate and turn even from Jesus as He bore our sins on the cross. A break in the Trinity for the first time in all eternity.
Mark 16:9-20 is not in the oldest manuscripts, though appears in later copies. Most scholars believe this is a later addition to the book by someone else, and you can see the abrupt change in narrative in 16:9. Verse 9 refers to events that should've happened back in 16:2.
The KJV and NKJV were translated from a newer manuscript so they contain 16:9-20, however all other translations use the oldest manuscripts available, and they put Mark 16:9-20 in brackets or in footnotes.
@kevinrspBelieves said "Animals do not and cannot sin. Sin doesn't apply to animals one way or the other."
It could be argued that Jesus can't sin either (tempted, yes, though that contradicts God not being able to be tempted, James 1:13) . Either way, that doesn't solve the problem of a sacrifice that is not really a sacrifice, and does not meet the punishment requirement.
The Bible says 600,000 men escaped from Egypt, not counting women and children. So let's say 2 million total. After that, God kills so many of them with war and punishment that by the time they are taken over by the Babylonians, there were only 10,000 skilled workers and soldiers worthy to be taken captive. "Only the poorest people were left in the land" (2 Kings 24:14). Some said they should flee to Egypt, but God said if they go, he'll kill them. Jer. 42:14-17.
So much for God's protection.
I previously never thought christianity contradicted itself. Every problem could be explained away. But at the end of the day, the things that caused me to remain a christian: like the conversion experience, the miracles, the holy book, the huge following - these same reasons are used by 'false' religions. And I easily dismissed them. In the end the arguments came down to "My god is right, your god is wrong. My book is true, yours is not". There was never any real proof I had the *real* god.
This is nothing short of a minor work of art. Well done. The information is really nothing new - but the presentation was spot on.
Please please please give me the name of the main track you used in there :)
Oh and for the nerd-cred I spotted "Above the rainbow" and "commando" in there ;)
hey mate, I'm not really interested in doing a debate about it...though I think you've missed one of the core points of the video. It's not about the overall number of people that God/Satan killed, it's a count of the *exact* numbers mentioned. This is noted right in the middle of the video, I don't know how you missed it. So when you say Satan killed more than 10, what exact numbers mentioned in the bible did I miss? Though technically, Satan's kills in Job were God's since God gave permission.
Lets not forget that even those few Satan killed were done with GOD'S approval.
couldn't satans ten technically be give to god as well since he allowed the killing? In which case satan would merely be an agent of god...right?
The two main songs are remixes of Commando from the Commodore 64.
@kevinrspBelieves said "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Matthew has Jesus quoting a Psalm right before He dies. That same psalm says "Nor has He hidden His face from Him, but when He cried to Him, He heard" (22:24). The psalmist makes it clear that God did not reject Jesus. (that's even if it's a prophecy, which it's not)
And even if there was a break in the Trinity, Christians would be polytheists, worshipping two Gods for at least a small period of time: God/Holy Spirit + Jesus.
@Discern4 Maybe you missed a few. Was the bible written by Stephen King with a time machine?
@VVAANNEE101 I say that part of being perfect is being fair, by what standard are you saying God is perfect?
Fancy meeting you here. :P Well said. :)