Mini documentary LIVEX

  • Опубліковано 24 лют 2020
  • The exercise is also the subject of a mini documentary that tells the story of LIVEX 2019. During LIVEX on 25 May 2019, P&O ferry Pride of Hull was evacuated as part of the exercise. Helicopters, ships, lifeboats and vehicles: everything came together during the LIVEX. Hundreds of extras took part in the exercise.
    The video provides further details concerning preparations for the exercise, the day itself, but also a retrospective. All from the vantage point of four people closely involved in the exercise: Edwin van der Pol (Head of Operations, Netherlands Coastguard), Wim van der Wal (Rotterdam-Rijnmond Fire Brigade), Eugene Favier (Captain of the Pride of Hull) and Rick Slijk (captain with the KNRM Hook of Holland).
    The Coastguard coordinated the evacuation on the water, working closely with the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Security Region organisation which took care of the evacuees on land. Additional participating organisations included the Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution (KNRM), the Netherlands pilotage organisation Loodswezen, emergency response teams Noodhulpteams+ and the maritime incident response group MIRG.NL.