Whenever some one uses the term "easy" to describe any problem over V1, I know I am about to get sandbagged. I spent an entire summer on an "easy" V4 in Georgia only to find out holds had broke, etc, and no-one wanted to inform me of that fact. I think you can get this one. Hows that hold on the lip? It looks like you could scrub up your feet a little more to prepare for the mantle.
Whenever some one uses the term "easy" to describe any problem over V1, I know I am about to get sandbagged. I spent an entire summer on an "easy" V4 in Georgia only to find out holds had broke, etc, and no-one wanted to inform me of that fact.
I think you can get this one. Hows that hold on the lip? It looks like you could scrub up your feet a little more to prepare for the mantle.