After the Giemsa staining procedure most of the platelets will be washed away so no need to pay too much attention to that. To identify the chromatin dot look for dark red spot with a ring of blue cytoplasm around it. Most of your preparations will be negative so don’t stress yourself if you not seeing them otherwise you will give a lot of false positive results.
This is a great content. Thank you
Hello Boss ...pls I find it difficult in identifying the chromatin dots from platelets which doing malaria microscopy ...pls help me
After the Giemsa staining procedure most of the platelets will be washed away so no need to pay too much attention to that.
To identify the chromatin dot look for dark red spot with a ring of blue cytoplasm around it.
Most of your preparations will be negative so don’t stress yourself if you not seeing them otherwise you will give a lot of false positive results.