Bronson meant "Silent Concussions." And he's right. First time my doctor mentioned the term to me after looking at brain scans, I literally laughed because I thought he was joking. Nope. Concussed without going unconscious, almost always you are unaware. There is NO CURE. These lead to what is called Post-Concussion Syndrome, which is CTE while you are alive since you can only be diagnosed with CTE after an autopsy. If you are a combat sport athlete, you need to take it seriously. Anger, migraines, increasingly worse memory loss, inability to concentrate, and in later stages, dementia-like symptoms. As I said, NO CURE. Be smart. You don't want to be that guy that can't remember memories with family especially your kids, and you don't want to start forgetting family members names, etc.
Savage af Hobbie Lawler
Just imagine the ufc bus doors open and they knockout 100 people lol
Bronson meant "Silent Concussions." And he's right. First time my doctor mentioned the term to me after looking at brain scans, I literally laughed because I thought he was joking. Nope. Concussed without going unconscious, almost always you are unaware. There is NO CURE. These lead to what is called Post-Concussion Syndrome, which is CTE while you are alive since you can only be diagnosed with CTE after an autopsy.
If you are a combat sport athlete, you need to take it seriously. Anger, migraines, increasingly worse memory loss, inability to concentrate, and in later stages, dementia-like symptoms. As I said, NO CURE. Be smart. You don't want to be that guy that can't remember memories with family especially your kids, and you don't want to start forgetting family members names, etc.
I cracked my head open as a child and I had a lot of anger issues.
Could I have gotten CTE as a child?