Polymer Clay & EBF - Nomifactory: Episode 2

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @bssluckyoness282
    @bssluckyoness282 2 роки тому +103

    Threefold wasn’t kidding when he said he was speedrunning this pack 😂 he’s pumping out episodes so quickly lol (which is a good thing 😂)

  • @vile403
    @vile403 2 роки тому +62

    Dont forget armor in peaceful can be cobalt set for permanent haste 3 mining buff :)

  • @threeep4023
    @threeep4023 2 роки тому +20

    This is so satisfying to watch, all the dead space is edited out. Just pure progress.

  • @pat2rome
    @pat2rome 2 роки тому +21

    Obsidian tip: the hammer mines every block in the 3x3 at the speed of the block you're actually aimed at. So plopping down a cobblestone in strategic locations can make mining obsidian MUCH faster.

    • @AlexWellbelove
      @AlexWellbelove 2 роки тому +5

      hammer won't mine obsidian if you use cobblestone :/

    • @pat2rome
      @pat2rome 2 роки тому +1

      @@AlexWellbelove this must be a GTCEu thing then, I'm playing that version of the pack.

  • @toastonryeYT
    @toastonryeYT 2 роки тому +15

    Some good tips in this episode, I didn't realize that DML poly clay could be setup this early!

  • @martinxXsuto
    @martinxXsuto 2 роки тому +36

    that ctrl+shift click shortcut is an inventorytweaks thing, and is present in pretty much every pack ever (even the 1.2.5 feed the beast pack had it)
    Yes, the same mod that adds chest sorting
    It's the reason i can't play vanilla anymore

  • @NoahWolfe
    @NoahWolfe 2 роки тому +17

    Jumping on the GTCEu port bandwagon as many others. It's fantastic so far, so if you had any thought of swapping over while you are still early in - go for it! Either way, stoked for this series.

    • @Exa4096
      @Exa4096 2 роки тому +11

      Tracer's unofficial port is not compatible with worlds from the official pack so he would have to start over. While GTCEu is cool, it is incompatible with existing GTCE saves, which is why we didn't switch the pack to it ourselves.
      We're going to be doing something officially with GTCEu eventually, but it will be its own distinct pack.

    • @NoahWolfe
      @NoahWolfe 2 роки тому +2

      @@Exa4096 Thank you for the informative reply (and the brilliant pack). I don't want to imagine the work that goes into it, honestly. It's one thing to make, say, an E2E. But wrestling the forkception that GT has become into a quality experience like Omni/Nomi has to be a whole other kind of beast. Anyhow, thank you. Look how giddy you've made Threefold, that probably makes it worth the effort XD

    • @IGoByLotsOfNames
      @IGoByLotsOfNames 2 роки тому +13

      @@Exa4096 Found you

  • @hussamayoub7792
    @hussamayoub7792 2 роки тому +81

    It feels so weird how easy the recipes are

    • @taylantemel2354
      @taylantemel2354 Рік тому +6


    • @ITedBundy
      @ITedBundy Рік тому +30

      For me personally as this is my first gregtech pack this seems insane that people think it's Ez 😭💀

    • @CalebsAquarium
      @CalebsAquarium Рік тому +25

      @@ITedBundy same here. I came here to watch his playthrough for tips and he did more on day 1 than I've done in a week 🤣 I wouldn't call it easy but I can see how it is much easier than GT:NH that he is currently playing through.

    • @meow7398
      @meow7398 Рік тому +1

      The recipe are easy compared to regular gregtech ceu

    • @hussamayoub7792
      @hussamayoub7792 Рік тому +2

      @@meow7398 I meant about gtnh. That was way too much and I’ve tried to play it. I Quit way too fast

  • @ThistleBlue
    @ThistleBlue 2 роки тому +3

    Just the mention of DML brought back memories of running several to supply various machines to get power and then the janky setup to make a positive gain of Polymer Clay..

  • @MrGamerCaptain
    @MrGamerCaptain 2 роки тому +1

    it's always interesting to see someone love a game (modpack in this case) so much that they want to speedrun/replay it. hope this was a good and fun experience.

  • @DarkCrux
    @DarkCrux Рік тому +1

    The Copy-Paste gadget just blew my fucking mind I learning so much from these episodes.

    • @Garueri
      @Garueri Рік тому

      yeah, the author (direwolf20) also has basically the best early game mining tool mod, its called mining gadjets and is basically the best thing before resource generation

  • @thgotze
    @thgotze 2 роки тому +21

    it feels so weird not hearing "I'll see you guys next time for some more Gregtech: New Horizons" and instead Nomifactory

  • @paulbatum
    @paulbatum 2 роки тому +1

    For the DML meshes, you can make string from saplings via the plant fiber recipe. If you've been spamming rubber trees you should have a bunch of spare saplings and this is better than going off to chase sheep.

  • @Lashmak
    @Lashmak 2 роки тому +10

    Mr. Three who has been folded, me just noticed you have white eyebrows, sign of infinite wisdom?

  • @soulawaken24
    @soulawaken24 2 роки тому +5

    8:03 yea the recipe is the same but the pulsating mesh texture changed because it's a custom item added via contentTweaker instead of the forestry version. Forestry mod is probably going to be removed I believe, since it's only in the pack for some of its utility features like the worktable and for the DML recipes for some reason 😂
    11:38 Are you missing the maintenance and muffler hatches yet? 😂😂

    • @Exa4096
      @Exa4096 2 роки тому +6

      Forestry had been pared back to almost nonexistence in the pack, so once GTCE added workstations we opted to deprecate Forestry and convert the few relevant items to ContentTweaker alternatives. Forestry will then be removed after people have a chance to convert their existing stuff over in 1.3.
      This is the same circumstance as Modular Machinery is in in the pack, as we have replaced that with Multiblock Tweaker.

  • @jlfree12
    @jlfree12 2 роки тому

    A great way to start a Saturday :) - thanks for the video

  • @audiosalix1780
    @audiosalix1780 2 роки тому +3

    You don't actually need a transformer to transform up, as long as you have enough amps of LV on that line the MV machine will accept it

    • @audiosalix1780
      @audiosalix1780 2 роки тому

      24:30 you also don't need to be holding the same item, just any item and then shift double clicking will cause the item you click on to move. A vanilla feature

    • @soulawaken24
      @soulawaken24 2 роки тому

      I just tested it actually. That doesn't work anymore it seems 🤷‍♂️ The machine would take in LV power, but it will run out of power very fast running at MV. I think single-block MV machines no longer draw multiple amps from a 16xLV line. They will only draw like an amp or LV, hence run out of energy. No more powering HV machines off 16x LV lines 😂

    • @audiosalix1780
      @audiosalix1780 2 роки тому

      @@soulawaken24 ah, something new since I last played it then. That sucks

    • @Exa4096
      @Exa4096 2 роки тому +1

      @@soulawaken24 Since the next tier up is four amps of the lower tier, you have to be sure that you are supplying four amps to that machine to keep it running smoothly. This can be accomplished as before by using two wire connections or two different energy producers for a full-amp recipe, or it can run just fine on a half-amp recipe (which many ore processing recipes are).

    • @soulawaken24
      @soulawaken24 2 роки тому

      @@Exa4096 Ahh alright got it! So each connection to a machine is limited to two amps of LV in this case, even if it's a 16x cable. So making 2 connections would provide an amp of MV? Weird, I seemed to remember there was a time in GTCE when that it was possible to do that with one connection. Might have remembered wrongly. Thanks exa! :)

  • @TheShadowofX
    @TheShadowofX 2 роки тому +1

    Three joining the flat floating lawn base crew. I mean this playthrough is more focussed on speed than building, sure, but still ;)
    You're thinking of rotors, not gears. In GTNH rotors require 4.25 ingots with a fluid solidifier instead of the 5 ingots it takes in an extruder, meaning you get cheaper rotors but have to do a 17 ingots : 4 rotors recipe to avoid having material left over. Which is completely and utterly trivial in the post-AE2 era, so I'm not sure why you're complaining ;)
    The different texture would be because it's no longer the old Forestry items, but rather stuff added through content tweaker. It honestly looks good, but I imagine the difference takes some getting used to all the same.
    As far as I remember Nomni removed the "faulty" data model tier, which would require killing in-world mobs in order to upgrade the data model to the point where it's able to run in a simulation chamber. Nomni was always fully playable in Peaceful, it's just that no one did (at least fully) because Glitch Armor.
    You're playing Nomni on what is basically easy mode. I suspect you're going to be surprised by cheap recipes once every episode at least ;)
    Also no maintenance hatch, no muffler hatch, no pollution, no voiding if the recipe runs out of power (though you do lose progress for what that's worth), and able to place buses/hatches in the top slots of the EBF. Welcome to the cheap zone ;)
    A simpler way to explain the cable differences is that in GTNH voltage and amperage are checked *per cable*, whereas in this version of Nomni (I can't really speak for anything else) voltage and amperage is only checked *per connection*. Meaning that in GTNH two 4A connections feeding a 4A cable will burn from too many amps, but in Nomni it won't, since both connections are 4A feeding a 4A cable.
    On the downside this pack doesn't have the GT++ Volcanus EBF that smelts things 2.2× as fast at 90% the base EU/t cost, on the upside the recipes are so fast and cheap it doesn't need it.

    • @alexplaysgames4219
      @alexplaysgames4219 2 роки тому

      I'm honestly thinking of playing this pack to get my Greg fix when taking a break from GT:NH. Always look forward to your comments on Three's GT:NH videos, even after a year of Greg you always have some information I wasn't aware of.
      When you say easy mode, is there much of a difference between this one and the Nomi GTCEu version? I know they added a lot of what seems to be GT:NH based features like multis, the other amp system, and processing chains. It looks like they did circuits too.

    • @TheShadowofX
      @TheShadowofX 2 роки тому

      @@alexplaysgames4219 I'm not too familiar with the ever increasing number of Nomni pack variants, but as far as I've heard the CEU version is significantly different from the base version. Or maybe that's only the case if you're playing hard mode, either/or.

  • @gebcrafter
    @gebcrafter 2 роки тому +1

    Wow, they finally made an actual block model for dust lmao

  • @hk74654
    @hk74654 2 роки тому +1

    I can't unhear the pack name as "Normiefactory".

  • @mannydsins
    @mannydsins 2 роки тому

    When using bauxite ore to get gallium, do the thermal centrifuge route. It’s a better ratio.

    • @MrErizid
      @MrErizid 2 роки тому

      Thermal Centrifuge is an MV machine that is slow as fuck and takes tons of power. Not happening on a single steam dynamo combo.

  • @Hachuurui
    @Hachuurui 2 роки тому

    Yeah the gear recipe is why I just use the extruder for gears on gtnh. Its a flat 4 ingots there. Seeing these recipes makes me miss 1.12 gt packs lol So much cheaper... but in the end GTNH is about the experience :p Its a really well refined pack. Nomi has changed a lot since I last played it as well. I may take a look later.

  • @manikenwarrior
    @manikenwarrior 2 роки тому

    with powering higher tier machines you can actually power them with lower tier power as long you can provide enough CEFs and rf in this pack

  • @cuencaguy9799
    @cuencaguy9799 2 роки тому

    Sticky pistons with a block would have solved the sugarcane farm problem

  • @bilalmaati2205
    @bilalmaati2205 2 роки тому +1

    How weird I didnt reserve a notification for this video even though I have them on.

  • @soulawaken24
    @soulawaken24 2 роки тому +1

    20:00 Didn't we used to be able to plug a MV machine into a LV line in omni without a transformer and it will just draw gladly accept multiple amps of LV and power the machine? I guess that's fixed? Damn no more easy overclocking of EBFs by just upgrading the hatches and adding more CEFs 🙃
    Edit: as corrected by Exa below, you can still power MV machines off LV lines without a transformer. There're two methods. You could add another cable connection to the MV machine. OR you could add another 16x CEF to the same line. Each CEF transformer 2 amps of LV power PER CONNECTION. So adding another CEF would allow 4amps of LV (1amp of MV) per connection to a machine, which is enough to power a MV machine.

    • @soulawaken24
      @soulawaken24 2 роки тому

      @@fahreddinsengul1104 Machines only needs 1 amp to run. So in the past you could just put a MV machine onto the LV line and it will work. Even MV energy hatches on LV lines which draws 2 amps worked in Jimmy Cao's stream playthrough, which was about the same time as Three first playthrough xD Thing's changed since then it seems.

    • @Exa4096
      @Exa4096 2 роки тому +2

      GTCE has a really wonky energy net so yes, you can supply 2A per wire-connected face of the machine per energy producer on the line of wires. This lets you run full-amp recipes one tier up with two wire connections or two sources of EU on the line (for a total of 4A of the lower tier), or a half-amp recipe with one wire connection (2A of the lower tier).
      The GTCE energy net has not been changed in years. It was like this as far back as I can remember.

    • @soulawaken24
      @soulawaken24 2 роки тому

      @@Exa4096 👍👍👍

    • @uigrad
      @uigrad 2 роки тому

      @@Exa4096 Wow, Exa, you show up everywhere!
      I'm playing Nomifactory again right now (well first time for Nomifactory, but nth time for Omni), and Exa is right. Nothing has changed.
      Each face can accept 2A, so no transformer is needed for running a single block MV machine from LV power. You just have to connect power to at least 2 sides, or double up on CEFs.

  • @ikon106
    @ikon106 2 роки тому

    I was so close to catching up on GT:NH. Now I wanna watch this instead

  • @TvL2386
    @TvL2386 Рік тому

    I love these videos! Also watch your current GT:NH. Never played Gregtech before. I do have experience with skyblocks and kitchen sink packs though. I am playing along with you @Threefold.
    The only problem I have is that I progress so incredibly slow compared to you. Takes 10 times longer here...

  • @applelord4746
    @applelord4746 Рік тому +1

    After playing nomifactory for 27 hours, I'm barely one minute of progress into this video.

  • @KingSamolon123
    @KingSamolon123 2 роки тому

    I don‘t know what you think about Skyblock modpacks, but I think this could also be something cool maybe!
    Love your vids!

  • @Acylumgaming
    @Acylumgaming 2 роки тому +1

    I hope this becomes a trend and you try to get a PR on DJ2. I wanna see how fast you can go in that if you know the important things to focus on.

  • @el-nathan
    @el-nathan 2 роки тому

    what version of Nomifactory is this? I don't see a rotor mold recipe in my version

  • @n.rv..n
    @n.rv..n 2 роки тому +2

    I think Three is tired of GT:NH

  • @moms9648
    @moms9648 Рік тому

    How to switch the mode to paste on the copy/paste tool? Cant find it.

  • @boxtopy7286
    @boxtopy7286 Рік тому

    in ten hours he made an aluminum ingot. it took me 2 weeks to just make an electric blast furnace.

  • @xeels2708
    @xeels2708 2 роки тому

    How do you show the playtime in the bottom right?

    • @Threefold.
      @Threefold.  2 роки тому

      It's an extra mod I added to the pack called: Simple World Timer :) You should be able to find it on curse if you're interested

  • @alansmithee419
    @alansmithee419 3 місяці тому

    I'm starting to think that maybe my rash decision of jumping into this after not playing minecraft since tekkit wasn't the best idea...

  • @king6790
    @king6790 2 роки тому

    Gears take 4 ingots in GTNH too, rotors are different here though iirc
    You don’t need to transform up

  • @DianeSteele
    @DianeSteele 2 роки тому +1


  • @stepexgd6628
    @stepexgd6628 2 роки тому

    Three's gonna have a hard time going back to GTNH after this. Erm, if he's planning to do that

  • @Salmo__
    @Salmo__ 2 роки тому

    You forgot to connect one engine to fuel

  • @ReptillianStrike
    @ReptillianStrike 8 місяців тому

    13 hours and you got all this? 😭
    I'm at like 42 hours and I'm just now hitting MV and the Deep Learning mod. Nowhere near automating it

  • @evoplayz4567
    @evoplayz4567 Рік тому


  • @doomtucan5093
    @doomtucan5093 Рік тому

    wow a rip off of omnifactory

    • @NoOne-wz2ht
      @NoOne-wz2ht Рік тому +2

      No I'm pretty sure its made by the same people. Kind of a rebirth of the pack

  • @BreadMan96
    @BreadMan96 2 роки тому +4

    Who's watching in 2013

  • @sy_0101
    @sy_0101 2 роки тому +4

    This has been a great series so far

  • @besterconrad
    @besterconrad 2 місяці тому

    at 19:01 if you cant figure out how to get the chemical reactor to intake water, watch episode 10 at exactly 10:46, thank me later

  • @GNRfan1040
    @GNRfan1040 2 роки тому +1

    The vaccum hopper does auto output if you wrench the side. It indicates if its push or pull on the tooltip

  • @nugget3257
    @nugget3257 2 роки тому +1

    Hes gonna be at fusion by episode 10 lmao

  • @shinglinhgpastel6720
    @shinglinhgpastel6720 2 роки тому +1


  • @aryaghahremani9304
    @aryaghahremani9304 2 роки тому

    the vacuum chest does auto ouput but you need to hit it with a yeta wrench on the side you want it to do so think TOP on the top of the screen shows side settings(as in pull/push)

  • @alexplaysgames4219
    @alexplaysgames4219 2 роки тому

    The rain in the void world near your machines was giving me such anxiety
    Edit: I think both of us have been so abused by GT:NH, seeing these cheaper recipes makes me surprised. I'm here thinking how is he at the EBF already, those energy hatches are going to require so many materials.

    • @Threefold.
      @Threefold.  2 роки тому +1

      Not going to lie... I did panic a little when it rained the first time haha

  • @ИванСыралёв-х7я

    The amount of crafting and mining put in those 25 minutes is insane!

  • @Myolitz
    @Myolitz 2 роки тому

    Not a speedrun:tm: eh three?

  • @questtoomz
    @questtoomz Рік тому

    Hf is better than nomifaktory