World of Warcraft Forest Music

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @hrk4o
    @hrk4o 10 років тому +36

    Elwynn, Westfall, Redridge... they feel like home. Like a child growing up, learning how to deal with the world. Then you get send across the continent to continue your developing, as a 18 year old moves out and starts living on his own. The higher level you get (mid level zones), the less players you see, you feel more lonely, on your own. Starting a new character and going through the starting zones again always felt warm.

    • @insertlogo6147
      @insertlogo6147 10 років тому +2

      dude, from a level 1 draenei just starting again, to a level 90 with a reputation, it was a long journey.

  • @cuboone14
    @cuboone14 12 років тому +2

    I might be addicted to this game, but in a good way. This game made me happy for 2 years, after Wrath of the Lich King came out I stopped playing because it wasn't what it used to be. Now in Cata and MoP you can fly around the world, then you had to get to every corner of map to finish your quest or explore some territory. I think we all should be thankful and say it to Blizzard, what they've accomplished nobody will. I miss old WoW days, but you can't go back in time.

  • @LightsJusticeZ
    @LightsJusticeZ 10 років тому +52

    Behold, the Sword of a Thousand Truths.

  • @hela898
    @hela898 12 років тому +2

    That my friend is the sound music of innocence. Finding a new world waiting to be explored and looking all around you, afraid and excited of what is about to happen...

  • @draphking
    @draphking 9 років тому +40

    King's honor friend

  • @SSBSamuS
    @SSBSamuS 12 років тому +1

    I quit playing World of Warcraft over two years ago. Nothing but the music, and the music alone, makes me want to play this game again. I went after server firsts in vanilla and TBC and seeing the new raids doesn't make me want to play any. This music's makes me so emotional. I just want to cry.

  • @Simsalabimbamba
    @Simsalabimbamba 11 років тому +19

    Nostalgia kicks me right in the gut. Good times.

  • @gurra1351
    @gurra1351 13 років тому +1

    I stopped played world of warcraft for 4 years ago. I haven't heard this music in 4 years but now, it was there. Like I heard it yesterday and it's lovely! :'(

  • @telonir7659
    @telonir7659 12 років тому +2

    I know my first time in elwynn forest. My sister has found a warlock and he ported me to this area. Of course I was such a noob but this times were the best and I´ll always remeber them. Now I´m playing horde and I´ve much experience but I´ll never forget the great time of Azeroth, not important alliance or horde.

  • @thekergoet
    @thekergoet 12 років тому +1

    That music is so emotional, I can't believe how deep is the nostalgia it brings to me.. Now everything is empty and old friends got almost 10 years more.. so do I.. We could call this wasted years but damn it was so good!!!

  • @MrWeezler
    @MrWeezler 13 років тому +2

    I got tears in my eyes remembering those good old times.

  • @costas1010
    @costas1010 15 років тому +1

    My mind has so many memories from this amazing music..When i made my mage and started doing quests in Elwyn forest, i heard this music for first time was so beautiful..

  • @swudeft
    @swudeft 14 років тому +1

    the first zone they built ... the best zone of all

  • @Twistedmihailo
    @Twistedmihailo 15 років тому

    Even though I've always preferred playing the Forsaken, the first bit of in-game WoW music I heard was the Elwynn Forest track and ever since 2006 it always made me feel happy. Really subtle yet powerful stuff. Makes me glad I'm alive.
    Jason Hayes, you're the fucking man.

  • @MichelSchallenberg
    @MichelSchallenberg 12 років тому +1

    Without this I couldn't have survived my youth...

  • @moy335
    @moy335 8 років тому +9

    3:20 Warcraft 3 Cinematic :')

  • @omophagia
    @omophagia 9 років тому +4

    Memories... I was so soothed by the music

  • @Jim90117
    @Jim90117 10 років тому +16

    Eastern Kingdoms > Kalimdor, there's just something special about Hillsbrad, Silverpine, Tirisfall, Hinterlands and other zones in that area.

    • @kylemsibley
      @kylemsibley 8 років тому

      yea, they stick to the roots of fantasy that Warcraft derived from. :)

  • @BikesandBoulders
    @BikesandBoulders 10 років тому +19

    Nostalgia :'(

  • @JohnRock14
    @JohnRock14 13 років тому

    So many memories of first starting, id kill to go back to first starting one of the best games ever made. Nothing touches the feeling of exploring the world for the first time and immersing yourself in the music of each zone, truly epic.

  • @laranjadigitalfilmes
    @laranjadigitalfilmes 12 років тому +1

    Dude, I loved Auberdine also, and hurted a little when I first saw death wing turning it to ashes in the cataclysm cinematic, but the whole world was being destroyed at that time, something had to go. And I´m still glad they didn´t changed the starting zones.

  • @FarisKaz
    @FarisKaz 11 років тому +20

    This was the best thing ever… then along came pandaria and cata

  • @26Karm
    @26Karm 13 років тому +1

    I LOVE Blizzards music. They make it so...whats the word....god-like.

  • @M.Rollins20
    @M.Rollins20 14 років тому

    god this brings back so many memories. I remember back in 2007(when i first started playing WoW) i would wake up at 3 in the morning and play it. At that time of the night Elwynn Forest was really quiet so i kept listening to this til it was stuck in my head.

  • @ShaadowDruid
    @ShaadowDruid 15 років тому +1

    The beginning after the voices. It's sounds like it's morning. And everything is starting to wake up as the sun slowly rises over the horizon. :]

  • @Storiann
    @Storiann 13 років тому

    I remember, when I first started playing WoW, I was a Night Elf and my brother was a Human. He told me that he was leveling in Elywnn Forest. I spent hours trying to find the boat that took me to him.
    When I finally found him, I remember seeing him dancing in the middle of goldshire waiting for me :')
    This song is definitely one of the best songs in World of Warcraft.

  • @lotdog18
    @lotdog18 11 років тому

    that feel you start playing WoW for the first time, level 8 paladin running around, fighting level 10 mobs that feels like fighting a boss...fuuuck, strong nostalgia god damn

  • @AnubisCidolfas
    @AnubisCidolfas 15 років тому

    The theme starting at 1:10 is so amazing. I stop whatever I'm doing and just listen to that part whenever I'm in Hinterlands or Hillsbrad foothills.

  • @joshenofficial
    @joshenofficial 15 років тому

    this was the first piece of music i heard when i started WoW. it stunned me due to the combination of landscape and music that fitted so well together. i shivered for the whole duration. lol

  • @sweou
    @sweou 12 років тому

    The only thing I can think of now, when hearing this nostalgic music which brings so many memories back is; I wanna relive it all over again, but, how? It's all over my mind :(

  • @Zaybee1000
    @Zaybee1000 10 років тому +10

    That spot at 00:19 :')

  • @futbolaholic3
    @futbolaholic3 13 років тому +1

    This music makes me want to just forget about all the raiding, all the pvp, and gearing and such, and just go run around in the woods

  • @blizzard902
    @blizzard902 11 років тому

    I cant believe its been since 2004 since i heard this when WoW first came out. Best high playing for the first time ever

  • @bratkartoffeln123456
    @bratkartoffeln123456 11 років тому +2

    nostalgia of a once good game

  • @Tretsch
    @Tretsch 13 років тому

    Same here, quit a few days before Wrath and had an extreme nostalgia backlash last year. Went through the old movies, music and screenshots and likewise, it was as if I had only signed out the night before. It aroused a lot of fond memories and feelings, which some would consider pathetic, but I don't care, would've resubbed in a heartbeat had there been classic/tbc server, but it was not be.

  • @guyomeprime
    @guyomeprime 15 років тому

    I remember, back in summer 2004, there was a little web site that gave a preview of what WoW would look like, and one part was showing some regions, and we could download a bit of music from thoses regions, I still have them

  • @DassWarcraft
    @DassWarcraft 15 років тому

    i remember listening to this music when i first started playing WoW, the quests were so simple back then

  • @arnoldshpitz1030
    @arnoldshpitz1030 9 років тому +5

    These were the days of WoW.

  • @4rdameL
    @4rdameL 10 років тому +6

    Damn, this just took me to old days :/

  • @Holdtheline07
    @Holdtheline07 11 років тому +1

    Right in the feels..

  • @Daftelfy
    @Daftelfy 13 років тому

    @adriangutt boy the memories i have from this music, the times i heared it most was when i was questing round lvl 20 in hillsbrad foothills trolling the farmers there as a rogue, messing with the ally's, shouting at the damn game when some guards passed by, etc etc the memories i put in this games are so endless and it makes me wanna play again on a private server just to see everything how it was in the good days

  • @BanterCat96
    @BanterCat96 13 років тому

    Nostalgia is such a bittersweet feeling D:

  • @HerrElak
    @HerrElak 11 років тому

    u took the words right out of my mouth man

  • @Channiej93
    @Channiej93 13 років тому

    Music is the same as in Dun morogh, it feels like i was born there :] good damn memories, spending all my afternoon just leveling from 22 till 25. Gooood times.

  • @Kreoni
    @Kreoni 11 років тому

    i just cant resist my nostalgia..... oh fuck....
    I got double 14 ranks pvp (high warlord), doble top 1 arena in Wotlk, 6 years of playing from vanilla....
    This game is so much for me in life....... And it doesnt matter that i dont play anymore...

  • @mikerecoil6283
    @mikerecoil6283 11 років тому +13

    Not the same game... but it was one of the best soundtracks ever created.

  • @Fiddlestickz1
    @Fiddlestickz1 13 років тому

    @JeremyEversTV i dont want to play again, 3 years from classic release was enough, but i happily reflect on this time when i started as young hero full of wonders, underlined with this perfect piece of music.

  • @guyomeprime
    @guyomeprime 15 років тому

    and well, the music that begins at 0:14.. I felt like my heart melted when I heard it.. I already wanted to make a human before hearing it, but after, I knew my destiny was to be a human :P and my main is still that human paladin that I created little less than a year after hearing that music :)

  • @06hurdwp
    @06hurdwp 12 років тому +2

    The first part always reminds me of the south park episode xD

  • @achillessniper
    @achillessniper 15 років тому

    First piece of wow music I ever heard, on the site before the game had even been release... I new it would be special

  • @Iaretreytrey
    @Iaretreytrey 12 років тому

    Ah, pure bliss.

  • @PRFDK
    @PRFDK 12 років тому

    This makes me realize why growing up sucks! 2005 was a very good year!

  • @Hejmeddig256
    @Hejmeddig256 12 років тому +1

    No matter how much I dislike the current state of WoW, I have to thank Blizzard for giving me an experience as epic as vanilla wow. Even listening to this music gives me the weirdest state of nostalgia, happiness and sorrow.

  • @Yvessam
    @Yvessam 14 років тому

    ahhh the memories :)) so relaxing.

  • @Perais1337
    @Perais1337 12 років тому

    I miss this time so much :(

    @TYKKETYKKE 15 років тому

    Darkshore is so shady and sombre. The music fits perfectly. Surely not a heartwarming place.

  • @YouGotPwn3D69
    @YouGotPwn3D69 13 років тому

    this was the first thing i heard when i logged into wow for the first time december 2007. honestly i wish it were still that wat, i miss old wow :( players now a days dont know how beautiful it really was back in the day, they got the cata panda filled wow. no one wants that.

  • @JohnRock14
    @JohnRock14 14 років тому

    Darkshore one is epic, first leveled a night elf so it brings back the memories, i remember killing crabs on the beach for ages because i thought they gave good money and xp haha good times.

  • @malicant123
    @malicant123 12 років тому +1

    I think peoples' yearning for class WoW is understandable but I don't think anyone can say that WoW is now a failure. It's given millions of people something to enjoy and it's still an awesome world to step into. Things might be totally different today but if WoW never changed, it wouldn't be alive today.
    To me, WoW has given me alot of fun times and some great memories. Even if it declines to nothing someday, I for one will still remember my days in the world of Azeroth!

  • @Daftelfy
    @Daftelfy 13 років тому

    @adriangutt i totally understand you, though i quitted wow a while ago me and my friends still have some awsome and fun memories in zones with this neutral music

  • @adriangutt
    @adriangutt 15 років тому

    dear fellows, this song brings back memories from the beginning =D agree?
    the music is like a bridge that glues Wow together.

  • @DeepWhiteMusic
    @DeepWhiteMusic 13 років тому

    it was one of the best and peaceful time in my life. and i mean it seriously! this was the time and place were i feelt good (although i have a realife (for those who wanna say that i haven't))

  • @cuboone14
    @cuboone14 12 років тому

    I would like to play WoW with you, questing, exploring, grinding and dinging like in old WoW days... But I won't, I want it to stay like this so I can remember all the things I've been doing while playing Pre-BC and BC expansions...

  • @zodsi
    @zodsi 13 років тому

    I bursted into tears. :'(

  • @gerewodezyakyry
    @gerewodezyakyry 15 років тому

    This actually reminds me of Loch Modan... That place was nice, and was only improved by this relaxing music...

  • @cuboone14
    @cuboone14 12 років тому

    Well we can't go back in time, I wish we can, and stay there forever.

  • @13479449
    @13479449 11 років тому

    Yeah I never really got into wow (I had two lvl 40s before I ended up quitting) but I always enjoyed the music in the game, probably my favorite video game soundtrack of all time, basically the only things that kept me in the game were the music and exploring places you weren't suppose to go (Old Ironforge, Ironforge Airport, under Stormwind).

  • @JeremyEversTV
    @JeremyEversTV 14 років тому

    I quit playing, but when i hear this sound....I would like to play again!
    Thumbs Up if you think the same ^^

  • @Teiji89
    @Teiji89 15 років тому

    It's funny because it seems like at least 90% of the people who play WoW on my server all say they were playing since beta. I find it hard to belive but nevertheless I started playing a few months before the orginal Naxx was released in the EPL. :D

  • @tichergeorge
    @tichergeorge 12 років тому

    Darkshore is the reason why i started fishing, It's just something in that place that makes me want to sit at the computer all day and be in that very place, Until Cataclysm came...

  • @The92Waffles
    @The92Waffles 12 років тому

    Know what you mean, I stopped playing at WoTLK too. I miss old WoW, and playing when I was younger. Good times..

  • @Emidretrauqe
    @Emidretrauqe 14 років тому

    @FlameDragon400 a tranquil, calm zone to relax....
    No such place in WoW except for those "secret" places along the coastline that have nothing on them... Every other single place is either gridded with your mobs or theirs.

  • @Vath121
    @Vath121 10 років тому +1

    I miss it sometimes. I'll never come back though. I loved Darkshore. Running up and down that beach a hundred times sucked, but makes me look back and laugh. If Blizzard made dedicated servers to older patches and expansions, they'd make a killing. Today's game is far to different than what I enjoyed.

    • @davidie3
      @davidie3 9 років тому

      I just found out about Nostalrius. I'm not sure if its free but I miss vanilla too.

    • @ВеселинПавлов-и9д
      @ВеселинПавлов-и9д 8 років тому

      +DIEDave Nostal got taken down by blizzard.They ran the servers with their own money they barely managed to collect.They didn't even recieve any proffit from the servers...They did it out of love and nostalgia for the game.Blizzard killed our hope.

  • @musameeg
    @musameeg 13 років тому

    God i miss the days when this music was the 1st thing u heard...

  • @BillF1967
    @BillF1967 14 років тому

    @Posterdude95 ..and now I sound like a grumpy old man. "Back in MY day, we had to RUN everywhere! We didn't have flightpoints every few hundred yards!"

  • @plutarch78
    @plutarch78 10 років тому +19

    Damn you Cataclysm!

  • @avh129
    @avh129 13 років тому

    @Skandalos one word: nostalgia.

  • @Neakal
    @Neakal 15 років тому

    Such a sorrowful melody...

  • @DreyVisual
    @DreyVisual 11 років тому +1

    Ahh, I see myself as a 8 yr Old XD, logging in at 07:00 am,
    Getting some lvls meeting friends,
    i am 16 now :P

  • @AnubisCidolfas
    @AnubisCidolfas 15 років тому

    Best song in wow. So relaxing

  • @MrRobinriedel
    @MrRobinriedel 12 років тому

    best memories ever !

  • @creature463
    @creature463 12 років тому


  • @CharlesStanleyArt
    @CharlesStanleyArt 8 років тому

    As much as I hated the Alliance, I gotta admit... I loved being in Elywnn forest hearing this music. Nostalgia........ a powerful thing it is.

  • @copymizer
    @copymizer 12 років тому

    You mean you love Jason Hayes composing :) he made wc3 and ft music too ofc ^^

  • @rw1993n64
    @rw1993n64 12 років тому

    i dont have much time to play it anymore but i hope you enjoy playing it

  • @NewportLocalBra
    @NewportLocalBra 11 років тому

    It was a lot better then because players actually had to earn there epics. The quality of player was also a lot better. I do agree that they have improved a lot of features to make the game easier to play. That is what took away from what made the game so good though. It will never be the same as it was the first few years up until level 80.

  • @Nantchev
    @Nantchev 12 років тому

    OHHHHHHHHH Childhood.......................

  • @ctbdaddy3308
    @ctbdaddy3308 9 років тому +2

    The only thing, the ONLY thing about elwynn is jerods landing, holy hell was it hard

  • @Perais1337
    @Perais1337 12 років тому

    The Game changed yes but its far away from being bad. But i must say that i miss the old days too.

  • @Daftelfy
    @Daftelfy 13 років тому

    @bob2yoy well you have a point there some zones have become more interresting because of cata

  • @Felawnie
    @Felawnie 12 років тому

    Darkshore broke my heart. ;_; I didn't have it in me to keep going after that.

  • @Firemoonsoul
    @Firemoonsoul 13 років тому

    @BillF1967 Lol, yeah. Every time I remember how something was....and how much it's changed since then: I feel really old. :P But then again...with Warcraft, some things will always be changing, but the original feeling will always remain.

  • @frostbiteboys
    @frostbiteboys 15 років тому

    i remeber this after i made my night elf i got him to level 18 then i saw a rogue so i was like let me make a human rogue i made on and played him and no hes level 55 and my night elf is level 30 i remember the music so much

  • @alexdu97440
    @alexdu97440 13 років тому

    i had cried.

  • @dyslashdx
    @dyslashdx 14 років тому

    Ahh smells like alliance blood on my hands, haha. Good old times ;).

  • @copymizer
    @copymizer 12 років тому

    true dat when you say blizz you mean the entire team where the main composers are Jason Hayes
    Tracy W. Bush
    Derek Duke
    Glenn Stafford
    We must not forget their impact of millions and millions peoples game experience ^^

  • @Xorrak
    @Xorrak 14 років тому

    i like 1:42 and forward :) reminds me of the newbie days

  • @Spack1801
    @Spack1801 13 років тому

    @ROULERS1 wow, I must agree with you. I miss the 'old' WoW, before any expansions came out. :( It was the best game ever, now it's all ruined and messed up. If only I could re-live those memories. Dalaran, no more! :'( it's sad to think about really

  • @skyguy1988
    @skyguy1988 12 років тому

    play this at my funeral

  • @Posterdude95
    @Posterdude95 14 років тому

    well, goldshire gets a flight path and that logging camp gets one too. But the music changes. And the new music tries it's best to be epic. In a bad way.