Your life will be hell with a MIL that is dismissive of your feelings. Dump that guy and let him know his mother will be an obstacle in their relationship.
The 1st way of communicating about the service is through the tip! Your not tipping was good, but should have told the waitress the truth when asked. Sending an email to the restaurant would also be warranted.
I will never understand why people feel they should tip for bad service or the guts of the waitress to ask.
Your life will be hell with a MIL that is dismissive of your feelings. Dump that guy and let him know his mother will be an obstacle in their relationship.
The 1st way of communicating about the service is through the tip! Your not tipping was good, but should have told the waitress the truth when asked.
Sending an email to the restaurant would also be warranted.
Nah, $1.99.
She does have a valid point, they don't tip well and are generally rude to staff. No sympathy here.
A 2 dollar tip! That waitress was right about your kind. CHEAP! 😅😂😆
You know, I feel comfortable calling you a racist, just like the waitress. I would not have tipped her either.