The title of this video is incorrect! Please change the title to 'Videos Against the Impeachment of President Yoon Suk Yeol.' This video is a rally of Korean people opposing the impeachment of President Yoon Suk Yeol and wishing for his return. The Korean words written on the people's pickets are 'Lee Jae-myung's arrest' and 'opposition to the impeachment of Yoon Suk Yeol'! You have to know exactly and upload the video!
The English subtitles came out wrong. The video is a video of an anti-impeachment rally, but the English subtitles incorrectly say that the people are demanding the impeachment of President Yoon. You must request a correction immediately!
President Yoon! The people of South Korea and our allies in the United States and other democratic nations are waiting for your return! Don't be defeated by South Korea's anti-democratic media and forces!🇰🇷♥️🇺🇸
We Koreans are calling for "President Yoon to return," not to resign. Kindly refrain from spreading misinformation, as this is the exact opposite of what is happening. Please correct the video's title or remove it.
Stay resilient, people of South Korea. President Yoon, our steadfast ally, is poised to receive vital support from the Trump administration in the near future. Together, we will navigate the challenges ahead, including the infiltration by China and North Korea. US Veteran.
사실: 윤 의원의 직무 정지를 위해 두 차례의 투표가 열렸습니다. - 1차 투표 - 결과는 정지되지 않습니다. 2차 투표는 야당이 결과를 자기들에게 유리하게 조정하기 위해 열었습니다. 사법방해가 많은가요? --------야당이 결과를 좋아하지 않는다는 이유만으로 권한대행인 hduck.s를 탄핵했습니다. -
Some conspiracy theorists suggested that the crash of the Korean Air plane coincided with the illegal issuance of an arrest warrant for President Yoon and the impeachment of acting president Han Duck-soo. Han was the second South Korean leader to be unlawfully removed from office by the far-left majority in parliament, and this occurred within just two weeks. The tragedy overshadows the significance of the illegal acts committed by the communist majority in parliament. This tragic airline crash sadly symbolises the fall of democracy in Asia. It appears that everyone in the Korean government is facing the possibility of impeachment by the parliament once again. Korean conservatives seem overly optimistic about the situation. Online, it seems that media outlets and broadcast companies are in unanimous agreement, relentlessly swaying public opinion in favor of impeachment. The prosecution and police appear indifferent to conducting a fair investigation, acting more like hunting dogs. This raises the question, "What kind of rule of law is this?" The far-left legislative National Assembly is encouraging lawlessness. I am increasingly worried that President Yoon may not endure this crisis to lead the country away from potential disaster. The opposition leader, Lee Jae-Myung, and the left-wing factions in Korea have shown a blatant disregard for the United States. Meanwhile, the United States remains patient and diplomatic. The leftists, however, are known to hide their assets abroad, and many of their children are American citizens. So why, then, is America hesitating, with its characteristic diplomacy?
There has been a noticeable increase in support for president Yoon recently as people have begun to realize that martial law was necessary and justified when he declared it. Opposition leader Lee Jae-myung should be locked up for all this chaos.
Headline is misleading. More and more people are realizing that martial arts was necessary and why he had to do it. He and the people of Korea are fighting to keep the Democracy.
제가 어제 참가한 탄핵반대 집회이군요!!!모두가 애국자이십니다!!!
애국자? 아, 미국 국기가 펄럭이는 모습을 보면 진정한 애국자는 아닌 것 같습니다. 남의 국기가 아닌 자신의 국기만 휘날리며, 그것은 다른 나라를 무시하는 것이 아니라 그들을 보호하는 것입니다. .
탄핵반대 집회입니다. 윤석열대통령은 꼭 돌아 옵니다.
자유대한민국과 한국인들위해 도와주세요. 우리는 제2의 홍콩이 되고 싶지않습니다.
당신은 홍콩에 대해 잘못된 정보를 갖고 있을 뿐이고 한국은 당신이 원하는 대로 되지 않을 것입니다.
윤대통령이 돌아오길
탄핵 반대합니다
한국 국민은 이 대통령을 원하지 않습니다. 패자여, 이겨내십시오.
한국을 도와주세요.
탄 핵 반 대
부정선거 꼭 밝혀야한다!!!!!
윤대통령 탄핵을 원하지 않습니다
이건 탄핵반대 집회입니다
자유대한민국을 도와주세요
자유? 당신의 대통령은 당신이 자유에 대해 이야기하는 독재 정권을 만들고 싶어했습니다.
@gabrielsalvemini7489 부정선거 내란!
@@audrey6527 어떤 사기가 당신의 꼭두각시를 미국에서 변명하고 국가는 꼭두각시가 아닌 최고를받을 자격이 없습니다.
@@gabrielsalvemini7489근거는? 그럼 당신의 대통령은 누구인가?
@@JO-jt2bj 올바른 대통령은 이재명입니다. 그가 통일 한국을 원한다는 것은 의심의 여지가 없습니다. 그것은 진정한 주권입니다.
The title should be changed. This is not about demanding the resignation of president Yoon!! It is the protest supporting the president!
Yoon 🤮
This is NOT for resignation of President Yoon. It is the opposite. We want President Yoon to come back
yoon wanted to establish dictatorship.
It's a protest in support of the president of Yoon Suk Yeol
대통령을 복귀 시켜라
한국언론은 보도를 안하고 해외언론만 보도를 하는 이 황당한 상황!!
대통령 탄핵무효
계엄령은 정당했다!!!
대통령님, 힘내십시오!
자유대한민국을 지키자!
The title of this video is incorrect! Please change the title to 'Videos Against the Impeachment of President Yoon Suk Yeol.' This video is a rally of Korean people opposing the impeachment of President Yoon Suk Yeol and wishing for his return. The Korean words written on the people's pickets are 'Lee Jae-myung's arrest' and 'opposition to the impeachment of Yoon Suk Yeol'! You have to know exactly and upload the video!
대한민국을 도와주세요 윤석열대통령 복귀를 강력히 원합니다.
탄핵반대 집회입니다!!!!!!
이영상은 탄핵반대집회입니다.
뒤쪽에는 약간은 찬성집회입니다
탄핵 반대 집회입니다
이거 탄핵반대 집회에요
부정선거 꼭 밝혀주세요
Yoon ❤
This is the complete opposite of the scene. It is NOT in support of President Yoon's resignation but rather against it.
No!!!Majority of Korean support President Yoon!!
기사 내용이 잘못되었습니다. 영상장면은 탄핵 찬성 시위자가 아닙니다. 탄핵 반대 집회 입니다. 대통령 지지 시위입니다. 정정 바랍니다.
해당 뉴스가 반대로 보도하고 있습니다. 모두 정정 요청해야 합니다.
부정선거 꼭 밝혀주세요!!!!!!!
The front part is a video against the impeachment of President Yoon Seok-yeol. We need proper subtitles and interpretation
The English subtitles came out wrong. The video is a video of an anti-impeachment rally, but the English subtitles incorrectly say that the people are demanding the impeachment of President Yoon. You must request a correction immediately!
President Yoon! The people of South Korea and our allies in the United States and other democratic nations are waiting for your return! Don't be defeated by South Korea's anti-democratic media and forces!🇰🇷♥️🇺🇸
We Koreans are calling for "President Yoon to return," not to resign. Kindly refrain from spreading misinformation, as this is the exact opposite of what is happening. Please correct the video's title or remove it.
이거 탄핵찬성 집회아니고, 반대집회다.어떤 ㅃㄱㅇ것이 조작해서 해외에 올림?
Subject is not rights. SUBJECT is respect President Yoon! We love President Yoon❤❤❤❤❤❤
The title is misleading and spreads misinformation on the video. The end of the video is where the title matches the video clip
윤대톨령 지지합니다
The crowd in the film are opposing to the resignation. This youtube uploader made a fake news.
These are all pro president yoon. Not anti. Put the right article name
한국젊은이들 자랑스럽다❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
영어 자막이 잘못 나갔네요. 영상은 탄핵반대집회 영상인데 영어 자막은 국민들이 윤대통령 탄핵을 요구한다는 내용으로 잘못 들어가 있습니다. 즉시 수정 요구해야 합니다!
탄핵 반대 집회 영상입니다 부정선거 수사요구하는 집회입니다
외신보도를 적극 활용해야합니다. 정말
... 국내 방송 믿지 말고 외신을 활용할 수있게 지식있는분들이 제보좀 해주세요
탄핵반대 I love Korea and USA ❤🎉 I love President Yoon❤🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
영어 잘하시는분은 여기 기자한테 제목 수정해달라고 이메일이나 글 남겨주시면 좋겠어요
탄핵반대집회입니다 정정 바랍니다
탄핵 반대 탄핵 반대 ~~~~
앞 부분은 탄핵반대집회. 자유주의의 상징인 미국성조기를 함께 들고있고,
뒷부분은 탄핵찬성집회. 중국 상징인 붉은깃발을 함께 들고 있다.
Please change the title. It's an anti-impeachment rally at the presidential residence
윤석열대통령을 구합시다
탄핵반대. 중국 공산당 세력으로부터 대한민국과 윤 대통령을 지켜주세요!!
윤대통령님 믿고 지지합니다!!!!!
Stay resilient, people of South Korea. President Yoon, our steadfast ally, is poised to receive vital support from the Trump administration in the near future. Together, we will navigate the challenges ahead, including the infiltration by China and North Korea. US Veteran.
윤대통령님 믿고 지지합니다!!!
뻔뻔한 이재명 저 꼴 봐라
애국국민이 이긴다.
Change the title!!
여기 영상은 탄핵 반대 집회 영상인데, 밑에 달린 자막은 한국 국민들이 대통령 사임을 요구 한다고 달려 있음. 어느 나라 방송사인지 몰라도 완전히 반대로 보도
STS 부정선거 검증하라
탄핵무효 탄핵무효
윤 의원의 직무 정지를 위해 두 차례의 투표가 열렸습니다. -
1차 투표 - 결과는 정지되지 않습니다.
2차 투표는 야당이 결과를 자기들에게 유리하게 조정하기 위해 열었습니다. 사법방해가 많은가요?
--------야당이 결과를 좋아하지 않는다는 이유만으로 권한대행인 hduck.s를 탄핵했습니다. -
탄핵절대반대한다 !!!!
윤대통령님 믿고 지지합니다!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤
Some conspiracy theorists suggested that the crash of the Korean Air plane coincided with the illegal issuance of an arrest warrant for President Yoon and the impeachment of acting president Han Duck-soo. Han was the second South Korean leader to be unlawfully removed from office by the far-left majority in parliament, and this occurred within just two weeks. The tragedy overshadows the significance of the illegal acts committed by the communist majority in parliament. This tragic airline crash sadly symbolises the fall of democracy in Asia.
It appears that everyone in the Korean government is facing the possibility of impeachment by the parliament once again. Korean conservatives seem overly optimistic about the situation. Online, it seems that media outlets and broadcast companies are in unanimous agreement, relentlessly swaying public opinion in favor of impeachment. The prosecution and police appear indifferent to conducting a fair investigation, acting more like hunting dogs. This raises the question, "What kind of rule of law is this?" The far-left legislative National Assembly is encouraging lawlessness. I am increasingly worried that President Yoon may not endure this crisis to lead the country away from potential disaster.
The opposition leader, Lee Jae-Myung, and the left-wing factions in Korea have shown a blatant disregard for the United States. Meanwhile, the United States remains patient and diplomatic. The leftists, however, are known to hide their assets abroad, and many of their children are American citizens. So why, then, is America hesitating, with its characteristic diplomacy?
윤석열대통령님 ~승리이십니다ㅡ힘내십시요
Plz save south korea
탄핵무효 탄핵무효~~
탄핵 반대 시위 입니다 대통령이 돌아오길 염원하는 시위 입니다
탄핵반대 집회입니다. 영상 및 제목 수정 해주세요!!
윤대통령님 지지합니다!!!
윤대통령님 지지합니다
There has been a noticeable increase in support for president Yoon recently as people have begun to realize that martial law was necessary and justified when he declared it. Opposition leader Lee Jae-myung should be locked up for all this chaos.
Thumbenail is wrong. More people did not agree to the impeachment of President Yun.
South Koreans want President Yoon to get back to his office as soon as possible.
This is incorrect title.
It is the gathering to protect the president Yoon.
fake news
대한민국 언론들이 감추는 탄핵반대 집회 여기서는 완벽하게 보여줘서 감사합니다
This protestants are demanding Lee JaeMyung to leave, not the president Yoon
In addition, the title is wrong. Those are the people who are protecting President Yoon, and protecting S. Korea from communists.
제목이 반대로 됨. 좌파언론인가요?
Headline is misleading. More and more people are realizing that martial arts was necessary and why he had to do it. He and the people of Korea are fighting to keep the Democracy.
이 영상 영어자막이 반대로 나와 있습니다.
한국국민들이 윤대통령의 사임을 원하다라고 나와있습니다. 이 영상을 보지마세요.
해외언론보도는 나가는데 국내언론보도는 심각해
탄핵 무효 탄핵 반대합니다
탄핵반대 자유대한민국 지키자!
공수본(군.경). 민노총이 관저습격시 특수주거침입죄
공무방해죄로 바로체포및 발포가능 하지않나요
공수본은 직권남용체포죄. 영장판사는 직권남용체포죄의 공범으로 고발하십시다
Stop The Steal
Koreana- 'Hand In Hand'
윤석열대통령 'The Victory'
한국언론의 선전이 안 먹히니
외국언론까지 동원하느라 바쁘구나
윤석열대통령님 응원합니다 !!!!!!!
우린 공산당이 싫어요!!!!
여기다 글 쓰시는 한국분들 여기 영어로 탄핵지지 라고 써놨어요!!! 우리가 윤대통령의 사의를 원한다고요!!!
Title should be "South Korean support president Yoon"
The picture people tored is the leader of opposition party, who is the criminal and firebrand.
탄핵반대 합니다 민주당의 입법독재 ,무한탄핵으로 무정부 상태로 만든게 바로 내란입니다
제목 바꿔주세요. 탄핵 반대입니다.