Enjoyed the critical discussion by the shaykh but he did not come to a conclusion, whether learning Logic is still relevant to studying Islamic Sciences
If you had paid carefull attention then you would have known. And If Islamic sciences are still the same then why wouldn't you learn logic. You needed logic in Islamic golden age to firmly grasp Islamic sciences and now also
The way shaykh described the aims of logic and it's use is just amazing.
Maashallah Shaykh
He is by far the most brilliant alive scholar that I know
Amazing !!
Enjoyed the critical discussion by the shaykh but he did not come to a conclusion, whether learning Logic is still relevant to studying Islamic Sciences
If you had paid carefull attention then you would have known.
If Islamic sciences are still the same then why wouldn't you learn logic.
You needed logic in Islamic golden age to firmly grasp Islamic sciences and now also
@@servantoftheexpander9688 Are you for real?
I wonder if he plans to translate his urdu article on summarizing Greek logic into english
Greek logic was changed when it came to Islamic civilization and also developed like for example formal system of
modal logic by ibn Sina.
al-Farabi was from Faryab Khorasan ( Afghanistan ). not Bokhara
and also Avecina from Balkh Khorasan ( Afghanistan )
Science is a science.if Islamic science is so dear then stop using Jews or chritian science😂
*insufficient brain cells detected to comprehend subject matter*