WHO IS THAT!? The Apothecary Diaries - 1x5 - Covert Operations

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheReactPack
    @TheReactPack  5 місяців тому +6

    Episodes 1-23 available on our Patreon!

    • @PuffleGlurp
      @PuffleGlurp 3 місяці тому

      It is pronounced: [ Flaj-Jill-lation ] "Flajilation", the G makes a J sound. Flagellation
      The wriggly arms of bacteria are called "Flagella" since they're like whips and "wriggle around" (flagelate) to help the germ move.
      Flagellation = Flogging, the Eunuch was tied up to a wooden frame or post and flogged by wooden poles.
      Eunuchs are young boys who were castrated (had just the scrotum and balls removed, the wiener remains) hence they grew up without secondary sex characteristics and had low sex drives due to lack of testosterone, and hence were considered safe to keep in harems and around women.
      They'd often become quite powerful in Chinese courts and quite good at court intrigue, throughout history. Many Eunuchs rose to high positions in the court and became famous generals and explorers too, like Zheng He.
      Eunuchs were used in Ottoman Courts too and other Eastern imperial courts. It's sorta' like an extreme version of being a priest, with a life dedicated to service towards the emperor and the imperial court/nation.

  • @shadowwordpain3138
    @shadowwordpain3138 5 місяців тому +133

    Guy: "I've been cursed! 😭😱"
    Maomao: "Here's a benadryl, pls calm down."

    • @AndresGomez-ct7qb
      @AndresGomez-ct7qb 5 місяців тому +6

      In China, people still give a lot of credence to TCM and things we'd view as superstition.
      Even nowadays people talk about cold or 'dampness' as being the cause of poor health because it 'wounds your Qi'. And not just popular superstition, but it's actually taught in close proximity to clinical medicine.

    • @yakamen
      @yakamen 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@AndresGomez-ct7qb I can attest to this as the grown child of a traditional Asian woman.

  • @AndresGomez-ct7qb
    @AndresGomez-ct7qb 5 місяців тому +57

    One thing the show has only established peripherally is that family did use to sell their kids off. MaoMao mentioned it with the "Buyers can't differentiate between regular people selling off their kids for it to be one less mouth to feed and kidnappers."
    This show only shows it in the background of the world-building, but that era was ruthless. Like, just keep in mind human rights weren't even a concept at that point.
    And even for the consorts/concubines being treated as property, that might have been one of the luckiest positions a person could find themselves in that era.

  • @Padenjs
    @Padenjs 6 місяців тому +50

    Since she got promoted to a handmaiden she's been allowed to write home to her dad, it comes up later that she's been writing home to her father and the brothel. It just hasn't shown that yet for whatever reason.

    • @TheReactPack
      @TheReactPack  6 місяців тому +13

      Oh I didn't know she was writing to them the whole time! That makes me feel better. -Sam

  • @Okkotsu86275
    @Okkotsu86275 6 місяців тому +61

    I agree Sam, the color scheme of this show is very pretty and vibrant.

    • @TheReactPack
      @TheReactPack  6 місяців тому +5

      It’s gorgeous! -Sam

    • @Okkotsu86275
      @Okkotsu86275 6 місяців тому

      ​@@TheReactPack Indeed, it's very pretty

  • @thesmilingtitan
    @thesmilingtitan 6 місяців тому +49

    Fucking love how you guys are loving Jinshi X Maomao
    Its so much fun.
    Maomao is probably one of the best written female characters of revent years adapted into anime

    • @TheReactPack
      @TheReactPack  6 місяців тому +14

      They're cuuuute, ahh the young love ~ and yes, she's so intuitive I love her - Morgan

  • @sammed473
    @sammed473 5 місяців тому +46

    12:30 "She looks related to Jinshi." Agreed........

  • @Le7emeChat
    @Le7emeChat 5 місяців тому +20

    They don't "talk" to their family, they communicate with their damily, thru letters and messages.
    The rear palace is a near close space entering and, more importantly, exiting is done only on special autorisation, or special role, like Jinshi.

  • @Bayard1503
    @Bayard1503 5 місяців тому +14

    The ladies in waiting for the consorts are from high noble families themselves... they are not captive there. They could leave, even marry, probably with the accord of their employers, the consorts. On the other hand all the working ladies in the palace are in indentured servitude if not outright slaves...

  • @2879BKR
    @2879BKR 5 місяців тому +9

    The thing with this show is... every little thing can matter. Tidbits they sprinkle in the early episodes come back again later on. So much fun to see things when they come full circle.

    • @charliegollmar6259
      @charliegollmar6259 5 місяців тому +2

      100% agree. This show is one of the best I've seen in tying everything together and making almost every little detail come into play later.

  • @hhound4283
    @hhound4283 5 місяців тому +15

    Actually in the LN it says Maomao tried tattooing freckles on but it didn't work very well and her dad disapproved of her attempt. Skin blemishes back then would looked down upon reminding people of the rashes that would break out from plagues.

    • @craigpayne3265
      @craigpayne3265 4 місяці тому +1

      I think it also looks less extensive in the anime than it's described in the novels, where it's implied the freckles cover a lot more of her face.

    • @hhound4283
      @hhound4283 4 місяці тому +1

      @@craigpayne3265 And the LN talks about her failed attempts at tattooing freckles.

  • @AnGush33
    @AnGush33 5 місяців тому +22

    "Why is a little girl on top?" It doesn't have anything to do with the "performance", it's a status thing. The four of them are the candidates into being the emperors wife so they have to come from the most noble and powerful family, that's it.

  • @pinoyj316
    @pinoyj316 7 місяців тому +24

    Y'all are knocking it out of the park in what anime you choose to react to! I got into Frieren first cuz of y'all and now I'm getting engrossed into this series! The ups and downs of emotions, pretty much soup opera the anime lol. Hopefully this series doesn't take a turn for the dark like Made in abyss T_T

    • @TheReactPack
      @TheReactPack  7 місяців тому +11

      Ahhh!! Hopefully not! This series is quickly becoming one of my favs!! -Morgan

    • @biazacha
      @biazacha 5 місяців тому

      Soap opera, but make it anime is how I describe it as well lol

    •  5 місяців тому

      Both Frieren and Apothecary are so good 😁

  • @toddwilliams374
    @toddwilliams374 5 місяців тому +5

    Y’all got the remember in that era “human rights “ weren’t really a thing , women for the most part were seen as objects, being someone concubine were probably the best thing at that time

  • @kevint4673
    @kevint4673 5 місяців тому +4

    "Why is the little girl in the top four" "I dont want to think about it" 💀💀

  • @Chiraq872
    @Chiraq872 5 місяців тому

    😍Dani🥰Today’s our last day. We return the rentals to the airport in the morning and catch our flight back home. My brothers left early as hell to make the drive back to Chicago. They had things we couldn’t get on a plane. I never been to Myrtle Beach. Murda and I always went to South Beach. We been going there since eighteen, it’s regular now. We agreed on a trip to Puerto Rico, Bianca was smiling from ear to ear. We have to make sure everything is clean before we leave, I don’t want them people charging my card for a cleaning fee. Soo is like a drill sergeant when it comes to cleaning up.😂I’ll finish watching later. On BD.

  • @mehzgirl5044
    @mehzgirl5044 5 місяців тому

    Watching this series with you guys love seeing your reactions ❤❤

  • @luvBB4lyf
    @luvBB4lyf 5 місяців тому +2

    Sam: “she looks related to Jinshi”
    Me: 👀👀👀👀👀

  • @eizy1010
    @eizy1010 5 місяців тому +1

    Next episode gonna be lovely,wild & pretty good....Some good information will be shown 😂

  • @dhamon45
    @dhamon45 5 місяців тому

    He got one look without her freckles and RAM usage hit 100%

  • @terrystormrunner5116
    @terrystormrunner5116 5 місяців тому

    And just like that, anime already made a waaaaay more compelling commentary on the dangers that women faces than She-Hulk. I hope the people at Hollywood are taking notes.

  • @DesertHomesteader
    @DesertHomesteader 5 місяців тому

    Freckles are definitely not "ugly." I think on the right person, they can be very attractive. That said, it can be hard to tell on some darker-skinned Asian girls whether they are freckles, sun spots or blemishes. Also, consider the time period - "perfection" was the ideal. That said (and I posted this recently in another channel) - male predators don't necessarily care about how you look. It is more about power and control and simply finding someone weaker can bring out those predatory instincts. Always be careful out there!

  • @sleepyllama3510
    @sleepyllama3510 5 місяців тому +2

    In this case freckles were seen “ugly” because they are a sign of sun damage. Commoners and low class will be out in the sun to do labour work while higher class gets to stay in. It’s just to show the difference in class.

  • @avatardm
    @avatardm 5 місяців тому

    1x4 and 1x5 are not added to the Apothecary playlist.

  • @ryuu5109
    @ryuu5109 5 місяців тому +1

    i love your reactions, maybe you can react to anime "Black Clover" this is so good

  • @hazarulsutoto5374
    @hazarulsutoto5374 5 місяців тому

    If only you do some Cosplay... i want to see you as the Trio Lady-in-waiting...

  • @esialee3899
    @esialee3899 5 місяців тому +1


  • @KoreasTina
    @KoreasTina 5 місяців тому +1

    Flagellation is pronounced "fla-gel-ayshun!" Gel not gull.

  • @NileSwimmer
    @NileSwimmer 6 місяців тому +4

    1:05 you mean superstitious?
    Tbh i think Mao mao might be ace. Like she gets why girls fond jinchi attractive but she doesn't feel him like that lol.

    • @Praewee_
      @Praewee_ 5 місяців тому +1

      I feel like she might be aroace cause she doesn't have romantic feelings for anyone either

    • @RatoInsano
      @RatoInsano 5 місяців тому

      You guys don't get it, Maomao just like her men toxic is all.

    • @user-nh5iz8xu7y
      @user-nh5iz8xu7y 5 місяців тому +2

      She is definitely not it's more like she doesn't like the personal of jinshi the 24 year old eunuch

    • @Praewee_
      @Praewee_ 5 місяців тому

      @@user-nh5iz8xu7y but she's not interested in anyone romantically

  • @BobbyMoore2-mp8wb
    @BobbyMoore2-mp8wb 5 місяців тому


  • @RedPillCosby-012
    @RedPillCosby-012 5 місяців тому

    In the walking dead . You had cover yourself in Walker blood to his amongst The walkers . In Zom 100 it can human 💩 but why not dirt this actually ruins hole show anything to cover your small dish soap colony motor oil. Human 💩 is worst thing to hide in when hiding from creatures tracted to human small.

  • @sankalpjaiswal9707
    @sankalpjaiswal9707 2 місяці тому

    5:51 imagine she did this in the west during the middle age and they executed her for being a witch

  • @Small_munkai_eatyou
    @Small_munkai_eatyou 5 місяців тому

    im so earlyyy

  • @KoreasTina
    @KoreasTina 5 місяців тому +1

    Flagellation is pronounced "fla-gel-ayshun!" Gel not gull.