One of the best definitions I heard of that defines what a cult is: It’s not about how an organization treats you when you try to get in, but rather how they treat you when you try to leave.
Isa 30:8 guy focus a great deal on here..on those who are excluded by reason of Gods name Reference to how they call out your name and say you are no longer one of jehivahs witnesses.. That it fulfills prophecy It's not something that's just out of whimsy Isa 66 foretold it. What's the point of it ? It does many things.. It engenders hatred When the policy on shunning is added. If you're interested in the mechanics of it And how prophecy fits Ezek 38 runs alongside it. Unprotected settlements are Created With vulnerable victims..causes are varied.. But it is noticed they need defending We didn't have a complete understanding Of fulfillment of prophecy That comes after..doesn't it Even a letter ..adds that special touch Building our confidence in the inspired word. He had no axe to grind before Having personally given the witness family an award..its as seen on youtube.. Made to turn around by jah Who placed hooks in his jaws.. Banned as extreme and confiscating their properties What was the cause ? They were breaking up..shattering to pieces so many families.. Do those words or sentiments appear in prophecy ? Rev 2:27 and elsewhere Look and see.. That's before the end of the system.. That's part of the closing scene ! Against Gog He calls for a sword He is Carrying on with wrath Rev 19:15-18 I see no Reference to compassion I see grapes..his feet with those of Gods crushing The wine..the end result will be worth the effort Did it mention birds ?..yes Consuming every kind of persons flesh Corona..meaning crown in latin Has the effect of unzipping our DNA and takes our breath away. Who on earth has not heard of it ? It's a pandemic.. Meanwhile ..the sentiment is of psalm 2 :3 on
Making them a subject for gehenna twice over.. Since 1919..they knew Like playing roles on TV They realised more But are discreet They wanted to look after the sheep But an iron rod is never going to do it No sheperd I ever heard of uses it. Without the curvy end..what use has it ? How on earth will he rescue wounded and weakened sheep from a deep ditch ? It's cold..harsh unfeeling ....that's yet another thing Look at the policies those words aptly describe them it seems to me. It Fulfills prophecy John 18:36
My parents faded a few decades ago. To my surprise my dad refused a blood transfusion two years ago and almost died. I realized I needed to find videos to help deprogram from the deep indoctrination. I think your videos could be very helpful to those that have left, but are somewhat still mentally indoctrinated. If it wasn’t for the blood refusal, I would just leave him be . I can’t tell you the horrible feeling I had standing outside the ER with my hysterical mother. I asked the doctor if he would take blood from myself or my brother that are O negative and if hospital policy even allows it . I was desperate to help. This was when they didn’t allow visitors and I couldn’t go plead with him or say goodbye. The blood indoctrination is very traumatic for all involved. Again, thank you!
Excellent video! Thoroughly enjoyed listening to this! I had my own similar experience, kind of Eureka moment when I was younger... We were street witnessing and a lady held my arm and said "I feel so sorry for you, one day you will see that you're in a cult and not a religion".. Those words stuck with me for some reason and low and behold she was spot on! God bless that woman🙏 wherever she is now!
@@ucanliv4ever I wouldn’t say that I’m “into boxing” but since learning that I have to take my own personal steps to protect my family and myself I thought it wise to learn some kind of skill that would help me defend us lol if the situation ever presented itself. Boxing is my chosen skill/craft in the event I need to resort to it in some kind of emergency.
Excellent Excellent video!!!! Absolutely Loved the absolute way you described this CULT. The ACCURACY WAS 100% CORRECT.!!!!!!.. So glad to see a young person that is articulating the information in a very simple and easy way. Using very very good and truthful examples of how this culture works. Thanks so much!!! Please keep doing what you are doing.
@@exjwdiaries I am so so very very proud of you. You are what the definition of a real HERO is. Seriously. You are going to have a great impact on other young people to get the courage 💪 to leave this culture. FEAR 😨 is from SATAN. SO GLAD YOU ARE NO LONGER AFRAID OF NOTHING...
@@exjwdiaries I was never a JWs and my only experience with their church was agreeing to do Bible Studies with them in college. This lasted several months and ended when I graduated and moved back home. These were very awkward Bible Studies because the JWs never answered any of my critical thinking questions...not even one! They often tried to rush through lessons knowing a critical question 🙋 would come up. I would ask a question and then total silence! After the silence they'll say, "You know due to limited time let's not get off course or we'll research and address that for next week studies" What they could not get was that I sincerely wanted to understand their teachings but more importantly wanted clarification and irrefutable proof directly from the Bible which ironically one was never opened. It was all digital literature from an iPad and click this verse here. I realized that I was receiving a lot of answers that couldn't be questioned and had a lot of questions they wouldn't answer. In conclusion I could never join a group or church were I could not question their teachings for further clarification or understanding. It's literally a form of mind control at that point if I did.
First of all I had acknowledge how handsome you are❤️ I recently woke up after being raised in this organization. I'm binge watching all the "apostate" videos to see for myself how "bad" they are that the GB keeps emphasize to stay away from. I'm glad I came across your channel. You're very articulate and informative. Thank you!
I really enjoy your videos. I am not a JW, but have lived among them for many years. My mother and her brothers are witnesses and I have a "working" knowledge" of what they are and how they behave. My mother had tried to get me to go to assemblys, but I just couldn't! Keep up the good work. Maybe do a segment on how they rewrote the bible. How none of the JW translators were qualified. Couldn't translate the simpliest Hebrew/Greek alphabet, but yet rewrote sacred scripture. Thanks again for your hard work.
@@exjwdiaries rev 2:27 & rev 19:15 pretty much say the same in all translations..Iron rod for sheperding..Christ..imagine that ! What a disadvantage for the wounded sheep especially in the event they end up in trouble emotionally weakened in a ditch. That's now bro.. Because verses 17&18 are currently happening . Its not literal is's symbolic. It was my personal error in misunderstanding that too
Disassociated myself and moved away so that I can isolate myself so that my all my family members do not know what I'm doing or have access to me but only through phone.
The implications of leaving are huge aren't they.. When we observe how harshly others ( sheep) are treated when the iron rod is wielded.. Is it not strange that its Christ that s given an rod of iron to sheperd sheep ? Rev 2:27 & 19:15 ? seems to me ..that rev 19:17&18 is not far far ahead..its not after Har looks like that's whats happening now..instead.
@Darlene C -- were you born in? -- what made you leave? I'm asking because I find it interesting that some people who were born in gave up generations of family relations once they woke up. That takes a lot of strength.
@@Ava2969ny When the elders had been consulted over some sensitive issue We would hear them say When their hands were tied Through lack of sufficient evidence Leave it to Jehovah Little did we know that That said issue was to be included in a folder.. To be looked at later.. Now That folders fat..there are thousands of such cases Tied up in a controversy In the book of Revelation It refers to it The right time For an accounting As the two witnesses The minimum required for truth to be established. You can only get one or two coincidences before you conclude It's meant to be.
I am far less suicidal now that I have been out of the cult for 12 years. It has taken me years to sort thru the mental and emotional damage. The thing that really woke me up was my parents telling me Armageddon will come before I graduate high school. No college or vocational training for me. Then, after struggling to survive, my parents told me to just pioneer. Then it occurred to me in an article about Satan being a deceiver when he told Eve "You positively will not die." The first lie. The organization taught me "You positively will not die." Then the generation came and went. Then the overlapping generation. Sheesh, Im so glad to be free. I dont miss my family and never want to see my parents again.
most of their books are obsolete now. the book i studied in was the Lie Forever book. errrr i mean Live Forever . . . now completely old light and obsolete. i still can’t find the chapter on 1975 and shunning. 🤷♀️
All what u said in this Video is 100percent the Truth. I was 37years with the Organisation as ministarial Servant and Elder and knew all what you said about mind Controls of the JW. Tanx for clearing this with the one still in the Organisation and those who are having Doubts in respect of JW Teachings
Excellent summaries in this video buddy! When you were listing the typical schedule for a witness, I just could not believe that that was my life for so long. You had just about zero time for anything else!
Yeah seriously! Being a JW requires so much time and when I was appointed a Ministerial servant the time sink just got deeper and deeper. I can imagine it was even worse when you were an elder.
This I so interesting because here in Central NJ & a certain congregation/area in Brooklyn NY which I am very familiar with ( I'm not a jw- just related to). They partayyyy, ok gatherings always include alcohol. There are lots of trips with the cliques. There's definitely a lot of fashion & clothes with logos etc. They watch & listen to secular movies. TV & music! They do it all. I always hold my tongue. I guess cognitive dissociation at its best.
The silencing of criticism is one of the main reasons I left. If you ask any jw what they think about other cults and religions that tell their members to never listen to ANYONE who criticizes said religion, they'd say something like :" how can they know the truth if they only listen to the religion's leaders? " but then fail to realize that they should think the same about watchtower
IKR! How we would talk about those who were clearly under the manipulation of their leaders! Of course it was spoken of in the most degrading manner… almost disbelief that ANYONE could fall for it!! No JW believes that they are those very people.
Excellent and important video to get out this information, thank you. I also appreciate learning that a cult does not have to meet every single criteria of Stephen Hassan’s BITE model.
when i was a dub, we weren’t allowed to wear any type of shirt that had a written message or logo, and i once got counseled by two other female dubs about braiding my very long hair into a double french braid saying that it was “pretty” but probably not something a worshiper of Jehovah should do- something about the “external braiding of one’s hair. “
@NonCoinCollector i don’t doubt that. other dubs in my pacific northwest congregation did too. they just i didn’t like it when i did it. for whatever reason.
@NonCoinCollector they were alway total bitches to me from day one. i am not a born in. i was recruited when i was 25 and i just didn’t fit in, i guess.
So inflexible..Iron rod rev 2 :27& 19:15 Is verse 27 talking about families being broken apart ? Is ezek 38,s unprotected souls included a feature that contributed to them being considered extreme..and what happened to their properties ?? Observation is good..but along with prophecy..builds faith.. GOD ALMIGHTY has unbeatable strategy !
Your videos are OnPoint! Well organized! Evidence of how good a witness you were. I'm out now, I left and thanks to the grace of Jesus Christ, I've moved on ! The best reason to extricate oneself from that cult is as a result of answering the call of the True Shepherd when he's calling you out. I have discovered that witnesses leave for so many "wrong" reasons. I speak with love and conviction for all fellowmen. Whatever organization or cult or practices you have been following, leave Babylon with urgent conviction. Then after you have left , know this, the road to working out your salvation would have just begun. The Bible says Jesus is the way the Truth and the life! Call on His name .... Literally and you shall be saved. 🙏💕🇯🇲
Never ever enough is so true!!! I never forget the example of the woman with no arms and no legs who was pioneering and using her tongue to flip thru the magazines and people were pushing her from door to door, or the two men in Africa one was blind and the other couldn't walk so they teamed up and the blind one was pushing the handicapped one in the wheelchair to pioneer. Or the paraplegic who was using a machine that could read his blinks to type out talks and stuff!!I would always feel so awful afterwards thinking how dare I make excuses after these examples
Looking in from the outside. Watching a family member transform to a cult member is incredibly frustrating. Seeing their brain get taken over and blocked off and being powerless to do anything meaningful. This preaches family family family but it's the cult family they are talking about. Real flesh and blood families mean nothing to these people
@@karenmoody2763 so sorry to hear I would say its like being handcuffed and gagged with a knee pushed into your spine while watching your loved ones are being kidnapped in ultra ultra slow motion
Half of my family were JW's & half were not; I was the half that was Not. However, that did not stop my siblings that were from ostracizing me when I disagreed with them & they would not allow their children, my nieces and nephews to visit me. They told their children that they did not have to listen to me because I was worldly.
That’s prayer in reference to thought stopping. So teaching members to pray when they have a thought that goes against the cult. For example a witness may have a disagreement with one of the watchtower teachings and an elder may give them counsel and tell them to pray about it.
Every religion has a problem, doctrine, a belief that you can not question no matter what, since it is the truth told by God and his prophets. The person/people who wields this unquestionable truth holds an immense power. The momment we stop being able to question things we open up doors for other players to take advantage and seize power, it's always been like this and it will always be, after all it's in our nature.
I am disfellowshipped and yet, do not believe that it is a cult. . So what is it? . I believe that it really is Jesus Christs Kingdom infested with weeds and completely undermined by Satan. . So how is the wheat going to be separated from the weeds? . Consider this end time prophecy that can only be fulfilled by Jehovah's Witnesses: . Isaiah 66:5 Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.” . [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME . HATED + EXCLUDED = REJOICE . Do you see why it can only be fulfilled by Jehovah's Witnesses and that it is the disfellowshipped who will eventually rejoice? . Compare this to what Jesus Christ said: . Luke 6:22-23 HAPPY are YOU whenever men hate YOU, and whenever they exclude YOU and reproach YOU and cast out YOUR name as wicked for the sake of the Son of man. 23 Rejoice in that day . [NAME of person] is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses ---->> cast out YOUR NAME . HATED + EXCLUDED = REJOICE . I'm HAPPY! . Instead of looking for something righteous to identify "true religion" look for what Jesus Christ and the rest of the bible said would happen! . Undermined by Satan? . Millions Now Living Will Never Die . You positively will not die . 2 Thessalonians 2:11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing THE LIE. . But hold on! All those millions are now dead. . Isaiah 28:18 And YOUR covenant with Death will certainly be dissolved, and that vision of YOURS with She´ol will not stand. . It is not a cult. It really is Jesus Christs Kingdom infested with weeds. . What Jesus Christ said would happen, is really happening! . Mark 10:29-30 Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things everlasting life. . It's true! . John 16:22 YOU also, therefore, are now, indeed, having grief; but I shall see YOU again and YOUR hearts will rejoice, and YOUR joy no one will take from YOU. . HATED + EXCLUDED = REJOICE . YOUR joy no one will take from YOU . Jesus Christ is AWESOME. .
@@dirkfirkle ----- Only Jehovah's Witnesses can fulfill this end time prophecy. Right now it is being abundantly fulfilled all around the world! . Isaiah 66:5 Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.” . [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME . . It has been in every Christians bible for 2000 years. Go ahead and read it in every bible translation. . We really are now living during the time of the end. . The Jehovah's Witnesses are not just an ordinary cult. They are fulfilling end time prophecy in exquisite detail. . .
Hear the word of the LORD, You who tremble at His word: “Your brethren who hated you, Who cast you out for My name’s sake Are there any other denominations casting brothers out for Gods NAME sake? . . An end time prophecy being abundantly fulfilled in every language and nation all around the world! . [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH'S Witnesses ---->> cast you out for My name’s sake . . Go to the Hebrew source and understand what is being replaced by "LORD" in Isaiah 66:5 above. . . If you don't think it is happening now then you will have to wait for another end time when the exact same things happen according to the way God described in Isaiah 66:5 . .
@@dirkfirkle ---- I was cast out because I disagreed with JW Theology and instead took a stand for Jesus Christ and his commandments: . This might help you understand: . Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and ** GODS SPIRIT DIRECTED ORGANIZATION ** teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. . I came to the conclusion that any men who had the repulsive audacity to re-invent Jesus Christs baptism must then think they are better than him! They must think that they are also gods. . 2 Thessalonians 2:4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god. . Fulfilling even more bible prophecy in exquisite detail. . They are not a cult! . .
@@dirkfirkle --- What makes you think I'm protecting them? . They are all going to perish! . 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents 10 and with every unrighteous deception for ** THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING ** as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. 11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing THE LIE . Millions Now Living Will Never Die . You positively will not die . The operation of Satan. . What the bible said would happen, is really happening! . They believe THE LIE. . Which means ........ it's NOT a cult! . . Why is that so difficult for EX-JWs to understand? . . If you are still having problems understanding this then keep asking questions. . .
@@dirkfirkle ---- Yes! I am certain that the Governing Body recognizes that those millions now living who would never die are now ALL DEAD! . According to their promise those millions should NOT have died and instead should now be living on a paradise earth! . They have NOT come out and admitted this however, they are indeed obliged to say in their hearts; "my master is delaying": . Matthew 24:48-51 “But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘MY MASTER IS DELAYING,’ 49 and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50 the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51 and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. . So who really is the faithful and discreet slave? . My conviction is this: . Romans 9:25-26 It is as he says also in Ho·se´a: “Those not my people I will call ‘MY PEOPLE,’ and her who was not beloved ‘beloved’; 26 and in the place where it was said to them, ‘YOU are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’” . [Name of person] is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses ---->> ‘YOU are not my people,’ . MY PEOPLE! . If you also are a disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witness then according to this prophecy found in the Book of Hosea, YOU are my brother: . Hosea 2:1-2 “SAY to YOUR brothers, ‘MY PEOPLE!’ and to YOUR sisters, ‘O woman shown mercy!’ . But why would being disfellowshipped mean that God has shown us mercy? . Otherwise we would also perish! . Just like the days of Lot! . Now keep reading in Romans Chapter 9: . Romans 9:29 Also, just as Isaiah had said aforetime: “Unless Jehovah of armies had left a seed to us, we should have become just like SODOM and we should have been made just like GOMORRAH.” . Do you see why I tremble at Gods word? . Isaiah 66:5 Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are TREMBLING AT HIS WORD: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.” . [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME . YOUR brothers that are hating YOU
One of the best definitions I heard of that defines what a cult is:
It’s not about how an organization treats you when you try to get in, but rather how they treat you when you try to leave.
Isa 30:8 guy focus a great deal on here..on those who are excluded by reason of Gods name
Reference to how they call out your name and say you are no longer one of jehivahs witnesses..
That it fulfills prophecy
It's not something that's just out of whimsy
Isa 66 foretold it.
What's the point of it ?
It does many things..
It engenders hatred
When the policy on shunning is added.
If you're interested in the mechanics of it
And how prophecy fits
Ezek 38 runs alongside it.
Unprotected settlements are Created
With vulnerable victims..causes are varied..
But it is noticed they need defending
We didn't have a complete understanding
Of fulfillment of prophecy
That comes after..doesn't it
Even a letter ..adds that special touch
Building our confidence in the inspired word.
He had no axe to grind before
Having personally given the witness family an award..its as seen on youtube..
Made to turn around by jah
Who placed hooks in his jaws..
Banned as extreme and confiscating their properties
What was the cause ?
They were breaking up..shattering to pieces so many families..
Do those words or sentiments appear in prophecy ? Rev 2:27 and elsewhere
Look and see..
That's before the end of the system..
That's part of the closing scene !
Against Gog
He calls for a sword
He is Carrying on with wrath
Rev 19:15-18
I see no Reference to compassion
I see grapes..his feet with those of Gods crushing
The wine..the end result will be worth the effort
Did it mention birds ?..yes
Consuming every kind of persons flesh
Corona..meaning crown in latin
Has the effect of unzipping our DNA
and takes our breath away.
Who on earth has not heard of it ?
It's a pandemic..
Meanwhile ..the sentiment is of psalm 2 :3 on
Making them a subject for gehenna twice over..
Since 1919..they knew
Like playing roles on TV
They realised more
But are discreet
They wanted to look after the sheep
But an iron rod is never going to do it
No sheperd I ever heard of uses it.
Without the curvy end..what use has it ?
How on earth will he rescue wounded and weakened sheep from a deep ditch ?
It's cold..harsh unfeeling
....that's yet another thing
Look at the policies
those words aptly describe them
it seems to me.
It Fulfills prophecy
John 18:36
That is definitions of an abusive relationship.
My parents faded a few decades ago. To my surprise my dad refused a blood transfusion two years ago and almost died. I realized I needed to find videos to help deprogram from the deep indoctrination. I think your videos could be very helpful to those that have left, but are somewhat still mentally indoctrinated. If it wasn’t for the blood refusal, I would just leave him be . I can’t tell you the horrible feeling I had standing outside the ER with my hysterical mother. I asked the doctor if he would take blood from myself or my brother that are O negative and if hospital policy even allows it . I was desperate to help. This was when they didn’t allow visitors and I couldn’t go plead with him or say goodbye. The blood indoctrination is very traumatic for all involved. Again, thank you!
This is the most digestible presentation of the BITE model I've seen to date!! Thank you!!
Thank you! Means a lot!
Excellent video!
Thoroughly enjoyed listening to this!
I had my own similar experience, kind of Eureka moment when I was younger... We were street witnessing and a lady held my arm and said "I feel so sorry for you, one day you will see that you're in a cult and not a religion"..
Those words stuck with me for some reason and low and behold she was spot on!
God bless that woman🙏 wherever she is now!
@@ucanliv4ever I wouldn’t say that I’m “into boxing” but since learning that I have to take my own personal steps to protect my family and myself I thought it wise to learn some kind of skill that would help me defend us lol if the situation ever presented itself.
Boxing is my chosen skill/craft in the event I need to resort to it in some kind of emergency.
I don't want to get sweaty and dirty. I just rack the slide.
Excellent Excellent video!!!! Absolutely Loved the absolute way you described this CULT. The ACCURACY WAS 100% CORRECT.!!!!!!.. So glad to see a young person that is articulating the information in a very simple and easy way. Using very very good and truthful examples of how this culture works. Thanks so much!!! Please keep doing what you are doing.
Thank you so much! There’s a lot more on the way no more holding back.
@@exjwdiaries I am so so very very proud of you. You are what the definition of a real HERO is. Seriously. You are going to have a great impact on other young people to get the courage 💪 to leave this culture. FEAR 😨 is from SATAN. SO GLAD YOU ARE NO LONGER AFRAID OF NOTHING...
@@exjwdiaries I was never a JWs and my only experience with their church was agreeing to do Bible Studies with them in college. This lasted several months and ended when I graduated and moved back home.
These were very awkward Bible Studies because the JWs never answered any of my critical thinking questions...not even one!
They often tried to rush through lessons knowing a critical question 🙋 would come up. I would ask a question and then total silence! After the silence they'll say, "You know due to limited time let's not get off course or we'll research and address that for next week studies"
What they could not get was that I sincerely wanted to understand their teachings but more importantly wanted clarification and irrefutable proof directly from the Bible which ironically one was never opened. It was all digital literature from an iPad and click this verse here.
I realized that I was receiving a lot of answers that couldn't be questioned and had a lot of questions they wouldn't answer.
In conclusion I could never join a group or church were I could not question their teachings for further clarification or understanding. It's literally a form of mind control at that point if I did.
@@ucanliv4ever YOU.
Great content , accurate, truthful,, sincere. I can vouch for all of it, mom hasn't talked to me in 35 years !!!
Can't believe you're 30. Thought you were in early 20s. Keep doing what you're doing man. Great videos btw.
😂 So glad my 20s are over. Spent the first half in a cult and the 2nd half trying to escape the cult and rebuild myself. My 30s are my come back!
First of all I had acknowledge how handsome you are❤️
I recently woke up after being raised in this organization. I'm binge watching all the "apostate" videos to see for myself how "bad" they are that the GB keeps emphasize to stay away from.
I'm glad I came across your channel. You're very articulate and informative. Thank you!
😂 thank you! Glad you woke up! Those first couple years after waking up can be a little tough but stay strong 💪
I really enjoy your videos. I am not a JW, but have lived among them for many years. My mother and her brothers are witnesses and I have a "working" knowledge" of what they are and how they behave. My mother had tried to get me to go to assemblys, but I just couldn't! Keep up the good work. Maybe do a segment on how they rewrote the bible. How none of the JW translators were qualified. Couldn't translate the simpliest Hebrew/Greek alphabet, but yet rewrote sacred scripture. Thanks again for your hard work.
Yeah that’s a great idea! I’ll see if I can put that together in a way that gives it justice. The translations definitely have some issues
@@exjwdiaries rev 2:27 & rev 19:15 pretty much say the same in all translations..Iron rod for sheperding..Christ..imagine that !
What a disadvantage for the wounded sheep especially in the event they end up in trouble emotionally weakened in a ditch.
That's now bro..
Because verses 17&18 are currently happening .
Its not literal is's symbolic.
It was my personal error in misunderstanding that too
Disassociated myself and moved away so that I can isolate myself so that my all my family members do not know what I'm doing or have access to me but only through phone.
The implications of leaving are huge aren't they..
When we observe how harshly others
( sheep) are treated when the iron rod is wielded..
Is it not strange that its Christ that s given an rod of iron to sheperd sheep ?
Rev 2:27 & 19:15 ? seems to me ..that rev 19:17&18 is not far far ahead..its not after Har looks like that's whats happening now..instead.
@Darlene C -- were you born in? -- what made you leave? I'm asking because I find it interesting that some people who were born in gave up generations of family relations once they woke up. That takes a lot of strength.
When the elders had been consulted over some sensitive issue
We would hear them say
When their hands were tied
Through lack of sufficient evidence
Leave it to Jehovah
Little did we know that
That said issue was to be included in a folder..
To be looked at later..
Now That folders fat..there are thousands of such cases
Tied up in a controversy
In the book of Revelation
It refers to it
The right time
For an accounting
As the two witnesses
The minimum required for truth to be established.
You can only get one or two coincidences before you conclude
It's meant to be.
At least you had the decency to stay in touch with them.good for you.
I am far less suicidal now that I have been out of the cult for 12 years. It has taken me years to sort thru the mental and emotional damage. The thing that really woke me up was my parents telling me Armageddon will come before I graduate high school. No college or vocational training for me. Then, after struggling to survive, my parents told me to just pioneer.
Then it occurred to me in an article about Satan being a deceiver when he told Eve "You positively will not die." The first lie. The organization taught me "You positively will not die." Then the generation came and went. Then the overlapping generation. Sheesh, Im so glad to be free. I dont miss my family and never want to see my parents again.
How do you only have 2.6k subscribers? Aside from "Ex JW Thinker" you are my favorite Ex JW channel on UA-cam and I watch probably 90% of them.
Keep up the good work!
Greetings from Portugal!
most of their books are obsolete now. the book i studied in was the Lie Forever book. errrr i mean Live Forever . . . now completely old light and obsolete. i still can’t find the chapter on 1975 and shunning. 🤷♀️
All what u said in this Video is 100percent the Truth. I was 37years with the Organisation as ministarial Servant and Elder and knew all what you said about mind Controls of the JW. Tanx for clearing this with the one still in the Organisation and those who are having Doubts in respect of JW Teachings
Excellent summaries in this video buddy! When you were listing the typical schedule for a witness, I just could not believe that that was my life for so long. You had just about zero time for anything else!
Yeah seriously! Being a JW requires so much time and when I was appointed a Ministerial servant the time sink just got deeper and deeper. I can imagine it was even worse when you were an elder.
This I so interesting because here in Central NJ & a certain congregation/area in Brooklyn NY which I am very familiar with ( I'm not a jw- just related to). They partayyyy, ok gatherings always include alcohol. There are lots of trips with the cliques. There's definitely a lot of fashion & clothes with logos etc. They watch & listen to secular movies. TV & music! They do it all. I always hold my tongue. I guess cognitive dissociation at its best.
Yes, but, I bet they would not tell most in the congregation that.
Your video is TOO accurate! Spot on!! Great job!! Thumbs up!
The silencing of criticism is one of the main reasons I left. If you ask any jw what they think about other cults and religions that tell their members to never listen to ANYONE who criticizes said religion, they'd say something like :" how can they know the truth if they only listen to the religion's leaders? " but then fail to realize that they should think the same about watchtower
IKR! How we would talk about those who were clearly under the manipulation of their leaders! Of course it was spoken of in the most degrading manner… almost disbelief that ANYONE could fall for it!! No JW believes that they are those very people.
Great video...we love all your content and the animation style. Sending good vibes from your friends in the UK. Thanks for all your hard work😉.
So Much Respect for you making these videos. Not a follower of any religion, opens my eyes and mind!!
Wonderfull very informative 👏👏👏🙏
Excellent and important video to get out this information, thank you. I also appreciate learning that a cult does not have to meet every single criteria of Stephen Hassan’s BITE model.
Keep doing this good work. It is helping those of us who listen and understand.
Good job, good investigation.
when i was a dub, we weren’t allowed to wear any type of shirt that had a written message or logo, and i once got counseled by two other female dubs about braiding my very long hair into a double french braid saying that it was “pretty” but probably not something a worshiper of Jehovah should do- something about the “external braiding of one’s hair. “
i don’t doubt that. other dubs in my pacific northwest congregation did too. they just i didn’t like it when i did it. for whatever reason.
Yeah I’m in the Seattle area and it seems like the PNW JWs can be extra petty. Glad you’re free and you can have your hair how you want.
@NonCoinCollector they were alway total bitches to me from day one. i am not a born in. i was recruited when i was 25 and i just didn’t fit in, i guess.
So inflexible..Iron rod
rev 2 :27& 19:15
Is verse 27 talking about families being broken apart ?
Is ezek 38,s unprotected souls included a feature that contributed to them being considered extreme..and what happened to their properties ??
Observation is good..but along with prophecy..builds faith..
GOD ALMIGHTY has unbeatable strategy !
Your videos are OnPoint! Well organized! Evidence of how good a witness you were. I'm out now, I left and thanks to the grace of Jesus Christ, I've moved on ! The best reason to extricate oneself from that cult is as a result of answering the call of the True Shepherd when he's calling you out. I have discovered that witnesses leave for so many "wrong" reasons. I speak with love and conviction for all fellowmen. Whatever organization or cult or practices you have been following, leave Babylon with urgent conviction. Then after you have left , know this, the road to working out your salvation would have just begun. The Bible says Jesus is the way the Truth and the life! Call on His name .... Literally and you shall be saved. 🙏💕🇯🇲
Never ever enough is so true!!! I never forget the example of the woman with no arms and no legs who was pioneering and using her tongue to flip thru the magazines and people were pushing her from door to door, or the two men in Africa one was blind and the other couldn't walk so they teamed up and the blind one was pushing the handicapped one in the wheelchair to pioneer. Or the paraplegic who was using a machine that could read his blinks to type out talks and stuff!!I would always feel so awful afterwards thinking how dare I make excuses after these examples
Yep I remember that video too! So much comparing ourselves to others. Very emotionally toxic.
@@exjwdiaries now that I'm waking up it's actually funny that they go that far to shame us but truly sad too!
Omg why did this comment have me rolling on the floor…. Phuck I was duped 😂
Looking in from the outside. Watching a family member transform to a cult member is incredibly frustrating. Seeing their brain get taken over and blocked off and being powerless to do anything meaningful.
This preaches family family family but it's the cult family they are talking about. Real flesh and blood families mean nothing to these people
So true just like my family
@@karenmoody2763 so sorry to hear
I would say its like being handcuffed and gagged with a knee pushed into your spine while watching your loved ones are being kidnapped in ultra ultra slow motion
This video is on point. Thank you 😊
Very informative. Thank you
Very educational and informative!👍
great channel im glad i found you.
Yeaaah first here... Now let me watch your diary entry
Quick hands 😂
Love it
Great job bro.
Well done awesome
Thanks my bro...
Half of my family were JW's & half were not; I was the half that was Not. However, that did not stop my siblings that were from ostracizing me when I disagreed with them & they would not allow their children, my nieces and nephews to visit me. They told their children that they did not have to listen to me because I was worldly.
I left the JW organization--- and they did stuff to socially abuse me and use the group to attack me. It was terrible/is terrible..
It's curious that the BITE model declares prayer a symptom of 'cult' behavior. That's a bridge too far.
That’s prayer in reference to thought stopping. So teaching members to pray when they have a thought that goes against the cult. For example a witness may have a disagreement with one of the watchtower teachings and an elder may give them counsel and tell them to pray about it.
Every religion has a problem, doctrine, a belief that you can not question no matter what, since it is the truth told by God and his prophets. The person/people who wields this unquestionable truth holds an immense power. The momment we stop being able to question things we open up doors for other players to take advantage and seize power, it's always been like this and it will always be, after all it's in our nature.
Faster then Taco Bell 🌮 can send you to the restroom 😂 u are not lying 😂
I am disfellowshipped and yet, do not believe that it is a cult.
So what is it?
I believe that it really is Jesus Christs Kingdom infested with weeds and completely undermined by Satan.
So how is the wheat going to be separated from the weeds?
Consider this end time prophecy that can only be fulfilled by Jehovah's Witnesses:
Isaiah 66:5
Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”
[Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME
Do you see why it can only be fulfilled by Jehovah's Witnesses and that it is the disfellowshipped who will eventually rejoice?
Compare this to what Jesus Christ said:
Luke 6:22-23
HAPPY are YOU whenever men hate YOU, and whenever they exclude YOU and reproach YOU and cast out YOUR name as wicked for the sake of the Son of man. 23 Rejoice in that day
[NAME of person] is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses ---->> cast out YOUR NAME
Instead of looking for something righteous to identify "true religion" look for what Jesus Christ and the rest of the bible said would happen!
Undermined by Satan?
Millions Now Living Will Never Die
You positively will not die
2 Thessalonians 2:11
So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing THE LIE.
But hold on! All those millions are now dead.
Isaiah 28:18
And YOUR covenant with Death will certainly be dissolved, and that vision of YOURS with She´ol will not stand.
It is not a cult. It really is Jesus Christs Kingdom infested with weeds.
What Jesus Christ said would happen, is really happening!
Mark 10:29-30
Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things everlasting life.
It's true!
John 16:22
YOU also, therefore, are now, indeed, having grief; but I shall see YOU again and YOUR hearts will rejoice, and YOUR joy no one will take from YOU.
YOUR joy no one will take from YOU
Jesus Christ is AWESOME.
@@dirkfirkle ----- Only Jehovah's Witnesses can fulfill this end time prophecy. Right now it is being abundantly fulfilled all around the world!
Isaiah 66:5
Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”
[Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME
It has been in every Christians bible for 2000 years. Go ahead and read it in every bible translation.
We really are now living during the time of the end.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are not just an ordinary cult. They are fulfilling end time prophecy in exquisite detail.
Hear the word of the LORD, You who tremble at His word: “Your brethren who hated you, Who cast you out for My name’s sake
Are there any other denominations casting brothers out for Gods NAME sake?
An end time prophecy being abundantly fulfilled in every language and nation all around the world!
[Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH'S Witnesses ---->> cast you out for My name’s sake
Go to the Hebrew source and understand what is being replaced by "LORD" in Isaiah 66:5 above.
If you don't think it is happening now then you will have to wait for another end time when the exact same things happen according to the way God described in Isaiah 66:5
@@dirkfirkle ---- I was cast out because I disagreed with JW Theology and instead took a stand for Jesus Christ and his commandments:
This might help you understand:
Matthew 28:19-20
Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and ** GODS SPIRIT DIRECTED ORGANIZATION ** teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU.
I came to the conclusion that any men who had the repulsive audacity to re-invent Jesus Christs baptism must then think they are better than him! They must think that they are also gods.
2 Thessalonians 2:4
He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.
Fulfilling even more bible prophecy in exquisite detail.
They are not a cult!
@@dirkfirkle --- What makes you think I'm protecting them?
They are all going to perish!
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents 10 and with every unrighteous deception for ** THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING ** as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. 11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing THE LIE
Millions Now Living Will Never Die
You positively will not die
The operation of Satan.
What the bible said would happen, is really happening!
They believe THE LIE.
Which means ........ it's NOT a cult!
Why is that so difficult for EX-JWs to understand?
If you are still having problems understanding this then keep asking questions.
@@dirkfirkle ---- Yes! I am certain that the Governing Body recognizes that those millions now living who would never die are now ALL DEAD!
According to their promise those millions should NOT have died and instead should now be living on a paradise earth!
They have NOT come out and admitted this however, they are indeed obliged to say in their hearts; "my master is delaying":
Matthew 24:48-51
“But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘MY MASTER IS DELAYING,’ 49 and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50 the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51 and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites.
So who really is the faithful and discreet slave?
My conviction is this:
Romans 9:25-26
It is as he says also in Ho·se´a: “Those not my people I will call ‘MY PEOPLE,’ and her who was not beloved ‘beloved’; 26 and in the place where it was said to them, ‘YOU are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’”
[Name of person] is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses ---->> ‘YOU are not my people,’
If you also are a disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witness then according to this prophecy found in the Book of Hosea, YOU are my brother:
Hosea 2:1-2
“SAY to YOUR brothers, ‘MY PEOPLE!’ and to YOUR sisters, ‘O woman shown mercy!’
But why would being disfellowshipped mean that God has shown us mercy?
Otherwise we would also perish!
Just like the days of Lot!
Now keep reading in Romans Chapter 9:
Romans 9:29
Also, just as Isaiah had said aforetime: “Unless Jehovah of armies had left a seed to us, we should have become just like SODOM and we should have been made just like GOMORRAH.”
Do you see why I tremble at Gods word?
Isaiah 66:5
Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are TREMBLING AT HIS WORD: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”
[Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME
YOUR brothers that are hating YOU
great channel im glad i found you.