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No it's the opposite problem for 76. Enemies don't scale enough. Use the proper weapon type for your build and everything goes down in one hit. Aside from World Bosses, which are meant to be fought with a group.
@@TattleDelta You seem not to understand this. That's just another sign of way too much scaling, specifically of weapon damage and related factors, which is another MMO-style problem. The bad balancing (and pretty much everything else) is just Bugthesda being Bugthesda.
@@RansomMemoryAccess The balance for F76 is way and beyond better than FO4, though admittedly it took them a long time to properly balance the game. But outside of a few nonsensically broken weapons and a few undercooked weapons, the game is remarkably balanced at max level for what it is outside of unintended interactions between perks and mods. The problem F76 has is that the events don't scale with the amount of players so if you get enough players the event becomes a waiting game as everyone is fighting to get kills before someone else gets them all.
@@TattleDelta Even the world boss events that are designed to run ~30 mins can be soloed by any player with average intelligence just by using all mechanics the game provides. It is sad and anticlimactic to finish these events in 10 minutes as a single player. Often less than 3 minutes with 2-3 mid-high level players being present.
so guys would rather talk trash because you think a 9 year old game is incomplete? Makes no sense. Because in 2015 despite the bugs in Bethesda's games Fallout 4 sold more copies than Fallout 3 and New Vegas. If the game was bad it wouldn't have sold that many lets not sit too high on a pedal stool here. Knock yourselves down a bit guys. Mods have changed the game soo much and drastically you think the OG fallout 4 is bad lol but these mods are using assets from different games even NEW ones.
@@LumpKingDLOfallout 4 is the gmod of all fallout games, even down the endless technological issues from a horribly hideous and outdated engine. This glorified lazy crap post somehow sold 10 million copies all while mr.Newman and Todd Howard collectively did nothing
@@suspiciousaction4063 Sim Settlements 2, The Bleachers, The Fens Sheriff's Department, America Rising 2, The Machine and Her, just to name a few. Sim Settlements 2 alone could be it's own game in terms of story and quests.
Brandyboy I beg you... Make this project into a Wabbajack list. Those of us with time-intensive employment who don't quite have the time to do a setup like this manually would be incredibly grateful...
or a nexus collection for Vortex users. I looked at his mod list and over 700 mods, it would take hours upon hours to go through and individually install each and everyone of them and make sure they cooperate with each other. So please oh Everyone's boy Brandy Boy make a mod collection for us so we can play fallout 4 with such a good mod list.
I certainly want to. My mod list in its entirety is still experimental though. I don't want to make the whole thing into a mod pack, because there's still plenty of things I need to fix and balance. Also I still get crashes often. So I don't wanna upload a broken mod pack. May start with smaller mod bundles first... but I haven't gotten around to that yet
@@ItsYaBoyBrandyBoy How about a starter/noob pack with a small selection of mods like the ones in this video? Haven't played Fallout 4 in years but this video and your mods showcased makes me really want to play it again.
They couldn't even be arsed to add animations to consumables (other than the stimpak). In a game with a survival mode where you're constantly consuming items.
Pretty sure that's a balancing thing, as regen from other items outside Stimpaks are far slower and set at specific amounts, rather than an upgradable percentage heal
And then in Starfield they just got rid of the healing animation again along with still no animations for anything else. Fucking shocked they added mantling finally in it tho lol
I actually like how fallout 76 handled vats making it more of a aimbot system which actually lines up with the lore of the Pitboy physically jerking around your hand to correct your aim.
There is 1 important reason to keep VATS, Bloat flies, little bouncey bustards! Pretty much only think I use VATS is popping those things without having to waste half a mag on each one
@@jasonnightshade8319 But nobody has ever taken the VANS perk, even one time, in the history of the game. No person could possibly be that bad at RPGs, to spend a point on that.
Something I found out with VATS yesterday, basically just click the button to reload, then use vats, the enemies will be slowed down while you are reloading at normal speed
3:21 For as much as the gameplay of Outer Worlds isn't the best, their interpretation of Vats as a slow time mechanic that adds special weak spots is one I enjoyed greatly.
On the subject of VATS. VATS is actually one of the *best* things that Bethesda ever did. They made it purely to replicate FO1/2/T's approach to engaging targets, but it's actually one of modern fallout's best features. I freely agree that Fallout 4's implementation of it is a mistake, locking crits to VATS, and making so many perks have *solely* effects in VATS. It was a mistake, *especially* the loss of random crits without taking specific drugs. Why it's great: Like it says on the tin, VATS lets players with less FPS skills play the game, and precisely target enemies. Not everybody that enjoys RPGs has that FPS skill set that is needed to manage the combat in Fallout. But. BUT. It goes deeper, and this is why it really is the greatest thing Bethesda ever created and it is downright negligent they didn't give us some kind of VATS-like system in Starfield; VATS is an accessibility goldmine. VATS slows down the game, giving you more time to think. VATS does precise targeting for you, which is fantastic for players who may not have the physical ability to use the full basic control scheme in the intended way. It doesn't just let people who choose not to engage in the FPS style combat play the RPG side of the game, it lets people who *can't* engage in the FPS style combat play the RPG side of the game. I am a fully physically capable able-bodied gamer, but I have friends who are not, and that has given me a better awareness of when games have good or bad accessibility features, and VATS is flat-out the best accessibility feature I've ever seen in games that use FPS-style combat.
I'd have never spent near the time on TES and FO games I have without mods. Something Todd doesn't get. His games are just mediocre vanilla...but epic with the mod community. Or maybe they just don't want to admit it.
My favorite has always been Wasteland Ballistics. It's a lightwieght mod that makes just 4 changes: 1. An "unprotected" headshot kills. If your helmet cannot block the bullet, you die. 2. Having your torso crippled kills you, but your arms and legs take damage as normal. 3. All ballistic weapons cause bleed. Survived a gut shot? Patch it up or you'll bleed out. 4. All energy weapons inflict burns. Note that animals bleed and have a central nervous system, but robots don't. Even Protectrons are a bigger threat than most ghouls. I once got shot and and lost 10% of my health, but without a way to patch it up I almost bled out.I had to rush to Diamond City hopped up on vodka, med-x and buffout while chugging water. I also killed a power armor enemy in one shot since the idiot didn’t wear a helmet.
Fun fact: you die faster, without any armor, if you get shot in the heart, then if you got shot in the head. Why? Because you need ALL of your heart, but you only need about 48% of your brain, only part of the brain that is needed no matter what, is the cortex
Better Locational Damage has a similar bleed mechanic and on my most recent save I didn't realize I had forgotten to run the bandage injections until I had almost bled out lol. Situations like that are when I allow myself to use console commands.
@@Aguy522 Well, not necessarily true. The brainstem and pituitary are absolutely required for continued existence unless you count hospice as "living". Not trying to "gotcha" btw just find the topic interesting lollll
It's hilarious seeing the asset for the feral tanks in your game, never would I have expected they'd upgrade a mobile game monster to look like a natural fallout 4 enemy
I do disagree with yeetin vats. I can see the argument for slow down time vats being gone, but some folk, even myself to a small extent, enjoy be ability to chill, plus I don’t quite think fallout ever was nor needs to be a game where you….I can’t think of any other phrase than try hard or…sweat your arse off nor is it a tactical shooter and it shouldn’t be either.
That's the magic of modding. I came here to pick and choose anything new to add to my load order. His mods in here are already pretty much the same as what I have loaded but you like to play differently? Awesome we'll download different mods and all have a blast!
Context matters. If you put an autoplay ability in a real-time combat game it just comes off as cheap in some ways. Mainly because fallout has bits of survival mechanics, combat should be a part of that survival mechanics. Either you go turn based, or just removed vats entirely imo.
I think the best option is mix the bullet time/Dead eye with the steady from New Vegas Time gets slower,and you get a accuracy bonus,and I think the highlight is fine,I usually use vats more to see where are the enemies than to actively shoot them. And to balance this,you can make the default ap regeneration slower
Hes also basing the idea that vats isnt popular with players off of a poll of not just the small amount of fallout4 players still playing in 2024, but also the ones following a channel that often talks about how base fallout 4 is kinda bad (funnily enough). Hugely biased towards being much better at aiming than the average player and not enjoying the base games mechanics (i would imagine just from the boredom you get 1000 hours into a game.)
I agree. Sometimes I play without vats but I’m typically more into fallout for the quests and the story elements of the game, not for an adrenaline surge that comes from FPS games
Yeah that graph if anything shows people do like playing with VATS or at least having the option, getting rid of it would be wild. Why would he just not activate it if he doesn’t like it 💀
@@LumpKingDLO It kinda invalidates mutliple Attributes and entire Perklines as well as several items if you don't want to use VATS. VANS is an excellent mod. If you enjoy VATS, good for you!
Lol Fallout 1 and 2 were turn based because they were CRPGs built around tabletop mechanics, not because of how old they are. People still play turn based games and they still play tabletop rpgs. The words you're looking for are something along the lines of "more hardcore, less casual, less mainstream, more niche." The homogenization of games to appeal to the lowest common denominator may be a recent trend, but that doesn't make less generic mechanics "outdated."
Its implied that deathclaw heads are capable of taking direct shots to the head and that the belly is there weak spot. Not sure if it's mentioned in lore but Vanilla has the belly as the weak spot in VATS, their horns are meant for goring enemies, and the animation of them rushing you also implies this.
A video focused on improving the rpg elements of fallout 4 would be good to see, stuff like character creation and skills, and the dialogue system. Stuff that lets you actually roleplay in the game as something besides the local murder hobo terrorising the commonwealth.
There are multiple mods that mute the player voice, a couple that restore the FO3/FNV dialogue trees, and many that add new dialogue options especially perk-based solutions to different story quests.
For my healing system: I modded the agony mod. I used the medical resources mod and modern pharmacy. Added my own diseases (dirty food has a chance for food poisoning, dysentery from dirty water, chance of ptsd (hallucinations and debuffs) when your health is low or eating human meat. Symptoms of diseases and ptsd or treatable but outright cures are rare. Booze prevents some symptoms of PTSD. Heal limbs with improvised splints or SAM splints instead of stim packs. And they slow you down for a time. All weapons have an ability added that add bleeds, gun wounds, lacerations, and burns. Surgery with basic tools can cause infection and damage without painkillers. Added recipes to craft various Chems or meds to heal the various diseases. Painkillers also increase damage resistance as well as some other chems make you a crackhead but can kill you over time (there’s on that slows time and turns you into an unkillable monster but have a change to kill you outright) Things like buff out get changed with modern pharmacy but I changed them again to treat symptoms of some illnesses, make you move slightly faster, but could have debuffs. All other Chems have been changed to heal various diseases. Infections from animal attacks. Etc etc I use survival options to disable getting diseases from survival. wtf is “weakness” anyway? lol I also disable the sleep bebuffs though since somehow getting shot adds fatigue to I pretend the lower AP is just the shock of taking damage. And adrenaline have initial buffs to reload speed and accuracy, but later stages have slower reload speed and accuracy and charisma as you become more fatigued and eventually suffer from psychosis. So you have to rest or can just become a psycho frothing at the mouth. Armor and helmets slows you down (speed and animation) depending of weight, also depending on their size they increase carry weight which is tied to your clothing and gear rather than strength. Finally I added abilities to clothing that give you bebuffs if you aren’t properly clothed for the weather. T shirt in the rain? You might get frostbite and take damage periodically or a cold. Wearing a jacket in the clear weather? You’re going to overheat, and could start hallucinating and have almost no AP regen. So yeah I’m somewhat of a modder myself 😂
@@georgewhitworth9742 A relic implies that it is somehow outdated or obsolete. VATS is not outdated, nor is it obsolete. It's just a different gameplay style.
The healing is fixed by simply enabling survival mode. Crippled limbs no longer heal automatically and you can't spam stimpaks because you'll get thirsty extremely fast.
For injury system i have a personal combination to not rely only on stimpaks -Better chems (makes med x heal your limbs instead) -Direct Hit (adds real locational damage, the damage is calculated against the body part you hit and the armor that covers it) -Bastion (power armor is scary now, with this anyone wearing power armor takes 0 damage, until each part is exposed, for example shooting at the armored arm deals 0 damage, but if you break the armor now the enemy takes normal damage, works better if you use any hp/damage overhaul) -Stimpak heal no limbs No Food Healing (this is more for survival since you have to take care of your hunger and thirst) -Addiction overhaul (avoids you from getting addiction by random now it depends by how frequent you use chems or alcohol, pairs well with Better Chems) (all these mods made by ZZxyzz, aka the same creator as Better locational damage) -Immersive Movement (rather than increasing the enemy speed this mod reduces your movement speed, since i noticed its not the enemies who are slower, is that the player is twice as fast as anything in the game, with this the 80% of creatures can outrun me) this is just personal suggestions i have many more mods to change the gameplay but these are ones i would recommed to give it a try
Bastion pairs up BEAUTIFULLY with a Power Armour overhaul that lowers the overall damage resistance and the overall health of Power Armour. I'll have to check my load order and link the overhaul I use cause its really good.
Bethesda seems to be stuck in the past. Their ideas about game design were interesting in the 2000s but have not evolved much and it shows in their recent space rpg. And they respond to constructive feedback like a insecure teenager. The problem is they do not see anything wrong with their games because they still sell well enough. At this point i am very worried about the general direction and quality of their upcoming games like Fallout 5.
I hope that if you make a video on gunplay, you find mods that don't just add "Tacticool weapon mods #3" to the game, I would enjoy a Fallout weapon overhaul with guns that are really just a better version of the guns in the game (i.e. more functional looking, better animations and such.). Don't get me wrong, tactical weapons are cool and all, but for the immersion it's better seeing the mostly fictional weapons. It's Fallout's charm, adding the usual realistic M4 with a red dot and other attachments just doesn't breath "Fallout", and takes me out of the idea heavily. I hope such mods exist, because that'd really be what sets it as a true modern Fallout title.
@@lobaoguara2332 from the games i know i can recommend Stalker or Metro. First one is more on the RPG side, second one is story driven railroad, but with better combat and graphics. If you are into Fallout 1 and 2, Day R and Atom RPG are good games to try. Also Forever Winter looks promising. But, to be honest, i know no game that would be on the exact same field as Fallout series. Maybe someone from modding community one day would assamble the team that would make new game that would be Fallout we all wanted Edit: Just found out that Day R has been transformed into usual mobile p2w trash, so ignore it completely or download older builds, like 1.638
Another reason to use VATs is to shoot enemies which are behind cover. As apparently bullet penetration only exists in VATs after you've gotten a perk...
I'll always love VATS, mainly the New Vegas version, I love it when you get a kill shot and it gets super cinematic and follows the slow-mo bullet into the target's skull. Also always lost my mind with the slower vertical sensitivity, 100% gonna use that mod every playthrough.
For the health/healing system, I love using MAIM 2, which also has a patch to work with your Hardcore Health Overhaul. If you get shot in any part of the body, unless it hits you in a protected spot like a helmet or plate, you always have to apply a bandage to heal the injured arm and stop light bleeding, and you need a tourniquet/IFAK for heavy bleeds. It was designed to work with the Immersive Animation Framework, so there are full animations for applying first aid. KingOfWolves, the author and leader of the Escape From Boston dev team, does great work.
Survival mode doesnt get bullet spongey enemies and maintains a level of difficulty. Ive never played Fallout 4 without it on. I love VATS, just dont use it if you dont like it (it should probably have a cost to use it) , it is pretty good and got some great perks in Fallout 4.
I firmly believe that getting rid of item condition is Bethesda's biggest misstep. In 4 you find the weapon you like, and thats pretty much all you use from there on out. In NV you save those amazing weapons so you don't wear em out and have em for emergencies, it results in trying way more weapons and finding new favorites, it balances finding an endgame weapon in the first couple hours, it really makes you avoid getting hit and damaging your armor. I miss it dearly
Bruh everyone gets 100 repair and science in NV just so they can use the jury rig perk and make repair kits so they don't have to deal with the crappy condition mechanic.
@@arandomcrusader6707 Weapon and armor condition could have easily been managed. Power armor pieces are breakable. Armor and weapons could have been done the same way, through the weapon and armor benches. Repair the weapons and armor pieces for a fraction of the material cost of their installed mods. They could have also tied it to a perk, say Jury Rigging, to affect the maximum condition you restore from any given repair job. The max tier of the perk could even let you over-repair weapons and armor, which could *improve* their performance slightly.
Do you not understand your own poll? "Over half your player base is not using a major mechanic." Well, per the screenshot you posted only 12% of the player base isn't using it. 88% are using it to an extent that ranges from "sometimes to nearly always." I do stats and data analysis for a major organization, so seeing things like this in the wild is kind of triggering to me. With that out of the way, I think we can all agree that Bethesda has been resting on their laurels far too comfortably for a solid 15-20 years now. Even their "new" IP is just Elder Scrolls/Fallout in SPACE! and its reception seems to indicate we're growing tired of what they're selling.
An actual shame that. Starfield was a new iP, a new opportunity for new gameplay features and priorities. Maybe, given its procedural generation, it was the perfect opportunity to make an RPG which resembled more Daggerfall than Morrowind. But alas, we got fallout in space, without the best things these games have, the open worlds.
I'm so confused help me. Are you talking about the poll he showed at 1:40? Doesn't it show 64% doesn't use the cover mechanic? Did i misunderstand something
@capitcha yall make it sound so easy. I modded skyrim successfully even down to the more advanced concepts, figured out how to work body studio and all that. Couldn't figure out how to work fo4. One of my biggest walls WAS trying to downgrade it. Could never get it to launch without crashing : /
Why don't modders just abandon Bethesda altogether and just make their own game? They clearly understand more about game development than the company making them...
VAFS is basically free jet 100% chance of no addiction, and a little less bit of the perks of jet, and your poll on VATS is just mostly of your subscribers, not the entire fallout 3d games community.
The most important thing you did in my opinion was the adjusting of the damage of the limbs and head as well as the enemy speed. With those two things you make VATS practical and actually add some strategy back into the combat. As far as I know you just changed some numbers but that makes legacy features that Bethesda forgot were important relevant again.
I never got people who praise Fallout 4 for it's combat. It's essentially Fallout 3 with modern animation work that isn't even that good in comparison to other contemporary releases, and the addition of sprint and a grenade hotkey, both features copied essentially 1:1 from NV mods. With proper animation reworks, FNV's combat is miles ahead of Fallout 4.
I don't know which mods are doing it but I'm over level 100 and can own all Raiders/Gunners etc with relative ease just using a pistol, yet when I travel to the Glowing Sea I get one-shot by Deathclaws and Radscorpions even in PA. One mod I never want to play without is Search and Destroy. It makes it much harder to avoid detection.
Problem with Fallout 4 is that no amount of mods can fix the fact that the game itself is just boring on a fundamental level. Like say you install 5000+ mods to fix the gameplay you still have extremely uninspired quests and a incredibly boring map that makes exploration pointless because you will never actually find anything interesting.
10:36 I have about 200 hours in fallout 4 and I have only found out now that there is still a damage system I guess I am always using the new power armor which makes sense to not be crippled all the time with all the bulky armor
"The best strategy is to use VATS to spot an enemy then close it and take the shoot manually" That's how I find enemies in forest or just too far to see. And It's quite a good mine detector, too.
Limbs health should be able to go negative, or alternatively, limbs should become crippled at 50% health rather than 0% health. That way you'll have an actual deficit of limb health when cripple, and the amount of healing needed to restore the limb functionality would depend on how far bellow the cripple threshold you are. This would remove instant limb heal, even with passive healing.
The one thing about these changes though is that they completely invalidate melee as a gameplay style (unless heavy into stealth). Since you take so much damage you'll be dead long before you can close the distance against gun-toting foes, and the other melee-oriented beasties will easily slap your cheeks if you try to go toe-to-toe with them. If your using guns however it's great. I like my sledgehammer swinging constantly drunk chem-head cannibal idiot :(
If feel like they will never get rid of VATS, at BEST they'll add something else as another option. But making Fallout play like every other sweaty shooter is probably not on anybody's list. You keep saying how these make fallout play like every other shooter. Ok. So go play those.
Survival difficulty deals with the enemy bullet sponge problem, and it makes you appreciate every little detail of the game and approach a fight tactically
I use a mod called Critical Hits Outside of Vats since I still like Vats for situational awareness. As for the Deathclaws, they really need to have a new skeleton with new animations for them to be faster without bugs.
would be neat to be able to heal limbs or health in-game using crafting materials to make things like makeshift tourniquets or bandages. gives another use for the resources probably sitting in their inventory and another way to keep resource management in mind for the survival elements of the game.
Fallout started as an isometric turn-based series, complete with RNG crits and misses, but I always felt as though that was done to create a feeling of uncertainty that went with survival. There was very little "RPG strategizing" that went into those games --- no color-matching damage types for example, like using "the ice attack" against "the fire enemy". Instead, the RNG dice rolls were used in a similar manner to that of the XCOM games: things could unexpectedly swing either wildly in your favor or out of your control at the drop of a hat, and with little to no warning. You had ways to account for these swings, but could never be fully in control of them. You know, kind of like how things might play out in a scrappy gunfight against hopeless bandits in a nuclear wasteland. Anyway, that's all to say that I feel a Survival Shooter is a way better adaptation of the original Fallout games than action-RPG is. Like, managing to find one or two spare shots for your rocket launcher becomes enormously impactful when you're faced with the choice of using them to clear a group of entrenched gunmen _or_ to slow a potential Deathclaw.
I think the healing system could be improved, maybe something similar to Far Cry 2 or MGS3 where if you're stranded with a wounded limb you can heal it yourself without stempaks, so long as you have what's appropriate for the wound itself. Splints for fractures, blade for bullet removal, cigar for cauterizing, bandage and gauze, etc. Not only is it more immersive but it would help players who might get bored limping all the way to town.
I tend to use vats as a panic button to buy some time when an enemy gets to close for comfort allowing me to catch my breath then unload into said enemy.
I don’t believe in vafs or vats. The only method to slow down time is by taking jet. Such a powerful mechanic should have the consequences of addiction.
Here’s an idea, port over some of the survival mechanics from Frost. One of my favorite things about that mod was radiation being a genuine problem to deal with. Radaway was nonexistent leaving glowing fungus, brain fungus, and alcohol the only ways to get rid of it. Immersive (mostly anyway).
As someone who loves Fallout 4's base gameplay and actively returns to it, it's quite interesting seeing the complaints for the game and not actually disagreeing with many of the points (I still like vats as a different way of playing) but even then, the video is great and is a great perspective change for me, so overall great video
I find myself using VATS the most in 2 situations: 1. Abuse slowed time to aim for the head of an enemy within melee range (I play in 3d person exclusively and my crosshair in melee range is off and often times miss in 3rd person) 2. Lock down fast moving targets.
Can't wait to see where this series go. While I'm a big RPG fan, I do wish Fallout 5 (whenever it comes out) does modernize the combat. While obviously you shouldn't remove the RPG mechanics from an RPG, they can be balanced to work alongside the player's own skill. For example, instead of perks increasing damage and doing things like increasing armor penetration or limb damage; perks can instead increase accuracy, reload speed, and recoil control. Likewise, things like armor penetration, or certain legendary effects, can come from weapon modifications or by reintroducing ammo types. So, perks, mods, and ammo can reflect your character's skill and play style, but a lot of the changes seen in this video allows for player skill expression. Another great video, Brandy.
@@eur0be4t3rNo. Perception in FO4 only increases VATS accuracy (as opposed to general accuracy/weapon spread) and Agility only increases your Action Points and ability to sneak.
fallout is an rpg first an foremost. every thing should be in service of prioritizing player character skill and progression. for example, bringing back skills, and traits, having gun skills affect things like recoil control, reload and holster speed, etc. more paradigm shifting perks and traits instead of flat damage bonuses. more skill checks and dice rolls, while mitigating player dissonance between what they input and what shows up on screen
I appreciate your videos. I’m still trying to get the health over haul mod to work on my fallout. However, despite that setback, I nodded fallout into a masterpiece. Exiting the vault into a lush, overgrown, and extremely irradiated wasteland was euphoric, especially because the air was irradiated and there was a radiation rain storm. I was forced to grab a gas mask and suffer some rad damage. From there I journeyed a bit, got lost in the new foliage, and happened across Concord. I began killing raiders and then boom, sudden deathclaw. I was forced to grab a raider AK-M and fight the deathclaw in a radiation storm. I was narrowly dodging his attacks, but got hit once. It nearly killed me! But with a lot of luck, I killed the deathclaw, dodging like it was dark souls. It felt like a cinematic masterpiece. Mods make Fallout 4 fun again
Uh... I would really prefer playing Tarkov at this point. I especially love VATS, loved it even more when it was a pause button and hate that it's now just a slow down button. However, dodging is cool and anything that removes MMO-like elements is my type of stuff. Also one thing I'm missing is DT on top of DR. It's really weird that Power Armor can still get you damaged instead of stopping almost anything except some kind of incendiary armor piercing .50cal
It's not a shooter, it's an RPG. If you hit every time, it would completely f*cking negate 99% of the RPG aspects of the game. Like...f*cking DUH. 😂😂🤣🤣
something about the new speeds on the enemies made me like, giggle? like "I'm in danger" the way i love in a game. i just might re-download the game tonight just to try that mod now lol
If displate has a helldivers 2 set, I’ll spend all of my bottle caps immediately, then defend my home from the post apocalyptic IRS due to my 95 digit debt.
So... Let me see if I understood this correctly. MMO-style health scaling and magical damage increase are bad because not immersive. Invulnerability frames and 500 kilo inventory are good and perfectly immersive. Correct?
You know I had a whole rant planned out for this video, had a whole ass Word doc and everything. But than I realized that I could explain what's wrong with this in a single sentence. RPGs will never have and can never have good combat, and the reason for that is simple, it is impossible to balance. Like seriously, picture yourself put in charge of developing a deep, difficult combat system, that also has to account for dozens of various playstyles. Fast melee, strong melee, shotguns, smgs, snipers, rifles, lmgs, crit builds, stealth builds, explosives, gimmick weapons, and these are just the obvious ones, how the hell do you balance all that and have it all be fun? Now I can already hear some of you say "Well what about Elden Ring?" Well 1st of the game had and honestly still has some pretty bad balance issues. Everyone likes to focus on the OP spells, but I'm more concerned by how there are 19 bows and none of them are useful. and even than the combat isn't all that great, it's mostly just dodge, dodge, dodge, light attack, dodge, dodge, jumping heavy. Compare that to Sekiro, which cut out all the RPG mechanics and is popularly considered to have the best combat of all the games, because the lack of said RPG mechanics and the more linear nature of the game, Fromsoft knew almost exactly how strong the player will be when entering an area, and so they could design the enemies around that power level. They didn't have to worry about making a boss fun for both a dagger wielding assassin, axe swinging tank, and spell flinging mage, no they just needed to make it fun to fight with your katana, and the prosthetics and weapon arts you are likely to have at that time.
You make a good point but there is still *better* balance and *worse* balance. Personally, I don’t want every build possibility to be exactly like everything else. Some will be stronger, some weaker. Some will be better in certain situations. The obsession with “balance” is needless. As long as everything has utility and a fun factor and is feasible to play with.
As someone who loves cyberpunk I kinda disagree.The combat isn’t bad,but it’s not that fun.Mostly because once you get the build going u wreck shop.Thats the main problem with combat in live action rpgs.Once u have your build it’s more about one tapping every one then thinking g about choices.This is why I said live action rpgs,as tbrpgs require you to think with every move,like playing chess..Although even then you can get to the point of power creep and still just wreck shop.Ill grant this is partly because I like to struggle in my combat.And it can be fun to destroy everyone sometimes.But for me and probably most people,the “MOST OP ONESHOT EVERYTHING BUILD”s are not that fun gameplay wise
the point is to have a large set of varied playstyles that are viable in unique ways set up by in game scenarios. balance for balance sake is how you get skyrim melee
One thing I will mention on VATS, as much of an annoying autoplay mechanic as it can be, I feel FO4's usage of it makes it awful compared to New Vegas for example. It felt fun to see the head of a legionary go YEET in slow motion, but that's mainly possible due to health making more sense in that game alloying it to be more of a cinematic funny mode. FO4's stupid health scaling makes VATS like waiting for your frozen dino-nuggies to finish heating up in the microwave but worse. By the time you get to the fun ragdoll physics go brrr part you've spent so much ammunition, and so much time waiting for an oversized mosquito to stop taking 154 .50BMG rounds to the abdomen and it becomes an irritating slog.
Fallout 4 VATS ragdolls are amazing when you see an enemy yeet itself 100 into the air after the slow motion is over. Mutant hounds have a habit of reeling towards you if you manage to kill them in VATS while to they are running towards you.
Use my link or use my code "brandyboy" to access my special promo on all designs 1 -> 27% OFF 2+ -> 37% OFF. Available until July 29th. Discount applied automatically at check out when using my link, (excl. Limited Editions, Lumino and Textra) #ad
Hey hey is there pasgt stuff on the mods pages 🥺
You got majestic hair, dude.
Nest New vages gun review, Please?
Hey quick question, how do you feel about fallout 76's take on VATs?
The voice changer is crazy
"mmo health scaling"
this is literally why they didnt bother changing it for fallout 76 lol
No it's the opposite problem for 76. Enemies don't scale enough. Use the proper weapon type for your build and everything goes down in one hit. Aside from World Bosses, which are meant to be fought with a group.
@@TattleDelta You seem not to understand this. That's just another sign of way too much scaling, specifically of weapon damage and related factors, which is another MMO-style problem. The bad balancing (and pretty much everything else) is just Bugthesda being Bugthesda.
@@RansomMemoryAccess The balance for F76 is way and beyond better than FO4, though admittedly it took them a long time to properly balance the game. But outside of a few nonsensically broken weapons and a few undercooked weapons, the game is remarkably balanced at max level for what it is outside of unintended interactions between perks and mods.
The problem F76 has is that the events don't scale with the amount of players so if you get enough players the event becomes a waiting game as everyone is fighting to get kills before someone else gets them all.
@@TattleDelta But weapons also come in different levels.
@@TattleDelta Even the world boss events that are designed to run ~30 mins can be soloed by any player with average intelligence just by using all mechanics the game provides. It is sad and anticlimactic to finish these events in 10 minutes as a single player. Often less than 3 minutes with 2-3 mid-high level players being present.
Bethesda releases half a game and waits for modders to finish the rest
They did release a complete game
@@Octavia_Schwi next you'll tell me Todd Howard is an innovative game designer
They released a complete game. The problem is that Bethesda's idea of a "complete" and "quality" game is extremely mediocre and pathetic.
so guys would rather talk trash because you think a 9 year old game is incomplete? Makes no sense. Because in 2015 despite the bugs in Bethesda's games Fallout 4 sold more copies than Fallout 3 and New Vegas. If the game was bad it wouldn't have sold that many lets not sit too high on a pedal stool here. Knock yourselves down a bit guys. Mods have changed the game soo much and drastically you think the OG fallout 4 is bad lol but these mods are using assets from different games even NEW ones.
@kevinbrown878 Pedestal. The word you're trying to use for your argument that numbers indicate quality, is "pedestal".
After all this time I finally found the appeal in Fallout 4....
Turning it into a different game.
Fallout 4 is the gmod of all fallout games
@@LumpKingDLOfallout 4 is the gmod of all fallout games, even down the endless technological issues from a horribly hideous and outdated engine. This glorified lazy crap post somehow sold 10 million copies all while mr.Newman and Todd Howard collectively did nothing
tbf thats a huge part of bethesdas games appeal. Sad on one hand, great oppertunity on the other
@@Phoenix-sc6di But does Fallout 4 have any big quest mods?
@@suspiciousaction4063 Sim Settlements 2, The Bleachers, The Fens Sheriff's Department, America Rising 2, The Machine and Her, just to name a few. Sim Settlements 2 alone could be it's own game in terms of story and quests.
Brandyboy I beg you... Make this project into a Wabbajack list. Those of us with time-intensive employment who don't quite have the time to do a setup like this manually would be incredibly grateful...
or a nexus collection for Vortex users. I looked at his mod list and over 700 mods, it would take hours upon hours to go through and individually install each and everyone of them and make sure they cooperate with each other. So please oh Everyone's boy Brandy Boy make a mod collection for us so we can play fallout 4 with such a good mod list.
I certainly want to. My mod list in its entirety is still experimental though. I don't want to make the whole thing into a mod pack, because there's still plenty of things I need to fix and balance. Also I still get crashes often. So I don't wanna upload a broken mod pack. May start with smaller mod bundles first... but I haven't gotten around to that yet
@@ItsYaBoyBrandyBoy How about a starter/noob pack with a small selection of mods like the ones in this video? Haven't played Fallout 4 in years but this video and your mods showcased makes me really want to play it again.
@@Pelaquas I think a basic pack that adds the weapons and improves the game in this video would be a great small start.
@@ItsYaBoyBrandyBoy are you playing on next gen or a previous update?
They couldn't even be arsed to add animations to consumables (other than the stimpak). In a game with a survival mode where you're constantly consuming items.
Pretty sure that's a balancing thing, as regen from other items outside Stimpaks are far slower and set at specific amounts, rather than an upgradable percentage heal
And then in Starfield they just got rid of the healing animation again along with still no animations for anything else. Fucking shocked they added mantling finally in it tho lol
@@a.monach7602 eating 83 cabbages in Skyrim while in a dungeon to instantly heal to full hp will always be funny
@@a.monach7602balancing this balancing that. Stop giving them fking excuses and wake up
It's a first person shooter. What are you on about? Are you legit trying to play this in 3rd person?
I actually like how fallout 76 handled vats making it more of a aimbot system which actually lines up with the lore of the Pitboy physically jerking around your hand to correct your aim.
Wait, is that the actual lore explanation for it?
@@johngellare3507No it isn't.
vats is supposed to be like when robotcop pre select all his target and then shoots all of them
I agree. I've enjoyed the live vats in 76.
In the Wastelanded. Straight up jorkin it. And by "it" i mean, let's justr say. Haha. My pitsbuy.
There is 1 important reason to keep VATS, Bloat flies, little bouncey bustards! Pretty much only think I use VATS is popping those things without having to waste half a mag on each one
Here is an answer to that! Have VATS be able to be toggled off or on
@@jasonnightshade8319 It literally already does. Just don't hit the VATS button. Like....what?
@@Tijuanabill I ment so you can still take advantage of perks like VANS, or use it for target identification, instead of auto aim
@@jasonnightshade8319 But nobody has ever taken the VANS perk, even one time, in the history of the game. No person could possibly be that bad at RPGs, to spend a point on that.
@@Tijuanabill damn now I just feel insulted cuz I like using it because I use minimal hud
>Here's how to make fallout 4 better!
*"Turns it into a different game"*
11:10 Nothing says “retro-futuristic america” like HL black mesa’s HECU troops
Turns it into a different Fallout game that's brutal. As it should be.
@@IamMortui nothing says “brutal” and “realistic” like a dark souls dodge roll complete with i-frames
@@burgertime6372 Minus that part, but you need some sort of tactic to balance out the changes hes made.
"Guys i fixed fo4 !"
*Removes a core mechanic*
Something I found out with VATS yesterday, basically just click the button to reload, then use vats, the enemies will be slowed down while you are reloading at normal speed
3:21 For as much as the gameplay of Outer Worlds isn't the best, their interpretation of Vats as a slow time mechanic that adds special weak spots is one I enjoyed greatly.
>How to make Falllout 4 good
>turns it into Stalker
does stalker have graphics like that? lol
On the subject of VATS.
VATS is actually one of the *best* things that Bethesda ever did. They made it purely to replicate FO1/2/T's approach to engaging targets, but it's actually one of modern fallout's best features. I freely agree that Fallout 4's implementation of it is a mistake, locking crits to VATS, and making so many perks have *solely* effects in VATS. It was a mistake, *especially* the loss of random crits without taking specific drugs.
Why it's great:
Like it says on the tin, VATS lets players with less FPS skills play the game, and precisely target enemies. Not everybody that enjoys RPGs has that FPS skill set that is needed to manage the combat in Fallout. But. BUT. It goes deeper, and this is why it really is the greatest thing Bethesda ever created and it is downright negligent they didn't give us some kind of VATS-like system in Starfield; VATS is an accessibility goldmine.
VATS slows down the game, giving you more time to think. VATS does precise targeting for you, which is fantastic for players who may not have the physical ability to use the full basic control scheme in the intended way. It doesn't just let people who choose not to engage in the FPS style combat play the RPG side of the game, it lets people who *can't* engage in the FPS style combat play the RPG side of the game.
I am a fully physically capable able-bodied gamer, but I have friends who are not, and that has given me a better awareness of when games have good or bad accessibility features, and VATS is flat-out the best accessibility feature I've ever seen in games that use FPS-style combat.
Father are you proud of me
@@ItsYaBoyBrandyBoy 😂
@@ItsYaBoyBrandyBoy i got 3 of those you know what ais banned from your chat
Not at all
@@ButtonyFriend41 mother is that you
Ah, Bethesda, the only gaming company that launches a new game that is already outdated.
Mods are always the answer and you wont be able to change my mind
I'd have never spent near the time on TES and FO games I have without mods. Something Todd doesn't get. His games are just mediocre vanilla...but epic with the mod community. Or maybe they just don't want to admit it.
Better game design?
@@-aaa-aaa will still never do what a good modding community can
youre just setting yourself up for failure if you always expect mods to be the answer
@@chrisnewbury3793 Elden Ring? Baldur's Gate?
My favorite has always been Wasteland Ballistics. It's a lightwieght mod that makes just 4 changes:
1. An "unprotected" headshot kills. If your helmet cannot block the bullet, you die.
2. Having your torso crippled kills you, but your arms and legs take damage as normal.
3. All ballistic weapons cause bleed. Survived a gut shot? Patch it up or you'll bleed out.
4. All energy weapons inflict burns.
Note that animals bleed and have a central nervous system, but robots don't. Even Protectrons are a bigger threat than most ghouls.
I once got shot and and lost 10% of my health, but without a way to patch it up I almost bled out.I had to rush to Diamond City hopped up on vodka, med-x and buffout while chugging water. I also killed a power armor enemy in one shot since the idiot didn’t wear a helmet.
Fun fact: you die faster, without any armor, if you get shot in the heart, then if you got shot in the head. Why? Because you need ALL of your heart, but you only need about 48% of your brain, only part of the brain that is needed no matter what, is the cortex
TLDR: you die faster shot in the torso than the brain due to needing little under 50% of it
Better Locational Damage has a similar bleed mechanic and on my most recent save I didn't realize I had forgotten to run the bandage injections until I had almost bled out lol. Situations like that are when I allow myself to use console commands.
I keep telling my sons to stop discarding their helmets for this exact reason.
@@Aguy522 Well, not necessarily true. The brainstem and pituitary are absolutely required for continued existence unless you count hospice as "living". Not trying to "gotcha" btw just find the topic interesting lollll
Other than for spotting, I only use VATS when I need to kill blood bugs and bloat flies. I just can’t hit those fuckers for some reason.
It's hilarious seeing the asset for the feral tanks in your game, never would I have expected they'd upgrade a mobile game monster to look like a natural fallout 4 enemy
I do disagree with yeetin vats. I can see the argument for slow down time vats being gone, but some folk, even myself to a small extent, enjoy be ability to chill, plus I don’t quite think fallout ever was nor needs to be a game where you….I can’t think of any other phrase than try hard or…sweat your arse off nor is it a tactical shooter and it shouldn’t be either.
That's the magic of modding. I came here to pick and choose anything new to add to my load order. His mods in here are already pretty much the same as what I have loaded but you like to play differently? Awesome we'll download different mods and all have a blast!
Context matters. If you put an autoplay ability in a real-time combat game it just comes off as cheap in some ways. Mainly because fallout has bits of survival mechanics, combat should be a part of that survival mechanics. Either you go turn based, or just removed vats entirely imo.
I think the best option is mix the bullet time/Dead eye with the steady from New Vegas
Time gets slower,and you get a accuracy bonus,and I think the highlight is fine,I usually use vats more to see where are the enemies than to actively shoot them.
And to balance this,you can make the default ap regeneration slower
Hes also basing the idea that vats isnt popular with players off of a poll of not just the small amount of fallout4 players still playing in 2024, but also the ones following a channel that often talks about how base fallout 4 is kinda bad (funnily enough). Hugely biased towards being much better at aiming than the average player and not enjoying the base games mechanics (i would imagine just from the boredom you get 1000 hours into a game.)
I agree. Sometimes I play without vats but I’m typically more into fallout for the quests and the story elements of the game, not for an adrenaline surge that comes from FPS games
5:19 Behemoth twerking in slow motion.
4:58 Not sure how these numbers add up to half the players not engaging with VATS.
Yeah that graph if anything shows people do like playing with VATS or at least having the option, getting rid of it would be wild. Why would he just not activate it if he doesn’t like it 💀
@@LumpKingDLO have you ever opened the perk screen
in any bethesda fallout game
@@LumpKingDLO It kinda invalidates mutliple Attributes and entire Perklines as well as several items if you don't want to use VATS. VANS is an excellent mod. If you enjoy VATS, good for you!
@@hi-i-am-atan did you guys not read my comment, I’m supporting using VATS not going against it, why everybody so ready to disagree 💀💀💀
@@LumpKingDLO i legitimately have no idea how you're so lost that you managed to convince yourself that i'm somehow on _your_ side
Pop culture retro-modern weapons + Post-apocalypse aesthetic + RPG elements from classic and 3D Fallout games = What Fallout 4 should have been.
1:36 this is the first time I've heard about cover mechanics in this game, and i have 1300 hours.
Lol Fallout 1 and 2 were turn based because they were CRPGs built around tabletop mechanics, not because of how old they are.
People still play turn based games and they still play tabletop rpgs. The words you're looking for are something along the lines of "more hardcore, less casual, less mainstream, more niche."
The homogenization of games to appeal to the lowest common denominator may be a recent trend, but that doesn't make less generic mechanics "outdated."
Its implied that deathclaw heads are capable of taking direct shots to the head and that the belly is there weak spot. Not sure if it's mentioned in lore but Vanilla has the belly as the weak spot in VATS, their horns are meant for goring enemies, and the animation of them rushing you also implies this.
A video focused on improving the rpg elements of fallout 4 would be good to see, stuff like character creation and skills, and the dialogue system. Stuff that lets you actually roleplay in the game as something besides the local murder hobo terrorising the commonwealth.
There are multiple mods that mute the player voice, a couple that restore the FO3/FNV dialogue trees, and many that add new dialogue options especially perk-based solutions to different story quests.
replaces VATS, makes enemies faster "F4 has no way to deal with faster enemies"
For my healing system: I modded the agony mod. I used the medical resources mod and modern pharmacy.
Added my own diseases (dirty food has a chance for food poisoning, dysentery from dirty water, chance of ptsd (hallucinations and debuffs) when your health is low or eating human meat. Symptoms of diseases and ptsd or treatable but outright cures are rare. Booze prevents some symptoms of PTSD. Heal limbs with improvised splints or SAM splints instead of stim packs. And they slow you down for a time.
All weapons have an ability added that add bleeds, gun wounds, lacerations, and burns. Surgery with basic tools can cause infection and damage without painkillers. Added recipes to craft various Chems or meds to heal the various diseases. Painkillers also increase damage resistance as well as some other chems make you a crackhead but can kill you over time (there’s on that slows time and turns you into an unkillable monster but have a change to kill you outright)
Things like buff out get changed with modern pharmacy but I changed them again to treat symptoms of some illnesses, make you move slightly faster, but could have debuffs. All other Chems have been changed to heal various diseases. Infections from animal attacks. Etc etc
I use survival options to disable getting diseases from survival. wtf is “weakness” anyway? lol
I also disable the sleep bebuffs though since somehow getting shot adds fatigue to I pretend the lower AP is just the shock of taking damage. And adrenaline have initial buffs to reload speed and accuracy, but later stages have slower reload speed and accuracy and charisma as you become more fatigued and eventually suffer from psychosis. So you have to rest or can just become a psycho frothing at the mouth.
Armor and helmets slows you down (speed and animation) depending of weight, also depending on their size they increase carry weight which is tied to your clothing and gear rather than strength.
Finally I added abilities to clothing that give you bebuffs if you aren’t properly clothed for the weather. T shirt in the rain? You might get frostbite and take damage periodically or a cold. Wearing a jacket in the clear weather? You’re going to overheat, and could start hallucinating and have almost no AP regen.
So yeah I’m somewhat of a modder myself 😂
" somewhat "?
My brother in Crist.
You just gave fallout 4 as many mechanics as Dayz
At this point your're practically a game developer
Just wanted to ask, do you think you'll ever post these changes via nexus or anything, because that disease and chem system sounds amazing!
@@JustAnotherRandomUA-camr probably not unfortunately. It would take too long to clean it up and remove the dependencies
@@caurbine1228 I understand! Thanks for the reply.
vats isnt a relic, it just doesnt fit a real time first person shooter. that kind of system works in a turn-based game, just like fallout used to be.
So...a relic?
@@georgewhitworth9742 A relic implies that it is somehow outdated or obsolete.
VATS is not outdated, nor is it obsolete. It's just a different gameplay style.
So... Obsolete in the context of the game in which it is implemented ?
@ obsolete and not working together are different
The healing is fixed by simply enabling survival mode. Crippled limbs no longer heal automatically and you can't spam stimpaks because you'll get thirsty extremely fast.
most of everything is fixed by playing survival mode honestly, such a W mode
Yep, and unlimited survival mod so you can save anywhere, no longer will random crashes erase 40min of playtime.
I literally haven't played anything but survival mode ever since
@@mikfhan Indeed survival mode with a mod to save anywhere has been my default mode since survival mode came out.
@@jeffjwatts Whats the name of the mod?
the deathclaw's velly should be the "head" area. It's canon that it's the weak point, not the hardened head
Hey don’t you insult my depressing barren walls! It reflects the emptiness inside me.
For injury system i have a personal combination to not rely only on stimpaks
-Better chems (makes med x heal your limbs instead)
-Direct Hit (adds real locational damage, the damage is calculated against the body part you hit and the armor that covers it)
-Bastion (power armor is scary now, with this anyone wearing power armor takes 0 damage, until each part is exposed, for example shooting at the armored arm deals 0 damage, but if you break the armor now the enemy takes normal damage, works better if you use any hp/damage overhaul)
-Stimpak heal no limbs
No Food Healing (this is more for survival since you have to take care of your hunger and thirst)
-Addiction overhaul (avoids you from getting addiction by random now it depends by how frequent you use chems or alcohol, pairs well with Better Chems)
(all these mods made by ZZxyzz, aka the same creator as Better locational damage)
-Immersive Movement (rather than increasing the enemy speed this mod reduces your movement speed, since i noticed its not the enemies who are slower, is that the player is twice as fast as anything in the game, with this the 80% of creatures can outrun me)
this is just personal suggestions i have many more mods to change the gameplay but these are ones i would recommed to give it a try
Bastion pairs up BEAUTIFULLY with a Power Armour overhaul that lowers the overall damage resistance and the overall health of Power Armour. I'll have to check my load order and link the overhaul I use cause its really good.
@@natmilcur which one is power armor overhaul? i feel i heard that name before but i dont think i tested it
I think why all the difficulty is so dumbed down is because they're trying to make it accessible to everyone
Bethesda seems to be stuck in the past. Their ideas about game design were interesting in the 2000s but have not evolved much and it shows in their recent space rpg. And they respond to constructive feedback like a insecure teenager. The problem is they do not see anything wrong with their games because they still sell well enough. At this point i am very worried about the general direction and quality of their upcoming games like Fallout 5.
14:40 *loading screen tip* "deathclaw heads on death may turn into projectiles"
I hope that if you make a video on gunplay, you find mods that don't just add "Tacticool weapon mods #3" to the game, I would enjoy a Fallout weapon overhaul with guns that are really just a better version of the guns in the game (i.e. more functional looking, better animations and such.). Don't get me wrong, tactical weapons are cool and all, but for the immersion it's better seeing the mostly fictional weapons. It's Fallout's charm, adding the usual realistic M4 with a red dot and other attachments just doesn't breath "Fallout", and takes me out of the idea heavily. I hope such mods exist, because that'd really be what sets it as a true modern Fallout title.
I'd look at a mod list by Moist Vibes, that focuses entirely on the vanilla weapons
DegenerateDak has a lot of mods like that, I love his stuff
At this point i think that people need not another 200+ mods to fix Fallout, but to just switch to another franchise.
Any recommendations?
@@lobaoguara2332 from the games i know i can recommend Stalker or Metro. First one is more on the RPG side, second one is story driven railroad, but with better combat and graphics. If you are into Fallout 1 and 2, Day R and Atom RPG are good games to try. Also Forever Winter looks promising.
But, to be honest, i know no game that would be on the exact same field as Fallout series. Maybe someone from modding community one day would assamble the team that would make new game that would be Fallout we all wanted
Edit: Just found out that Day R has been transformed into usual mobile p2w trash, so ignore it completely or download older builds, like 1.638
@@lobaoguara2332I wouldn't suggest switching period, but a great addition to Fallout is S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
@@lobaoguara2332 Stalker gamma, ig.
For me these changes dont make me more immersed because the ai is atrocious.
Another reason to use VATs is to shoot enemies which are behind cover.
As apparently bullet penetration only exists in VATs after you've gotten a perk...
I'll always love VATS, mainly the New Vegas version, I love it when you get a kill shot and it gets super cinematic and follows the slow-mo bullet into the target's skull.
Also always lost my mind with the slower vertical sensitivity, 100% gonna use that mod every playthrough.
For the health/healing system, I love using MAIM 2, which also has a patch to work with your Hardcore Health Overhaul. If you get shot in any part of the body, unless it hits you in a protected spot like a helmet or plate, you always have to apply a bandage to heal the injured arm and stop light bleeding, and you need a tourniquet/IFAK for heavy bleeds. It was designed to work with the Immersive Animation Framework, so there are full animations for applying first aid. KingOfWolves, the author and leader of the Escape From Boston dev team, does great work.
Survival mode doesnt get bullet spongey enemies and maintains a level of difficulty. Ive never played Fallout 4 without it on. I love VATS, just dont use it if you dont like it (it should probably have a cost to use it) , it is pretty good and got some great perks in Fallout 4.
Enemies still get spongey in Survival mode it just takes longer due to the different health and DR formulas.
I can't lie, after all these years I had no idea vanilla fallout 4 had a cover system.
I firmly believe that getting rid of item condition is Bethesda's biggest misstep. In 4 you find the weapon you like, and thats pretty much all you use from there on out. In NV you save those amazing weapons so you don't wear em out and have em for emergencies, it results in trying way more weapons and finding new favorites, it balances finding an endgame weapon in the first couple hours, it really makes you avoid getting hit and damaging your armor. I miss it dearly
Then again managing item condition is always a hassle to deal with, but I get what you mean.
Bruh everyone gets 100 repair and science in NV just so they can use the jury rig perk and make repair kits so they don't have to deal with the crappy condition mechanic.
@@arandomcrusader6707 Weapon and armor condition could have easily been managed. Power armor pieces are breakable. Armor and weapons could have been done the same way, through the weapon and armor benches. Repair the weapons and armor pieces for a fraction of the material cost of their installed mods.
They could have also tied it to a perk, say Jury Rigging, to affect the maximum condition you restore from any given repair job. The max tier of the perk could even let you over-repair weapons and armor, which could *improve* their performance slightly.
Do you not understand your own poll? "Over half your player base is not using a major mechanic." Well, per the screenshot you posted only 12% of the player base isn't using it. 88% are using it to an extent that ranges from "sometimes to nearly always." I do stats and data analysis for a major organization, so seeing things like this in the wild is kind of triggering to me.
With that out of the way, I think we can all agree that Bethesda has been resting on their laurels far too comfortably for a solid 15-20 years now. Even their "new" IP is just Elder Scrolls/Fallout in SPACE! and its reception seems to indicate we're growing tired of what they're selling.
An actual shame that. Starfield was a new iP, a new opportunity for new gameplay features and priorities. Maybe, given its procedural generation, it was the perfect opportunity to make an RPG which resembled more Daggerfall than Morrowind.
But alas, we got fallout in space, without the best things these games have, the open worlds.
I'm so confused help me. Are you talking about the poll he showed at 1:40? Doesn't it show 64% doesn't use the cover mechanic? Did i misunderstand something
man played cyberpunk and Elden ring and said i want fallout 4 to be them.
The ironic part is that I spend more time modding Fallout 4 than playing it 🤣
I spent 7 hours modding F4 just before Beshitsda decided to mess with the game by updating it and fucked me over completely
@@doublenosshot02 downgrading is quite easy on steam and gog
Same over here, I couldn't stand the guns in the game and started finding mods for it
Eventually, my game is not even Fallout 4 now lmao
@@doublenosshot02u can literally downgrade the game it takes 2 minutes
@capitcha yall make it sound so easy. I modded skyrim successfully even down to the more advanced concepts, figured out how to work body studio and all that.
Couldn't figure out how to work fo4. One of my biggest walls WAS trying to downgrade it. Could never get it to launch without crashing : /
Why don't modders just abandon Bethesda altogether and just make their own game? They clearly understand more about game development than the company making them...
"Compare it to other games..."
Mentally compares it to Wolfenstein TNO/TOB and Doom, Fallout's fellow Bethesda/Zenimax games.
This guy turned Fallout 4 into Rainbow Six Stalker
Thats the problem with fallout mods. They dont actually fix the issues they just turn the game into something else
@MILDMONSTER1234 Not all of them but yeah it is a slippery slope when you start modding Bethesda games, Gale from DDS
I'm a simple man. I see new BrandyBoy video, i click, i enjoy
Correction for title: turning fallout 4 into call of duty
VAFS is basically free jet 100% chance of no addiction, and a little less bit of the perks of jet, and your poll on VATS is just mostly of your subscribers, not the entire fallout 3d games community.
The most important thing you did in my opinion was the adjusting of the damage of the limbs and head as well as the enemy speed. With those two things you make VATS practical and actually add some strategy back into the combat. As far as I know you just changed some numbers but that makes legacy features that Bethesda forgot were important relevant again.
Removing VATS is silly. It’s a hallmark of Fallout. It does need to be improved though.
I never got people who praise Fallout 4 for it's combat. It's essentially Fallout 3 with modern animation work that isn't even that good in comparison to other contemporary releases, and the addition of sprint and a grenade hotkey, both features copied essentially 1:1 from NV mods. With proper animation reworks, FNV's combat is miles ahead of Fallout 4.
I don't know which mods are doing it but I'm over level 100 and can own all Raiders/Gunners etc with relative ease just using a pistol, yet when I travel to the Glowing Sea I get one-shot by Deathclaws and Radscorpions even in PA.
One mod I never want to play without is Search and Destroy. It makes it much harder to avoid detection.
Problem with Fallout 4 is that no amount of mods can fix the fact that the game itself is just boring on a fundamental level. Like say you install 5000+ mods to fix the gameplay you still have extremely uninspired quests and a incredibly boring map that makes exploration pointless because you will never actually find anything interesting.
10:36 I have about 200 hours in fallout 4 and I have only found out now that there is still a damage system I guess I am always using the new power armor which makes sense to not be crippled all the time with all the bulky armor
"The best strategy is to use VATS to spot an enemy then close it and take the shoot manually"
That's how I find enemies in forest or just too far to see. And It's quite a good mine detector, too.
Limbs health should be able to go negative, or alternatively, limbs should become crippled at 50% health rather than 0% health. That way you'll have an actual deficit of limb health when cripple, and the amount of healing needed to restore the limb functionality would depend on how far bellow the cripple threshold you are. This would remove instant limb heal, even with passive healing.
The one thing about these changes though is that they completely invalidate melee as a gameplay style (unless heavy into stealth).
Since you take so much damage you'll be dead long before you can close the distance against gun-toting foes, and the other melee-oriented beasties will easily slap your cheeks if you try to go toe-to-toe with them. If your using guns however it's great.
I like my sledgehammer swinging constantly drunk chem-head cannibal idiot :(
If feel like they will never get rid of VATS, at BEST they'll add something else as another option. But making Fallout play like every other sweaty shooter is probably not on anybody's list.
You keep saying how these make fallout play like every other shooter. Ok. So go play those.
Survival difficulty deals with the enemy bullet sponge problem, and it makes you appreciate every little detail of the game and approach a fight tactically
I use a mod called Critical Hits Outside of Vats since I still like Vats for situational awareness. As for the Deathclaws, they really need to have a new skeleton with new animations for them to be faster without bugs.
would be neat to be able to heal limbs or health in-game using crafting materials to make things like makeshift tourniquets or bandages. gives another use for the resources probably sitting in their inventory and another way to keep resource management in mind for the survival elements of the game.
I heard him say there's cover mechanic and had to do a double take cause I was sure he was lying. Then I saw the graphic and felt vindicated
Fallout started as an isometric turn-based series, complete with RNG crits and misses, but I always felt as though that was done to create a feeling of uncertainty that went with survival. There was very little "RPG strategizing" that went into those games --- no color-matching damage types for example, like using "the ice attack" against "the fire enemy".
Instead, the RNG dice rolls were used in a similar manner to that of the XCOM games: things could unexpectedly swing either wildly in your favor or out of your control at the drop of a hat, and with little to no warning. You had ways to account for these swings, but could never be fully in control of them. You know, kind of like how things might play out in a scrappy gunfight against hopeless bandits in a nuclear wasteland.
Anyway, that's all to say that I feel a Survival Shooter is a way better adaptation of the original Fallout games than action-RPG is. Like, managing to find one or two spare shots for your rocket launcher becomes enormously impactful when you're faced with the choice of using them to clear a group of entrenched gunmen _or_ to slow a potential Deathclaw.
YaBoi actually turning this game into a darksouls
I know but, uh... we have PLENTY of soulslikes already. Too many, some might say.
I think the healing system could be improved, maybe something similar to Far Cry 2 or MGS3 where if you're stranded with a wounded limb you can heal it yourself without stempaks, so long as you have what's appropriate for the wound itself. Splints for fractures, blade for bullet removal, cigar for cauterizing, bandage and gauze, etc. Not only is it more immersive but it would help players who might get bored limping all the way to town.
Holy shit when I watched the speed of that deathclaw it actually made me fear one again
I tend to use vats as a panic button to buy some time when an enemy gets to close for comfort allowing me to catch my breath then unload into said enemy.
Basically he wants harder game like dark souls with game play of six siege
Its called tarkov lol
I have NEVER seen the double leg break on a deathclaw, cool that they have a specific animation for that.
I don’t believe in vafs or vats. The only method to slow down time is by taking jet. Such a powerful mechanic should have the consequences of addiction.
The thing is VATS is the pip boy correcting your hand to aim at something
Here’s an idea, port over some of the survival mechanics from Frost. One of my favorite things about that mod was radiation being a genuine problem to deal with. Radaway was nonexistent leaving glowing fungus, brain fungus, and alcohol the only ways to get rid of it. Immersive (mostly anyway).
Been waiting for this one. I personally like to use MAIM for my injury system. It adds in bleeding and medical items to fix specific crippled limbs.
As someone who loves Fallout 4's base gameplay and actively returns to it, it's quite interesting seeing the complaints for the game and not actually disagreeing with many of the points (I still like vats as a different way of playing) but even then, the video is great and is a great perspective change for me, so overall great video
Am I the only person that like vats.......when doing a Gunslinger build, I find it fun only when doing a pistol run
I hope this man inspires more content creators, I'd love to see more content with this kind of difficulty :D
Fun Fact: Thanks to the next gen Update, Vats on Xbox can lock on through walls (though cant shoot through them, you still need penetrator for that)
Hasn't that always been the case? It can lock on through cover and walls with holes in them.
I find myself using VATS the most in 2 situations:
1. Abuse slowed time to aim for the head of an enemy within melee range (I play in 3d person exclusively and my crosshair in melee range is off and often times miss in 3rd person)
2. Lock down fast moving targets.
Can't wait to see where this series go.
While I'm a big RPG fan, I do wish Fallout 5 (whenever it comes out) does modernize the combat. While obviously you shouldn't remove the RPG mechanics from an RPG, they can be balanced to work alongside the player's own skill.
For example, instead of perks increasing damage and doing things like increasing armor penetration or limb damage; perks can instead increase accuracy, reload speed, and recoil control. Likewise, things like armor penetration, or certain legendary effects, can come from weapon modifications or by reintroducing ammo types.
So, perks, mods, and ammo can reflect your character's skill and play style, but a lot of the changes seen in this video allows for player skill expression.
Another great video, Brandy.
@Barrin3: That's pretty much what the original _Deus Ex_ did.
Isn’t those 3 examples affected by Perception and Agility?
@@eur0be4t3rNo. Perception in FO4 only increases VATS accuracy (as opposed to general accuracy/weapon spread) and Agility only increases your Action Points and ability to sneak.
Yeah, but to a shitty extent. Love that game, but it plays like absolute ass.
fallout is an rpg first an foremost. every thing should be in service of prioritizing player character skill and progression. for example, bringing back skills, and traits, having gun skills affect things like recoil control, reload and holster speed, etc. more paradigm shifting perks and traits instead of flat damage bonuses. more skill checks and dice rolls, while mitigating player dissonance between what they input and what shows up on screen
There's a mod that lets you dismember enemies while they're still alive
That's a must for immersion
Barely passed that 15 sec age restriction lmao
I appreciate your videos. I’m still trying to get the health over haul mod to work on my fallout. However, despite that setback, I nodded fallout into a masterpiece.
Exiting the vault into a lush, overgrown, and extremely irradiated wasteland was euphoric, especially because the air was irradiated and there was a radiation rain storm. I was forced to grab a gas mask and suffer some rad damage. From there I journeyed a bit, got lost in the new foliage, and happened across Concord. I began killing raiders and then boom, sudden deathclaw. I was forced to grab a raider AK-M and fight the deathclaw in a radiation storm. I was narrowly dodging his attacks, but got hit once. It nearly killed me! But with a lot of luck, I killed the deathclaw, dodging like it was dark souls. It felt like a cinematic masterpiece.
Mods make Fallout 4 fun again
Uh... I would really prefer playing Tarkov at this point. I especially love VATS, loved it even more when it was a pause button and hate that it's now just a slow down button.
However, dodging is cool and anything that removes MMO-like elements is my type of stuff.
Also one thing I'm missing is DT on top of DR. It's really weird that Power Armor can still get you damaged instead of stopping almost anything except some kind of incendiary armor piercing .50cal
Get the Bastion mod, it makes power armor 100% absorb the damage of any incoming shot unless it hits an exposed part without armor.
Why are you even playing an RPG then?
Always trust yaboy to recommend a plethora of mods to make your gameplay more fun
"Not using VATS makes you lose out on a good chunk of the skill tree"
So does not using stealth or not using melee weapons, your point?
Not half as large as vats.
It's not a shooter, it's an RPG. If you hit every time, it would completely f*cking negate 99% of the RPG aspects of the game. Like...f*cking DUH. 😂😂🤣🤣
something about the new speeds on the enemies made me like, giggle? like "I'm in danger" the way i love in a game. i just might re-download the game tonight just to try that mod now lol
This is why i made my mike tyson build, max strength, max endurance, run around with boxing gloves
My nigga just play STALKER 😭
just watch a vanilla gameplay 😘
If displate has a helldivers 2 set, I’ll spend all of my bottle caps immediately, then defend my home from the post apocalyptic IRS due to my 95 digit debt.
Did you ignore survival on purpose?
So... Let me see if I understood this correctly.
MMO-style health scaling and magical damage increase are bad because not immersive. Invulnerability frames and 500 kilo inventory are good and perfectly immersive. Correct?
You know I had a whole rant planned out for this video, had a whole ass Word doc and everything. But than I realized that I could explain what's wrong with this in a single sentence.
RPGs will never have and can never have good combat, and the reason for that is simple, it is impossible to balance. Like seriously, picture yourself put in charge of developing a deep, difficult combat system, that also has to account for dozens of various playstyles. Fast melee, strong melee, shotguns, smgs, snipers, rifles, lmgs, crit builds, stealth builds, explosives, gimmick weapons, and these are just the obvious ones, how the hell do you balance all that and have it all be fun? Now I can already hear some of you say "Well what about Elden Ring?" Well 1st of the game had and honestly still has some pretty bad balance issues. Everyone likes to focus on the OP spells, but I'm more concerned by how there are 19 bows and none of them are useful. and even than the combat isn't all that great, it's mostly just dodge, dodge, dodge, light attack, dodge, dodge, jumping heavy. Compare that to Sekiro, which cut out all the RPG mechanics and is popularly considered to have the best combat of all the games, because the lack of said RPG mechanics and the more linear nature of the game, Fromsoft knew almost exactly how strong the player will be when entering an area, and so they could design the enemies around that power level. They didn't have to worry about making a boss fun for both a dagger wielding assassin, axe swinging tank, and spell flinging mage, no they just needed to make it fun to fight with your katana, and the prosthetics and weapon arts you are likely to have at that time.
Cyberpunk have some sort of rpg system and fun combat, your point is invalid
You make a good point but there is still *better* balance and *worse* balance.
Personally, I don’t want every build possibility to be exactly like everything else. Some will be stronger, some weaker. Some will be better in certain situations.
The obsession with “balance” is needless. As long as everything has utility and a fun factor and is feasible to play with.
As someone who loves cyberpunk I kinda disagree.The combat isn’t bad,but it’s not that fun.Mostly because once you get the build going u wreck shop.Thats the main problem with combat in live action rpgs.Once u have your build it’s more about one tapping every one then thinking g about choices.This is why I said live action rpgs,as tbrpgs require you to think with every move,like playing chess..Although even then you can get to the point of power creep and still just wreck shop.Ill grant this is partly because I like to struggle in my combat.And it can be fun to destroy everyone sometimes.But for me and probably most people,the “MOST OP ONESHOT EVERYTHING BUILD”s are not that fun gameplay wise
the point is to have a large set of varied playstyles that are viable in unique ways set up by in game scenarios. balance for balance sake is how you get skyrim melee
Youre so wrong in so msny ways its actualy insane how someone vould ever think this and not realize how stupid they sound
One thing I will mention on VATS, as much of an annoying autoplay mechanic as it can be, I feel FO4's usage of it makes it awful compared to New Vegas for example. It felt fun to see the head of a legionary go YEET in slow motion, but that's mainly possible due to health making more sense in that game alloying it to be more of a cinematic funny mode. FO4's stupid health scaling makes VATS like waiting for your frozen dino-nuggies to finish heating up in the microwave but worse. By the time you get to the fun ragdoll physics go brrr part you've spent so much ammunition, and so much time waiting for an oversized mosquito to stop taking 154 .50BMG rounds to the abdomen and it becomes an irritating slog.
Fallout 4 VATS ragdolls are amazing when you see an enemy yeet itself 100 into the air after the slow motion is over. Mutant hounds have a habit of reeling towards you if you manage to kill them in VATS while to they are running towards you.