Big Slack Off Road Hidden Winch Mount Installation Guide

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @robertv6220
    @robertv6220 Рік тому +2

    Great installation video. One suggestion if I may, would be to include the winch control box relocation options since it looks like there wouldn't be space around the winch.

  • @tshetennorbu8416
    @tshetennorbu8416 Рік тому

    I have 2007 landcruiser, can you give me the details about alloy wheels specifications. Thank you

  • @francismireles9881
    @francismireles9881 7 днів тому

    I like the mouting style but the welds look a little subpar.

  • @mikecude4167
    @mikecude4167 Рік тому

    How do you get to the winch control?

  • @zipdoa
    @zipdoa Рік тому

    I’ve been looking at hidden winch mounts - this one is by far the best value. Do you have any customers who have used it with a Warn M12000? I’m curious about where to mount the control box!

    • @bigslackoffroad
      @bigslackoffroad  Рік тому

      Most folks mount the controller under the hood right in front of the air box

    • @zipdoa
      @zipdoa Рік тому

      @@bigslackoffroad Would it be possible to develop a 'feet forward' winch mount? I've found that WARN requires feet forward for the heavier duty winches (M12000/M15/M16.5ti)

    • @markcecil8487
      @markcecil8487 Рік тому

      @@zipdoa It is possible to do this. Thanks for the information and suggestion!