Click this to see them.
However, don't assume that I don't have an even more powerful computer myself just because I put that(second sentence from the description). Edit: Opps, didn't mean it as a reply.
Zynex you can, using windows 10 graphics setting and setting it to high performance. With afterburner opened on roblox i noticed how high the gpu usage was while cpu was around 20-40 percent
I don't know if you watched the beginning of this shitpost but clearly, I changed the variable refresh rate. If you don't know what that means, reply to this comment and I'll tell you why the avg was lowered from 200fps to 120fps; from the beginning of the video and to the rest.
@@Pedro-yz2id One could also force enable the different methods in AA in their game of choice. Roblox is no exception, I've tried running it on AAx16, and from that, I finally see Roblox in the clearest state ever. The clearest state as in "Shit." Roblox is shit.
No wonder why my 1050 ti sometimes drops to 50 FPS it’s not like I have a terrible cpu I have a i7 2600 of course I forced Roblox to run off gpu but still Roblox is so bad when it comes to optimization jeez
I don't know about the 1050 Ti, however, I did have a modded GTX 660 SIG 2 FTW 3 and it was getting 60 fps as well, and only 60 fps because my old monitor was only capable of 60 HZ max.
People simply just don’t get the 2080 ti if they don’t need that much power. If you have the RTX 2080 Ti you’d probably want to use ray tracing anyway for the highest graphics as possible or if you plan to game on a 4k monitor.
Ehh, sure. Although, it should be a given that anyone with hardware like this is likely to play games that range through the spectrum of requirements in specifications, provided that they're using it for gaming. So if anything, this is normal. It should be clear that anyone, regardless of the hardware they have, if they're a gamer, obviously plays games they enjoy and not just because it's something their computer can handle.
There is a difference between recording(≠1440p) and actual gameplay. Also, what do you mean by claiming that the RTX 2080 Ti is weak? Please elaborate.
why do my taskbar with transparent effects shows my wallpaper but for u, it shows ur game how can i do it like urs ( i got rgb taskbar too ) EDIT : idk how to explain it but i hope u understand
Yeah, I get you. I honestly don't know lol. I think I got the effects like that via checking an option in Taskbar settings to "Hide taskbar in desktop mode" and when an app is flashing orange or trying to get my attention, the taskbar just stays like that. I am pretty sure the effects on that isn't intention but I believe that's how you replicate it. Also, please sub :(
@@moonnexus3523 i did hide taskbar and it works but it always go down, and even if theres an app flashing orange. do u know how to make it stay like urs. btw i subbed
@@Space-lg1xu Hmm, I'm not sure. Although, all I can say is that it glitches sometimes and it just stays there indefinitely when an app is trying to get your attention(flashing orange).
@@moonnexus3523 ty it worked and btw last question, how is ur roblox black theme ( idk how to explain but the black bar witht he roblox title and logo )
@@Space-lg1xu Oh, it took awhile for me to get what you're saying. You mean the application top bar, right? Just change your windows theme to dark mode.
it really is sad how poorly optimized Roblox is, even though it doesn't look that great either. Playing Jailbreak or any average game on Roblox with an RTX 2060s gets me about 55-70 fps.
For me, it wasn't running poorly. There is a lot of background scripts that run locally and globally in the Roblox engine so I think it's actually not that bad but could do better. However, what really affected the performance here was when I changed the refresh rate which affected the frames that are being displayed(fps you can see through the monitor) and the frames being rendered(Roblox engine). Looking at the beginning of the video if you don't know what I am referring to.
Moon Nexus you’re probably correct about the refresh rate since I’m playing on a 144hz monitor. How do I change the refresh rate on specifically Roblox though?
@@redman9320 There is no "specifically" for Roblox. If you have a question like that then it means you don't know what refresh rates really are. When you change the refresh rate, you change how many frames are allowed to be displayed on the monitor. For yours, it would be, a frame every 1/144th of a sec. However, that doesn't mean your GPU will be rendering 144fps, it just means that the most you will see displayed through your monitor up to 144fps. How many frames actually being rendered depends on your overall computer. For example, if you have a 120hz monitor but a potato PC, don't expect 120fps being rendered on most triple A titles that you play. The last thing I like to address again is that while Roblox is poorly optimized, it wasn't what brought the fps down here. In the beginning, you can clearly see me changing the settings from 120hz to 240hz, and you see a dramatic decrease in the range of the rendered fps. A lot of people here don't know what they are talking about so they go off their own personal experiences and generalize this situation as to why an RTX 2080 Ti seems to be subjectively underperforming. Keep in mind that when you set a certain amount of refresh rate for the monitor, you're telling your GPU that it has to put out "this" amount of frames every sec, so a setting of 120hz to 240hz, is obviously going to increase the workload.
@@TristenST ram does boost performance to a certain extent. Playing on 4gb ram compared to 16gb will make a big difference. But playing from 32gb to 64gb, you wont see that much of a increase or at all
That's ok. Not everyone who is a computer enthusiast began as one. There was a moment where I had a GTX 660(FTW3 SIG2) and after a couple years, it started to become harder and harder to keep up the ratio of performance to quality in gaming. Although, you can stretch the duration of your card's use through its capabilities by pushing power and optimization. For example, I modded the BIOS of my GPU to go past its own limits and as a result, gave me more performance at the cost of power and shortening its life. Not suggesting you hardcore on your machine, but there are many ways to improve performance other than just buying the most expensive piece of equipment like an RTX 2080 Ti.
@Izan Khan Firstly, nobody knows what you mean by "the website," that is very vague. Also, whether Roblox uses more of your CPU or GPU, it depends on your settings and hardware(eg. APU) and also bottlenecks(like your internet).
@@rrttyy11229 no se ingles asi que aca te dejo una receta de panqueques ingredientes: 1 taza de harina leudante o harina de repostería 1 huevo 1 chorro de aceite de oliva ¾ taza de leche (180 mililitros) Para servir: 1 cucharadita de mantequilla 1 chorro de miel Pasos a seguir para hacer esta receta: 1 Hacer panqueques es súper fácil. Primero, reúne todos los ingredientes. Si no tienes harina leudante o preparada, que es harina de trigo que ya incluye levadura (también se llama harina de repostería), puedes usar harina de trigo normal y añadir una cucharadita de levadura química en polvo (polvo de hornear). 2 Coloca la harina en un bol y añade el huevo y la leche. Mezcla bien hasta que se integren estos ingredientes y no queden casi grumos. Truco: Puedes usar leche entera o semidesnatada, de vaca o vegetal. 3 Para terminar de hacer la masa de los panqueques caseros, agrega un chorrito de aceite y mezcla bien. Verás que el aceite hace que se terminen de disolver los grumos de harina y quede una masa lisa y homogénea. Truco: Si la masa está muy espesa puedes añadir un poco más de leche. 4 Para hacer los panqueques, calienta una sartén a fuego medio-bajo con un poquito de aceite o mantequilla. Cuando la sartén esté caliente, añade una cucharada de mezcla y déjala al fuego hasta que empiecen a salir burbujas en la superficie, entonces dale la vuelta y cocina por el otro lado. 5 Para servir la receta de panqueques súper fáciles de hacer, añade un poquito de mantequilla y miel y a disfrutar. Si quieres comerlos con algo salado, puedes servirlos con bacon y huevos fritos o un revuelto con jamón.
@@rrttyy11229 He is literally copy and pasting what I put in the descriptions of this video. If you want to know about the specifications, refer to the descriptions.
That's just a difference in the recording. Besides, if someone truly cares about frame rates being displayed at it's most, then they have to balance their card's capabilities, the game's performance to quality, and the monitor's refresh rate settings to get the best out of everything provided you know what I mean. The lost in some frames, and the widening of the range of the frames(max to min) was to be expected anyways. As for the optimization of Roblox, it's not completely out of the user's control. One could adjust them on Roblox studios, if not while in-game. If you want even more control, there are third-party tools that allow a person to control even more aspects of it if you know where to look.
Moon Nexus When I record using NVENC the FPS loss is 5% at most, even in demanding titles. Edit: Either you are using your CPU to record, your gpu is running severely underclocked, or most likely its just Roblox's fault.
Oh, I see, you're judging this from the settings that are shown on the video, that's why. While the monitor I'm playing in at the time is 1920x1080, I have DSR enabled on Roblox and I tweaked it a bit to make sure it's actually on twice the resolution. But who knows, maybe this is inaccurate.
@@ZaferToycu Yeah you're right, but only by 4% and isn't "way better". It's also worth mentioning that the 3070 is 60% cheaper, and has way more value than the 2080ti. The two cards perform similarly, with the 2080ti beating the 3070 in some games, and the 3070 beating the 2080ti in others.
No. Just look up the various tools that allow you to unlock the fps for roblox's engine. Also, there is a difference between rendered FPS versus displayed FPS. Rendered FPS is the fps that a engine of a game is being rendered at. Displayed FPS is the fps that is actually being displayed through your monitor, in other words, fps that you can actually see. So for example, if your monitor is displaying at 60hz, then the most fps you're going to see is 60fps and regardless of what the rendered fps is(ie roblox is showing 60+ or 140+fps). However, if your monitor is able to go above 60hz, like 120hz, then you are able to see a much smoother transition in frames as 120fps is greater than 60fps, and 120hz means it can display frames at 1/120 per second(120fps).
@@alext2628 Disclaimer though, roblox doesn't like their engine to be messed with, so it might get you a warning or a ban. Anyways, the tool I used to unlock the fps is open source from github. Also, the physics seem to be accelerated in 60fps+ in roblox.
@@alext2628 No, I did not receive any shitty RATs or viruses. You should just get it from github and you should be fine. However, if your anti-virus is detecting it as a false positive, just make an exception. Disclaimer again, I've been on Roblox for many years, been through almost all the updates, and I have finally concluded that the platform has some of the shittiest moderators out there. I'd rather get moderated by a discord admin who is usually a furry and will send me unprofessional emails for my antics, than a senile geek from San Mateo. Though, do beware of the ban hammer. You can get banned for using a cookie clicker on Roblox too, especially if it's an injectable.
@@mrduck3474 That's incorrect. The Titan cards are workstation cards for a reason. Although they might have a lot more packed into them, they're not really made to focus on gaming. For example, the i9 9980XE CPU has 18 cores and versus the i9 9900K with only 8. While it's obvious that 18 is way more than 8, the 9900K is able to put out more speed per core than compared to its workstation counterparts.
@@sofun2276 you do need a 20 series RTX graphics card to have ray tracing in a stable form. using ray tracing on a regular and yet powerful card will not perform nearly as well as a 20 series card. besides roblox does not have ray tracing, it's just some games people add in very detailed lighting which does seem like ray tracing. DX11/12 would be responsible for this, maybe not so much so for Nvidia, but yeah, roblox does not have ray tracing supported (yet).
@@mr.cobblestone5429 Yeah, it's a shame this whole rig I got for free didn't have more than 16GB of ram. Time to go to my gifter's school and do a shooting I guess. Photography that is...
Games that are under a platform with an abusable ToS and bias moderation with moderators that cater and ass-kiss to the elites while covering their ears to the average consumer. Oh, what a paradise it is for the elites of Roblox. I mean, if one is making enough revenue for them there, you could get away with so much over there. If you are a progressive left-wing, that's even better(for them).
Fps unlocker unlocks the fps of Roblox engine. How much the frames rates reach is dependent on your machine. Also when you say "...your using FPS...," do you mean you're*? Aside from that, what do you mean by lying to make "it" better; what's the context of "it?"
Yes, that is exactly the reason why. I always thought that essays that require proof and sources cited are just ridiculous. I mean, what do the teachers even know? All that most of them have are Bachelors degrees, Masters Degrees, and even Ph.Ds. They are just stupid and obviously don't know what they are talking about. What bobbidil says is correct and should not be questioned, follow the herd mentality, be a sheep. That is why he has ascended the realm of common sense. Don't be mad(because anyone that questions or doubts what I say are to be dismissed as being angry). Ok, all jokes and sarcasm aside. You(@bobbidil) ignored the fact that, at the beginning of the video, I changed the refresh rate settings, changing the fps being displayed(the monitor) vs fps being rendered(Roblox engine) ratio. Therefore, that is what drastically affected the average fps being displayed. I am neither denying or accepting your original claim.
There's nothing "no-life" about purchasing the stuff you would want. It's your money, and you have every right to use it regardless of the opinions of others. Although, to assume that you'd only play roblox is a stretch(just like others to me).
@@moonnexus3523 lmao cause i was on a discord group and randomly some people said their specs they said they only play roblox with a gt710 8gb ram an i3 n shit and i was the only one with a 3k pc and then they said what i play i say roblox only. some tech nerds got mad and said i could of spent like 300 to play roblox and said i have no life lolol
@@moonnexus3523 but i play battlefield 1 battlefield 5 call of duty modern warfare call of duty black ops 4 apex legends minecraft gta v insurgency n shit but my sister accidentally deleted them all. F
Ah, yes. There are those that think, just because I put a video of this shitty caliber up, that I ONLY play Roblox. While anyone can look into my channel and find evidence that this is clearly not the case but prefer to believe it anyways. Those same people are either lazy(I am too) or just want to be dummies. It is ok to be a dummy too.
@@itzmental5318 Aside from the blood that is off, everything else is on, the same as the default settings. The ingame blood is scripted well, however, it takes a toll on the engine and the network.
Moeez Omair It doesn’t matter what refresh rate you’re monitor is, roblox still caps it’s FPS at 60. I’m just wondering how the maker of the video got past the 60 FPS roblox cap
@@okprofilename I used an RTX 2080 Ti on Roblox because I have it, and I enjoy playing Roblox. What other reasons do I need to qualify in playing Roblox?
@@okprofilename Oh also FYI, I did use this on Forza 4. For me, I can play whatever I want because I enjoy it, is that not the same for you? Do you need permission from an adult or your parents to do it?
Ok, how many of you actually downloaded the free RAM?
@Maybebacon Roblox Oh yeah, somebody asked me the same thing.
downloading RAM doesn't work.
@@Mikee.. Lol.
Omg ur gaming chair must be expensive
you must be cheap
@@exineti1842 you must be ugly
*2080 ti*
@@simplyjuice1009 and im not im actually cute
Lies. I don't see kanye and lil pump
Click this to see them.
@@moonnexus3523 NO WAY
nah they suck
Me: *looks at pc*
Pc: "don't even think about it"
Can you please fuck off?
@@gazingatthesky epicly owned
@@danial_vz1 What he said wasn't even an original joke. Go to any ray/path tracing video and this joke is there.
@@AGFuzzyPancake wait really?? For reals?? Like deadass bro??? Oh wait I just remembered I don't give a shit
@tecnobase95 k
When you spend over $1000 on a
2080 ti to play roblox
When you assume someone spent* over $1000 on an RTX 2080Ti to play roblox.
Doggo Plays ohhhh absolute unit get roasted shmuck ohhhh
@@moonnexus3523 *RTX 2080 Ti
@@rmohammadwasiur Thanks for the correction.
Nah fam u need at least 4 times sli
Rtx 2080 to even run the game at low 480p fam
Do you know how powerfull a 2080 is??
@@MKXD123 R/woosh
@@themgamer9152Do you know how powerfull a 2080 is??
@@MKXD123 everyone ITS A GODAMN JOKE
No rtx 2080 ti can only run at 360p
this man just pulled the hardest flex of the century... he flexed not only with the 2080 ti, but also the 240 hz refresh rate, this man is a goat.
No. Please read the second sentence of this video's description.
And also the i9 lol
However, don't assume that I don't have an even more powerful computer myself just because I put that(second sentence from the description).
Edit: Opps, didn't mean it as a reply.
@@moonnexus3523 damn dude
lmao i remember playing roblox, the good old days... now I understand the game is shit, but imagine how many frames I get with my 3000 dollar pc...
Yes, thank you. Finally, someone understands and comments it.
@JBL NeXus There are ways around that.
@@moonnexus3523 search robloxfpsunlocker. I got it fof when my sis plays rblx on my pc.
@@bray8949 No need.
@@moonnexus3523 I'm getting a 2070 soon for Christmas.
Avg 119 fps is pretty considering the PC, You can get avg 210 fps on mw high graphics! But it's because Roblox uses your cpu
So your saying if I have a Ryzen Threadripper as my CPU, I can go over 300?
Ye basically
Wish Roblox would use your gpu
Zynex you can, using windows 10 graphics setting and setting it to high performance. With afterburner opened on roblox i noticed how high the gpu usage was while cpu was around 20-40 percent
I don't know if you watched the beginning of this shitpost but clearly, I changed the variable refresh rate. If you don't know what that means, reply to this comment and I'll tell you why the avg was lowered from 200fps to 120fps; from the beginning of the video and to the rest.
I'm still chilling with my i3 and intel hd graphics.
Edit: well the i3 is not chill it's a nice cool 75 degrees
Master Playz nigga your sad fym
@Chris Lawrence lmao
@@cjwavy3929 lol u want attention eh
Still looks normal to me..
Loop Is Dedz video is rendered in 60!fps
@@s3ni I mean this game does looks smooth....But the graphics doesn't have a huge difference at all...That's what I mean....
actually with high end gpus anti aliasing will be on even on low graphics
@@Pedro-yz2id One could also force enable the different methods in AA in their game of choice. Roblox is no exception, I've tried running it on AAx16, and from that, I finally see Roblox in the clearest state ever. The clearest state as in "Shit." Roblox is shit.
@LemonNsalt And how long have you been on it?
Shadow Noob ?
I saw FBI outside my house
No wonder why my 1050 ti sometimes drops to 50 FPS it’s not like I have a terrible cpu I have a i7 2600 of course I forced Roblox to run off gpu but still Roblox is so bad when it comes to optimization jeez
I don't know about the 1050 Ti, however, I did have a modded GTX 660 SIG 2 FTW 3 and it was getting 60 fps as well, and only 60 fps because my old monitor was only capable of 60 HZ max.
2 reasons why yall say its not different.
1- roblox is capped at 60 fps.
2- roblox doesn't have ray tracing, thus the 2080 ti being a scam basically.
Therefore, I make dat clickbait. Lel
there is an fps unlocker.... and people maint buy rtx for its power, not the ray tracing
@@hesrtq9205 I agree. That is also true.
People simply just don’t get the 2080 ti if they don’t need that much power. If you have the RTX 2080 Ti you’d probably want to use ray tracing anyway for the highest graphics as possible or if you plan to game on a 4k monitor.
@@Niels_f2704 Why?
All I could think while watching this is... A 2080 FOR ROBLOX
yea same. MINECRAFT ON A POTATOOOOOOoooooooooooo........
I haven't played in over a year because my PC broke
My cellphone is more powerfull Than my pc
No wonder the hypocrites with blue checkmarks on Twitter mobile are so powerful.
Same bro
Wait I don't even have pc...
The definition of overkill
Ehh, sure. Although, it should be a given that anyone with hardware like this is likely to play games that range through the spectrum of requirements in specifications, provided that they're using it for gaming.
So if anything, this is normal. It should be clear that anyone, regardless of the hardware they have, if they're a gamer, obviously plays games they enjoy and not just because it's something their computer can handle.
Yo what the fuck this game looks pretty nice for ROblOx
@@laurensoffringa3529 Roblox graphics are serious slowly becoming nice
@@laurensoffringa3529 its phantom forces and now we have Ray tracing in roblox lmao
Then there's no reason to buy an RTX. You could also get an easy 60fps with an Intel UHD Graphics 620. There, you saved a shit ton of money.
Yes. Good thing mines was free.
@@moonnexus3523 Wdym?
4EverNoobys he means it was free.
@@rohangajjala5012 how can you get an RTX for "free"?
4EverNoobys he just got it for free bud. What don’t you understand. MAYBE SOMEONE GAVE TO HIM.
I tried to download the ram and I still have 4gb, does anybody know why? I really need more ram 😔
Buy some ram :p
Nigga you do know you cant download ram right?
Flinerity r/wooosh
Flinerity u clearly can’t take jokes
@@destryr2122 toxic 9 year old: **enters the chat CUTELY**
why the rtx 2080 ti is so weak? its not even at 1440p
Its just how roblox is configured. The game is not made to go over 60 fps
Oh Hello There ive seen someone playing with 240+fps in jailbreak. highest graphic and the guy uses gtx 1080
Did they have their graphics all the way down?
Oh Hello There its on the highest
There is a difference between recording(≠1440p) and actual gameplay. Also, what do you mean by claiming that the RTX 2080 Ti is weak? Please elaborate.
bro i saw a minecraft youtuber with an i9 9900k with an rtx 2080 ti
@@oof771 talk about overkill, he cold’ve gotten an RTX 2070 :P
why do my taskbar with transparent effects shows my wallpaper but for u, it shows ur game
how can i do it like urs ( i got rgb taskbar too )
EDIT : idk how to explain it but i hope u understand
Yeah, I get you. I honestly don't know lol. I think I got the effects like that via checking an option in Taskbar settings to "Hide taskbar in desktop mode" and when an app is flashing orange or trying to get my attention, the taskbar just stays like that. I am pretty sure the effects on that isn't intention but I believe that's how you replicate it. Also, please sub :(
@@moonnexus3523 i did hide taskbar and it works but it always go down, and even if theres an app flashing orange. do u know how to make it stay like urs. btw i subbed
@@Space-lg1xu Hmm, I'm not sure. Although, all I can say is that it glitches sometimes and it just stays there indefinitely when an app is trying to get your attention(flashing orange).
@@moonnexus3523 ty it worked and btw last question, how is ur roblox black theme ( idk how to explain but the black bar witht he roblox title and logo )
@@Space-lg1xu Oh, it took awhile for me to get what you're saying. You mean the application top bar, right? Just change your windows theme to dark mode.
How much is an rtx 2080 ti??? I'm just curious cuz I'm buying a pre-built PC because I have never built a PC.
A Random UA-camr if you buy off EVGA it goes for $1000-$1900
@@haydennovak9825 oh ok and what about a 1050 or 1080 ti
@@arandomyoutuber7097 under $200 for those
it really is sad how poorly optimized Roblox is, even though it doesn't look that great either. Playing Jailbreak or any average game on Roblox with an RTX 2060s gets me about 55-70 fps.
7Th Hokage Fire don’t really know what you meant in the last sentence but I’ll switch it to GPU to see if it runs better
7Th Hokage Fire How do you switch to gpu
For me, it wasn't running poorly. There is a lot of background scripts that run locally and globally in the Roblox engine so I think it's actually not that bad but could do better. However, what really affected the performance here was when I changed the refresh rate which affected the frames that are being displayed(fps you can see through the monitor) and the frames being rendered(Roblox engine). Looking at the beginning of the video if you don't know what I am referring to.
Moon Nexus you’re probably correct about the refresh rate since I’m playing on a 144hz monitor. How do I change the refresh rate on specifically Roblox though?
@@redman9320 There is no "specifically" for Roblox. If you have a question like that then it means you don't know what refresh rates really are. When you change the refresh rate, you change how many frames are allowed to be displayed on the monitor. For yours, it would be, a frame every 1/144th of a sec. However, that doesn't mean your GPU will be rendering 144fps, it just means that the most you will see displayed through your monitor up to 144fps. How many frames actually being rendered depends on your overall computer. For example, if you have a 120hz monitor but a potato PC, don't expect 120fps being rendered on most triple A titles that you play. The last thing I like to address again is that while Roblox is poorly optimized, it wasn't what brought the fps down here. In the beginning, you can clearly see me changing the settings from 120hz to 240hz, and you see a dramatic decrease in the range of the rendered fps. A lot of people here don't know what they are talking about so they go off their own personal experiences and generalize this situation as to why an RTX 2080 Ti seems to be subjectively underperforming. Keep in mind that when you set a certain amount of refresh rate for the monitor, you're telling your GPU that it has to put out "this" amount of frames every sec, so a setting of 120hz to 240hz, is obviously going to increase the workload.
All though this was free for you, i recommend replacing your ram with dual channel 32GB 3200mhz ram. It would boost your performance by alot.
No, I have another computer with that but on 4200mhz.
@@moonnexus3523 Oh.
@@TristenST ram does boost performance to a certain extent. Playing on 4gb ram compared to 16gb will make a big difference. But playing from 32gb to 64gb, you wont see that much of a increase or at all
This is one of days you get a new pc and test how many frames you get on your old beloved games.
Yes, it is.
@@moonnexus3523 940mx laptop: 53 fps on lowest possible resolution
2060 laptop: 70 fps on ultra
but why are you promoting downloading more ram for your pc
It’s a troll I guess
rtx 2080ti but 150fps on roblox
What are your specs (CPU.Ram)
Learn to read the fucking descriptions
Rtx 2080 ti runs roblox at 30 fps right?
yeah and runs minecraft at 1 fps lowest graphics
@@exineti1842 O, that bad, I think I'll go for intel HD graphics which runs minecraft 120 fps
@@wimvanerge5210 go with intel hd graphic 4400 its super good it runs minecraft at 200 fps
@@exineti1842 yes, But it is so expensive...
@@exineti1842 I think I'll head a rtx titan, 5 fps minecraft and cheap
Heres my question. I know this may sound super stupid but is this your first time building a pc?
@@moonnexus3523 oh um thanks?
I think roblox is unoptimized because he should be getting more frames
Check the beginning of the video to about 30 seconds in. Notice the frames and the settings I've changed.
@@moonnexus3523 oh ok thx m8
that feeling when you can only get a RTX 2060 super, not a RTX 2080 ti.
That's ok. Not everyone who is a computer enthusiast began as one. There was a moment where I had a GTX 660(FTW3 SIG2) and after a couple years, it started to become harder and harder to keep up the ratio of performance to quality in gaming. Although, you can stretch the duration of your card's use through its capabilities by pushing power and optimization. For example, I modded the BIOS of my GPU to go past its own limits and as a result, gave me more performance at the cost of power and shortening its life. Not suggesting you hardcore on your machine, but there are many ways to improve performance other than just buying the most expensive piece of equipment like an RTX 2080 Ti.
Cries in gt 210
that feeling when you get a celeron with uhd graphics,not a 2060s.
*The video was going great until he gave us the link to free ram*
LOL, it's just a joke.
Roblox uses more CPU than GPU
Where do you draw that conclusion?
@@moonnexus3523 I was told to get a 1050ti for Roblox as a minimum and an 8th i3 is that good
@Izan Khan Firstly, nobody knows what you mean by "the website," that is very vague. Also, whether Roblox uses more of your CPU or GPU, it depends on your settings and hardware(eg. APU) and also bottlenecks(like your internet).
yup this moon nexus is dumb
@@q3m That's very ironic coming from the person that has dumb English.
man its a fps test where is the natural shadow?
Man, everyone be playing ROBLOX with graphics cards their budget or second-hand versions. 200-250fps damnn!
I don't have a budget.
Just expectin' what to get from the rtx 3070 : )
same performance as a 2080 ti dont get a 3070 get a 3080 or a 3090.
@@vambat3523 nah
@@r3dblood816 the 3070 is just the same performance as a 2080 ti for just 499 im telling the truth
2080 ti
What your cpu? RAM? Storage? Power supply?
MSI Trio RTX 2080 Ti
I9 9900K ~3.9ghz
G.Skill Trident Z 2x8GB 3200mhz
970 Evo
ROG Maximus XI Hero
@@delay7043 damn and you use it for only roblox?
@@rrttyy11229 no se ingles asi que aca te dejo una receta de panqueques
1 taza de harina leudante o harina de repostería
1 huevo
1 chorro de aceite de oliva
¾ taza de leche (180 mililitros)
Para servir:
1 cucharadita de mantequilla
1 chorro de miel
Pasos a seguir para hacer esta receta:
Hacer panqueques es súper fácil. Primero, reúne todos los ingredientes. Si no tienes harina leudante o preparada, que es harina de trigo que ya incluye levadura (también se llama harina de repostería), puedes usar harina de trigo normal y añadir una cucharadita de levadura química en polvo (polvo de hornear).
Coloca la harina en un bol y añade el huevo y la leche. Mezcla bien hasta que se integren estos ingredientes y no queden casi grumos.
Truco: Puedes usar leche entera o semidesnatada, de vaca o vegetal.
Para terminar de hacer la masa de los panqueques caseros, agrega un chorrito de aceite y mezcla bien. Verás que el aceite hace que se terminen de disolver los grumos de harina y quede una masa lisa y homogénea.
Truco: Si la masa está muy espesa puedes añadir un poco más de leche.
Para hacer los panqueques, calienta una sartén a fuego medio-bajo con un poquito de aceite o mantequilla. Cuando la sartén esté caliente, añade una cucharada de mezcla y déjala al fuego hasta que empiecen a salir burbujas en la superficie, entonces dale la vuelta y cocina por el otro lado.
Para servir la receta de panqueques súper fáciles de hacer, añade un poquito de mantequilla y miel y a disfrutar. Si quieres comerlos con algo salado, puedes servirlos con bacon y huevos fritos o un revuelto con jamón.
@@rrttyy11229 He is literally copy and pasting what I put in the descriptions of this video. If you want to know about the specifications, refer to the descriptions.
has 2080ti, plays at 1080p
Edit: you know roblox is unoptimized as hell when I get the same frames at the same resolution on my RTX 2060
That's just a difference in the recording. Besides, if someone truly cares about frame rates being displayed at it's most, then they have to balance their card's capabilities, the game's performance to quality, and the monitor's refresh rate settings to get the best out of everything provided you know what I mean. The lost in some frames, and the widening of the range of the frames(max to min) was to be expected anyways. As for the optimization of Roblox, it's not completely out of the user's control. One could adjust them on Roblox studios, if not while in-game. If you want even more control, there are third-party tools that allow a person to control even more aspects of it if you know where to look.
Moon Nexus
When I record using NVENC the FPS loss is 5% at most, even in demanding titles.
Edit: Either you are using your CPU to record, your gpu is running severely underclocked, or most likely its just Roblox's fault.
@@DenianWriter No, that's not what I meant. I'm saying that the recording that has been uploaded is 1080p. I didn't say anything about the game.
Oh, I see, you're judging this from the settings that are shown on the video, that's why. While the monitor I'm playing in at the time is 1920x1080, I have DSR enabled on Roblox and I tweaked it a bit to make sure it's actually on twice the resolution. But who knows, maybe this is inaccurate.
Moon Nexus
Either way it makes sense, I was just kinda confused.
Is this RAM download has a virus?
idiot doesnt have any virus
This is a big F, sell the GPU for a 3070
no 3070 is the same performance as 2080 ti but cheaper id get a 3080 or a 3090
@@vambat3523 2080 ti is better then 3070
@@ZaferToycu no it isnt.
@@OxiCleansGaming yes it is its been proven the 2080 ti is way better
@@ZaferToycu Yeah you're right, but only by 4% and isn't "way better". It's also worth mentioning that the 3070 is 60% cheaper, and has way more value than the 2080ti. The two cards perform similarly, with the 2080ti beating the 3070 in some games, and the 3070 beating the 2080ti in others.
weres ray tracing on roblox
i swear if you only play roblox on this grahpics card...
Moon Nexus did you use rivatuner statistics to unlock the 60 FPS roblox cap
No. Just look up the various tools that allow you to unlock the fps for roblox's engine. Also, there is a difference between rendered FPS versus displayed FPS. Rendered FPS is the fps that a engine of a game is being rendered at. Displayed FPS is the fps that is actually being displayed through your monitor, in other words, fps that you can actually see. So for example, if your monitor is displaying at 60hz, then the most fps you're going to see is 60fps and regardless of what the rendered fps is(ie roblox is showing 60+ or 140+fps). However, if your monitor is able to go above 60hz, like 120hz, then you are able to see a much smoother transition in frames as 120fps is greater than 60fps, and 120hz means it can display frames at 1/120 per second(120fps).
Moon Nexus Thank you, and yes I do have a monitor over 60hz (240hz) I am just wondering what sort of tools you used to unlock the FPS cap.
@@alext2628 Disclaimer though, roblox doesn't like their engine to be messed with, so it might get you a warning or a ban. Anyways, the tool I used to unlock the fps is open source from github. Also, the physics seem to be accelerated in 60fps+ in roblox.
Moon Nexus I tried using that type of FPS unlocker and I almost got a virus, did you receive any virus or warning at all?
@@alext2628 No, I did not receive any shitty RATs or viruses. You should just get it from github and you should be fine. However, if your anti-virus is detecting it as a false positive, just make an exception. Disclaimer again, I've been on Roblox for many years, been through almost all the updates, and I have finally concluded that the platform has some of the shittiest moderators out there. I'd rather get moderated by a discord admin who is usually a furry and will send me unprofessional emails for my antics, than a senile geek from San Mateo. Though, do beware of the ban hammer. You can get banned for using a cookie clicker on Roblox too, especially if it's an injectable.
How do you have raimbow color on windows?
just downloaded some more ram, anybody else doing it??
Its a frickin joke
I didnt see some shader while using RTX,but i see high fps.
you have much to learn about the r700...
um can you educate me real quick on what that even is?
@@rokai7317 it's the sniper rifle in the roblox game
@@rokai7317 Remington 700
My pc cant even run more than 30 fps
lucky mine cant even turn on
@@s41dddd hahaha
if roblox ran on the gpu imagine the frames
It does run
@@NoNamelolxd I thought roblox was a cpu game....
Nah Rx Titan Super Gang 👅👀
Isn’t that a workstation card, and not a gaming card?
@@votedenied3814 Still gets more frames tho 32 gigs
@@votedenied3814 Yes, you're correct.
@@mrduck3474 That's incorrect. The Titan cards are workstation cards for a reason. Although they might have a lot more packed into them, they're not really made to focus on gaming. For example, the i9 9980XE CPU has 18 cores and versus the i9 9900K with only 8. While it's obvious that 18 is way more than 8, the 9900K is able to put out more speed per core than compared to its workstation counterparts.
You can't download ram so I don't know what link you put in your description..
Try again.
I heard Roblox added a Lighting update kinda like ray tracing and sht
SoFun You won’t need an RTX for that. It works for my integrated graphics lol
Did I say you need RTX for that?
SoFun You say that on a video about using an RTX on roblox..
Still, did I say it needs RTX? Its a vid relating to roblox.
@@sofun2276 you do need a 20 series RTX graphics card to have ray tracing in a stable form. using ray tracing on a regular and yet powerful card will not perform nearly as well as a 20 series card. besides roblox does not have ray tracing, it's just some games people add in very detailed lighting which does seem like ray tracing. DX11/12 would be responsible for this, maybe not so much so for Nvidia, but yeah, roblox does not have ray tracing supported (yet).
im pretty sure a 2080 ti would get around 500fps in roblox considering it runs on patatos
Talk about overkill to the max
I played minesweeper on it too. I think I got 4 or 5 fps.
Moon Nexus not bad considering how hard it is to run minesweeper. Especially in ray tracing.
@@rohangajjala5012 You can never be too prepared.
wot is ur background i want pls
I created it myself.
@@moonnexus3523 its so coollllll. Any chance you could upload it somewhere that i can download
whats your PC cost? mines 5000 dollars
0 dollars.
* gtx 1050 ti crying on the corner*
*Intel 5000 hd integreted graphics crying in the corner*
This is bad. I was expecting 240fps at 1440p... (RTX 3080 from estimation)
There was 240fps. Look at the beginning of the video. The reason why it dropped was because I changed the refresh rate of the monitor.
@@moonnexus3523 Re-reading this comment. Its not what I meant. Its the fps in roblox that should be much higher
@@NeedlessEscape Yeah, I reread your comment. It's just the way it is. No complaining from me though, I got that for free.
@@NeedlessEscape Please do. You'll do everyone here a favor!
@@moonnexus3523 HELL YEAH. #NewROBLOXEngine
Only 16 gb ram wtf
If that is a problem, maybe you should fix it; by purchasing some for me.
@@moonnexus3523 just a shame to only have 16 gigs when u have an i9 and an rtx
@@mr.cobblestone5429 Yeah, it's a shame this whole rig I got for free didn't have more than 16GB of ram. Time to go to my gifter's school and do a shooting I guess.
Photography that is...
Moon Nexus howd you get the whole pc for free
natural lights and more?
I think nothing changed lmao
@@mf8898 Human eye is capped at 60 fps, there is no difference above that.
Science Guy Its not. I played a game and saw a huge difference between 60 fps and 100 fps
@@sonourious6074 Are you sure? I barely can see any difference between 50 and 60 fps.
Science Guy Strange. I think its different for some people. I definitely saw a difference between 60 and 100 fps.
@@sonourious6074 True... I'll try to see the difference next time I play.
my potato intel hd 620 gives more performance than that i get locked fps of 60
It’s not roblox, it depends on the game actually.
It's not one's eyesight, it's about their eye vision.
What if Roblox put texture packs and shaders? If there was Ray Tracing that would be uh.....awesome for 12yo's
What games do u play?
Games that are under a platform with an abusable ToS and bias moderation with moderators that cater and ass-kiss to the elites while covering their ears to the average consumer. Oh, what a paradise it is for the elites of Roblox. I mean, if one is making enough revenue for them there, you could get away with so much over there. If you are a progressive left-wing, that's even better(for them).
I got a 2070 super yet i still play roblox
I9 with RTX 2080TI but 8GB RAM... perfect combination.
Can't complain if it's free.
It's 2x8gb, meaning 16gb (two sticks) running at dual channel. 16gb is the sweetspot nowadays.
@@Maxxz101 No, 4gb ram is already overkill
Wim van Erge no, 2gb is overkill
you only need 1mb of ram to play roblox
@@Prawnz no, you need 1 kilobyte
Roblox doesn't even use gpu it only use cpu
in the description, is this RAM installer real?!?!?
Don’t get it
most likely a virus or malware
Bruh stop lying your using FPS unlocker to make it better.
Fps unlocker unlocks the fps of Roblox engine. How much the frames rates reach is dependent on your machine. Also when you say "...your using FPS...," do you mean you're*? Aside from that, what do you mean by lying to make "it" better; what's the context of "it?"
@@moonnexus3523 yes
Moon Nexus shit man I was so dumb when I was 13, I didn’t know what I was saying 😂
I have a rtx 2060 and I get 250 FPS. How you getting so low?
Go look at the beginning of the video. If you don't know what's going on, I put the reason for it on the comments here already.
this is when roblox used to run only on cpu which is stupid
That is why he getting low frames, don't be mad.
Really? Lmao, I thought Roblox also used GPU back then
If you really wanted too you could switch it so its GPU intensive. Dont know much so look up a video on it.
Use nvidia control panel
Yes, that is exactly the reason why. I always thought that essays that require proof and sources cited are just ridiculous. I mean, what do the teachers even know? All that most of them have are Bachelors degrees, Masters Degrees, and even Ph.Ds. They are just stupid and obviously don't know what they are talking about. What bobbidil says is correct and should not be questioned, follow the herd mentality, be a sheep.
That is why he has ascended the realm of common sense. Don't be mad(because anyone that questions or doubts what I say are to be dismissed as being angry).
Ok, all jokes and sarcasm aside. You(@bobbidil) ignored the fact that, at the beginning of the video, I changed the refresh rate settings, changing the fps being displayed(the monitor) vs fps being rendered(Roblox engine) ratio. Therefore, that is what drastically affected the average fps being displayed. I am neither denying or accepting your original claim.
Omg u saved me 69$, i should buy Intel HD Graphics
call me a no life but i dropped 3k to play roblox. RTX 2080Ti i7 9700k 32GB RAM 650 Power supply 500GB SSD And 2TB HDD. Fight me tech nerds
There's nothing "no-life" about purchasing the stuff you would want. It's your money, and you have every right to use it regardless of the opinions of others. Although, to assume that you'd only play roblox is a stretch(just like others to me).
@@moonnexus3523 lmao cause i was on a discord group and randomly some people said their specs they said they only play roblox with a gt710 8gb ram an i3 n shit and i was the only one with a 3k pc and then they said what i play i say roblox only. some tech nerds got mad and said i could of spent like 300 to play roblox and said i have no life lolol
@@moonnexus3523 but i play battlefield 1 battlefield 5 call of duty modern warfare call of duty black ops 4 apex legends minecraft gta v insurgency n shit but my sister accidentally deleted them all. F
@@mrk10utt Did you know that the Windows OS allows for multiple users/accounts? That is a very unfortunate but also, very preventable mistake.
I’m thinking of getting a 2080TI & R7 3700X
for roblox..?
How do u show the fps in the top left
Shift + F5, and there is another one too. I think it is F3, but F4 shows some other stats.
Now 3070 ti is here
3070 is the same performance as the 2080 ti.
@@vambat3523 isn’t that good? you’re paying much less (ofc if you ever find one at MSRP lol) for the same amount of performance
What game is this
Postal 2
@@moonnexus3523 lol dude u rlly wanna avoid promoting reached blox
Man you should have bought steam games
What makes you think I don't have steam games?
@@moonnexus3523 Probaly he is just joking.
Your acting like you have to pay to play Roblox 😂😂
So overkill for just playing Roblox
ngl this is hella smooth
Imagine using a 2080 ti on roblox XDd
you could run battlefront 5 1440p on 4 different monitors and you probably wouldnt lag but for roblox the minimum spec for your gpu has to be 2080Ti
Well, I don't tell people to not subscribe/unsubscribe and dislike this video for no reason.
dam u run roblox with 100 fps i cant ever get 60 becaise i have the trash pc
Rblx has locked it at 60 fps so using an fpsunlocker will help
the rtx 2080 ti doesnt even do anything because gay ass roblox is CPU not GPU
With that 2080ti u better be playing other games at 4k res with 400fps
Ah, yes. There are those that think, just because I put a video of this shitty caliber up, that I ONLY play Roblox. While anyone can look into my channel and find evidence that this is clearly not the case but prefer to believe it anyways. Those same people are either lazy(I am too) or just want to be dummies. It is ok to be a dummy too.
Which game it is
I have a gt 710 and play csgo, imma get a 1030 or maybe 1050 to play fortnite
Dont get a 1050 I beg of you please get an rx 570
@@Bl1ck226bruuuh thnx! its 58% better and £1 cheaper
@@akuma4a never get a 1030
@@rokai7317 I ended up getting an Rx 570 dw
@@akuma4a good choice
Were you using max settings?
Which settings are you talking about? Roblox engine or Phantom Forces?
Moon Nexus In Phantom Forces
@@itzmental5318 Aside from the blood that is off, everything else is on, the same as the default settings. The ingame blood is scripted well, however, it takes a toll on the engine and the network.
I love ur vids
How do you download hardware? Ram is hardware
its a joke
Desktop wallpaper plz??
It's custom, I made it myself.
@@moonnexus3523 nice can I have link?
@@sp00ke86 Just make one your own. Yes.
@@moonnexus3523 ok wheresnlink
@@moonnexus3523 Can I have the link I really want it
wow is the best gameplay shooter i have ever seen
Whats the game in the background called
Phantom Forces
Postal 2
@@moonnexus3523 ?????
@@moonnexus3523 wtf dude thats phantom forces lol
How did you get past the 60 fps cap?
His display is 240hz, so the max cap for him is 240.
Moeez Omair It doesn’t matter what refresh rate you’re monitor is, roblox still caps it’s FPS at 60. I’m just wondering how the maker of the video got past the 60 FPS roblox cap
@@alext2628 Just asking, do you have an above 60hz monitor, just for the purpose of asking.
Moeez Omair Yes, I have a 240hz monitor.
Alex T FPS Unlocker
why are you playing roblox w/ an RTX 2080Ti..
You don't need a RTX 2080 Ti on Roblox.
EDIT: Your original question was: "why do you need a 2080ti, on roblox"
Moon Nexus so why’d ya do this instead of like forza 4 lol
@@okprofilename I used an RTX 2080 Ti on Roblox because I have it, and I enjoy playing Roblox. What other reasons do I need to qualify in playing Roblox?
@@okprofilename Oh also FYI, I did use this on Forza 4. For me, I can play whatever I want because I enjoy it, is that not the same for you? Do you need permission from an adult or your parents to do it?
Ikr, let the man play what he wants. It's his money, not yours.