FRANK WILCZEK. Anyone can think the things Mr. Wilczek speaks of. But! His ability to communicate with such ease and so easy to understand is simply GENIUS. Thank you!
Any scientist who either because of woollyheadedness or cynicism is willing to say or write nice nonsense about religion will win the stupid Templeton Prize.
I am watching Great Frank, and to notice: his facial expression, and I assume that is look like his soul, exudes such joy, happiness, satisfaction and optimism. I haven't seen anyone like that. I guess the reason is that he are doing something that he love and that he have achieved tremendous success in it.
I'm not about to analyse FW, He's on a level so far above mine it isn't even funny, and it isn't. But, I love the way he explains these complex subjects so that...I think I understand what he's saying.
And what, pray, is "the universe"? You have not the faintest idea? - No surprises there. This you are about to demonstrate by signally failing to define or set out exactly what you mean by, "universe, without resort to cognates and synonyms or substituting for one undefined term another or other undefined terms, and the reason that you can't define your terms or the universe is that the universe is and can only possibly be - for you, no more than a vague woolly unfocused generalisation that can never be defined clarified or particularised as you are about to demonstrate
"If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” - Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist
"...what is seen was not made from that which is visible...the things which are seen are temporal, the things which are unseen are eternal." - Paul (rabbi turned apostle of Christ)
I can't believe that humans really are this awesome to actually contemplate about ourselves at such a deep level. Some ripples in quantum fields like Frank Wilczek are able to explain other ripples in quantum fields like us what quantum fields are 😀
Frank Wilczek's explanation is most clear so far to understand that everything, including us, is just field ripples, not even particles, which are mere manifestations of field ripples. Advait (non-dual nature of the universe) philosophy described in Upnishads resembles this description of objects and self.
Faraday was the first to us the word 'fields'. The electromagnetic field can form an interactive process with electrons being waves over a period of time with 'particles' characteristics as the future unfolds. We have a probabilistic uncertain future unfolding with an exchange of energy between photons and electrons. Potential energy of the photon is being transferred into kinetic energy of the electron.
Probably the simplest and the best explanation of how the Universe is constructed can be found in the book = "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe"
I remember reading a story about a biologist who was so awestruck by the complexity of life at the molecular level of DNA that he converted from a devout atheist to a devout Christian. I could sense that Frank Wilczek also has this feeling of being awestruck by the dynamics of the cosmos. It truly is humbly when pondering how such a grand cosmic design should ever come to be.
Converting to any kind of religion is not a sign of humbleness, it's giving up. Religion is a cop-out, conveying the illusion of an explanation while explaining nothing. There is no evidence of any "design" you're so clumsily trying to smuggle in. And calling an atheist "devout" is showing a naive misunderstanding of atheism. Go sell your pencils somewhere else, we're not buying them.
The only thing amazing is Man is the only known intelligence in the Universe .. capable of determining the origin for everything. Only an intelligence .. makes Laws ( of Nature) and things ( of the Universe) with clear purpose,, form, design & FUNCTION.
(2:20) *FW: **_"They're all the same, rigorously the same."_* ... Humans have created modern technology can that produce exact copies of structures. In any CAD or graphics program you can duplicate a design any number of times, and each duplication is an exact copy of the original. Anomalies only occur when you attempt to move your CAD design into physical production. The reason why particles are identical is because they behave in the same way as our CAD programs do. The sole purpose of cosmos-generated particles and computer-generated geometrical shapes it to facilitate complex structure via mathematics-based primitives.
Digital copies may become corrupted so the analogy fails there. So are you saying you don't accept QFT? Or are your mathematical-based primitives quantum fields?
@@johnyharris The absurd premise that All knowledge must be scientifically verifiable . What about love ? What about consciousness ? What about subjective truths, the taste of Chicken to you? What about deductive truths? Even "TRUE" in science is problematic for much the same reason as using "PROVE" is problematic. What about inductive truths; your subjective experience and subjective interpretation of that experience even in science
@@johnyharris *"Digital copies may become corrupted so the analogy fails there."* ... False equivalence. That's a computer error and not a process error. If I duplicate a design in a CAD program, I have an exact copy ... period! You know that! *"So are you saying you don't accept QFT?"* ... If I didn't accept QTF I would say so. Nothing I've stated has anything to do with QTF other than how modern-day CAD programs behave in a similar fashion.
When we look around, what do we see? Something. We never see no things. So, nothing seems to not exist. I think something always existing is a fundamental feature of the universe.
8:30 that is incorrect, building mathematical representations for what they observe (quantum fields) does not make it fundamental, simply because they do not understand what those mathematical representations really describe "incomplete understanding".
When you awaken in this visible realm, your created mind begins processing temporary data into visible images and the ONE who makes you a living being observes those images and hears words being spoken to learn a language. Both the created mind and the ONE who makes you a living being are eternal but the visible images the eternal ONE observes are temporary. None of us will observe any eternal images until we all perish during this temporary generation.
@@maxwellsimoes238 Our Creator created this Simulation/Creation in two parts. The first part was to teach ME what I AM as the ONE who comes alive as each created mind begins processing HIS programmed thoughts. The next part will be eternal and never again will we not understand what I AM that comes alive as each created mind begins processing information in the form of invisible vibrations. There will be a definite and very sudden end to this temporary generation soon.
The underlying structure has matter consolidating the same way every time everywhere. This structure makes gravity that makes measurable time and distance.
The proton field ripples’ metaphor manifests a lifetime greater than 10^34 years, orders of magnitudes larger than that of the universe (10^10 years). Does the metaphor answer the question adequately? Is there a difference between the mould offered by the field to any other unknown mechanism? Once the protons in the entire universe were constructed they aren’t ripples anymore as they do not decay. At least this is what the Kamiokande experiment shows.
Those who are familiar with the Double Split experiment understand that relative to the size of the universe, each human is a particle living in the quantum field.
On exactly how many occasions have you yourself carried out "the double split" experiment? It would not by any chance you exactly the same occasions as when you witnessed there is training unicorns to balance square circles and eight sided triangles of the tips of their horns while they were standing on the own backs by any chance would it?
On just one occasion, empty space made a bunch of very interesting particles, and since then the particles have combined into an incredible factory for making empty space. The Why Of Empty Space (c) offers a unique perspective on the modern scientific description of the universe.
@@fluentpiffle yeah...NO! Space isn't at all silent. It's very very busy. You know -- time, fields, gravity, all that stuff. Just none of those annoying particles.
Everything in our universe is energy, vibrating in a harmonic coherence that creates the great cosmic symphony. Physicist Dr. Theresa Bullard reveals that our power of observation determines how our reality manifests, making us players in a masterpiece of universal proportions. A conscious entity capable of generating information by observing. Matter doesn't exist until we observe it . (Frank Wilczek)
@Terre Schill Some compelling evidences suggesting intelligent design: Our universe is made up of these elements : 1. Reality is made up of Information, Mathematics everywhere Symbols everywhere . Meaning is subjective , it requires a choice by a conscious being . 2. Causality Loops , Time is an illusion . (All of time) Every moment in time exists all the time . The universe is like a single DVD movie , the beginning , the middle , and the end of the story are all inside the disk . 3. Non-deterministic universe, We have free will because of our consciousness to decide as proven by the modified double-slit experiment (delayed-choice quantum eraser). 4. Cosmic Consciousness , placebo effect, Mind over matter , double-slit experiment . A conscious entity capable of generating information by observing. Matter doesn't exist until we observe it . (Frank Wilczek) 5. Quantized universe , Pixelation (Werner Heisenberg - Matrix Theory) planck length and planck time . 6. E8 Crystal Lattice shape of the fundamental particles in 8 Dimensions , when projected as 4D becomes 2 shapes in different sizes with a Ratio of 0.618 , 7. Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence existing everywhere in the universe from quantum Scale to Celestial Scale . Conclusion: 1. Universal Collective Consciousness or Cosmic Consciousness coined by Dr. Michio Kaku . Our body is a collection of microbes (microbiome) with a single collective consciousness. Electrons and Quarks self-organize into 81 stable atoms to become self-aware into human consciousness . There is no upper limit on the number of atoms and energy to self-organize and become self-aware, therefore the earth could also be conscious (Gaia Hypothesis) 2. Our universe is a code-based Simulation in a super computer in another universe .
@Terre Schill *"I have heard the argument that the identity of individual particles is evidence that we are in a simulated reality."* ... We are not in a simulated reality. Our current, real "reality" is all that is required. Anything other than a single would be superfluous and succumb to infinite regression.
@Terre Schill *"Then what do they mean when they say "it's all information", a code according to some."* ... Because reality CAN be broken down to pure information. That doesn't mean this information is a simulation. My comment isn't a _simulation_ of a "real" comment. It's my actual comment. *"But as some other people point out, at some level saying it is all math, all computations, all information IMPLIES that it is a Mind or in a Mind."* ... I am one who professes that everything is comprised of information and mathematics is the organizational structure that allows existence to organize into structure. None of this mandates that a simulation is involved, nor would a simulation even be required. A *simulation* (by definition) mandates that whatever reality is being simulated must exist somewhere. *"What "it" is I am not too sure, God I guess."* ... God is defined as an all-knowing, all-powerful entity. Why would God need to run a simulation about anything? Wouldn't an all-knowing God already know the results in advance?
@Terre Schill "*I realize I have been confusing simulation theory and idealism, I guess."* ... Well, a universe that is in actually just a simulation falls under the heading of idealism. It's an abstract way of looking at existence. Even movies are based on the concept. *"The instantiate mathematical abstractions?"* ... I don't understand the question. What are mathematical abstractions and how are they instantiated? You mean like, "math instantiates geometry?" In my world, the purpose of a computer is to assimilate, evaluate, and generate data. It's all about information. *"So that virtual abstract "ideal" is what is being simulated."* ... I'm having trouble grasping what you mean. I don't know if this answers your question, but the only way you can have a simulation of something is to have the real version already existing somewhere. *Example:* I could create a great simulation of what it's like to drive a Bugatti, but a Bugatti must first exist to allow me to mimic it. So, I don't think something as basic and unspecific as a "virtual abstract ideal" would have the know-how to simulate the barely imaginable, extreme type of existence you and I are experiencing right now. If anything, it would be the other way around with complexity mimicking simplicity because "Complexity" already has "simplicity" built into it.
if everything is a field, then everything flows (Navier Stokes). Which in turn implies maybe time, which is a mystery now, necessarily flows as well, in my view laminarly
I can’t even imagine what new “must have” future gadgets will emerge from the understandings being gained by people like Frank Wilczek. One certainty is that the likes of Apple will be feverishly working on it.
Doesn't know a better description means less understanding. . Everything in our universe is energy, vibrating in a harmonic coherence that creates the great cosmic symphony. Physicist Dr. Theresa Bullard reveals that our power of observation determines how our reality manifests, making us players in a masterpiece of universal proportions. A conscious entity capable of generating information by observing. Matter doesn't exist until we observe it . (Frank Wilczek)
here means: the mathematical representations, if Newton come alive now and saw a car, his laws still workable to make calculations for its acceleration, .... but that does not mean that Newton know how that car does work, something like that, those mathematical representations does not describe everything and dopes not mean complete understanding "approaches"
4:10 Maxwell was one of the best scientists, he was partially right "his assumption". but of course that has nothing to do with so called gods "simply because everything is governed by science and only science", that type of science needs a real scientists. that is why Dirac was right in his wondering about the relation between subatomic scale and cosmological scale.
Anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the universe, a spirit vastly superior to that of man." - most famous physicist and philosopher Albert Einstein "I have no special talent. I'm only passionately curious." "If at first an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it." -ALBERT EINSTEIN
@@ManiBalajiC Sam Harris (famous Atheist) known as one of the "Four Horsemen" of New Atheism, along with Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Dennett. . Many atheists (Sam Harris and Susan Jane Blackmore) believe in the existence of Cosmic consciousness,the spirit , the soul. Even Sam Harris believes in the spirit so he practices Zen buddhist meditation on a regular basis. . In Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion (2014), Harris describes his experience with Dzogchen, a Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice, and recommends it to his readers.[52] He writes that the purpose of spirituality (as he defines it - he concedes that the term's uses are diverse and sometimes indefensible) is to become aware that our sense of self is illusory, and says this realization brings both happiness and insight into the nature of consciousness. This process of realization, he argues, is based on experience and is not contingent on faith. Harris especially recommends the “headless” meditation technique as written about by Douglas Harding. . Sam Harris says spirituality should be understood in light of scientific disciplines like neuroscience and psychology. .
@@ManiBalajiC Consciousness resides outside of the Brain . And it affects our Brain . (not the other way around) . The limitations of Science is that We can't explain things that are not Empirical like consciousness , feelings , emotions , love known as "the hard problem." . (Consciousness , some call it mind or spirit or soul. They're inter-related) . Cosmic Consciousness is a fundamental element of the universe . The universe May very Well be conscious. Book ~ The Emperor's New Mind by Roger Penrose , 2020 Nobel Prize winner in Physics . . Microtubules . Consciousness involves understanding, non computational effects . A computer doesn't understand why it wins in a game of chess , it justs follows algorithms . After the collapse of the wave function, then there is a level of subjectivity. by Dr Stuart Hameroff, MD .
I believe in a sandbox universe, it is essentially a computer generated game. And someone is playing that game. Is it God? It could also be some geek from outside this realm that is very much into playing games just because it's fun.
I can count. 1 transcendent consciousness, 2 transcendent counseling forces, 12 transcendent constituents = 15. The same pattern we see in the standard model, same pattern we see in the 12 cranial nerves and two hemispheres of our brains. Likewise in Noam Chomsky’s transcendent dissemination of languages, music, Carbon 12 atoms, perfect governance in the bible Mentioned 187 times, The Sumerians and the Golbekitepians seem to think something was going on here as well. And don’t forget about the 12 black holes and companion stars orbiting Sagittarius a star and the two spiral arms that produce everything that we know produces life. Do you suppose any of the aforementioned have anything to do with consciousness?Please interview me. Thanks
The question remains why each ripple on each field is identical. Each ripple on water is not identical. I mean it does not help to say that the electron field underlies electrons.
hehe.. i thought so too.. all this interview tells is the particles are not fundamental but there are a couple dozen fields that are fundamental... but the begs the question again.. why these fields ? are they really fundamental or there is more down there.. this video just doesnt do it for me.
that is for sure, I have wrote that myself, I talked about why Dirac was wondering, even that comment where I wrote about constants and rotating the triangles to make it easier to understand the constant Pi and its relation to both Plank's constant and the cosmological constant,... because it is related to the same problem. and what I have wrote about space, time and gravity and that understanding space is the first step to understand gravity,..... it is exactly the same but as if an ape wants to interpret and explain human logic ! it is impossible to be just a coincidence fro many reasons.
10:50 mathematics is a kind of representation of human logic, the better logic the closer to the correct formula, if apes's logic can build a tools, then human logic can build the same tools but better tools "quality of logic". that means it is possible to build a mathematical representations for nonsense too (common nowadays), but that will never make it valuable. the laws of physics are already there so the better logic the closer to the correct formula (that law of physics) what is really strange is that the thieves did not steal the most important part, especially that human logic is the most important part, not only that, it is universal.
How do you make people follow a fool? You give him recognition, prizes and accolades. How do you prevent truth and reason? You set them up with crime or mental illness, diagnose non cancer or engeneeer an accident. This is history of physics, especially electrical discovery.
People prefer to follow a fool. Fools are easy to deal with. We can ‘vote’ for them one day, and throw them away the next when they don’t do what we want them to.. People do not want solutions to their ‘problems’ either. The ‘problems’ are created in the first place to shield us from the necessary truths we would prefer not to recognise..
It's a bit amusing that Frank uses the word "beautiful equations" and then says that mathematics seem to be the fundamental structure of the universe. But isn't it Frank's consciousness that understands this mathematics and uses the word beautiful to describe it? Doesn't that make consciousness even more fundamental?
@@maxwellsimoes238 Everything in our universe is energy, vibrating in a harmonic coherence that creates the great cosmic symphony. Physicist Dr. Theresa Bullard reveals that our power of observation determines how our reality manifests, making us players in a masterpiece of universal proportions. A conscious entity capable of generating information by observing. Matter doesn't exist until we observe it . (Frank Wilczek)
that woman on TEDx Talks, Rethinking Space and Time, she read this comment for sure: Amin Am 11 months ago there is no time without space and memory (both temporary memory and permanent memory) and the calculations in the background (consciousness type two) different than the conventional way of human thinking. there is a process of spacetime creation (not the creation like the way humans think such as gods or ...) what Einsteins wrote about Gravity is incorrect, his theory does work because it works as a kind of wrapper, it is more complicated than a curvature of spacetime, it does not solve the main problem. Gravity has to do with spacetime but more complicated, there is a property in each atom triggers as soon as it enters the gravitational field deals with each atom independently regardless its location in the object, that is why all the objects fall at the same rate, the secret of Gravity is on the same road of entanglement, superposition... a new revolutionary way of thinking is inevitable to make a real scientific progress instead of ruminating the old theories... it is a very complicated process: any thing creates dimensions (so-called matter ) like the planet Earth, plants, animals even microorganisms is part of the process... entanglement phenomena is like some one get his head out of the window to take a look outside at the real world, humans did not open the gate of science yet....
I personally doesn’t know any of these people, before, and their ideas 💡! The reasons for my words is, my works, are based on nature’s and they are all related together !
There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the "particle" of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the MATRIX of all matter." - Max Planck, Father of Quantum Physics "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness."
Consciousness is, necessarily, a localised and emergent phenomenon. It is disingenuous to try to claim otherwise. All that is required to produce that which we observe (and are!) are infinite energy ('space') and its inherent aspect of motion (which we measure as 'time'). The mechanism, which includes our most plausible understanding of 'gravity', is found here.. spaceandmotion
there is no such reality, then ultimately (as far as we can know) mind alone exists. And if mind is not a product of real matter, but rather is the creator of the illusion of material reality (which has, in fact, despite the materialists We cannot deny that the building blocks of our macroscopic universe is dependent on the atomic universe or quantum reality. In the materialist point of view, it is indeed absurd to assert that human consciousness is responsible for the collapse of the wave function, but it is not absurd that some non-human conscious being or entity could have been the cause. Because if no consciousness is required then it would just be of equal assertion that we are just denying what we have just learned or discovered about quantum mechanics.
Mind is the product of matter. In order to have consciousness there needs to be logic. In order to have logic there needs to be existence, identity, distinction, negation and consistency. That means we have to start with the Universe. Consciousness does not collapse the wave function. The wave function collapses when a quantum field interacts with another quantum field or its environment.
I would like to hear FW comment on your conjecture. There is a danger in attempting to derive reality from consciousness. What is non-human consciousness?
@@keithrelyea7997 Take the geocentric model of the universe which was derived from consciousness. It failed to describe the orbits of planets and the sun without appealing to complicated mathematics to explain away anomalies. The Heliocentric Model of the universe was born out of astronomers making observations through telescopes that the Earth revolves around the Sun. The belief the consciousness is fundamental is driven by human desire to be the center of everything.
Those quantum fields may just be icons. Ever heard of Interface of Perception Theory? Our perceptions are like PC OSs. Objects are like icons on a desktop. We don't see the objective going ons, rather constructed images via our brains, a biological interface. * Just as the icons of a PC’s interface hide the complexity of the computer, so our perceptions usefully hide the complexity of the world, and guide adaptive behavior. * "An interface hides the truth; for someone editing a paper or photo, seeing transistors and firmware is an irrelevant hindrance. For the perceptions of H. sapiens, space-time is the desktop and physical objects are the icons." * Our perceptions of the world are not ''veridical,'' meaning that they do not necessarily represent the world accurately. * A rock is an interface icon, not a constituent of objective reality * If our perceptions do not correspond to objective reality, and indeed make no attempt to correspond to an objective reality, then 3D objects themselves are simply part of our own species-specific perceptual interface, not part of an observer-independent reality. * Everything is consciousness but not in a panpsychist way. * The conventionalist might object, saying, “If you think that the wild tiger over there is just a perceptual category of your interface, then why don’t you go pet it? When it attacks, you’ll find out it’s an objective reality.” This objection is misguided. I don’t pet wild tigers for the same reason I don’t carelessly drag a file icon to the trash bin. I don’t take the icon literally, as though it resembles the real file. But I do take it seriously. My actions on the icon have repercussions for the file. Similarly, I don’t take my tiger icon literally but I do take it seriously. Aeons of evolution of my interface have shaped it to the point where I had better take its icons seriously or risk harm. So the conventionalist objection fails because it conflates taking icons seriously and taking them literally.
this guy seemed really cool until he got so negative about god. i didn't like that part and i'm not even religious. it just seemed close minded and arrogant or something.
This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent being. And if the fixed Stars are the centers of other like systems, these, being formed by the like wise counsel, must all be subject to the dominion of One. [...] This Being Governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all: And on account of his dominion he is wont to be called Lord God παντοκρατωρ, or Universal Ruler. ~ from General Scholium written by Sir Isaac Newton
fields does not seem enough! they do not understand the basics: space, time, speed, energy, momentum, ..... they even do not understand this simple equation for sure: distance = speed x time "provable".
QM classicalized in 2010. Juliana Mortenson website Forgotten Physics. The expanding electron does everything: objects and phenomena. Little (so little) do these experts “ know.” Grow up. “The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy “, Mark McCutcheon. No energy, charge, photons, waves, spin, fields, potential, etc.
On the very tiniest level it's basically "nothing". So when I wonder how universe started to exist I come to conclusion it doesn't really exist in the sense we used to think it does.
Well the universe is not constructed out of sugar and spice and everything nice. It's more like snips and snails and puppy dogs' tails and black holes that eat galaxies. So what is it really made out of? Only one thing, photons. That's all there is and structured space of an unknown number of dimensions.
Manufacturing is the most fundamental concept that scientists dont want to admit even they profoundly believe there is a manufacturer of the universe, who created it, is guiding it and will end it one day, he is Allah (god) the most almighthy
Metaphysics Here on earth like it is in heaven Darkness (business) exists so that stars (light and warmth) have a place to shine in heaven (joy, beauty and harmony). Stars like US don't exist to be sucked out of heaven by a giant black hole in space called "greed" and its ignorance (hate). Also, Love spent billions of years creating this paradise planet lifeboat so that her miraculous works of fine art called "life" have a beautiful place to "be". Good (god) didn't spend so much time creating this paradise planet lifeboat to be depreciated, polluted and destroyed in a brief moment by hostile alien vampires (greed) and their ignorance (hate). We are sparks placed here for a brief moment to accumulate light and warmth (love) that we can become as bright of a star as we can be...shining in heaven (joy, beauty and harmony). Good (god) knows every star by name. We accumulate light and warmth (love) by appreciating this paradise planet lifeboat and the miraculous works of fine art called "life" that inhabit it. If we extinguish our light and warmth (love) with "greed" and its ignorance (hate)...we become the darkness and emptiness that surrounds the stars. A very cold, dark, lonely, desolate place to be...for eternity.
Using plain English he explained everythin within 10 minutes .... everything is ripples from quantum field which is fundamental to the universe. And Newton had to invoke the hands of God to explain this wonder.... ful existence.
Is he explaining how the cosmos came about or how it currently works? He talks about a deep structure, electromagnetic field, electron fields, and dozens of fields being quantized to form different particles. How did these fields come about? How did they become dense before erupting into the big bang?
The quantum fields were always there they just in their lowest possible energy state so particles could not be produced. For quantum fields of matter the lowest energy stat is zero and for quantum fields which carry a force the lowest energy state is non zero.
“What did science think before they knew about fields?” No, there’s no knowledge of fields. It’s a theory. It’s a maybe. Let’s not pretend this is settled true fact.
Science of nature is not directly theology -- it does treat questions that concern the physical universe -- but it is dependent on theology: " it is manifest that science of nature(phusiologia) is a kind of theology, because what is constituted by nature also has a divine existence in a way, to the extent that it is produced by the gods". -- Neoplatonism The materialists say science doesn't need to listen to theology, clowns like guth, if I recall correctly, states such baloney. Physics aka Nature is not caused by itself, that being matter and existence; and any science that studies nature is theology because it has to acknowledge the Truth. Theology, and the scriptures are based off of the same things sciences works with -- the difference is modern science has become authoritative by materialists and so they think math is science; techniqually speaking if theology is based on science and nature, then how can it be logical to say science doesn't need to listen to theology -- perhaps what they mean is, materialists shouldn't listen to Wise men. This science vs religion thing needs to go! The scriptures in one word: consciousness. It's about nature, divinity, being, interaction, levels of consciousness, the stars, physics, spirit. Concocted in a coded form referred to as 'dark sayings'. Mythology doesn't mean made up, it means there's a truth within. What science isn't is: mathematics. Mathematics is not science, only a method applied to science. Science is entirely reliant upon the laws of physics, and where might you say the laws come from?
Anyone saying that theology is in any way related to "truth" is delusional. Theology is another word for "jumping to conclusions"; it isn't wisdom, it's just a way for the primitive mind to cowardly escape the task of trying to understand the world around it - just like yours.
@@cinemusicberlin you have emotional issues, likely borderline personality disorder, acting like an insolent degenerate. Tell us what school you went to?
Quantum mechanics 😂😂😂😂suddenly discovered something and named wonderfully like gravity in a bubble even rockets floating in space without atmosphere earth have no gravity sun cramping the heat and spinning with it all the things attached with it gravity 😂😂😂😂😂
FRANK WILCZEK. Anyone can think the things Mr. Wilczek speaks of. But! His ability to communicate with such ease and so easy to understand is simply GENIUS. Thank you!
Totally agree with you. I wish I had a 4 hour lunch with him.
Any scientist who either because of woollyheadedness or cynicism is willing to say or write nice nonsense about religion will win the stupid Templeton Prize.
If you prefer a smooth lie over a rough truth..
@@fluentpiffle what do you mean? Please elaborate?
One of the best interviews, love hearing this guy talk.
I am watching Great Frank, and to notice: his facial expression, and I assume that is look like his soul, exudes such joy, happiness, satisfaction and optimism. I haven't seen anyone like that. I guess the reason is that he are doing something that he love and that he have achieved tremendous success in it.
I believe he had just been awarded the Nobel Prize when they shot this footage. Well deserved.
It's like his profound understanding of nature has made him a content man.
Reminds me of Max Tegmark.
I'm not about to analyse FW, He's on a level so far above mine it isn't even funny, and it isn't. But, I love the way he explains these complex subjects so that...I think I understand what he's saying.
What a wonderful man! So full of the joy of the universe
Only half a man, then, as truth is not always 'wonderful'. And this is one of the main reasons why people avoid truth by pretending 'other' things..
And what, pray, is "the universe"?
You have not the faintest idea? - No surprises there.
This you are about to demonstrate by signally failing to define or set out exactly what you mean by, "universe, without resort to cognates and synonyms or substituting for one undefined term another or other undefined terms, and the reason that you can't define your terms or the universe is that the universe is and can only possibly be - for you, no more than a vague woolly unfocused generalisation that can never be defined clarified or particularised as you are about to demonstrate
The universe is swirling colliding explosions merging into swirling darkness . So much for "the love of the universe!"😅 (American, ryt?)
@@jamesbarlow6423 Like most human beings.. Only beautiful at a distance!
"If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” - Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist
"...what is seen was not made from that which is visible...the things which are seen are temporal, the things which are unseen are eternal." - Paul (rabbi turned apostle of Christ)
Oh, you who have made these comments are "religiousists".
@@Nunya_Bidness_53 And yet quite a few people apparently saw Jesus... Oh well, not real, says Nunya.
@@simesaid Huh? I'm not talking about the Incarnation but the Creation. Though both are the invisible made visible.
I can't believe that humans really are this awesome to actually contemplate about ourselves at such a deep level. Some ripples in quantum fields like Frank Wilczek are able to explain other ripples in quantum fields like us what quantum fields are 😀
One of my favorite speakers. Maybe the best explainer featured in this series.
Good for YOU . But next frank phisch view he show phisch honest picuret in reality Universe. NOW he are only nerd arrogant .
@@maxwellsimoes238 thanks
@@maxwellsimoes238 You keep making these incoherent, insulting negative posts. You do realize that no one understands a word you are saying.
I agree, and I also notice how Mr Kuhn treats him with great respect.
@@buddyrichable1 I noticed that too. Almost like he's larger than life.
Frank Wilczek's explanation is most clear so far to understand that everything, including us, is just field ripples, not even particles, which are mere manifestations of field ripples. Advait (non-dual nature of the universe) philosophy described in Upnishads resembles this description of objects and self.
Nikola Tesla was also well aware of Vedic philosophy..
Faraday was the first to us the word 'fields'. The electromagnetic field can form an interactive process with electrons being waves over a period of time with 'particles' characteristics as the future unfolds. We have a probabilistic uncertain future unfolding with an exchange of energy between photons and electrons. Potential energy of the photon is being transferred into kinetic energy of the electron.
Probably the simplest and the best explanation of how the Universe is constructed can be found in the book = "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe"
Does anyone know if they upload the full, uncut interview on their website? Or anywhere else?
l don't know
Yeah the website has full episodes
This is a good video.
I remember reading a story about a biologist who was so awestruck by the complexity of life at the molecular level of DNA that he converted from a devout atheist to a devout Christian. I could sense that Frank Wilczek also has this feeling of being awestruck by the dynamics of the cosmos. It truly is humbly when pondering how such a grand cosmic design should ever come to be.
Converting to any kind of religion is not a sign of humbleness, it's giving up. Religion is a cop-out, conveying the illusion of an explanation while explaining nothing. There is no evidence of any "design" you're so clumsily trying to smuggle in. And calling an atheist "devout" is showing a naive misunderstanding of atheism. Go sell your pencils somewhere else, we're not buying them.
Amazing that humans can figure out a foundation of their reality that is so unintuitive, we have come a long way it would seem.
Yeah in just in 100-300 years and few decades of proper technologies
One can't help but be optimistic for the future of the species with this ability to figure things out.
The only thing amazing is Man is the only known intelligence in the Universe .. capable of determining the origin for everything.
Only an intelligence .. makes Laws ( of Nature) and things ( of the Universe) with clear purpose,, form, design & FUNCTION.
Youre kidding right? Weve been heading full speed in the absolute opposite direction from true knowledge
@@hjvjccc in what way. If we are in opp direction we would have no proper understanding of anything...
To me, the fields have always been the most fundamental and perplexing things.
They should be 'perplexing', because they do not exist. They are simply unnecessary, when the correct mechanism is understood.. spaceandmotion
(2:20) *FW: **_"They're all the same, rigorously the same."_* ... Humans have created modern technology can that produce exact copies of structures. In any CAD or graphics program you can duplicate a design any number of times, and each duplication is an exact copy of the original. Anomalies only occur when you attempt to move your CAD design into physical production.
The reason why particles are identical is because they behave in the same way as our CAD programs do. The sole purpose of cosmos-generated particles and computer-generated geometrical shapes it to facilitate complex structure via mathematics-based primitives.
Digital copies may become corrupted so the analogy fails there. So are you saying you don't accept QFT? Or are your mathematical-based primitives quantum fields?
@@johnyharris The absurd premise that All knowledge must be scientifically verifiable . What about love ? What about consciousness ? What about subjective truths, the taste of Chicken to you? What about deductive truths? Even "TRUE" in science is problematic for much the same reason as using "PROVE" is problematic. What about inductive truths; your subjective experience and subjective interpretation of that experience even in science
@@johnyharris *"Digital copies may become corrupted so the analogy fails there."*
... False equivalence. That's a computer error and not a process error. If I duplicate a design in a CAD program, I have an exact copy ... period! You know that!
*"So are you saying you don't accept QFT?"*
... If I didn't accept QTF I would say so. Nothing I've stated has anything to do with QTF other than how modern-day CAD programs behave in a similar fashion.
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC *"If I didn't accept QTF I would say so"*
Fair enough, I just thought thats what you were getting at. My misunderstanding.
Wow, great video! Great!!!
Quantum field theory and non locality in regards to the wave function are fascinating. Wonderful interview on the field nature of the universe.
Are cavity layer lines in brain structure have function like magnetron device that create oscilation of electron current / ions.
Wow so perfectly engineered that looks very fine tuned :p
here you go again
That's the image of the Divine. We see the form, beauty, meaning, symmetry, unity in multiplicity, that which we consider as fine tuned.
When we look around, what do we see? Something. We never see no things. So, nothing seems to not exist. I think something always existing is a fundamental feature of the universe.
And we have to begin with logic if we wish to find logical answers..
From dozen to one could mean everything is connected! Like Tesla said, everything vibrates!
6:08 EM fields
A more decent conversation here, although not very concise.
The questions follow right away, like : what's a field made of?
Etc, etc.
Why did you not asked the only profound question? What is a field?
They want to sell people on as if they know what they're talking about.
field is just another model construct.. its not a real thing.
The cosmos is fine tuned for love.
8:30 that is incorrect, building mathematical representations for what they observe (quantum fields) does not make it fundamental, simply because they do not understand what those mathematical representations really describe "incomplete understanding".
Frank sure does grin more than any other scientist I've ever seen interviewed. What is he cheesin at??
He had just received this Nobel Prize when they recorded this. In an earlier clip he actually shows it to Robert. Brilliant man.
When you awaken in this visible realm, your created mind begins processing temporary data into visible images and the ONE who makes you a living being observes those images and hears words being spoken to learn a language. Both the created mind and the ONE who makes you a living being are eternal but the visible images the eternal ONE observes are temporary. None of us will observe any eternal images until we all perish during this temporary generation.
Comment concern eternal are temporary are rambling because if it are eternal not be temporáriy. Theory phisc NEVER keep going contradition. Thanks
@@maxwellsimoes238 Our Creator created this Simulation/Creation in two parts. The first part was to teach ME what I AM as the ONE who comes alive as each created mind begins processing HIS programmed thoughts. The next part will be eternal and never again will we not understand what I AM that comes alive as each created mind begins processing information in the form of invisible vibrations. There will be a definite and very sudden end to this temporary generation soon.
@@BradHolkesvig That sounds like an analog for something, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
@@m_ssingp_eces Pouring concrete?
Science and spiritualism, for lack of a better term, will soon come together. We are so close.
Well that makes the simulation theory plausible, if all particules are bumps on a field, seems more easy to make
The underlying structure has matter consolidating the same way every time everywhere. This structure makes gravity that makes measurable time and distance.
we are clueless...we don't know yet..too many questions, a few answers..there's a possibility of fith force too👌👍😆🤨🛸
The proton field ripples’ metaphor manifests a lifetime greater than 10^34 years, orders of magnitudes larger than that of the universe (10^10 years). Does the metaphor answer the question adequately? Is there a difference between the mould offered by the field to any other unknown mechanism? Once the protons in the entire universe were constructed they aren’t ripples anymore as they do not decay. At least this is what the Kamiokande experiment shows.
Why can't there just be one field to support the vibration modes of all particles?
It can!
Those who are familiar with the Double Split experiment understand that relative to the size of the universe, each human is a particle living in the quantum field.
On exactly how many occasions have you yourself carried out "the double split" experiment?
It would not by any chance you exactly the same occasions as when you witnessed there is training unicorns to balance square circles and eight sided triangles of the tips of their horns while they were standing on the own backs by any chance would it?
On just one occasion, empty space made a bunch of very interesting particles, and since then the particles have combined into an incredible factory for making empty space.
The Why Of Empty Space (c) offers a unique perspective on the modern scientific description of the universe.
Is it ‘empty’ if it contains everything that exists?
Only in a manner of speaking. This channel is all about speaking.
@@psmoyer63 And when the chatter dies down Space will still contain everything in existence, even the silence..
@@fluentpiffle yeah...NO! Space isn't at all silent. It's very very busy. You know -- time, fields, gravity, all that stuff. Just none of those annoying particles.
@@psmoyer63 Yes, it’s just Humans that will remain silent, if we ignore truth for long enough..
I started to build up my worlds, by the way I thought is a good way to do it!
If energy in a proton contributes to inertial rest mass then why wouldnt all energy behave the same way?
Everything in our universe is energy, vibrating in a harmonic coherence that creates the great cosmic symphony. Physicist Dr. Theresa Bullard reveals that our power of observation determines how our reality manifests, making us players in a masterpiece of universal proportions.
A conscious entity capable of generating information by observing. Matter doesn't exist until we observe it . (Frank Wilczek)
@Terre Schill Some compelling evidences suggesting intelligent design:
Our universe is made up of these elements :
1. Reality is made up of Information,
Mathematics everywhere
Symbols everywhere . Meaning is subjective , it requires a choice by a conscious being .
2. Causality Loops , Time is an illusion . (All of time) Every moment in time exists all the time . The universe is like a single DVD movie , the beginning , the middle , and the end of the story are all inside the disk .
3. Non-deterministic universe, We have free will because of our consciousness to decide as proven by the modified double-slit experiment (delayed-choice quantum eraser).
4. Cosmic Consciousness , placebo effect, Mind over matter , double-slit experiment . A conscious entity capable of generating information by observing. Matter doesn't exist until we observe it . (Frank Wilczek)
5. Quantized universe , Pixelation (Werner Heisenberg - Matrix Theory) planck length and planck time .
6. E8 Crystal Lattice shape of the fundamental particles in 8 Dimensions , when projected as 4D becomes 2 shapes in different sizes with a Ratio of 0.618 ,
7. Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence existing everywhere in the universe from quantum Scale to Celestial Scale .
1. Universal Collective Consciousness or Cosmic Consciousness coined by Dr. Michio Kaku . Our body is a collection of microbes (microbiome) with a single collective consciousness. Electrons and Quarks self-organize into 81 stable atoms to become self-aware into human consciousness . There is no upper limit on the number of atoms and energy to self-organize and become self-aware, therefore the earth could also be conscious (Gaia Hypothesis)
2. Our universe is a code-based Simulation in a super computer in another universe .
@Terre Schill *"I have heard the argument that the identity of individual particles is evidence that we are in a simulated reality."*
... We are not in a simulated reality. Our current, real "reality" is all that is required. Anything other than a single would be superfluous and succumb to infinite regression.
@@dongshengdi773 Option 3. Out Universe is a supercomputer and reality is the output.
@Terre Schill *"Then what do they mean when they say "it's all information", a code according to some."*
... Because reality CAN be broken down to pure information. That doesn't mean this information is a simulation. My comment isn't a _simulation_ of a "real" comment. It's my actual comment.
*"But as some other people point out, at some level saying it is all math, all computations, all information IMPLIES that it is a Mind or in a Mind."*
... I am one who professes that everything is comprised of information and mathematics is the organizational structure that allows existence to organize into structure. None of this mandates that a simulation is involved, nor would a simulation even be required.
A *simulation* (by definition) mandates that whatever reality is being simulated must exist somewhere.
*"What "it" is I am not too sure, God I guess."*
... God is defined as an all-knowing, all-powerful entity. Why would God need to run a simulation about anything? Wouldn't an all-knowing God already know the results in advance?
@Terre Schill "*I realize I have been confusing simulation theory and idealism, I guess."*
... Well, a universe that is in actually just a simulation falls under the heading of idealism. It's an abstract way of looking at existence. Even movies are based on the concept.
*"The instantiate mathematical abstractions?"*
... I don't understand the question. What are mathematical abstractions and how are they instantiated? You mean like, "math instantiates geometry?" In my world, the purpose of a computer is to assimilate, evaluate, and generate data. It's all about information.
*"So that virtual abstract "ideal" is what is being simulated."*
... I'm having trouble grasping what you mean. I don't know if this answers your question, but the only way you can have a simulation of something is to have the real version already existing somewhere. *Example:* I could create a great simulation of what it's like to drive a Bugatti, but a Bugatti must first exist to allow me to mimic it.
So, I don't think something as basic and unspecific as a "virtual abstract ideal" would have the know-how to simulate the barely imaginable, extreme type of existence you and I are experiencing right now. If anything, it would be the other way around with complexity mimicking simplicity because "Complexity" already has "simplicity" built into it.
if everything is a field, then everything flows (Navier Stokes). Which in turn implies maybe time, which is a mystery now, necessarily flows as well, in my view laminarly
Anyone that goes right go quantum fields usually is full of it and has no idea the answer
I can’t even imagine what new “must have” future gadgets will emerge from the understandings being gained by people like Frank Wilczek. One certainty is that the likes of Apple will be feverishly working on it.
better description does not necessarily means better understanding.
Doesn't know a better description means less understanding.
Everything in our universe is energy, vibrating in a harmonic coherence that creates the great cosmic symphony. Physicist Dr. Theresa Bullard reveals that our power of observation determines how our reality manifests, making us players in a masterpiece of universal proportions.
A conscious entity capable of generating information by observing. Matter doesn't exist until we observe it . (Frank Wilczek)
here means: the mathematical representations, if Newton come alive now and saw a car, his laws still workable to make calculations for its acceleration, .... but that does not mean that Newton know how that car does work, something like that, those mathematical representations does not describe everything and dopes not mean complete understanding "approaches"
4:10 Maxwell was one of the best scientists, he was partially right "his assumption". but of course that has nothing to do with so called gods "simply because everything is governed by science and only science", that type of science needs a real scientists.
that is why Dirac was right in his wondering about the relation between subatomic scale and cosmological scale.
Totally wrong understanding of science .
That's not science , That's materialism .
Anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the universe, a spirit vastly superior to that of man." - most famous physicist and philosopher Albert Einstein
"I have no special talent. I'm only passionately curious."
"If at first an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it." -ALBERT EINSTEIN
There is no such thing as spirit....smh
@@ManiBalajiC There is No such thing as computers , Smartphones , airplanes .
~ Cro Magnon .
@@ManiBalajiC Sam Harris (famous Atheist) known as one of the "Four Horsemen" of New Atheism, along with Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Dennett.
Many atheists (Sam Harris and Susan Jane Blackmore) believe in the existence of Cosmic consciousness,the spirit , the soul. Even Sam Harris believes in the spirit so he practices Zen buddhist meditation on a regular basis.
In Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion (2014), Harris describes his experience with Dzogchen, a Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice, and recommends it to his readers.[52] He writes that the purpose of spirituality (as he defines it - he concedes that the term's uses are diverse and sometimes indefensible) is to become aware that our sense of self is illusory, and says this realization brings both happiness and insight into the nature of consciousness. This process of realization, he argues, is based on experience and is not contingent on faith. Harris especially recommends the “headless” meditation technique as written about by Douglas Harding.
Sam Harris says spirituality should be understood in light of scientific disciplines like neuroscience and psychology.
@@ManiBalajiC Consciousness resides outside of the Brain .
And it affects our Brain .
(not the other way around)
The limitations of Science is that We can't explain things that are not Empirical like consciousness , feelings , emotions , love known as "the hard problem."
(Consciousness , some call it mind or spirit or soul. They're inter-related)
Cosmic Consciousness is a fundamental element of the universe .
The universe May very Well be conscious.
Book ~ The Emperor's New Mind
by Roger Penrose , 2020 Nobel Prize winner in Physics .
Microtubules .
Consciousness involves understanding, non computational effects .
A computer doesn't understand why it wins in a game of chess , it justs follows algorithms .
After the collapse of the wave function, then there is a level of subjectivity. by Dr Stuart Hameroff, MD .
I believe in a sandbox universe, it is essentially a computer generated game. And someone is playing that game. Is it God? It could also be some geek from outside this realm that is very much into playing games just because it's fun.
I can count. 1 transcendent consciousness, 2 transcendent counseling forces, 12 transcendent constituents = 15. The same pattern we see in the standard model, same pattern we see in the 12 cranial nerves and two hemispheres of our brains. Likewise in Noam Chomsky’s transcendent dissemination of languages, music, Carbon 12 atoms, perfect governance in the bible Mentioned 187 times, The Sumerians and the Golbekitepians seem to think something was going on here as well. And don’t forget about the 12 black holes and companion stars orbiting Sagittarius a star and the two spiral arms that produce everything that we know produces life. Do you suppose any of the aforementioned have anything to do with consciousness?Please interview me. Thanks
i want what's he's on
The question remains why each ripple on each field is identical. Each ripple on water is not identical. I mean it does not help to say that the electron field underlies electrons.
hehe.. i thought so too.. all this interview tells is the particles are not fundamental but there are a couple dozen fields that are fundamental... but the begs the question again.. why these fields ? are they really fundamental or there is more down there.. this video just doesnt do it for me.
That's why we have Heisenbergs uncertainty theory, random fluctuations that makes a deterministic universe Impossible.
@@ingvarhallstrom2306 I think you missed my point. The discussion was about why all electrons are identical not randomly different.
that is for sure, I have wrote that myself, I talked about why Dirac was wondering, even that comment where I wrote about constants and rotating the triangles to make it easier to understand the constant Pi and its relation to both Plank's constant and the cosmological constant,... because it is related to the same problem.
and what I have wrote about space, time and gravity and that understanding space is the first step to understand gravity,.....
it is exactly the same but as if an ape wants to interpret and explain human logic ! it is impossible to be just a coincidence fro many reasons.
10:50 mathematics is a kind of representation of human logic, the better logic the closer to the correct formula, if apes's logic can build a tools, then human logic can build the same tools but better tools "quality of logic". that means it is possible to build a mathematical representations for nonsense too (common nowadays), but that will never make it valuable. the laws of physics are already there so the better logic the closer to the correct formula (that law of physics)
what is really strange is that the thieves did not steal the most important part, especially that human logic is the most important part, not only that, it is universal.
Logic itself is universal.
How do you make people follow a fool?
You give him recognition, prizes and accolades.
How do you prevent truth and reason?
You set them up with crime or mental illness, diagnose non cancer or engeneeer an accident.
This is history of physics, especially electrical discovery.
People prefer to follow a fool. Fools are easy to deal with. We can ‘vote’ for them one day, and throw them away the next when they don’t do what we want them to..
People do not want solutions to their ‘problems’ either. The ‘problems’ are created in the first place to shield us from the necessary truths we would prefer not to recognise..
The epiphany of quantum mechanics implies that perceived realities of consciousness are merely a result of relativistic parameters.
It's a bit amusing that Frank uses the word "beautiful equations" and then says that mathematics seem to be the fundamental structure of the universe. But isn't it Frank's consciousness that understands this mathematics and uses the word beautiful to describe it? Doesn't that make consciousness even more fundamental?
Frank are underminimg phich because he Not show up true proceedings in phich. He concept are brazenly liar.
@@maxwellsimoes238 Everything in our universe is energy, vibrating in a harmonic coherence that creates the great cosmic symphony. Physicist Dr. Theresa Bullard reveals that our power of observation determines how our reality manifests, making us players in a masterpiece of universal proportions.
A conscious entity capable of generating information by observing. Matter doesn't exist until we observe it . (Frank Wilczek)
that woman on TEDx Talks, Rethinking Space and Time, she read this comment for sure:
Amin Am
11 months ago
there is no time without space and memory (both temporary memory and permanent memory) and the calculations in the background (consciousness type two) different than the conventional way of human thinking.
there is a process of spacetime creation (not the creation like the way humans think such as gods or ...)
what Einsteins wrote about Gravity is incorrect, his theory does work because it works as a kind of wrapper, it is more complicated than a curvature of spacetime, it does not solve the main problem.
Gravity has to do with spacetime but more complicated, there is a property in each atom triggers as soon as it enters the gravitational field deals with each atom independently regardless its location in the object, that is why all the objects fall at the same rate, the secret of Gravity is on the same road of entanglement, superposition...
a new revolutionary way of thinking is inevitable to make a real scientific progress instead of ruminating the old theories...
it is a very complicated process: any thing creates dimensions (so-called matter ) like the planet Earth, plants, animals even microorganisms is part of the process...
entanglement phenomena is like some one get his head out of the window to take a look outside at the real world, humans did not open the gate of science yet....
I personally doesn’t know any of these people, before, and their ideas 💡! The reasons for my words is, my works, are based on nature’s and they are all related together !
There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the "particle" of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the MATRIX of all matter." - Max Planck, Father of Quantum Physics
"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness."
Consciousness is, necessarily, a localised and emergent phenomenon. It is disingenuous to try to claim otherwise. All that is required to produce that which we observe (and are!) are infinite energy ('space') and its inherent aspect of motion (which we measure as 'time'). The mechanism, which includes our most plausible understanding of 'gravity', is found here.. spaceandmotion
there is no such reality, then ultimately (as far as we can know) mind alone exists. And if mind is not a product of real matter, but rather is the creator of the illusion of material reality (which has, in fact, despite the materialists
We cannot deny that the building blocks of our macroscopic universe is dependent on the atomic universe or quantum reality. In the materialist point of view, it is indeed absurd to assert that human consciousness is responsible for the collapse of the wave function, but it is not absurd that some non-human conscious being or entity could have been the cause. Because if no consciousness is required then it would just be of equal assertion that we are just denying what we have just learned or discovered about quantum mechanics.
Mind is the product of matter. In order to have consciousness there needs to be logic. In order to have logic there needs to be existence, identity, distinction, negation and consistency. That means we have to start with the Universe.
Consciousness does not collapse the wave function. The wave function collapses when a quantum field interacts with another quantum field or its environment.
I would like to hear FW comment on your conjecture. There is a danger in attempting to derive reality from consciousness. What is non-human consciousness?
@@keithrelyea7997 Take the geocentric model of the universe which was derived from consciousness. It failed to describe the orbits of planets and the sun without appealing to complicated mathematics to explain away anomalies. The Heliocentric Model of the universe was born out of astronomers making observations through telescopes that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
The belief the consciousness is fundamental is driven by human desire to be the center of everything.
Those quantum fields may just be icons. Ever heard of Interface of Perception Theory?
Our perceptions are like PC OSs. Objects are like icons on a desktop. We don't see the objective going ons, rather constructed images via our brains, a biological interface.
Just as the icons of a PC’s interface hide the complexity of the computer, so our perceptions usefully hide the complexity of the world, and guide adaptive behavior.
"An interface hides the truth; for someone editing a paper or photo, seeing transistors and firmware is an irrelevant hindrance. For the perceptions of H. sapiens, space-time is the desktop and physical objects are the icons."
Our perceptions of the world are not ''veridical,'' meaning that they do not necessarily represent the world accurately.
A rock is an interface icon, not a constituent of objective reality
If our perceptions do not correspond to objective reality, and indeed make no attempt to correspond to an objective reality, then 3D objects themselves are simply part of our own species-specific perceptual interface, not part of an observer-independent reality.
Everything is consciousness but not in a panpsychist way.
The conventionalist might object, saying, “If you think that the wild tiger over there is just a perceptual category of your interface, then why don’t you go pet it? When it attacks, you’ll find out it’s an objective reality.” This objection is misguided. I don’t pet wild tigers for the same reason I don’t carelessly drag a file icon to the trash bin. I don’t take the icon literally, as though it resembles the real file. But I do take it seriously. My actions on the icon have repercussions for the file. Similarly, I don’t take my tiger icon literally but I do take it seriously. Aeons of evolution of my interface have shaped it to the point where I had better take its icons seriously or risk harm. So the conventionalist objection fails because it conflates taking icons seriously and taking them literally.
All humans like to sit down close to a camp fire
This yehoo won the Templeton prize?
But is this universally accepted? And what is the proof? How does it fit in with relativity, string theory, or quantum loop gravity?
Truth is truth whether anyone ‘accepts’ it, or not..
'How is the Cosmos Constructed?' Did I miss the answer...!?
hahaha... thats what happens in these videos... you never get the answer... because nobody actually knows.
this guy seemed really cool until he got so negative about god. i didn't like that part and i'm not even religious. it just seemed close minded and arrogant or something.
I'll never understand why balding people don't just shave their heads, why leave the sides.
It's math all the that direction
This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent being. And if the fixed Stars are the centers of other like systems, these, being formed by the like wise counsel, must all be subject to the dominion of One. [...] This Being Governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all: And on account of his dominion he is wont to be called Lord God παντοκρατωρ, or Universal Ruler.
~ from General Scholium written by Sir Isaac Newton
Ya, right.
With wandon abandon and insipherable purpose.
fields does not seem enough! they do not understand the basics: space, time, speed, energy, momentum, .....
they even do not understand this simple equation for sure: distance = speed x time "provable".
Will you please tell the gloomy worrywarts: there is no reason to fear a national insecurity crisis, especially now.
QM classicalized in 2010. Juliana Mortenson website Forgotten Physics. The expanding electron does everything: objects and phenomena. Little (so little) do these experts “ know.” Grow up. “The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy “, Mark McCutcheon. No energy, charge, photons, waves, spin, fields, potential, etc.
On the very tiniest level it's basically "nothing".
So when I wonder how universe started to exist I come to conclusion it doesn't really exist in the sense we used to think it does.
amazing...but it's true
Well the universe is not constructed out of sugar and spice and everything nice. It's more like snips and snails and puppy dogs' tails and black holes that eat galaxies. So what is it really made out of? Only one thing, photons. That's all there is and structured space of an unknown number of dimensions.
LOL what is lego made of.
Manufacturing is the most fundamental concept that scientists dont want to admit even they profoundly believe there is a manufacturer of the universe, who created it, is guiding it and will end it one day, he is Allah (god) the most almighthy
let's just say it. "No one knows."
here we go.. finally someone who summarized the video. Nobody knows.
And what, pray, is "cosmos? - Apart from being some vague woolly, incoherent, generalisation.
Here on earth like it is in heaven
Darkness (business) exists so that stars (light and warmth) have a place to shine in heaven (joy, beauty and harmony).
Stars like US don't exist to be sucked out of heaven by a giant black hole in space called "greed" and its ignorance (hate).
Also, Love spent billions of years creating this paradise planet lifeboat so that her miraculous works of fine art called "life" have a beautiful place to "be".
Good (god) didn't spend so much time creating this paradise planet lifeboat to be depreciated, polluted and destroyed in a brief moment by hostile alien vampires (greed) and their ignorance (hate).
We are sparks placed here for a brief moment to accumulate light and warmth (love) that we can become as bright of a star as we can be...shining in heaven (joy, beauty and harmony).
Good (god) knows every star by name.
We accumulate light and warmth (love) by appreciating this paradise planet lifeboat and the miraculous works of fine art called "life" that inhabit it.
If we extinguish our light and warmth (love) with "greed" and its ignorance (hate)...we become the darkness and emptiness that surrounds the stars.
A very cold, dark, lonely, desolate place to be...for eternity.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.....Simple
Using plain English he explained everythin within 10 minutes .... everything is ripples from quantum field which is fundamental to the universe. And Newton had to invoke the hands of God to explain this wonder.... ful existence.
Is he explaining how the cosmos came about or how it currently works? He talks about a deep structure, electromagnetic field, electron fields, and dozens of fields being quantized to form different particles. How did these fields come about? How did they become dense before erupting into the big bang?
@Terre Schill That sounds better.
The quantum fields were always there they just in their lowest possible energy state so particles could not be produced. For quantum fields of matter the lowest energy stat is zero and for quantum fields which carry a force the lowest energy state is non zero.
@@kos-mos1127 So the quantum field could not be the source of the cosmos/universe.
@@peweegangloku6428 Quantum fields are the deep structures of the cosmos.
@@kos-mos1127 Being "the deep structure" - what does that imply?
Yes, not possibel to prove the earth goes around the sun
Unfortunately this guy believes Special Relativity is correct. So ultimately he doesn't know what he's talking about.
“What did science think before they knew about fields?”
No, there’s no knowledge of fields. It’s a theory. It’s a maybe.
Let’s not pretend this is settled true fact.
Got any better ideas?
Did I say something not true?
Science of nature is not directly theology -- it does treat questions that concern the physical universe -- but it is dependent on theology: " it is manifest that science of nature(phusiologia) is a kind of theology, because what is constituted by nature also has a divine existence in a way, to the extent that it is produced by the gods".
-- Neoplatonism
The materialists say science doesn't need to listen to theology, clowns like guth, if I recall correctly, states such baloney.
Physics aka Nature is not caused by itself, that being matter and existence; and any science that studies nature is theology because it has to acknowledge the Truth.
Theology, and the scriptures are based off of the same things sciences works with -- the difference is modern science has become authoritative by materialists and so they think math is science; techniqually speaking if theology is based on science and nature, then how can it be logical to say science doesn't need to listen to theology -- perhaps what they mean is, materialists shouldn't listen to Wise men.
This science vs religion thing needs to go!
The scriptures in one word: consciousness. It's about nature, divinity, being, interaction, levels of consciousness, the stars, physics, spirit.
Concocted in a coded form referred to as 'dark sayings'.
Mythology doesn't mean made up, it means there's a truth within.
What science isn't is: mathematics. Mathematics is not science, only a method applied to science. Science is entirely reliant upon the laws of physics, and where might you say the laws come from?
Anyone saying that theology is in any way related to "truth" is delusional. Theology is another word for "jumping to conclusions"; it isn't wisdom, it's just a way for the primitive mind to cowardly escape the task of trying to understand the world around it - just like yours.
@@cinemusicberlin you have emotional issues, likely borderline personality disorder, acting like an insolent degenerate.
Tell us what school you went to?
Oy vey it’s so many numbas!
Quantum mechanics 😂😂😂😂suddenly discovered something and named wonderfully like gravity in a bubble even rockets floating in space without atmosphere earth have no gravity sun cramping the heat and spinning with it all the things attached with it gravity 😂😂😂😂😂
These equations are so limiting and maybe speculation? Cringe