By the way, I went to boot camp there in '93. Such a shame to see what it's being used for now. Why don't you just call it the San Diego Rainbow Coalition Department?...
That Sergeant has only 2 stars? That would've been SACRALIGE back when I worked for the San Diego Sheriff's Department. There was a time when you had to do at least 3-5 years in the jails, then go out to patrol for training, then have 5 years of patrol experience before even THINKING about puttin' in for training officer, much less testing for Sergeant. MOST cops work for a "police department" because they're TOO SCARED to work in a jail setting with a (sheriff's department) before they go out to patrol, and that's a FACT. Prove me wrong...
So how many "rainbow warriors" have you guys hired over the last 5-10 years? They were gettin' up there when I retired in 2021! Hope you don't continue to reach for the bottom of the barrel. But maybe that's ALL you can get now with the shitty retirement that Sacramento has forced upon on ALL law enforcement in California. Such a shame. Well, GOOD LUCK!
This is similar to Bart police thanks for the help
Do you just need to complete the test or is there time limit you need to perform each task under?
Is this test the same for every department in california
Why both hands to vault though? Dude can easily hope over it.
No fireman´s carry?
Easy money.
Thank you 🙏
By the way, I went to boot camp there in '93. Such a shame to see what it's being used for now. Why don't you just call it the San Diego Rainbow Coalition Department?...
You turn your comments off on any video that is controversial, therefore you are being deceitful and I choose to unsubscribe. Do better
Stop being sensitive.
That Sergeant has only 2 stars? That would've been SACRALIGE back when I worked for the San Diego Sheriff's Department. There was a time when you had to do at least 3-5 years in the jails, then go out to patrol for training, then have 5 years of patrol experience before even THINKING about puttin' in for training officer, much less testing for Sergeant. MOST cops work for a "police department" because they're TOO SCARED to work in a jail setting with a (sheriff's department) before they go out to patrol, and that's a FACT. Prove me wrong...
I've also heard that the moral with SDPD is at an ALL TIME LOW lately. Prove me wrong AGAIN!...
So how many "rainbow warriors" have you guys hired over the last 5-10 years? They were gettin' up there when I retired in 2021! Hope you don't continue to reach for the bottom of the barrel. But maybe that's ALL you can get now with the shitty retirement that Sacramento has forced upon on ALL law enforcement in California. Such a shame. Well, GOOD LUCK!