@@TheSecondLaughingSoldiernah john and micah as NPCs both have a half a sec draw speed but it gets juicy in cutscenes the top 2 fastest draws in cinematics are Arthur and micah
"I'm not killing the american venom, Abigail, I AM THE American Venom. Some cowboy just builds a little house together and gets lumbago, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who kills Micah."
He is but he’s actually way weaker than Dutch. I think Dutch is the best antagonist. I played RDR2 Dutch is the whole reason Micah killed Arthur. He could have killed Micah then but didn’t. After RDR2 he becomes the worst criminal in blackwater. And the game. Managed to shoot John in his binoculars. What did Micah do? Kill a person with TB because he knew that an Healthy Arthur would destroy him.
Rdr1 Jim Milton trained by Landon Rickets defeats Mexican army and holds off Ross and US army sacrificing himself in the end. Rdr2 John is a shadow of that up until the end of the game and epilogue
@@neelashmitdas3374hell ye bro in 1873 threw 1899 John Marston isn't skilled at all him nor saide alder there not even close to drawing like Arthur the same in a fist fight Arthur is probably 2nd and Charles is 1st bro John wasn't even skilled at that time like Arthur was murdering people at a teen age
@@neelashmitdas3374and im not even saying john martson is bad im just saying Arthur Morgan was already a good gunslinger at a teen age and started fighting way before john and sadie bro if it wasn't for Arthur tb he would have killed Micah and then left the gang probably easily
Really Ross finding John cos he killed Micah makes no sense, how would he track him? It’s more likely they found him cos he used his real name at the bank in the town where the governments hq is 😂
One thing I found interesting is how big Micah’s gang was, it was more of an O’Driscoll type gang than the Van Der Linde gang which was more of a family
@@bigben9492 doesnt matter how good you fight him, there are 4 endings mountain ending good or bad and going for the treasure ending good or bad. Yours is the mountain good ending. Your fighting skills do not affect any of it, you will die earlier than meant to be and restart from the last checkpoint in the quest if micah actually beats you.
fun fact : u can find an actual rat in the mission american venom running around by the area where u kill micah idk if it was rare or luck or glitch but it happened to me and it also takes more than 1 bullet to kill kinda like micah
Not really. Yeah she did some work by shooting people but when it came to Micah it was Dutch that helped, not Sadie. Sadie was bleeding out on the floor after Micah threw her, and Dutch sent the first shot to the chest which in itself would’ve killed Micah if he was left to bleed out. And as much as I love my girl, Sadie should’ve died by the time they reached Micah imo. A knife of that size, most likely hitting internal organs, and she PULLS IT OUT?? Girl…you’re just asking to bleed out at that point.
Probably not. If you’re fast enough you can hit Micah during the gunfight. It was pretty even until Sadie magically appears on the side of the mountain and ruins it
@@user-hx6gs9rq7uWhile you try to hit Micah, he lands 100 bullets in your head. You’re being alive just because game wants too. But Micah is superior to John in rdr2
Dude the way it just slow mo’s at the end and Micah’s eyes are obstructed by the brim of his hat and all that’s visible is his long grizzly facial hair as he dual wield draws on both John and Dutch without even looking all while with a fat hole in his chest is just so bad ass and detailed! gosh man this game really was something else!!
If Arthur never got sick, it would be Arthur slaughtering the last of the van der linde gang. Other than John of course. Imagine John, Arthur, Abigail, Jack, uncle, and Charles living a life together 🤌
John's development is insane. He came from a street rat-thief, to an outlaw, to literally handling the law's jobs, to a family man
And after a strainer
And then a dead man
and then he looks like this 🧀
@@mohammadabdulazizalduwaila3179 your point is?
@@2atan at the end of rdr he looks like swiss cheese
When you realize John single handedly killed the whole van der linde gang
That’s not true either way, he killed the whole “Micah gang” (I forgot it’s name) with Sadie
@@IAmTheJellyBeanRock He is taking about John in rdr1
He could either kill only Micah or the whole team
@@IAmTheJellyBeanRockhow u forget my boy charles
@@thatnam104 ohhh yeah definetely
Micah’s draw is unreasonably fuckin quick
arthur has a faster draw but that's fax
@@TheNovice1John is the fastest gunslinger of the gang. He always had the best deadeye and can shoot rifles one handed in rdr1
@@conner1260Arthur was shooting shotguns one handed in game off of his horse
@@conner1260not the fastest it still Arthur
@@TheSecondLaughingSoldiernah john and micah as NPCs both have a half a sec draw speed but it gets juicy in cutscenes the top 2 fastest draws in cinematics are Arthur and micah
Casually drops the craziest rdr2 edit
Fr yo 🔥🔥🔥😂
Bless rdr2 Algorithm ,!!!
Man always does🔥
you definitely don’t have TikTok the edits their are 100000x better
Micah might not be the toughest villain to exist
But he is one hell of a gunslinger
True he is a good gunslinger probably the best in the gang besides arthur
@@wiktorpawlikowski756and john
better after Arthur and John.
Proceeds to miss 19 shots on john
Not really.
He uses double action guns and cant aim for shit.
That's like calling a guy with an assault rifle a quick trigger finger.
Micah: Kills 9 people
Arthur: massacres all of Van Horn
+valentine+rhodes+saint denis
Micah: I killed thousand of people Morgan
Arthur: I exterminated Van Horn, Saint Denis, Valentine and Guarma
@gwensstacy442that was kinda Micah tho
Oh, Van horn... You cleaned that town too?
When you think about it Arthur solos the whole map 💀
John and Arthur are the real gang
Maybe the real gang was the gang we made along the gang.
When Micah took out the double colts shit always got real 😂
He had Smith and Wessons
he had custom double-actions
@@cheeziestpotatono its high rollers
@@Napper0183high rollers are double action you know that right
@@Napper0183are you stupid? (As in lacking in the mental department)
The way john shot on the beat tho
Shooting micah in the face with the sawed off shotgun is so satisfying
In chapter six gonna use a sawed off
Nah made me cry
@@DeadX2everyone ignored you lol
John is the one who knocks
And Micah is the one standing on the door
Hello Dutch
@@NotTheRealArthurMorganhello clone
Hi @@NotTheRealArthurMorgan
"I'm not killing the american venom, Abigail, I AM THE American Venom. Some cowboy just builds a little house together and gets lumbago, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who kills Micah."
I like how Dutch saw Micah kills grimshaw and proceeds to make a speech about who against and who’s with him
I unironically love Micah's character, honestly an S tier Antagonist
He is but he’s actually way weaker than Dutch. I think Dutch is the best antagonist. I played RDR2 Dutch is the whole reason Micah killed Arthur. He could have killed Micah then but didn’t. After RDR2 he becomes the worst criminal in blackwater. And the game. Managed to shoot John in his binoculars. What did Micah do? Kill a person with TB because he knew that an Healthy Arthur would destroy him.
@ChrisWatkins-xv9op yea dutch is better since he has 2 games to back his story up Micah only has one
@@ChrisWatkins-xv9opHealthy Arthur would destroy anyone, no shit he’s gonna kill him if he had the chance to. Not like Micah made Arthur get TB.
"You shot me pretty good"
When Sean got killed, Micha instantly knew where the shooter was and got a headshot, after he shot the culprit he got 2 other headshots
John avenged Arthur👏👏
Bro forgot a little stroll through a town when counting Micah’s kills
Michas dead eye skills cleans the floor
- drops the hardest RDR2 edit
- leaves
-Also gives arther low honer
-Gets shot
@@Rexy_THE_T-REX-Avenges Arthur
-Refuse to elaborate further and builds a little house together
Micah started everything in winter amd ended there
Mag John killed 367 NPCS💀
RDR1 john > RDR2 john
Okay and
@@saviorus1239you eat babies
Rdr1 Jim Milton trained by Landon Rickets defeats Mexican army and holds off Ross and US army sacrificing himself in the end. Rdr2 John is a shadow of that up until the end of the game and epilogue
Can anyone explain ? John died in rdr 1 so how he returns and kills Micah
@@Laugh_N_Live224 rdr1 is set after rdr2
I’m pretty sure they have killed countless amount of people and we all know Arthur is the most badass, strongest and has the most kills
If you count rdr1 he didnt
In front of John Marston hell naw
@@neelashmitdas3374hell ye bro in 1873 threw 1899 John Marston isn't skilled at all him nor saide alder there not even close to drawing like Arthur the same in a fist fight Arthur is probably 2nd and Charles is 1st bro John wasn't even skilled at that time like Arthur was murdering people at a teen age
@@neelashmitdas3374and im not even saying john martson is bad im just saying Arthur Morgan was already a good gunslinger at a teen age and started fighting way before john and sadie bro if it wasn't for Arthur tb he would have killed Micah and then left the gang probably easily
@@Drexzzz4play rdr1 john solos arthur
John went from a petty thief to killing more legendary gunslinger than an army of law could do in 20 years
Not the "bruh" when My Beloved Orthor dies💀
@JohnMarston1911s how on gods green earth did you manage to spell Arthur Morgan so badly
@JohnMarston1911s 😔
Everyone can be strongest if they are the main character 🗿
ITS JOHN MARSTON MICAH ! Micah: Ahh shit here we go again 😢
Aurthur would have been happy if his friend jhon listened to him and ran away
John not arthur friend but he's brother 🗿🍷
Also yeah john is a dumbass not listening to arthur
"Revenge is a foolish game"
@@mentally-stable-human yes and no, John said it
Really Ross finding John cos he killed Micah makes no sense, how would he track him? It’s more likely they found him cos he used his real name at the bank in the town where the governments hq is 😂
@@WeBothAreMonkeys did you forget the reckless behaviour of saide
Micah the Rat is very underrated when it comes to his Gunslinging technique for sure 🔥
One thing I found interesting is how big Micah’s gang was, it was more of an O’Driscoll type gang than the Van Der Linde gang which was more of a family
I hate how much Arthur helps Micah only to be stabed in the back
I always had the upper hand in Arthur V micha. Not too sure why most people are saying they got shot or stabbed
@@bigben9492 doesnt matter how good you fight him, there are 4 endings mountain ending good or bad and going for the treasure ending good or bad. Yours is the mountain good ending. Your fighting skills do not affect any of it, you will die earlier than meant to be and restart from the last checkpoint in the quest if micah actually beats you.
Micah only backstabbed him bc he had TB.
Micah and John are cold characters man.
this edit is unbelievably hard
John killed the entire gang bro. He’s a badass
He didn't
Arthur running over every single bystander:
Homeboy dropped an edit so badass he managed to make Micah look cool
Bro tried to sneak one of the hardest rd2 edits and thought we wouldn't notice 💀
Arthur is for redemption but Marston is for vengeance.
U got the low honour ending
Who cares this edit to hard af
Imo that’s the most realistic one. It’s just so dark and the line damn us both is very good
Omg bro I thought I was the only person that has eyes in this world 😢 I can't believe this 😭
@@Ali-se3gb how could you not kill everyone in every town I ended with max low honor
I don't want to see anyone spat on.
Continue comme ça c'est trop bien
10-2 because of Dutch too but fire edit🔥🔥🔥
Well then 4 if were going by gang members, bill and javier
@@BrandonTheOverthinker and add 2 son of Micah’s (sorry for bad english)
@@BrandonTheOverthinker 8 for cleet joe de santa and allande
@@denizgurel8949and Edgar ross 9
9-2 if aurther is high honer
(Lord Shimura):Cowards without honor deserve no mercy
Love this shit
John pretty much killed the entire main van der linde gang by himself
And overthrew the Mexican army
@@GodzillaEditz-u2l and that
Mr. Rip Wan Winkle
“One man is able to make a difference if he is powerful enough”
"I'm on yo ass*
John Marston 1908
Micah moves like he's dancing with those revolvers
We all spammed that tag button on Micah 💀
Thats not just the hardest edit, its also the highest quality, smoothest rdr2 gameplay I've ever seen
In the epilog Mission i shot Micah in the balls 2 times and 1 time in the head but the balls came first for the pain
I used the le mat revolver so I shot him 8 times in the balls and one in the head
you shot him real good
fun fact : u can find an actual rat in the mission american venom running around by the area where u kill micah idk if it was rare or luck or glitch but it happened to me and it also takes more than 1 bullet to kill kinda like micah
Moral of the story: Micah destroyed John
Если смотреть на то как стреляет мика, можно понять что он довольно меткий.
Ima idmit i thought micah was a pretty cool character and I also loved his revolvers i wish the game gave us 2 of them so we could duel wield them
I really liked micah headshot the guy on the roof that shot shawn
John took out a whole gang by himself
You have to admit Micah was a great gunslinger.
I have watched this 40 times this is such a good edit
I mean Micah was gonna kill John but he had Sadie helping him.
Not really. Yeah she did some work by shooting people but when it came to Micah it was Dutch that helped, not Sadie. Sadie was bleeding out on the floor after Micah threw her, and Dutch sent the first shot to the chest which in itself would’ve killed Micah if he was left to bleed out.
And as much as I love my girl, Sadie should’ve died by the time they reached Micah imo. A knife of that size, most likely hitting internal organs, and she PULLS IT OUT?? Girl…you’re just asking to bleed out at that point.
@@charlottemartin4715 yeah John and Sadie would have died to Micah
yeah john isn’t better than arthur, arthur could have killed micah if dutch wasn’t there, and arthur could have killed micah in secs if he wasn’t sick
@@Demigod_Hunter seconds? Hmmmmm maybe but i would say around a minute and a half
We making the NFL playoffs with this one
Open fire John
The only edit I can watch +20 times and not getting bored.
honestly as much as I hate to say it, Micah solos rdr2 John he would of most likely lost if Sadie wasn't there.
Probably not. If you’re fast enough you can hit Micah during the gunfight. It was pretty even until Sadie magically appears on the side of the mountain and ruins it
@@user-hx6gs9rq7uWhile you try to hit Micah, he lands 100 bullets in your head. You’re being alive just because game wants too.
But Micah is superior to John in rdr2
@@_so1ius The second he comes out of cover you can hit him and even knock his hat off. I have screenshots of it
If Micah bell got 10, Arthur got 10,000
Go kiss Sadie with your teaming ass
Micah would have destroyed you
@@Somedudeonaiphonechilling8971 Ducht also wanted to kill 🐀
@@Revix_AE Of course.
But still Mika is the best villain in games I’ve ever met!
I don't get it John def killed more than just Micah and Micah killed more than 10 people
It's mean john is way better than micah because he got the power of he's brother in he's side power of arthur morgan in john heart
@@learyt9665 ngl what ?
@@Guhnnasit's an Arthur and John meatrider, just ignore
Respect for Micah having goated af aim
The song?
I need to know as well lmk🤙
Wake up bruh version
This edit made me like Micah. Not only I like dual wield but how easily he kills is charismatic for me.
“Arthur is the best slinger”
“Red Harlow is easily the best”
“Rickets is a legendary slinger”
John Marston:🍷🗿
To people saying John is nothing compared to Arthur Grow up "He's The Greatest surviving Gunslinger"
Ok why is this the sickest edit I have ever and I mean ever seen. This shit was soooo clean.
Don't pin Imhim's comment if you like women
The McLovin?
It's amazing how despite going completely beserk, Micah still has a lot of skill with his guns.
Dude you had low honer because he Micah shot Arthur but
Low honer: 💀👿
High honer: 🗿🐐
What john sadie and charles did for arthur made the game's ending like cherry on the top!
we all know John would have died to Micah if not Sadie admit it already rdr2 fans we all hate Micah but it’s the truth
Because Micah had more cover and high ground
Y’all act like John ain’t shit, like he didn’t storm that mountain solo
Bro still has a winning record “hits griddle irl”
When you win against that one friend:
Btw athur is power than micah bc of sick he cant fight
We all know
Bro remembers that Jhon killed all of Cleet, Joe, Micah, Dutch, Javier and Bill.
Pin if your straight
Attention seeker
L comment
Lmfao bet yo ass wears the all white outfits in rdo
Dislike this guys comment if your normal
Ngl John and Arthur are the GOATS🔥
NGL I wish you could’ve used Micah’s animations for shooting and drawing. It’s really cool
Dude the way it just slow mo’s at the end and Micah’s eyes are obstructed by the brim of his hat and all that’s visible is his long grizzly facial hair as he dual wield draws on both John and Dutch without even looking all while with a fat hole in his chest is just so bad ass and detailed! gosh man this game really was something else!!
Do not mess with John Marston 💀
Gotta give it to Micah strongest rat in the west
Micah shooting Arthur pissed me off. He couldn’t even kill a dying man.
This game was beyond its time.
Dutch: kill assist
“ Its John Marston,Micah “🥶
Until we realise john didn’t killed Micah,Dutch did.
John is the definition on the grand mafia lvl 1 crook to lvl 100 mafia boss
If Arthur never got sick, it would be Arthur slaughtering the last of the van der linde gang. Other than John of course. Imagine John, Arthur, Abigail, Jack, uncle, and Charles living a life together 🤌
NGL Micah bell is one. Badass character
No one can deal with A pissed off John marston