Episode 14: What Kind of Artist Are You?

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Take a "quiz" to help clarify for yourself what kind of artist you are right now. Here are the takeaways I hope to share:
    1. Whatever kind of artist you are, it is VALID.
    2. Whatever kind of artist you are, it might change (and that's okay!)
    3. Envy can be a useful compass!
    4. You can make your own fun/group/scene, if the one you hope for isn't "out there" or available to you.
    5. Knowing ourselves as artists will help save time not pursuing things that don't serve our priorities.
    Thank you to a generous viewer, Heidi, for typing up the questions from this video! You can see them here:


  • @darnitahoward6959
    @darnitahoward6959 16 днів тому +21

    I used to be one working to be an artist as a profession. Today, I make art for myself as my creative outlet and personal joy.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  15 днів тому +2

      Darnita, thank you for sharing your answers! I think this is one of the most beautiful aspects of making art: it's there, it's present in our lives and ready to be whatever we want and need from it.
      Like you I make art for myself, still, because there is NO replacing that personal joy! I have my art-for-public-consumption as my "job," and I have the soul-fulfilling private moments with art & color that are just for me.
      What kind(s) of art have been especially feeding your joy lately? I would love to know!

  • @noodgenoodgerson2660
    @noodgenoodgerson2660 11 днів тому +9

    I “was” an artist when I was a kid, and my soul was free of expectations. My classmates called me “the class artist” beginning in 1st grade. I made art every day just like breathing, as well as "on commission", from grade school through college. I look back on my early art and am impressed at how free I was to experiment and express myself. But then I went to work full time in health care, and all of that was largely pushed aside. Now I am retired and my kids are grown, and I think about art constantly, I even dream about making art, but I have zero confidence nor direction.
    Trying to rediscover my artistic voice, I enrolled in a local university's art program. Unfortunately the tiny remnant of insight and confidence I had left was snuffed out by the passively mechanical, soul-crushing meat grinder that the art program turned out to be. I really loved being in an academic setting focused on art and art history, and being able to experiment with various mediums. However the general lack of emotional and professional nurturing was for me quite devastating. For example, not one professor, nor my advisor, ever asked me about my artistic goals. I tried telling them anyway, by way of asking for supportive advice as a student of the program, but these attempts were responded to with blank stares, with few exceptions. I think this was because no one had any personal energy left to give, being so burnt out from the pandemic and from being so extremely underfunded and understaffed. There was barely any support staff left in the entire department, to the point that I found myself constantly volunteering to help the profs with various secretarial, logistical or gofer level tasks. I sometimes felt my purpose in being there was to provide the staff and other students with the same emotional support I was seeking.
    So, Anne Livingston, Thank you so much! Your quiz is the first thing I have come across since dropping out of art school, that has helped me clarify all of this to myself. I fully realize there “should be no shoulds” involved in where I currently find myself about my art - that it can be enough to just play and experiment. However my feelings of being directionless and stifled are even worse than before my Art School Mis-Adventure.
    Your comments about the potential usefulness of ENVY resonated with me loudly. I envy people who are surrounded by happily supportive artists, in real life. I also envy artists who are confident in their own artistic voice and are able to say “I am an artist” without any secret mental reservations or timidity.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому +5

      Oh....my heart breaks reading this, and I can relate to much of what you say!
      I am going to go out on a limb and say that you are--AND WERE MEANT TO BE--an artist. That level of love for it that you had growing up was not a fluke.
      The art school experience you described...such pain! As someone with a generous heart such as yours, after a lifetime of health care career and parenthood, of COURSE you saw the instructors' burnout and provided a small bit of care to them, who probably were more like peers to you because you came into school with a huge wealth of life experience. How totally sad that they (and so many professors and instructors in academia these days) are so stretched thin that they cannot support the students who are investing their trust in them.
      Thank goodness you could see that burnout so that you knew that their surprising blankness and lack of individual support was not personal. But in the meantime you probably learned a lot of things in school that at this point derailed your creative trajectory, because you entered school with such a specific and mature point of view.
      You are an intrinsically artistic person who has had an entire concurrent life that will ultimately help fuel your future artworks with depth.
      Regardless of the art you make in the future, there will be your life story imprinted on it. This is irreplaceable value.
      In response to a phrase you wrote, possibly too much out of context: "It can be enough to just play and experiment" --if I may be so bold, with a passion like yours, this may NOT be enough! You have a calling that is still calling to you, even around and through the road blocks!
      I hope you can find some people around you who are also in a re-exploration of their art journey so you can meet up and talk about art, or show each other work, or sketch together, etc..
      And hopefully also there's a place in your home where you can carve out and devote completely to a studio area for yourself, to give it the attention and seriousness your practice deserves. That way you get to feel how the play and experimentation is a necessary part of the story of your re-igniting process as you re-find your path.
      Anyway, a bunch of unsolicited advice...hahaha but your story resonates so much! With me, and probably with other people reading your comment. So it was very generous of you to share it.
      I can't wait to see where your art path leads you, so I hope you will share in the months and years to come!

    • @noodgenoodgerson2660
      @noodgenoodgerson2660 10 днів тому +2

      @@annelivingstonart Anne, Your words, the time and effort and thoughtfulness, have touched me deeply. I will re-re-read them, and digest. I can't express my appreciation. To be heard and understood is priceless. I feel I have been led to your channel and you certainly have a loyal follower in me! Thank you Anne.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому +2

      @@noodgenoodgerson2660 You are very welcome. It is an honor to be on an artist's path alongside you. ♥️

  • @dawn4224
    @dawn4224 17 днів тому +11

    After creating art for years, it was my daughter who said I need to call myself an artist and get my work out there. Just saying the word “artist” and validating my work has given me a new path. I entered 4 pieces into a juried exhibition and to my wonderment, all four were accepted as professional work. Being an “open” artist as opposed to a “hidden” artist is freeing. However, I must say that my years of art practice prior to exhibiting was what allowed me to develop and experiment. I am still developing my vision and always will but now I am an “artist”!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  15 днів тому +2

      Dawn, what a great daughter you have! So glad she saw the gifts you have and encouraged you to name what is already there: that you are an artist. It's SO COOL that your work was accepted into the juried exhibition!
      I agree, the years of art practice prior to going public make a huge difference. It's very grounding, already knowing so much about yourself, and having had all those years to explore and develop your skills, ideas, interests.
      So great that you are continuing to develop your vision, and I would love to keep in touch to witness anything you ever want to share, in your chapter of being "open!"

  • @uptoourpass
    @uptoourpass 10 днів тому +4

    Thoroughly enjoyed the quiz. At 69 I've only been dabbling for about 2 years. Drawing & painting had only popped in as a doable every 10 yrs or so. Mostly I wrote, completed an MA in Creative Writing at 60. Wanted to make a living at that & almost had a short career at junior college level. Then budget cuts & other reversals of fortune, etc. Now I'm in an artsy town where the need to paint seems to be in the air, so I've followed the call. After exploring some local art cliques I still prefer my own pace & UA-cam. Thank you for helping me see myself in a continuum where change is the norm. Best of fortune to you.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  2 дні тому

      Thank you, Dorothy, for sharing this journey summary. I really appreciate that you see my desire to put ourselves in a continuum, in a valid context. I'm interested in the fact that you are enjoying drawing and painting, and that you are also a creative writer. Do you have any crossover in those two practices somehow? There is another person who has commented on one of these quizzes who makes books -- art and writing together--and this work is for personal purposes. That sounds intriguing to me, as a fellow writer too! I would love to hear how and if your two practices overlap in any way.

  • @kenneth1767
    @kenneth1767 11 днів тому +4

    Being an artist is about sharing a vision. There the vision is clarified through honing skills, people will want to invest in it. We are all artists, but not all have the tenacity and drive to live the life of an artist.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      I agree that tenacity and drive are key components! I like your description of vision clarified through honing skills. We people are so attracted to work that is clearly the result of someone who is on a path, in the zone.

  • @beverleystrachan1205
    @beverleystrachan1205 14 днів тому +8

    So happy this popped up on my feed today. Art has always been my best friend and will always be my lifelong companion. I am 56 and have hopped on and off the art journey for a variety of reasons, during my life. That continuum has also looked very different at various junctures. I completed my Fine Arts degree straight out of school. I've done a variety of things art-related, none of which I was specifically trained for, but learnt on the job.9Textile designing, ceramic design and decorating, hand painted fabrics etc, etc) Got married, young, had three children, had to contribute more, but free up time for my kids etc and eventually ended up, of all things a Pre--Primary teacher. Strange I know,right???😂However, I learnt many very valuable things about life during this time and mostly about myself. It was a very creative tie in itself for me and I got to share the joy of art with the very young, encouraging open ended explorations of materials etc etc The most important thing I learnt, was to always remember a time in your life when you didn't feel burdened by the judgements of others. You were truly you and free and soooooo creative!!!! I remained in teaching for 20 years and had to retire at 54years of age because I needed to care for my Mom who was dying and take over the care of my older brother who is blind and has always lived with my Mom. My Mom passed in 2022 and my brother requires care and companionship and there is no provision for that externally. And so with more time and the huge emotional need knocking at my door, I turned to my friend....art. And boy was I rusty!! I have spent the past 2 and a half years trying everything and not really knowing where I want to land. But it's really tricky, because I just love everything and have bounced around trying so many different materials, styles etc. I am needing to start earning and contributing financially to the household again and so desperately want to remain in my creative zone. But I am struggling with where to pitch myself, what do I want to put out into the world and for whom. Your video has given me much to think about. Funny how seeing it written down as well as spoken of seems to be more impactful for me.(visual learner 😂) I will be watching it again and writing these words down. I'm going to put them above my work table and start formalising my thoughts so that I can get a clear idea of what will bring me joy and satisfaction, feel like a contribution to society and an income, of course. Thank you, thank you!!!!!

    • @noodgenoodgerson2660
      @noodgenoodgerson2660 11 днів тому

      Hi Beverly - I relate to so much of your story! How, after a lifetime of pursuits and adventures, to recapture that freshness of the art of our youth, especially...

    • @Sharperthanu1
      @Sharperthanu1 11 днів тому

      That's strange,only bourgeois people get married and have three kids.I tend to think of REAL female artists as childless cat ladies.Or in the case of Emily Carr childless animal lady

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому +1

      Thank you, Beverley, for sharing your story here! Here you are, in a time and place for devoting yourself to your art, and there are sooooo many irresistible mediums and techniques to work with!
      I can relate to this part of the path very much. I have been almost overwhelmed by all the options. And the idea of committing seems so sad, especially when trying to foster and re-kindle the childlike freedom and joy that can come with unfettered creativity.
      A more-"established" artist friend said something to me one time a few years ago that has stayed with me and seems relevant here.
      I was standing in line at a craft store with a basket full of cake piping materials to use with thick paint medium and lamenting, "WHAT AM I DOING RIGHT NOW?? This is crazy!" She said, "You just have to get this out of your system. Don't stop yourself."
      And so that's what I did. I had a whole year or more that included making "paintings" that were piped cable-knit "sweater cakes," and piped botanical scenes. So random and so fun. Some very cool and interesting work came out of that time.
      I think, as an experimental person, my way of dealing with wanting to do a bunch of different things is to work in SERIES. So if I can make one body of work that is consistent with itself, this is enough to start to grow and deepen something in the practice. If I have the urge to do other things, I'll do them on the side as the sort of "hobby" while I complete the thought with the series. Does that idea sound appealing to you?
      Okay one more thing: Some artists I know are KNOWN for their eclecticism. So what they "usually" do is always a deep combination of approaches. Just throwing that out there, too!
      Thank you for engaging and for being here!!!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      @@noodgenoodgerson2660 Yes yes yes!

  • @knorman717
    @knorman717 18 днів тому +3

    Asking “WHY do I want that?” is such a valuable question for so many goals and dreams. Great video!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  17 днів тому +1

      Thank you, Kendall! Getting to the bottom of the whys is a trip. I took a great artist statement class a couple years ago, and the teacher asked me, "Why color?" and that took me on a real journey of uncovering, one that still seems to be happening! I love that this is the bit that hit you. I love how you think!

  • @staceylewis202
    @staceylewis202 12 днів тому +3

    Anne, I came away from this wanting you for an artist friend in real life. I suppose I can look at that tinge of envy (?) and let it guide me to find more artist friends in my local area.
    This was a thought-provoking video and I am looking forward to part 2. I'll check out your back catalog in the meantime.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому +1

      Awww thank you, Stacey! That was such a dear thing for you to say. Yes, the tinge of envy is talking to ya! Thanks, envy! :) I am definitely your artist friend even if online, that's literally why I wanted to be here! 💞 I want to see and hear about your insights and successes and say HECK YEAH when they happen!
      I am seeking the collegiality and the connections that come from people who are truly passionate about art. It's a magical thing when we find each other!

  • @AgingOnYourTerms
    @AgingOnYourTerms 17 днів тому +5

    In full disclosure, I am a stick-figure artist who loves to watch the creative process you and other artists share here on UA-cam.
    I find it relaxing and motivating at the same time. It helps me look at my passions from a different perspective.
    I found your quiz, while directed towards artists, also applicable to my journey of finding ways to communicate my passion.
    So many words to say THANK or for making me think.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  15 днів тому +1

      Vicki, that's so generous of you to say! Thank you for visiting and contributing to the mutually supportive creative community we are all building. You are such a wonderful human!

    • @aimeemorgado8715
      @aimeemorgado8715 3 дні тому

      I think that the ability to creat “fine art “ is imposed on us as THE pinnacle of artistic value. “Little else is of value”. Burn that idea- do whatever you have to change that belief.
      Your contribution to our world matters- not in how or what you create, but in what you have to say. How do you make other people feel?
      You aren’t a lurker- pull up a chair, let me get you a cup of tea and a cookie and tell me about what matters to you. If the people around you don’t want you at the table, join us. There is nothing about art that is solitary. It’s ultimately collaborative . The creator sitting in a cold dark attic , all alone, miserable and mentally unstable is BS. Art is joyful, and painful. Embrace the “BOTH/ AND”. 🌻🌻Aaaand-🌻Can I get you another cup?

  • @ltwig476
    @ltwig476 14 днів тому +3

    I find your part in building a collective very honorable. Except I'm not envious. Most artist are very emotional, in which can add a degree of stress at times. However I do have a collective in a group of folks who compete in Atlatl competition. We throw 8 foot long sticks at a target to see who gets the highest score for the year. Unlike other sports, we are like family that help each other. There are 2 other artist in our group, a writer, an electrician, a grounds keeper, a forest ranger, a prison guard and 2 teachers. It's a great diverse fun community that brings me balance to my art work.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      You may not feel envy for the thing I described, but I feel envy for the thing YOU described! That sounds like a fantastic community that y'all have built together, around a shared passion. That's the dream!

  • @hansoletormos
    @hansoletormos 18 днів тому +3

    Wow that’s a lot to consider! I’ll come back to these questions. One thing for sure, wherever we find ( or even desire) ourselves to be in this moment should not draw a border, rather it’s great to remind and trust ourselves, that ALL is possible, if we follow what really is inspiring. Love it❤

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  17 днів тому

      This is beautifully put, Han!
      I agree. All of these statements and questions were more intended to help us make our personal map (which can be changed or even ignored), not a pigeonholed prison! :) Thank you so much for watching and considering.

  • @ArtBookNook
    @ArtBookNook 18 днів тому +4

    Just love your videos Anne. I always look forward to the next one. I never know what you will talk about next and it's always so interesting. Your quiz has really made me think... Where I am right now: Hobby and Passion - I create art in my spare time because it brings me joy and pleasure. I suck up anything art related such as books, UA-cam, workshops, etc. One day, I hope to be able to make an income from art in one form or another, but for now I need the income from the day job. I have a concern about being reliant on income just from my art however, because many years ago I turned another hobby into a business, sewing, and it destroyed all the joy and pleasure I got from it, to the point where I eventually sold my business to a competitor and I couldn't face or touch a sewing machine for the next 20 years...! Money - I am hoping my UA-cam channel will eventually earn a few pennies for me... Continuum - I aspire to teach art on and offline. I'm not sure about gallery representation as I would need to "feed the machine" which takes me back to my point above. I lean towards fun, affordable art that makes people happy and hope my art book reviews are helpful to people and support them with their own journeys... Who - I like to tell a story with my art... Best wishes... keep up the great work!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  17 днів тому +1

      Kay, thanks so much for responding, and for your kind words!
      To imagine that your passion for sewing was so harmed by turning it into a business! What a heartbreak. I can see how that would give you pause when it comes to feeding the machine.
      Your art book reviews are SO valuable! In fact, I asked @jackiewolven to add your channel to her compiled list of inspiring art people on UA-cam. I hope this sends people your way! Here is the list. She has listed you under "education" with @artprof , very cool! I love to see your channel at over 500 subscribers...hopefully the monetization comes soon!

    • @ArtBookNook
      @ArtBookNook 17 днів тому

      @@annelivingstonart Thank you Anne... x

  • @johanlindeberg7304
    @johanlindeberg7304 16 днів тому +2

    Thank you. I wrote this down.
    This complements, I believe, Jerry Saltz book: How to be an artist.
    I guess one is allowed to change focus depending on the project.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  14 днів тому +1

      Johan, I completely agree! I hope none of us ever feels trapped in a box of our own making, especially as artists!
      Loved that Jerry Saltz book! What an honor that you would think of this video in conjunction with it.
      Also your commont makes me think, I should probably share a handful of the books that have inspired me most on the professional art journey.
      Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Johan!

  • @SimoneWhippArtist
    @SimoneWhippArtist 15 днів тому +2

    I'm back! I find it so hard to clarify what kind of artist I am right now. I have only just realised that there are fine art artists and applied art artists! As I 'need' to make money from my art I am probably in the commercial applied art artists category. I do call myself an artist because I thought that if said it often enough I might believe it! Now I need to actually try to sell my art.
    If money wasn't my reason for making art (I'm not actually driven by money but I don't have an income so I have to think about and make my art making profitable), ideally I would like to spend my time pursuing the fine art route but do not have the required skills. I'm in a bit of turmoil at the moment and not sure what my next move is. Thank you for the question Anne!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  15 днів тому +3

      In my opinion, this series you made recently with the faces in particular felt very much like fine art to me. Sometimes I think the difference between fine art and,well, NOT fine art is the ideas behind the work. There's more to it (I guess?). but generally, as a near-stranger I would have characterized you as a fine artist. I mean, you have your own art movement! :) and you have that wonderful series about the alphabet of abstract art! Your depth cannot be denied!!!

    • @SimoneWhippArtist
      @SimoneWhippArtist 15 днів тому +1

      @@annelivingstonart Your comment means a lot to me Anne. I have had so much self doubt. Fine art maker? I'll take it! 😂

  • @LIFELAB2024
    @LIFELAB2024 10 днів тому

    Hello Anne…pleased to meet you. Lots of things you said resonated with me in your “What kind of artist are you 1”. My answer is that I’m a “reluctant” artist 🤣. Have you ever heard that before? I am conflicted. I have had many varied non-art work occupations over the years, always making good use of my artistic skills, but always with my late Fathers voice in my ear saying not to go into art…as a career many decades ago. He ironically taught me to observe and to draw and paint, and was himself very talented artistically and in his independent thinking. However, now I am 61, I find myself struggling to find ‘work’ and make an income, but have tried to use my art to build something. I have exhibited and sold paintings over the years, and recently sold prints (since lockdown). I spend hours on social media, have a website and u-tube channel “British Creative”. I battle with wavering belief that I’m on the right track, and running out of money. You have inspired me and I take my hat off to you for the videos you have done (only discovered today). Well done! ❤

  • @divadoll55
    @divadoll55 11 днів тому +1

    I enjoy painting pets and would like to do more than portraits of them, but I haven't created many with a theme or interesting background. This is the reason I like the painting you have in the background, it tells a story and I would really like to compose art using animals as the subject that tells a story.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      Oooooh....that sounds absolutely wonderful!!!
      Thanks for the nice words about my painting. This was a labor of lots of pre-thought with that composition. It was a Frankenstein composition, built from many individual reference photos into a larger whole. I think it would be a GREAT idea to do something similar with pets. You know how those rascals are looking cute at the worst times when we photograph them! hahaha. So if you had multiple reference photos of the animal AND the place(s) that tell the story, it's possible to scale up or down, use your creative license, and build your worlds! It's a scary and liberating thing to do, I've gotta say. not for the faint of heart. :) I hope you give it a whirl! If you ever post any of them publicly, I hope you let me (us!) know where, so we can admire!

  • @LonnaRaeDHD
    @LonnaRaeDHD 17 днів тому +2

    Wow, feeling almost dumbfounded. That’s a lot to process. I’m not an artist, I have more of a teaching/helping heart. I guess that’s my form of art. I enjoy color but I don’t like to paint or anything like that anymore. I am a perfectionist and every time I’ve tried to be artistic, I end up being really dissatisfied with whatever it is I’ve done. I can’t even paint my walls without criticizing myself. 🥹 I appreciate those of you who are so artistically creative. I think you have a unique set of skills and that’s awesome! It’s what makes us all different. My unique skillset revolves around psychology and nursing. That’s what I’m good at. Thanks for a very thought provoking video Anne. Have a great evening! 💕

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  15 днів тому +1

      Lonna, you are a truly gifted human. I have already learned so much from you, and as a fellow ADHDer I can relate to what you say about the perfectionism. AAAAAHHH it is so not-helpful! (Yet I have to admit also sometimes it is helpful, hahaha).
      If I may be so bold: if you watch any of my videos sometime you could grab those colored pencils you have and just...shade. Like, make patches of color that randomly call to you, and enjoy the sound of the pencils making their sound on the page. If it is a sensation you like, then it can be very soothing and a kind of "stim" and in the meantime giving yourself a soothing color therapy with zero "artistic" stakes.
      Or if that is NOT a sensation you like, colored pencils may not be the color medium for you. Markers can be a lot smoother on the page (hence satisfying), and the instant vivid color is SO DOPAMINE. If you don't like the idea of coloring in patches, doodling is another yay thing to do.
      I'm just thinking about the gentlest tiny moves towards being allowed to LIKE something and notice what makes you happy. Just throwing it out there! I am sending you a HUGE HUG, LONNA!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your encouragement and comments!

    • @LonnaRaeDHD
      @LonnaRaeDHD 14 днів тому

      @@annelivingstonart actually I think it is the sound of a pencil scratching the paper that draws me to colored pencils! That never occurred to me before. I will try that. Thank you so much for making me aware of that! 💕 I appreciate when others notice something like that they may not have occurred to me because I truly feel that we’re all in this together and I always want to do everything I can to help a fellow human. Sometimes that makes me really overwhelmed because I try to do too much. I am a doodler and used to get in so much trouble as a kid for doodling on my notebooks and folders because parents and teachers thought I wasn’t paying attention. I was though, I just had to be doing something with my hands for my ears to work. 😅 I love your channel! I’m learning a lot about myself from you so again, thank you. 💕

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  14 днів тому +1


  • @aimeemorgado8715
    @aimeemorgado8715 4 дні тому

    I just discovered your channel last night. Thanks for making me wrestle with ideas and remember why I create, who its for , & that supporting others in their journey is important to me. I want to use weird materials, be snarky, silly, and honest , pull people in and surprise or delight, make them think and learn about themselves and society. I don’t think I will sell much, production isn’t for me. But what I have to offer speaks to me, and I can’t be the only one. Huge thanks to you and everyone who’s has posted here.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  2 дні тому

      Aimee, your description alone has accomplished one of those goals: I found your description delightful! And beautifully specific. Makes me want to see your work!

  • @creativesolutions902
    @creativesolutions902 16 днів тому +2

    I have a friend who actually has a UA-cam channel and she is a watercolor artist. She was so kind and gracious to me when I reached out to her, and we have been friends ever since. She showcased some of my art on her channel to help bring awareness to, my circumstances which she was very moved by. Because I have a disability that causes blindness and I’m still able to do art. She often calls me “a real artist“ and says that she is just “playing with paint“… She is so hard on herself! But she is really good and I feel so blessed to have a friend that I can share artist stuff with :-) she is the main inspiration behind me starting my own channel as well. And I’m going to make a point to remember to reiterate to her that she is “a real artist“.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  15 днів тому +1

      Hi Susan, the story of your relationship with your friend is heart-warming. I know that she will appreciate the reminder from you. Love your work! And you are freaking inspiring, making artwork despite the odds! I respect your dedication and passion so much.

    • @creativesolutions902
      @creativesolutions902 14 днів тому

      Oh, and, you are so sweet! Thank you so much for your kindness and providing inspiration for us Artists as well! And thank you for replying, it means a lot to me :-)🙏❤️

  • @yznatureza
    @yznatureza 18 днів тому +2

    I am in the mental health hobby but hoping to improve and maybe be able to make some income out of it. I highly appreciate that you gave your own profile, that was really cool to listen.
    If I may give a small feedback on the video. To me it was quite unclear why the actual questionnaire did not have sound. I was listening to you as a podcast style (doing some other random errands) and my heart was prepared to listen to the questions and... ohp.. what happen? was that commercial? it was strange, so I paused the video and came back to it when I had finished the other stuff because I was finding really interesting. However, I would like to suggest also doing a voice over for the questions. I know it would help me to get them better and faster than only reading them as you write them, maybe other people would as well.
    Hope your channel keeps growing ❤

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  17 днів тому +3

      Hi!! Thank you so much for this valuable feedback! I couldn't decide if I wanted to read the questions aloud or not. I wound up choosing to stay silent because I didn't want to impact people's thoughts about themselves with my voice intonation. But like you, I listen to videos like podcasts as well. That must have been confusing!
      For the next one I'll read it aloud in as neutral voice as possible. :)

  • @lynnhuntington3498
    @lynnhuntington3498 2 дні тому

    I get the first few minutes of this completely. A former teacher, a full time artist, said that of me and yes, it means the world.

  • @arleighbarley
    @arleighbarley 10 днів тому

    The only affirmative answer I got on your quiz was that I love thinking about art and I nerd out about things. However I have arted my whole life (I'm 60) and have boxes of art and sketchbooks full of my work. I've been a professional graphic artist until I retired recently, and it's really hard to adjust my brain to see myself as the client and not "them." I'm looking back through your quiz thinking about whether I want to create a specific goal based on your questions. I do feel a little rudderless right now. I've been using a vision board technique, imagining myself traveling and doing plein air. But it's blank after that. I really relate to the gatekeeping feeling, even if it only exists in my own head. Everyone else seems so focused and talented and I feel like a little kid hanging out with the big kids.

  • @JesseGreenwood-h1o
    @JesseGreenwood-h1o 3 дні тому

    BTW, that's a very nice piece you have in the ledge behind you! 😊😊😊

  • @Jeannine754
    @Jeannine754 12 днів тому +1

    That darn twinge of shame when I say I’m an artist may never go away lol.
    I’m passionate about everything art. I see art in everything, especially the mundane. That plastic fork? Mark maker. Those shadows? Whip out the phone camera, because there are four glorious colors in that darkness!
    I give everything away to people I love, or to support a cause. I literally have one painting on the wall. But I am enrolled in a program online to see if I can refine it all down to at least earn enough to support my passion. Aspiring artist maybe? I subscribed to your channel, so perhaps your influence can help take the maybe out of the equation!
    Congratulations on the acceleration of your channel!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      Ahhhh Jeannine...I have some information that comes directly from what you wrote here:
      You are SUCH an artist!!!!!!!!
      Anyone reading your comment is surely agreeing right now! Good luck with the online program, because it's just a matter of time and dedication: you are totally going to earn income from this passion of yours. I can feel it from all the way over here!

    • @Jeannine754
      @Jeannine754 10 днів тому

      Stop that, Anne! Yur makin me cry! Lol
      Totally made my day, so thank you from the bottom of my artistic heart💜💜

  • @boyfmbalcatta
    @boyfmbalcatta 8 днів тому

    I have only started 'art' in the last few months. Being retired (mid sixties), a Mr mom nowdays, I am trying things that I was told in my youth I was hopeless at. I still have no idea what type (style) I am, what I will settle on or what I am reasonable at. Whilst I am trying declutter and find space to make a art room/workspace I also like to build things out of wood. As I back on the bush here in the Blue mountains in New South Wales, I have made a couple of easels out of bush wood felled as part of firebreaks/bush care , which the family think are quite good. So inbetween decluttering/painting/drawing I am building easels and flower pot stands.

  • @JesseGreenwood-h1o
    @JesseGreenwood-h1o 3 дні тому

    Wow, great breakdown...made me see myself clearly. My off-the-cuff list was: COLOR, folk art, comix, and mixed media. My mother had a Bachelor's in art, her father and brother were signpainters and dabblers in watercolor; my paternal grandmother and uncle both ran galleries and painted, so I come by the art bug honestly. I thought, growing up, that I was headed for fine art; but the cost steered me towards smaller-scale, more accessible forms. Parallel to this, I was forever trying to make a buck at folk painting and crafts, with mixed success. Then I burnt out on the realities of the small-fry pen-&-ink illustration I was also doing, and sat myself down for a career talk. I loved outsider/indie graphic novels, and they had the possibility of making $, being reproduced; but then I ended up disabled for a number of years (from an art injury, ngah!) and had to shelve all of it. But I got my body back, and went after the comix gangbusters. But then I had to sit myself down for another talk: this one, about how I could earn the same amount of money making one pair of earrings in fifteen minutes, as I could for one copy of a graphic novel that I had slaved over for years. But it's tricky: comix crosses over into fine art, because of the skill involved and the (potential) social relevance; but crafts are still the step-child of art, even though they're ideal for that mental-health question on your list... Then there's my uncle's world. He sells Picassos and Monets, and mingles with people who have a consciousness I find horrifying, where the old masterpieces are an investment commodity, and the new artists are solely out to skin the rich. Now there's that guy who sold a piece of digital art, the bitcoin of the art world, for 69 million dollars. It makes me want to run screaming for the nearest punk 'zine. I applaud your instinct to foster nurturance and good fellowship, especialy with AI also already making obsolete monkeys of us all. It's a strange world we ive in.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  2 дні тому

      A strange, strange world indeed, Jesse! The idea of going big enough to have people want to invest in your work and put it in climate-controlled storage to keep the commodity safe while it appreciates in value...this is so alienating to consider. I guess there is social relevance there, in the sense of "This is the reality of our world today." Very rich people drawing from the work of everyone else. Thank goodness it is not the only part of our world!
      I'm interested in your comix vs. handmade, functional art musings and how each might work for you. Where have you landed these days? Both? Are you actively seeking either as your preferred money-maker?
      I was watching a useful video last night where she was talking about distinguishing our "selfish" art versus art that will sell, art that has the viewer or collector in mind. I'm pondering this as well. There is definitely a switch in my mind that's like, "I'm making this for someone else" and so those pieces tend to not feel excessively personal. But I can also think of some deeply personal work out there that does sell.
      PS: Art injury! So glad you healed from that!

  • @shirleyn4677
    @shirleyn4677 6 днів тому

    The trouble is anyone can call themselves an artist and unless I see their work I don’t take it seriously. I am a creative person and have gone the sensible route so I could make a living working for others. I was not happy but I needed the money. I took art classes after my divorced and one instructor wanted to mentoring me. Unfortunately I wanted to finish my degree…in something else. So, long story short photography, sometime knitters, sewer, drawing and dabbling in paint by number kits are hobbies.😊

  • @ahopefulhollar
    @ahopefulhollar 10 днів тому

    Hi! I just found you.❤Such good thoughts to ponder… I am fifty three and reavaluating this all the time. I honestly don’t know. Today, I am sharing in our local history museum, hoping up with Ribbon Candy Hooking, sharing on Instagram and go to several local textile groups monthly. This past year I have discovered the fun of rug hooking and I am obsessed! Thank you for your discussion. Here’s to having a “good time”.😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤

  • @mariamossberg
    @mariamossberg 6 днів тому

    I think you are a good art teacher really. You are the portal for your students for reaching fine arts. I think a good art teacher can speak to everyone. Us teachers, me included but working at school, have personal destinies that are the basis for our later teachings. I think art is an ongoing journey that simply never ends. Where you focus is what you are learning at the moment but it is also your personal connection with art and the journey. I noticed that working with art materials vs art techniques can be equally interesting. When you learn your tools art and creating goes along with it. 🌸✨

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  4 дні тому

      I love these reflections. Thank you for sharing them, and thank you for your kind words!

  • @Harkart59
    @Harkart59 16 днів тому +1

    I have always done art as far back as I can remember those rainbow pencils in the 60's and tablets my grandma would give me from the drugstore she worked at. I was the token artist for things at school and had my own copyrighted cartoon characters when I was 11. I did murals for businesses in the 80's in Portland for extra money and some shop windows...After having 5 boys though, I was doing bedrooms for friend's kids and baby nurseries. I had to raise those boys alone so my art took a backseat for quite a stretch and once they were all grown and living decent lives, I had a stroke.😛 I'm very lucky to be able to still do art in all the many forms of media and now I do it all the time and currently in the middle of getting my youngest son's garage made into my art studio/apartment so my characters are still very much alive and soon we'll be playing in our new place 😄I fall into many different artist types. This video was such an interesting approach at how we can consider our art journeys. Looking forward to more and thank you🦊

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  14 днів тому

      WOW, Cyndi, what an artist journey you have had so far! And...raising 5 boys solo: you are a freaking warrior! That's so cool that you have an artist studio/apartment coming up in your near future. You sure have earned it.
      So glad your characters will be able to come back out and flourish soon!

  • @JackieWolven
    @JackieWolven 18 днів тому +1

    This was tremendously thought provoking! I’d say I’m moving from passionate hobbiest to passionate professional.
    And I’d say that my work is both a way to express myself but also to capture the joy I experience and want to transmit. I want to be part of the cultural landscape as a creative - not just as a consumer, but as a creator.
    I just love making art. I love thinking about it. I love being in my studio. I love sharing it. I love putting it out there. I dream about it. I ponder paintings and what I’m going to do in them all of the time.
    I was way more punk when I was younger. I used to make zines and I’m in an anthology in the library of congress, but now I’m more inspired by beauty and joy and kindness- and not to say the pink aesthetic can’t hearts and rainbows - I just don’t think that label fits anymore. Maybe as I get older I’m just less dissatisfied or edgy. 😂

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  14 днів тому

      Zines!!! I love making zines (still)! How cool that your work is in the library of congress!!!
      I love how you describe your passion for art. I can feel the warm, generative joy all the way from over here. :)
      I think I'll always be punk on the inside! But as you said, beauty, joy, kindness YES. My aesthetic has never been punk, which is the problem, but I'll always be subversive--just in a friendly way! And DIY FOREVAH hahahaha
      So glad to be your "post"-punk buddy!

  • @lapun47
    @lapun47 12 днів тому +1

    (Great) hobby (line & wash) shared with a few friends. Filling lots of sketchbooks, a few paintings framed and on the wall. Haven't shared any art with a friend who is professor of art at a university as I don't want to force her into commenting.

    • @noodgenoodgerson2660
      @noodgenoodgerson2660 11 днів тому

      You do remind me of - me. Timid to show my art. As if it will place a demand upon the person, to somehow respond "diplomatically". So one thing I envy is artists who are completely unapologetic. I would love to develop that attitude!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      I can see how the professor friend might be the last person you would want to show your art to at the moment! That would be a big leap, and we have to protect our dear spark of passion at all costs!!!!! If the time comes, it comes!
      I'm glad to hear you have your work on the wall...

  • @MarthaGeorge-k4x
    @MarthaGeorge-k4x 17 днів тому +1

    I am really impressed that your quiz questions have no "right" answers. Very thought provoking!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  17 днів тому

      @@MarthaGeorge-k4x Thank you! ♥️ I only wish there had been even more questions, but time keeps on slippin' into the futurrre...

  • @WorldWonderfull
    @WorldWonderfull 12 днів тому +1

    Thanks! Nice “meeting” you Anne. I appreciate your categorical map for reflection and found it a good practice for to day-and useful as a checkin template from time to time.
    I have been involved in building community through art (mostly centering easy entry points like oral tradition singing drumming, chant in many different settings). I have taught pk-adults for decades -now just adults. Giving more emphasis to my tunes, songs, chants, improvisations currently.
    Yes, there are many flavors and styles of being an artist and owning that word!
    Look forward to seeing what’s next on your channel - I am having lots of fun experimenting and playing with color, texture and design!!😀

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      Thank you so much for your kind words, it is nice "meeting" you, too! Your practice sounds fascinating and fulfilling! I loved reading about it. So glad you will be here for some future fun experiments and reflections (and color, texture, design)!

  • @Ravyne
    @Ravyne 11 днів тому +1

    I just found you, Anne and I am glad I did. I love your ease in front of the camera and your insightful energy. So, what kind of artist am I? I guess I am a dabbler or hobbyist. I am compelled to create, both as an artist and a poet/fiction writer. I don't create for money or fame. In fact, I would probably feel stressed out if either of those came about because of my work. I am just quirky that way. I also don't envy others, but instead I find inspiration in others' work. I look forward to more of your videos.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      Ravyne...I love your name! Thank you for sharing of yourself here. Love the dichotomy of visual art and poetry/fiction! It sounds like you are creating incredible worlds. So glad you found this channel!

  • @ellenperrin629
    @ellenperrin629 7 днів тому

    I so appreciate you making this video. What a great process for considering our interess and intentions. You are a great role.model forthe ho EST expressio that is Art. I am a.maker. I am fascinated by creating regardless.of the outcomes. (That has come with age). I'm fascinated by the creative processes. Currently I do this through drawing and painting for self expression. And story telling. And play. Always feel like a beginner and that's cool. Plan to always have a creative process..... Always. Plan to celebrate creativity with others at.all times...
    Thanks again. This was a great process to go through...

  • @ShawnaMarieFranklin-f5f
    @ShawnaMarieFranklin-f5f 14 днів тому +1

    Great video Anne! I’d say I too am a passionate professional or at least trying my best to be professional! I make art because it helps me look more closely at what I experience and feel. I also make art because there is nothing more that I’d rather be doing. Thank you for the thoughtful questions- I’ll go through them again with pen in hand! 😊

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      Shawna, so well said: making art is such a beautiful vehicle to look closely. You know that feeling after making art for a long time, how everything looks extra beautiful for a bit? Love that part too!
      Thank you for watching!!

  • @jmsl_910
    @jmsl_910 8 днів тому

    lovely video.
    new subscriber
    totally an artist for mental health & expression. i give as gifts

  • @TaniaRouserArt
    @TaniaRouserArt 4 дні тому

    I think it’s the best quiz so far to help with artist statement and anything we need to write about our art.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  2 дні тому +1

      I love that you see/notice that! Full disclosure, that's the final purpose of these three quizzes... :) Well spotted!

  • @susiegilmour3520
    @susiegilmour3520 11 днів тому +1

    So happy to find your site. I love the way you just chat so naturally. I am a passionate artist and have painted for many years. Constantly trying new techniques, watching others paint and create on line, taking courses etc. selling a piece every few months but still learning and searching. I have to paint…I don’t have a choice as I need to create something every day even if it’s just a few brush strokes or a piece of crochet. None of my friends are artists but I work in a collective gallery where we all have to do a certain amount of hours. It’s lovely to chat to people who come in to look at what we have to offer and most of them love to hear about the process. Looking forward to your next video!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      Susie! Yes: "I have to paint...I don't have a choice" totally! I love that you both paint and crochet. That seems like a beautiful counterbalance of creative practices!
      It's great that you work in a collective gallery, which allows you to have a built in community and an audience of the folks who come in. So useful on many levels!
      Thanks for your warm words. I'm so glad you are here!

  • @mytreasuredcreations
    @mytreasuredcreations 11 днів тому +1

    I've always wanted to create but never really had the freedom or incentive to, until I got married 23 years ago.
    I notice I turn to art, when I need an emotional outlet. It's my therapy of sorts. I've sold my art before but I've been out of the market for at least 8 years. I would love to do it again. But I've learned it takes a lot of my undivided focus, which I don't have right now.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому +1

      This is excellent wisdom, understanding that you don't have the necessary undivided focus for that one potential part of an art practice, the selling part. With this self-awareness, if and when the time arises again, it sounds like you will know!
      Soo grateful that art is always there as an emotional outlet! I'm glad you have it in your life.

  • @melissalanzarotta4374
    @melissalanzarotta4374 6 днів тому

    I’m just doing art for fun. I love drawing and coloring and tend to hyper focus on all things creative. At over 40 now I would really like to become a kids book illustrator but with no art education I have no clue where I would start.

  • @DingDong-bw7mq
    @DingDong-bw7mq 12 днів тому +1

    I just needed someone to draw mushrooms and other fun stuff for my game. It was almost 4 years ago and I'm drawing everyday since then.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому +1

      YEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! I love to hear it! Thanks game mushrooms!

  • @marshathomas2956
    @marshathomas2956 12 днів тому +1

    Best art quiz I’ve ever taken! I was currently struggling to get a project done and with the help from your quiz questions, I realized that I had to define why I felt the need to make this piece. The questions help me define why I want to make art. Fabric is my medium and I sew clothes, costumes, quilts, etc. From your quiz, I realize I’m passionate about art but I know I want interactive art . Figuring the rest of it out. Can’t wait for quiz part 2! Thank you so much for your time on this subject!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      Marsha, this makes my day! I love to hear about your growing clarity about your art. Yay!

  • @KerrinGrant
    @KerrinGrant 11 днів тому +1

    I have been creating realistic wildlife pastel drawings for a while and started a website 5 months ago to sell prints of my work. At the time, I thought that was the expected next step and a way to, at least, make money to pay for my art supplies. Over the past couple of months, I have grown disillusioned because I am not selling anything. I asked myself "why am I doing this?" and put it in the context of "how does selling art reflect my values?" It was very enlightening, and I now have a renewed commitment to my art store -- and art in general.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      Kerrin, thank you very much for talking about this. I can imagine how demoralizing it was to put so much work into your lovely art store and not have sales.
      I went to look at your site, and your work is exquisite! I love how your work is deeply rooted in the story of your love of animals and your life path, and that a percentage of your profits goes to support wildlife and their natural environments.
      What you have created is a real collection of gems. In my opinion this is a matter of finding your audience in the way that feels the most right in your life. I think I saw somewhere something about your introversion.
      I was just wondering if there is a wildlife conservancy space or zoo near where you live, (or even local pet stores or veterinarians?) Who might be interested in carrying your cards, mugs, etc. because then your work would be finding people who love animals, out in the "wild," without having to talk to them. :) Your display could include the information about yourself so people see just how meaningful your lovely work is. Just thought I'd mention that! If that sounds like a horrible idea to you, feel free to completely ignore. hahaha
      Anyway, you are doing awesome work! It's inspiring to see!!

  • @floccinaucinihilipilifications
    @floccinaucinihilipilifications 12 днів тому +1

    Thanks for this reflection… wheels are turning

  • @Carol-ny2pp
    @Carol-ny2pp 10 днів тому

    Thank you for this. Even answering the questions, my critical self was saying, are you serious? Who do you think you are, you aren’t that good. Helpful to have it written down. I’m passionate, I’m trying to work out how to make money from my art. I run workshops and retreats, but don’t make enough to keep me in coffeee.
    Love that question, do I belong here? So resonated. Thank you for your vulnerability.

  • @dianesattler1301
    @dianesattler1301 11 днів тому

    I enjoyed your truthfulness. Made me seriously think about my art and process. Thank You.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      Diane, I am so glad to hear that this was useful for you!!

  • @Charlotte-ow3vi
    @Charlotte-ow3vi 6 днів тому

    I think at this point in my art journey (retired 68 yo woman) I just want to return to learning without the consequence of the outcome. I have small fantasies of selling individual works but even that is stressful and puts a block on my ability to immerse myself again after working and raising children. My number one fan and supporter has been my oldest son, an artist in his own right who regularly encourages me to get in there and paint.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  4 дні тому

      Your passion is your priority! I love that you are protecting it so dearly. Such a generous thing to do for yourself. The selling comes when (or if!) it is supposed to, I think. The sheer joy of learning is the most wonderful part of the whole thing. Never gets old--never never never! ❤

  • @elizabethmckenzie6493
    @elizabethmckenzie6493 11 днів тому

    Really enjoyed this and that is a lovely painting in the background

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      Thank you so much, Elizabeth! :) I'm really glad you are here!

  • @marioncampbell1346
    @marioncampbell1346 16 днів тому +1

    I am a part time professional glass artist. it is my passion, It is my mental and physical therapy. I have had my art used in a museum display and will be demoing at a museum the fall. But I do not make enough money to feel like I can say I am a full- time profession. My vibe is functional art and jewelry pieces that everyone can use. I love doing random gifting of art and making people smile. I am not edgy I do not tell a story I take inspiration from historical pieces (roman glass) figuring out that I am a artist and using that title is very freeing the other thing is figuring out that I have a job for health insurance and then I have a job for passions and fun. that you do not have to be a full time paid artist to be an artist was a huge thing for me

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  14 днів тому

      How COOL is that? I love your art story! You have such a great sense of your work and how it fits into your money work.
      I recently was lucky enough to be sitting in a living room with three women in a band that I love(!!) and somehow was not starstruck. Probably because they were playing a house gig at my friend's daughter's graduation party and we were eating s'mores. hahaha.
      ANYWAY, all three of them have other day jobs on top of being local superstars. One worked for a muzak company, one was in non profit, and one was a therapist. It was inspiring to see how they all made their living/got insurance during part of the day while rocking people's worlds in other parts of their days.
      Your practice sounds fascinating and I love that you have this sense of gravitas from the historical inspiration of Roman glass (not to mention an affiliation with a museum!!), married with a real approachability and accessibility, with wearable pieces and of course gifting to make people smile. What a joy!!!!!!

  • @teriflint3607
    @teriflint3607 3 дні тому

    I relate to everything you just said.. I start off with making myself excited about a project and then it’s tends to grow with other people I like to build things and paint giant murals on the sides of buildings. But I’m too old to do that anymore so now I just create every day something whether it’s rocks in my garden or cigar box buildings or tapestry bugs I do it because I have to . If people enjoy it.!,,,great

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  2 дні тому

      I am VERY intrigued by what you mean by cigar box buildings!!! And tapestry bugs! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for being here, Teri!

  • @papermelonworking
    @papermelonworking 10 днів тому

    I loved this video, in one word im a "storyteller" artist

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому +1

      Ohhh! LOVE storytelling in art! Thank you for the kind words. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the video!

  • @AgyWilson
    @AgyWilson 10 днів тому

    I am an illustrator and calligrapher, first and foremost. Though I absolutely adore a great many painters and artists of other genres- I sang a lot until my vocal chords were cut. A lot of everything fell through after a very difficult contentious divorce. My children are now grown and I'm slowly replacing my art materials that had been destroyed. Even more so, I've been drawing quite a bit and thinking on what direction I want to go it. Some of it is crafty and doing things I loved way back before that wormhole, lol (Freudian slip I said wormhold,). Making books and studying the masters again. I have some ideas for graphic novels I want to explore this winter. And when I replace my iPad Pro, I will once again make mercy and put some of my lessons on line (I taught a bunch of stuff when younger, found it very satisfying.) Anyhow, awfully glad I found your channel, and subscribed.

    • @AgyWilson
      @AgyWilson 10 днів тому

      And I'm a prime believer in your early epiphany. I tell people I have fun whereever I am, because I bring the fun WITH me. Having a seriously dysfunctional childhood and being on the spectrum, I had to get down to basics to relate to people and it's stood me in good stead (I have a lot of young people telling me I'm "cool", lol). I felt like an outsider always, I bing it down to the most basic sometimes to relate-we all have bellybuttons and spines and necks, is my mantra. I have to sometimes work through my emotions, and realize/do the math, sometimes things are just not for me. Again, I'm happy to see your journey and can relate to a lot of it!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      @@AgyWilson Agy, thank you so much for sharing your story and thoughts! You sound absolutely primed for a rich chapter in your art development right now. It all sounds so wonderful!

  • @kirani111
    @kirani111 13 днів тому +1

    I'm an illustrator/designer. I'm at a place where I need to step away from art and reevaluate what I like about making it. Being a professional in the art world can make you lose a part of yourself that was excited to make things. I feel so disconnected from the world and the stories in it. Why should I make art if I have no lived experience to draw from? No inspiration. Working to the point that I'm drained of all my enthusiasm, energy and creativity. A point where I don't even step out of my home/studio until the weekend. All to be a productive worker and keep up with the demands of industry giants. All artists wish to work at their own pace, that's why many decide to do art as a hobby. Keep this in mind if you want to have this career, especially in the visual arts where our skills are not a competition, but a unique voice.

    • @noodgenoodgerson2660
      @noodgenoodgerson2660 11 днів тому +1

      Oh my goodness, you are breaking my heart. I hope and pray you can rediscover the balance of life so that your creative soul is not so constrained. I wish you the best with hopefulness in my heart.

    • @kirani111
      @kirani111 11 днів тому

      ​@@noodgenoodgerson2660 I'm sure I'll feel fantastic and get my life and passion back... since I've decided to resign from my job haha! Scary but necessary. Thanks for the kind words.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому +1

      @@kirani111 Natalia, CONGRATULATIONS on the decision to resign from your job, which has sucked from you so much of your joy and life force and creative spark! It takes guts to know when to walk away.
      I can also relate to what you described, even if the specifics of our work experiences are different. Burnout is THE WORST passion killer. Literally nothing sounds good. Except maybe a burrito. 🤣
      I am sending you a virtual hug and good wishes for deep recovery time.

  • @ltwig476
    @ltwig476 17 днів тому +1

    I use to make art to maybe be famous one day. Now I'm only interested in making art that changes strangers minds for the better or causing folks to see our world for some things they may be missing about life. I guess I'm like the very 1st artist ideas of trying to communicate things not easily communicated through normal social channels. I like what good goes on in the deeper levels of the mind that is never written or talked about. In this quest, I get to discover. Discover is the real driver that keeps me going and changing. I have always felt that sticking to a style that I seem good at is being dishonest to discovery.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  14 днів тому

      You have articulated this so beautifully. That last line was powerful. If we cut ourselves off from discovery, what are we even doing??? I have had to accept that I'll probably never have a consistent visual "style" because my ideas running underneath the work won't stand for it. One "look" won't do it justice.
      Though I do have some artist friends who do have a consistent look and I don't feel that they are being dishonest; their discovery/idease are explored through the vehicle of one aesthetic. I find that very interesting to witness.
      Your drive to communicate deeply in ways that aren't usually easily communicated--that's inspiring. I recently read a quote by Hans Hofmann: "Painters must speak through paint, not through words."
      What is a discovery you have made recently via your art that particularly interests you these days?

    • @ltwig476
      @ltwig476 14 днів тому

      @@annelivingstonart I'm currently working on an 36"x 24" oil on canvas, semi-abstract scene of a homeless camp. I just think homelessness has changed a bit and folks shouldn't see it all as ugliness and shamefulness. These are people's lives lived out and there has become a since of community. Probably more community than our suburbs, to tell the truth. I figured that I could use the colors of the tents, tarps and so on to create a pleasant color composition. It's been a challenge to keep it semi-abstract and avoid clutter. Fighting to keep it anti-political is tough. Rather peaceful and joyful is what I'm after. To paint faded graffiti on a tree or not? Probably not. What I discovered most is all the natural interesting shapes, both complimenting or contrasting.
      On the consistent look. Who could argue that Cecily Brown's work is not a success and extremely inspirational? Yet I argue that the subject matter does not need to be about human agony nor sexuality. Just because fear is an easy emotion to attract viewers, does not mean joy is any less. To me, figurative does not only mean human and animals, it can be applied to most anything. Cecily has proven that her human and animal figures can bring out deeper mind feelings and concepts. Why not apply them university to other life forms and objects and bring out the deep seated pleasantness the humans feel about things?

  • @samanthaa3564
    @samanthaa3564 16 днів тому +1

    I would say I am a passionate/professional artist that sells affordable originals to bring joy and beauty to peoples homes. I work full time in a non art field, and work part time making and selling art. I have an interest in teaching, but no desire to be in art galleries. I also am very big on art inclusivity and not gate keeping who is an artist or what is art.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  14 днів тому +1

      I love this, Samantha. Down to gate-keeping! I was recently reading something by a "cool" and influential NYC art person who was trying to make a case for gatekeeping, but I think what he really meant was he wanted to be able to have a conversation with a subset of people who were having the same interest in talking about culture, without having to talk to the entire world's population while doing it. So that he could get his life's work done. And I get that, that make sense. ...BUT sequestering away the title of "artist" for an elite few? NO THANK YOU. :)
      Thank you for bringing joy and beauty into the world and into people's homes, and making them affordable so that many people can have that beauty in their lives! It's important work!!!

  • @debsllewelyn230
    @debsllewelyn230 17 днів тому +1

    obsessed here also haha

  • @cindyoverall8139
    @cindyoverall8139 10 днів тому

    We all need constructive criticism. Listen to everyone. And a master deserves to critique those less developed.

  • @darialemeshkin7579
    @darialemeshkin7579 18 днів тому +3

    Very interesting video. I feel like whatever the answers for me are right now, they will be different next week, next month, next year. but maybe it doesn't mean that there is no point in answering them anyway.. 5 years ago I finished art school and didn't paint for 3 years almost completely. Now I'm in a place that making art is essential to me, but have no idea what I'm doing, where is it taking me or who are the people I create for. I guess it's just blind passion again, which I'm a bit protective of:) I would love to be in a place where I have a clearer vision of who I am as an artist, but I'm not really there right now.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  17 днів тому +1

      Daria, this was so moving to read. Thank you for reflecting and sharing where you are right now--this delicate and beautiful place that is so deserving of your protection! I love that you are in blind passion now.
      Art school can be a mindf*** in a lot of ways, I can DEFINITELY relate from the recent grad school experience. The fact that you were removed from painting after graduating for 3 years says so much!
      In the future, with anything I post--please know that I really respect (and also need!) the room to be in a place of deep exploration and NOT definition.

    • @noodgenoodgerson2660
      @noodgenoodgerson2660 11 днів тому

      I get what you are saying, that your blind passion is a precious gift, worthy of protection!

    • @darialemeshkin7579
      @darialemeshkin7579 11 днів тому

      @@noodgenoodgerson2660 Thank you for saying this, kind stranger 💕

  • @SimoneWhippArtist
    @SimoneWhippArtist 18 днів тому

    This was so useful to me Anne! I have started questioning what kind of artist I am and will be doing your quiz to help me clarify what my art is and where it is going. The biggest problem I have is making what I want versus what other people want. I have huge pressure on me at the moment to sell my art as I have no personal income whatsoever. The pressure of having to make to sell is taking away the joy of making. I was thinking about selling one off original paintings until I am in a position to afford things like a printer and then I could potentially sell prints of paintings. I have no desire to do commissions but feel I may be forced into having to do so. Another problem is trying to find the buyers. There is no point in me producing art that nobody wants to buy. I have a lot to ponder! Just to add, that painting behind you is so beautiful with the colours, light and shadows.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  15 днів тому +2

      Thank you, Simone! That painting is called "AfterParty." I don't know if you can see the three figures in the background enjoying the evening after throwing off their shoes. :)
      I hope you never have to do commissions!!! I have done it a few times and it is stressful and possibly not worth the money!
      Have you considered creating work that could be printed from a website? Not a lot of overhead or front-end cost, and the pressure might be a little bit lower. We should talk about that more! I'm about to give this idea a whirl and will be making a video about the experience soon. Kayla Carlile recently made a video about her experience. She has a big following, hence all the income, but I could imagine building a modest income from this kind of work. Maybe it could be one of your income streams as well (if it sounds good).
      Here is the video @kaylacarlile made: ua-cam.com/video/9BHQ_O_WrwI/v-deo.html

    • @SimoneWhippArtist
      @SimoneWhippArtist 14 днів тому

      @@annelivingstonart Yes! I can see the figures! Thank you for the income stream idea and the link to Kayla's video. I will have a watch! ☺

  • @TeresaBaileypolymath
    @TeresaBaileypolymath 10 днів тому

    I am working on being an artist in my community, Pittsburgh. I wish to add joy and peace in my art. I am a professional who wants my art to be affordable and accessible. I would love to work in a local collective of artists.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому +1

      Beautiful clarity, Teresa! I am sure you are going to be a wonderful asset to the future Pittsburgh artist collective who will be lucky enough to have you join them (or who will be lucky enough that you started the collective...? :) )💝 I appreciate your comment very much!

  • @pattyhall7162
    @pattyhall7162 4 дні тому

    I love art , so I love to do portraits of people as well as animals in places I think is fun , I do sell from time to time but iam picky of what I want to do, because if I don’t than my art lacks

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  4 дні тому

      Yes, so much better when we listen to ourselves deeply and what we want to do!

  • @diannebond5656
    @diannebond5656 18 днів тому

    Hi Anne, Thanks for sharing your thoughts, visions and inviting one to think about their journey. I am passionate about painting. I have the desire to
    sell my paintings for several reasons. I just don’t quite know how to go about doing that. I’m not a sales person 😊.
    However I will be exhibiting a few paintings in the local library next month and will be tickled pink if there is interest.
    You are a great communicator and a warm person. Best Wishes, Dianne (Australia)

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  14 днів тому

      Dianne, congratulations on your upcoming exhibit!! That's so exciting. I hope that you get some photos of yourself in front of your work! It's nice to have those for your marketing materials(!!) for when you start selling oodles and oodles of paintings!!!!
      Do you live in a smaller town or city, or metropolis...? Your options for selling paintings will vary depending on the opportunities. I found that starting nearest to home was the best way to get rolling on selling work.
      My friend recently had an art show, and she was too shy to tell her friends from a tennis class that she was having the show. After they found out about it, they said, "WHY didn't you tell us???" They were lovingly indignant, and demanded to come see the show, and two people bought paintings. :)
      Looking forward to your inevitable future successes, Dianne! Thanks so much for being here!

    • @diannebond5656
      @diannebond5656 14 днів тому

      Hi Anne, Thanks for your reply and encouragement.
      I live in a suburb quite close to the city.
      I don’t drive having given my car to my family.
      I have realised how much one takes for granted
      having the convenience of owning a car.
      That is partially in regards to transporting
      let’s say a fold up table and paintings.
      I live in an apartment high rise building
      so no footpath art trail happening opportunity.
      Cost of hiring a hall is way too expensive.
      The way forward is the unknown for now
      however I am continuing to look for a way.
      I will share any news 😊 Cheers, Dianne

  • @Sharperthanu1
    @Sharperthanu1 11 днів тому

    You'll find that a curator is a very different sort of person than an artist.Not only are curators more conventional ,they tend to think of REAL artists as genuine NUT CASES

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому +1

      Hahaha I can think of some curators who match your description to a T! I was thinking about some of my artist friends who are artist-curators. They tend to have a different vibe.

  • @terrydevries914
    @terrydevries914 17 днів тому +1

    I think there is very valuable info in this video, but so difficult to follow along…

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  17 днів тому

      Thanks, Terry, this is helpful to hear! Tell me more, was it the random nature of the quiz questions? Or too much story-telling? Or something else? I admit with my abstract random brain that I have to be very disciplined to ensure clarity, and I may have missed the mark on this one, in my enthusiasm to share all the thoughts. :)

    • @terrydevries914
      @terrydevries914 17 днів тому +1

      @@annelivingstonart I think it was the writing out the questions and descriptions. I was trying to look, write notes and listen to you speaking. Valuable info. I think when u write out the questions, it would be helpful to read the questions and discuss.

    • @noodgenoodgerson2660
      @noodgenoodgerson2660 11 днів тому

      @@annelivingstonart I really liked your presentation, and appreciate how you progressed from personal anecdotes to the categories of questions, with followup conversation inviting us to share our personal stories and thoughts. You are an excellent presenter and teacher. I hit pause, and then wrote out your questions with my personal responses, journal-style. Re-reading my own responses has given me even more insight. Thank you Anne!

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      @@terrydevries914 Thanks for taking the time to give your helpful feedback! Yes, I agree in retrospect that reading aloud is necessary for this platform. In the most recent 2nd quiz from yesterday, I read everything out loud, but it was A LOT to go through, so I imagine people will be hitting pause a lot. hahahaha. Anyway, I'll get it honed eventually! Thanks again.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      @@noodgenoodgerson2660 Oh thank you for this feedback, too! I'm glad that this presentation variety was useful to you. There's never a "right" way to do this to work for everyone! And definitely never a right time to start if the goal is perfect... I just gotta throw something out there, and hope it helps someone somewhere! ... and then keep refining!
      I'm really glad you are here, and thanks for being so kind to other artists in this comment section! What an ARTIST thing to do. :) You have a beautiful heart!

  • @saranevillerogueart9627
    @saranevillerogueart9627 11 днів тому

    How do people even find art websites. ? Only had 40 followers and No sales . I gave up

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому

      I think you were right in the other comment. The key to UA-cam and social media is, in my opinion, coming back and posting consistently, with something that people might benefit from! It's a long road, for sure.

  • @55karenina
    @55karenina 10 днів тому

    This is terrible,she is left handed,and while she is writing,she is covering,what she wrote.And than everything is gone ,to next page.
    Why she won’t say.instead write.

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  10 днів тому +1

      yeah that didn't work...on the next video I did it differently. Live and learn!

  • @saranevillerogueart9627
    @saranevillerogueart9627 11 днів тому

    Guess more youtube videos and do Instagram is there a actual index to find sites and instagram posts for art

    • @annelivingstonart
      @annelivingstonart  11 днів тому

      I don't know of an index to find sites and IG accounts...that would be amazing! And what an enormous project it would be to organize.... love the idea, though!