So agree about being proud of being busy. Now everyone tries to show how busy and therefore important they are. Actually, living a life is much better...
Дорогая Соня, очень надеюсь, что Вы увидите мой комментарий. Я восхищаюсь Вашим творчеством уже очень давно. Ваши видео содержат огромное количество мотивации и вдохновения. Вы делаете этот мир намного лучше для многих людей. Вы прекрасный и искренний человек, заслуживающих уважение и отдачу аудитории. В определенный, депрессивный период моей жизни, именно Ваши видео сподвигли меня на серьёзные изменения в жизни в лучшую сторону. Я невероятно Вам благодарна. Просто хочу Вам сказать, что ваше творчество и отдача изменили жизнь как минимум одного человека (хотя я уверенна, что таких людей как я, вдохновлённых Вашим творчеством, намного больше). Вы замечательный видеоблогер. Я отправляю Вам свою любовь и поддержку. На каком бы канале Вы не снимали, как бы не развивалось в дальнейшем Ваше творчество, я всегда буду на Вашей стороне. Моя поддержка всегда направленна на Вас. Желаю Вам всего самого прекрасного! 💕 И безмерно люблю! Спасибо.
You are 22 but it seems like you are 30, I am not about how you look like, I am about your life. Watching your videos I realized that you have a life crowded with so important things for you, like success, a lot of changes in your mind and in your life. You are living, not existing.
i dont mean to be off topic but does anybody know of a way to get back into an instagram account? I was stupid lost the account password. I would appreciate any help you can offer me
@King Atlas Thanks so much for your reply. I got to the site on google and Im trying it out atm. Looks like it's gonna take quite some time so I will get back to you later with my results.
Благодаря книге the Law of Attraction все поменялось, осознала что жизнь надо жить радуясь каждым моментом и что любовь внутри тебя, внутри твоего сердца самый мощный магнит желаний и мечт и всего хорошего в этой жизни! Что люди все разные и пытаться подстроить всех под свои принципы и морали-глупо и не нужно, надо ценить это разнообразие душ и индивидуальность каждого. Короче, любите себя, этот мир и все наладится, потому что врагов нет есть только наш разум который создает тех самых врагов! Всем добра❤️ Соня отдельный спасибо что подсказала такую замечательную книгу!!!
The lesson I've learned - people change, and it's ok to let go, sometimes even best friends would disappear, doesn't necessarily mean they are bad people because of that, they are just not "your" people anymore, and it's ok, it's life.
Very nice Sonya! In my 33 years, I have just learned a pretty major thing :) That FUTURE DOES NOT EXIST! :) it may sound crazy, but in fact it is incredible truth! It is always about today, tomorrow and maybe next two month. Sometimes even less. Everything else is too far to be controlled from where we stand. I have an autistic child and cry a lot for "but what about 20 years later.." . It is bullshit, I have no idea, even the doctors don't. Maybe in 20 years my kid will be fine and happy, and surprisingly successful. Who knows? All I know is, that today, tomorrow and every single day after, we are going to make everything possible to manage it, improve her abilities, work hard, learn and try. Every single day. And this "step by step" system, will lead us into the "20 years from now" checkpoint. Slowly, with patience and knowing everything that today brought us. xoxo Eva
love youtube it's because there's a fine line between dreaming/planning of something and actually expecting it. For example, I would like people to like my song VS I expect people like my song.
The most important lesson I've learned is that what comes easy to you won't last a long time, but if you've worked hard for something it will last throughout your life.
I definitely think that the most prominent realization I've had so far, in my 17 years of living, has been to really embrace every moment you have in your life. My father passed away a year ago and I swear he was the most fulfilled person I ever knew. And it simply was due to his desire to live to the fullest, regardless of the consequences and negative problems he faced. I'm happy to say that I've adapted this mindset into my life. I always make sure to fully take in every positive aspect of my life, as well as realize that out of the negative comes a positive experience and lesson. ALSO, I totally learnt about the law of attraction through you and thank you so much. I manifested so many positive aspects in my life throughout the year and they're slowly becoming true 🖤💫
One of the most valuable things I've learned in my 30 years on this planet is "worrying will not change the outcome". Truly helped with my anxiety issues 😊
Sonya, I'm almost twice older than you but your experience helps me to believe in myself. I follow you on lnstagram as well & you inspire me by your thoughts, books & your power. I subscribed on your channel when you were 18 y. o. When I saw you & listened to you I was sure that this girl will become great & famous.
Vy zakolebali prosit' video na russkom, uchite english Люди, которые просят видео на русском, вы видео вообще смотрели? Соня явно не хочет находиться в токсичной для себя обстановке, как это было на русском канале. Как только она выпустит видео на русском на неё снова польётся неиссякаемый поток говна от её же "зрителей", которые лучше знают, что ей делать.
Anthony Uly Знаешь,я не думаю, что русские зрители столько долго поросят возобновить Соню русский канал,тратят своё время, просто для того что бы просто облить ее "неиссякаемым потоком говна"
Sometimes i don't want speak and learn english, because some americans hurted me, but i continue to do it because i know that i have friends who can't speak russian..It's a personal choice... Guys learn english if you really love Sonya
the biggest realisation if had so far is that time will pass, no matter in which bad situation you are, in a few hours, days, weeks you will make it through that situation but also no matter what great time you are heaving it will also pass, you can't stop time passing idk if it's only me but the more I think about it the more I enjoy every moment and the easier I make it through bad days I mean it is pretty obvious but it kinda blows my mind
Please never stop making videos. Out of all the faces, people, stimulus in the world you alone (along with a handful of others) are what gives me hope, centers me and brings me back to what's truly important. NEVER stop speaking from your heart on all your platforms. Thank you.
I feel like your videos pop up exactly when I need to listen to something that the universe is saying to me. Thank you! Something I've learned: "What got you here won't get you there"
My realization this year was that love is powerful. Love uses no violence, yet can cause an incredible transformation if it's true and comes from heart. And as you said, people makes their choices and we aren't in control but our ability to love someone (and ourselves) will be catalyst for good changes.
One rule I follow in my life "Never stop developing and educating yourself" and one thing I know for sure is that only love, kindness and positive energy can lead to a real love of your life. I am really happy to watch videos which make people look into themselves. Good luck, Sonya
Sonya, ( I know you said about it in one video but it was a long time ago) please give us your opinion about friendship, what is real friendship for you, does age make sense in making real friends, do you agree that " a one old friend is better than two new ones", is it hard to make friends by growing, I would like to hear how you get to connect to people and find your soulmates, do you believe in women's friendship ( I know sounds stupid but anyway) would love to know your opinion
Thanks for sharing your life lessons. I agree on "busy" thing 100%. I always feel better when I manage my time efficiently and not just run around throwing hands to the air and screaming "I'm so busy!". The thing that changed my life is super cliche but I didn't realize how crucial it was. Give what you want to receive. When you keep that in mind situations rotate and you act so different.
Your speech made me think about what have I learned for 21 years of living, and I'd say it is acception and being humble. Sometimes we , no, always we exaggerate our problems and we are sinking in this "flow" . But after some experience and books about zen I realized that compared to universe we are so microscopic and our problems are not as huge as we think, so everything that we see, feel or do comes only out of our mind. The power of thought is incredibly strong. Thank you for this video, it pursuaded me again that I'm on the right way.
Oooo great list! Thank you. As soon as you mentioned writing down how you want your life to be in a few months, a lightbulb went off in my head. New Moon Intentions today and that is exactly how I'm going to set them. Lots of love x
На самом деле, не раз видел, и сам практиковал: что бы человек тебе плохого не сделал,ты отпусти его, с улыбкой, пожелай ему удачи искренне, попрощайся с ним как с лучшим другом, только навсегда, и тебе будет легко, и ему очень неловко, и со стороны это очень красиво, нежели материть друг друга и пытаться сделать хуже
Chuck Bruno согласна. Я неоднократно повторяла эту идею в своих видео. Безумно трудно отпускать людей. Сложно принять концепцию того, что отношения имеют свойство изживать себя. Ты - главный человек в своей жизни. И если тебе плохо в отношениях, то ты можешь помочь себе - просто прекрати общение. Как бы сложно ни было, но ты поблагодаришь себя спустя некоторое время ✨
omg I felt every word, I love how you think about life and agree with you, I'm still in the process of applying these life lessons, working a lot on myself, accepting who I always was, and being honest with myself and the people that surrounds me. Somehow when I was living in Argentina I couldn't be honest with myself and since I came to live to Miami I've learned so many things about me. You are a beautiful human being, keep inspiring! I hope I can learn all these things and be able to talk about them as you do
you are an incredible human being. thank you for everything. thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Recently I have realized that nothing in our life is permanent - things change, people come and go, our mind changes all the time. If you claim that something is permanent - you are wrong.
I don't know how you do this. How you give me so much energy through the screen. It just blows my mind. Thank you. Definitely connected to all what you said. Im as well 22 and feel we are on the same page. No one can make you happy the way you can make yourself happy.
2 years ago I was thinking: omg she thinks just like me. And now I'm like...damn I'm far behind. Thank you Sonya for your effort and for doing this. Love.🤗
Amazing video, I love it when you just sit in front of a camera and talk about life. It feels like I'm talking to my older sister I honestly learned so much from you. So lucky I found you long time ago, your videos always inspire me to be myself, do what I want to do, go out and live my life And you couldn't have uploaded this at a better time - I really needed this exact video at this very moment (I hope this sentence makes sense lol) Thank you so much, Sonya 💛 ILY
I literally share the way you think! I will be replaying the video on and on because you managed to transform the epiphany that is going on in my head into one concrete thought. I just can't tell how many times what I dreamed of, and it was logically impossible, after some time I caught myself thinking, wearing, being, and surrounded by what I visualized! Sending you hugs and support, keep on Sonya!
I agree so much with Sonya on the honesty point. Evertime I have a nice time with someone(mostly from discussions), I reflect upon how we've spent our time or what we've talked about and I think: I hope they were genuine. It's really one of the best way one can be.
I can't even begin to explain how much I needed this video at this point in my life. 0:22 "You can't control everything that happens in life, but you can control the way that you react to it. You can't control other people, but what you can control is your emotional response to things that happen. Something external may happen in the world, something that maybe is not what you had hoped for, not a 'positive' thing, there's no need to actually emotionally respond to what is happening externally. You can observe something that's bad, but you can still, with practice, remain calm and centred, amidst the most stressful situations, by knowing you have the power to control your emotional responses. You can't control life, but you can control the way that you perceive things. " That was just what I needed. Thank you. So much. You inspired me to write something that was so healing for me tonight and I wanted to share that in case it could touch anyone the way this video did me.
As someone who suffers from GAD and OCD this is exactly what I needed to be reminded of. So happy that we're rotating on this unimportant rock ball together right now :) Thanks girl.
Hmmm, my biggest realization.. You shouldn't be embarressed or afraid to do whatever you like and say whatever you like, cuz it's sooo useless - we only have one life. And one more thing. There are no good or bad choices, there's only the decision you make and the decision you don't make.
You've became somebody who is taking my thoughts and focus to a very right direction. Thank you for becoming guidance for so many people, you're truly beautiful with your honesty!
Hello Sonya, you are so lucky that you know it at 22. I'm now 27 and I know about it all. Especially that I can control my thoughts and allow only positive to be in my mind. Also unconditional love for myself it is a base of everything. I wish you all the good things ! 💚
the last lesson I've learned can be simply expressed by a quote "don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm". YOU are your one and only true friend in this world, as sad or even selfish as it sounds, but it's true. don't try to make people stay or love you, or care for you just because you really want them to and you do the same for them - they are to treat you the way the want. the thing about "treat others how you wish to be treated" doesn't actually work. so don't. let them be whatever they are and you have to be okay to be just on your own. don't let your friends' needs surpass your own . YOU and your life are the priority for you. God, I got deep, but I hope you got it.
Соня, я желаю тебе удачи и сил чтобы справиться со всем, что на тебя навалилось и с тем, к чему ты, юная славная девочка, не была готова. Ты проделала большой путь и ты умница. Встречаются разные люди и все они ведут себя по-разному, но не ищи ответов, у каждого своя вселенная в голове и мы здесь только для того, чтобы счастливо прожить свой век. Радуйся моменту, радуйся тому, что есть, перестань брать на себя ответственность, если ты остановишься на своем пути никто не умрет и горы не свернутся, ты просто упустишь что-то, но это не конец света, это всего лишь жизнь. Что твое- будет твоим, не каждый опыт нужный опыт. Надо учиться принимать жизнь и успокаиваться. Я надеюсь мои слова хотя бы на один вечер избавят от гнетущих мыслей и отпустят твои тревожные чувства. Take it easy
I don't usually watch your videos. But I recently went through the same thoughts and came up with similar conclusions as you did. I think it's great that you help other people by giving, in my opinion, mature and really helpful life lessons. Thank you.
Слова про то, чтобы не сопротивляться своему истинному "я" тронули меня до глубины души. Ты в точности описала ситуацию в моей жизни, из-за чего я даже расплакалась, мне пришлось остановить видео, чтобы успокоиться. Спасибо, Соня. Теперь я поняла, что нужно делать.
I respect you so much. I've been there since the very beginning. I'm a quiet viewer but an old one. I couldn't even speak English back then, it's kind of funny that I'm here now. Anyway I just wanted to let you know that you're inspiring as hell. I'm having.. let's say a tough time right now. I fucked up really bad and I don't really know what to do with my life. You don't even realise what you've just done. You've given me a direction (in a way) where to start. I'm gonna get my shit together. Thank you
Я не знаю, как это передать, но просто всем сердцем чувствуется, насколько добрая и прекрасная душа у Сони. Человек с огромной внутренней силой и достоинством. Редко такое увидишь на Ютубе. Желаю всех благ)
Thank you, Sonya, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts despite not having to owe it to anyone but yourself. Your thoughts and videos have always inspired me and have helped me out of really rough periods of my life. You taught me is that you should not let the behavior of others destroy your own inner peace and that sometimes, you cant control the way life happens but you sure can control the way you choose to react and respond to it.
This is kind of my fav videos of u when u openly talkin about yr feelings about everything and describe everything u love and pissed off ! This is amazin to realize it together ) honestly
One of things I learned in 17 years is that situation can mean a lot and the way things will turn to be can change everything and make you do something you were sure you'll never do.
You are such a beautiful human, Sonya! Thank you for this video. Interestingly, many of your lessons have been true for me this year, too. The biggest one was on emotional awareness and how things in our physical world are not a cause of any of our discomfort, but rather a reflection of unintegrated emotional charges that are INTERNAL. So changing things in our physical world (moving, changing friends/partners, etc.) won't solve the discomfort until we integrate those emotional charges. Have you read the book "Alchemy of the Heart" by Michael Brown? I think you'll really enjoy it. Спасибо еще раз!
Сонечка, обожаю тебя, детка!)) мне 27 и ты меня восхищаешь! И это большая редкость, прям единственная! Когда хочется послушать умного человека - ты одна из тех, кого я включаю. Всегда легко, хорошо, убедительно, по существу, умно. Спасибо тебе большое за твои работы! Ты очень позитивно влияешь на жизни многих людей! Успехов тебе, звездочка!)) 💖🌟
OMG Sonya, this video was in my "watch later" list since 2017 and I just had a chance to watch it, in my last month of 22! I wish I could watch it earlier, but I am so happy that you shared those thoughts/lessons with us
Соня! Это так тру по поводу beeing busy! мне кажется это чуть ли не самое важное, потому что жизнь должна быть многогранна, и поспать 7 часов в день - это такой вклад в будущее здоровье. Была ситуация, когда я работала юристом, я делала все свои задания гораздо эффективнее и быстрее коллег, и уходила домой вовремя, а они сидели до ночи на работе, чтобы показать какие они там нужные люди, так упорно трудятся. Боже! И про меня думали, что я бездельница;))
the right path or decision is the one that is in line with your spirit and mind, and sometimes you just let it go and observe the situation outside - you feel relief, everything becomes meaningful. It's important to know that everyone is meaningful and unique, and we are very interconnected spiritually, making up the whole.
Такое прекрасное видео! Тебе всего 22, а ты уже столько пережила и делишься этим! Так жаль, что столько людей, которые несут столько негатива в комментариях.
You have been my life teacher and inspiration source for many years now and I just want to say that I'm grateful. Keep being yourself and keep doing what you do
I really loved this video. To add to your first point about choosing how to react to what life gives you; realising this is really helpful to combat procrastination. Knowing that your brain makes you procrastinate to protect you from potential failure, if you tell yourself 'But slacking off now only guarantees failure, so best just to get on with it.' it really helps. In short, I think one of the most valuable lessons I've learned is that the first step is always the hardest.
I am 20. I used to have many close friends at high school and even after graduation we kept on chatting and meeting on holidays when I was in my home town (as well as they were). But with the time our friendship became less and less strong cuz me and my friends are changing as our lives go meaning that we began to loose the images of people we used to know. That time I realized that it is better not cling to someone and cry that this person has changed. That thought may seem quite obvious for many of you but in reality I liked my friends but now the only person I can believe and be a friend with is me, though I have my parents who support and love me. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
если серьезно,спасибо, потому что благодаря тебе я стала верить в себя,в то,что у кого то мысли на жизнь ,мир схожи с моими,и эти люди счастливы. ты вдохновляешь не реальное количество людей💕 u're amazing, l love you and your lifestile. do that you do,it's incredible! ❤
Ещё одно невероятное видео♥ Спасибо тебе огромное за всё то, чем с нами, твоими зрителями, делишься. Сказано очень много красивых и глубоких мыслей! Постараюсь всё запомнить! Волшебное видео, как и ты сама. Смотря его, да и все твои другие, кажется, что мы знакомы всю жизнь и что ты моя старшая сестра, которая всегда поддержит и даст хороший совет. Благодарю тебя за твою атмосферу!
When she was 22, her future was bright. Love that song. When I was 22 all the lessons were ahead of me, and it was a rough path of finding myself since then. All I can say it helps finding the right person and go through shit together. Now in my 30s I wish I had today's mindset when I was 22.
sonya, i just must say how much i'm thankful to you just for being who you are. Sometimes i just really feel too sad and depressed beacuse i'm loosing a belief that there are smart and beautiful inside people, but when i watch your videos i feel how much i love your soul and the way you think. i find it increadible how deeply you really understand ot try to understand the world and its rules.i just fucking love you!! thank you, sonya, for being such a realy beautiful person. thank you for doing your videos and trying to share your life and the way of thinking with us here. thank you and i love you a lot of your qoutes i note in front of my table, read, learn by heart and repeat when i need an advice you give me inspiration and i'm just so confident that insipation is able to soft hearts and chage lives
I think that Sonia said everything that a person should know for a good life. From my point of view, the most important point is to respect yourself and be honest with yourself. Sonya, thanks for your videos. I'm from Belarus, but I like your English videos more than the Russian ones. You inspire) Good luck
The most powerful realisation came to me not long ago. Once studying methods of meditation I read smth like a law: all of the universe is just a chaos of moving atoms. It is only our brain that translate that chaos into things, people, forms. So if we get that doctrine, than we'll see that everything we have - our parents, lovers, friends, pets, trees, happy moments and disasters are just the occasion in this endless chaos. It made me appriciate more everything that I have, and don't take seriously all of the mistakes and problems.
sonya, I love you so much. you taught me to believe in myself. to be identity. thank you. I can't say all what I want in English but you're my an example of imitation, my teacher. Thank you. We love you.
I've just discovered your channel a few days ago and I am so so glad I did. I love the way you think or at least how it comes across. You are defenetly my favorite youtuber right now! You inspire me so much already, I feel like I can go out there and live exactly the life I want to live. Thank you!
Thank you soooo much! For ur videos, i used to watch u before, back when you made videos in russian. And i can say you have REALLY improved. I was working out, playing ur video on the background. And i heard a phrase the meaning of which was so deep and pure, i stoped what i was doing and sat in front of the computer till the video ended... you inspired me to do things. THANK YOU
This video is a pure inspiration. I agree with EVERY word! Thank you so much for it. It's like coming back to things that you've heard so many time, but now I really feel like I understand them and FEEL them. Incredible. Thanks❤️
Дорогая Соня! Очень хотелось бы, чтобы ты это прочитала.. Ты такая мудрая, прекрасная душа. Такие важные темы поднимаешь! Просто спасибо, спасибо тебе большое. Ты замечательная, верь в себя, силу своей души, у тебя все будет волшебно!💫 Очень хочется тебя обнять 🤗😊 Добра тебе и света, милая 🌹♥
После каждого видео Сони такое странное чувство: вдохновение, воодушивление Я не люблю вообще такие высокие слова и всё такое ,наверное потому что я не совсем еще понимаю полное значение, но не могу с собой ничего сделать Начинаешь верить в себя Спасибо , Соня💙
I've watched this video so many times and I love it even more each time. Thanks SO much Sonya, keep doing what you do. Honestly one of my favourite videos on UA-cam!!
You are such an amazing and wise human being. I'm so extremely grateful everyday for being lucky enough to click on a suggested video where you were... you just endlessly inspire me 💕 обожаю тебя соня ❤
Hello Sonya, I hope you're doing great. Thanks for the video. You're such a wise human being. What I've realised about myself (and oh god, it took me some time!) was that I didn't fully take the responsibility of myself. The immediate thoughts were like: why me, it's unfair and etc. But the reality was that I got what I deserved. I'm now learning to behave and act as a person I want to be. One more thing. A person can have bad habits and start dealing with them, which might look like a "war". But what to do in this case... bad habits are usually very attractive! A bit off topic. You look great. Your eyes are so bright!
Sonya, this is incredibly inspiring! I have quite a tough period in my life atm but what you've said has really helped me to look at it from a different angle and just accept everything. Thank you so much for that!!!!
Sonya you should do podcasts! Your speeches about life and lessons are precious
Leila Khalilova agree
That's right!
HOLY! Yes.
So agree about being proud of being busy. Now everyone tries to show how busy and therefore important they are. Actually, living a life is much better...
I'm Russian speaking, but I really love your English videos because you are more free minded in them, thank you 🌌
Just Masha вот бы она вернулась на русский канал....
Anna A думаю, уже то время прошло и пора смириться ( пора было ещё давно)
Just Masha yes, but..
Дорогая Соня, очень надеюсь, что Вы увидите мой комментарий. Я восхищаюсь Вашим творчеством уже очень давно. Ваши видео содержат огромное количество мотивации и вдохновения. Вы делаете этот мир намного лучше для многих людей. Вы прекрасный и искренний человек, заслуживающих уважение и отдачу аудитории.
В определенный, депрессивный период моей жизни, именно Ваши видео сподвигли меня на серьёзные изменения в жизни в лучшую сторону. Я невероятно Вам благодарна. Просто хочу Вам сказать, что ваше творчество и отдача изменили жизнь как минимум одного человека (хотя я уверенна, что таких людей как я, вдохновлённых Вашим творчеством, намного больше).
Вы замечательный видеоблогер. Я отправляю Вам свою любовь и поддержку. На каком бы канале Вы не снимали, как бы не развивалось в дальнейшем Ваше творчество, я всегда буду на Вашей стороне. Моя поддержка всегда направленна на Вас. Желаю Вам всего самого прекрасного! 💕
И безмерно люблю!
You are 22 but it seems like you are 30, I am not about how you look like, I am about your life. Watching your videos I realized that you have a life crowded with so important things for you, like success, a lot of changes in your mind and in your life. You are living, not existing.
The way you treat yourself is the way others treat you. That's the main lesson I was given so far.
I want to hang out with you everyday for the rest of my life
Alexaaaa girll
Let's write that on our papers, your gonna have a ton of visitors in about a month Sonya :)
i dont mean to be off topic but does anybody know of a way to get back into an instagram account?
I was stupid lost the account password. I would appreciate any help you can offer me
@Cohen Peyton instablaster =)
@King Atlas Thanks so much for your reply. I got to the site on google and Im trying it out atm.
Looks like it's gonna take quite some time so I will get back to you later with my results.
Благодаря книге the Law of Attraction все поменялось, осознала что жизнь надо жить радуясь каждым моментом и что любовь внутри тебя, внутри твоего сердца самый мощный магнит желаний и мечт и всего хорошего в этой жизни! Что люди все разные и пытаться подстроить всех под свои принципы и морали-глупо и не нужно, надо ценить это разнообразие душ и индивидуальность каждого.
Короче, любите себя, этот мир и все наладится, потому что врагов нет есть только наш разум который создает тех самых врагов! Всем добра❤️ Соня отдельный спасибо что подсказала такую замечательную книгу!!!
The lesson I've learned - people change, and it's ok to let go, sometimes even best friends would disappear, doesn't necessarily mean they are bad people because of that, they are just not "your" people anymore, and it's ok, it's life.
But seriously this is one of my favorite videos you've done
Sarah Rich hi! You are amazing!❤️
Very nice Sonya! In my 33 years, I have just learned a pretty major thing :) That FUTURE DOES NOT EXIST! :) it may sound crazy, but in fact it is incredible truth! It is always about today, tomorrow and maybe next two month. Sometimes even less. Everything else is too far to be controlled from where we stand. I have an autistic child and cry a lot for "but what about 20 years later.." . It is bullshit, I have no idea, even the doctors don't. Maybe in 20 years my kid will be fine and happy, and surprisingly successful. Who knows? All I know is, that today, tomorrow and every single day after, we are going to make everything possible to manage it, improve her abilities, work hard, learn and try. Every single day. And this "step by step" system, will lead us into the "20 years from now" checkpoint. Slowly, with patience and knowing everything that today brought us. xoxo Eva
If I had to make the same video, I would start by saying "expect nothing, appreciate everything". That phrase really helped me back then.
easeisease totally agree! We should never take anything for granted!
i love that, so powerful!
love youtube, well, i mean "expect nothing" more as "people don't owe you anything and you can't expect them do things you want them to do"
love youtube it's because there's a fine line between dreaming/planning of something and actually expecting it. For example, I would like people to like my song VS I expect people like my song.
My favorite quote it "everything is temporary" when I really think about it its so sad but also incredibly freeing ❤️
Неверится... 22 года. Как сейчас помню влог с 18-летия ))) эх
Katerina Vogue дааааааа😍
Точнооо, как время летит
The most important lesson I've learned is that what comes easy to you won't last a long time, but if you've worked hard for something it will last throughout your life.
I definitely think that the most prominent realization I've had so far, in my 17 years of living, has been to really embrace every moment you have in your life. My father passed away a year ago and I swear he was the most fulfilled person I ever knew. And it simply was due to his desire to live to the fullest, regardless of the consequences and negative problems he faced. I'm happy to say that I've adapted this mindset into my life. I always make sure to fully take in every positive aspect of my life, as well as realize that out of the negative comes a positive experience and lesson.
ALSO, I totally learnt about the law of attraction through you and thank you so much. I manifested so many positive aspects in my life throughout the year and they're slowly becoming true 🖤💫
One of the most valuable things I've learned in my 30 years on this planet is "worrying will not change the outcome". Truly helped with my anxiety issues 😊
Sonya, I'm almost twice older than you but your experience helps me to believe in myself. I follow you on lnstagram as well & you inspire me by your thoughts, books & your power. I subscribed on your channel when you were 18 y. o. When I saw you & listened to you I was sure that this girl will become great & famous.
Vy zakolebali prosit' video na russkom, uchite english
Люди, которые просят видео на русском, вы видео вообще смотрели?
Соня явно не хочет находиться в токсичной для себя обстановке, как это было на русском канале. Как только она выпустит видео на русском на неё снова польётся неиссякаемый поток говна от её же "зрителей", которые лучше знают, что ей делать.
Anthony Uly Знаешь,я не думаю, что русские зрители столько долго поросят возобновить Соню русский канал,тратят своё время, просто для того что бы просто облить ее "неиссякаемым потоком говна"
Сам факт такого давления не наводит на определенные мысли?
Sometimes i don't want speak and learn english, because some americans hurted me, but i continue to do it because i know that i have friends who can't speak russian..It's a personal choice... Guys learn english if you really love Sonya
Anthony Uly Ахахаха токсичной😂👌🏿 в точку!!
Антон, привет! Очень не ожидала тебя здесь увидеть.
Я с тобой полностью согласна 😄
the biggest realisation if had so far is that time will pass, no matter in which bad situation you are, in a few hours, days, weeks you will make it through that situation
but also no matter what great time you are heaving it will also pass, you can't stop time passing
idk if it's only me but the more I think about it the more I enjoy every moment and the easier I make it through bad days
I mean it is pretty obvious but it kinda blows my mind
Please never stop making videos. Out of all the faces, people, stimulus in the world you alone (along with a handful of others) are what gives me hope, centers me and brings me back to what's truly important. NEVER stop speaking from your heart on all your platforms. Thank you.
It's unhealthy how happy I get every time you upload. ❤️❤️
I feel like your videos pop up exactly when I need to listen to something that the universe is saying to me. Thank you! Something I've learned: "What got you here won't get you there"
My realization this year was that love is powerful. Love uses no violence, yet can cause an incredible transformation if it's true and comes from heart. And as you said, people makes their choices and we aren't in control but our ability to love someone (and ourselves) will be catalyst for good changes.
Безумно красивая Соня 😻 Приятно снова видеть тебя
Спасибо моему учителю по английскому, понимаю о чем говорит Соня
v nsg +++
о чем она говорит ?, может ты, будешь переводить ее видео ?
Ди Нига выучи инглиш
Ди Нига учи английский-"будешь понимать что она говорит, это не китайский, его возможно выучить.
v nsg тоже так хочу 😭
Subtitles be like " I'm still at that age where I fuck up and I continue to VODKA" 😂 😂
You're talking, and I feel your energy, feel how you're at peace with yourself. This is beautiful, thank you for sharing these lessons.
One rule I follow in my life "Never stop developing and educating yourself" and one thing I know for sure is that only love, kindness and positive energy can lead to a real love of your life. I am really happy to watch videos which make people look into themselves. Good luck, Sonya
I’ve realised that everything in life happens exactly the way it should be.
Sonya, ( I know you said about it in one video but it was a long time ago) please give us your opinion about friendship, what is real friendship for you, does age make sense in making real friends, do you agree that " a one old friend is better than two new ones", is it hard to make friends by growing, I would like to hear how you get to connect to people and find your soulmates, do you believe in women's friendship ( I know sounds stupid but anyway) would love to know your opinion
Thanks for sharing your life lessons.
I agree on "busy" thing 100%. I always feel better when I manage my time efficiently and not just run around throwing hands to the air and screaming "I'm so busy!".
The thing that changed my life is super cliche but I didn't realize how crucial it was. Give what you want to receive. When you keep that in mind situations rotate and you act so different.
Your speech made me think about what have I learned for 21 years of living, and I'd say it is acception and being humble. Sometimes we , no, always we exaggerate our problems and we are sinking in this "flow" . But after some experience and books about zen I realized that compared to universe we are so microscopic and our problems are not as huge as we think, so everything that we see, feel or do comes only out of our mind. The power of thought is incredibly strong. Thank you for this video, it pursuaded me again that I'm on the right way.
I learned that just because you love someone a lot doesn't mean you're entitled to them or to their love
Oooo great list! Thank you. As soon as you mentioned writing down how you want your life to be in a few months, a lightbulb went off in my head. New Moon Intentions today and that is exactly how I'm going to set them. Lots of love x
То чувство, когда думала по названию, что Соня выложила видео на русскоязычном канале и не верила своим глазам😻. Правильно, что не верила 😢
мне кажется, что еще один большой урок-это уметь отпускать и прощать людей. искренне. жаль только, что сказать это легче, чем сделать
На самом деле, не раз видел, и сам практиковал: что бы человек тебе плохого не сделал,ты отпусти его, с улыбкой, пожелай ему удачи искренне, попрощайся с ним как с лучшим другом, только навсегда, и тебе будет легко, и ему очень неловко, и со стороны это очень красиво, нежели материть друг друга и пытаться сделать хуже
Chuck Bruno согласна. Я неоднократно повторяла эту идею в своих видео. Безумно трудно отпускать людей. Сложно принять концепцию того, что отношения имеют свойство изживать себя. Ты - главный человек в своей жизни. И если тебе плохо в отношениях, то ты можешь помочь себе - просто прекрати общение. Как бы сложно ни было, но ты поблагодаришь себя спустя некоторое время ✨
I'm 22 now and I feel absolutely the same. Thanks 🙏 The hardest thing ever is to be really true to yourself
Ты говоришь такие правильные вещи,я люблю то,как ты мыслишь.
твои видео решают за меня, когда мне делать себе чай
Aloona Larionova ты не поверишь, но я сейчас смотрю это видео и пью чай 😁
вот это встреча))
Лучший комментарий на Ютюбе, который я когда-либо находила.
omg I felt every word, I love how you think about life and agree with you, I'm still in the process of applying these life lessons, working a lot on myself, accepting who I always was, and being honest with myself and the people that surrounds me. Somehow when I was living in Argentina I couldn't be honest with myself and since I came to live to Miami I've learned so many things about me. You are a beautiful human being, keep inspiring! I hope I can learn all these things and be able to talk about them as you do
you are an incredible human being. thank you for everything. thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
Recently I have realized that nothing in our life is permanent - things change, people come and go, our mind changes all the time. If you claim that something is permanent - you are wrong.
I don't know how you do this. How you give me so much energy through the screen. It just blows my mind. Thank you. Definitely connected to all what you said. Im as well 22 and feel we are on the same page. No one can make you happy the way you can make yourself happy.
2 years ago I was thinking: omg she thinks just like me. And now I'm like...damn I'm far behind. Thank you Sonya for your effort and for doing this. Love.🤗
Amazing video, I love it when you just sit in front of a camera and talk about life. It feels like I'm talking to my older sister
I honestly learned so much from you. So lucky I found you long time ago, your videos always inspire me to be myself, do what I want to do, go out and live my life
And you couldn't have uploaded this at a better time - I really needed this exact video at this very moment (I hope this sentence makes sense lol)
Thank you so much, Sonya 💛 ILY
I literally share the way you think! I will be replaying the video on and on because you managed to transform the epiphany that is going on in my head into one concrete thought. I just can't tell how many times what I dreamed of, and it was logically impossible, after some time I caught myself thinking, wearing, being, and surrounded by what I visualized! Sending you hugs and support, keep on Sonya!
I agree so much with Sonya on the honesty point. Evertime I have a nice time with someone(mostly from discussions), I reflect upon how we've spent our time or what we've talked about and I think: I hope they were genuine. It's really one of the best way one can be.
I can't even begin to explain how much I needed this video at this point in my life.
0:22 "You can't control everything that happens in life, but you can control the way that you react to it.
You can't control other people, but what you can control is your emotional response to things that happen. Something external may happen in the world, something that maybe is not what you had hoped for, not a 'positive' thing, there's no need to actually emotionally respond to what is happening externally. You can observe something that's bad, but you can still, with practice, remain calm and centred, amidst the most stressful situations, by knowing you have the power to control your emotional responses. You can't control life, but you can control the way that you perceive things. " That was just what I needed.
Thank you. So much. You inspired me to write something that was so healing for me tonight and I wanted to share that in case it could touch anyone the way this video did me.
As someone who suffers from GAD and OCD this is exactly what I needed to be reminded of. So happy that we're rotating on this unimportant rock ball together right now :) Thanks girl.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You're such an inspiring person and just to listen to you talking makes me feel better everytime. ❤
Hmmm, my biggest realization..
You shouldn't be embarressed or afraid to do whatever you like and say whatever you like, cuz it's sooo useless - we only have one life.
And one more thing. There are no good or bad choices, there's only the decision you make and the decision you don't make.
the way you look at life is amazing. thank you for this video
You're 22 and so wiseeeeee. I'm 35 and I learn so much from you. Love your vibe and message. I love your Azalle course.
You've became somebody who is taking my thoughts and focus to a very right direction. Thank you for becoming guidance for so many people, you're truly beautiful with your honesty!
Hello Sonya, you are so lucky that you know it at 22. I'm now 27 and I know about it all. Especially that I can control my thoughts and allow only positive to be in my mind. Also unconditional love for myself it is a base of everything. I wish you all the good things ! 💚
the last lesson I've learned can be simply expressed by a quote "don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm". YOU are your one and only true friend in this world, as sad or even selfish as it sounds, but it's true. don't try to make people stay or love you, or care for you just because you really want them to and you do the same for them - they are to treat you the way the want. the thing about "treat others how you wish to be treated" doesn't actually work. so don't. let them be whatever they are and you have to be okay to be just on your own. don't let your friends' needs surpass your own . YOU and your life are the priority for you. God, I got deep, but I hope you got it.
Соня, я желаю тебе удачи и сил чтобы справиться со всем, что на тебя навалилось и с тем, к чему ты, юная славная девочка, не была готова. Ты проделала большой путь и ты умница. Встречаются разные люди и все они ведут себя по-разному, но не ищи ответов, у каждого своя вселенная в голове и мы здесь только для того, чтобы счастливо прожить свой век. Радуйся моменту, радуйся тому, что есть, перестань брать на себя ответственность, если ты остановишься на своем пути никто не умрет и горы не свернутся, ты просто упустишь что-то, но это не конец света, это всего лишь жизнь. Что твое- будет твоим, не каждый опыт нужный опыт. Надо учиться принимать жизнь и успокаиваться. Я надеюсь мои слова хотя бы на один вечер избавят от гнетущих мыслей и отпустят твои тревожные чувства. Take it easy
Damn girl! The quite "Treat yourself like you would treat your love" made me so feel inspired. Thank u ... U r such a great motivator.
I don't usually watch your videos. But I recently went through the same thoughts and came up with similar conclusions as you did. I think it's great that you help other people by giving, in my opinion, mature and really helpful life lessons.
Thank you.
Слова про то, чтобы не сопротивляться своему истинному "я" тронули меня до глубины души. Ты в точности описала ситуацию в моей жизни, из-за чего я даже расплакалась, мне пришлось остановить видео, чтобы успокоиться. Спасибо, Соня. Теперь я поняла, что нужно делать.
I respect you so much. I've been there since the very beginning. I'm a quiet viewer but an old one. I couldn't even speak English back then, it's kind of funny that I'm here now. Anyway I just wanted to let you know that you're inspiring as hell. I'm having.. let's say a tough time right now. I fucked up really bad and I don't really know what to do with my life.
You don't even realise what you've just done. You've given me a direction (in a way) where to start.
I'm gonna get my shit together.
Thank you
Я не знаю, как это передать, но просто всем сердцем чувствуется, насколько добрая и прекрасная душа у Сони. Человек с огромной внутренней силой и достоинством. Редко такое увидишь на Ютубе. Желаю всех благ)
Thank you, Sonya, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts despite not having to owe it to anyone but yourself. Your thoughts and videos have always inspired me and have helped me out of really rough periods of my life. You taught me is that you should not let the behavior of others destroy your own inner peace and that sometimes, you cant control the way life happens but you sure can control the way you choose to react and respond to it.
This is kind of my fav videos of u when u openly talkin about yr feelings about everything and describe everything u love and pissed off ! This is amazin to realize it together ) honestly
One of things I learned in 17 years is that situation can mean a lot and the way things will turn to be can change everything and make you do something you were sure you'll never do.
I feel like I'm gonna watch this video every single night before going to sleep from now on...
pls podcast, I honestly learn sooooo much from you and I feel like so many people could truly benefit from your wisdom. love ya girly
You are such a beautiful human, Sonya! Thank you for this video.
Interestingly, many of your lessons have been true for me this year, too. The biggest one was on emotional awareness and how things in our physical world are not a cause of any of our discomfort, but rather a reflection of unintegrated emotional charges that are INTERNAL. So changing things in our physical world (moving, changing friends/partners, etc.) won't solve the discomfort until we integrate those emotional charges.
Have you read the book "Alchemy of the Heart" by Michael Brown? I think you'll really enjoy it.
Спасибо еще раз!
Сонечка, обожаю тебя, детка!)) мне 27 и ты меня восхищаешь! И это большая редкость, прям единственная! Когда хочется послушать умного человека - ты одна из тех, кого я включаю. Всегда легко, хорошо, убедительно, по существу, умно. Спасибо тебе большое за твои работы! Ты очень позитивно влияешь на жизни многих людей! Успехов тебе, звездочка!)) 💖🌟
OMG Sonya, this video was in my "watch later" list since 2017 and I just had a chance to watch it, in my last month of 22! I wish I could watch it earlier, but I am so happy that you shared those thoughts/lessons with us
Соня! Это так тру по поводу beeing busy! мне кажется это чуть ли не самое важное, потому что жизнь должна быть многогранна, и поспать 7 часов в день - это такой вклад в будущее здоровье. Была ситуация, когда я работала юристом, я делала все свои задания гораздо эффективнее и быстрее коллег, и уходила домой вовремя, а они сидели до ночи на работе, чтобы показать какие они там нужные люди, так упорно трудятся. Боже! И про меня думали, что я бездельница;))
the right path or decision is the one that is in line with your spirit and mind, and sometimes you just let it go and observe the situation outside - you feel relief, everything becomes meaningful. It's important to know that everyone is meaningful and unique, and we are very interconnected spiritually, making up the whole.
Такое прекрасное видео! Тебе всего 22, а ты уже столько пережила и делишься этим!
Так жаль, что столько людей, которые несут столько негатива в комментариях.
You have been my life teacher and inspiration source for many years now and I just want to say that I'm grateful. Keep being yourself and keep doing what you do
I really loved this video. To add to your first point about choosing how to react to what life gives you; realising this is really helpful to combat procrastination. Knowing that your brain makes you procrastinate to protect you from potential failure, if you tell yourself 'But slacking off now only guarantees failure, so best just to get on with it.' it really helps. In short, I think one of the most valuable lessons I've learned is that the first step is always the hardest.
I am 20. I used to have many close friends at high school and even after graduation we kept on chatting and meeting on holidays when I was in my home town (as well as they were). But with the time our friendship became less and less strong cuz me and my friends are changing as our lives go meaning that we began to loose the images of people we used to know. That time I realized that it is better not cling to someone and cry that this person has changed. That thought may seem quite obvious for many of you but in reality I liked my friends but now the only person I can believe and be a friend with is me, though I have my parents who support and love me.
если серьезно,спасибо, потому что благодаря тебе я стала верить в себя,в то,что у кого то мысли на жизнь ,мир схожи с моими,и эти люди счастливы. ты вдохновляешь не реальное количество людей💕 u're amazing, l love you and your lifestile. do that you do,it's incredible! ❤
I need more Sonya Esman in my life 😩 would you consider doing podcasts? I can literally listen to you all day! ❤️
Ещё одно невероятное видео♥ Спасибо тебе огромное за всё то, чем с нами, твоими зрителями, делишься. Сказано очень много красивых и глубоких мыслей! Постараюсь всё запомнить! Волшебное видео, как и ты сама. Смотря его, да и все твои другие, кажется, что мы знакомы всю жизнь и что ты моя старшая сестра, которая всегда поддержит и даст хороший совет. Благодарю тебя за твою атмосферу!
When she was 22, her future was bright. Love that song. When I was 22 all the lessons were ahead of me, and it was a rough path of finding myself since then. All I can say it helps finding the right person and go through shit together. Now in my 30s I wish I had today's mindset when I was 22.
really thank you
you changed my mind , i started to believe in myself
you're an amazing person
Я так люблю это видео! Люблю анализировать свою жизнь, в том числе через призму твоих уроков
I always find myself coming back to this video when im feeling kinda lost. ur a LIFESAVER
sonya, i just must say how much i'm thankful to you just for being who you are. Sometimes i just really feel too sad and depressed beacuse i'm loosing a belief that there are smart and beautiful inside people, but when i watch your videos i feel how much i love your soul and the way you think. i find it increadible how deeply you really understand ot try to understand the world and its rules.i just fucking love you!! thank you, sonya, for being such a realy beautiful person. thank you for doing your videos and trying to share your life and the way of thinking with us here. thank you and i love you
a lot of your qoutes i note in front of my table, read, learn by heart and repeat when i need an advice
you give me inspiration and i'm just so confident that insipation is able to soft hearts and chage lives
your mention of treating yourself like someone you love is really great
I think that Sonia said everything that a person should know for a good life. From my point of view, the most important point is to respect yourself and be honest with yourself. Sonya, thanks for your videos. I'm from Belarus, but I like your English videos more than the Russian ones. You inspire) Good luck
The most powerful realisation came to me not long ago. Once studying methods of meditation I read smth like a law: all of the universe is just a chaos of moving atoms. It is only our brain that translate that chaos into things, people, forms. So if we get that doctrine, than we'll see that everything we have - our parents, lovers, friends, pets, trees, happy moments and disasters are just the occasion in this endless chaos. It made me appriciate more everything that I have, and don't take seriously all of the mistakes and problems.
sonya, I love you so much. you taught me to believe in myself. to be identity. thank you. I can't say all what I want in English but you're my an example of imitation, my teacher. Thank you. We love you.
I've just discovered your channel a few days ago and I am so so glad I did. I love the way you think or at least how it comes across. You are defenetly my favorite youtuber right now! You inspire me so much already, I feel like I can go out there and live exactly the life I want to live. Thank you!
Thank you soooo much! For ur videos, i used to watch u before, back when you made videos in russian. And i can say you have REALLY improved. I was working out, playing ur video on the background. And i heard a phrase the meaning of which was so deep and pure, i stoped what i was doing and sat in front of the computer till the video ended... you inspired me to do things. THANK YOU
You are such an inspiration
I realized there's a brand new emotion I could feel other than all the 'traditional ones' couple years ago and it changed my life.
:) Love U!
This video is a pure inspiration. I agree with EVERY word! Thank you so much for it. It's like coming back to things that you've heard so many time, but now I really feel like I understand them and FEEL them. Incredible. Thanks❤️
basically quoted 'the vortex' :) read it because of you, and i swear it's life-changing! love u sonya
Дорогая Соня! Очень хотелось бы, чтобы ты это прочитала.. Ты такая мудрая, прекрасная душа. Такие важные темы поднимаешь! Просто спасибо, спасибо тебе большое. Ты замечательная, верь в себя, силу своей души, у тебя все будет волшебно!💫 Очень хочется тебя обнять 🤗😊 Добра тебе и света, милая 🌹♥
После каждого видео Сони такое странное чувство: вдохновение, воодушивление
Я не люблю вообще такие высокие слова и всё такое ,наверное потому что я не совсем еще понимаю полное значение, но не могу с собой ничего сделать
Начинаешь верить в себя
Спасибо , Соня💙
I've watched this video so many times and I love it even more each time. Thanks SO much Sonya, keep doing what you do. Honestly one of my favourite videos on UA-cam!!
You are such an amazing and wise human being. I'm so extremely grateful everyday for being lucky enough to click on a suggested video where you were... you just endlessly inspire me 💕 обожаю тебя соня ❤
Hello Sonya, I hope you're doing great. Thanks for the video. You're such a wise human being.
What I've realised about myself (and oh god, it took me some time!) was that I didn't fully take the responsibility of myself. The immediate thoughts were like: why me, it's unfair and etc. But the reality was that I got what I deserved. I'm now learning to behave and act as a person I want to be.
One more thing. A person can have bad habits and start dealing with them, which might look like a "war". But what to do in this case... bad habits are usually very attractive!
A bit off topic. You look great. Your eyes are so bright!
Sonya, this is incredibly inspiring! I have quite a tough period in my life atm but what you've said has really helped me to look at it from a different angle and just accept everything. Thank you so much for that!!!!