What if you read those old “I Spy” books in the same style? I had the computer games and the voice was always so relaxing, one of my first ASMR experiences! I feel like reading those with your relaxing voice, combined with locating the objects would be so relaxing 🥰
Corona video recorder called off A shit head but aura sock a Corona Touro dick Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona donna when Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Photoshop Russia Touro see shoe Kuroda order your OSHA riddles or should I cut out a Rebecca Rebecca that crap soca can I Nina The Getty do Russia cuddle buddy I could’ve corona Knigge sword for Charlie cool Chan aura habanero. I have a joke I have Joe I have Joe have Joe Corona
if you think about it it's teaching the kids from a young age that it's good to rebel from the rules and telling them it's a good idea and that it was always have a good turnout
Aww my son has that book, You Must Never Touch A Dragon. He has a whole series of those books and when I read them to him I am always thinking of ASMR! They are so fun to scratch! He loves them. Great choice 👍
•HøllyTheHøneyBee• If you’re going to correct someone do it CORRECTLY or just don’t correct them at all you clearly don’t have the competence to do so 🤗🤗🤗
*Crystal Nora* personally when im trying to fall asleep i just listen instead of watching, but whatever works for you is fine as long as you enjoy it 🙂
I love how we make it to the end of the dragon book and Gibi says "ok. This is fiction at this point". Nevermind the singing, sandwich eating, dragon marketplace that just happened, it's those wing proportions completely push it into fiction.
My son loves these books! He is 15 months now. So happy i just stumbled upon this, I enjoy asmr but hadn't thought to introduce him. And he just fell asleep for his nap after 11 minutes of watching
I was Combre a school and black Como Stan manikin will stop me stupid phone coming in Stamford and knowing him to call no most Newcomb used to put on your phone mentioned morning Chen call name community who is he yeah earth when you come watch her room phone in the pool What’s the stupid ciao
Friendly Reminder: Did you turn off auto play Set alarm if needed Get water tea or warm milk Set your phone or the device your using on silent Get a stuffed animal Now all you need to do is relaxing and listen to the wonderful channel Gibi Asmr
I so wish these videos existed when I was little. I have Asperger's and alot of my life revolves around sensory processing. If you ever could, please make more of these! So relaxing ♥️
Thank you!!! Thank you!!!! My 5 yr old grandson has to listen to you every night he's at my house. He wants to listen to you read, and falls asleep almost instantly. So Thank you from him and THANK YOU from me!!! We love listening to you!!
This video is very special to me. I’m a Registered Behavior Technician and I work at a clinic for Applied Behavior Analysis, which in short means I provide intensive behavior therapy for children with autism. My kiddos looove sensory books like these. Not only was this video giving me all the tingles, but it also just made me smile big thinking about my kiddos at work.
ive been having a really rough time lately, and i think this is just what i needed. an innocent, 'childish' distraction to put my mind at ease for a moment. thank you, gibi.
thank you so much for this video, gibi. i watched a series earlier that i can’t stop thinking about just because of how well... demented it was, and just how sad and scary the stuff was that happened to characters. i’ve been getting serious anxiety (as well as major sadness) thinking about it over and over, but this video is really taking my brain off it and helping me calm down enough for sleep. as part of my autism, i really love sensory stuff and this is so calming for me. seriously, thank you so much. :’)
Press here and all other books by Hervey Tulet are so great. He has another one that my preschool kids loved to read that had to do with colors and mixing colors and it's super interactive and my 5 year olds LOVED it. They always loved being the magic helper. Thank you doing this it brought back lots of good memories!!
This put my fussy 2 year old right to sleep! I wish more asmr creators made toddler friendly videos that will keep him entertained but drowsy! This was literally perfect!
I used to watch this after like a mental breakdown because it was so stimulating it would calm me down and help me rest my mind and sleep..so thank you Gibi 🥰
How do I ask how my skin is shining how was come bowling Miss girl hackers hi Misco mascara much show me the scammers who is commission I’m just gonna shut my customer I’m a scammer showman comes to him because if we have a scalable should I was in my school is Shambala much stronger like who’s that girl
My 18 months old LOVES your two videos on these books!!! She watch attentively and touches the screen at the same time and place as you! She really like having you read to her 😁
I died when she showed "Press Here" because that was the one book, back when i was in Elementary school, that EVERYONE wanted. I read the book whenever I could so hearing her read it brought me back a bunch of years! 😭
Strawberry lumberjack lab packets the highwayCham Brian Goodykoontz strawberry job buddy agree Cody Clickbait click on the job buddy crazy Kalika is a story strawberry lumberjack I’ve got a good crushed strawberry ciao
I love this video so so much. I have difficulties falling asleep and this helps. I wake up several times during the night, and decided to replay this video about 3-5 times and i fell asleep everytime i replayed it.
I don’t know why I never got to the notification for this until now but as someone who’s parent didn’t read to bed (due to language barrier and most of the book I wanted them to read were in English) this feels comforting and safe for me 🥺✨
So Cody big hurry Shoki lookee cuckoo cuckoo K boo Berry or blueberry I suck that out here and I go to hell and I have fun there and I love going to hell and I hate going to heaven because heaven sucks in hell is great
This video brought back some very lost tingles. I loved every bit of it! Reading softly, following words with fingers, the sarcastic commentary, the sensory elements, and All. The. Tapping
Could jump on Our Way, Donna Donna Donna Donna home stay we cool lumberjack cost web on him in general let me ciao and let him Bella ciao and let her Ciao Bella
Dude, I listen to this video like 3 times a week and I love it. I haven't gotten longer than about 10 mins in, but I'll finish this thing one day before I 😴
"Never touch a dragon"
Gibi literally the whole time: *Touching the dragons*
Marcy Gacha Gacha
Marcy Gacha Gacha
Marcy Gacha Gacha
Gacha is trash
@@aliefe024 Is that some lame attempt to piss me off?
What if you read those old “I Spy” books in the same style? I had the computer games and the voice was always so relaxing, one of my first ASMR experiences! I feel like reading those with your relaxing voice, combined with locating the objects would be so relaxing 🥰
o m g
@@GibiASMR I love the spaces😂
Omgggg i used to looooove the books
"The wings probably won't support him"
Gibi: A realist
Corona video recorder called off A shit head but aura sock a Corona Touro dick Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona donna when Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Dona Photoshop Russia Touro see shoe Kuroda order your OSHA riddles or should I cut out a Rebecca Rebecca that crap soca can I Nina The Getty do Russia cuddle buddy I could’ve corona Knigge sword for Charlie cool Chan aura habanero. I have a joke I have Joe I have Joe have Joe Corona
*Imagine if all parents read these books to their kids like this*
*goddamn it mom just read the fucking book*
I read these textured books to my daughter in a style a lot like this, and it’s pretty much the only way she’ll sit still for a story anymore. 🙂
I would
This is how I read books for the young kids I babysit!
I would say "yeah it's a fucking colourful dragon the day bastard it probably goes to taco bell everyday"
alternative title: gibi judging children’s books for 20 minutes and 44 seconds
It’s 17m and 27s
@@R44t_hall no
Noice user name
sHrEkS TiTtYs love your username
These books are basically reverse psychology for toddlers.
Book: "Don't touch that dragon"
Baby: "Oh you bet I'm touching that dragon." 😆
*Me: aight, imma touch the dragon*
Parent: looks away...
Baby: touches the dragon..
@Man With A Plan the two ways you could mean that ima assume it’s NOT what my dirty mind is thinking
if you think about it it's teaching the kids from a young age that it's good to rebel from the rules and telling them it's a good idea and that it was always have a good turnout
And then 3:54 is her doom
Aww my son has that book, You Must Never Touch A Dragon. He has a whole series of those books and when I read them to him I am always thinking of ASMR! They are so fun to scratch! He loves them. Great choice 👍
Christina my daughter loves them too! Always thought they’d make a great ASMR video, I love to tap on them and scratch the textures 😅💜
Hey,I don’t wanna be rude but these * sorry! Anyways I love these books too :D
I have don’t touch a dinosaur
When I was a small child (I still am just not that small) I saw never touch a monster at JC Penny's
11:50 "look at the size of those wings, that is absurd."
- Me at KFC at 2am
you just unlocked a memory i didnt know i had
Yes tho
@@simpburs same
Didn't know KFC was open at 2 in the morning but oh well 🤷🏻♂️
@@captainprice8806 idk where you live, I have a 24/7 KFC in my area but oh well 🤷♀️
Gibi: "this is just absurd, this is just fiction at this point"
Me: Oh, were we not reading national geographic?
Watching National geographic at 3 am be like:
Minecraft Marionette 😂😂😂
Singing Queen were* lol
@@Holly123-i3b no because the comment said, "were we not reading national geographic?"
if it was we're... "we are we not" wouldn't make sense lol
•HøllyTheHøneyBee• If you’re going to correct someone do it CORRECTLY or just don’t correct them at all you clearly don’t have the competence to do so 🤗🤗🤗
"Who is purchasing this dragon?"
Me: Hagrid!
Josie Peterson *No Meeeee! I like dragons* 😂
How to buy a dragon coming out soon
Tbh Gibi's new hair color reminds me of Narcissa Malfoy
@@magnotic.a3378 righttt!! that's what i was thinking!!
“it’s a pretty small sandwich. i would need much more to be distracted” lmaoo same
like dang that thing would be gone in .5 seconds
@@GibiASMR ik this is off topic but can you make a QNA? If not that is fine, I just want to know a little more about you.
@@bananaboy7063 she already has I think
I just ate seven sandwiches
bamboozled as I saw this comment I was there
I love how she's questioning the lessons the books teaching.
Ok lmao i will
@@GibiASMR Why?
never touch a dragon teachings:
-put dragon up for sale
-make dragon sing for you but leave mid-way
-Turn your house into a fortress
@@diphylla8106 i was going to ask xD
I’m sorry but you must now do this with every single “never touch a...” book. It’s the law.
𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮
𝙞𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧
Do you want itThen you’ll bring ciao
I really hope Gibi does more of these sensory books :(
@@pagojohn5271 I love never touch a books gibi should do all the books existing
Just a friendly reminder to make sure that
1: phone is plugged in
2: alarm is set
3: auto play is off
4: and brightness is down
Have a good night 🖤😊
Nicole is wise. Had all four gigs. Good looking out.
Good night UwU
I recommend dark mode to
Thanks for the reminder buuuuuuut I have a tablet Lol works really well and not no tiny ass screen lol
*Crystal Nora* personally when im trying to fall asleep i just listen instead of watching, but whatever works for you is fine as long as you enjoy it 🙂
the dragons: tryna vibe in their own unique situations
gibi: now the problem with the one is...
Hayley Williams would be proud of this hairstyle.
VtX_Goof hell yes she would 😂
I have no idea why but I glanced at that and read “Harvey Weinstein”
@@noahwiberg9145 that's interesting because I read Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself.
Omg love her sm
Oml- yes. And Melanie Martinez
“How to sell your dragon”
Gibi: Finally, a book for me.
We Skeem Hey Bro I’m a big fan that’s cool that you watch Asmr too!
Yo JaSoN tOdD approves!
I love how we make it to the end of the dragon book and Gibi says "ok. This is fiction at this point". Nevermind the singing, sandwich eating, dragon marketplace that just happened, it's those wing proportions completely push it into fiction.
Book: NEVER touch A *dragOn!*
Gibi: *imma bout to end this book's whole career*
Let’s go dumb but I am turtle Brando the animals come dumbbell most track dump try
My son loves these books! He is 15 months now. So happy i just stumbled upon this, I enjoy asmr but hadn't thought to introduce him. And he just fell asleep for his nap after 11 minutes of watching
Children: What a great book
Gibi: Those wings are much too small, the physics would never work
That was me as a child,i would question the physics
But I mean, bees/fly are able to fly, even though they aren’t supposed to coz the winds are too small
I was gonna type that one bee movie script about how bees aren't supposed to be able to fly, but then my brain was like "nahhh dude"
My reaction to 1:21. :O “OH ITS THE WHOLE SIDE OF HER HEAD.” I was thinking it was only the like front few bangs but I was completely wrong
For some reason I thought she’d bleached and shaved the side of her head for a min
Gibi: “Thats a small sandwich”
Me: maybe he is on a diet..
We don’t judge around here...
What sandwich???
I was Combre a school and black Como Stan manikin will stop me stupid phone coming in Stamford and knowing him to call no most Newcomb used to put on your phone mentioned morning Chen call name community who is he yeah earth when you come watch her room phone in the pool What’s the stupid ciao
I am red 👍
“Clap once”
Gibi: *clap*
“Clap twice”
Gibi: *clap clap*
“Three times”
Gibi: *clap clap clap*
Me: oh so she’s gonna do it four times right-
Gibi: *clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap*
It’s 5 times
Props for counting.
Oh good job you got the correct amount of claps she did the 4th time......am I the only one who counted?
I got 21
𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘀𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝟰𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗻𝗲
Friendly Reminder:
Did you turn off auto play
Set alarm if needed
Get water tea or warm milk
Set your phone or the device your using on silent
Get a stuffed animal
Now all you need to do is relaxing and listen to the wonderful channel Gibi Asmr
Thank you
frog frog wut?
𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘶𝘱
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴
𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦
I so wish these videos existed when I was little. I have Asperger's and alot of my life revolves around sensory processing. If you ever could, please make more of these! So relaxing ♥️
It's really cool how you inspire other ASMRtist
book: if u can't touch ur pet, then sell it.
gibi: i don't know if i agree with the lessons this book is trying to teach me-
That “press here” book brings me back to my childhood.
Such good memories. I miss it
𝑰𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆,
𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇
🍬 4my 🍬
🍬 sweetie 🍬
🍬 🍬
So happy to see this reach 1 mil views. I come back to this video all the time - we need a part 3!! I fancy the shark one for sure 🦈
dragon: hey look how twirly my tail is
author: *it's free real estate*
There once was a bitter sweet man and we called him lemon boy
@@Forlorn_Overseer he was growing in my yard and I pulled him out by his hair- *I'll stop*
@@l0xes1ck Like a weed. And like weeds do, he only came, and grew back again.
The book: Never touch a dragon
Me, who legit wants a dragon irl: How 'bout I do anyway?
I fucking love your pfp so much what the fuck.
-Katelyn- it very much is that’s why I love it so much lmao it’s such a great combination
Bill wurtz reference?
What does irl mean
Just what I needed after a long day of doing absolutely nothing
I think you left enough comments for the night
Couches are exhausting
I remember you from another video
This is a video about children’s books, I came back to watch it for the second time, I’m 23
Sa mira I’m 22 and I’ve watched this video so many times, I want to buy the book just because I’ve memorized it and it means so much to me now 😂
Kodie Blake lmao same specially press here 😂✌🏻
I'm exactly the same man lol I'm 23 this year and I never knew that ASMR children's stories was so relaxing
Ha, I'm 17 and watched this 3 times.
I am red 👍
Thank you!!! Thank you!!!! My 5 yr old grandson has to listen to you every night he's at my house. He wants to listen to you read, and falls asleep almost instantly. So Thank you from him and THANK YOU from me!!! We love listening to you!!
The author of "Press here" is a genius. It's so simple, almost absurd, yet interesting.
my whole childhood just flashed before my eyes watching this video
Did y'all notice that gibi is the official asmr queen!! She has the most subs! Congrats bby💞
Yes ♥️
And what is with SAS-ASMR
satisfying slime asmr
N.E let's eat
i love hearing asmr reading and sensory things, it helps my anxiety a lot for some reason. Thanks gibi!
"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘨𝘰 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥
𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨,
𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵
𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨."
-𝘊.𝘚. 𝘓𝘦𝘸𝘪𝘴
This video is very special to me. I’m a Registered Behavior Technician and I work at a clinic for Applied Behavior Analysis, which in short means I provide intensive behavior therapy for children with autism. My kiddos looove sensory books like these. Not only was this video giving me all the tingles, but it also just made me smile big thinking about my kiddos at work.
YEEEESSSSS!!! I read this to my son often, so glad you did this.
My niece has one called - never touch a monster - and I’m like 99% sure is about staying away from pedos 😂
Lyric Tauariki well now I want to read it 😂😂
Never touch a child a book for prisons
The Spooterman I wheezed 😂😂
Lmao 😂 I wanna read this book
Other ones include never touch a gun never touch the soap and never touch the school toilet
“a little bit of a cross eye going on here but thats ok” 😂
Would love more of these as my kids watch this episode almost every night, it’s been a lifesaver getting them to sleep 🙏🏼
ive been having a really rough time lately, and i think this is just what i needed. an innocent, 'childish' distraction to put my mind at ease for a moment. thank you, gibi.
I am LIVING for the two toned hair. ♥️
3:28 reading starts
thank you so much for this video, gibi. i watched a series earlier that i can’t stop thinking about just because of how well... demented it was, and just how sad and scary the stuff was that happened to characters. i’ve been getting serious anxiety (as well as major sadness) thinking about it over and over, but this video is really taking my brain off it and helping me calm down enough for sleep. as part of my autism, i really love sensory stuff and this is so calming for me. seriously, thank you so much. :’)
This ASMR video gave me more tingles than all ASMR videos I have ever watched together ❤️
"who is purchasing said dragon?"
me imidiatly:"hagrid"
There was an attempt
@@tomorchard6660 There was an attempt
Møçhã Plâyz There was an attempt
@@tomorchard6660 there was an attempt
Appreciate the Harry Potter reference.😋😋
Gibi: Small sandwich... I would need MUCH more to be distracted.
Me: Same af, I’m too fat for this...
Jordan Takes The World me tho 👀
Jordan Takes The World u gay
Alex Jones why yes... yes I am
Jordan Takes The World you’re a bit weird saving videos of two men kissing each other
I’m in the military and have issues falling asleep and these videos help me sleep better. So thanks for the help! :)
Thank you for your service ☺
I actually love THIS. Also the sound of you turning the pages just happens to also sound amazing.
Press here and all other books by Hervey Tulet are so great. He has another one that my preschool kids loved to read that had to do with colors and mixing colors and it's super interactive and my 5 year olds LOVED it. They always loved being the magic helper. Thank you doing this it brought back lots of good memories!!
This put my fussy 2 year old right to sleep! I wish more asmr creators made toddler friendly videos that will keep him entertained but drowsy! This was literally perfect!
"who's purchasing that dragon?"
*The Night King awkwardly raising his hand*
Chaperoned are now lemon scone rodeo Machendo what else do you want do you want it you’ll bring ciao
this sound realy helps to sleep
now you are sleeping/? :D
a little
Idk about everyone else but this is probably the most relaxing video you’ve ever done!!Thankyou
Leah Thompson yes ma’am
Never touch a dragon🐉 2:41-15:47
Dragon with claws 3:24-5:39💅
Twisty tail dragon 5:40-8:29🥨
Weird winged dragon 8:30-10:49🦅
Bumpy skinned dragon ⛰️ 10:50 - 13:09
Fire breathing dragon🔥 13:10-15:38
Press here🔘 15:39-20:44
1 dot🟡 15:59-16:08
3 yellow dots🟡 16:09-16:24
Red dot🔴 16:25-16:40
Primary colored dots🔴🟡🔵 16:41-16:55
5 yellow dots🟡🟡🟡🟡🟡 16:56-17:03
5 red dots🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 17:04-17:15
5 blue dots🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 17:16-17:29
Scrambled dots🔴🟡🔵 17:30-17:40
Scrambled dots 2🔴🟡🔵 17:41-17:55
Left⬅️ 17:56-18:05
Right➡️ 18:06-18:17
Pattern🔴🟡🔵🔴🟡🔵 18:18-18:34
Black background⚫️ 18:35-18:47
Arch🌈 18:48-18:58
B&W ⚫️⚪️ 18:59-19:08
Up⬆️ 19:09-1927
Scrambled(AGAIN)🔴🟡🔵 19:28-19:35
Big dots🔴🟡🔵 19:36-19:43
Bigger dots🔴🟡🔵 19:44-19:52
Purple? Orange? Green? 🟣🟠🟢 19:53-20:08
White ⚪️ 20:09-20:15
Start over? 🔄 20:16-20:44
I scrolled so far to find this, thank you so much 😊 ❤
Day 17: asking emo Gibi to get us ready to go to the MCR reunion tour.
This needs more likes
I came straight here from an 1 hour breakdown of non stop crying about my life lol
This made me feel like a child again and now I miss my childhood :(
𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲
𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂.
Not going to lie for a moment I thought gibi had a chest tattoo lol
I thought I was trippin
Legend has it, the choker is actually tattooed on.
Capn fapn, we meet once again in another string of comments
Me too omg I was like 😮
I used to watch this after like a mental breakdown because it was so stimulating it would calm me down and help me rest my mind and sleep..so thank you Gibi 🥰
gibi: that's a very small sandwich...
also gibi: you'd need a lot bigger sandwich to distract me..
Me: *brings out the worlds biggest sandwich*
Well who does the award go too?
@@ariluvsyeat hmmm
You should make a sensory book called “book of triggers”
Ardyn K that’s honestly such a good idea
This is my favourite video you have done, I keep coming back to it over and over. I'd love it if you ever did some more of these little books!
How do I ask how my skin is shining how was come bowling Miss girl hackers hi Misco mascara much show me the scammers who is commission I’m just gonna shut my customer I’m a scammer showman comes to him because if we have a scalable should I was in my school is Shambala much stronger like who’s that girl
ngl i love these books because they make me excited for when i have kids and i can read these stories to them🥺
My 18 months old LOVES your two videos on these books!!! She watch attentively and touches the screen at the same time and place as you! She really like having you read to her 😁
wow, the soft clapping at 19:48 really gave me tingles. I think I just found a new trigger. Thank you Gibi
*Watching with subtitles on out of curiosity*
Gibi: "Hello everybody my name is chibi"
Gibi’s hairdresser: would you like brown or blonde?
Gibi: yes
🥰🥰love it
I died when she showed "Press Here" because that was the one book, back when i was in Elementary school, that EVERYONE wanted. I read the book whenever I could so hearing her read it brought me back a bunch of years! 😭
Strawberry lumberjack lab packets the highwayCham Brian Goodykoontz strawberry job buddy agree Cody Clickbait click on the job buddy crazy Kalika is a story strawberry lumberjack I’ve got a good crushed strawberry ciao
I would love more sensory book readings!! Please! Or even just children’s books in general!!!!!
Book: you must NEVER touch a dra-
Gibi: how about... *I do*
This is so good ❤️I like how your scratching and tapping is so gentle here
You have the PERFECT kindergarden teacher voice omg this is so nostalgic and comforting.
Hello come on John but I am Pokémon star Bruegel moon dumb but on ciao
I love this video so so much. I have difficulties falling asleep and this helps. I wake up several times during the night, and decided to replay this video about 3-5 times and i fell asleep everytime i replayed it.
I don’t know why I never got to the notification for this until now but as someone who’s parent didn’t read to bed (due to language barrier and most of the book I wanted them to read were in English) this feels comforting and safe for me 🥺✨
16:13 almost had a heart attack, I thought she was going to press the one on the right
𝘎𝘰 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘪𝘴
𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶,
𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘬
𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶.
So Cody big hurry Shoki lookee cuckoo cuckoo K boo Berry or blueberry I suck that out here and I go to hell and I have fun there and I love going to hell and I hate going to heaven because heaven sucks in hell is great
This video brought back some very lost tingles. I loved every bit of it! Reading softly, following words with fingers, the sarcastic commentary, the sensory elements, and All. The. Tapping
This is crazy. "You Must Never Touch A Dragon" is my 10 month old's FAVORITE!
BAWW thats so cute!!
Reading toddlers books is some how relaxing
Gibi questioning it the real world ramifications and flawed physics of dragon wings in this baby sensory book is everything I needed in my life!
"Look at the size of these wings, that is absurd. It's literally just fiction at this point." Says Gibi while reading a book about dragons
Could jump on Our Way, Donna Donna Donna Donna home stay we cool lumberjack cost web on him in general let me ciao and let him Bella ciao and let her Ciao Bella
You should to the “that’s not my...” series!
Omg I used to have them read to me when I was younger! I had loads of those!
Hey if you say ciao one more time then you will go to see money heist and say ciao
I literally LOVE the way that Gibi traces the dragon! God bless her! Subscribe to her! SHE DESERVES A LOT OF SUBS
Dude, I listen to this video like 3 times a week and I love it. I haven't gotten longer than about 10 mins in, but I'll finish this thing one day before I 😴
More sensory books please! These are how I got hooked on ASMR!!!
I feel like a kid again being read to by a caring mother!🙂
1979 😌
I need more of this. I suggest it becomes a series.
This is the BEST asmr video, which reads a bedtime story.
I love the textured bit on the front cover that’s so relaxing!
This is my 60th time watching this it gives me so many tingles
Hello overjoyed hello moon Jen lemon John I am home gym a little Alamo
I love this so much! Next time when you do this can you read "Where the wild things are" that was my favorite book when I was little :)
i can’t get over how good your hair looks omg 🥺❤️
I love to watch gibi’s asmr she always is so creative and fun!!
Favorite Gibi video ever. Hope you’ll do more sensory books someday!
I was just reading the “that’s not my” sensory books to my little girl & thought it would make a good asmr video!🤯 love this!!
Hair said
“Time to go Reese’s puffs mode”