After losing over 100lbs in 5 months I realized When it comes to weight-loss so many people want quick results so they easily give up. When you gained all that weight, it didn't happen over night . its the same when losing your weight. Never give up. Stick to your goal and Be Patient with yourself 🔥🔥🔥
My worst problems are snacking and emotional eating. Fortunately more and more I am able to control those by paying attention to my moods, being good to myself and having a nice cup of green or black tea :)
@@MarieAnneLecoeur yes, that's true. When I was a child and a teenager, we here in Poland led pretty simple and graceful lives. The traditions are vanishing, sadly. It is always refreshing to see You and hear what You have to say. Bisous 💋
Maybe that’s what society calls it but actually it’s when you are stresssd and go to food because your throwing in the towel with your eating too. With my big stressers finally gone I actually am now more intentional. I plan and listen to my body. I get a tea saucer. Fill it with some food. And tell myself if I am still hungry I will go back and get more. I never go back and get more though.
Menopause, remote work, stress caused by the pandemic and job loss have caused me to snack more, eat and drink wine compulsively. Trying to get back to my good old habits. Thanks for the video!
@@MarieAnneLecoeur You are absolutely right! Thank you so much for your support and for your classy, elegant and informative content. You are a wonderful inspiration! ❤😘
So much great advice and wisdom here Marie-Anne. In my work in nutritional counselling the first thing I get people to do is to keep a food journal for one week. The comment I get most about this journal is, 'wow, I had no idea how much sugar I was eating'. Or the person may be shocked at how much soft drink they consume, how much meat, how many snacks etc....Awareness is the first key because if you don't know what the problem is, you cannot fix it. As well as a food journal, try keeping track of your screen time for a week, or even a day - all that time on your screen is time you are not moving, and we are the first generation with this problem. Most people are stunned by the time they spend on their screens. You could also borrow a fit bit for a day to see your average number of steps. If you don't like what you see with all of this tracking, don't beat yourself up. Add in some good food, movement and new habits rather than punishing yourself up with a strict diet. As Marie-Anne has said, if diets worked everybody would be slim.
If women want a simple diet, this always worked for me: at each (of three) meals, eat one serving each: a protein (one egg, three ounces meat, fish, poultry, etc.), a starch/carbohydrate (one slice of bread, or half-cup of pasta, rice, potatoes, squash, etc.), and one fat (1 teaspoon butter or oil, or equivalent of nuts or avocado - a California staple, etc.). Add unlimited vegetables and fruit (except count peas, corn, etc. as a starch and avocado/nuts as a fat), ideally two servings, at least, per meal. I try to eat starchy veggies often as my starch/carb because they are more nutritious, (e.g. baked squash instead of rice, pasta, etc.), but just as filling. Then, if I’m not in a hurry to lose weight (I rarely am, it’s more of a maintenance plan), I add one or two “extras” per day, a glass of wine for alcohol drinkers, for me, a couple of sugar-free cookies or pretzels, measuring the portion size according to the label. This makes a healthy, varied, light daily way-of-eating. The most difficult part is keeping the fats low, but it gets to be easy with time. Drink lots of water, buy natural, non-processed food and cook at home whenever one can. Then, get 30-60 minutes per day of aerobic exercise every day (6 out of 7), walking, dancing, non-impact aerobics, etc.
Love all of this Marie-Anne, so wise!!! One of my favorite books is French Women Don’t Get Fat, and I try to live by it: the same principle for food as with clothes: quality, not quantity. ❤️ (I do have a problem with not drinking enough water, still, and am working on it!) 🤨
Research has shown that about 70% of the population of all ages is dehydrated. We don't always experience thirst, which we rely on to remind us to drink liquid. Instead, we feel hunger based on our sense of diminishing energy. This is particularly true of us seniors and multiplies the dangers of poor balance, mild lightheadness that can affect us with potential falls. The standard recommendation is to be sure to drink 1 cup of water every 2 hours, even if not hungry. The symptoms of dehydration are one or more of the following: stiffness, fatigue, irritability, poor memory, lightheadness bordering on dizziness, mild headache, and depression. As Marianne notes here in her (typically) great video, drinking water also stops hunger pangs. (I began an intermittent fasting program a few years ago and dreaded failure, which I was sure would come to one orone to grazing. To my surprise, my drinking water frequently, especially when I felt hunger, made the fasting so easy that I did not feel any hunger at all after 6 hours without food and could easily go up to 22 hours with no hunger, although I did not intend to go that long as a rule, but 16 hours on the 8-16 IF path.)
You are so right about habit, I used to love a packet of crisps early evening with a gin and tonic about an hour before my evening meal, but I stopped buying them and now have broken that happen. Sometimes I have a few nuts and they are better nutritionally than crisps. I agree you should sit down when you eat even a snack, or something on toast, we are all rushing and it’s bad for our digestion. I have French friend and I love to visit her in Lyon and sit down to a 2 hour dinner and conversation!
This is such good advice! Also, the French do not “enrich” their flour, like in America. Enriched wheat is nothing but chemical laden. I never eat it! The French also eat more fat/rich food. Fat does not make you fat, but sugar is a much bigger issue for one’s health and weight gain.
Marie-Anne you are 100% correct about water. I have recently started drinking more water and it has stopped my snack cravings. It has been an eye opener for me. Thank you for sharing your wonderful tips.
I drink water all day long. I allow myself one cup of coffee, with only cream, then I have water throughout the day, with a cup of green tea or blueberry tea, and sometimes other types of tea. I only have lemon in my tea. I have no problem fasting until 10:30am, then I have a protein/berry/almond milk smoothie. I'm trying not to snack during the afternoon, but if I do, I try to just have a yogurt. The key for me is not to buy anything I shouldn't eat, then it's not in the house and available for me to eat! I don't eat grains, GMO food, processed food, and I try to really limit my sugar intake. What I need is to exercise regularly!
Marie-Anne, I've been watching and enjoying your fashion videos for a little while, but I also like this kind of sit down discussion about food and general lifestyle habits. You're right to point out how the things that people prioritize in other cultures and countries can affect our general health (not just weight) and quality of life.
As soon as I wake up, I drink a big glass of water and spray my face with Avene thermal water 💦 which I keep in the refrigerator, because it’s a fabulous way to start the day! It’s one healthy I can stick to.
I agree about dehydration causing hunger feelings. I find that because my three meals are so nutrient-dense with plenty of fiber and healthy amount of fat, I have no desire to snack in between meals. If I am actually hungry I choose something that isn't snack food like a little cup of cooked beans or some vegetable soup with plenty of hydrating broth. Vegetable soup with legumes is a great substitute for salty snack foods.
1) Love the idea of reaching for a book rather than food!!! I have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo many books!!! 2) I guess I should not have eaten dinner while watching YOU! Suddenly, my dinner was gone!!!! 3) fasting = crazy and does not work b/c it's not sustainable 4) I'm about to become an empty-nester (child to college) and I am VERY worried about what that will do to my eating patterns. Why bother cooking and no-one with whom to enjoy the meal 5) a few years, mu kidneys literally hurt- I went to a specialist. He did a simple test. I was VERY dehydrated!
I find that Europeans are also more active on a daily basis, such as climbing stairs, walking and using a bicycle as means of transport. Here in North America, it is still very much a car culture. I much prefer the European lifestyle, good food, quality clothing and physical activity as part of one's regular day. Enjoying the small pleasures in life, like taking time to sip coffee at a cafe, can go a long way to reduce stress as well. Here in NA it's very much a take away culture, coffee to go, food to go, so you don't really savour or enjoy your food.
For me the two big keys to weight loss success are, as Marie-Anne advises, 1) no snacking and 2) realizing every calorie does count - I keep a daily food diary and enter everything I eat, including any sugar, salt etc that I've added to my meals. This way I now exactly what i've eaten every day, and the app I use (Cronometer) also analyzes the nutritional make up of all the foods I enter so I know if what I ate was well balanced or not.
Stress in the morning (or any time) +rushing+ on the run = cortisol and weight loss trouble. I'm glad you pointed that out because that can be quite typical here. I was a colicky baby, so I hated drinking because it made me feel sloshy and nauseous. When this finally dawned on me in my fifties and the doctor mentioning that my hunger pangs were actually thirst, I could begin to increase my water intake. I had to move slowly to overcome this sensation. You have just verified what I have learned.
Great reminder drinking enough water and having meal time be a calm and mindful experience to improve our digestion and even our mental health! Guilty of rushing in the morning. Growth opportunity….
Bonjour Marie-Anne! Yes you make good points. I enjoy water. Some days I forget and don’t drink enough. We had a heatwave at the weekend and yesterday I drank much much more than usual 🥵 . I agree that mindful eating is important. The only thing I disagree with is when you say how you eat is more important than what you eat. Snacks are perfectly fine if they’re healthy snacks like fruit or veggies. I think what you eat is more important. But I agree that all the mindless eating is problem. When I was growing up there were no food courts and we got to go to a restaurant with our parents once in a while, maybe once or twice a year. We got dressed up and were on our best behaviour. It was a special event. It’s great that there are more choices but we need to be careful. It’s easy to be tempted when out shopping. I’m trying to work on my bad habits and with eateries everywhere it isn’t easy!
Thank you so much for sharing all this. It really is an overall mindset and approach to eating. I hadn't thought about how sitting and relaxing will help aid digestion. And yes, eating should bind a family (including teenagers) together. I am making efforts to slow down and change. Here in America, people sometimes rushing around and being too busy to cook is worn like a badge of honor. Slowing down with these restrictions has really been nice. It would be interesting to hear more about French lifestyle in regards to children and families and society, especially when it seems the American lifestyle is too busy and overbooked with sports, activities etc. I think being too busy is not chic lol!
At one time Americans did sit down to dinner as a rule. Our big problem has to do with the guilt we are made to feel about eating and food. Perhaps it is due to too much Puritainism . Everybody is always on some crazy diet here, fat free, sugar free, gluten free. If we eat something we enjoy we fear someone yelling at us "You're going to get fat," or worse yet, " How dare you eat that, No wonder you're so fat" American children are often put on diets. sadly when you eliminate foods , the first thing you want to eat is what you have fobidden yourself. Our workplaces only allow us one half hour for lunch in many cases. We are the masters of creating tasteless foods. The most difficult thing for us is learning to slow down when we eat.This is one of the best videos yet Marie Anne. It wasn't until I went to France maybe forty years ago that I learned how good food could taste. I'm talking about everyday food. we have great food here if you can pay a great deal of money. I'm tlaking about food equivalent to things we ate here in the USA that tasted so much better in France. May be that's why I work in a kitchen today.
My daughter gave me a present a good water bottle and also advised me to get a filter for our water as its full of chlorine its made a huge difference and yes its true snacking alot of the times is dehydration brain waves.
I use my sterling silver flatware as my daily, and only, set. Why wait? I do keep one stainless steel egg fork and mayonnaise spoon, for if I forget to rinse them immediately (the sulfur in eggs causes rapid tarnishing). I throw it all in the dishwasher and it comes out perfect. I occasionally polish the tines of the salad forks because acidic foods, like salad dressing, cause tarnish, too. Just use it and forget about polishing it unless some unusual spot of tarnish shows up, it just gets more beautiful with use, and is a simple daily pleasure.
Thank you for reminding everyone about how important it is to drink water and eat mindfully. These things are often overlooked. I want to ask a question about a specific issue with being overweight. 10 years ago, I was hospitalized for almost 2 months. For the majority of these 2 months, I was on IV fluids only, not even being allowed to drink water. After being released from the hospital, I gained back the weight that I had lost plus 40 lbs. more. This happened within just a few months while still trying to maintain my previous, mostly healthy diet. It is like my body went into "starvation mode" for 2 months. I have tried so many ways to lose weight but nothing has helped. I have some physical issues that make walking difficult and painful as well. Do you think that eating the French way might help in my situation? Thank you!
I really enjoyed this video! Everything you mentioned about drinking water is true! My nutrition is based on five meals, three big ones and two snacks. For snack I eat either a fruit, or mixed nuts with a few prunes or raisins. Also, I try to drink green tea after lunch, almost every day. I am originally from Greece and I see that our eating habits are the same! In America, that I live for the last four years, food is approached very differently. Whenever I eat like the majority of the people, it has a bad result on my health and I see it immediately. So, in our family we eat mostly Mediterranean and in rare occasions we have some country cooking. Thank you for the encouragement and the precious advice! I appreciate your honesty and passion about all the information you give! Be safe! ❤️
Agree. I live in Barcelona, and our food and eating habits are the same as the French. I am British by birth, but have lived here for 35 years, and since then I have never got fat or dieted, yet I eat very well indeed. The med. food is one of the best!
How do you deal with the weight gain following menopause? I've lost my waistline, and I've been an intermittent faster for years, due to contacting SIBO while living in the Gulf a while ago. My back is fat, too. I'm being continually criticised by my mother about this weight gain, too (not that she's thin!)
I am sorry you are being criticised - during my menopause years I simply kept on with my own eating regome as outlined in my course Eat Like A French Woman - it naturally keeps off the weight without having to think about it too much 😘
The reason why I love this French technique of no-diet dieting and keto dieting just because it's simple, healthy, hydrating and not cruel like other dieting rules. One day, my mother bought some sweet potatoes and after looking at those sweet potatoes, my sister told me she knows a *female South Korean singer who ate 1 apple at breakfast, 1 sweet potato at lunch and a protein shake for dinner which worried many of her fans.* What's shocking is that there are many young women who tried this insane diet in order to get figure like her. People don't care about drinking water all the time because most of them are unaware about it.
You've inspired me to cut down. But to have half a glass of wine ( I can't have much because of medications ) . To have a bit more lunch and then not snack at 4.00pm . I could have a cup of tea instead ! K
I admit to not drinking a whole lot of water, don't want to make a whole lot of extra trips to the bathroom. When I am thirsty I will drink as much as I want though. I like to drink tea. Kidneys are doing fine according to the kidney function tests. Not much snacking at all and no eating late in the evening or night. I don't eat from the bread and chip baskets in restaurants. It helps that there are a lot of foods I don't like. I don't eat sugar containing foods except for a once in a while treat. I went from size 10-12 to 4, had to get all new pants and have dresses altered.
I always drink water. In a restaurant with my husband we easily drink 2 litres. I only drink water, wine and coffee. No soft drinks. No juices. But I still battle with my weight. I believe my body is not functioning the way it should because I had children. I never had a problem until after my 3rd child. I was 47 kilos and 15 years after the last birth I am a shocking 81 kilos. Is it age responsible? Or is it because I am not French?
@@MarieAnneLecoeur Dear Marie-Anne , Thank you for responding to me. I meant the, "because I am not French " comment as tongue in cheek, but without the funny little emoji it sounds a bit rude.😆 I have watched more of your videos that I have inspired me and lifted my spirits. I did not think I could be elegant at 50! The weight gain is age but I think it's more that I gave up because I didn't imagine it possible and I did not love myself. I did not respect myself. Very inelegant behavior!😱 I believed I couldn't be elegant until I looked younger, lost weight etc. With your tips and your warm and charming personality, I will be elegant starting today and those other worries will fall into place.🥰
In Paris I noticed that people have cold lentil soup. Also, the water from soaked beans will flush even temporary fat from your liver. It costs about $1.29 to soak beans in water and drink it the next day. Everything is processed (especially fat) in the liver.
@@MarieAnneLecoeur A lot of people think that. But we don't have a stronger work ethic than anyone else. It's just that American employers expect more, and living costs are high. Now I live in Europe and take time to enjoy life. I like the work/ life balance here much better.
I interpreted intermittent fasting as just not eating until you are hungry. I get up in the morning and I am not hungry till at least noon or 2 pm. So why eat? My body produces all the glucose (sugar, carbohydrates) it needs. I eat when I'm hungry and if I eat just meats and vegetables (above the ground vegetables!) I'm not as hungry as when I eat cereals, breads, pasta. It works. Simple.
Marie, its true. we Americans are always ina hurry, I really don't know why. working from home along with my son has given way to more cooking, but if we chew are food and not swallow, I think that would help as well. love your videos. Thank you!
We were always in a rush in the mornings mainly because my mom was trying to get ready for work and her 3 kids including me didn't want to get up and go to school. Plus I usually had to be at school very early because I was in marching band and was a swimmer. Sometimes I was in the swimming pool before the sun came up. We usually ate a sit down dinner at night together unless our school sports got in the way. I'm not really sure why schools schedule the sports like they do. How do they do it in France?
This was excellent advice. I made a personal decision to reduce my weight with medical protocol and released 33lbs this year. I already had ok habits but metabolism was messed up. I'm in maintenance now and cannot go to those old habits. Definitely drink lots of water as dehydration is a big cause to many health problems. I definitely don't snack and try to stay low carb, but I find one of the biggest offenders to weight reduction is late night eating before bed including alcohol. A good rule to follow is to stop eating by 6 or 7pm at the latest. Eating before bed will always put weight on and create imbalance, except I never noticed a spike in weight if I just eat beef and butter all day. The other problem in the west is too many sugary drinks. I don't understand how folks can drink mocha all the time. That is basically a dessert. I'm sure you French ladies know how to make dessert special and if it's done all day and everyday like in America it's not as special. So I agree keeping order of meals and making them special. I also got new silverware and I went for a fancy set for everyday. It truly does elevate dining at home much easier. Lastly I just got into Turkish Coffee ☕ brewing it requires patience and I think fast brewing is also a death to enjoying Coffee. I could never buy a Keurig as they are expensive and environmentally wasteful and only spoil one of having "fast Coffee ".. fast food and fast eating isn't enjoying life at all!! Merci!!
America is something else when it comes to our pace of life. Many times there’s not much we can do about it. My 11 year old wakes up at 6am to catch the bus at 7. Of course I take her because it’s not safe where we live, then I come home and 20 minutes later I take my son to school. I make sure they have time to eat a good breakfast because they don’t give them very much for lunch, and they don’t have much time to eat it. So most mornings I wake up at 6 and for two hours I’m busy, but haven’t had a chance to do anything for myself. I come home and just feel like I’m playing catch up, and I’m always tired.
I lost 25 lbs during covid while most gained weight. I did intermittent fasting. No food restrictions, just eat in 4 hours only then fast. I look so much more chic with the weight loss and I went clothes shopping because my clothes were falling off me. I lost three dress sizes. I used to think I was doomed to never lose weight but for me the answer was fasting.
I have such a hard time eating as a family. Everyone is so busy. Many times my husband is too busy to eat with us. I know I should still do it with my kids but it’s hard. My family was not very organized growing up and I struggle off and on with trying to organize my own family. I’d be interested to know how you structure your days to have leisure time as a family without so much stress the rest of the time.
From Germany: We have no leisure time to waste either. Just do not buy a n y pre fabricated foods or drinks. Cook at least a few times a week or eat "cold" as we put it. A good sandwich on a healty bread or a good mixed salad with vinegar and oil and without salad dressing from a bottle is ten times better than something pre fabricated. And yes, drink water. We already do so after getting up, before the first coffee.
Bonjour Marie Anne good subject this crazy world every people run to work and they don’t enjoy food even in restaurants pushing you because need table for another person and they talk to loud no pleasure eating outside 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️
These are all great tips. Food, water, exercise, stimulating work, relaxation and sleep are all our life-giving friends, enjoy them! Growing up, my family had a daily leisurely sit-down dinner together, no TV, reading, etc. Meals were always healthy, well-balanced and home-cooked, and everyone was expected to practice decent manners and engage in conversation. Snacking really didn’t happen, processed foods of all kinds just weren’t purchased, but our Mom did make home-made treats like cookies occasionally. If one doesn’t buy snack foods or sweetened drinks, one doesn’t consume them, so just don’t bring them into the house! I’m always shocked at how much unhealthy, empty-calorie, highly processed foods and drinks American families pile into their shopping carts, many drink huge sugary sodas with every meal! A daily walk (or bad-weather alternative, like non-impact aerobic dance to a favorite playlist) makes a huge difference in controlling weight, even if it’s only 30 minutes.
I have started preparing my lunch meal ahead for the week and store in the refrigerator to heat up each day. This gives me chicken and fresh vegetables all ready to eat so I do not have to think about making the meal. When too busy, I will grab a sandwich or sacks or something that puts on weight. At dinner, I cook a light meal for my husband and myself.
The video and download are great. Now, if I only follow this!! I will start with food journal. I do not like to journal in general, but I can see that it will help to realize where the culprit of the poor weight management is. Cheers!!!❤💃❤
An excellent video. Especially mindfulness - if I’m not paying attention to what I’m eating, I tend to eat more than I should. A couple of points about water: The book “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” discusses dehydration and how to be aware of it. I would caution against excess, though (excess anything, really): some medications will not be as effective if you drink too much water. As with most things, moderation is the key.
drinking water is even more important as you age, the ‘brain fog’ some of us feel is often due to lack of water.. the colour of our urine can tell us how dehydrated we are. ,light straw colour is good then it gradually darkens to gold, dark amber etc the kidneys have to work much harder to concentrate our urine, so drinking adequate water will help your kidney retain optimum condition as you age … while on the subject of our waterworks try not to hurry up your urine flow , it’s not good for the condition of your bladder or your pelvic floor. … and lastly don’t go ‘just in case’ unless you are going somewhere where a toilet may not be available for hours.. by doing this when ,say, going to the shop, you are retraining your bladder to hold less urine, so it defeats the purpose. sorry I rabbit on but I seem to know lots of bits and pieces that are not passed on to younger family members as we rush or have broken homes.
Good evening ❤️... I was always taught .. breakfast.. lunch.. dinner... lots of water.. no picking.. a treat on a Friday.... don’t buy rubbish... I plan my dinners for the week... and of course.. walking ( which I love) ... it has to be handed down from generation to ones children ... great video ❤️❣️❤️
In my household, every one has their own glass water bottles, and refills them daily, so it’s easy to keep count. I usually drink four 16-oz bottles per day in cold weather, and at least 8 to 12 in hot weather. So, that’s almost 4 to almost 8 liters/day at a minimum, and more like 12 with daily exercise. I don’t understand how people can get by with less, unless it’s being replaced with soda pop. One out of three Americans are overweight, one out of three is obese, only one in three are a healthy weight! Child overweight and obesity are rising alarmingly, as are diabetes and fatty liver disease (from sugar consumption). Ban soda from your household, drink water instead, as the first step to staying healthy and maintaining a good weight. I like to have nice glass water bottles, chilled in the fridge, and extra-long reusable straws. As I move around during the day, the bottle comes with me, except during the pandemic, I leave it in my car and use hand-sanitizer before drinking.
Snacking, aside from your waistline and bottom, is bad for your teeth as well. All those little "somethings" in between meals keeps feeding bacteria in your mouth. You will have better trips to your dentist if you eliminate snacks!
I am so frustrated with my weight. I am 30 pounds over weight and have a bad heart. I am on a strict diet (no caffeine, no sugar, no salt, no meat, no dairy, nothing processed) and I still can't loose weight.
Michelle, I'm just curious. Did a doctor prescribe that diet? It's a type of limited vegan diet, right? I'm genuinely curious why you chose such a harsh diet with health issues. Is it also a low carb diet? I'm not a nutritionist, im just curious. Thanks.
For a long time i eat 5 meals a day and go out for walk at 30 minuts every day............. I lost 17 kilos. But so i was in a caraxident an then all goe wrong afterward, and now I have to begin again. all the cloths i have from then is to small. No I have to begin at my helthy life again. I dont snack,dont drinlk minerals or limonade , but I eat too much :( I drink water with little bit of salt in, mineralsalt........ my dr said that was good.
If you eat five meals a day, you will take in too much calories. If you don’t burn them off by exercising, your weight will increase. What worked for me(without exercising) was reducing the number of meals and total calories would automatically decrease. Calories in can not be greater than calories out.
A lot of us Americans are in a rush at breakfast time on weekdays. The impression you have of us grabbing breakfast and running out the door is pretty accurate. Our weekday evening meal is just the same. We are overbooked and run around at dinnertime too. But now with Covid, we have to stay home at dinnertime and we are loving it! Now it's our weekend meals that are family/friend centered. We take our time to enjoy our food and to talk with each other. We relax and are happy to slow down. Take care, Kathy
I believe much of the U.S. weight problem (even on mindful healthy eating) is living in a very stressful society. Cortisol seems to be constantly rushing through your system from stress. When I lived in France, I've never felt so relaxed in my life. I'd be there right now if I could! For example, Europeans have the wisdom to work with nature and Americans are hell bent on working against it. For example, you have a month of vacation. I'm 78, work from home and just had a few days off between Christmas and New Year's day, which is the only time I have off all year. Even then my employer contacted me wanting something. If we get 30 minutes for lunch it's a miracle. You have two hours. We have to eat sandwiches because there's no time to eat better! Forget having time to digest any food! This is stress. And . . I have a weight problem. There's no way to combat the stress when you have to be glued to your desk and the cortisol flows.
This is what I believe about the US too (I am French), you guys are stressed and overworked, it's absolutely obvious much of the health issues stem from that. Cortisol yes but also working all the time means less or no time to cook. Stress means compensation with comfort food.... I wish society would change in your country which produced wonderful films and music we enjoy in Europe to this day and age 🙏🙏🙏🙏 take care
I believe you are right about the constant stress. I worked as a paralegal for law firms and I never had a vacation that they didn't ruin. I would go on vacation and it wouldn't even be one day and one of the attorneys would inevitably call me and ask me to work during my vacation! I was constantly stressed and it inevitably took its toll on my health. Although I'm now retired (after becoming disabled), I still have the occasional nightmare where I struggle to wake up. Meanwhile, my health is pretty much ruined. Now I am trying to undo the damage but it's difficult to do so when you've worked for 40 years under that kind of stress.
@@pamelacrosby281 You are so right! I've been in this current job for 11 years this month and have never had a vacation. It's 6:30 p.m. right now and I'm still working. I'm growing in the shape of my chair, my back kills me constantly and I don't dream that I can't wake up, instead I stop breathing as I'm falling asleep and jump up in a panic - and that's with a CPAP set on 18! Today I went back on Keto. I know from experience that it cures almost everything, including high blood pressure, breathing problems, diabetes and eliminates pain. I was having such fantastic results - but then I had a disagreement with the man I work for, felt instantly powerless and went off it. I can't do that again. I want to be medicine free again like I was on Keto. Usually we grab sugar or carbs for comfort from stress or pain. But I learned in those four months that you no longer want them after the first few days, the pain goes away and once you take back control, so does almost all of the stress! I could not believe the difference. It was like morphing into a totally healthy, energetic, self-confident woman again - and remember, I'll be 78 on Christmas! We still "have it" . . we just have to take it back!! :)
It's also important to realize that the food we eat today, even if "fresh" and non-processed, is very different from what we ate up to the 1970s or so at least in the USA. Many common vegetables, fruits, etc., are bred to look beautiful, have long shelf life, and to take up as little space as possible in growing fields. They are often of inferior taste and texture to their ancestors from earlier decades. (That leads us to add salty or sugary condiments to them.) Most important, it takes an average if 9 days for a food to reach market shelves after being picked. The plant must be picked before it is ripe, which means it has not developed its full nutritional complement. The plants are sprayed with a special enzyme to help them look ripe during their 9-day journey to market. We can gorge on such "fresh" food but still feel genuinely hungry, because we are functionally starving on such nutritionally deficient goods (see the fascinating documentary "King Corn"). Foods from farmers markets are expensive, but they are plucked close to market time and may be worth the financial sacrifice in trrms of your getting more nutrition per item and therefore needing to buy less. Also, frozen vegetables are plucked just as they ripen, so they have more nutrition although they are often the same item bred mostly for appearance and compact growth in the fields (the more produce per acre, the more profit for agribusiness).
I hate the fact that most US people eat in front of the Tv so very little family interaction and we can stuff our faces more. I also hate the fact that people will hit the drive thru and eat in the car on the way to work. France is so lucky you actually get an hour or more break for lunch and the voucher system is awesome. The U.S. you are lucky if you even get 30 minutes for lunch.
You are soooo right about drinking water Marie-Anne. Often when we think we are hungry, we are actually just thirsty. Water is so good for your skin too. 👍💦💕
Thank you for mentioning culture. Yes, in United States everyone is always rushing around. Yes, they eat large portions, drink lots of soda and sugar, and they snack all day! No wonder obesity is more common in USA…
I find that after a meal I want something sweet. So instead of dessert, I have 2 small sugar-free hard candies--they take awhile to melt in your mouth too!
After losing over 100lbs in 5 months I realized When it comes to weight-loss so many people want quick results so they easily give up. When you gained all that weight, it didn't happen over night . its the same when losing your weight. Never give up. Stick to your goal and Be Patient with yourself 🔥🔥🔥
Thanks and compliments on your results! Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪
My worst problems are snacking and emotional eating. Fortunately more and more I am able to control those by paying attention to my moods, being good to myself and having a nice cup of green or black tea :)
@@MarieAnneLecoeur yes, that's true. When I was a child and a teenager, we here in Poland led pretty simple and graceful lives. The traditions are vanishing, sadly. It is always refreshing to see You and hear what You have to say. Bisous 💋
Maybe that’s what society calls it but actually it’s when you are stresssd and go to food because your throwing in the towel with your eating too. With my big stressers finally gone I actually am now more intentional. I plan and listen to my body. I get a tea saucer. Fill it with some food. And tell myself if I am still hungry I will go back and get more. I never go back and get more though.
Menopause, remote work, stress caused by the pandemic and job loss have caused me to snack more, eat and drink wine compulsively. Trying to get back to my good old habits. Thanks for the video!
@@MarieAnneLecoeur You are absolutely right! Thank you so much for your support and for your classy, elegant and informative content. You are a wonderful inspiration! ❤😘
This is also my story. Good luck to you!
The mindset is so so so important! Your information is so wonderfully French and so wonderfully true!
Very good advice. My Mother was French and she instilled this in me especially sitting down for lunch and drinking water.
So much great advice and wisdom here Marie-Anne.
In my work in nutritional counselling the first thing I get people to do is to keep a food journal for one week. The comment I get most about this journal is, 'wow, I had no idea how much sugar I was eating'. Or the person may be shocked at how much soft drink they consume, how much meat, how many snacks etc....Awareness is the first key because if you don't know what the problem is, you cannot fix it.
As well as a food journal, try keeping track of your screen time for a week, or even a day - all that time on your screen is time you are not moving, and we are the first generation with this problem. Most people are stunned by the time they spend on their screens. You could also borrow a fit bit for a day to see your average number of steps. If you don't like what you see with all of this tracking, don't beat yourself up. Add in some good food, movement and new habits rather than punishing yourself up with a strict diet. As Marie-Anne has said, if diets worked everybody would be slim.
Thank you marrie anne, would you mind please make a video- “what I eat in a day?”
If women want a simple diet, this always worked for me: at each (of three) meals, eat one serving each: a protein (one egg, three ounces meat, fish, poultry, etc.), a starch/carbohydrate (one slice of bread, or half-cup of pasta, rice, potatoes, squash, etc.), and one fat (1 teaspoon butter or oil, or equivalent of nuts or avocado - a California staple, etc.). Add unlimited vegetables and fruit (except count peas, corn, etc. as a starch and avocado/nuts as a fat), ideally two servings, at least, per meal. I try to eat starchy veggies often as my starch/carb because they are more nutritious, (e.g. baked squash instead of rice, pasta, etc.), but just as filling. Then, if I’m not in a hurry to lose weight (I rarely am, it’s more of a maintenance plan), I add one or two “extras” per day, a glass of wine for alcohol drinkers, for me, a couple of sugar-free cookies or pretzels, measuring the portion size according to the label. This makes a healthy, varied, light daily way-of-eating. The most difficult part is keeping the fats low, but it gets to be easy with time. Drink lots of water, buy natural, non-processed food and cook at home whenever one can. Then, get 30-60 minutes per day of aerobic exercise every day (6 out of 7), walking, dancing, non-impact aerobics, etc.
Love all of this Marie-Anne, so wise!!! One of my favorite books is French Women Don’t Get Fat, and I try to live by it: the same principle for food as with clothes: quality, not quantity. ❤️ (I do have a problem with not drinking enough water, still, and am working on it!) 🤨
I'm 57 now but I remember in my young days, we ate dinners at the table with the family. That's when a bond is created when we eat together and talk.
Research has shown that about 70% of the population of all ages is dehydrated. We don't always experience thirst, which we rely on to remind us to drink liquid. Instead, we feel hunger based on our sense of diminishing energy. This is particularly true of us seniors and multiplies the dangers of poor balance, mild lightheadness that can affect us with potential falls. The standard recommendation is to be sure to drink 1 cup of water every 2 hours, even if not hungry. The symptoms of dehydration are one or more of the following: stiffness, fatigue, irritability, poor memory, lightheadness bordering on dizziness, mild headache, and depression. As Marianne notes here in her (typically) great video, drinking water also stops hunger pangs. (I began an intermittent fasting program a few years ago and dreaded failure, which I was sure would come to one orone to grazing. To my surprise, my drinking water frequently, especially when I felt hunger, made the fasting so easy that I did not feel any hunger at all after 6 hours without food and could easily go up to 22 hours with no hunger, although I did not intend to go that long as a rule, but 16 hours on the 8-16 IF path.)
You are so right about habit, I used to love a packet of crisps early evening with a gin and tonic about an hour before my evening meal, but I stopped buying them and now have broken that happen.
Sometimes I have a few nuts and they are better nutritionally than crisps. I agree you should sit down when you eat even a snack, or something on toast, we are all rushing and it’s bad for our digestion. I have French friend and I love to visit her in Lyon and sit down to a 2 hour dinner and conversation!
This is such good advice! Also, the French do not “enrich” their flour, like in America. Enriched wheat is nothing but chemical laden. I never eat it! The French also eat more fat/rich food. Fat does not make you fat, but sugar is a much bigger issue for one’s health and weight gain.
Marie-Anne you are 100% correct about water. I have recently started drinking more water and it has stopped my snack cravings. It has been an eye opener for me. Thank you for sharing your wonderful tips.
I drink water all day long. I allow myself one cup of coffee, with only cream, then I have water throughout the day, with a cup of green tea or blueberry tea, and sometimes other types of tea. I only have lemon in my tea. I have no problem fasting until 10:30am, then I have a protein/berry/almond milk smoothie. I'm trying not to snack during the afternoon, but if I do, I try to just have a yogurt. The key for me is not to buy anything I shouldn't eat, then it's not in the house and available for me to eat! I don't eat grains, GMO food, processed food, and I try to really limit my sugar intake. What I need is to exercise regularly!
Marie-Anne, I've been watching and enjoying your fashion videos for a little while, but I also like this kind of sit down discussion about food and general lifestyle habits. You're right to point out how the things that people prioritize in other cultures and countries can affect our general health (not just weight) and quality of life.
As soon as I wake up, I drink a big glass of water and spray my face with Avene thermal water 💦 which I keep in the refrigerator, because it’s a fabulous way to start the day! It’s one healthy I can stick to.
I love and appreciate your channel. You are helping people all over the world and are an inspiration.
I agree about dehydration causing hunger feelings. I find that because my three meals are so nutrient-dense with plenty of fiber and healthy amount of fat, I have no desire to snack in between meals. If I am actually hungry I choose something that isn't snack food like a little cup of cooked beans or some vegetable soup with plenty of hydrating broth. Vegetable soup with legumes is a great substitute for salty snack foods.
1) Love the idea of reaching for a book rather than food!!! I have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo many books!!! 2) I guess I should not have eaten dinner while watching YOU! Suddenly, my dinner was gone!!!! 3) fasting = crazy and does not work b/c it's not sustainable 4) I'm about to become an empty-nester (child to college) and I am VERY worried about what that will do to my eating patterns. Why bother cooking and no-one with whom to enjoy the meal 5) a few years, mu kidneys literally hurt- I went to a specialist. He did a simple test. I was VERY dehydrated!
Great points Marie-Anne! I think the mindset is important as well!
Thank you for your info. ❤️
digestion is so important, I agree Marie Anne. also very important for the absorption of all the nutrients in food
Thank you for these wonderful videos! You have inspired me to recreate my style!
I find that Europeans are also more active on a daily basis, such as climbing stairs, walking and using a bicycle as means of transport. Here in North America, it is still very much a car culture. I much prefer the European lifestyle, good food, quality clothing and physical activity as part of one's regular day. Enjoying the small pleasures in life, like taking time to sip coffee at a cafe, can go a long way to reduce stress as well. Here in NA it's very much a take away culture, coffee to go, food to go, so you don't really savour or enjoy your food.
Thank you for being so nice and give us so many good ideas Maggy
Your tips, your advice are gold! Thank you Marie-Anne.
For me the two big keys to weight loss success are, as Marie-Anne advises, 1) no snacking and 2) realizing every calorie does count - I keep a daily food diary and enter everything I eat, including any sugar, salt etc that I've added to my meals. This way I now exactly what i've eaten every day, and the app I use (Cronometer) also analyzes the nutritional make up of all the foods I enter so I know if what I ate was well balanced or not.
Stress in the morning (or any time) +rushing+ on the run = cortisol and weight loss trouble. I'm glad you pointed that out because that can be quite typical here.
I was a colicky baby, so I hated drinking because it made me feel sloshy and nauseous. When this finally dawned on me in my fifties and the doctor mentioning that my hunger pangs were actually thirst, I could begin to increase my water intake. I had to move slowly to overcome this sensation.
You have just verified what I have learned.
Great reminder drinking enough water and having meal time be a calm and mindful experience to improve our digestion and even our mental health! Guilty of rushing in the morning. Growth opportunity….
Excellent info. Thank you for sharing. Great reminders.
Bonjour Marie-Anne! Yes you make good points. I enjoy water. Some days I forget and don’t drink enough. We had a heatwave at the weekend and yesterday I drank much much more than usual 🥵 . I agree that mindful eating is important. The only thing I disagree with is when you say how you eat is more important than what you eat. Snacks are perfectly fine if they’re healthy snacks like fruit or veggies. I think what you eat is more important. But I agree that all the mindless eating is problem. When I was growing up there were no food courts and we got to go to a restaurant with our parents once in a while, maybe once or twice a year. We got dressed up and were on our best behaviour. It was a special event. It’s great that there are more choices but we need to be careful. It’s easy to be tempted when out shopping. I’m trying to work on my bad habits and with eateries everywhere it isn’t easy!
Thank you so much for sharing all this. It really is an overall mindset and approach to eating. I hadn't thought about how sitting and relaxing will help aid digestion. And yes, eating should bind a family (including teenagers) together. I am making efforts to slow down and change. Here in America, people sometimes rushing around and being too busy to cook is worn like a badge of honor. Slowing down with these restrictions has really been nice. It would be interesting to hear more about French lifestyle in regards to children and families and society, especially when it seems the American lifestyle is too busy and overbooked with sports, activities etc. I think being too busy is not chic lol!
Yes it's so true. We are always rushing in Canada as well as the United States, breakfast, lunch and dinners!!!!
I really do not drink water and it is beginning to show when I do lab work. I will try to use your advice and see if I can create the habit.
Too many lunches & dinners , celebration of festivals..there is so much food..So what should I eat & what should I leave?
At one time Americans did sit down to dinner as a rule. Our big problem has to do with the guilt we are made to feel about eating and food. Perhaps it is due to too much Puritainism . Everybody is always on some crazy diet here, fat free, sugar free, gluten free. If we eat something we enjoy we fear someone yelling at us "You're going to get fat," or worse yet, " How dare you eat that, No wonder you're so fat" American children are often put on diets. sadly when you eliminate foods , the first thing you want to eat is what you have fobidden yourself. Our workplaces only allow us one half hour for lunch in many cases. We are the masters of creating tasteless foods. The most difficult thing for us is learning to slow down when we eat.This is one of the best videos yet Marie Anne. It wasn't until I went to France maybe forty years ago that I learned how good food could taste. I'm talking about everyday food. we have great food here if you can pay a great deal of money. I'm tlaking about food equivalent to things we ate here in the USA that tasted so much better in France. May be that's why I work in a kitchen today.
I have been drinking 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day for about 20 years. I agree Marie-Anne, you do notice it when you don't drink as much water.
Can't believe I am the first to watch this video. Another great one.
My daughter gave me a present a good water bottle and also advised me to get a filter for our water as its full of chlorine its made a huge difference and yes its true snacking alot of the times is dehydration brain waves.
I use my sterling silver flatware as my daily, and only, set. Why wait? I do keep one stainless steel egg fork and mayonnaise spoon, for if I forget to rinse them immediately (the sulfur in eggs causes rapid tarnishing). I throw it all in the dishwasher and it comes out perfect. I occasionally polish the tines of the salad forks because acidic foods, like salad dressing, cause tarnish, too. Just use it and forget about polishing it unless some unusual spot of tarnish shows up, it just gets more beautiful with use, and is a simple daily pleasure.
Thank you for reminding everyone about how important it is to drink water and eat mindfully. These things are often overlooked. I want to ask a question about a specific issue with being overweight. 10 years ago, I was hospitalized for almost 2 months. For the majority of these 2 months, I was on IV fluids only, not even being allowed to drink water. After being released from the hospital, I gained back the weight that I had lost plus 40 lbs. more. This happened within just a few months while still trying to maintain my previous, mostly healthy diet. It is like my body went into "starvation mode" for 2 months. I have tried so many ways to lose weight but nothing has helped. I have some physical issues that make walking difficult and painful as well. Do you think that eating the French way might help in my situation? Thank you!
I really enjoyed this video!
Everything you mentioned about drinking water is true!
My nutrition is based on five meals, three big ones and two snacks. For snack I eat either a fruit, or mixed nuts with a few prunes or raisins.
Also, I try to drink green tea after lunch, almost every day.
I am originally from Greece and I see that our eating habits are the same! In America, that I live for the last four years, food is approached very differently. Whenever I eat like the majority of the people, it has a bad result on my health and I see it immediately. So, in our family we eat mostly Mediterranean and in rare occasions we have some country cooking.
Thank you for the encouragement and the precious advice! I appreciate your honesty and passion about all the information you give!
Be safe!
Agree. I live in Barcelona, and our food and eating habits are the same as the French. I am British by birth, but have lived here for 35 years, and since then I have never got fat or dieted, yet I eat very well indeed. The med. food is one of the best!
How do you deal with the weight gain following menopause? I've lost my waistline, and I've been an intermittent faster for years, due to contacting SIBO while living in the Gulf a while ago. My back is fat, too. I'm being continually criticised by my mother about this weight gain, too (not that she's thin!)
I am sorry you are being criticised - during my menopause years I simply kept on with my own eating regome as outlined in my course Eat Like A French Woman - it naturally keeps off the weight without having to think about it too much 😘
The reason why I love this French technique of no-diet dieting and keto dieting just because it's simple, healthy, hydrating and not cruel like other dieting rules. One day, my mother bought some sweet potatoes and after looking at those sweet potatoes, my sister told me she knows a *female South Korean singer who ate 1 apple at breakfast, 1 sweet potato at lunch and a protein shake for dinner which worried many of her fans.* What's shocking is that there are many young women who tried this insane diet in order to get figure like her. People don't care about drinking water all the time because most of them are unaware about it.
You've inspired me to cut down. But to have half a glass of wine ( I can't have much because of medications ) . To have a bit more lunch and then not snack at 4.00pm . I could have a cup of tea instead ! K
I admit to not drinking a whole lot of water, don't want to make a whole lot of extra trips to the bathroom. When I am thirsty I will drink as much as I want though. I like to drink tea. Kidneys are doing fine according to the kidney function tests. Not much snacking at all and no eating late in the evening or night. I don't eat from the bread and chip baskets in restaurants. It helps that there are a lot of foods I don't like. I don't eat sugar containing foods except for a once in a while treat. I went from size 10-12 to 4, had to get all new pants and have dresses altered.
I always drink water. In a restaurant with my husband we easily drink 2 litres. I only drink water, wine and coffee. No soft drinks. No juices. But I still battle with my weight. I believe my body is not functioning the way it should because I had children. I never had a problem until after my 3rd child. I was 47 kilos and 15 years after the last birth I am a shocking 81 kilos. Is it age responsible? Or is it because I am not French?
@@MarieAnneLecoeur Dear Marie-Anne , Thank you for responding to me. I meant the, "because I am not French " comment as tongue in cheek, but without the funny little emoji it sounds a bit rude.😆
I have watched more of your videos that I have inspired me and lifted my spirits. I did not think I could be elegant at 50! The weight gain is age but I think it's more that I gave up because I didn't imagine it possible and I did not love myself. I did not respect myself. Very inelegant behavior!😱 I believed I couldn't be elegant until I looked younger, lost weight etc. With your tips and your
warm and charming
personality, I will be elegant starting today and those other worries will fall into
I'm interested to know if you have your main meal at Mid-day what you generally have for dinner? I'm hoping you see this. Thanks Marie-Anne
You are so wonderful and inspiring..thank you..
There is a lot of positivity in this comment section and I am loving it :)
Me too. There is too much defensiveness about overweight and obesity in the US, and not enough concern about its negative health consequences.
In Paris I noticed that people have cold lentil soup. Also, the water from soaked beans will flush even temporary fat from your liver. It costs about $1.29 to soak beans in water and drink it the next day. Everything is processed (especially fat) in the liver.
I have heard of using/drinking the cooking liquid, but not the soaking liquid. Can you refer me to a source of information about this?
In the States, it's not unusual to work 50 or more hours per week and commute two hours each way. It does not leave time for leisurely sit-down meals.
@@MarieAnneLecoeur A lot of people think that. But we don't have a stronger work ethic than anyone else. It's just that American employers expect more, and living costs are high. Now I live in Europe and take time to enjoy life. I like the work/ life balance here much better.
I interpreted intermittent fasting as just not eating until you are hungry. I get up in the morning and I am not hungry till at least noon or 2 pm. So why eat? My body produces all the glucose (sugar, carbohydrates) it needs. I eat when I'm hungry and if I eat just meats and vegetables (above the ground vegetables!) I'm not as hungry as when I eat cereals, breads, pasta. It works. Simple.
Marie, its true. we Americans are always ina hurry, I really don't know why. working from home along with my son has given way to more cooking, but if we chew are food and not swallow, I think that would help as well. love your videos. Thank you!
Same here !
I never have biscuits with tea …nor chocolate .
Thanks for the reminder. Will switch to tea for a while :)
We were always in a rush in the mornings mainly because my mom was trying to get ready for work and her 3 kids including me didn't want to get up and go to school. Plus I usually had to be at school very early because I was in marching band and was a swimmer. Sometimes I was in the swimming pool before the sun came up. We usually ate a sit down dinner at night together unless our school sports got in the way. I'm not really sure why schools schedule the sports like they do. How do they do it in France?
@@MarieAnneLecoeur oh I see. Thanks for explaining 🙂😘
Many doctors, recently, believe that is not what or how much you eat, or about calories, it is about the stressful life we live in North America.
Hello, Thank you for sharing your ideas that help women🌈😇Wendy 🇨🇦
This was excellent advice. I made a personal decision to reduce my weight with medical protocol and released 33lbs this year. I already had ok habits but metabolism was messed up. I'm in maintenance now and cannot go to those old habits. Definitely drink lots of water as dehydration is a big cause to many health problems. I definitely don't snack and try to stay low carb, but I find one of the biggest offenders to weight reduction is late night eating before bed including alcohol. A good rule to follow is to stop eating by 6 or 7pm at the latest. Eating before bed will always put weight on and create imbalance, except I never noticed a spike in weight if I just eat beef and butter all day. The other problem in the west is too many sugary drinks. I don't understand how folks can drink mocha all the time. That is basically a dessert. I'm sure you French ladies know how to make dessert special and if it's done all day and everyday like in America it's not as special. So I agree keeping order of meals and making them special. I also got new silverware and I went for a fancy set for everyday. It truly does elevate dining at home much easier.
Lastly I just got into Turkish Coffee ☕ brewing it requires patience and I think fast brewing is also a death to enjoying Coffee. I could never buy a Keurig as they are expensive and environmentally wasteful and only spoil one of having "fast Coffee ".. fast food and fast eating isn't enjoying life at all!! Merci!!
America is something else when it comes to our pace of life. Many times there’s not much we can do about it. My 11 year old wakes up at 6am to catch the bus at 7. Of course I take her because it’s not safe where we live, then I come home and 20 minutes later I take my son to school. I make sure they have time to eat a good breakfast because they don’t give them very much for lunch, and they don’t have much time to eat it. So most mornings I wake up at 6 and for two hours I’m busy, but haven’t had a chance to do anything for myself. I come home and just feel like I’m playing catch up, and I’m always tired.
I lost 25 lbs during covid while most gained weight. I did intermittent fasting. No food restrictions, just eat in 4 hours only then fast. I look so much more chic with the weight loss and I went clothes shopping because my clothes were falling off me. I lost three dress sizes. I used to think I was doomed to never lose weight but for me the answer was fasting.
18:6 or 16:8 intermittent fasting works great for me. But do you find 20:4 intermittent fasting affects your period and thyroid hormones?
I have such a hard time eating as a family. Everyone is so busy. Many times my husband is too busy to eat with us. I know I should still do it with my kids but it’s hard. My family was not very organized growing up and I struggle off and on with trying to organize my own family. I’d be interested to know how you structure your days to have leisure time as a family without so much stress the rest of the time.
From Germany: We have no leisure time to waste either. Just do not buy a n y pre fabricated foods or drinks. Cook at least a few times a week or eat "cold" as we put it. A good sandwich on a healty bread or a good mixed salad with vinegar and oil and without salad dressing from a bottle is ten times better than something pre fabricated. And yes, drink water. We already do so after getting up, before the first coffee.
How about if you exercise and eat right but you have a bad thyroid and your medication that you have to take makes you gain weight
Snacking you do not allow your body to process the food and the digestive system is always working that is a Rick factor for cancer too.
I eat alone a lot but I always sit down at the kitchen table and try to enjoy my food.
Bonjour Marie Anne good subject this crazy world every people run to work and they don’t enjoy food even in restaurants pushing you because need table for another person and they talk to loud no pleasure eating outside 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️
Water is my favourite drink! Then, pinot noir. 😉
These are all great tips. Food, water, exercise, stimulating work, relaxation and sleep are all our life-giving friends, enjoy them! Growing up, my family had a daily leisurely sit-down dinner together, no TV, reading, etc. Meals were always healthy, well-balanced and home-cooked, and everyone was expected to practice decent manners and engage in conversation. Snacking really didn’t happen, processed foods of all kinds just weren’t purchased, but our Mom did make home-made treats like cookies occasionally. If one doesn’t buy snack foods or sweetened drinks, one doesn’t consume them, so just don’t bring them into the house! I’m always shocked at how much unhealthy, empty-calorie, highly processed foods and drinks American families pile into their shopping carts, many drink huge sugary sodas with every meal! A daily walk (or bad-weather alternative, like non-impact aerobic dance to a favorite playlist) makes a huge difference in controlling weight, even if it’s only 30 minutes.
Daily changes, being mindful
I have started preparing my lunch meal ahead for the week and store in the refrigerator to heat up each day. This gives me chicken and fresh vegetables all ready to eat so I do not have to think about making the meal. When too busy, I will grab a sandwich or sacks or something that puts on weight. At dinner, I cook a light meal for my husband and myself.
The video and download are great. Now, if I only follow this!! I will start with food journal. I do not like to journal in general, but I can see that it will help to realize where the culprit of the poor weight management is. Cheers!!!❤💃❤
An excellent video. Especially mindfulness - if I’m not paying attention to what I’m eating, I tend to eat more than I should. A couple of points about water: The book “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” discusses dehydration and how to be aware of it. I would caution against excess, though (excess anything, really): some medications will not be as effective if you drink too much water. As with most things, moderation is the key.
Yes true what you say i never drink a lot of water , but i am going to get in the habit of drinking 🚰 more . 🤗 Ciao .
Will do Grazie mille 😘
drinking water is even more important as you age, the ‘brain fog’ some of us feel is often due to lack of water..
the colour of our urine can tell us how dehydrated we are. ,light straw colour is good then it gradually darkens to gold, dark amber etc
the kidneys have to work much harder to concentrate our urine, so drinking adequate water will help your kidney retain optimum condition as you age … while on the subject of our waterworks try not to hurry up your urine flow , it’s not good for the condition of your bladder or your pelvic floor. … and lastly don’t go ‘just in case’ unless you are going somewhere where a toilet may not be available for hours.. by doing this when ,say, going to the shop, you are retraining your bladder to hold less urine, so it defeats the purpose. sorry I rabbit on but I seem to know lots of bits and pieces that are not passed on to younger family members as we rush or have broken homes.
I have cut ALL sugar (except for fruit) for a month and have only lost a few pounds. :(
This is a year later, but for changing just one thing, that is excellent.
Dr. Christiane Northrup wrote that eating while stressed causes weight gain.
Good evening ❤️... I was always taught .. breakfast.. lunch.. dinner... lots of water.. no picking.. a treat on a Friday.... don’t buy rubbish... I plan my dinners for the week... and of course.. walking ( which I love) ... it has to be handed down from generation to ones children ... great video ❤️❣️❤️
Wow! Nice to see this type of dieting plan is so rare among people.
Marie-Anne Lecoeur but when in France.. one has to make exceptions for their beautiful pastries 🥮 ❣️
In my household, every one has their own glass water bottles, and refills them daily, so it’s easy to keep count. I usually drink four 16-oz bottles per day in cold weather, and at least 8 to 12 in hot weather. So, that’s almost 4 to almost 8 liters/day at a minimum, and more like 12 with daily exercise. I don’t understand how people can get by with less, unless it’s being replaced with soda pop. One out of three Americans are overweight, one out of three is obese, only one in three are a healthy weight! Child overweight and obesity are rising alarmingly, as are diabetes and fatty liver disease (from sugar consumption). Ban soda from your household, drink water instead, as the first step to staying healthy and maintaining a good weight. I like to have nice glass water bottles, chilled in the fridge, and extra-long reusable straws. As I move around during the day, the bottle comes with me, except during the pandemic, I leave it in my car and use hand-sanitizer before drinking.
Growing up the children ate at the table alone. We weren't allowed to speak to each other. We ate meals all together as a family only at holidays.
Snacking, aside from your waistline and bottom, is bad for your teeth as well. All those little "somethings" in between meals keeps feeding bacteria in your mouth. You will have better trips to your dentist if you eliminate snacks!
I am so frustrated with my weight. I am 30 pounds over weight and have a bad heart. I am on a strict diet (no caffeine, no sugar, no salt, no meat, no dairy, nothing processed) and I still can't loose weight.
Michelle, I'm just curious. Did a doctor prescribe that diet? It's a type of limited vegan diet, right? I'm genuinely curious why you chose such a harsh diet with health issues. Is it also a low carb diet? I'm not a nutritionist, im just curious. Thanks.
I am working in Sweden and unfortunatelly the lunch is half an hour so the meal is microwaved taken from home or a sandwich…..
For a long time i eat 5 meals a day and go out for walk at 30 minuts every day............. I lost 17 kilos. But so i was in a caraxident an then all goe wrong afterward, and now I have to begin again. all the cloths i have from then is to small. No I have to begin at my helthy life again. I dont snack,dont drinlk minerals or limonade , but I eat too much :( I drink water with little bit of salt in, mineralsalt........ my dr said that was good.
@@MarieAnneLecoeur Thank you :)
If you eat five meals a day, you will take in too much calories. If you don’t burn them off by exercising, your weight will increase. What worked for me(without exercising) was reducing the number of meals and total calories would automatically decrease. Calories in can not be greater than calories out.
A lot of us Americans are in a rush at breakfast time on weekdays. The impression you have of us grabbing breakfast and running out the door is pretty accurate. Our weekday evening meal is just the same. We are overbooked and run around at dinnertime too. But now with Covid, we have to stay home at dinnertime and we are loving it! Now it's our weekend meals that are family/friend centered. We take our time to enjoy our food and to talk with each other. We relax and are happy to slow down. Take care, Kathy
I believe much of the U.S. weight problem (even on mindful healthy eating) is living in a very stressful society. Cortisol seems to be constantly rushing through your system from stress. When I lived in France, I've never felt so relaxed in my life. I'd be there right now if I could! For example, Europeans have the wisdom to work with nature and Americans are hell bent on working against it. For example, you have a month of vacation. I'm 78, work from home and just had a few days off between Christmas and New Year's day, which is the only time I have off all year. Even then my employer contacted me wanting something. If we get 30 minutes for lunch it's a miracle. You have two hours. We have to eat sandwiches because there's no time to eat better! Forget having time to digest any food! This is stress. And . . I have a weight problem. There's no way to combat the stress when you have to be glued to your desk and the cortisol flows.
This is what I believe about the US too (I am French), you guys are stressed and overworked, it's absolutely obvious much of the health issues stem from that. Cortisol yes but also working all the time means less or no time to cook. Stress means compensation with comfort food.... I wish society would change in your country which produced wonderful films and music we enjoy in Europe to this day and age 🙏🙏🙏🙏 take care
I believe you are right about the constant stress. I worked as a paralegal for law firms and I never had a vacation that they didn't ruin. I would go on vacation and it wouldn't even be one day and one of the attorneys would inevitably call me and ask me to work during my vacation! I was constantly stressed and it inevitably took its toll on my health. Although I'm now retired (after becoming disabled), I still have the occasional nightmare where I struggle to wake up. Meanwhile, my health is pretty much ruined. Now I am trying to undo the damage but it's difficult to do so when you've worked for 40 years under that kind of stress.
@@pamelacrosby281 You are so right! I've been in this current job for 11 years this month and have never had a vacation. It's 6:30 p.m. right now and I'm still working. I'm growing in the shape of my chair, my back kills me constantly and I don't dream that I can't wake up, instead I stop breathing as I'm falling asleep and jump up in a panic - and that's with a CPAP set on 18! Today I went back on Keto. I know from experience that it cures almost everything, including high blood pressure, breathing problems, diabetes and eliminates pain. I was having such fantastic results - but then I had a disagreement with the man I work for, felt instantly powerless and went off it. I can't do that again. I want to be medicine free again like I was on Keto. Usually we grab sugar or carbs for comfort from stress or pain. But I learned in those four months that you no longer want them after the first few days, the pain goes away and once you take back control, so does almost all of the stress! I could not believe the difference. It was like morphing into a totally healthy, energetic, self-confident woman again - and remember, I'll be 78 on Christmas! We still "have it" . . we just have to take it back!! :)
It's also important to realize that the food we eat today, even if "fresh" and non-processed, is very different from what we ate up to the 1970s or so at least in the USA. Many common vegetables, fruits, etc., are bred to look beautiful, have long shelf life, and to take up as little space as possible in growing fields. They are often of inferior taste and texture to their ancestors from earlier decades. (That leads us to add salty or sugary condiments to them.) Most important, it takes an average if 9 days for a food to reach market shelves after being picked. The plant must be picked before it is ripe, which means it has not developed its full nutritional complement. The plants are sprayed with a special enzyme to help them look ripe during their 9-day journey to market. We can gorge on such "fresh" food but still feel genuinely hungry, because we are functionally starving on such nutritionally deficient goods (see the fascinating documentary "King Corn"). Foods from farmers markets are expensive, but they are plucked close to market time and may be worth the financial sacrifice in trrms of your getting more nutrition per item and therefore needing to buy less. Also, frozen vegetables are plucked just as they ripen, so they have more nutrition although they are often the same item bred mostly for appearance and compact growth in the fields (the more produce per acre, the more profit for agribusiness).
I hate the fact that most US people eat in front of the Tv so very little family interaction and we can stuff our faces more. I also hate the fact that people will hit the drive thru and eat in the car on the way to work. France is so lucky you actually get an hour or more break for lunch and the voucher system is awesome. The U.S. you are lucky if you even get 30 minutes for lunch.
You are soooo right about drinking water Marie-Anne. Often when we think we are hungry, we are actually just thirsty. Water is so good for your skin too. 👍💦💕
Thank you for mentioning culture. Yes, in United States everyone is always rushing around. Yes, they eat large portions, drink lots of soda and sugar, and they snack all day! No wonder obesity is more common in USA…
I am always surprised by how many people I see eating while walking along the street. Don't suppose you have that in France. Its not very elegant.
I find that after a meal I want something sweet. So instead of dessert, I have 2 small sugar-free hard candies--they take awhile to melt in your mouth too!
Small bites, pause between bites. Eat slowly. I've lost weight this way.