Reviewing Custom Cursed Techniques (Part 2!) | Jujutsu Kaisen

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @ManganimistYT
    @ManganimistYT  6 місяців тому +11

    Thanks for checking out the video! Be sure to drop your custom cursed technique ideas in the comments! Also if you'd like to join our discord you can find it here:

    • @altu8590
      @altu8590 6 місяців тому

      what if it's a whole google doc

  • @Gandi-mr3li
    @Gandi-mr3li 6 місяців тому +64

    make this a series bro, so cool

    • @aliidris657
      @aliidris657 6 місяців тому +2

      Give the people what they want

  • @rkybr-jyiree3138
    @rkybr-jyiree3138 6 місяців тому +33

    Here’s the one I made:
    Name: Math
    Technique description: can use basically anything vocabulary into the real word.
    Examples: if I’m fighting someone and they throw a projectile at me, I can use subtraction to delete it from existence. Another example is if someone throws a projectile at me, I can use division to divide the shuhpace around me to the point where the object never hits me. (Kinda like gojo)
    1: addition - can increase or duplitcate in a slow pace.
    2: subtraction- can subtract anything from existence with a limited reach.
    3: multiplication- can increase or duplicate at a high level pace.
    4: division- can split/create space out of anything in half.
    5: percentages- I change the percentage of anything.
    6: velocity- I can increase/decrease the speed of anything.
    7: mass- I can increase/decrease the weight of anything.
    1: using these techniques takes A lot of curse energy and stamina.
    2: I can only use 2 abilities at a time (ex: I can only use divide to divide the space around me to stop oncoming attacks and subtraction to attack. Which means I can’t use any other curse techniques while 2 are active.)
    3: have to be knowledgeable about each math to fully utilize the curse techniques.
    Domain expansion:
    Name: calculus cataclysm
    1: can combine 2 different match vocabulary techniques into one super technique. (Ex: I can combine the mass and velocity technique to throw something really heavy really fast.)
    2: As well as I can use as many math vocabularies as I want with little to no curse energy.
    (No sure hit effect)
    Domain drawbacks: if I lose a domain clash or dismiss the domain when I cast it I’m cooked.

    • @BrandonLung
      @BrandonLung 6 місяців тому +2


    • @fjcstenberg6178
      @fjcstenberg6178 6 місяців тому +5

      So… hear me out. Dividing by 0 doesn’t work in mathematics, with a simple way to explain it being if you reverse the equation of x/0=y you get y*0=x and since anything multiplied by 0 is 0, the only value that x can be is 0. This could create a very interesting scenario for specifically this math technique as if you do 0/0 the answer can be any value since anything times 0 equals 0. Using this logic, you could divide someone with 0 cursed energy with 0 to set their “value” to anything you’d want. Imagine giving a person with no cursed energy infinite cursed energy this way.

    • @ZAPRST8879
      @ZAPRST8879 6 місяців тому +3

      to simplify : this is gojo, yuki, and kenny gravity ability on one walmart package and I love it

    • @ripavirustycoon7127
      @ripavirustycoon7127 6 місяців тому +4

      Percentages : 100% chance of winning the battle unarmed

    • @Asiannuggey
      @Asiannuggey 6 місяців тому +1

      So if you use addition and subtract you can create a hollownpueple?

  • @josemeneses5173
    @josemeneses5173 6 місяців тому +17

    I just cooked up this one, be ready for the yap session, I’m a psychology major and since I saw higuruma I’v been trying to “replicate” something like that, so In psychoanalysis your personality is divided into three parts the id, the ego and the superego, the id is like your impulses, superego is your morals and the ego is basically just you, my teachers always explained it as the little devil and the little angel in your shoulders in cartoons, so the technique would be to use the devil and the angel as shikigami, the angel be more defensive and the devil more offensive, also since they represent your impulses and your morals (which according to psychoanalysis come from your environment, so like society) whatever you’re prioritizing would make the shikigami stronger, putting your desires above everything would make the devil stronger and prioritizing society/morality would make the angel stronger so finding the balance between them would allow to bring the technique to its full potential, that being the third shikigami representing the ego or you, would like a hybrid demon/angel creature having the powers of both of the other shikigami, I’m still working on a domain expansion and the names for the technique

    • @GabeSolos
      @GabeSolos 6 місяців тому +1

      I fw this, I have a little suggestion for the domain expansion. With that theme find like an underlying power kinda like the ten shadows megumi can also use shadows and store things. And also an idea for a domain expansion whichever the character prioritizes the devil or angel, the angel DE could be “heaven” and the sure hit paralyzing someone kinda like UV, and the devils DE like hell and the sure hit effect would be some form of sense induced torture like what itatchi did to kakashi with tsukuyomi in Naruto

    • @josemeneses5173
      @josemeneses5173 6 місяців тому +1

      @@GabeSolos thanks man, those are cool, pretty broken since it’s basically having two domains, how would you name the technique?

    • @GabeSolos
      @GabeSolos 6 місяців тому

      @@josemeneses5173 i asked chatGPT for ideas on names given what we both wrote and here they are. For the devil's domain expansion, we have "Infernal torment (Soul Inferno)" and for the angels "Heavenly Judgement (Divine Retribution)".

  • @FrogdogAddons
    @FrogdogAddons 6 місяців тому +23

    This is one of a few custom CTs i made based off of japanese folklore, going with the idea that the myths are based off of Heian sorcerers. This one is based off of the myth of Momotaro, who was born from a peach and fought the oni king with a dog, a pheasant and a monkey as companions
    Cursed Technique: Peach Spirit
    The user has access to three shikigami; Komainu, Sarugami and Gumyocho. These Shikigami are summoned using a different Shinto prayer for each one along with an offering of some sort. When summoned, the Shikigami will remain available for a duration depending on the quality of the offering. Dumplings work especially well.
    Komainu is a snow-white cross between a lion and a wolf, bearing huge blue eyes and trails of deep blue fire crackling from its jaws. Komainu’s teeth and claws can ignite in this blue fire, greatly enhancing its attacks. This fire can be used in more creative ways such as heating the air to form illusions, and even as a technique reversal to enhance RCT healing
    Sarugami is a wisened monkey bearing scratched plate armor. Sarugami plays games with enemies, skirting just close enough to attacks to have his armor be damaged. When this happens, the armor cracks, damaging targets with the broken shards. The more his armor breaks, the faster he gets, although the more defense he loses.
    Gumyocho is a great crimson pheasant formed of a red aurora, huge enough to block out the sun. Gumyocho fills the area with wisps of red aura, creating a field of static reverse cursed technique. This doesn’t immediately affect people in it, but can cause interactions such as boosting RCT healing for anyone in it, causing techniques to randomly reverse etc
    Domain Expansion: Shutendoji’s Orchard
    The user opens a domain, appearing on the summit of a mountain piercing through the clouds, a single peach tree standing in the middle
    While in this Domain, the user fights simultaneously with all three shikigami, able to use their abilities without any offering required and with no limit.
    By creating clapping motions, Komainu’s fiery jaws manifest around their hands to bite down on enemies
    As they run, Gumyocho’s wispy feathers trail from them, carrying them on the wind and creating a constant static field of RCT around them, causing a chance to have melee attacks burst with red energy and weakening cursed spirits.
    Sarugami’s plate armor can be manifested on any part of the user’s body individually, which can be telepathically controlled by the user.
    Finally, the user gains a fourth ability; Momotaro’s Blessing
    Petals from the Peach Tree will begin to blow around, circling the arena
    These petals will be collected to gather around the user in a storm as the user comes near them. In a burst the user can unleash these petals in tandem with any of their other three abilities to use devastating finisher moves.
    Petals + Komainu
    The user claps their hands together forward, causing Komainu’s jaws to be manifested, a fiery bite accompanied by a storm razor-sharp peach petals slicing the opponent to bits, causing the flames to be outlined with peach petals
    Petals + Sarugami
    The user summons Sarugami’s full armor, filling in the broken patches with peach petals. They then dash forward, the force shattering the greaves and leaving a trail of petals. The user delivers a devastating two hand punch to the target, both gauntlets shattering and stabbing into the target, who is then sent flying by a storm of razor-sharp peach petals
    Gumyocho + Petals
    The user summons Gumyocho’s aura cloak, causing the sky to turn a deep red. They begin dashing around the target, leaving afterimages of petals before appearing above them and slamming straight down, the visage of a pheasant accompanying them, storms of peach petals blowing around them.

    • @FrogdogAddons
      @FrogdogAddons 6 місяців тому +5

      Second CT is based off of Urashimataro, a fisherman who saved a turtle and was brought to an underwater palace as a reward
      Cursed Technique: Tamate Box
      The user can summon ornate red boxes with a multitude of uses. Boxes with a target inside can transport the target to another location, slowly fill with water or cause the target to age while inside. Destroying the box fast enough can escape these effects similar to the Smallpox Deity’s coffins. Boxes can also be used as heavy crashing attacks as the cursed energy put into the attack causes the box to grow larger or smaller.
      Domain Expansion: Palace of the Dragon King
      The user opens a domain, entering a clear barrier deep in the ocean, sea creatures and water swirling outside it. Jade tiles line the floor leading to an elegant gold palace in the middle. In this Domain, the user gains a box lined with gold designs that hovers near them at all times. All cursed energy used within the domain causes this box to fill, strengthening it. When the box is full, the user can open it, causing the target to rapidly age depending on how full the box was.

    • @ajeetchoudhary6645
      @ajeetchoudhary6645 6 місяців тому

      CT - Devine Sight
      It is basically restrictions curse technique
      as long you are in line of sight of Devine sight one cannot use curse energy
      CTR - instead of curse energy restrictions the opponent starts filling with curse energy but since it positive curse energy the user can heal his commarads by just looking at them and kill curse spirits by looking at them since positive curse energy is Lethal to them
      Limitations - need to use constant curse energy to use and any obstacles in line will stop the effect of curse technique
      Domain Expansion - Eye of Providence
      Basically doesn't matter if the user can see the opponent or not the guaranteed hit effect meaning if you are in domain you cannot use curse energy

  • @art_oflegion
    @art_oflegion 6 місяців тому +21

    Ah yes,
    Bould Gojo is a straight up nightmare

  • @anomaly_7481
    @anomaly_7481 5 місяців тому +6

    Got a cool one
    Contractual bypass:
    The cursed technique allows the player to "bypass" the negative effects of breaking a binding vow, by "paying" cursed energy
    Reversal: RCT allows for a contract to NOT be broken, for example Nanami wont be able to use 100% of his cursed energy, not too strong by itself but still cool
    Domain expansion: "Forced Contractual Obligation" The domain's floor is filled with paper contracts and chains are seen everywhere similar to the hands in Mahito's domain.
    The Sure-hit effect of the domain is a binding vow that the user can choose the price and reward for but still has the requirement of equivalent exchange, the victim can choose to deny the contract, doing so will shatter the domain, however, for as long as the user's CT is exhausted, they will receive an increase of physical strength and have a 40% chance of landing black flash every hit
    This is an amazing support character that still has offensive potential and is mainly just limited with how much you think you can trade

  • @mrinfinity5557
    @mrinfinity5557 6 місяців тому +6

    Hey thats me! Ive got another idea just cooked up a bit ago
    The technique is named "finite servitude." Its based on the idea of an underling you cant kill, but still dont like.
    Technique: The user proclaims out a 10 second binding vow that the target must hear. Something like "for your benefit, i shall serve you and your needs". The target does not need to consent. Once activated, the target's cursed technique is then sealed away inside the user. However, the target still holds their cursed energy amount. If the target kills the user, the technique is lost from the target. However in exchange, the user must follow the directions, orders, and objectives that the target says. Example, if the target says to kill miwa, the user must kill miwa. When ordered to do something out of the user's capability, the target is drained of their cursed energy enough to the point that the user can complete the task. If the user fails the task, the technique is given back to the target and they gain the cursed energy stored in the user. If the user succeeds though, they permanently gain the cursed energy given to them for the task, while the target only gains 95% of the energy they donated back.
    Once the user is at 95% of the user's original cursed energy or more, the vow is broken, and the user is given their technique back. The user is allowed to turn back against the target, and fight them if they wish. If the target wins, they gain cursed energy up to 120% of their original amount from the user's activation time.
    Maximum technique: unconvincing loyalty. the target must be in a high difficulty situation. After proclaiming "ive come to save you master!" The target takes a fatal blow, but the user takes in 200% of their max cursed energy. They then must save the target with all their power and ability, because if they dont the user will be fully healed and given a temporary 5 minutes boost of 150%. If the user can save the target, they will permanently gain 50% of the target's energy to their reserves while the target loses 15% permanently.
    Domain expansion: there is actually 2. The first is betrayal.
    This domain can only be used against the original target of the cursed technique. The original binding vow is destroyed from the technique. The target is back to 100%. The longer the technique's vow has lasted, the stronger the user in domain. The user gets a boost the more they like the target, with a base boost of 125% and a max of 200%. The user is also stronger against the target's technique due to being bathed in it during the binding vow time.
    The second is "unconditional".
    In this domain, there is little to no effect. It is simply a domain to challenge other's. However, if the target of the technique is inside the domain, all attacks that would hit him instead are given the damage to the user. The more damage the user takes under this condition, the target would lose that amount /10. So if they lost half their life, the target loses 5% of their max cursed energy.
    The user of this technique is a double spy, who is sent into other countries to gain trust and support, beforehand eventually gaining enough power to overthrow that country. But because of how much they need to get into the job, they have conflictions and sadness in their heart because they dislike betraying the new friends they make.

  • @Shoblobdob
    @Shoblobdob 6 місяців тому +6

    I actually do have an cursed technique and a domain expansion for an OC of mine, here's the thing:
    Gale's Eye: Gale's Eye is an unique cursed technique that allows the user to manipulate wind to a certain degree, with the maximum being a tornado, this technique allows the user to control wind in various forms, such as compressed, or enhance your movement using the wind, creating a wind bubble acting as an projectile blocker, push, pull and *feel* wind vibrations, creating an stronger version of a tact sense.
    Domain Expansion, Zephyr Skein: Those inside of the domain will find tiny threads spun of wind automatically covering their bodies and stretching back into the surrounding storm of the Domain. These same threads cover your own body as well, and can be used through your Cursed Technique for pinpoint manipulation of both your and her opponent's bodies. This not only allows you to keep your opponents off-balance and break apart their attacks and defenses, it also allows you to move your own body with far more nuance and precision than you previously could, further enhancing your speed and strength as you apply wind to specific points of your body for the maximum effectiveness. Also, because you can move your own body how you want thanks to the wind threads, even when you're using the more complicated facets of the technique you can still keep fighting at your best (since even though you can't move your body on your own, you can just use the threads to make yourself into a puppet). And, you should need to go on the offensive and wrap things up quickly, you can manipulate the individual threads of Zephyr Skein into smaller versions of the normal tornado, which will pull at them from all directions and render even incredibly durable Cursed Spirits down to bloody chunks. The inside of the Domain Expansion looks like an open grass field with dark, storm clouds on the sky.
    Hand Sign: Vayu Mudra

  • @thermophile1695
    @thermophile1695 6 місяців тому +4

    "The Bell Tolls"
    The user of this cursed technique can conjure a variety of bells, each of which has a unique effect when rung. To ring a bell, it must be struck with both physical force and cursed energy, both of which are absorbed.
    Some bells this technique can use:
    Bell of Destruction: when rung, this bell fires off a wave of cursed energy enhanced sound in a single direction.
    Bell of Doom: Whoever rings this bell will be struck ny terrible misfortune. This bell is excellent for blocking attacks.
    Bell of Summoning: By utulizing a contract made in advance with the person in question, they can be summoned to the users location.

  • @astro9444
    @astro9444 6 місяців тому +5

    I had one I'm using for a JJK D&D.
    It's called Spotlight. When the user can visually see the target they can summon a spotlight above them. This spotlight makes it so the target's cursed energy can't leave the spotlight and it prevents ranged attacks and domains.

    • @Kelps.mp4
      @Kelps.mp4 6 місяців тому +1

      That would be a counter for almost everyone in the JJK verse if you think about it.

    • @_Fantasm_
      @_Fantasm_ 6 місяців тому

      ​@@Kelps.mp4 Fr

    • @_Fantasm_
      @_Fantasm_ 6 місяців тому

      But would the Light be Able to Get Through Gojo's Infinity or Not?

  • @crazyscarecrow8136
    @crazyscarecrow8136 6 місяців тому +7

    Slumbering Domain would be a good CT for a cursed spirit representing something like insomia or nightmares.

  • @apenasosky2521
    @apenasosky2521 6 місяців тому +5

    So,i dunno if this'll reach or not but i had a lot of fun cooking this one up,so here goes nothing
    Its from a character i made,his name's Saikyō Jimen
    Cursed Technique: God's Nature work
    -So basically,it allows Saikyō to control Wood,its uses are things such as: Blunt attacks,use as a whip,to pierce,and bound enemies,to move around,etc,he can imbue cursed energy on the vines to fortify them
    - His cursed technique reversal allows him to use 'decay',it allows him to use the molecules of water in each thing to make it oxidate,rust and decay,altough the damages made with Decay can be healed with RCT as the attacks only affect the body not the soul
    - His maximun output technique'd be a giant wooden golen he creates to fight,like a Shinigami (Yes,exactly like Hashirama's one)
    -His reversal maximun output technique is called Desolate lands,he uses decay to destroy and kill a land in a varying perimeter,like a barrierless domain,where its 'sure hit' is decay,altough,excluding himself,ANYTHING is susceptible to decay,so he may end up hurting or killing allies if they are inside the perimeter
    - Now his actual domain expansion,its a barried domain called Nirvana of the Heavenly Island,and its just like Dagon's domain as its a beach with a beach house,but besides that,it has a forest with a lake,deep oceans,plains,mountains,caves,even an whole ecosystem composed of Shikigami,its HUGE,like,5km to every direction,In-lore,his domain is that big especially to counter Sukuna's shrine by moving out of its range,altough it takes a ridiculous amount of CE to create and keep,his sure-hit is the real catch of the domain,as it can be changed at any time,be it the ocean water,the sand or even the Shikigami,anything inside his domain could be used as the sure-hit
    - On a smaller note,he made a binding vow to be able to use his CT without verbally anouncing it by making handsigns,this,however,does not apply to his Maximun Output(Be it normal or reversal),his reversal nor domain

  • @randomguy3080
    @randomguy3080 4 місяці тому +2

    I have an idea about a CT
    CT Loan: At the start of the fight, the user’s technique provides a huge amount of cursed energy to the opponent that comes directly from the technique itself, not their own reserves. However there is also a binding vow where they may offer some of their own cursed energy, which will greatly increase the starting interest rate. Anyway after the fight starts, every 2 minutes the opponent will have to pay off their loan, and there cursed energy will be siphoned from the opponent and go directly to the user. The opponent may refuse to pay back the interest, however they cannot refuse twice in a row, additionally after one refusal, the next time they have to pay off the loan, the amount they have to pay will be tripled, due to them being “late” on the first payment. If the opponent beats the user they will gain all the energy back. So basically the second the loan shark uses this technique, the fight now becomes a race against time as their cursed energy begins to become depleted.
    As for domaine expansion, I’m thinking “Debt collector, the bank.”
    Inside the domain there is no sure hit effect. However to compensate, every punch the User lands will siphon cursed energy from their opponent. Consecutive hits will increase the amount siphoned. If hitting a black flash, it would increase it further. However there is more. Before the siphoning effect begins, the user may offer “loan forgiveness” meaning they will offer you a deal, the same deal every time, the deal is “pay me back with 35% of your max energy right now and your loan is forgiven.” If accepted the domain ends, however now you are out of a huge amount of cursed energy. If refused, the domain continues and now the amount of cursed energy the hits siphon is increased. Lastly if the opponent uses cursed energy to hit you, you will siphon that as well. The punch will still hurt, but you will still gain the energy back because they physically touched you with their energy.
    A fight between this user and Hakari would actually be very interesting, cause Hakari would not want to give any energy away so arguably they would just be fighting continuously since its siphoning a huge amount of energy within the domain meaning they could also spam their domain just like Hakari

    • @maxwellwelcome6810
      @maxwellwelcome6810 4 місяці тому

      This kinda reminds me of knuckle's nen ability cool concept

  • @hunterstjean119
    @hunterstjean119 6 місяців тому +2

    A custom CT I made which is based on the things I like most from ct is called “Bluster”. This technique works by giving the user more strength and automatic abilities, like rct, the stronger they think they are. This also works in reverse, the more they get beaten or see stronger feats, they get weaker. This technique would happen without the user knowing about it, so it would create a cool situation, especially if a super strong character wouldn’t be there to fight. I’d also imagine the user be very egotistical and narrow-minded in general, adding even more to the CT’s effectiveness.

    • @Waffle_rofl
      @Waffle_rofl 2 місяці тому

      We should make him prideful!!1!

  • @DecoyZ
    @DecoyZ 6 місяців тому +4

    I had an idea for a cursed technique based off a character I wrote a story for a long while ago:
    Name: Geir Goldenheart
    Cursed Technique: *Unsettling Flame*
    At base this technique simply looks like fire creation and manipulation, allowing her to expend cursed energy to create fire
    The more CE she applies the hotter and more fire she can create
    She even has multiple levels of fire
    Normal - Orange
    Super Hot - Blue
    Immolation - White
    ??? - Purple
    But this isn't just it.. you see it's not just fire it's also a copy technique but not in the way you think
    Second CT: *Burning Imprint*
    Upon physical contact with a target Geir can copy their base ability but not like Yuta.. no she instead imprints the ability ONTO her flames
    It's a little complicated but here's an example
    If she copied mahito.. she wouldn't be able to soul manipulate
    Her flames would gain the ability
    Not her
    So if she copied Mahito her flames would be a deep purple and would deal soul damage
    If she copied Nobara her flames could burn people from a distance if they burned an item they owned
    If she copied Gojo her flames could have an infinite fuel source and never run out or ever be put out no matter what
    If she copied Sukunas cleave and dismantle maybe the flame could become crimson and act more like millions of tiny slashes and bypass durability
    Now she has no upper limit to the amount she can copy but she does have a limit on what she can use
    Basically she can only hold 3-4 slots in her at one time and can change out which flames are in these slots every time they use their domain
    Geir: *Domain Expansion - Blissful Hell*
    A woman with short curly brown hair, deep brown skin and mismatched purple gold eyes stands in the middle of a large city.. each building burning a different colour internally
    Geir: "...well? Come on then and try me, if you think you're tough enough!"
    In this domain Geir has access to ALL copied flame techniques
    She also has basically infinite use of the flames as they do not cost cursed energy to use or grow
    She'd also be able to use her purple flame which is so hot it physically melts reality but that would still damage her
    She would have a specific cursed tool that is a set of clothes with the threads she can manipulate allowing her to basically be a fusion of Levi and Spiderman, swinging using the threads on her own clothes like Spiderman but with full 360 control allowing for all kinds of movement options most JJK sorcerers don't have
    Even in close quarters it's very useful
    If she's beat up for example she can still move her body by manipulating the thread in the suit
    Anyways back to the domain
    Once the domain finishes she is basically given a menu of "choose which techniques you want to bring with you"
    So think of her domain as the pocket dimension where she hides her techniques she's copied inside the domain and using them outside it is basically borrowing them
    She, yuji and todo would get along because she is the definition of a hero
    Even at her lowest
    Even after losing everyone she loves she gets up and keeps fighting
    I think with training she's grade 1 or semi grade 1
    Idk about special grade
    She is strong
    Physically and with her ability
    But it's not as one and done as other abilities
    It's not 5 minutes of immortality absolutely technique copying or constant soul damage
    Although if given simple domain and a reversal Technique.. maybe
    (Also I never really thought of a reversal technique but here is a draft of a reversal technique:
    *Reversal - Big Bang*
    While her basic techniques is to take other abilities and imbue them into her fire
    What if she was the one who CREATED the technique
    So the idea is, she sacrifices all current copied technique for a limited time use CUSTOM technique
    Basically she can create an entirely new technique for her to use no rules barred besides the fact it must have the usual drawbacks
    Like how infinity needs insane mental capabilities to even be used
    Or how mahitos soul touch was physical
    She can't just make a zero cost insta win move
    But she can essentially do the opposite of copy
    She can adapt
    Imagine fighting someone who could maybe send out explosions and you just create a technique that specifically counters explosions
    It would be incredibly strong as she could possibly develop a technique capable of getting through infinity (although Gojo just speed blitzes)
    The technique would only last 60 seconds and would use most of her CE
    It's more of a desperate final move than anything)

    • @hyjjjkyikk3158
      @hyjjjkyikk3158 6 місяців тому

      I mean that CT reminds me of the spoiler
      Fire devil embodies the concept of the fear of fire . Fire devil grants people the ability to transform into any form they desire which relates to how fire itself is ever changing as it can adjust its shape and size and fire is used to create omelets and forge swords out of metal. Thus fire represents change which is why the fire devil can transform into anything including copying other people abilities

  • @magicfortune2462
    @magicfortune2462 6 місяців тому +2

    I have a neat technique I have been thinking of since the first video :D
    Cursed Technique: Cursed Transplant
    Description: The user rips out pieces of other people’s souls and implants them into themself. This gives them access to their Cursed Technique and Cursed Energy and allows them to mix and match different CTs.
    The donor also keeps their own cursed technique leading to wacky team jumpings
    The drawback is first off, the small caveat of requiring a binding vow to be made to actually GET the shards and the donor can take back their soul piece at any time, requiring consent. There is also how the body can't handle multiple CTs and such a large CT pool that it wasn't built for. This leads to a sort of “Organ Rejection” where Cursed Energy literally rips the body apart when your personal tolerance is breached. (This can range from 1-7 extra soul pieces for most average sorcerers)
    Doing stuff like multi-wielding Cursed Techniques at once or dipping into the donor’s cursed energy will breach the threshold. At the weakest level, it will start by rupturing the weak blood vessels in the eye sockets leading to tears of blood, and progressively gets worse the heavier CT and CE usage is, leading to multiple bleeding orifices, vomiting blood, and skin lesions.
    If you decide to go for something like a double-Domain Expansion or double-Maximum Technique…look up Made in Abyss’s Curse of the Fourth Layer and cringe.
    Note on Reverse Cursed Technique: Using RCT to heal the backlash of a Cursed Transplant is a horrifically bad idea because it takes so much precision and CE to actually use RCT it could either give the overtaxed brain a stroke, brain bleed, Aneurysm, or at absolute best, it could just damage the host more than they can heal

    Cursed Technique Reversal: The user can rip out parts of their soul and stab other people with it giving access to the user’s stored Cursed Techniques (except for Cursed Transplant) and Cursed Energy and allows them to combine it with their own.
    Maximum Technique: Chimera
    User pours all of their output into all of their Cursed Techniques, leading to a sort of Maximum Uzumaki-style javelin of Cursed Energy with properties of all the techniques used inside.
    Of course, this is fatal due to the fact that it's literally doing the “Double Maximum Technique” thing I just mentioned to be horrifically taxing
    Extension Technique: Collective Burden
    This works on the same core principle as Gojo’s Hollow Purple. Using the Reversal and Normal to get a stronger result, in this case, it's sharing a soul piece between the User (Normal application) and a third party (CTR) to share cursed energy pools and stabilize the backlash of going over the cursed energy threshold.
    This is probably the only way to survive using Maximum Chimera in most cases
    Domain Expansion: Symphonic Bouquet of the Soul
    Once the domain is created, the unlucky victim is trapped in a giant flower field. The flowers then begin to sway and release pollen that homes in and shoots through the foes, taking a bit of their soul with it. This continues ceaselessly, Swiss cheesing the victim in soul and body, until the Domain is canceled.
    The User can also weave any soul pieces they have into the Sure-Hit, causing a giant flower representing that soul to sprout and shower it’s pollen, causing that CT to fire off.
    Note that this is slightly safer than Maximum Chimera, if only because of the passive stat buff that Domains ensure and the certainty of the battle ending, allowing for a moment to heal. Otherwise, it’s another suicidal all-or-nothing attack unless Collective Burden is achieved

    • @magicfortune2462
      @magicfortune2462 6 місяців тому +1

      For the record there is some symbolism with the Extension Technique: Collective Burden :)

  • @HabitualThinker
    @HabitualThinker 6 місяців тому +3

    I was rereading the comment I left and decided I wanted to donate to show support so I’m reposting the original comment I made and deleting the old one. Much love as always!! 🧡
    (this was for a character i made, yap session coming)
    Cursed Technique: Chaos Theory
    Description: The user gains access to one singular shikigami named Inari Ōkami, a horse sized neon white glowing double headed monstrous wolf/fox hybrid. (google a Maned Wolf) While it functions as a normal shikigami, with attacking and riding, the real draw is the ability of this shikigami. After being summoned, it will begin causing random phenomena to occur to anything within a 15 meter radius, or anything the summoner wishes the shikigami to target specifically. The user is allowed to choose when an effect will happen, but not what it will be. and the surrounding area. Some examples could be setting the entire area on fire, teleporting the user and their opponent to a ocean, forcing the user/ opponent to grow extra arms, causing rain, completely removing your opponents cursed energy, completely removing YOUR cursed energy literally anything can happen no matter how impactful. Once an effect has been cast, it is more likely for something similar to the previous effect will be cast the next time. IE: if the shikigami removed vision from either the user or the opponent, then it statistically more likely that another sense will be affected next, whether it be strengthened or weakened. the only example is that the effect cannot be one that will automatically kill the person the effect is going upon, and that any changes made by the shikigami are only active until the opponent being affected has died or the shikigami is dispelled/killed.
    Reversal Cursed Technique: The user is able to revert all of the effects done to either themself, or the opponent if they so chose.
    Maximum Technique: N/A, i havent gotten to this yet, but i would love some idea for anyone insane enough to read this.
    Domain Expansion: Taming of the Chaotic Symphony
    A barrierless domain, in which the user summons a nebulous mass into the sky, a twirling mass of lines endlessly changing shape, while ever increasing in size. In exchange for an open barrier, the domain only affects those who have been affected by the shikigami prior to the domain expansion, or those who can see at the mass spawned by it. It gives the user full access to the shikigami's ability, still with the caveat of unable instantly kill their opponent, but able to effectively warp reality upon those specific people.

    • @ManganimistYT
      @ManganimistYT  6 місяців тому +1

      Habitual thank you so much for the support man, love this one. I need a fox shikigami mount! I talk about it in my latest video here:

    • @HabitualThinker
      @HabitualThinker 6 місяців тому

      @@ManganimistYT oh shit no way

    • @maleaklewis5605
      @maleaklewis5605 3 місяці тому

      Do you have a doc for the character or ability? it’s such a interesting and cool ability

  • @_Fantasm_
    @_Fantasm_ 6 місяців тому +3

    Ok Hear me Out
    Name: Eye of Control
    The User is able to Manipulate The Thoughts and Actions of their Opponents just by Locking Eyes With them. If the User Does this with their Left Eye, They Can Control The Person's Thoughts and Actions As well as their Physical abilities(Making Toji/Maki about as Strong as A 5 year Old😂). If they Do it with their Right Eye, They can Control Their Cursed Energy Flow and Cursed Technique Output(So they can Make Someone like Yuta Go from boundless energy to NO CE).
    CT Reversal: The User Manipulates THEMSELVES and By doing this, They Can Basically Make themselves Believe they Can do ANYTHING, Like Using Other CT's and Having Boundless Cursed Energy.
    • They can ONLY use CT's that They've Manipulated On Others. So if they Manipulated Someone's Cursed Technique Before, They can use it when they use the Reversal
    •This Only Lasts 10 minutes
    Max Technique: Eye Of God
    The User Can Manipulate ANYTHING & ANYONE for an Infinite amount of time. However The more they Use it, They Grow Closer and Closer to Losing the ENTIRE CT in Total, Eventually Losing Their Sight(Like with the Mangekyo Sharingan's Blindness Thing).
    DE: Eye Of the ABSOLUTE
    The User Creates a VAST Domain And the Sure-hit is that they can Manipulate, Create, Control and DESTROY Anything. They are Literally Bound only By their Imagination.
    Not only that, But the Domain is FILLED with Multiple Sword's(Like Yuta's Unlimited Blade works Domain) But all the Swords has Paper Strapped to the Hilt. And the paper Contains a Certain "Command" on them, and If they Stab their Opponent with that Sword, the Person is FORCED to Do the Command Against Their Will. And if they Resist in any Way, Their Cursed Technique will be Confiscated. The user can Also Manipulate the Opponent into Stabbing themselves with the Blade as well. There is also a "Special Blade" Hidden Amongst The Other Blades in a Randomised Spot with a Command Called "Null". Basically If the Opponent is Stabbed With this Blade, They will Literally Be REMOVED FROM EXISTENCE. All their Cursed Energy and their Cursed Techniques will Cease to Exist and the Opponent will No longer Exist anymore.
    And Since the User can CREATE and DESTROY Anything in the Domain, This Won't be a Violation of the Domain's Rules

    • @the_guywho_has_a-legopfp
      @the_guywho_has_a-legopfp 3 дні тому

      what stops the user to just use eye of god and make it so they won't have any side-effects? like they can use eye of god without any side-effects at all.

  • @garfieldreal66
    @garfieldreal66 4 місяці тому +1

    This CT originated from the Gojo clan (this would work really well with the 6 eyes)
    Magnetism: create negative charges on objects and people you look at. Sustaining these charges drains cursed energy. These negative charges will not attract to eachother and push apart from eachother. Using this you can make somthing like infinity by making yourself and a person/ object have negative charges. This also counts for cursed energy attacks. For example cleave and dismantle won’t touch you since cursed energy is negative energy.
    Reversal: create positive charges on objects. These charges will attract or attract to negative energy. Cursed energy based attacks can be turned to their counterpart. Example Gojo might launch a blue and you can change that to a red. You can attract objects to a person cursed energy making a Walmart chibaku tensei.
    Imaginary technique: create neutral charges. You can use this like Jacob’s ladder and completely nullify cursed techniques including reversal. (Won’t work on imaginary techniques if it’s a 1:1 ratio)
    Something you can do is create rail gun. Also can create electricity like kashimo but way easier but it won’t be as strong. There might be more things possible with this technique but I can sure say this could be a top tier technique with how versatile it can be.

    • @garfieldreal66
      @garfieldreal66 4 місяці тому

      Forgot to add a domain expansion
      Domain expansion: mirroring poles of iron. Create two poles on each side of the domain. These poles except large amounts of negative, positive, or neutral energy. Making one side positive and the other side negative. You can rip apart the opponent instantly or crush them by making -,- or +,+ poles. By making them have no charge they completely nullify techniques within the domain ( other than your self)
      Weaknesses: besides costing a lot of cursed energy to use, and being extremely complicated, you have to watch your iron intake. Having it too low affects you more than normal and having your curse technique less effective. On the other hand your iron intake being too high also affects you more than normal and making the curse technique nearly uncontrollable. Having a balanced iron intake makes the technique way more precise and the positive effects are increased.

  • @jordansrhoads
    @jordansrhoads 6 місяців тому +2

    LETS GO!!!
    A lot of these custom techniques make mine look mid but they’re so cool. Loved the Schrödinger Kaisen Domain.

    • @jawz9455
      @jawz9455 6 місяців тому +1

      Same. I'm also a fan of Rosemary's thorn.

    • @no_fun8294
      @no_fun8294 6 місяців тому +1

      Same, all my techniques are too straightforward and uninteresting

  • @michaelwazowski5159
    @michaelwazowski5159 6 місяців тому +2

    Curse Technique: No Pain No Gain
    Whenever the user of this technique experiences physical harm they receive a proportional boost of curse energy. The more grievous the wound the greater the boost. Additionally, if a series of injuries happen in succession the boost received is compounded.
    This technique is passive and always active, and prevents the use of reverse curse energy.
    Curse technique Ability: Salt the Wound
    If the user intentionally takes a grievous injury from an opponent they receive a rush of endorphins and adrenaline as well as a large boost to curse energy. The effects of this ability would be comparable to black flash.
    Domain Expansion: Masochist’s Playground
    When the user is brought to deaths door this domain automatically triggers, capturing the user and dealer of the fatal blow.
    While within the domain the user is immune to pain and constantly under the effects of “salt the wound” while their opponent’s sense of pain is greatly enhanced.
    The domain also applies the restriction of reverse curse energy usage on the opponent.

  • @NgaNinja
    @NgaNinja 6 місяців тому +1

    Here i got a idea
    A nice ct would be a ct where your able to destroy any domain. It would be like a supporting ct to destroy a domain when someone expands their domain.
    Drawbacks: since thia ct only works on domains you would be vulnerable to attacks when the user isnt using their domain which is why this ct is best with someone else.

    • @abdobelbida7170
      @abdobelbida7170 6 місяців тому +1

      IMO that should be a cursed object.

    • @NgaNinja
      @NgaNinja 6 місяців тому

      @@abdobelbida7170 YOO THAT ACTUALLY FITS IT BETTER

  • @carterparson3401
    @carterparson3401 6 місяців тому +1

    Ok so my technique is called wind manipulation: cursed winds. It is a variation to a clan technique. This is technically two techniques in one. Wind manipulation allows the user to control air streams by pumping cursed energy into the air around them. Wind manipulation users can shot people away with giant gust of wind and if you compress it you can even cut people with wind blades. Now cursed winds is when a wind manipulation user somehow convinces a wind cursed spirit to lend them their power. Cursed wind users can use an ability called partial manifestation where they either manifest the arm or the body of the cursed spirit. If they manifest the arm they can compress the fingers and turn them into sharp claws to cut opponents. Body manifestation creates a stream around the user and also defends them from attacks, softening the blows people deal to the user. Then there is full manifestation where you let the wind spirit fight with you kinda like rika but you can’t use your cursed technique while they are out. I don’t really have a domain expansion but I’m thinking about it

  • @maxwellwelcome6810
    @maxwellwelcome6810 4 місяці тому +1

    I'm late but I have an idea
    Child of the swamp
    This curse technique enhances the user's physical abilities upon activation and grants the user 3 special abilities These abilities include the ability to swim through solids ,the ability to generate vines and the ability to summon mosquitoe- like shikigami i will now break down each ability.
    Grounddive:This ability allows the user to swim through solids the user's speed increases while swimming this ability is activated by jumping at the ground while the cursed technique is activated the user has small amount of control over their environment as they can splash their opponents and make mini tsunamis they can also deactivate this abilty and leave the opps stuck in a solid formation, the user can also pass their hands through smaller objects e.g passing their hands through a sword to avoid getting hurt and punching the enemy however the user has to focus their cursed energy on that object which means that the user cannot swim while doing that.
    Greenstrike:This ability allows the user to conjure vines they have sharp tips and can be used to strike enemies as well as defend the user from attacks it can also be used for grappling and swinging and it can be used to move around the user's body and even stitch it up if they are injured and donot know rct
    Blackswarm:This ability allows you to summon everyone's worst nightmare mosquitoes.These guys donot consume blood and instead go after cursed energy they have a limit on the amount they intake and have blue glowing sacks when they have absorbed enough cursed energy after this the shikigami goes back to the user's body and gives them cursed energy and then disintegrates .They need to make skin contacts unless their in the user's domain or being used in the maximum technique .
    Groundmaker: They ability basically freezes the user to stop liquid attacks or stand on liquid environments to avoid drowning.
    Greenheal:This allows the user to strike another person with positive energy and heal them
    Donorswarm:This technique turns the menaces into lifesavers. It allows the user to pass on cursed energy to those are low on it by using the mosquitoe skikigami as vessels for the cursed energy being donated.
    Maximum technique:Swampspirit
    The user gains a skull mask with horns and a green moss coat upon the maximum technique's activation. All the 3 abilities are raised to their fullest potential with the vines being longer and tougher and the mini tsunamis now being almost tsunami sized, and the user gets even more physically strong The shikigami now have the power of domain amplification and and can now drain cursed energy without skin contact.
    Domain expansion: Stone swamp
    The domain puts the user and opponent in an area with mossy trees and a ground made of huge orange stones at the center of the domain there is a large mossy tree full of vines it has two eye shaped holes and one hole in the middle that has the shape of an open mouth. The Ground instantly become liquid and thus the user can instantly hit their opponents with tsunamis and it's guaranteed to hit them they can also spawn in the mosquitoes from the holes in the large tree to suck out the cursed energy from their opponent. vines can also hit from the large tree .

  • @noahthecool233
    @noahthecool233 4 місяці тому +1

    Cursed technique:dragon annihilation
    The user focuses high amounts of cursed energy into one beam in the shape of a dragon. Once shot, the cursed energy dragon beam will bite down on the opponent and cause immense physical and burning damage.

  • @ztalk7828
    @ztalk7828 6 місяців тому +1

    Awesome vid. Keep up the good content brother thanks 💯

  • @MajorLeeAwesome
    @MajorLeeAwesome 6 місяців тому

    CT: The Balding: Sorcerer is able to manipulate the friction between objects. Cursed technique removes friction from things, giving a smooth and possibly glossy appearance. RCT adds friction, giving the object a coarse, rough, possibly spikey appearance.
    Domain Expansion: Slip and Stick
    User generates a barrierless domain in which they can manupulate friction freely within a radius determined by the sorcerer. Larger domains and further effects require more energy. In the domain, the environment takes on a shifting appearence, as if a foiling sheet is moving across the surface. The sure hit effect can even apply to the air itself, trapping victims in pockets of sheer air resistance while the user is able to remove all friction from around them and give absolute friction to their footing and other points of contact.

  • @nickverse9635
    @nickverse9635 6 місяців тому +1

    I got a simple but very good locomotion and support CT
    Portals (i give the name Turbo Warp):
    Its a pretty good technique, portals technique make you being able of create infinite numbers of portals, obliviously has a limit, the numbers of portal is based on your cursed energy, the portals are almost instantaneous but it takes a while to disappear, the portals also has a limit of distance which is as far as the user can see, and inisde the portal, has a little pocket dimension who can be used to put tools and weapons, its a simple technique not so complex.
    Domain expansion: reality rupture
    This domain create a weird place where everythingmis confuse, the gravity is weird, the floor is weird, the only person who doesn't is effected is the user, also that dimension make the user be able to bring clones and weapons to fight. I didn't see a better domain to portals than that.
    Hand sing:Gyan mudra
    I think than go to the recent video make it easier to he see it

  • @jodiewellner4408
    @jodiewellner4408 6 місяців тому +1

    My Curse Technique is "Cursed Tool Manifestation"
    Technique: the person can create a contruct (a weapon made of cursed energy) to fight with. The weapons can be any kind of shape and size, and weapon look is limited to there understanding of cursed tools in general, and they can appear (and float) around you. The swords are sharp but are easier to break, any time they do the amount of cursed energy in them dissipates and you lose that amount you pored in. Any blunt weapons or shields are more durable but comsumes more curse energy to keep it up. The Bow and arrow is similar to both, the arrows are sharp but can be broken easily and the bow is sturdy but consumes more energy to maintain it.
    Reverse Curse Technique: Cursed Tool Creation
    This allows you to create a small knife like energy blade that aborbs massive amonts of curse energy to fight create a cursed. This is a real cursed tool but to do so you need to either need pore your own positive and negative curse energy into it, which will tire you out completely if you create a solid tool your rank, or if you stab the knife into a curse spirit or user. The process takes up to 15 seconds to create the cursed tool and if you fail you lose about one third to half your max amount of CE. The technique reqire you to know fully about imbueing CE in cursed tools and the types of metal their made of (the look is up to your imagination), the process is that your positive curse energy attracts the opponents negative energy and uses that energy as the imbued source while the positive energy will form the metal
    Maxium Techique:
    Creates a hurricane of blades you [plus your allies] in center (eye of the hurricane) and the hurricane itself is nade of either blades or arrows that shred anyone caught in it. This is good only if you are surrounded by enemies or can catch a strong opponent. The duration and shapness of the storm counts for how much curse energy you put in it. This techique can leave even semi 1st grade sorcerers completely drained.
    Reverse Maxium Curse technique: Demonic Arms
    This is a techique that will reqire you to to drain the curse energy from a target that is a special grade and you need to know what the technique is, how it works, and how to apply it to the tool. This will allow you to take the curse techique of said person in the curse tool itself (the reverse cursed techique only works if you pore RCE into the blade itself). The process is similar to curse tool creation but requires you to break off your soul to create it. This will allow you to make a curse tool similar to Sukuna Fingers. The process is fatal to you and you will die as a result.
    Domain Expansion : Forest of Blades
    A burned looking forest with ashes falling around you (like a light snowing) and metal "trees". These tree's can pop up from any where on the ground to create weapons. You can make any amount grade 1 Cursed tools but only 1 special grade cursed tool (has no technique). You can summon a unlimited amount of contruct blades or arrows from any where and they can home in on your opponents.

  • @ajeetchoudhary6645
    @ajeetchoudhary6645 6 місяців тому +1

    CT - Devine Sight
    It is basically restrictions curse technique
    as long you are in line of sight of Devine sight one cannot use curse energy
    CTR - instead of curse energy restrictions the opponent starts filling with curse energy but since it positive curse energy the user can heal his commarads by just looking at them and kill curse spirits by looking at them since positive curse energy is Lethal to them
    Limitations - need to use constant curse energy to use and any obstacles in line will stop the effect of curse technique
    Domain Expansion - Eye of Providence
    Basically doesn't matter if the user can see the opponent or not the guaranteed hit effect meaning if you are in domain you cannot use curse energy

    • @sawanpancholi7366
      @sawanpancholi7366 6 місяців тому +1

      One of the best fan made CT i have ever heard , truly a overpowered technique and it fits in the JJK world too.

    • @ajeetchoudhary6645
      @ajeetchoudhary6645 6 місяців тому

      ​@@sawanpancholi7366tx man i have some more
      Such as
      1. State shift ( change the state of matter he touches
      Such turning ground into liquid or water into ice turning air into invisible solid barrier
      2. Storage
      Can store anything inside a pocket dimensions and release anytime he wants
      Basically dropping building on top of you out of no where
      3. Eyes of medusa
      If you look him in the eyes you get petrified and turn jnto stone
      4. Thunderbird
      An shikigami curse technique
      Basically a mythical shikigami which can manipulate weather

    • @Waffle_rofl
      @Waffle_rofl 2 місяці тому

      ​@@ajeetchoudhary6645thunderbird? Why do i think of nue rn????

    • @Waffle_rofl
      @Waffle_rofl 2 місяці тому

      Imma be honest, sounds like good defensive and support curse technique, the only problem is that it makes fight fully based on fighting style and fist fighting skills, meaning if the user doesn't even know how to jab, they're pretty much useless alone against sukuna

  • @aaronchristanto
    @aaronchristanto 6 місяців тому

    i think i got a good one, but i don't know if anyone had already have the idea
    i call it the shortcuts:
    Ctrl C : summons one or more shadows of the user and independently attack the opponent, can even be applied to teammates
    Ctrl X : teleports the user to anyplace at will, , can even be applied to teammates
    Ctrl Z : undo any damage to the user or any teammates
    Ctrl D : delete specific opponent's body parts aimed by the user
    Ctrl S : Stun the opponent until the user throw a damage at the opponent
    Ctrl Y : redo any damage that was healed by the opponent's RCT
    all curse technique above must be cast with the CT Ctrl V
    Domain expansion : Ctrl+alt+Del : just delete the enemy from existence, but the user have to make sure that the sure hit attack wasn't diactivated otherwise the DE will only boost damage of all the CT above

  • @GDHR2207
    @GDHR2207 6 місяців тому

    I have a cursed technique in my mind too i was preparing this for a story that I'll write one day (when I'm free) , though it's a bit complicated and mathematical.
    In maths you can use Matrices to describe rotation and motion in a 2D plane. For example, multiplying a rotation matrix of 30° will rotate a point 30° about the origin and adding a Matrix to something will add those values to its coordinates. In addition to that Matrix transforms can also be used to Skew and resize points.
    So the technique I have in mind is called **Euler's Playground.**
    The technique simply allows the user to use cursed energy to write a matrix in the air, it becomes a bullet that you can shoot or you can write the matrix on something and then throw it onto target to apply the desired rotation/translation.
    So you could apply a 180° rotation matrix to any coming attack and just reflect it back. You can use a resizing matrix to make something giant or turn your enemies small (takes exponentially more cursed energy the bigger change you make) or just use the skew matrix to apply a squash and/or stretch force onto your opponent.
    You can only make a matrix that does one at a time. Rotation, teleportation, resize and skew. However you can combine them together after they are created meaning that complicated motions need a bit more time and more cursed energy
    The cursed technique reversal of the technique just allows you to target yourself with the matrices. Target your own coordinates with an addition matrix and teleport, or resize yourself to be super small so you're hard to hit, or become giant and cause havoc.
    Domain Expansion : Vector Space.
    This domain's sure hit effect applies to both the caster and the opponent. The caster is only affected by the cursed technique reversal while the opponent is only affected by the cursed technique. The domain is allowed this much intelligence as the sure hit effect is not lethal by itself. Meaning effectively inside the domain the castor can teleport and move uninhibited. While the opponent loses the ability to dodge the matrices at all.
    The potential for this technique is very high, it's basically reality manipulation at a purely physical level. The big caveat is that this technique will have a very steep learning curve, most people can't make complex matrices mid battle, not to mention you would need a good amount of cursed energy to use the technique.
    (It could probably work well with the six eyes, like an alternative to limitless)

  • @Fir132
    @Fir132 2 місяці тому

    I think this will be cool
    Curse technique, deadly melody
    With this technique, you can convert curse energy into music. The music takes a physical form of a note. These notes can Take many forms by combining each other a bird made out of notes say dragon and etc. You could also summon musical weapons Like a violin that will link two people together if you hit one it causes damage to the other ya The one downside, you have to make movements with your hand for your technique. It doesn’t matter if you still have your hands the technique will know if you’re moving them or thinking of moving them if you get them cut off. The technique also has something like overtime if you have gloves or something that covers your head or hands you can remove them going into The stage technique would change its color to Bright gold technique do more damage be more fast and have less Limits before I explain the domain time for some honorable mansions of this technique. You can use notes to fly you can use To the stage stage to regenerate your teammates, even if they don’t know, reverse technique and mostly the music items Buff or even grounding Domain expansion, opera it will show a opera if your enemy gets caught by it they will be put in a musical war creating a being out of music. Your enemy has to match the beat if they don’t they take damage and get ear damage if they mess up again.

  • @mh4oliveira
    @mh4oliveira 6 місяців тому +1

    I have a good one
    time manipulation: being able to make time go slower in your mind, leading to much better cursed energy manipulation, including being able to hit black flash whenever you want

    • @Brex_667
      @Brex_667 6 місяців тому +1

      ah, the inner monologue technique

    • @hyjjjkyikk3158
      @hyjjjkyikk3158 6 місяців тому

      Basically super hot

    • @Waffle_rofl
      @Waffle_rofl Місяць тому

      That i haven't used since the heian era!

    • @Waffle_rofl
      @Waffle_rofl Місяць тому

      Alright, now hear ME out!
      Cursed technique reversal would be time acceleration, no matter who you use it on, it'll always benefit you and never benefits the enemy.
      If you apply time acceleration to yourself, you get faster, but your aging is the same, meaning you can go up so fast that you can create a 0.2 second barrage *while for enemies* : their speed is the same, but they start to age faster, meaning you can use it on someone old, for example kyoto teacher (i forgor the name), and in a matter of minutes, or even seconds, they turn into the dust.
      *Hollow technique* :time stop, nothing to explain here. Nobody besides the user can move, basically kinda like "the mannequin challenge" trend. You can also take it as a jojo reference and yell out *ZA WARUDOOOOOOOO!" Every time you use it. Yap for whole minute and then lose cuz you yapped too much (L bozo)

  • @connorb1775
    @connorb1775 6 місяців тому

    This is mine
    Cursed Technique - Matter Mimicry
    This technique enables the user to transmute their body, turning it into any desired material provided the user is in direct contact with a sufficient amount of the material in question when initialising the technique. Contact with the material is not necessary to maintain after the technique is initially activated.
    The user can even use this technique to turn individual sections of their body into different materials to one another if desired. Alternatively, the user can turn their body into an alloy composed of separately available materials.
    An example application of this technique would be for the user to turn their body into a material with a high melting point such as Tungsten to protect themself against Jogo's flames.
    Technique reversal - Matter Multiplicity
    Enables the user to temporarily turn one material they are touch into another material they are making contact with. These changes last even after contact is broken, but the material will revert back to its original after a certain duration has passed based on the amount of energy invested. This could enable the user to turn a stone wall into glass or turn a tube of cardboard into a steel pipe.
    If the user attempts to use this ability on a curse or another sorcerer, the target can attempt to shield themselves with cursed energy, preventing them from being affected by the technique and turning into a statue.
    The effects are temporary, so it would be more realistic, preventing the user from turning pebbles into gold and selling them off to make money as the rocks would turn back later on.

  • @realHollowSUNoffline
    @realHollowSUNoffline 6 місяців тому

    Very cool vid, might try my luck with this one.
    Cursed Technique - Heliomancy
    Description: The ability to create solar spheres out of CE and freely manipulate them. The potency and size of the spheres corresponds to the amount of CE imbued into them.
    Basic Technique - Solar Sphere
    The user creates solar spheres which range between the size of a coconut up to the size of a truck depending on CE expenditure. The spheres produced do not
    have AoE damage, instead dealing severe burn damage to anything that makes direct contact. Their movement is controlled by the user although they can also be programmed to automatically move in straight lines. Additionally, a big enough sun can be used by the user as a flying vehicle.
    Extension Technique - Orbit
    The technique brings forth the gravitational properties of the solar spheres granting them an orbit in which objects (or people) can get suspended. Suspended
    targets are forced to revolve around the sphere by which they were captured. The potency of the orbit is dictated by the size of the sphere i.e. a small sun can only suspend rocks and stones in its orbit while a truck sized sun could force multiple people/curses/shikigami etc to revolve around it.
    (Side note on the Orbit)
    If an object wants to escape the orbit it would have to move along the trajectory and continuously accelerate until they've generated enough force to fling themselves out of the route.
    Technique Amplification - Solar Burst
    Deployed spheres can spend some of their mass and explode dealing immense damage in the process. The range and power of the explosion is regulated by 2 factors: 1) size of the sphere aka the amount of CE, 2) amount of mass expended which is measured in percentages.
    Technique Reversal - Black hole
    The opposite of a star, a black star. The black holes obey roughly the same rules as solar spheres however they possess an innate AoE that sucks anything within their effective range (regulated by the holes size). The CT imposes a limit which restricts the amount of matter a black hole can consume, preventing continuous growth. When that threshold is reached the black hole "releases" excess energy in powerful blasts.
    Maximum Technique - Supernova
    Simple. Easy. Powerful. All solar spheres merge into one and produce a supernova which incinerates everything in its general area, finishing off with a gargantuan explosion adding insult to injury. EDIT: The supernova is significantly bigger than everything that the CT can normally produce. Throwing this bad boy out is pretty much synonymous with using a tactical nuke.
    Domain Expansion - Brilliant Embrace
    The inside of the domain produces an environment adjacent to the core of the Sun. Anything within gets incinerated. The domain comes with a heavenly restriction which makes it so that the user becomes vulnerable to the sure-hit effect of their own ability if it is open for over 1 second. This threshold can be increased through intense training. Additionally, the sure-hit incineration becomes stronger the longer the domain remains open.
    Weaknesses of the technique:
    * A TON of cursed energy expenditure.
    * intensive micromanagement. The spheres are needy.
    * Using the domain is risky and training up the “safe limit” of the domain is a very strenuous process which yields minimal progress. Months of hard work increases the safe duration of the domain by mere fractions of a second.

  • @code037ch.7
    @code037ch.7 6 місяців тому +2

    Cursed Technique: It's Only Smells
    Sorcerer let's out a cloud of smelly cursed energy. If the enemy catches even the smallest whiff of it, they are inflicted with immediate uncontrollable liquid diarrhea. This disrupts their cursed energy flow rendering them vulnerable for follow-up attacks.
    Domain Expansion: Uh Oh Stinky
    The target of this Domain Expansion is immediately engulfed with an even stronger concentrated smelly cursed energy causing the target to vomit, puke, sweat, have allergic reactions, and cry burning tears until they are dehydrated to death.

    • @code037ch.7
      @code037ch.7 6 місяців тому

      (Sukuna doesn't stand a chance)

    • @garfieldreal66
      @garfieldreal66 4 місяці тому

      Uh oh stinky is crazy 💀⚔️💀

  • @RandomGuy-xb4ez
    @RandomGuy-xb4ez 6 місяців тому

    I have two CT ideas:
    The first is Chaos Transference (ignore the cheesy name for now). Basically, this technique lets you be able to shift "chaos" ie damage to a structure (including living bodies) to another structure. The direction that the chaos shifts is from right to left; you must place your right hand on the structure you're "restoring order" to (fixing) and your left hand on the object you're transferring the chaos to. Example: Touching someones's wound with a right hand and touching the concrete ground with another, the wound would heal and the ground would crack.
    My second: Hollow Current. I made up the name for something else before I've heard of JJK so ignore the "hollow" part of the name. Basically, you can use cursed energy to generate a sort of electricity that can be used to hijack nerve impulses. Basically, you can control the bodies of other people using electricity. All you need is either direct contact or a electrical conductor to transfer the lightning, and bingo, the opponent is spasming on the ground or possibly cutting himself to pieces, unable to control his sword-wielding arm. This is pretty brutal if you think of the implications. On a lighter note, this technique could probably have other neat effects like using the electricity to restart people's hearts or to sort of remove the biological limits on your muscles in the fight (basically granting incredible strength and speed for a short period of time till you quickly become exhausted).
    Tell me what you think of these :)

  • @broskibrobro1278
    @broskibrobro1278 6 місяців тому +1

    The chain one really feels like something gege would create. I reckon it would be like a grade 1 lvl CT.

  • @AberrantKoala
    @AberrantKoala 6 місяців тому

    Round two baby!
    so, Cursed Technique: Cursed Component. If the user kills a curse with normal cursed energy(not RCT) the curse will leave behind a part of their body. That body part can be used to make cursed tools that either mimic the technique of the curse or can copy the effect of any other cursed tool the user has come into contact with. The user can also store any cursed tool they have made within their innate domain, similar to ten shadows, no weight limit, but they can only store cursed tools they have made using their technique. CTR would be the ability to copy the technique of a consenting sorcerer by having the sorcerer imbue the user with their cursed energy. Domain Expansion: Forge of the gods. The user can automatically obtain any cursed tools they have in their innate domain. The setting of the domain is a brightly lit, golden room with large pillars and a central forging area. The sure-hit effect can be changed to the effect of any cursed tool they have stored in their innate domain. If the sure-hit is that of a cursed tool with a complicated activation condition, the activation condition is waived. Maximum Technique: Complete Component. The user can transform the entire body of a cursed that is at least one grade weaker than them into any material that could have dropped from the curse. If the curse is the same strength as the user, the curse will only have half their body transformed. After Maximum Technique is used, the user cannot used the technique for ten minutes.
    any cursed tool made in the central forge of the DE will be stronger than if it were made outside of it

  • @ItzMisterBlitzer
    @ItzMisterBlitzer 6 місяців тому +4

    Might as well shoot my shot again
    I had this Cursed Technique for a JJK TTRPG(basically JJK DnD) I was in
    “Cursed Inversion”, with the user (my character) being named ‘Flip Menos’
    When the user makes contact with an object they can then call out a property of it to invert it to its opposite. For example if they touch something moving and say ‘Moving’ it becomes still, if they touch a warm pot and say ‘hot’ then it becomes cold. It was super difficult but I also came up with attacks for it, like inverting part of a Curse Spirit’s body being ‘Convex’ to make it suddenly curve inwards and become concave as like a bludgeoning strike. Or inverting something being ‘Joint’ together to divide it, kinda like Cleave but obviously not as strong.
    It could also have Binding Vows to power it up, since it has such a wide scale usage. For example making it so that the user could only use certain words on certain Grades of Curse Spirits or something to strengthen its effectiveness.
    It would have obvious limits, the most evident being that it requires both touch and a sort of ‘incantation’ as the user calls out the property. There’s also a scale of how important or superficial the property is (e.g. inverting something from red to green is superficial, inverting something having weight to being weightless) which would change how much cursed energy is needed as well as how long the inversion lasts.
    And something my DM let me do was on the brink of death was have the user invert the polarity of cursed energy, to basically have temporary RCT by making my Negative Cursed Energy be inverted to Positive Cursed Energy. And with that there’d be the Cursed Technique Reversal.
    The Reversal of ‘Inversion’ would be ‘Amplification’, amplifying how hard an attack hits, amplifying how fast you move, amplifying how still something is to lock it in place, every application and every limit that Inversion has would apply for Amplification.
    So the last reasonable thing is the ‘Domain Expansion’, which I call *’Negative Zone; Joyous Lament’*
    It would be a throne room of sorts, divided down the middle with one side being black and the other side being white and the user would obviously have the stat buffs of a regular Domain. But when they sit in the throne they gain amplified CE at the cost of being a stationary target, however this shouldn’t be an issue with the amplified Positive Cursed Energy, like a low-budget Hakari or something. And the sure hit of the domain would be something pretty weird, every action done has the inverse effect. For example running forwards makes you run backwards, if you try to crouch you stand taller, and other such things. When it comes to attacking the inverse of it is actually up to the discretion of the user, since it could either forcefully make you block (offense to defense) or make it face the wrong way (forwards to backwards) or cause you to target an ally (Foe to Friend). It’s important to know that not *everything* done in the domain is automatically inverted (for example Gojo using Blue wouldn’t suddenly turn into him using Red), it’s only the simple actions like moving around and stuff. The Domain Expansion would also increase the potential of the CT by allowing the user to invert the properties of non-physical things like the air or even concepts like time and stuff. The Domain Expansion is, yes meant to be a win card, but also an area where the user is fully toying with anyone caught in it. If you get caught in ‘Negative Zone’ you will be made a fool of before the user inverts your heart ‘functioning’ and you fall dead from involuntary cardiac arrest.

  • @naomimagoma909
    @naomimagoma909 2 місяці тому

    Technique Name: Bookworm
    The technique allows the user to store abilities from any book they read, for example if they read the DBS manga they could copy Goku’s techniques and turn it into its own curse technique.
    If they want to copy any technique in real life they would have to write a book about it. Their techniques are stored in their domain.
    -Poetic Slumber: allows the user to create hallucinations through the poem they read.
    -Study Guide: gives the user a temporary book explaining their opponents abilities and next attacks.
    -Maximum: Poetry Slam: the user can summon a 5 ton book on top of their opponent.
    -Chronological Order: forces their opponent to move in at a normal human pace or at else they will experience immense pain.
    Librarian Call: summons a large special grade cursed spirit that is blind but can hear insanely well forcing their opponent to stay quiet or else.
    Reversal Technique: Sound Pollution: this is the reverse of librarian call which makes an ear popping noise which blinds the opponent making them vulnerable to other attacks, if summon the librarian while using this technique the librarian will be disabled.
    Domain Expansion: Library of Infinite Knowledge
    The Domain requires the user to grab as many books as they want and check them out before the domain ends to access their techniques, once they have checked their books out the domain ends and they get activate Scholar mode similar to Hakari’s Jackpot but instead of granting invincibility it gives a 300% increase in all their stats for 15 minutes alongside buffing their chosen techniques.

  • @terrorix2097
    @terrorix2097 6 місяців тому

    So, here might be mine.
    "Fog of war". The user binds their CE to smoke/fog/dust and covers an area with it. It creates a camo effect on the user, where they cannot be seen or sensed, thanks to the curse-imbued smog.
    Reverse CT: Instead of hiding the user, the smoke now highlights everything with CE In the vicinity for everyone, not just the user. Think of it as a wall-hack in shooter games.
    Domain Expansion: Godless Bog. The Domain is created in a form of a swamp/bog covered in thick mist. It's sure-fire is draining the opponent's CE. But, there is an easy way out. If the opponent uses a burst of CE, it creates lanterns or Will-o'-the-wisp that lead straight out of the Domain. The problem? If they get too close, the lantern explodes, dealing heavy damage and returning the CE to the domain's user

  • @trolletopmartens8386
    @trolletopmartens8386 4 місяці тому +1

    Cursed Technique Eraser) gives the user the ability to erase any cuserd energy Related so my thoughts are he could make a cursed contract so he could ask for infinity teqnique exchange for that he has five minutes to live so he would need to win quickly or bros dead so its high risk high reward

    • @Fir132
      @Fir132 2 місяці тому

      So It’s basically removing the users ability to use Curse energy for five minutes?

  • @Idk.png000
    @Idk.png000 6 місяців тому

    I have a decent Idea thats pretty much one of my OC's abilities (I might've yapped a bit)
    *Cursed structure*
    The user of this ability can manipulate materials and structures based on their understanding of the material, and how strong the force is. You're basically able to take something based off your understanding of its structure, you cannot destroy the resource nor create it. The stronger your understanding of it dictates how well you can control it (e.g: knowing the exact material can let you manipulate that material as you please) you may need a stronger understanding and cursed energy pool of it depending on what youre trying to manipulate. If its a cursed technique, you would need to know how the cursed energy fluctuates and is used, and a clear idea of what the conditions and what it does are. There are however the conditions of: You can only manipulate organic beings with conditions I will mention, and anything you cant manipulate within an hour of fighting or interacting with in a crucial way will result in you only being able to understand it to half the full extent (with the exception of making a binding vow) This ability has a good support and attacking usage due to being able to manipulate varying tools, objects and materials into things like accessories to utilise, mix and match tools, while also manipulating buildings and your surroundings to serve as barriers and even stopping them from hitting you. The condition for manipulating organic beings is complete understanding of them, their soul and their technique, as well as how their brain functions and thinks. once they fulfil those conditions they can manipulate the person however they like.
    *Domain expansion: Kingdom of eyes, a single pen*
    forms an infinite expanse of buildings with bland designs at first. The user is able to fully manipulate all of these buildings to a near atomic extent, as well as manipulating cursed energy in the domain to an atomic extent (pretty much a domain-only six eyes). There is no sure-hit effect, and in exchange for it, any technique or attack taken by a building will have turned into a detailed imprint on the on the building, and it can then transfer usage to the ability to the user. If enough buildings gain the imprint of a cursed technique the technique will be stripped of the user permanently, and if the user domain clashes with another person, and you win, you gain their domain as a structure in the kingdom (Its not taken from the opponent but it is permanently weakened) and can use the structure however you please.

  • @Short_heights
    @Short_heights 6 місяців тому

    I was very tired when i made this so there are probably many mistaks. Sorry.
    Well this is my third time trying this so third times a charm. Curse technique name: Awsome universe, this technique allows you to do nearly anything and when i mean nearly ANYTHING i mean it. Firstly, this technique does not really have a limit on its reach, you can just activate the technique and you can then just choose were you want your opponent to be. The technique works by how ”awsome” you and your opponent creativity is. In the technique can you and your opponent do anything, but the only way to win in the technique is to be more ”awsome” in creativity. For the technique to end must either the technique choose who Wins by there ”awsomness” or you or your opponent accepts that they are less ”awsome” which will then lead them two die. But if your target is unconsious or dead can the technique only Reverse/heal there mind(the technique will not heal or Reverse there body and curse energy). If you think even for an instant something that would give your opponent a positive effect, that will give your opponent that effect but the same is for you, if your opponent even for an instant think a single positive effect thought about you, you will get that effect. If you or your opponent win in the technique you or your opponent then gets to keep all the positive effects you or your opponent got from each other.
    Domain expansion:Boundless freedom of the all above all, this Domain expansion can only be used if they have absolute mastery in their Id, ego and super ego(Id mastery, free from every restriction, super ego mastery, be able to see the perspective of everything and ego mastery, be able to make the unthinkable thinkeble) and die in their technique. The Domain expansion gives you the ability to have boundless freedom with your creativity and also have a boundless range.
    Reversed curse technique domain expansion: boundless madness of the all below all, the rct domain expansion is just something i thought would so i created it. The domain expansions ability is to make somone experience what i can only discribe as boundless madness/Gojo’s unlimited void but horror themed.

  • @Ruritsu
    @Ruritsu 6 місяців тому

    Custom cursed techniques? Oh I gotchu.
    Cursed Technique: Melodic Bonds - The user targets another creature and they both begin slowly burning a small amount of cursed energy which is used to produce music (Song choice thematic and not under the control of our would be user. Perhaps a curse user with a bubbly personality would emit hyperpop or somebody fighting for a dramatic reason would get something like 'Right Or Wrong' from season.) which plays within a range relative to how much cursed energy our two bonded targets have (A target with a lot of cursed energy will burn a greater amount relative to a weaker target, however they'd burn about the same percentage of their total). Any being who hears the music and is capable of observing the two combatants who are affected by the technique will attempt to do so to the greatest of their ability without outright putting themselves in danger (They'll climb a wall to look at the fight but won't walk through fire to get a better sight). While the technique is active if either target attempts to move in a way that is deemed to not be well choreographed to the music as determined by the observers as well as the two bonded target's own opinion of themselves and their opponents "rhythm" their cursed energy will seize and subsequently so too will their body (Effectively stunning them for a moment similar to Old man Zenin's projection which freezes you for making "invalid" moves). Conversely the longer the user of Melodic Bonds remains moving with "good rhythm" (Again determined by the minds of observers) they will receive an ever increasing boost of cursed energy stolen from the target. Only the user themselves receive this benefit and the amount of energy stolen is relative to the enemy target's own cursed energy amounts. They'll siphon more cursed energy from a stronger opponent and less from a weaker one.
    Effectively the more choreographically sound the user's movements are the more cursed energy they have and the less their opponent will, while if they or their target fail to maintain "rhythm" they'll be stunned in combat. It's worth noting that this ability relies on the people around them being able to perceive their fight as well as *hear* the music. A savvy opponent might choose to deafen everyone around or simply dispatch them to essentially reduce the people they have to visually please to just the two of them however, once the technique is activated the two people within the fight simply hear the cursed music in their minds and are unable to not perceive their own "performance".
    Domain Expansion: Non-stop Festival Concert - The users domain is naturally barrier-less however much like sukuna's domain expansion this is the result of a binding vow allowing a path of escape in exchange for massive range and the lack of a barrier. They do not have the ability to open the domain within a barrier nor are they naturally capable of limiting the range. All those within range of the domain are bonded via the sure hitting effect of the domain expansion and are subject not only to hearing the music but the rule about how their performance. Most normal people will be stunned immediately and probably have extraordinary difficulty figuring out how to move however due to the massive increase in people who are targetted and thus having their cursed energy siphoned by the effect of Melodic Bonds if the wielder of the technique keeps "good rhythm" (Once again decided by the perceptions of all those in range) the increase in cursed energy they receive each moment will increase massively allowing them to reach absurd heights. Visually while the domain expansion is active the area within range is washed in blacklight and raver colors strobe in the area to the beat of the music.
    For anyone who wants to get crunchy with quite how the draining works, I'll say that the drain happens in "ticks" on each beat of the song playing which is when the technique "checks" for rhythm.
    Those it's pretty dumb I'll provide a reverse too.
    Cursed Technique Reversal: Bonded Silence - The target, themselves and everyone within range are rendered deaf for the duration. This is almost always a massive waste of cursed energy unless of course you just need somebody to not hear something for the moment.
    Some potential downsides to think about:
    - It's much weaker if your target is weak
    - The domain does nothing if there's only you and the target around
    - While there is only you and the target under the effect your opposition holds at least 50% of the observers "perception of rhythm" which could be quite problematic if your opposition was say tone deaf for example
    - When opening the domain a moral sorcerer would likely have to take into consideration that they may harm or even kill the weaker people around them by draining their cursed energy away forcefully. Perhaps they could all collectively start shakin' a leg to try and offset the drainage but since the amount they'll siphon back is relative to basically "how dope their moves are" it's very likely somebody will suffer for opening this up in a widely populated area despite that being ideal for the user.
    - The ability is essentially powered by spectacle meaning if your opponent is simply a more flashy fighter than you this could backfire heavily. Similarly if they're simply able to stop you from looking cool while you do it there's suddenly very little benefit.
    - Not everybody has rhythm. It would unfortunate for this technique to be given to somebody who could not swing a cat.
    - This is a anime-only power. Kinda be hard to pull off in illustrations.

  • @broskibrobro1278
    @broskibrobro1278 6 місяців тому +1

    The rosemary one is pretty cool however I think it’s got a bit too much versatility for it to be fair.Most people only have like 3 different attacks including reversals. (Except from kenjaku, yuta, sukuna)

    • @goldenrose223
      @goldenrose223 6 місяців тому

      Hmm, thank you! I will consider either kinda merging some of the abilities or just ridding of some!
      Also, that was kinda a point I wanted with her ability was to be very versatile, but maybe I over did it... 😅😅😅

    • @broskibrobro1278
      @broskibrobro1278 6 місяців тому +1

      @@goldenrose223 Don’t get me wrong it is really creative and cool. But when you have characters like hakari who can only punch and kick😂. Same with yuki , + her black hole. It seems a bit too op .I feel like Gege is quite conservative with the amount of moves he gives ppl.Rn they could do with having a character like that in the story tbf😂

    • @goldenrose223
      @goldenrose223 6 місяців тому

      @@broskibrobro1278 makes sense, but in my. Defense...
      Rosemary is there to stop the sukuna glazing👹👹👹
      Unless he yoinks her body.. They it's "GeGe"

    • @goldenrose223
      @goldenrose223 6 місяців тому

      But yeah I see whatchu mean... And I'mma be 100... He didn't even tell you all about her-

  • @pizzagoooood1852
    @pizzagoooood1852 6 місяців тому

    I had this idea just this morning for one the name of the technique is shatterpoint basically anything the sorcerer touches gets broken down all the way to its shatterpoint and after it’s imbued on a object it can break extremely easy like if you crack some glass until it just is about to break after that the object has a timer before it explodes and it depends on the ranks if they are 1 higher, the same or 1 lower they will have 30 seconds to hit you with a physical attack if they don’t the object or person will explode but if they are way higher or lower the timer will change. I like to think of a battle where the object that was imbued would be tossed around like they were playing hot potato.
    For the domain I would call it
    Ticking time bomb
    If you enter the domain you have a 30 second timer the enemy gets to choose if they want to get out of the domain or not but if he leaves he has to tank the hit at it’s 50 percent power so the domain automatically ends after 50 seconds and they will die but if they can touch you before the time is over they can exit without drawbacks when the opponent passes 25 seconds they lose their ability to leave and have to stay for the full 50 seconds if they did not touch you they go boom
    I also think this guy would be a great team partner with someone like todo or Mai as she could create any object out of cursed energy and todo could swap places with the enemy at 29 seconds in and they would slap a imbued sticker on his back.
    Sorry for the bad punctuation.

  • @user-nm2kc8tc3e
    @user-nm2kc8tc3e 6 місяців тому

    Cursed technique, CTR and Domain
    Cursed consumption
    Able to summon normal sized fox shikigamis, with the intelligence tied to the user's memories. User can also connect to them from a far to vaguely share their senses.
    They can do:
    Internal Merge- storing or processing consumed parts of cursed spirits or shikigami to then manifest
    External Merge- manifest or morphing of the body to use up what was consumed. But once what was eaten had been used to shake shift, it can't be used again and at best, stored as extra cursed energy
    They then can shape shift completely or partially into the spirit they had consumed, but with only access to the amount of that creature's cursed energy which was consumed abilities/power.
    Eg: a finger eaten will grant access to that creature's DNA but at 5% potency
    But, if only, like 5% is accessible after consumption, then it would give the fox 5 separate times to manifest at least 1%, before all is exhausted.
    If a fox is killed, it's gone forever in a kamikaze explosion of cursed energy. The fox's memories and pain upon dying, gets transferred to the user.
    An extra fox can be summoned in proportion to the user's amount of cursed energy. One fox = a quarter of the user's cursed energy that's invested used up.
    So training to hopefully increase that amount, allows for more foxes to be summoned at a lesser cost to the user.
    Once a fox dies, all stored traits are gone with it.
    Extension: would be the foxes merging with the caster, giving them: their ability to consume cursed creatures; to morph their body to manifest any of the stored physical or power traits and also to convert those stored traits into curses energy.
    Foxes merging with the user is also a means to store the foxes for later use, so as to avoid removing 1/4 of cursed energy or more every time they need a fox. Foxes can also appear as clothes on the user, but cursed energy can still be detected on them.
    CTR: Able to consume a part of a sorcerer and manifest that individual's traits partially or fully via fox. Ofc, once used, have to consume that individual again.
    Being able to utilize that individual's cursed technique would require consuming them completely to then morph into them. This, ofc, consumes all the stored traits, so the user won't be able to morph into that individual again.
    Foxes could also themselves morph a person's body part or complete body and perform RCT on the user. Ofc, all of that consumes the fox's cursed energy.
    With RCT, Foxes also can freely morph into exact clones of the user, just with 1/4 of their cursed energy, they inherently have, and the stored parts of creatures.
    Maximum cursed technique would be the fusion of more than one stored traits in a fox. This permanently grants the foxes a change in their body and additional abilities, but that fox can no longer consume until it chooses to break down those changes into cursed energy, returning to it's normal form
    (They ability to use a cursed spirit, shikigami or another sorcerer's cursed technique, requires a deep understanding of cursed energy. And a deeper understanding yet, for merging the traits and abilities of different creatures together for the maximum technique.)
    Domain Expansion:
    One handed kitsune sign with the target of the domain focused through the gap made between the thumb and middle finger and ring finger.
    Skulk Earth (giant roots of a tree scattered about with pitch black dirt and an orange sunset)
    Summoning of a bunch of foxes (parallel to the amount of stored traits) that may each shapeshift to any of the stored curses, shikigami or in the case of RCT, any stored human (sorcerer)
    These foxes can also merge with one another or the caster in the DE, for versatility as well
    Caster also gets the usual buffs in abilities, like merging instantaneously.
    The state of any traits that were stored before activation, remain the same when DE is used.
    Incomplete: requires enclosed space. Foxes can shift completely and can only use one ability of a creature at its original's power
    Complete: foxes can fully shift and merge, as well as RCT, with all attacks being auto hit
    Barrierless: same capabilities but with the addition to merge with non cursed objects to erase their presence and also to attack from them

  • @s1lverzgaming
    @s1lverzgaming 6 місяців тому

    I made one called “Unbreakable order.”
    So the user can imbue any object and make it a special grade cursed object, but you have to win a battle with the weapon it will be transformed into to transform it, so said object will be transfigured into that weapon, like inverted spear of heaven, soul-split katana, any special grade cursed object.
    Drawback is you can only use one at a time, and once a new one is manifested, they cannot use that other one anymore (not permanent)
    Domain that best fits this one: “Radiating Cursedness.”
    So the user opens their domain and it’s filled with floating stones and they can use multiple at once since it’s their domain.

  • @abdobelbida7170
    @abdobelbida7170 6 місяців тому

    Aight here goes nothing.
    Cursed technique: greed's oblation
    the technique allows the user to create shikigamis from anything as a medium unlike the usual shikigami techniques, but the user has to able to claim ownership over the thing, anything from outright buying it to stealing it can work here, and even concepts like memories can work as a medium, all that matters is that they have it.
    the resulting shikigami depends on how valuable the medium is deemed to be, the more valuable and expensive, the more powerful the shikigami is, and using the same medium twice (ex: gold) will always result in the same shikigami(same trauts and abilities).
    Once you create the shikigami, the medium used is irretrievable under normal circumstances, and it completely disappears with the death of the shikigami.
    Domain expansion: pleonexia.
    Inside the domain all targets are taken over by the shikigami creation effect, what ~usually~ happens is that the targets blood turns into a lot of small shikigami that starts attacking them from the inside, the idea is that whatever the target deems to be their most valuable possession is the target of the technique, as it's usually their life the blood happens to be the target, if they happen to value.... for example.... some loved one more their memories of that loved one are the target, the user has complete control of the resulting shikigami as they presist even outside the domain, until their kılləd that is.
    Technique reversal: temperance.
    The reversal simply allows you to undo the shikigami, turning them into the object they were once more, which can be useful in saving the shikigami from death and for storage purposes.
    Additional notes:
    -as the shikigami can die, they can be sacrificed to make powerful attacks similar to uzumaki, or to power up any of the users techniques such as a barrier.
    -I imagine this technique goes well with the concept of binding vows, allowing our sorcerer to "buy" stuff that isn't usually for sale to use as shikigami, such as souls.

  • @teddysama5745
    @teddysama5745 6 місяців тому

    CT shrinks non organic material and stores them in my domain. Once u learn RCT, you can grow them back and use them to attack others. In domain everything stored goes back to original size and hits the other person.
    This is pretty much isshiki’s eye prowess from boruto

  • @Kelps.mp4
    @Kelps.mp4 6 місяців тому

    I'll give it a shot.
    Cursed Technique is basically creating Shikigamis from scratch. The more time you spend creating the Shikigami, the more powerful he becomes, and if you hypothetically spend like 10 hours straight creating a Shikigami, the Shikigami would be basically God. But the thing is, each minute spent creating a Shikigami drains your stamina, and you would pretty much die creating for 10 hours straight unless you have RCT to reset your brain, and while you're creating, you can't really be doing *anything* but create the Shikigami.
    Not to be confused with 10 Shadows or Cursed Corpses, this one is creating from scratch.
    The Reversal would be... The reversal of the Cursed Technique, duh. You could basically deconstruct every single Shikigami as long as you're touching the Shikigami for long enough, which would be a hard counter for Mahoraga.
    The Domain Expansion would be a Shikigami Auto-Clicker, yoh can create thousands of different Shikigami to fucking jump the opponent, and the opponent *has* to dodge, because if he doesn't, after the Domain shatters, all the damage the opponent took will be doubled.
    Though, I don't know if that would work since as far as I know Shikigami aren't created by Cursed Energy since Mahoraga's Sword is quite literally pure Positive Cursed Energy. Still fun, though.

  • @Thrillr
    @Thrillr 6 місяців тому

    That 1st one was lit! But all very good 👏🏾

  • @dre99ignite
    @dre99ignite 6 місяців тому

    My custom CT is called Spooky Action and is based on quantum entanglement. The idea is that the user can forge a connection with matter by itself observing it with three senses, and once the connection is forged, the user can instantly share location with the matter or the matter instantly share location with the user. Or, by doing both at the same time, you can trade locations. It’s like Flying Thunder God meets Boogie Woogie, but I don’t think it’s busted because the offensive applications are extremely limited unless you’re creative enough (👀) and u like boogie woogie, the user can’t swap the position of two other objects or people

  • @RedYellowBird6889
    @RedYellowBird6889 6 місяців тому

    Wow, we got some really cerebral techniques this time around, love it.

  • @altu8590
    @altu8590 6 місяців тому

    This should be a series!

  • @crazyand2099
    @crazyand2099 6 місяців тому

    I recently cooked up a potential cursed technique:
    Cursed Technique: Bullseye
    As long as you are in the user's eyesight, they can place a bullseye on you. With this bullseye on you, the next attack will always hit you, as there is a sort of link with the cursed energy in the bullseye and the next attack, no matter what. It can even bypass Gojo's infinity. It is essentially a domain's sure hit, but it can only be used once before needing to be used again and if you leave the user's eyesight, it will go away. There is also a damage boost when you hit the bullseye.
    Cursed technique Reversal: Near Miss
    Same conditions as before but instead, your attack will always miss. If a bullseye was placed on Gojo and the user used the reversal, his next attack, no matter what it is, will always miss.
    Domain Expansion: Shooting Gallery
    in the domain the eyesight rule is no longer necessary and the second a bullseye is used up, a new one will instantly take it's place.

  • @a.mitra7740
    @a.mitra7740 6 місяців тому

    Here's one I cooked up
    Name : Cursed Contracts
    Allows the user to craft verbally spoken / visually represented 'Contracts' using their CE, which function like a superior form of a binding vow. The "Contract" can either be an Active Contract ( applies to what other people do ) or a Passive Contract ( applies to the user themselves ). The more complex the Contract, the more CE is required. The penalty dealt for breaking a 'Contract' is directly proportional to the CE of the perpetrator. For example, Megumi would suffer a lesser penalty for breaking a 'Contract' than Sukuna would for the same 'Contract', but this also means that the likes of HR users like Maki and Toji will suffer little to no penalties at all.
    The "Contracts" themselves function as such. If the user says "No one will attack for the next 5 seconds" and their opponent still attacks while they themselves do not, then their opponent would have broken the Contract and will suffer the penalty, which in this case, would be the complete inability to attack or deal any damage to anyone or anything for the next 5 seconds. Meanwhile, as the user upheld the contract, they would be granted 2x damage to all their attacks for the next 5 seconds. This is an example of an Active Contract. The activation requirement for these Contracts is that both parties involved i.e the user and all the opponents, must either listen to the Contract being announced or see it being written out in a visual medium. As long as their brain registers the existence of the Contract, it will activate and take hold. The Contract doesn't need to be understood, it's existence only needs to be perceived.
    However, it must be noted that if an Active Contract is broken by the user, the penalty suffered by the user is twice the penalty that the opponent would have suffered. The opponent will not receive any boost if the user breaks an Active Contract.
    A Passive Contract only binds the user and functions more like a superior version of a Binding Vow. Say, if the user says "I won't attack first, and won't be attacked first", then, as long as the user themselves doesn't start a fight and is, say, ambushed, they will always be teleported out of harm's way, and allowed to land a free hit on the attacker. The activation requirement for this is that the user themselves must understand the Contract first and abide by it. The penalty for Passive Contracts is simply the removal of the additional effect. There is no further penalty.
    The penalty itself is unique for every "Contract" and is based on what the Contract itself does. For an Active Contract that says "No one will move for the next minute", as long as anyone even moves a little and the user themselves don't move at all, the Contract will be considered broken, and the opponent won't be able to move for the next minute, while the user is allowed 2x speed and mobility for the next minute. However, if the user breaks the Contract, then the user won't be able to move for the next 2 minutes.
    Domain Expansion - Lawless Land
    Hand Sign - Doing a handshake with yourself
    It is a normal domain with a barrier, and its activation time can be increased by either decreasing the sure hit effects. The landscape is that of an old Western town in the middle of a desert ( a Wild West scene ). The sure hit itself is a set of pre-defined Contracts that are all directly fed into the opponent's brain upon activation of the domain itself, almost like Hakari's rule dumping. The unique properties of the domain are
    - The Active Contracts no longer bind the user inside the domain, so the user is not subject to any penalties.
    - The user no longer needs to announce any new Contracts for them to be viable inside the domain. However, using too many Contracts can overwhelm the domain itself and lead to it breaking. Once the domain breaks, all Contracts that have been made inside it are considered null and void. They will no longer be applicable.
    There is no RCT for this CT.

  • @ginnungagapabyss5639
    @ginnungagapabyss5639 6 місяців тому

    Inverted world, it's the JJK version of JOJO Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. The regular CT is just like the inverted spear with their existence completely canceling out CT, but the range is very limited like the inverted spear, but the range could be increased by imbuing weapons, and objects with your CT/CE.
    The DE of this technique will create a domain where the user can create an inverted copy of whatever is inside the DE, and if it makes contact with the original, they will cancel each other out.

  • @mayolei
    @mayolei 6 місяців тому

    Here's an Idea:
    Blows per minute or BPM
    Essentially when the technique is activated the user acts as a speaker and can play any music they have heard.
    The music pumps the user up giving them a 10% CE boost.
    The user then chooses what instrument the music they want to sync to and when they attack they will attack at the same rhythm to the instrument. The aatcks will also do different damage according to how heavy the instrument is(a low sounding bass would be very strong).
    Weaknesses: if they are inturrupted during the song like being speed blitzed or dodged or overpowered an intense sound shock wave will occur around them which will hit everything caught in it including the user which takes double damage.
    A technique reversal would suck the sound out of a wide area objects and let the user create strong sound blasts(basically Inumaki saying "blast away").

  • @peterhernandez4037
    @peterhernandez4037 6 місяців тому

    I made a CT and Domain for my wife
    Curse Technique: Naptime - This Technique is a preparation type whenever they nap they gain curse energy that can release when awake. Though the amount of energy stored and released can either be long or short. No one knows. So 8 hours of sleep isn't 8hrs of energy.. it can be a burst of 15 seconds... I assume reversal would be just her awake getting energy or losing it not sure.
    Domain Expansion: Eepy sleepy - This Domain is a closed domain and anyone trapped in it suffers from an uncontrollable urge to fall asleep even the caster. Whoever falls asleep first essentially loses since you can't defend yourself when you're asleep. I picked this since my wife can't fall asleep even with sleepy medicine and thought it was silly.

  • @Kokolitofora
    @Kokolitofora 6 місяців тому

    Attempt #2 of trying to get my CT into these vids. I'll also make up a basic character for it if you want to read it.
    CT: Bloodletting;
    Causes the target to hemmorhage a small amount of blood and cursed energy for 4 seconds when slashed. The amount of blood and CE leaked increases with every active slash on the target. The timer also resets with every new slash, but the ce investment also increases. (Kinda like bleed in Dead Cells, but it actiually costs something)
    Extension CT 1: Impaler's Kiss;
    Pours cursed energy into an active slash to form more blood and clot it to make a spike/stake for big damage. (Kinda like Ruin from RoR2)
    Ext ct 2: Patient Leech;
    Delays activation of the slash for later use, needs constant CE output and gets more expensive with each active slash.
    Maximum: Vampiric Feast;
    Pulls fresh blood (blood that hasn't hit the ground) and ambient CE towards the caster, creates RCT (45% efficiency and pretty slow), as well as replenishing CE (65% efficiency), pretty costly
    Hypithetical DE: Rouge Senate;
    Setting is a Roman Senate, roman senator shikigami attack the target from their blindspot inflicting a slightly stronger version of Bloodletting that scales harder.
    Character: Julius Gentilesci
    Outgoing and loud, likes videogames and history (hence the naming scheme), procrastinates way too hard, dislikes intense pressure (but often has to work in crunch time due to procrastination).
    E: fixed the wording on Patient Leech and added clarity for the "fresh blood" in Vampiric Feast.

  • @Layola_Pops
    @Layola_Pops 6 місяців тому

    Cursed Technique: Blessed energy Manipulation
    As the name states this allows the user to fully manipulate positive energy giving them access to RCT. But the technique shines brightest when used in a similar fashion as divergent fist and black flash changes into white flash.
    The take away here is that the user must be in a relaxed state and devoid of negative emotions in order to use this. Basically they must be the embodiment of "I have no enemies" additionally the user can't use cursed energy, only positive energy.
    Domain expansion: Garden of eden.
    Must only be used immediately after a domain has been activated in order to turn the casters domain against them.
    Maximum technique: Sleeping Buda.
    This maximum technique eliminates all negative energy within a 100 m radius, including the negative energy within the opponent.
    Don't you think this would be a good representation of Shoko if she became special grade??

  • @nokiaphone113
    @nokiaphone113 6 місяців тому

    Guys, do your part and save Super Earth for DEMOCRACY

  • @yeager1957
    @yeager1957 6 місяців тому +1

    Curse Technique: Repair
    The user can return any object or living organism to a state it was previously in up to 24 hours prior, the mind’s of living beings are not affected. This allows the user to “heal” others with cursed energy by repairing them to the state they were in a few hours prior. This doesn’t work on the user and cannot revive the dead. When repairing the missing pieces of the target will accelerate towards the larger piece of them, destroying anything not fortified with cursed energy that gets in their path. Objects or people fortified with cursed energy are still dragged along and damaged in proportion to the cursed energy used for the technique. Once an object is repaired it maintains the speed it was moving prior to being repaired.
    Technique Reversal: Destroy
    The technique sends the target into a more chaotic future state, “destroying” it. Examples include destroying concrete by breaking it down into dust or rubble, rusting iron, decaying organic material, etc. It can be applied in more abstract ways such as destroying the stillness in the air to create a shockwave. The effect can linger for a while depending on how much RCE was used.
    Their technique’s overall theme is reversing or accelerating entropy. To apply either they must be touching the target with either their hands or feet and can only have one active technique use for each appendage active at a time. Using multiple hands or feet on a single repair or destroy activation increases the technique’s output but ties up the technique use for all limbs used.
    The user of this technique would essentially be a Gojo fanboy who tries to apply their technique to mimic as many of Gojo’s power as possible such as continuously repairing the air under their feet to a second ago to walk on air in the most jank way possible.
    Hybrid Technique: Transmute
    This is an attempt to mimic the Gojo clans imaginary technique from someone with far less cursed energy fineness by repeatedly applying Repair and Destroy in quick succession to reshape something into a hypothetical state it never occupied but could have occupied. This takes a lot of cursed energy and is rarely worth the effort for anything larger than making a weapon out of a piece of rebar or something.

  • @altu8590
    @altu8590 6 місяців тому

    This wpuld be so busted OP if some of us had this, just instabtly obliteraten your target's will to live.

  • @iJESTlol
    @iJESTlol 6 місяців тому +2

    A cursed technique I created, based around séance techniques similar to the shiesty sorcerer himself, Ino.
    Cursed Technique: Spirit Beast Summoning. The user is able to turn themselves into a medium to summon twin animal-based spirits, in this case, it's twin tanuki associated to japanese folklore. They are able to transform into any non-cursed object or living creature after touching them directly.
    The Extension Technique applies multiple transformations at once in the tanuki's new forms to create imaginative beasts or tools, while the Maximum Output creates larger and more powerful versions of the resulting transformation.
    Maximum Technique: Divine Trickery allows the tanuki to surpass their limits and transform into curse users and cursed tools/objects within 1 grade level of their summoner. In their transformed state, they can even use the cursed technique of the person they transformed into, however it can be limited based on the specifics of the technique.
    Domain Expansion: Beast Den Theatre creates an ethereal forest clearing with leaves constantly falling through the air, unhindered. The transformed tanuki can swap positions between these leaves almost instantly to attack targets with an onslaught of disorienting attacks.

  • @Daruno
    @Daruno 6 місяців тому +1

    This my first donation, and i had one question but another one got into my mind:
    -Did Itadori heal Todou and Nobara in the time skip since we now know that you CAN heal the soul damage with RCT, just need to know the shape an see the soul, and since Itadori was his friend, who sould know they're soul better?
    -Is the world cutting slash Sukuna's Maximun technique?

    • @ManganimistYT
      @ManganimistYT  6 місяців тому

      Thank you so much for the support Daruno! I talk about your question in this video:

  • @BlaxkSun
    @BlaxkSun 6 місяців тому

    The 1st one is the straw-straw fruit from 1 piece, 2nd is manga Spoiler form black clover and bleach.

  • @jakubtrapp3509
    @jakubtrapp3509 6 місяців тому

    I got a fun technece
    I call it "elemntal beasts"
    Its a shikigami based abylity
    The user from the special clan has 4 tatoos each depending on the user but they always show a dragon ,an animal that lives in water or is half awuatic creature ,a bird and a land based animal
    You can summon only one of the shikigami at the time and to swotch beetween them you have to un summon the one yoy sent out and get send another one
    Yoy have to gain them similary to ten shadows you need to beat them up intil they submit to you oer see cant figth anymore and are just too tired to battle
    If you use cursed technece reversal these shigikami can absorb the elements so like the dragon can just suck up a forest fire or the bird can make someone essencially choke
    If you gain a domain it will be
    "Elemental paradise"a place made out of a volcano high up in the sky with many waterfalls
    Where there are 4 statues resenbling the animal on the tatoos and now the user controlls all 4 elements at the same time no shigikami need to be summoned but the thing is each chigikami is weak to the other shigikamis element
    Of course water beats fire but fire beats earth and earth beats wind and wind can beat water
    But to a dangerous degree that if you just throw a small peblle at the bird it automatyclly cannot figth no more and no matter how big the bird is its still just as weak
    (The water one you would need to derect wind at the water shigikami ti accually hurt it)
    These shigikami wont die but when they lose their tatoos turn white and you have to wait 24 hours for them to return to their peak

  • @riskiadityacahyadiputra3456
    @riskiadityacahyadiputra3456 6 місяців тому

    Let me try to create one:
    Name: arrows of destiny
    Description: allow user to change or add to the trajectory of object in physical contact with user, the added speed of the object is determined by the amount of cursed energy put into it and the objects mass"
    Reversal: user can return an object to a previous location in time, how far ago it goes depend on the mass of the object and the cursed energy put in
    Maximum technique: shackled fate
    Apon physical contact with target user can force the targets next action for 1 minute
    Domain expansion: unshackled fate
    The user can control the trajectory of everything inside the domain with no condition at an atomic scale.

  • @ssgsensei4707
    @ssgsensei4707 6 місяців тому

    Newcomer hear but I thinks this cursed technique my just beat the rest
    So basically it is kinda similar to rosemary but instead of just using roses it could use any and all plant the user came in contact with and use the healing properties of any of them mixed with cursed energy to help heal-your body with out using rct
    The reverse would be able to give what ever healing properties of the plant but reverse it so it instead give a the person the illness that you could heal from and the more curse energy the person has the worse of they will be.
    And the domain expansion would be like hakari in the sense that there is no domain but when it is activated they can use all the healing properties from the plant they have come a crossed and use it for instantly recover. For example if they was to come across tumiric that have healing properties when it comes to cell regeneration but by using cursed energy on it they can decide to use it to replace cell lost in battle or if used in the opposite they can take them away

  • @DstruggleOng
    @DstruggleOng 6 місяців тому

    Ct: Contamination
    The user is able to create shikigami such as viruses, germs, bacteria and transfer any diseases that they poses at the time or use them for combat.Thier size may vary depending on the ce but their max size would be around a baseball.
    Such as if the user has a cold you would transfer the effects to your opponent but amplified by the amount of ce and shikigami implanted on them.
    And complicated diseases such as cancer would use drastic amounts of ce.
    Reverse technique: Cure
    Allows him to create cures and vaccines by REVERSE engineering the process of the disease.
    Open Domain Expansion: INFECTIOUS DISEASE
    The user is able to infect the opponent with any disease they have obtained threw out their life by using the bacteria viruses or germs in the area as their fuel.
    Uses of the Shikigami:
    The user can also englof his body with the curses and with each contact (doesn't matter if blocked)thier infected with the shikigami.
    The user can also infect himself with a different disease with the help of the shikigami to mix up their opponents in combat.

  • @Kelps.mp4
    @Kelps.mp4 6 місяців тому

    The Illustrator is basically TSC's Cursed Technique lmao.

  • @5t3v3zzzzzz
    @5t3v3zzzzzz 6 місяців тому

    Imagine a schizophrenic w the anguish curse technique...they'd be one punch man😅

  • @rajanadar3858
    @rajanadar3858 6 місяців тому

    Here's an idea,
    Name of the trait: The underworld's blessing
    The user will only be able to manipulate reversed cursed energy normally unless they decide on performing the reversal which will double the amount the amount of cursed energy they possess.(It will be taxing and time to produce normal cursed energy as the user will have to divide the cursed energy little by little)
    CT: Corruption
    Explanation: It corrupts the opponents cursed energy flow thereby disrupting their cursed technique. (This technique can only be used when the sorcerer pours reversed cursed energy into it) And overtime diminishing their output completely . With precision the sorcerer can one shot curses with just a single touch.
    *The sorcerer can fling or even make shapes with their reversed cursed energy if they had the six eyes
    Supreme art(only available if the sorcerer has the six eyes): Pact removal(the user will have his cursed technique and energy erased)
    Domain expansion: Hall of liberation
    Exp: the opponent will be unable to use his CT inside the domain because of complete restriction of cursed energy. *With the six eyes the sorcerer can nullify binding vows inside the domain
    Note: Only the sorcerer with the underworld's blessing can inherit "corruption" (but there are anomalies who have inherited six eyes along with the UB and corruption during the heian era)

    • @Waffle_rofl
      @Waffle_rofl Місяць тому

      I have the better idea on corruption CT.
      *How about this reversal:* the user can pretty much benefit their opponent, or a teammate if he's not dumb. Whenever they use an ability that requires negative energy will be a lot stronger, in exchange for not being able to use reverse or hollow techniques. Idk how to call the reversal tho, so have fun naming it :3
      *Corruption's maximum technique:* it allows the user to create a ball, the bigger it gets, the bigger area he corrupts, what does it do, you ask? Well, for cursed tools, it disables it's abilities (ex:inverted spear of heaven won't bypass infinity) untill you use reverse cursed energy on it. For the people in the area, it's normal corruption, but they can't get rid of the effect untill they leave the area, or the corruption puddle / area won't dissapear,
      *Domain expansion for corruption:* hellish restriction (idk what better name to give), so it works like corruption, but you can't use literally ANYTHING. *Meaning even if you try to use reverse cursed energy, or hollow technique, you simply can't.* Oh and corruption can take over you, and make you slown down, since the area is also covered in puddle, making you like ehhh 20-40% slower than usual.

  • @Deesnuts-ds3xs
    @Deesnuts-ds3xs 6 місяців тому

    I have a custom one that loosely resembles OPM character. Metal bat
    So basically every time the user gets injured when active the technique would convert that damage into CE but it won't heal the user just reducing the amount of pain the user feels.
    Which means if I were to have half my organs gone my CE would be nearly infinite.
    If it does have a Domain Expansion it would be probably like this: the location resembles a baseball stadium and there is a rule. If anyone in the domain gets damaged, it would convert into CE for the user only.

  • @reeeeffoT
    @reeeeffoT 6 місяців тому

    I just made this for fun, hope ya'all enjoy
    ( Note. I reposted this from part one, I just added a couple extra fact on how the technique works, that's bout' it enjoy!)
    Cursed technique: "Kinetic Transference"
    Description: Allows the user to steal or transfer an opponent's kinetic energy on to the user itself, essentially letting the move at extremely high speeds, even letting the user of this technique release all of the kinetic energy stored in the user's body in one devastating blast. The user of this technique can also convert kinetic energy into cursed energy, with the drawback of not being able convert it back into kinetic energy
    Bonus note:(this no longer exists cause' what i wrote here feels like a REALLY BIG stretch you can just go back to part one just find og comment. )
    New addition: Reversal of the "Kinetic Transference" technique
    Description: this allows the user to give back kinetic energy to the opponent causing the opponent to get launched uncontrollably.
    Another New addition: Maximum Technique
    Description: Everything in 10 meter radius gets all their kinetic energy stolen leaving them completely immobile
    Reversal Variant: Everything in a 10 meter radius gets an immesurable amount of kinetic energy is given to them that launches them in random directions.
    Both having the drawback of requiring a lot of cursed energy to actually use.
    Domain Expansion: "The Perpetual Motion Machine"
    Domain Description: First of all the domain will look like a gigantic perpetual motion machine ( Obviously ) that is constantly being powered by the kinetic energy of whoever's caught in the domain and the perpetual motion machine will also be constantly giving kinetic energy to the user of the "Kinetic Transference" technique. Essentially turning the poor souls who get in this domain to essentially turn into a battery.
    Edit: (this's no longer technically a edit cause I just copy pasted this from my old comment from part one. I still think this a really cool idea so this'll remain unchanged. )
    Bonus Cursed tool: (Completely unrelated to the cursed technique) Kronos's Stopwatch
    Description: The tool gives the user the ability to stop time for a short period of time, and the ability to essentially get unlimited Cursed energy for a short period, it works by granting you access to the cursed energy reserves of past future versions of you. With the MAJOR drawback of the more you stop time you start losing access to past and future versions of you.

  • @dracorajpoot1
    @dracorajpoot1 6 місяців тому

    Hope you put this in your next video.
    Cursed technique: Time warp
    With this technique you can see all the movenents a person has made in the last 5 seconds like naobitos technique and attack the person in his previous location. Once the person is attacked, he teleports to the location you attacked, so if you do a sword attack the person will teleport into the slash cutting him, so it could pass through infinity since its like a guaranteed hit.The more cursed energy you use the more back in tume you van see and attack.The downside is that if the person was damaged and you attack his position before he was demaged, the person will get healed of the damage. This can also be used to save an ally from a fetal blow by pulling him back in time.
    Cursed technique reversel: sealed fate
    While using ctr, instead of attacking the past you attack the persons future by attack where you see the person going. You can see 2 seconds in to the future. The downside is that the farther you see in the future the more variations of the future you see.
    Maximum technique: time trap
    With this technique you can trap someone in another dimension where time doesn't pass. But to keep someone traped in there you need to constantly keep pouring cursed enrgy in to the technique. The more things you send into the dimension the more cursed energy it takes. If you try put a sorcerer that has more cursed energy than you in the dimension you will freez for 5 seconds. The more powerful the cursed spirit or sorcerer the more cursed energy needed to maintain the technique. If you die anyone in the dimension will be released.
    Domain expansion: Time loop
    Once the domain is activated a timer of 5 minutes starts which is shown by a big clock. Once the timer reaches zero the domain will close. In the domain no one can you any cursed technique, not even simple domain. You can only fight using basic cursed energy. If the person who activated the domain dies the 5 minute timer resets and everyone is telepoted to the place where they were when the domain was activated and all damage they took after the first second of the clock is reverse. This keep happening until the timer runs out. If the user of the domain commits suicide the clock will still reset. But each time the clock resets it begins with ten seconds already passed.

  • @thatjuicyboi8516
    @thatjuicyboi8516 6 місяців тому

    Euphoria of battle one was seriously cool

    • @Waffle_rofl
      @Waffle_rofl 29 днів тому +1

      It's very complicated in my opinion, kind of like trying to understand king crimson from JJBA

  • @tofuissolid
    @tofuissolid 6 місяців тому

    Cursed Technique: Ghost
    -When the user activates this technique, they become invisible and turn into this ghost like phase. This ghost like phase renders the user pretty much completely invinsible. In this state, objects that
    move towards and into the user will phase through the user. Though, in this state, the user cannot phase through objects himself and cannot interact with physical objects. For example, if the user activates the technique and a trains comes at him, the trainwill phase through him, though, the user cannot phase through a wall, since he is moving towards it. In this state the user is also really light weight. When the technique is activated, it slowly drains the user's cursed energy, and the longer the user is in this state, the more cursed energy the user needs to use to maintain the state.
    Some cool moves a user can do with this technique
    -When running the user can turn the technique on and off between steps. Since in the "ghost" state the user is very lightweight. Everystep will have more of an affect if the techique is turned on after a step.
    -Fall damage cancel. Since in this "ghost" state the user technically has no phsyical body, just before hitting the ground the user can activate this technique and negate the effects of fall damage.
    -In a fight the user can grab and pull the oppenent towards themselves then activate the techique to phase behind them, to strike them from behind. Since the oppenent is technically moving towards the user, by the rules of the technique, the user is able to phase through the opponent and end up behind them.
    This is just some CT I thought about and is inspired from a lot of things. Currently I have some ideas for the reversed cursed technique and domain expansion. If anything here needs clarfication
    (probably will) or you have any question please ask them.

  • @melkorianproductions4235
    @melkorianproductions4235 6 місяців тому +1

    This is awesome

  • @Nobarawithwatermelon
    @Nobarawithwatermelon 6 місяців тому

    Let’s go, Timber’s ct was here!!

  • @sawanpancholi7366
    @sawanpancholi7366 6 місяців тому +1

    Actually i made domain for characters who didn't got in the series please read and give a opinion 🙏🏻
    1. Yuki - Her domain have a unique effect much like Gojo where the technique of the domain is different than the usual inate technique of the user
    Domain name - Jupiter's Gravity - In this domain yuki can crush her opponent with immense pressure generated by gravity and it takes the environment of planet Jupiter
    2. Nanami kento - Domain name - Distanced Strike
    Basically he can strike with ratio technique with out touching the target like mahito's idle transfiguration when in domain it doesn't require touch, so in Nanami's Domain he didn't require a touch and he can strike with anything.
    3. Mei mei - Domain name - Black Box of the black bird
    Basically in her domain she can summon crows like shikigami and can use her extension technique "Bird strike" as a sure hit effect technique.
    4. Choso - Domain name - Bloodpool
    In this domain choso can bloodbend his opponent and that's it
    5. Suguro geto - Domain name - Cursed world of Spirits
    In his domain suguro can use the technique of any of his curses without extraction by uzumaki and make it a sure hit effect of his domain also his domain looks like a cemetery 🪦
    6. Takaba - Domain name - Open mic
    Only Non-lethal Domain in my list and 3rd domain with an open barrier and some conditions to use it
    Basically takaba can only use his domain when there is multiple people around to act as audience and then after opening the domain sure hit will work like everybody will get a seat and unable to leave and he and his opponent will engage in comdey battle and if his opponent is unable to make people laugh then he uses his cursed energy and technique for quit some time and people will react honestly because they are manipulated by tabaka' reality altering traits.
    These are my imagined domain for our favourite characters.

    • @ManganimistYT
      @ManganimistYT  6 місяців тому

      Sawan thank you for sharing these are all really fun, and all make sense for the characters. My favorites are Takaba and Geto's! Its a shame we don't get to see more domains in the series.
      Appreciate the support 🙏🏻

    • @sawanpancholi7366
      @sawanpancholi7366 6 місяців тому

      @@ManganimistYT you can use it for your next video i have no problem 🙏🏻

  • @KingH-5700
    @KingH-5700 6 місяців тому

    Jesus the cursed technique that i created is really similar to timber’s except a few details and now i brainstormed more ideias to it, i shall comeback with a better version of it

    • @KingH-5700
      @KingH-5700 6 місяців тому

      Okay I’m back with a little upgrade to my CT
      Cursed painting: with this technique the user can infuse his cursed energy into drawings to make them come to reality, how much cursed energy and how much the user knows about the thing he is painting influences how strong the cursed drawing is, the user can freely control his cursed drawings but to keep them in the real world he needs to supply them with cursed energy (that’s automatic like maintaining a constant stream of fire for exemple) making so that extensive battles or a lot of cursed drawings takes a lot of effort to maintain, when the cursed drawing is dispelled they just vanish and don’t give back any cursed energy except for cursed drawing born of tattoos on the users body when they are dispelled they just reappear on the users body and return 25% of the cursed energy used to maintain it (the more proficient you’re the more you receive back the max being 80%), one extension to the technique is that the user can make drawings using his cursed energy, using his fingers as a brush to paint, the more clear the vision and the more cursed energy the user puts into the cursed drawing the more detailed the drawing will be for exemple you want to make a wall, then you use a certain amount of cursed energy, visualize a wall then draw a square with you finger using cursed energy then a wall appears, Also the user can draw techniques for example you see gojo using red you tattoo red in the palm of your hand then you put cursed energy into it making that you activate the cursed technique in a way smaller scale but if you go up to gojo and ask him how red works and he explains everything about the technique your red is as effective as gojo’s the only limitation being your cursed energy being way too low to use it effectively, for a reverse of the technique this is still a work in porgress but since the user uses his cursed energy to bring drawings into reality what if the reverse is that the user can bring realty into a drawing and absorb its cursed energy to counteract the usage of cursed energy in maintaining the cursed drawing into reality (the cursed energy that you receive form it would be lower though like 10% but the more you have the more you receive back the percentage that you receive back also grows bigger the more proficiente you are with the cursed technique i think the cap would be something like 60%) and for the domain expansion im working on it but the rough idea is that of a totally blank area like a canvas that everything the user draws in there doesn’t consume cursed energy but takes time to draw something new, but one cool feature is that the domain maintains drawings previously made into so that for the next time he opens the domain the cursed drawing is already there ready for combat, i also have a name for it: God’s empty washi (神の空和紙: kami no sora washi) washi being a traditional Japanese paper used for drawings (well that what a quick search of mine got).
      I’m accepting suggestions, and i think i will post this in the discord too

  • @zsoltklem5006
    @zsoltklem5006 6 місяців тому

    Let me throw out a biblical one, we already have some inspiration from there.
    The word of God:
    The user touches a solid surface, and loudly proclaims a divine law. It can be anything, but can not be lethal on its own, and can not be specific to a single creature. It must be a universal law, a single sentence long. The words are isntantly imprinted into the surface, start to glow and a few seconds later start to burn it out. When the burning starts, the law activates, so there is a few second window to get ready for it after it is declared. The more complicated or powerful the law, the faster it burns, and the more durable the surface, the longer it can take it. When the surface burns out fully, the law is no longer in effect. Anything and anyone who has direct line of sight to those words must obey the law unconditionally.
    - gravity does not exist: I think you can guess, everything just floating, but when leaving line of sight, fall instantly
    - there is only silence: no sound can be created or heard, so a CT that needs sound is instantly broken
    - death can not reach us: immortality within range, but a lethal damage kills you instantly upon leaving, or the surface burning out
    - left hands can not move: anyone there is handicapped , only right hands are usable, again, a CT needing both hands is done for
    - speach is backwards: chaos
    - you get the idea, you can make it longer and more complex, but that will cost you CE and time
    While at least one law is active, the user has no access to their CE for any use, this also means that only a single law may be in effect at once. Also means that the domain can not be used when a law is in effect, unless 10 laws are stored up, see later. Can be kinda tricked by touching 2 surfaces at the same time and speaking fast enough, but still 2 at max, and doing this has a heavy impact on the body. It also takes a lot of energy to perform, so the daily uses are limited. Obviously, a lack of suitable surface can make it much weaker by burning out faster, while still having the same cost.
    Domain expansion, Ten Commandments:
    The inside of the barrier is inscribed with 10 laws declared at creation. This means the domain takes relatively long to activate, you actually have to say all 10, and can be stopped mid-cast. As the barrier is all around the domain, all 10 laws have constant and unbreakable line of sight, acting as the guaranteed hit. 1 law can be sacrificed and stated as such: "no domain is above the law". This means any domain clash is won regardless of the other domain, somewhat of a binding vow, as it weakens the effect but makes the domain stronger against other domains. The barrier is the surface burning out, so the domain can only be open for a short time, and collapses on its own when it burns out fully. Also, the barrier gets weaker, so the longer you can stay alive, the easier it is to break out (or in). The limitation of stronger laws burning faster still apply, just not individually, but to the sum of the 10 laws. You can go crazy, but time will be ticking fast. The domain does not have the same limiting effect on CE, in fact, it has the opposite effect. All energy that was locked away by previous uses of law can be accessed instantly either to deploy the domain, or after it is deployed for any other use, but only 10 laws worth of energy can be stored in this way, any excess is wasted. If you still have energy left when the domain closes or burns out, it is also wasted.

  • @DivineeTray
    @DivineeTray 6 місяців тому

    Imma just join da discord cause i typed it here twice but it wouldnt post so yt dont want me to share my Custom CT

  • @Timber834
    @Timber834 6 місяців тому

    7:13 ay das me!

  • @keerthan7558
    @keerthan7558 6 місяців тому

    That bleach character would be byakuya kuchiki

  • @EpsilonThirteen
    @EpsilonThirteen 6 місяців тому +1

    Question: Can someone with cursed energy, but not a Cursed Technique, have a domain expansion? Everyone has an innate domain so is it possible?

    • @goldenrose223
      @goldenrose223 6 місяців тому +1

      Probably, going off of that and how in the past they didn't seem to have anything to do with your CT, you probably could

    • @zarc1145
      @zarc1145 6 місяців тому

      No domain expantions are a mix of innate domain and cursed technique

    • @zarc1145
      @zarc1145 6 місяців тому

      ​​@@goldenrose223also past domain did have things to do with your ct the only thing that tengen says were different is in the past a sure hit effects wasn't a sure kill aka the sure hit effects of the domains less were deadly and sometimes even harmless (altough there were people with sure kill domains like sukuna)

  • @randomrobloxian1378
    @randomrobloxian1378 6 місяців тому

    how do people like todo find out what their technique is and find out what different things they can do

  • @The_Creator-ku1dg
    @The_Creator-ku1dg 6 місяців тому

    Amazing vid. Also i just realized it says cutom in the description instead of custom.
    Another thing is that i finally thought of a domain idea for my previous custom technique.
    The domain is called Constructive Destruction and it's a barrierless domain that applies both the cursed technique and reverse cursed variant into it's sure-hit effect. The user can use the Deconstruct sure-hit effect to dismantle anything with touching it however, the reverse cursed technique sure-hit effect, Reconstruct, will instantly activate on the target that the user used Deconstruct on. But there is a catch, the user can choose how the target gets deconstructed while the domain will choose randomly on how to reconstruct it back. It's similar to building legos. You get to choose how to dismantle it while someone else chooses how to put it back together in their own way. Another thing the user can do is that they can use it against anything with or without matter. So the user can use it on air, space and even someone's cursed technique. They can simply deconstruct the functions, abilities, activation rules of a cursed technique and the domain can simply change it.
    Also the user can use it on living objects.

  • @chirantanroy1323
    @chirantanroy1323 6 місяців тому

    Who would win in a fight, Rika from JJK 0 or Mahoraga??
    I don't have money to sponsor so I know @manganimist won't pick my question but if any viewer is reading this comment please feel free to answer

    • @lesouth0348
      @lesouth0348 6 місяців тому

      Rika love laser would one shot

    • @Waffle_rofl
      @Waffle_rofl Місяць тому

      Big raga can adapt to it, plus, it's debatable if she uses it instantly or after mahoraga adapts

  • @Izen7
    @Izen7 6 місяців тому

    why is gojo bald 🤣

  • @raiu6642
    @raiu6642 6 місяців тому

    no way

  • @SavantPete
    @SavantPete 6 місяців тому

    Domain Expansion: "Stage 5: Son Goku"

  • @stevensonjohnson9213
    @stevensonjohnson9213 6 місяців тому

    Hello! Here's my custom CT and Domain:
    -Innate Technique: Restoration
    This technique instantly restores the user's body to its optimum state, healing all injuries no matter how severe. Repeated use of this technique drains a significant amount of the user’s CF and can only be used on them.
    -Domain Expansion: Mesmerizing Peace
    Expanding this domain creates a semi-cloudy sky composed of star fields and an aqueous soil that extends to infinity. Befitting its name, Mesmerizing Peace has a sure-hit effect that instantly mesmerizes its target with sheer tranquility, rendering them completely immobilized. This effect does not affect the user or anyone they touch willingly.
    Additionally, the domain instantaneously restores the user and anyone of their choosing to their optimum state, healing all injuries and replenishing their CE and CT.
    (btw, this domain can fully restore & save Gojo)

    • @lesouth0348
      @lesouth0348 6 місяців тому

      That’s literally just RCT