why i waited

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024


  • @JamieGraceProductions
    @JamieGraceProductions  5 років тому +172

    #WaitItOut 💜
    If you want to know more, i have two books on this subject (link in description) and a podcast (The Jamie Grace Podcast) where i go much deeper on this subject and similar ones. Love you guys much. Thanks for letting me sharing my story 💜

    • @cassyluvsanchez4005
      @cassyluvsanchez4005 5 років тому +3

      Can you do a musical cover of my favorite song from Cinderella a dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes please Jamie Grace

    • @tatytudor9788
      @tatytudor9788 5 років тому +4

      You should say more about God's view/mandate on fornication and not saving oneself or being celibate before marriage. I find people are too vague about certain things that are written in bible(in an effort not to offend people I guess), but still we must say exactly what the scripture says and not sugar coat it.....On another note, You are Glowing! Congrats on your soon coming baby girl 😃

    • @natalierose1938
      @natalierose1938 5 років тому +2

      Jamie Grace okay I’m 12, and I love this video:) I feel like people should wait until marriage for sex, it’s better if it’s out of love and with the right person, this totally changed my perspective on how I used to view sex,(btw I went to your concert in ND)

    • @ni-klausfatherson2916
      @ni-klausfatherson2916 5 років тому

      What going on Jamie? You're becoming overweight.

    • @ashabakit603
      @ashabakit603 5 років тому

      Wowwww l like you

  • @karenstephenson
    @karenstephenson 5 років тому +409

    I'm 47 I've been single my whole life, I'm still waiting on the Lord for the right person.

    • @camilledm
      @camilledm 5 років тому +42

      I pray that it happens soon for you. God Bless.

    • @eccnglobal
      @eccnglobal 5 років тому +26

      May God grant you your heart desires In Jesus Name!!!

    • @superpayaseria
      @superpayaseria 5 років тому +9

      Dang. Thank u for ur honesty. And as absolutely wonderful, and honorable as that is because I know God knows. I have to be realistic. What I believe deep down, is God allows us to fall in love. It's a gift. And u have to at some point realize a decision must be made or not. And no decision will come with out work and dedication. So GO FOR IT SIZTA!

    • @Soldier816
      @Soldier816 5 років тому +8

      You are a jewel. Never loose hope

    • @Soldier816
      @Soldier816 5 років тому +26

      I love your story. My story is very similar. I waited till 32 and now I am married for 9 yrs with 2 precious kids.

  • @julierobinson5180
    @julierobinson5180 5 років тому +121

    I love what one pastor used to say, “When God says Don’t, He means don’t hurt yourself.” This embodies all the reasons that you shared about waiting.

  • @pinklight911
    @pinklight911 5 років тому +34

    I waited until I was 26. I waited for marriage. I've been married for 11years with 2 kids.

  • @eboniarmstrong4401
    @eboniarmstrong4401 5 років тому +50

    I’m almost 30 & still waiting for marriage. Thank you for this, sis! ❤️

  • @ellie-rj3hc
    @ellie-rj3hc 5 років тому +332

    i'm almost 17 and i've never done anything. i've never had a bf. i'm for sure waiting. i'm thankful for my parents everyday for talking to me and advising me to wait bc thats what God wants me to do:)

    • @NoRevengeNeeded
      @NoRevengeNeeded 5 років тому +10

      Just keep it up im rooting for you

    • @ellie-rj3hc
      @ellie-rj3hc 5 років тому +2

      Michelle Thomas thank you so much:)

    • @ellie-rj3hc
      @ellie-rj3hc 5 років тому +3

      Bethel Changani thank you. and yes God is faithful. i'll be praying for you🙏

    • @faithrodgers9102
      @faithrodgers9102 5 років тому +9

      You will make it. I am 19 and still waiting. I have had never been in a relationship either.

    • @ellie-rj3hc
      @ellie-rj3hc 5 років тому +2

      Aleah Rodgers thank you🙏

  • @ItsaYoungLife
    @ItsaYoungLife 5 років тому +71

    My husband and I waited and saved our first kiss for our wedding 🙂 it was hard sometimes but TOTALLY worth it

  • @noellamariah
    @noellamariah 5 років тому +203

    Because it is worth the wait. Thank you Jamie

  • @garnilsen
    @garnilsen 5 років тому +141

    My wife and I both of waited until marriage. I’m so thankful we did! Thanks for this video. God Bless you.

  • @Soldier816
    @Soldier816 5 років тому +36

    I love your story. My story is very similar. I waited till 32 and now I am married for 9 yrs with 2 precious kids.

  • @jedicrush1497
    @jedicrush1497 5 років тому +32

    Even if u wait and save your body for your future mate don't expect EXTRA favors and blessings from God. U still have to struggle...go through ups and downs and grow just like everyone else. It's really good that Jamie shared this information for all who are waiting for the right mate.

  • @lexie02jones25
    @lexie02jones25 5 років тому +72

    Preach sista! You're right! Sex is not a test drive for you to do in order to be with someone in marriage. Sex isn't the key to a great relationship, love is and only in Christ.

    • @rlyrosy
      @rlyrosy 5 років тому

      oh yikes

  • @godisgoodallthetime7622
    @godisgoodallthetime7622 5 років тому +35

    I too am a pastor's daughter. I waited because I needed to please my heavenly Father. It's a gift that I wanted to give my husband. It's not cheap. We married these twenty-eight years.

    • @demetriabridges
      @demetriabridges 5 років тому +2

      I'm soooo happy that you have a good marriage. But it's hurtful to know that women in the church believe that celibacy is a way to please The Almighty.
      HE already is pleased with you. There's nothing you can do that will EVER change that. You've could've had 100 partners before marriage and GOD would still be pleased with you. You're blessed because of Christ not anything you've done or could do.
      We have to kill this brainwashing that the patriarchal system in the church keeps endorsing.

    • @merwillemina9390
      @merwillemina9390 4 роки тому

      @@demetriabridges So when you talk about God being pleased with people who've had 100 partners before marriage, you're referring to people who've sinned and have repented and been forgiven by God?

    • @demetriabridges
      @demetriabridges 4 роки тому

      @@merwillemina9390 God is pleased with us regardless of what we do or don't do. Whether you wait or not, He is always well-pleased.
      The problem is the patriarchial system in the church that has duped women into believing that waiting until marriage pleases God. Well, what about the men these women married who didn't wait? So they get to have their fun pre-marriage and still benefit from a godly woman who waited? Please...when will women wake up?
      Please understand there is no big or little sin. Sin is sin, whether you lie, cheat or fornicate..it is all sin to Him and without repentance the sentence is the same. But for some reason, women have taken up this mantle while men are dipping their sticks into everyone's soil.
      Even the adulterer, God is pleased with. But to enjoy the kingdom life here on earth, we need to align ourselves with Him. I have watched MANY women "wait" and still have unhappy lives. Why? Because they drank the snake oil of the church that if they wait, God will bless and their lives will be wonderful. Please...
      God never sanctioned multiple wives (in fact He spoke against it in the law He gave to Moses) but many in the OT had them AND concubines. And these same OT men were blessed and walked with God.
      I'm not against women or anyone waiting to have sex until marriage. I detest this brainwashing that women willfully submit to and sell to other women as the answer to a God fulfilled life. So Jamie Grace is blessed b/c she waited? But her hubby didn't. So that's okay? Notice how they gloss over that little tidbit.
      How many preachers have stepped out in their marriage and still are promoted to Bishop or Apostle?
      This is a mind game put upon women and women stupidly accept it because they refuse to KNOW THE WORD for themselves.

    • @merwillemina9390
      @merwillemina9390 4 роки тому

      @@demetriabridges Thank you for your response. I'm pretty sure men and women are supposed to wait. I'm not too sure about the 'God is pleased with adulterers and fornicators' part. You're not saying that God's busy smiling and giving a pat on the back to someone who went out of their way to displease Him? Of course, He's always ready to take back all who've sinned. I mean if they repent, cool but seeing no wrong in fornication and adultery and engaging in this is no pleasing sight to the Lord for the Lord is holy. I like how you said sin is sin with the same consequence, so why exactly will the Lord be pleased with a non repentant fornicator or adulterer, as this is sin? I just don't want to get you wrong, if I've misunderstood you, please do well to explain, thank you.
      1 Corinthians 6:18-20
      18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body [a]and in your spirit, which are God’s.
      Hebrews 13: 4
      Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
      1 Thessalonians 4:3
      For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality
      I'm pretty sure all these verses and many more apply to both women and men.

    • @demetriabridges
      @demetriabridges 4 роки тому

      @@merwillemina9390 You're basing God being pleased with us on our choices and actions. God is pleased with us JUST BECAUSE. His pleasure in us is not based on what we do or don't do. We can't earn our way into His good graces.
      A parent loves their child unconditionally. If that child chooses to misbehave, there is a punishment the parent will enact. However, the child's action no matter how horrid will never erase their parent's love and pleasure to them.
      The church has made our relationship with God based upon our choices. If I never pray, fast or even attend church, He loves me and is well pleased with me. If I have sex with 500 men, He is well pleased with me. If I wait until my wedding night, He is well pleased with me. I can't earn His love or even His blessings. He lavishes them upon me just because He loves me and is well pleased with me.
      Now to enjoy Kingdom living while I'm on this earth, I must choose to align myself with His Word and seek relationship with Him. Just like if I want to drive in America, I must align with and obey the traffic laws. I must have a license and have my car inspected, etc. Once I am in alignment with this country's system, then I have the freedom to drive wherever I want. If I violate the traffic laws, I can lose my right to drive and the freedom of mobility I so cherished.
      The same is true with Christ. JC cried out, "It is finished!" What is finished? All the blessings and higher levels of kingdom living that we should be experiencing as believers on earth. But the church/religion has made it about the flesh:
      "I fasted for a week, ergo He is pleased with me."
      "I said no to premarital sex or an adulterous affair, ergo He is pleased with me."
      Ever notice, no one ever got a blessing from God just because they waited to have sex or did right instead of wrong? Would you expect to get an extra tax refund from the government because they witnessed you stopping your car at a stop sign? Of course not, it's what you're supposed to do.
      If I choose to violate God's Word, I'm planting a seed for a harvest of weeds making my life harder and giving the enemy a foothold. Regardless, He is still pleased with me.
      Paul admonishes us to abstain from sexual immorality because remember our bodies are the temples JC, our High Priest dwells in. And if you have read the OT, you know how important the keeping of the temple was. JC will not dwell in a tainted atmosphere, but remember also that we are washed by His blood so how can we be tainted?. So, it's not so much just our physical bodies but our minds also. Sexual immorality isn't just two people having actual sex. JC said that if a man looks upon a woman with lust, he has committed adultery. So the mind is tainted without a physical act taking place. So you can be a physical virgin yet fantasize about having sex constantly. You are still violating your temple because the body obeys the mind. I'm not suggesting we go ahead and have our sexual fun against God's Word but that we go beyond the surface of His Word and church conjecture and look deeper. See the propaganda the church has been spewing at women and choose to debunk it.
      If a woman chooses to abstain from sex until marriage, that's fine. But she will get no more applause from God than if she treated her neighbor right or chose not to speak in anger. If a woman wasn't a virgin, if she repented then she's as pure as if that sexual act or acts never happened. But women don't believe that and the church willingly chooses to manipulate that fear.
      The battle is in our mind. Notice how men and women view sex. Men can wash off prior sexual partners and go live their life with a wife happily. A woman will continue to carry the stigma of impurity and feels ashamed because that is how the church and society has sought to control her. So, if I believe I'm tainted, then how can God bring blessings into my life? He only operates on the currency of my belief. This is why men can do unspeakable things, repent and let it go and can experience blessings women aren't . So once a woman is married, if she wasn't a virgin, she may feel she's "okay" now or if she was, she'll feel proud that she waited. Either way, one feels purged and the other feels justified. WHAT??? It's ridiculous! There is no big or little sin! And once you repent, God says He throws it into the sea of forgetfulness. But the woman has been trained not to forget so she is double minded and subconsciously tries to earn her way instead of just receiving. Men more so, can let such things drop and their ability to receive is greater. They don't judge themselves at all.
      So Jamie Grace's video on "waiting" repels me greatly because it adds another weight to the brainwashing women believe they must do. Where is Aaron's video to men? Why isn't he emphatically stressing to men to not do as he did but to wait until marriage? I believe she went from her daddy's house to living with Aaron post "I do". So this chick has been on lockdown to ensure her "purity" yet why didn't her parents (church leaders) MAKE SURE the man she was to marry was just as pure? Why? Because it doesn't matter if he's pure, purity rests solely on a woman's shoulders. They can proudly say, "Jamie Grace knew no man". Her virginity/rep is tied to the church's rep. and that's how it's always been because the church is no better than the Middle East when it comes to seeing women as property to control. And women keep falling for this! Hosea 4:6

  • @olivialake3705
    @olivialake3705 5 років тому +39

    “I didn’t even know how to spell it till my wedding day”😂😂😂😂

  • @thebonifiedlady111
    @thebonifiedlady111 5 років тому +141

    No husband privillage if he is not a husband.

    • @hephzibahmakhetha4371
      @hephzibahmakhetha4371 5 років тому +1

      Amen 😌

    • @jessereyna7408
      @jessereyna7408 5 років тому +2

      It’s very hard to be a guy too? We have so much emphasis on how important it is for a woman to wait until she’s married? But not so much on men? I think it’s because guys can be a little bit more predictable than women? But guys go through a lot of harshness from single people who haven’t waited;and even married couples as well? They often question it more on males than they do on women if they are waiting?
      So there can be a lot of questioning about this subject on both sides..but wouldn’t it be great if couples would be a little more encouraging in a more positive way;versus just using the word of God as ward the male off sword kind of thing?

    • @jessereyna7408
      @jessereyna7408 4 роки тому +1

      Debbie Debbie yeah..that’s the tough one. But I’m trying to stay faithful to God;and wait for the right godly woman. I’m 49 years old;and never really had a girlfriend or dated in HighSchool. But the Lord saved me at 25/12 years old,and it’s been a tough battle to stay the way God has brought me into the world. But I know God love’s me;and he knows what’s best for me. My family thinks I’m crazy waiting for the right person except my mother;but I know what the Lord is asking of me..to Trust him.

    • @jessereyna7408
      @jessereyna7408 4 роки тому +2

      The weird thing is that;parents and the elderly in Christ talk to the singles as if they’re only supposed to share the waiting talks for women;as if there are no more pure men in the world;thanks to today’s generation and society;and especially above the age of 30;like myself at 49? But the waiting and staying pure talks;and staying faithful to God talks need to happen to all Christians.

    • @jessereyna7408
      @jessereyna7408 4 роки тому

      Debbie Debbie men shouldn’t get a husband privilege;or any contact privileges in a first meeting;or even after a first ten dates? Practicing self-control isn’t a game; it’s a spiritual Christian obligation.

  • @msggaines7408
    @msggaines7408 5 років тому +146

    This video was so good! I sent them to my 19 an 24 year old daughters that are waiting on the Lord.

    • @shanzpier9582
      @shanzpier9582 5 років тому

      I feel sorry for them,

    • @msggaines7408
      @msggaines7408 5 років тому

      @@shanzpier9582 why?

    • @shanzpier9582
      @shanzpier9582 5 років тому +1

      @@msggaines7408 Religious indoctrination as well as unhealthy views on sex and sexuality. I hope they choose facts over stigma and shame.

  • @HeartOfChristGlobalMinistry
    @HeartOfChristGlobalMinistry 5 років тому +6

    I made a personal pact with the Lord at age 13 that I would remain virgin til marriage. I'm glad there's people out there that is on a similar journey 🙌

  • @crystalw8458
    @crystalw8458 5 років тому +103

    Amen Jamie! I’m in my mid thirties and I’m still waiting on on my future husband and all that comes with that. I’ve never even kissed a guy and I would love to keep it to myself until marriage,

    • @companyconfidential6624
      @companyconfidential6624 5 років тому +2

      Crystal W
      R.A. Vernon preached about how he officiated a wedding for a couple that never kissed before the vows. He said that when the groom pulled back the veil the anointing almost knocked him back.

    • @maraka8106
      @maraka8106 5 років тому +1

      @@companyconfidential6624 woooooooow

  • @isabellatheodore5301
    @isabellatheodore5301 5 років тому +214

    I love your hair in this video!!

  • @neemo2740
    @neemo2740 5 років тому +117

    God created sex for a wife and husband to enjoy in their marriage. God's way for anything is always the BEST way. So many benefits to being obedient to the God that created us and knows us best

    • @lynetteking6980
      @lynetteking6980 5 років тому +4

      So true, God's way is the only way! Those disengagements are painful and long! Soul ties, Jesus knows this and is not being punitive he is protecting us for what is special but also his expressed will. Directly from his word! Marriage it is worth the wait! Thank you Jaime, and thank everybody for there stories. I did not wait but maybe a month before give or take before pulled back completely and our wedding night was amazing crafted by Jesus! Would have done life differently and stayed with my convictions to wait until marriage, but thanks for God's Grace and Mercy!

    • @jessereyna7408
      @jessereyna7408 5 років тому

      Nee Mo question? Why does God bring together in marriage someone who is a Virgin;and someone who is not? I’ve just found myself questioning this inside? Yeah,probably not a good thing to do I’m thinking? But just thought about this tonight?

    • @jessereyna7408
      @jessereyna7408 4 роки тому

      Nee Mo yes that’s true..but we should not think that it’s always the ladies are always the ones feeling worldly pressures into making that next physically active step? Men face that a lot too sometimes. We need to share scripture in every social situation.

    • @jessereyna7408
      @jessereyna7408 4 роки тому

      I agree..but waiting isn’t always easy for anyone. But waiting is a Christian obligation;and spiritual blessing and reward when executed through Christ;and in the Lord’s holy eyes.

  • @aerialjasmine5084
    @aerialjasmine5084 5 років тому +59

    Please keep me in your prayers everyone I get discouraged at times. Sometimes I focus on how long I’ve been waiting instead of focusing on how long God has encouraged me and motivated me to keep waiting. Thanks to everyone and I really appreciate it!! :)

    • @superpayaseria
      @superpayaseria 5 років тому +1

      I feel ya. I wait too because I just know deep down I want to be 100% happy. But on a real note, I know if I wait for ever I will also lose. I say make up our minds. And that is even my advise in the Lord. I will tell u what a man wants. He wants the blatant truth. Baby I want u marry me now. That's what he wants if thats what u want to say. Just make sure he's a real christian.

    • @aerialjasmine5084
      @aerialjasmine5084 5 років тому +2

      B-Town Klown yes I understand especially when it comes to dating you have to make sure that person loves the Lord. But I will be patient trusting that in his timing it will happen. Not my will but his will

    • @superpayaseria
      @superpayaseria 5 років тому

      No reply further. Ok, well take care!!

    • @semire11
      @semire11 5 років тому +3

      U can focus on self development e. g career improvement, church service etc. It helps take your mind off it so much

    • @aerialjasmine5084
      @aerialjasmine5084 5 років тому

      B-Town Klown you take care as well. Thank you.

  • @rebeccaoprea9917
    @rebeccaoprea9917 5 років тому +4

    When we realize we have free will , but we don’t want to break the fathers heart by taking what is not our to take , yet , we can wait . But when you forbid something it makes it that much more desirable.

  • @jclilstar1973
    @jclilstar1973 5 років тому +3

    Amen. Please keep my daughter Julie in prayer to know her worth and value. She turned away from the Lord a few months and always with her boyfriend a non beliver. May the Lord guide her and draw her back to him.

  • @cherylcarbaugh8011
    @cherylcarbaugh8011 4 роки тому +2

    I’m glad my husband and I waited too! It was the best gift we could give each other ❤️

  • @CJ_Boss87
    @CJ_Boss87 5 років тому +10

    Thank you Jamie Grace.. God just used you to save me from making a bad decision.. the waiting continues... 😌😏

  • @rosannasauereisen2827
    @rosannasauereisen2827 5 років тому +6

    i LOVE this! I choose to wait and now it's been almost 17 years since I got married. Our marriage gets better all the time, our friendship grows each year, and I don't regret the waiting at all-awkward moments and all.

  • @trulynkosi4100
    @trulynkosi4100 5 років тому +2

    Powerful Jamie..so wish young people could get dz msg. ..Im also waiting at 37 of age, I trust God to connect me to the right person for marriage.

  • @elementsofvirtue
    @elementsofvirtue 5 років тому +8

    Such a wonderful ministry. Abstinence from sex until marriage has seemingly been a loss virtue but I am truly thankful to God for restoration and recovery. His will is perfectly established on earth as it is in heaven #inJESUSname there's grace to restore 🙌 Glory to the Most High

  • @janaejohnson8547
    @janaejohnson8547 5 років тому +138

    You’re hair looks SO pretty!!!😍

    • @melissa6399
      @melissa6399 5 років тому +6

      right! I just realized she never had it that way i don't think

    • @janaejohnson8547
      @janaejohnson8547 5 років тому +1

      Melissa Yeah! Lol❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @antwionlewis
    @antwionlewis 5 років тому +5

    Awesome!!! I believe in waiting especially being born again!!! Men should be open to being virgins or taking the celibacy route. Glad you introduced grace and mercy!!!

  • @valeriea.8332
    @valeriea.8332 5 років тому +7

    I grew up thinking that sex was a "bad". But as i got older and my faith got stronger, i am able to see that it os such a beautiful thing. Waiting is challenging, but so worth it! Thanks for your explanation!

  • @teoemmymusic8416
    @teoemmymusic8416 5 років тому +9

    "an episode of Naked and Afraid" 🤣🤣🤣

  • @flowerr282
    @flowerr282 5 років тому +4

    I'm 19 and waiting for marriage. I'm so thankful God gave me a boyfriend who understands that I want to wait.

  • @lowellmiller6663
    @lowellmiller6663 5 років тому +4

    Thanls for sharing. I'm 40, single,never married, virgin...

  • @solstudios941
    @solstudios941 5 років тому +39

    Love the way you approached this. I’m waiting too, and it’s a weiiird thing to be a virgin in college, but I’m not wavering in my convictions. Thank you for the reminders

    • @lynnecarnivale5085
      @lynnecarnivale5085 5 років тому +3

      Been there, done that! It was worth it! Honeymoon night was beautiful. Gods plans are perfect when we wait upon Him. Educate yourself, do great things, and the right person will arrive. Waiting was the best idea we had. It's a gift to one another! God bless you!!!

    • @lynnecarnivale5085
      @lynnecarnivale5085 5 років тому +7

      Oh, one more thing, its not weird... its SMART! 😊 KEEP WALKING WITH THE LORD. Anyone worth it, will wait with you. Keep praying. Peace.

    • @beulaho
      @beulaho 5 років тому +8

      @@lynnecarnivale5085 I was going to say it's not weird too 👏🏾 It's Biblical and godly, only "weird" according to the ways of the world (which will always be contrary to the ways of our Lord). I'm graduating from university in exactly 2 months and still single and celibate 🙌🏾💜

    • @lynnecarnivale5085
      @lynnecarnivale5085 5 років тому +1

      @@beulaho Thanks for your reply. CONGRATULATIONS! You are doing great. Living life, educating yourself, and learning Gods Word. He will honor it. Great! PRAISE the LORD! I was told it was crazy to wait but it was so beautiful to do so. No regrets. Stay focused. Peace and GOD BLESS! Lynne *Graduating in two months? WOOT WOOT! AMAZING! Say hi to me right here-now and then. Would love to read about your graduation and life! Awesome! Stay encouraged. Have a "GOD" day! Lynne

    • @taylorh1287
      @taylorh1287 5 років тому +1

      Stay encouraged and close to the Lord. Trust Him! He'll take you through.

  • @lovemyterry
    @lovemyterry 5 років тому +29

    I love your story ....
    You and your hubby are so sweet together, May God continue to bless your marriage, and your beautiful daughter to come.
    Ps) your hair looks beautiful curly 😉🌺 be blessed.

  • @myviewjhj251
    @myviewjhj251 5 років тому +1

    I’m definitely waiting and I believe when the moment crashes in the right time it will be passionate real strong love like nothing that surrounds us today.

  • @shemaj9648
    @shemaj9648 5 років тому +23

    It is amazing that the ploy is the exact same anywhere around the world you are. I had a conversations with some coworkers about being a virgin at 21 at the time now 34 and still am. They said the very same thing and my response was the same as yours. I think it is Great and important when you know what you believe because being outnumbered 9 to 1 felt like David and Goliath. Taking this stand isn't always the most popular but it sure does feel great not to have the regret. Keep spreading positivity and the standards of the Kingdom. Continue to SHINEEEEEE!!!!

    • @lynnecarnivale5085
      @lynnecarnivale5085 5 років тому +3

      Worth the wait. Been there, done that. Honeymoon was beautiful. I felt so blessed. We both did. Waiting was a gift to each other. Peace and blessings. Stay close to Christ, pray often, enjoy life. Gods plans are perfect. God bless .

  • @Amberrechelle
    @Amberrechelle 5 років тому +7

    4:43!!! YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS MAAM !!! I always highlight that you can be waiting and very very very aware of your body and the parts of your body. Yes ! and amen speak on that !

  • @saraleeali8453
    @saraleeali8453 5 років тому +6

    In Trinidad and Tobago, they say you have to "taste the milk before you buy the cow." I prefer to buy the cow first. Even if I somehow magically dislike the milk, I may like the beef. :)

  • @giftydannah1979
    @giftydannah1979 4 роки тому +1

    There's grace and there's mercy available for waiting 🙇

  • @Nova_Kia
    @Nova_Kia 5 років тому +7

    Thank you for this! I wish more Christians had open conversations like this. I wish I knew when I was growing up how precious and beautiful waiting can be.

  • @musonda4283
    @musonda4283 5 років тому +12

    I know waiting will be worth it 💖

  • @marvalusmarvs7718
    @marvalusmarvs7718 5 років тому +20

    God is speaking to me loud and clear! Thanks for this! Loooove your hair!

  • @reginasmith3149
    @reginasmith3149 5 років тому +17

    Beautiful explanation… God bless you and your family.

  • @godistheanswer123ify
    @godistheanswer123ify 5 років тому +16

    Thank you for speaking on this Jamie! The church doesn’t even speak on it either. But thank you 😊

  • @judithbella1598
    @judithbella1598 5 років тому +48

    Awww you’re so cute 😍🌸💙 you’re one of my favorite human.

  • @eldaahgabriyella4810
    @eldaahgabriyella4810 5 років тому +36

    It's worth waiting for the akward.. Thanks Jamie and nice hair by the way

  • @lyssaboo9441
    @lyssaboo9441 5 років тому +24

    Thank you for posting your truth, Jamie. I absolutely love your video. I'm glad not to be alone with opinions and views on this topic similar to your own. I'm a fellow church girl who made the vow to wait on my own accord as well. Your truth is motivation to me to keep on my own walk/journey. I'm happy good things and God things are happening for you 🤗 keep it up.

  • @danawb8029
    @danawb8029 5 років тому +2

    Amen! This is touching even for married people. I think men and some women think sex is THE most important thing in a marriage...OAN, I will be sharing this with my oldest WHEN the time is right. Thank you for sharing! God bless!

  • @nerlandes2800
    @nerlandes2800 5 років тому +6

    Still waiting on my boaz waited out God is faithful. Thanks for sharing I had to add this to my playlist

  • @Lopezgrl96
    @Lopezgrl96 5 років тому +1

    Same here girl!!! It’s so worth waiting for..hubby and I were virgins when we got married. We just wanted to do right by god...he’s our foundation...19 years strong!! God bless!

  • @simpleascanbe6790
    @simpleascanbe6790 5 років тому +21

    I’m *LOVING* the hair, Jamie! 🎉

  • @barbarabryan1304
    @barbarabryan1304 5 років тому +2

    Amazing, well said! I will share with my granddaughters that I am raising, teens. No one else in our family feels this way! You said what I have been sharing with them but so much better. Praying for you and healthy baby delivery.

  • @alistorbanks5813
    @alistorbanks5813 5 років тому +2

    Thank you Jamie Grace for sharing! I'm 25 and still waiting. 🙂 It can be challenging sometimes, but I know that when I meet my forever someone it will be worth the wait. I actually think I met him. At least I'm hoping I did. 😊😍💘
    This was very encouraging and insightful. You're so grown up now. God's doing an amazing work in your life. Keep up the good work, and God bless you and your husband! 😇❤

  • @verblu8507
    @verblu8507 5 років тому +9

    Good word! Good truth! God bless you Jamie!!!

  • @Mrs.Love1
    @Mrs.Love1 5 років тому +1

    You're a great role model. My husband and I both waited til 27 and 28💍and have 2 precious daughters. One thing that helped me was making a cassette back in the 90's with purity songs of Christian recording artists like yourself. Great era.

  • @truthalwaysprevail2738
    @truthalwaysprevail2738 5 років тому +5

    That hair is reeeally nice 1 of yur best giiirl. I regret not waiting 3 years later Iam still recovering breaking soul tied 😔😔 She is so right on this topic

  • @loraleeneg9839
    @loraleeneg9839 5 років тому +2

    I am glad I waited also. I saw so many young girls/boys growing up who gave themselves to men or women who didnt truly value them. I realized physical affection for me is my love language. Even with my marriage not being the way I hoped I still dont regret it because I did it more for myself. I'm glad you said that about being able to have open honest conversation about sex.

  • @isabellatheodore5301
    @isabellatheodore5301 5 років тому +11

    Thank you for sharing this I know some people that need to hear this kind of thing!! My God bless you

  • @bheard4u
    @bheard4u 5 років тому +19

    Cutest pregnant lady! Loved your explanation.

  • @tomboysquirrel
    @tomboysquirrel 5 років тому +2

    I totally agree with what you're saying. I'm waiting too, because I get attached to people so easily and casual sex would just mess me up.

  • @keshiamitchell6058
    @keshiamitchell6058 5 років тому +8

    You're awesome! I think we could be the best of friends. 😆 Thank you for always being encouraging. ❤

  • @isabella2513
    @isabella2513 5 років тому +2

    I decided when I was 12 and ma momma gave me "the talk" that waiting is what not only right for me, but it's right in God's eyes. I'm 15 now, and am still happy with my choice. 💖

    • @isabella2513
      @isabella2513 5 років тому

      ^i also made a choice to wait for my first kiss until I get engaged 😊💍

  • @leyannedegazon6282
    @leyannedegazon6282 5 років тому +2

    Jamie you are indeed a beautiful soul.. Thanks for sharing your story.. Grace and mercy offered to all and available to all.. I thank God for his grace..

  • @lifeinthemitten6535
    @lifeinthemitten6535 5 років тому +2

    I'm 22, still a virgin, never had a boyfriend... waiting for God to bring the right guy along. Sometimes it feels like I'm just waiting for a guy to like me in general. I know God has a perfect plan, though, and I trust Him. Definitely waiting till marriage, 100%.

  • @eunicetsurielngatchuissi1836
    @eunicetsurielngatchuissi1836 4 роки тому +1

    I decided to wait I was about 10 years old after reading some books offered to me by my parents. I'm still firm on waiting but it's sometimes difficult for me to answer questions about why I decided to wait apart from the "faith reason. Thanks for the answers, thanks for the encouragement 💗

  • @shanellewarner6873
    @shanellewarner6873 5 років тому +49

    I love your hair, it is so beautiful. But Jamie I love your channel. I have been a fan of yours since your first ep ablum and I have just loved watching you grow as the amazing person you are. And the topic of the video was great.

  • @elizabethobeng3646
    @elizabethobeng3646 5 років тому +7

    Yet another insightful piece from you Jamie....God bless you

  • @beccaj04
    @beccaj04 5 років тому +18

    Your hair looks SO pretty!!!!

  • @9290SC
    @9290SC 5 років тому +10

    😂😂"like an episode of naked and afraid" hahah! Waiting is one of the best decisions one can make. You're so cute💖

  • @debrajackson8072
    @debrajackson8072 5 років тому +3

    YES!!!!! God bless you both.

  • @denilsonlima2883
    @denilsonlima2883 5 років тому +7

    Hi Jamie, I hope that you keep on honoring by Jesus with your voice, your life and your goals, you are an amazing person; congrats

  • @beulaho
    @beulaho 5 років тому +11

    Side note: I really think your hair looks gorgeous! 💜

  • @debbliles1069
    @debbliles1069 5 років тому +15

    My husband & I waited until we were married. I did the true love waits, we’ve been married 19years & your totally right in what your sharing! I have crps & it makes thing very hard with the pain levels & no cure or treatment so we have faced a lot & have been through it in the middle of our marriage. We came from different backgrounds & God put us together he was the brat nextdoor & I was the church girl & God opened our hearts! So yeah you Story is very similar!! True love waits!! In the 90’s was what helped me make a second choice to sign up & I followed that from birth-3/25/2000 on our wedding day, I’m a PK so there were always eyes watching & judging to! But it was my choice alone at a Rebecca St. James concert a a giant festival that she shared about love & waiting for the one God planned! I married my first boyfriend & we waited until our wedding night! Many blessings to you Three!🧡🌺🙏🦋🧡

  • @abigailtuffour5928
    @abigailtuffour5928 5 років тому +6

    Thanks Jamie...I love your truth girlll.😘

  • @melissa6399
    @melissa6399 5 років тому +4

    "An episode of naked and afraid" haha I died!

  • @Adegail_
    @Adegail_ 5 років тому +2

    I love this. We need more young women AND men 👀 to openly talk about celibacy and abstinence because it is possible and it is worth it and people like us still exist! Thanks Jamie ☺️

  • @Misnyc
    @Misnyc 5 років тому +2

    I'm 39 and still waiting.

  • @teachthem4ever
    @teachthem4ever 5 років тому +4

    3 things:
    1) Great video! I love the candid conversation.
    2) 1:34=Grandma Yolanda😂
    3) Your hair is GORGEOUS! Hands down, that’s the best style I’ve seen in you.

  • @jedicrush1497
    @jedicrush1497 5 років тому +3

    Some women wait and that is great......... I was one of them. However, sometimes woman can be disappointed when her husband is NOT perfect....... if u know what I mean. He's still human. Sometimes he will make u really angry and sometimes he can make u laugh. Sex is over rated in church. Even if u wait to have sex after u get married.......u will still have the other issues to deal with after marriage.

    • @demetriabridges
      @demetriabridges 5 років тому

      You need to repost this again in ALL CAPS!!...LOL!! Why do we women fall for such foolish thinking?? I know PLENTY of women who waited and their marriages are far less than stellar or even basically good (and they married men in the church!!). I'm not advocating fornication but getting some knowledge and understanding about sin and the realities of life. They don't even understand the truth behind Boaz and Ruth...homegirl had sex with him prior to marriage! Why do you think she was laying at his feet? He woke up, found her there and went back to snoozing? Don't think so!! She made herself available to him by following her mother-in-law's advice.
      So Jamie Grace waited, good for her...did her husband? Yet, he still gets the "good" girl, probably work in her father's ministry and still go to heaven? And the women on this thread think celibacy equates to the blessed life? I'm doubling over laughing!!! How foolish and how ignorant! Of course the church preaches this stupidity - because it's a patriarchal system and its always the man who benefits and puts himself first. I pray women in the church will get some knowledge & understanding that comes from The Holy Spirit, not a man on a raised stage in a building called a church.

  • @pressplay7114
    @pressplay7114 5 років тому +4

    Your curls are POPPING by the way 💕

  • @28Harrina
    @28Harrina 5 років тому +1

    Jamie I am so happy to know that I was not alone in the waiting situation. 🤣😂🤣🤪 I got married when I was 27years old I was still a virgin. I told the Lord that I am a sinner if theirs a gift I can give you is for me to wait till I get married. I had boyfriends where I could of fall and break my words to the Lord. But bcuz got heard what I said to Him when I was much younger He kept me grounded. I dated my now husband for 3 years I should of never kiss him but we did and that was it no sex involved. I THANK GOD FOR THAT‼️‼️ I had to shout that out😁😆😁. My first time was scary 😳😳🤪 but we made it 😆😆. We now have have a big family. I am happy he will forever be my first. Thanks for sharing your story with us, I don’t like to get on this topic but hearing your story make me want to share mine. Yahweh bless you guys 😘

  • @13ritalove
    @13ritalove 5 років тому +30

    Your hair and your eyes are so beautiful

  • @Susannah.N
    @Susannah.N 5 років тому +5

    You’re awesome Jamie! I 100% agree with you! I love the way you put things, your way with words, and the wise searched out reasoning behind it. I believe the same principles, but have a hard time putting it into words, and you said it so well! Thanks for sharing!
    (Love your hair BTW!💕)

  • @keilabermudez1284
    @keilabermudez1284 5 років тому +8

    I love to hear your stories..! I wish I had waited, I will always regret of the ways I did things, now I have a baby boy without a father and I feel So lonely at times. I pray God for a husband but only sometimes because I feel I dont deserve it... I Ask God now to help me do things right from now on..

    • @mercyb491
      @mercyb491 5 років тому

      Keila Bermudez amen. Stay strong...draw closer to Jesus, He will see you through. Be encouraged; and move forward. ❤

    • @yasmeen7875
      @yasmeen7875 5 років тому


    • @aceycakes5987
      @aceycakes5987 4 роки тому

      You can do the right things Keila, trust God's word and obey it. Seek God for his wisdom to raise your little one in a way that's pleasing before him. God is gracious and merciful, if you've repented he's forgiven you. Don't count yourself out because of some bad choices, we've all made some at some point. Learn from your past mistakes and others', most importantly the Word...and move forward.
      God bless you.

  • @realreal4638
    @realreal4638 5 років тому +3

    My inspiration.. I will still wait for the true person to come 😍thanks Jamie ..Love you ❤😘

  • @Waterfallcreationsevents
    @Waterfallcreationsevents 5 років тому +3

    Beautiful. Thank you!

  • @perfectionista492
    @perfectionista492 3 роки тому +1

    Jamie, you are awesome and such a great role model for me!!! I am "single since birth" like you were and you make me feel proud to be! You actually remind me of my older sister in terms of decision to wait and your humor! You look like her, too!

  • @lovedrakexx
    @lovedrakexx 5 років тому +11

    I didn't wait. I'm 19. I've only ever been with one person who was a friend. Do I wish I waited? Yes. Now I do. Before I was running away from God, now I realise my soul won't let me. Do I regret my decision? No, I knew I wanted to do it and I would have done it eventually if i didn't then.
    But I know the next person I'm with will be someone I LOVE, hopefully my husband.
    I didn't experience a "soul tie" with the person I was with, and honesty I don't feel anything for them. Nothing emotional at all. Buy that's what also made me realise that I need to wait for my love. Because sex in itself is good and Feels good. but without meaning that's it, and I know there's more to it than that, and I want it.

  • @isabellovetinsky4942
    @isabellovetinsky4942 5 років тому +24

    Great video Jamie! Very encouraging for this young girl who’s waiting! 😊 Do you have any advice on physical boundaries how far to go, how to address it ect.?

    • @JamieGraceProductions
      @JamieGraceProductions  5 років тому +10

      Isabel Lovetinsky hey isabel! Make sure you subscribe to our family channel (at the end of this video) we talk about that for like 3-4 minutes in our Q&A!! That video comes out tomorrow.

  • @kristinabertrand7730
    @kristinabertrand7730 5 років тому +4

    Love you Jamie Grace enjoyed your videos!!!🤗🙌🏻❤️

  • @nadiabaker5223
    @nadiabaker5223 5 років тому +1

    Thank you for mentioning the importance of young ladies in the church knowing about their bodies and sex itself. It is not a widely discussed topic in many churches for some reason, but conversations, videos like these are a jumpstart for helping give understanding to young ladies and girls. God bless you!

  • @duckwithoneleg00
    @duckwithoneleg00 5 років тому +2

    I did this too 💜. It has served me very well on so many levels.

  • @alid6060
    @alid6060 5 років тому

    Your parents did an amazing job. You making that decision was very wise. You aren't awkward at all. I'm blessed by your story. Thank you for your openness and honesty. It's a beautiful thing.

  • @haimif
    @haimif 5 років тому +2

    Thank you Jamie. Lord Jesus bless you and your marriage.

  • @ItsBri_xo
    @ItsBri_xo 5 років тому +3

    Thank you for being an example for us, you’re truly inspirational ❤️✨#ItWillBeWorthTheWait

  • @ellie-rj3hc
    @ellie-rj3hc 5 років тому +10

    i love your hair!

  • @asformeandmyhouse4463
    @asformeandmyhouse4463 5 років тому +1


  • @deion312
    @deion312 5 років тому +1
