Stocking Up!!! | Why Should I Create a Full Pantry/ Stockpile???

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • What’s the difference between having a Stockpile and a full pantry to just having some every day items in your home? What kind of things should I stock up on? How can a full pantry benefit me? How can I get started to have a full Pantry and Stockpile when I’ve never done this before?
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  • @margaretbedwell3211
    @margaretbedwell3211 2 роки тому +16

    When my late husband and I became engaged back in '59 , we started buying canned goods we liked every weekend when the store put out their sale fliers. we'd by six of each canned item we liked, fruit, veggies. condiments etc. From that point on we always had a stocked pantry. When we grocery shopped, it was for the fresh foods and bread, milk etc. If you have never purchased ahead, just sit down and write down the things you like to eat in whatever category. Then when you shop, buy a few of those items be it just one or 4 or 5, whatever is in your budget. Pretty soon you will have a nice quantity of food ahead. Nothing worse than having to go shopping when the roads are covered in ice...or on the other hand when it is hot enough to fry and egg on the sidewalk. You eat out of your pantry and replace it next time you shop. That's how you rotate through it. Everyone have a Blessed day.

    • @dorawedlock3969
      @dorawedlock3969 2 роки тому

      Yeah for you! I think usable food is money in the bank. Unfortunately, too many have become hoarders and created a lot of this food shortage. Like yours and my way of gradual buying. Easy on the wallet to and I don't have to deal with 50 pound bags of food nobody will eat!

    • @margaretbedwell3211
      @margaretbedwell3211 2 роки тому

      @@dorawedlock3969 right you are. !!!! In fact I couldn't pick up 50 lbs. of anything at this point in my life. LOL.

  • @dianeperez7760
    @dianeperez7760 2 роки тому +6

    I had Covid last year and had to go to hospital. When I returned home I was in recovery mode and I didn’t need to go to the store for groceries because I was prepared. We never know what going to happen in the future. I may have a year of preparedness but it’s food I know we will eat. I live in a state that has earthquakes, droughts, fires. I thank God for the provision & His wisdom that has helped me.

    • @margaretbedwell3211
      @margaretbedwell3211 2 роки тому +1

      I am so sorry you were sick but thanks be to God you were also prepared. Good for you.

    • @cherylT321
      @cherylT321 2 роки тому +1

      I was sick with covid for a month. I was fully stocked up so I didn’t need to go out to buy anything...not that I had any kind of appetite, anyway!

    • @allthinghomewithlynn
      @allthinghomewithlynn  2 роки тому

      Well I’m so glad you had a Pantry to fall back on and I’m so glad you’re doing better.

  • @saramclaughlin2470
    @saramclaughlin2470 2 роки тому +11

    A well stocked pantry for my family would have to include Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. 😄

  • @YT4Me57
    @YT4Me57 2 роки тому +8

    I grew up with Depression era parents and my mom had a stockpile before people were calling it a stockpile. She was a nurse who worked the midnight to 8am shift, my dad worked 9 to 5. They were on a budget and bought shelf stable items to have "just in case". There was always a "just in case". Dad had Sickle Cell Disease and Epilepsy, he was on sick leave at least once a year. Mom was tired and didn't want to cook from scratch. Whatever..When Covid hit, I didn't panic because although my pantry wasn't fully stocked, it was stocked! This past 2 years I've been able to eat through my pantry and avoid running to the supermarket except for fresh produce. It's a blessing. I'm currently restocking for the winter months.

  • @returnofthereasoner3200
    @returnofthereasoner3200 2 роки тому +18

    A basic sewing kit should be in every well-stocked home. One should be able to sew on a button, repair a ripped seam, and hem a skirt or pair of pants when necessary. 🧵 🪡 ✂️

    • @allthinghomewithlynn
      @allthinghomewithlynn  2 роки тому

      What a fantastic point! Yes you are right a quick him we’re showing on a button is a necessity

  • @heikequintana3087
    @heikequintana3087 2 роки тому +6

    Starting to prepp the prices making it hart and we are a low income family but little by little and with gods help we will be fine god always provide

  • @nevermind7253
    @nevermind7253 2 роки тому +13

    All of these lately have really hit home.
    We are 63 and due to many unfortunate things in the past few years we no longer have this. We lost everything a few years back.
    I've been working to recover from this for sometime now, emotionally, physically and our home. This is a really good idea as I am sure we're not alone. ❣️🏡❣️
    Starting over is difficult to say the least. Our 21st anniversary is this month, so I'm positive if we have made it this far God has us!

    • @allthinghomewithlynn
      @allthinghomewithlynn  2 роки тому +1

      I’m so sorry for your sit back and loss of things. But I’m glad to hear that you’re trying to move forward and recover and rebuild.

  • @gloriapeel6887
    @gloriapeel6887 2 роки тому +4

    I love that you added you M&Ms ! We all have our favorite things and we should stock some! You are so right it’s not just food that we need to stock!

  • @Stephanie-rf9xs
    @Stephanie-rf9xs 2 роки тому +11

    My sister was the queen of minimalism to her determent. My sister lived in rural area, which meant the closest grocery store was an 18 mile round trip for her. While my husband and I were visiting with my sister and husband, she made a meal for us that included a TRIP to the grocery store because she needed an ingredient for that meal. My sister turned off everything she was cooking including the chicken roasting in the oven got in the car to head for the grocery store for ONE item! We left the men at home and headed for the store. We spent 20 minutes in line waiting to pay for said ingredient and 40 minutes total travel time for this missing item. When we returned to her home, I asked where her pantry was located when she said “ I NEVER have a pantry of stocked items because WHO has time or money for that?” My brother in law stated that this was a regular event in their home and asked me if I kept a small pantry of frequently used items to which I said yes. My sister stated that a pantry of items no matter how small was a waste of money and time! 🤦‍♀️

    • @margaretbedwell3211
      @margaretbedwell3211 2 роки тому +7

      That is sad. She spent more for the gas to get there than the item cost. And as the BIL stated it was a regular event, she just blew her theory of the waste of time and money.

    • @debbieframpton3857
      @debbieframpton3857 2 роки тому +1

      She'd probably drop over from shock if she saw my pantry cabinet in my kitchen or my basement and it's just me that lives in my house but my daughter know she can come over anytime and I supply stuff for my mom who has always believed you should not have anything extra

    • @allthinghomewithlynn
      @allthinghomewithlynn  2 роки тому +3

      It’s amazing… On how different we can all think. I think I’ll go back to saying that a wise woman builds her house. I do believe in my heart that includes a pantry of some sort.

  • @creinicke1000
    @creinicke1000 2 роки тому +10

    I've gone thru almost every emotion and stocking behavior.. I've done coupons back in the day when my kids were small.. but I discontinued it during several moves where my priorities changed. Then I tried the prepper stuff.. but I eat low carb so the rice, beans, pasta were sitting there not being rotated.. I hate beans dried or canned.. but I bought them because they were on sale! Years and months later I reassessed again and gave away most of it. If I don't eat pumpkin accept one time at Thanksgiving it was silly to have 10 cans of pumpkin. I'm trying to learn to bake, even though I try to keep carbs low because I realize it's a skill I need to know and I need to rotate the flour. What I've done lately is to see what canned veggies we eat.. so I get those. I try to get 3 cans of an item that I know I use on a regular basis. I do have some long term like the freeze dried stuff up high in my closet.. but honestly I hope and pray I never need it because it will be only if a disaster hits. This clip had very good advice.. I wish I'd done it in the beginning, but we all have our own journey to what works for us. I do have several go to meals, but I also like to try new meal ideas using the food I have stored so it gets rotated.. I think rotating is something I really need to do better on.

  • @normamead4511
    @normamead4511 2 роки тому

    It's taking me five years to feel comfortable with my pantry. Two years ago was a great eye opening off the things I,was short on. We are a family of four adults and furry family members. My furry family has enough food for three months only because I don't want their food to go stale. I am great full for people like you that encourage me to feel comfortable with my preparation for the future. Thank you 😊

    • @allthinghomewithlynn
      @allthinghomewithlynn  2 роки тому

      I totally agree about the furry friends and family. I have usually about a month to two months on hand and then I keep one bag in the freezer.

  • @dorawedlock3969
    @dorawedlock3969 2 роки тому +7

    Yes to every word. Almost 60 years ago when we got home from our honeymoon, there was $40 left in the wallet. Hubby thought a weekend trip. I had a different idea, headed to local grocery. Got canned goods, basics and some things for our small refrigerator freezer. Best money ever. Never have to run to grocery store for 1 item. Now $40 doesn't buy much, then it was a month's food for 2! Best thing about pandemic is now once a month grocery shopping. A once in while stop for fruit or veggies, but that is a cheap one. Tiring at my age but great to just pick a nice day, grab my list and go early in the morning. I have an inventory, and make my list from that. Works great for me! When I had kids at home might not have worked as well. A bit of candy is a top priority! LOL.

  • @Maria-pi4if
    @Maria-pi4if 2 роки тому +6

    Agreed on the M&Ms....Your pantry looks really good reminds me of some things I need to purchase for me and hubby. Have a wonderful prepping weekend❤

  • @christophervogt7456
    @christophervogt7456 2 роки тому +3

    Fully stocked pantry that I keep adding to. If I see a good value, I'm getting it while the getting is good! Lol! With prices escalating as rapidly as they have been recently, who knows when it will end? I like the security & peace of mind knowing I have my pantry to fall back on.

  • @godsgoldenacres4290
    @godsgoldenacres4290 2 роки тому +3

    I love sharing and trading tips. I keep mini mnm too!!

  • @olafpamela
    @olafpamela 2 роки тому +3

    Great advise 👍🙂 I'm surprised how many people don't know this😏 I'm lucky we do have a stocked pantry and freezer but always adding to it. Thanks for sharing and God Bless 🙏❤😊

  • @SuzyM64
    @SuzyM64 2 роки тому +3

    I am stocked up on everything now; canned food, baking supplies, spices, water, etc.
    The problem is, I've got so much now, that it doesn't look very organized, which makes it difficult to rotate properly.

    • @allthinghomewithlynn
      @allthinghomewithlynn  2 роки тому +1

      I totally get having so much that it doesn’t look organized. I’ve had to tweak it twice now since I moved it because it was disorganized and I was overwhelmed and frustrated and I knew I wouldn’t end up using the things. So I have to find a way and I think I’ve done it now where I’ve organized it where I can find it and use it and rotate it properly.

    • @lindat6623
      @lindat6623 2 роки тому

      I use a marker & write expiration dates on cans & boxes as soon as I get home from the grocery, it was a pain at first but now it’s just normal. This makes my rotation easy since I know what to use first, and it goes in front. Everything is grouped by category, and that helps me know what I have enough of, or what I need to purchase more of. Once you really stock up it can be difficult getting or keeping things organized. My cousin has a complete inventory list of everything that she keeps updated - that’s the next project I keep putting off lol

  • @monicapixley7698
    @monicapixley7698 2 роки тому

    You do a great job….Thank you for your great suggestions. 🌸💐🌸
    We live in Los Angeles where prices are really crazy right now. But God is always faithful to provide all of our needs.
    I’m so thankful for my “tiny” backup pantry in my guest room closet 😊I keep a decent pantry in my small apartment kitchen, but it never fails I still can run out of things. I am a Pastor’s wife and seems like I’m always needing to throw something together for fellowships, families with a need etc. My little backup pantry has been such a blessing. Even if I only have one or two extra, it keeps me from having to stop right then and run to a store. We are a one car family and that is not always possible.
    I especially love your video that encourages people to have a stockpile even if it’s only a two week supply..( the weekly boxes are such a great idea)
    That is huge for some. I was raised in the south, so we are sort of used to being prepared. My California apartment neighbors are not. I am concerned that many will have needs if the food shortages in the near future are real.
    In a nutshell, a stockpile no matter the size gives some peace of mind for emergencies and keeps me out of the FAST FOOD LANE 😂

    • @allthinghomewithlynn
      @allthinghomewithlynn  2 роки тому

      Oh thank you so much for your comment and I feel honored to have a pastor‘s wife visit my channel and leave me such a wonderful comment.🤗

  • @MJYouAreNotAlone1
    @MJYouAreNotAlone1 2 роки тому +1

    Yes yes yes, I have a fully stocked pantry. It is very very important. We have had lots of things in life come up that it was a very good thing that we had provisions put back. God bless you and your family!❤️🙏

  • @satsat969
    @satsat969 2 роки тому

    Thanks for sharing!🙏

  • @bethbeckermeyer1732
    @bethbeckermeyer1732 2 роки тому +3

    Love M&M’s!

  • @jimmiepatrum
    @jimmiepatrum 2 роки тому

    Thanks for this video. Anxious to see what you have to say in the upcoming video. Diane in NC

  • @kimberlybahrs5176
    @kimberlybahrs5176 2 роки тому


  • @SuzyM64
    @SuzyM64 2 роки тому +1

    You look pretty in that yellow.

  • @laureencortese8588
    @laureencortese8588 2 роки тому

    I have a fully stocked pantry. ♥️

  • @foozcracked3405
    @foozcracked3405 2 роки тому

    I keep a stock pantry and first aid live in the country.

  • @aprilinalabama9074
    @aprilinalabama9074 2 роки тому

    Reese cups for me ❤️

    • @pamelawilson4091
      @pamelawilson4091 2 роки тому

      🖤❤💯 Reecses Sticks.😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

  • @judiedwards2697
    @judiedwards2697 2 роки тому

    a silly question,but does anyone know how to long term storage Cheerios??? I would love suggestions.

    • @allthinghomewithlynn
      @allthinghomewithlynn  2 роки тому +1

      Well my dad was an avid cheerio person! My mom would buy them every time they go on sale and she would keep them for a year to two years and they were still fresh.