Daniel has an amazing Danish after such a short time - In my experience, having many foreigners friends here, it is a struggle for many expats even after more than 5 years. So either you're representing a very idealistic (and nice!) story in this video (the one in a 1000 cases) or your course really is amazing :) I've been living in Aarhus for almost 10 years and it's often still very difficult to speak fluently (not to mention writing correctly) - especially when I am tired and when the conversation gets technical (at work for instance). Again, hats off to Daniel! Det er altså sejt gået :)
Hello 👋 You are correct, of course there are many who struggle to learn Danish. And it is true, it takes a lot of work to get really good at Danish. But we do also have many students who do have a similar experience to Daniel. That is why we made this video. There is room for all, and we have courses to fit all as well. Good luck with your Danish, the most important thing is to keep going at it :D Mange hilsner Sofie, Studieskolen
This guy is a boss at Danish. As someone in a similar position (living in DK due to Danish wife, and taking language classes), I'd be absolutely thrilled if I could end up being as good at Danish as he is, in particular his fantastic pronunciation.
The linguistic competence Daniel has achieved within a relatively short period of time is simply amazing and might motivate a lot of Danish learners struggling with the language, especially with its phonetics/pronunciation. Mastering Danish grammar and steadily enlarging your vocabulary seems to be less of a problem, at least for those with a Germanic mother tongue (English, German, Dutch etc.). I guess Daniel is right in suggesting that you should "force" Danes to not shift from Danish to English. (Dutch native speakers are said to act in a similar way when foreigners try to speak their language.) After all, Danes expect non-Danes to integrate into the society, which obviously includes a certain degree of linguistic competence. So they should perhaps be willing to show a bit more patience in speaking Danish to a non-Dane.
This comment is just spot on - thank you so much - I experience so often how impatient Danes can get, and it simply puts me off wanting to continue the conversation in Danish in specific contexts. And in the mean time I feel a huge expectation and pressure from Danes to foreigners to integrate and basically behave like them (which is of course impossible). They often put the bar simply too high, not to mention janteloven which so deeply rooted in the Danish culture, making it even harder for a foreigner.
@@wc3s3b Men....han talar en bra danska som en svensk kan förstå. Normalt så talar en dansk så otroligt dåligt så att även andra danskar har problem att förstå danska. Jag överdriver inte. Så är det i Danmark.
Jeg har lært dansk i 3 år nu, med en lille pause de sidste par måneder, men heller ikke før har jeg været så godt som han er, når jeg skulle tale dansk.
Han taler meget godt dansk, det har været 1år og 3 måneder lære jeg dansk men jeg har stilige problem med lytning. Jeg håber at jeg bliver flyede i dansk efter 4 måneder. Tak for videoen.
Tak for svaret. :) Hans historie fortæller os hvor vigtigt det er at blive "indhyllet" i det danske sprog, som han gjorde på sin arbejdsplads. I hvor lang tid har han modtaget undervisning i dansk?
Det er nemlig rigtigt! Det gælder om at tale dansk hele tiden, både på arbejde og hjemme. Daniel har et særlig godt sprogøre, så han har faktisk kun gået til dansk i 14-16 måneder.
Daniel has an amazing Danish after such a short time - In my experience, having many foreigners friends here, it is a struggle for many expats even after more than 5 years. So either you're representing a very idealistic (and nice!) story in this video (the one in a 1000 cases) or your course really is amazing :)
I've been living in Aarhus for almost 10 years and it's often still very difficult to speak fluently (not to mention writing correctly) - especially when I am tired and when the conversation gets technical (at work for instance).
Again, hats off to Daniel!
Det er altså sejt gået :)
Hello 👋 You are correct, of course there are many who struggle to learn Danish. And it is true, it takes a lot of work to get really good at Danish. But we do also have many students who do have a similar experience to Daniel. That is why we made this video. There is room for all, and we have courses to fit all as well. Good luck with your Danish, the most important thing is to keep going at it :D Mange hilsner Sofie, Studieskolen
This guy is a boss at Danish. As someone in a similar position (living in DK due to Danish wife, and taking language classes), I'd be absolutely thrilled if I could end up being as good at Danish as he is, in particular his fantastic pronunciation.
The linguistic competence Daniel has achieved within a relatively short period of time is simply amazing and might motivate a lot of Danish learners struggling with the language, especially with its phonetics/pronunciation. Mastering Danish grammar and steadily enlarging your vocabulary seems to be less of a problem, at least for those with a Germanic mother tongue (English, German, Dutch etc.). I guess Daniel is right in suggesting that you should "force" Danes to not shift from Danish to English. (Dutch native speakers are said to act in a similar way when foreigners try to speak their language.) After all, Danes expect non-Danes to integrate into the society, which obviously includes a certain degree of linguistic competence. So they should perhaps be willing to show a bit more patience in speaking Danish to a non-Dane.
Thank you so much for your very thoughtful comments! I am sure they will be useful to many people, as they are to us. Sofie, Studieskolen
This comment is just spot on - thank you so much - I experience so often how impatient Danes can get, and it simply puts me off wanting to continue the conversation in Danish in specific contexts. And in the mean time I feel a huge expectation and pressure from Danes to foreigners to integrate and basically behave like them (which is of course impossible). They often put the bar simply too high, not to mention janteloven which so deeply rooted in the Danish culture, making it even harder for a foreigner.
du snakker rigtig flydende .. jeg håber , at jeg kunne også taler sådan efter 2 og halv år .. mange tak for videoen .. det giver håb
Man kan sagtens forstå dig :D det ser udmærket ud! Bor du i Danmark? :)
@@wc3s3b Men....han talar en bra danska som en svensk kan förstå. Normalt så talar en dansk så otroligt dåligt så att även andra danskar har problem att förstå danska. Jag överdriver inte. Så är det i Danmark.
Jeg har lært dansk i 3 år nu, med en lille pause de sidste par måneder, men heller ikke før har jeg været så godt som han er, når jeg skulle tale dansk.
Han taler meget godt dansk, det har været 1år og 3 måneder lære jeg dansk men jeg har stilige problem med lytning. Jeg håber at jeg bliver flyede i dansk efter 4 måneder. Tak for videoen.
Det kan tage tid :) Det vigtigste er ikke at give op og prøve lidt hver dag. Vi hepper på dig! Mange hilsner Sofie, Studieskolen
Super flot dansk! :) Daniel fortæller at han mødte sin danske kæreste for ni år siden. Hvor mange år har han boet i Danmark?
Jeg ved det ikke helt præcist, men omkring 4 år, tror jeg.
Tak for svaret. :) Hans historie fortæller os hvor vigtigt det er at blive "indhyllet" i det danske sprog, som han gjorde på sin arbejdsplads. I hvor lang tid har han modtaget undervisning i dansk?
Det er nemlig rigtigt! Det gælder om at tale dansk hele tiden, både på arbejde og hjemme. Daniel har et særlig godt sprogøre, så han har faktisk kun gået til dansk i 14-16 måneder.
Jeg bor i Berlin og vil gjerne også få en kjæreste.
Jeg lærer meg norsk men leser bøker på dansk og svensk også.
Having a danish girlfriend was the most helpful, don't get me wrong.