Jurassic Park teaches us there's no ethical way to bring dinosaurs back to life. But what about the UN-ethical ways?! From endangering the public to selling dino secrets to the military, here are the least-ethical things going down at our dinosaur park so far. Enjoy!
> watches video > convinced to buy game > puts game in cart > looks at bank account > cries > buys game > downloading application > 483.4 MB/11.032 GB (3 Hours Left) > looks at time > 5:15 pm > leaving for airport at 7 > won't be back for a week > depression
Imagine just laying on the ground while it bites your ankles off and is just trying to get its mouth around your head while you screaming in pain. Blood finds a way
Day 1: Park opens Day 50: Park Profitable, Guests Entertained. Day 100: Park Profits fall, Guests Bored. ACU Team sent on Holiday. Day 101: Dinosaur Rampage, Park improvement Funding Cancelled.
I remember whenever I first started this game, I grinded to unlock enough DNA to recreate a T-Rex. I was so proud of myself when I unlocked the genome. Then an idea popped into my head. What would happen if I created a bunch of T-Rexes, and put them all in the same enclosure? As it would turn out: COMPLETE CARNAGE. As I soon discovered, apparently the Tyrannosaurus Rex is claustrophobic. Within the first ten minutes or so, one of them busted through the iron gates and started rampaging through my park, chowing down on tourists like they were a buffet. This little jailbreak also gave the Velociraptors a lovely little day out, as they very quickly followed suit and joined in on terrorising the guests. A few emergency dispatches later, and the monstrous reptiles were subdued and repairs were made. Some other little escapades on my parks include: • A stressed Edmontosaurus developing claustrophobia and breaking out of the enclosure. • A mass breakout of disease amongst my herbivores. • A carnivore making a lovely little snack of one of my herbivores whenever my naive ass decided that putting a meat eater with herbivores was a good idea whenever I first played the game. • Multiple blackouts. • A Velociraptor finding a random HOLE in my electrified iron fence and making a break for it to see how many tourists it could wolf down before ACU came in.
Luke's right. Seeing dinosaurs fight each other is the whole point of Jurassic Park. Sure, the Tyrannosaurus LOOKS like it would make short work of the Procompsognathus with a single step......but how can we know for sure?
I think 30 of them could pretty much kill anything, especially since the ones in the Jurassic Park franchise are apparently venomous, it would be like seeing a bunch of ants attacking a mouse, just a lot larger
Not satisfied with their nigh-impregnible metal boxes with cannons on top that can hit a target from 2 miles away while moving 60 km/hr in any given direction crewed by trained soldiers, the Army has tasked us with making a slower, stupider, less capable combat platform that doesn't understand civilian casualties or friendly fire, is practically unarmored, has no loyalties, and can only fight effectively in melee. We questioned this, but they assured us that this plan CANNOT backfire tactically, strategically, economically or politically in any way! Whatever! Lets grab us some taxpayer greens!
You say that sarcastically, but to be honest, these are the guys that paid for suicide bats that could be airdropped on Japan. You know, in case the nukes fell through... =p
Psst! Hey! Hey Military! I got a secret for you! Those Bomb Dogs? The ones the Soviets used? Nobody uses them anymore! It hasn't been 1943 for the last 75 years!
Here we have the Teeposasaurus, a strange animal as it does not have any rigged animations set to it, an evolutionary tactic as predators cannot seem to find its hitbox
Back in JPOG I used to play properly until I got a 5* park, then I had a little fun... I would wait until I hit as many guests as possible and delete the exit. Then I would stop letting food come out of the dino feeders. And then I would remove all pathways so the 100+ guests were stuck on a 10x10 path block (with restrooms of course, I'm not a monster) And then I would install a turret on each corner of this 10x10 block And then I would use the cheat code to delete all fences. Oh, running low on Raptors? Time for the next wave! Can't wait to do something similar here, although I haven't seen turrets yet, I guess the guests will get to experience Halo Reach's Lone Wolf mission for themselves!
Oh, so these people are either going to be slaughtered by Velociraptors or shot by machine guns, but it's all fine because they've got restrooms? Sounds fine to me. Carry on. ^^
Spent pretty much all day playing this on release day. While I’d hesitate to say it’s worth the $60 price tag, it IS hilariously fun most of the time. I had a combined power sabotage + tropical storm that happened to also result in a double breakout from both my herbi and carni pens... my 6 gene-modded, combat-trained dilophosaurs feasted well that day...
I actually had to trank it, pick it up with a helicopter, and drop in the middle of the guests to get the desired effect. So just like the average McDonald's fast food fan...
I saw this list's title and I must say that I'm slightly disappointed. Where is the option to open an 19th century textile mill, staffed exclusively by dinosaurs?! I didn't put those velociraptor's hands on the wrong way for nothing!
Ahh yes the good old days where Dinosaurs were purely the revenue of money hungry oil tycoons, now the staple of theme park owners. Business finds a way
They should make a way to make Spino bigger. I mean Indominus is in the game and will be the biggest carnivore in the park. But Ms. Dearing did say everything is bigger
Okay, but if someone poisons my precious dinosaurs, do I get the option to airlift them into a raptor pen? I mean, my park will be purely made of herbivores because Ornithischia and Sauropods ftw, but I'd be willing to clone some meaty bois in order to punish unruly employees.
I would love to have that as an option. I'm hoping there's at least a chance to find out who sabotaged my scaley children, and REALLY hoping I can make said employee get a face to face meeting with my precious carnivores.
Ha, I’d love that; choose an option to find out who sabotaged the park, and after the time is up, you should have the option to drop him/her right in the middle of one of your meatasaurus pens... and that dino is looking hungry...
Definitely not a chaos sorcerer nah, the dinosaurs killing people are static animations, a guy trips and the dino catches up to him, ignores everyone else, and eats him. That’s how a majority of the dinosaurs kill people. It’s so lame
Definitely not a chaos sorcerer oh no I fiddled around with a simulator that lets me throw planets around and create stars from nothing a year ago, my opinion must be completely invalid because of a single game that I enjoyed. God forbid someone likes space
Well done! I just started playing this game yesterday. Uh, went broke the first time. But today was kicking ass and taking names. I never thought to purposely release a carnivour onto the visitors. Bravo on your wicked originality.
If I played this game, it would be for the expressed purpose of amassing an army of dinos that I would improve upon until the day came that I would release them unto the world to do my bidding. No Italian plumber, Turok, or redhead named Regina will stand a chance against me and my army! Mwahaha!
I've already commented on this video, but honestly I am re-watching this over and over again, the writing is hilarious, and witty. It gets straight to the point, fantastic I subscribed even if I'm not interested in your other content.
Negusa Nagast No, it is taller in height. And that is with the short legs which have been slightly lengthened due to the paleontologist who discovered the legs miscalculating their length. The neck of the real animal was probably held in a similar way to a heron, but even without it would be taller.
The spinosaurus was also likely semi aquatic acording to the fossil record and it's hunting patterns likely resembled that of a crocodile. An ambush preditor. It's long jaws would have been well suited for that purpose. Though there is debate on that as it's spine would have made hiding in the water difficult. There is also the theory that it's diet consisted of only fish and it instead lived on the waters edge. One thing though i think can be put to rest is i don't think the spino would be taking a rex in a fight anyway. Of course this is all speculation as their are no spinos alive to study.
i do and watching this makes me miss my first and best park, My star attraction was a pack of Raptors that shared an enclosure with an Allosaurus, surprisingly i never had any problems with that enclosure, was always having problems with the other enclosures though.
It looks better graphically. But all the stuff you can do looks pretty much the same. Aside from the DNA bit .That's the only new thing from what I've seen and what i remember since it's been like fifteen years.
Had it for PS2, I would make a huge, profitable park with tons of carnivores, then set all the prices to $0 so that the crowds would be huge. When the park was crammed with people I would delete the fences and delete the path leading to the helipad so people couldn't escape as they were hunted down by a dozen or so allosaurs. It was good times. Other times my parks tanked and were failures because I felt bad for the herbivores, so I gave them so many trees, food, and lakes and so much space that the guests never saw them. Dino's were happy and the customers would leave without seeing anything, lol.
Ryaquaza 1 yah why is the spino smaller that’s stupid I wanna see the spino win animation for the spino but ayy the spino was picking on the raptor in the beginning so I know the spino will win.
Timmy the Awesome applesauce I know that but still, this is the 3rd time we’ve seen the same T. rex win animation come on frontier we know your rex fanboys but if your adding spinosaurus and showing of death duels at least show us the spino one, it’s one of the fan favourites after all. This is starting to make me worry about the strength of the spino now, especially now it’s downsized to Suchomimus size, and a modified triceratops can’t take down a rex (despite being capable of doing so in real life without any genetic tampering), we really need to see the statistics of these dinosaurs Also why was the spinosaurus even squaring up to the raptors anyway, it completely slam dunked a miasaura in its species profile and if it can do that then why can’t it do the same or something similar to the raptor, it’s a lot smaller and on its own after all.
It’s still too small looking back at the footage, length wise it looks only slightly longer than the rex and even without that hill there it’s shorter not including the spine of course, not to mention the head is about the same length as the rex but really it should be a lot longer. It doesn’t feel like a Jurassic Park spinosaurus anymore, nor does it feel like a real one or a spinosaurus in general, it’s sad really
this is still very much the jurassic park spinosaurus the tyrannosaurus it killed in jp3 was a sub adult which explains size difference between the spino in jp3 compared to rex
You know, I liked that steggo rampaging through the park goers ... in fact, I loved it the first 3 times it showed during this video ... but the 4th time REALLY sold me.
“Why settle for a dinosaur in boring old beige just because that’s how it would’ve looked in its own time?” Do I detect a hint of bitter sarcasm here Luke?
How do we know that they always came in boring old beige? What kind of science doesn't give a little leeway in case it turns out that most dinos came in neon colors that would have given the 80s a run for their money?!!? WHO SAYS DINOS WEREN'T LAVENDER AND BURGANDY???? WHO?!?!??!?!?
I will fight Luke on it. I still have hope that there was a teal colored dino and I'm not giving it up until science can truly and completely destroy that childhood dream!!! Now if the lime green dino didn't exist I'm totally okay with that.
Ally Fazio the only possible solution for this is for JW Evolution to introduce a multiplayer mode where your teal Dino can fight Luke’s historically accruate Dino to the death to determine a winner. Grave as the situation is, I see no other way forward.
Good, they gave the Spinosaurus a better estimated size. It was not the super huge monster people thought. Even if Spino was of the same size or slightly bigger, it’s jaw strength was FAR less than Tyrannosaurus, who has the strongest estimated Bite force of all LAND animals in the fossil record., and would end up snapping Spino’s neck like a twig, where as Spino, who doesn’t even have the usual serrations on its teeth, wouldn’t be able to do much with its jaws other than scratch him, and wouldn’t be able to hold on. His claws would be his best defense but that’s it.
I seem to remember Spino being a Piscivore, or at least that was the hypothesis, the teeth do seem to support that. Given its diet was therefore likely to be mostly fish, the kind of bite force that a predator/scavanger was hardly a requirement. As for the two fighting, given the differences in diets it is very unlikely that either would come into conflict, even if they had lived in the same period. T rex came later than Spinosaurus.
Exactly, thank you. People just get so bent out of shape when a valid argument over the creatures comes their way and, because the Spino killed the T Rex on the big screen, people have to defend it despite being complete fiction. So they ignore the facts. Granted a Spino fossil has yet to really be complete, so a lot of stuff about it is just estimations, it's still pretty clear that it was an average to above average therapod who hunted large fish(Like 10 to 15 foot long fish), it was made to do that and if it was forced to prey on land animals, it would have a hard time of it. It even theorized it uses its claws as a means to rip apart prey to easier swallow pieces since it has no serrations along its teeth like most, but is an effective weapon against others too since its arms are quite long. It probably was much swifter than T-Rex, but it wasn't a tank.
Postulated, not theorised, I only bring that up because in science the word Theory is not the same as the word theory in the common use of the English language. A scientific Theory is not a 'rough idea', but an explanation that has been backed up through hard data.... Scientific Theories are backed up by Scientific Laws.... a Theory is NOT the same thing in Science as it is in the common language... Much of what we have all been discussing is not even in the realm of a Hypothesis (as by definition a Hypothesis needs to be proveable). Though to be fair, theorised is a much easier word to say than hypothesised!
Erick Christensen Wasn't the trex a pretty slow scavenger? A bite force to effectively hunt bigger slower prey? I believe it had really good eyesight but it was slow.
This reminds me of zoo tycoon especially when they had the dinosaur expansion. My younger sister and I spent a lot of time just letting the animals loose on unsuspecting park guests with no way out. Ah those were the day. I totally want this game though it seems like it would be really enjoyable.
Least ethical way to run a UA-cam channel. Hire two lovely co-hosts, put them in a video mine with lava pits, terrifying creatures and cages hanging high in air.
I remember that time at the zoo they released a tiger into the crowd because we were complicit in the animal cruelty of zoos. It was fun because we deserved it!
pretty sure innocent people that died did NOT deserve to get mauled by a tiger and the tiger didn't deserve to get shot to death due to the faults of people releasing the poor animal to a damn crowd
(As for myself at least) it's merely tongue-in-cheek hypothetical banter in the style of the video. ;) The only tiger escape I know of was San Francisco '07, where the tiger may have been provoked and it escaped to maul two and kill one. All naturally very tragic.
I can finally hold the ultimate caged grudge match for king of the dinos between the T-Rex, Gigantosaurus and the Allosaurus VISITORS MUST RSVP FOR TICKETS AND PAY PER VIEW WILL BE AVAILABLE
'Little Timmy will need a clear view so that he can accurately describe this moment to his therapist in 20 years time' - Outside Xtra I'm gonna need a therapist after laughing my flipping guts out from that joke. lol
Jurassic Park teaches us there's no ethical way to bring dinosaurs back to life. But what about the UN-ethical ways?! From endangering the public to selling dino secrets to the military, here are the least-ethical things going down at our dinosaur park so far. Enjoy!
Does least-ethical mean the Jane-way?
Outside Xtra my birthday is tomorrow if you put a video out tomorrow I will watch it because that's the gift you always give
Outside Xtra so is this one similar to JP Operation Genesis? I loved that game
Can you actually play as a dinosaur in this game, or do you only watch them?
If they aren't ethical aren't they already unethical?
Me: So pure... So beautiful...
*stegosaurus tramples park goers*
Me: Majestic creatures~
I hope you dont mean the park goers
Oh, yea. Oooh, ahhh, that’s how it always starts. Then later there’s running and screaming.
lol "little timmy needs a clear view so he can accurately describe this moment to his therapist in 20 years time" - Outside Extra
Well that's if he never gets eaten alive 😂
"Ooh, Aah," that's how it always starts. But then later there's running and screaming.
Now that's Chaos...
What's that from?
Pretty sure he's quoting Ian Malcom from The Lost World: Jurassic Park (the second movie).
A Very Fancy Skull
Doctor Ian Malcolm, The Lost World Jurassic Park. Stegosaurus scene.
DLCShadowHeart Lord of Domination
Correct. 10 Goldblums to you
Oooh, so it was from that. I figured, but it's been a while.
"Yes, drop it right here, in the crowd of innocent tourists"
"But sir, why?"
"Becasue on this island, I am God"
Don181, you'r a frickin Neanderthal this is the best comment
- dr.Wu
For real tho, that stego was straight up frolicing thru that crowd 😂
"I'm singing to their screams! Just singing to their screams! What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again!"
Tiptoe through the tulips
@@alyssasowell774 Tiptoe through the tourists!
*You* say 'least ethical'.
*I* say 'most fun'.
Mark Hashman Same here
Somebody loves playing the Sims...
Same thing, just spelt differently XD
So do I lol; hell, sometimes I pretend to be a BioSyn plant, building up trust with InGen and the Hammond Foundation, then sabotage their parks lol
Look they say life finds a way but so does a bored player looking for chaos.
Bailey Alexis Snow That was (not was) a good one.
Bailey Alexis Snow show of the weekend comment right here!
Bailey Alexis Snow "everybody run from dinosaurs" is what i say
Hug the dinosaurs.
Open the door
Get on the floor
Hope you don’t get eaten
By a dinosaur
Five minutes in: I'm totally going to be responsible and shit.
Two hours in: YEAH, eat those tourists Blue!
Ha, yeah pretty much.
Releasing a dinosaur just to see what happens sounds an awful lot like my entire strategy for playing Zoo Tycoon: Dino edition back in the day
Beth Bloomer
Or operation genesis
are you implying it was not the correct strategy to playing that game?
About the most fun any kid could have.
Dino Dig and the Complete Collection were my jam!
I started laughing for five minutes when they dropped the raptor by that large crowd. It was hilarious to watch it make such a dramatic entrance!
"Daw, someone's going to be sleeping well tonight"
That's because of all the tranquilizers.
Zakzahn Nap time...
Reminds me of my childhood.
> watches video
> convinced to buy game
> puts game in cart
> looks at bank account
> cries
> buys game
> downloading application
> 483.4 MB/11.032 GB (3 Hours Left)
> looks at time
> 5:15 pm
> leaving for airport at 7
> won't be back for a week
> depression
It never fails...
At least you get to fly
> incubation fails
Wow you got slow internet
First rule of Dinosaur Fight Club:
Don’t delve too deeply into the ethics of Dinosaur Fight Club.
Shh...we're not supposed to talk about the Dinosaur fight club.
Carthyk but now you just talked about it! Wait...now I just talked about it! Nooooooo!
If there is a way to make every dino super small, i really want to do it. I mean who wouldnt want a Beagle Sized T-Rex?
till it rips ya hand off sure why not
It could still do some damage but yeah I'd like one!
I highly dought that a beagle sized dino could rip or bite your head off.
Imagine just laying on the ground while it bites your ankles off and is just trying to get its mouth around your head while you screaming in pain. Blood finds a way
If only
Day 1: Park opens
Day 50: Park Profitable, Guests Entertained.
Day 100: Park Profits fall, Guests Bored. ACU Team sent on Holiday.
Day 101: Dinosaur Rampage, Park improvement Funding Cancelled.
I remember whenever I first started this game, I grinded to unlock enough DNA to recreate a T-Rex. I was so proud of myself when I unlocked the genome. Then an idea popped into my head. What would happen if I created a bunch of T-Rexes, and put them all in the same enclosure? As it would turn out: COMPLETE CARNAGE. As I soon discovered, apparently the Tyrannosaurus Rex is claustrophobic. Within the first ten minutes or so, one of them busted through the iron gates and started rampaging through my park, chowing down on tourists like they were a buffet. This little jailbreak also gave the Velociraptors a lovely little day out, as they very quickly followed suit and joined in on terrorising the guests. A few emergency dispatches later, and the monstrous reptiles were subdued and repairs were made. Some other little escapades on my parks include:
• A stressed Edmontosaurus developing claustrophobia and breaking out of the enclosure.
• A mass breakout of disease amongst my herbivores.
• A carnivore making a lovely little snack of one of my herbivores whenever my naive ass decided that putting a meat eater with herbivores was a good idea whenever I first played the game.
• Multiple blackouts.
• A Velociraptor finding a random HOLE in my electrified iron fence and making a break for it to see how many tourists it could wolf down before ACU came in.
Luke's right. Seeing dinosaurs fight each other is the whole point of Jurassic Park. Sure, the Tyrannosaurus LOOKS like it would make short work of the Procompsognathus with a single step......but how can we know for sure?
Exactly. It risks getting its rear foot claw bitten....for all we know, that could cause it to explode the moment it's touched.
T. rex could fall over chasing it and to a rex, falling over can be fatal :/
What about THIRTY compies?
I think 30 of them could pretty much kill anything, especially since the ones in the Jurassic Park franchise are apparently venomous, it would be like seeing a bunch of ants attacking a mouse, just a lot larger
And actually making that into world wide fight show will bring shitload of money.
Xtra: Someone's sleeping well tonight~
Stegosaurus: *_AURAAAAAAURAAAR_*
Can you kiss Q dance's and video Q said
... So who else wants the 100 slide powerpoint video? Man I love dinosaurs.
Try the series Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong right here on UA-cam, construction paper animations to fix dinosaur toys with the latest palaeontology.
Oh, nice! Link for anyone who wants it: ua-cam.com/video/TW7uyD0hfqg/v-deo.html Thankye.
can i get the Make your own TRex labo set?
Not satisfied with their nigh-impregnible metal boxes with cannons on top that can hit a target from 2 miles away while moving 60 km/hr in any given direction crewed by trained soldiers, the Army has tasked us with making a slower, stupider, less capable combat platform that doesn't understand civilian casualties or friendly fire, is practically unarmored, has no loyalties, and can only fight effectively in melee. We questioned this, but they assured us that this plan CANNOT backfire tactically, strategically, economically or politically in any way!
Whatever! Lets grab us some taxpayer greens!
Barley Sixseventwo underrated comment 😂
You say that sarcastically, but to be honest, these are the guys that paid for suicide bats that could be airdropped on Japan.
You know, in case the nukes fell through... =p
dont forget bomb dogs which were meant to counter said nigh-impregnible metal boxes with cannons on top
Psst! Hey! Hey Military! I got a secret for you!
Those Bomb Dogs? The ones the Soviets used?
Nobody uses them anymore! It hasn't been 1943 for the last 75 years!
Barley Sixseventwo I cant BREATHE after reading this XD
How do we know the dino animation is so good? Whos to say dinosaurs didnt float around in a t-pose??
Andy Mcp the man speaks the truth. They only walk the way they do because they cower in fear on Jane's dark powers and must kneel to her
The thing is that would be even better though. Who doesn't want to sea a T-rex stomping around in a T-pose.
Here we have the Teeposasaurus, a strange animal as it does not have any rigged animations set to it, an evolutionary tactic as predators cannot seem to find its hitbox
Just Musty Prime You may be able to see the modern descendent of the teeposesasaurus in the creature known a only as Wace Mindoo.
Because they played the game...
Will you be able to train raptors like Starlord did?
It takes years m8
Not sure, but you can sure screw things up like Starlord did
Kelvin Chu Accurate, but not as bad as how much heels screwed up
TechYK first,you gotta make sure you got them imprinted on you as star lord trained them since they were hatchlings
"Dignity. Always dignity." Props for the deep cut Singin' in the Rain reference!
Air lifting that veloceraptor into the crowd of people was hilarious and my favorite
Back in JPOG I used to play properly until I got a 5* park, then I had a little fun...
I would wait until I hit as many guests as possible and delete the exit.
Then I would stop letting food come out of the dino feeders.
And then I would remove all pathways so the 100+ guests were stuck on a 10x10 path block (with restrooms of course, I'm not a monster)
And then I would install a turret on each corner of this 10x10 block
And then I would use the cheat code to delete all fences.
Oh, running low on Raptors? Time for the next wave!
Can't wait to do something similar here, although I haven't seen turrets yet, I guess the guests will get to experience Halo Reach's Lone Wolf mission for themselves!
Obahar very evil, I like it
Obahar at least you gave them restrooms
Oh, so these people are either going to be slaughtered by Velociraptors or shot by machine guns, but it's all fine because they've got restrooms?
Sounds fine to me. Carry on. ^^
@@killdozer7792 they can all lock themselves on the restrooms to wait the sentries kill the raptors. The guy's not a monster, pfft
I just want someone to shout during dinosaur rampage, "What do you call a blind dinosaur? Doyouthinkhesawus!"
MrDudeshutup123 😂😂
Then someone shouts “what do you call a blind dinosaurs dog...... doyouthinkhesawus Rex”
All my years I never caught what he said in that tree. Thank you my God.
Spent pretty much all day playing this on release day. While I’d hesitate to say it’s worth the $60 price tag, it IS hilariously fun most of the time. I had a combined power sabotage + tropical storm that happened to also result in a double breakout from both my herbi and carni pens... my 6 gene-modded, combat-trained dilophosaurs feasted well that day...
I had Jurassic Park Genesis and would ACCIDENTALLY forget to build a section of fence for all but the most vegan of dinosaurs.
I did that once and the stupid thing just didn't want to leave its pen.
Just like the average McDonald's fast food fan...
I actually had to trank it, pick it up with a helicopter, and drop in the middle of the guests to get the desired effect. So just like the average McDonald's fast food fan...
You ever eat McDonalds so much you just want to eat something else for variety?
That was your carnivores
0:33 People in the background are cheering when a dude gets eaten.
Armadillo “yay! Bob is gone!” Like seriously, wut?
I came for a feeding
I saw this list's title and I must say that I'm slightly disappointed. Where is the option to open an 19th century textile mill, staffed exclusively by dinosaurs?! I didn't put those velociraptor's hands on the wrong way for nothing!
GhengisJohn- *cut to close-up of velociraptor*
*velociraptor shrugs*
"Eh, it's a living."
No ethical dinosaurs under capitalism
Those dinosaurs will escape to the one place not corrupted by capitalism!
Fully automated luxury dino space communism
0:35 the crowd cheering in the background as he gets eaten know exactly what they came to the park for.
Maybe adding pretty colours to a Triceratops wasn't the way to go. Give it some eagle DNA, it'll be able to assassinate all the T-Rexes.
The Triceratops will grow wings,start flying and embush t-Rexes by the sky
@@acanadianguy2357 XD
Ahh yes the good old days where Dinosaurs were purely the revenue of money hungry oil tycoons, now the staple of theme park owners. Business finds a way
Violet Moon they do move in herds XD
*jurassic park theme*
Soon to fond their way into the food industry. 🤑
I’m pretty sure attaching Lasers to the Dino’s head is unethical, this message was for Jane.
Where’s the fun in playing fair? *Glares at Jane about to put a head laser on a T-rex*
The only thing better than sharks with Frickin Laser Beams attached to their heads is Dinosaurs with Frickin Laser Beams attached to their heads.
immortalfrieza Funny now I am thinking about Lego Movie and Meet the Cores 2 Ray!
They should make a way to make Spino bigger. I mean Indominus is in the game and will be the biggest carnivore in the park. But Ms. Dearing did say everything is bigger
Me: "Life finds a way"
Also me: *Presses the 'OPEN GATE' button*
Yes yes, an orderly park, amazing.
*opens gates while cackling maniacally*
*opens gate that will mostly likely lead to a lot of deaths*
luke: whoopsie
It's midnight and I just woke up my neighbours laughing watching the freaking stegosaurus running like ''Excuse me! Coming through!!''
TyrStark Really? Lol 🤣
"Accidently" tranqs tourists when carnivore dinosaurs escapes. Multiple times.
Oh no The Dino’s escaped! *Glares at Jane who is near a open door marked CAUTION T-Rex 🦖*
Cecelia Acaba. "Oh.....was this not the exit?"
Shadiest One or Jane is secretly transporting the Dino’s to her space station powered by Ellen’s laughter! 😱
It’s dyslexia
T-Rex is one letter away from exit
10:47 “Delivery has been completed”😭😂
Okay, but if someone poisons my precious dinosaurs, do I get the option to airlift them into a raptor pen? I mean, my park will be purely made of herbivores because Ornithischia and Sauropods ftw, but I'd be willing to clone some meaty bois in order to punish unruly employees.
I would love to have that as an option. I'm hoping there's at least a chance to find out who sabotaged my scaley children, and REALLY hoping I can make said employee get a face to face meeting with my precious carnivores.
Ha, I’d love that; choose an option to find out who sabotaged the park, and after the time is up, you should have the option to drop him/her right in the middle of one of your meatasaurus pens... and that dino is looking hungry...
9:47 just like "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!!!" you might as well yell "RELEASE THE DINOAURS!!!!!"
11:14 'someone's gonna sleep well tonight!*'
*after I pump them full of tranquilizers...
hears about this game..."great, a overpriced facebook game with better graphics..."
sees dinosaur eat human..."i must have this..."
BackFromUranus don’t buy it, it’s so lame
do buy it, it's good
Definitely not a chaos sorcerer nah, the dinosaurs killing people are static animations, a guy trips and the dino catches up to him, ignores everyone else, and eats him. That’s how a majority of the dinosaurs kill people. It’s so lame
eww you play universe sandbox and you want to talk to me about lame
Definitely not a chaos sorcerer oh no I fiddled around with a simulator that lets me throw planets around and create stars from nothing a year ago, my opinion must be completely invalid because of a single game that I enjoyed. God forbid someone likes space
If the dinos have 1 too many to drink they at least have Heli Uber to carry them home.
Well done! I just started playing this game yesterday. Uh, went broke the first time. But today was kicking ass and taking names. I never thought to purposely release a carnivour onto the visitors. Bravo on your wicked originality.
If I played this game, it would be for the expressed purpose of amassing an army of dinos that I would improve upon until the day came that I would release them unto the world to do my bidding. No Italian plumber, Turok, or redhead named Regina will stand a chance against me and my army! Mwahaha!
Jake Stoneking you've got Jane to deal with 😏
Jake Stoneking spell Regina backwards and say it out loud
Timothy Rodowicz Okay, gimme a second..."Half Life 3 Confirmed"? What could that mean?
ummm, i think jane was one of his sponsors...
Regina got access to time travel in 2. Time travel trumps everything.
Great video. Informative and hilarious at the same time.
It's interesting to see Luke's philosophy degree at play here. Unleash killer dinosaurs on an unsuspecting public? Ellen asks why. Luke asks why not.
bilbo_t_ baggins -Luke, a philosopher.
RazorO2Productions his university degree is in philosophy
bilbo_t_ baggins Well, you learn something new every day. I thought you were joking. 😐😶
Can’t get over the stegosaurs running through the crowd😂
I must admit, I wasn't sold on this game when you mentioned it previously but after that video I'm definitely onboard. Flee park goers flee!😁
00:53 this is my dinosaur favorite ^u^
06:03 i'ts me or that T-rex is so big?
06:06 Yeah!!! Épic battle!!!
That "too long and too boring video"... I want it!
I've already commented on this video, but honestly I am re-watching this over and over again, the writing is hilarious, and witty. It gets straight to the point, fantastic I subscribed even if I'm not interested in your other content.
Can we, by chance, get "another much longer much more boring video that features a hundred slide powerpoint on deinonychus"?
This game needs a dinosaur battle royale mode
release one of each in the biggest island, easy
I will name my first Dilophosaurus "Dennis" :D
To be fair, the actual Dennis could feed three of em.
derBlauFuchs i will name my first three hundred Dennis. That's how many a Dennis can feed.
Ich mag Männernamen, die mit "is" enden, z.B. Iris, Isis, Penis! ;D ... Das musste sein.
Great, now part of me wants to get this game and do EVERYTHING on this list
I literally did a spit take at the “dignity, always dignity” line. Thanks for the red wine on my top Luke! 🙈
Watching this brings me back to my time as a director of a zoo. Every time there was an "escape" it brought such joy to me.
10:43 Park Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen! Its time for another round of of Turok: Get the Monkey!!!
Irvine Spiegel nO oml
"Animations are sooo good"
*shows TRex and Spino just staring at each other.
“Out of the way dinosaurs, I gotta test the handbrake on this thing” - did Luke just get possessed by Mike for a second?!
Beth Bloomer to be fair though, who wasn’t had a dream of J-turning and doing drift circles around dinosaurs?
I don't think I've ever choked on my food that many times laughing while watching a video. Subbed
The spinosaurus should be fairly larger than a trex if memory serves correct
It should, both in canon and in real life
Ryaquaza 1 not fairly about a meter taller
Ryaquaza 1 Spino is only larger in length in real life, what are you talking about?
Negusa Nagast No, it is taller in height. And that is with the short legs which have been slightly lengthened due to the paleontologist who discovered the legs miscalculating their length. The neck of the real animal was probably held in a similar way to a heron, but even without it would be taller.
The spinosaurus was also likely semi aquatic acording to the fossil record and it's hunting patterns likely resembled that of a crocodile. An ambush preditor. It's long jaws would have been well suited for that purpose. Though there is debate on that as it's spine would have made hiding in the water difficult. There is also the theory that it's diet consisted of only fish and it instead lived on the waters edge. One thing though i think can be put to rest is i don't think the spino would be taking a rex in a fight anyway. Of course this is all speculation as their are no spinos alive to study.
Wow, this reminds me so much of a more modern Zoo Tycoon, particularly seeing as Zoo Tycoon 2 had an extinct animals expansion.
9:47 the velociraptor just looks so confused as he turns his head to look at the camarasaurus
The heck is that?, oh nevermind I see food
Wait, it is UNETHICAL to have a Dinosaur Fight Club?
Rule 1, we don't talk about Dino Fight Club lol
There was a Jurassic Park fighting game!
@@Dracobyte really? That's AWESOME!
I'm fairly certain 99% of games today are based on the findings written in Janes manifesto for world domination.......
I’m going to recreate the plot of original movies all leading up to the Irex fight in the middle of the main Plaza
I always wanted a better Operation Genesis. Does anyone remember that at all?
i do and watching this makes me miss my first and best park, My star attraction was a pack of Raptors that shared an enclosure with an Allosaurus, surprisingly i never had any problems with that enclosure, was always having problems with the other enclosures though.
I do, but this game, although I’m hyped for it is giving me doubts
It looks better graphically. But all the stuff you can do looks pretty much the same. Aside from the DNA bit .That's the only new thing from what I've seen and what i remember since it's been like fifteen years.
I remember there was a building limit on the amount of fences you could build. That was the only reason I and my brother didn't like it.
Had it for PS2, I would make a huge, profitable park with tons of carnivores, then set all the prices to $0 so that the crowds would be huge.
When the park was crammed with people I would delete the fences and delete the path leading to the helipad so people couldn't escape as they were hunted down by a dozen or so allosaurs. It was good times.
Other times my parks tanked and were failures because I felt bad for the herbivores, so I gave them so many trees, food, and lakes and so much space that the guests never saw them. Dino's were happy and the customers would leave without seeing anything, lol.
That stegosaurus certainly looked happy,look at her go! So cute
We want the long video with the Powerpoint now Luke. You better get preparing, or I'll call in the velociraptors.
Ironic Dutch Moonshade or eles I call Chris Pratt ( who is amazing Luke! 😡) and get his raptors to claw you apart!
0:50 that roar is badass af haha
That’s right, make T. rex win every single fight and make spinosaurus small,.. *sigh* Frontier,.
Now that is unethical
Ryaquaza 1 yah why is the spino smaller that’s stupid I wanna see the spino win animation for the spino but ayy the spino was picking on the raptor in the beginning so I know the spino will win.
Timmy the Awesome applesauce I know that but still, this is the 3rd time we’ve seen the same T. rex win animation come on frontier we know your rex fanboys but if your adding spinosaurus and showing of death duels at least show us the spino one, it’s one of the fan favourites after all. This is starting to make me worry about the strength of the spino now, especially now it’s downsized to Suchomimus size, and a modified triceratops can’t take down a rex (despite being capable of doing so in real life without any genetic tampering), we really need to see the statistics of these dinosaurs
Also why was the spinosaurus even squaring up to the raptors anyway, it completely slam dunked a miasaura in its species profile and if it can do that then why can’t it do the same or something similar to the raptor, it’s a lot smaller and on its own after all.
it wasn't downsized if you look closely you can see the rex was on the small hill making it appear larger
It’s still too small looking back at the footage, length wise it looks only slightly longer than the rex and even without that hill there it’s shorter not including the spine of course, not to mention the head is about the same length as the rex but really it should be a lot longer. It doesn’t feel like a Jurassic Park spinosaurus anymore, nor does it feel like a real one or a spinosaurus in general, it’s sad really
this is still very much the jurassic park spinosaurus the tyrannosaurus it killed in jp3 was a sub adult which explains size difference between the spino in jp3 compared to rex
You know, I liked that steggo rampaging through the park goers ... in fact, I loved it the first 3 times it showed during this video ... but the 4th time REALLY sold me.
“Why settle for a dinosaur in boring old beige just because that’s how it would’ve looked in its own time?” Do I detect a hint of bitter sarcasm here Luke?
🙄 - Luke
How do we know that they always came in boring old beige? What kind of science doesn't give a little leeway in case it turns out that most dinos came in neon colors that would have given the 80s a run for their money?!!? WHO SAYS DINOS WEREN'T LAVENDER AND BURGANDY???? WHO?!?!??!?!?
Ally Fazio I’m pretty sure Luke says so 😂
I will fight Luke on it. I still have hope that there was a teal colored dino and I'm not giving it up until science can truly and completely destroy that childhood dream!!! Now if the lime green dino didn't exist I'm totally okay with that.
Ally Fazio the only possible solution for this is for JW Evolution to introduce a multiplayer mode where your teal Dino can fight Luke’s historically accruate Dino to the death to determine a winner. Grave as the situation is, I see no other way forward.
Good, they gave the Spinosaurus a better estimated size. It was not the super huge monster people thought. Even if Spino was of the same size or slightly bigger, it’s jaw strength was FAR less than Tyrannosaurus, who has the strongest estimated Bite force of all LAND animals in the fossil record., and would end up snapping Spino’s neck like a twig, where as Spino, who doesn’t even have the usual serrations on its teeth, wouldn’t be able to do much with its jaws other than scratch him, and wouldn’t be able to hold on. His claws would be his best defense but that’s it.
I seem to remember Spino being a Piscivore, or at least that was the hypothesis, the teeth do seem to support that. Given its diet was therefore likely to be mostly fish, the kind of bite force that a predator/scavanger was hardly a requirement.
As for the two fighting, given the differences in diets it is very unlikely that either would come into conflict, even if they had lived in the same period. T rex came later than Spinosaurus.
Exactly, thank you. People just get so bent out of shape when a valid argument over the creatures comes their way and, because the Spino killed the T Rex on the big screen, people have to defend it despite being complete fiction. So they ignore the facts. Granted a Spino fossil has yet to really be complete, so a lot of stuff about it is just estimations, it's still pretty clear that it was an average to above average therapod who hunted large fish(Like 10 to 15 foot long fish), it was made to do that and if it was forced to prey on land animals, it would have a hard time of it. It even theorized it uses its claws as a means to rip apart prey to easier swallow pieces since it has no serrations along its teeth like most, but is an effective weapon against others too since its arms are quite long. It probably was much swifter than T-Rex, but it wasn't a tank.
Postulated, not theorised, I only bring that up because in science the word Theory is not the same as the word theory in the common use of the English language. A scientific Theory is not a 'rough idea', but an explanation that has been backed up through hard data.... Scientific Theories are backed up by Scientific Laws.... a Theory is NOT the same thing in Science as it is in the common language...
Much of what we have all been discussing is not even in the realm of a Hypothesis (as by definition a Hypothesis needs to be proveable).
Though to be fair, theorised is a much easier word to say than hypothesised!
Erick Christensen Wasn't the trex a pretty slow scavenger? A bite force to effectively hunt bigger slower prey? I believe it had really good eyesight but it was slow.
From what I see, George Lambert isn't the smartest.
This reminds me of zoo tycoon especially when they had the dinosaur expansion. My younger sister and I spent a lot of time just letting the animals loose on unsuspecting park guests with no way out. Ah those were the day. I totally want this game though it seems like it would be really enjoyable.
For all those who agreed with my comment about wanting to Luke play this - VICTORY! Now we just need a proper Let’s Play...
nice video dude :D enjoied it so much, the stego that didnt sleeped well was da best xD
Has Luke finally reached Nirvana?
Your commentary is hysterical! Love it!
Least ethical way to run a UA-cam channel. Hire two lovely co-hosts, put them in a video mine with lava pits, terrifying creatures and cages hanging high in air.
Terrifying creatures? Like mutated spiders?
You sir have got yourself one new subscriber! Great commentary! I needed a good laugh
11:14 yeah, but now some people won't sleep at all tonight
i love the way he said "it's time to break out the jeeps!" haha
After a visit to Luke's park, the visitors are a little dino-sore
I’m dying from laughter because of “lowering a Velociraptor into a crowd of guests”
All those happy people....
They just wanted to see the attractions.....
Little did they know......
10:48 Velociraptor: "Since y'all didn't run before I landed I'll give y'all a head start" 😂😂😂
I remember that time at the zoo they released a tiger into the crowd because we were complicit in the animal cruelty of zoos. It was fun because we deserved it!
If only Little Timmy hadn't insisted on trying to pet it. They only used to not eat you because you were behind glass, Little Timmy.
Yes and it ended with the Tiger being shot on several accounts of murder, it didn't deserve it.
pretty sure innocent people that died did NOT deserve to get mauled by a tiger and the tiger didn't deserve to get shot to death due to the faults of people releasing the poor animal to a damn crowd
What was this?!
(As for myself at least) it's merely tongue-in-cheek hypothetical banter in the style of the video. ;)
The only tiger escape I know of was San Francisco '07, where the tiger may have been provoked and it escaped to maul two and kill one. All naturally very tragic.
When I play JWE:
Me: I have done the will of Chaos
I can finally hold the ultimate caged grudge match for king of the dinos between the T-Rex, Gigantosaurus and the Allosaurus
Hmm.... Add in the spinosaurs and I'll buy 10 of those tickets .
Carthyk i was thinking of the spino being a drop in challenger.....shhhh dont tell anubody
And giga was confirmed yay!!!
Well, for Allosaurus, you'll have to wait for the Fallen Kingdom DLC, possibly.
aw man i'll take 20 tickets and i'll bet 100 on Allo
'Little Timmy will need a clear view so that he can accurately describe this moment to his therapist in 20 years time' - Outside Xtra
I'm gonna need a therapist after laughing my flipping guts out from that joke. lol
*_Why does the compound look like the main camp from Terra Nova? That TV show from 2011._*
This is a very entertaining advertisement. And yes that is a sideways compliment.