Is Zathrian suspicious? - First Time Playing Dragon Age | Ep.6

  • Опубліковано 5 гру 2023
  • Hello everyone! I have some questions about the NPCs I'm encountering... I hope I get some answers in the future.
    Friendly reminder about keeping spoilers to a minimum.
    * Find me on Discord: / discord
    * I have a Patreon: / liera
    Full Playlist here: • Dragon Age: Origins
    #dragonage #blindplaythrough
  • Ігри


  • @petrusjnaude7279
    @petrusjnaude7279 7 місяців тому +16

    Like others have mentioned, most of the gifts Bodahn has are from a DLC and really mess around with your approval ratings with your party members.
    Also, yes Leliana is available as a romance option for both male and female characters.
    Lastly, you should be able to give characters gifts in camp by cycling through them while in the inventory menu.

  • @chateauarusi
    @chateauarusi 7 місяців тому +8

    31:17 "I thought (Sten) was his name."
    The qunari are a really interesting people, and it takes a long time to really wrap your head around the qun, the philosophy slash religion slash cultural framework slash belief system that governs their society. It's truly fascinating and it probably won't comfortably make sense until the third game.
    This isn't a problem or a drawback, either, at least in my view. It's the game presenting a totally alien cultural viewpoint that cannot be simplified or easily mapped onto a modern human analogue, and asking the player to be patient while it is slowly revealed and takes gradual shape in your mind. It's a genuinely remarkable feat of writing and worldbuilding, the kind of thing most games don't bother with.
    Just give it time.
    Oh, and the answer to your question is, title basically yes but also sort of name and sort of not, based on the qunari concept of identity. It's complicated, but it's also simple when it clicks. Thus is the qun. 😁

  • @lionofhighpark
    @lionofhighpark 7 місяців тому +9

    There are definitely some biblical inspirations going on in some of the backstories. Also some Joan of Arc, medieval european history and a whole plethora of fantasy literature. The DA writers have created a fascinating melting pot of ideas from many sources. The worldbuilding in DA is one of it's chief delights, along with it's characters.

  • @nezkeys79
    @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому +6

    With Bohdans gifts a lot of people say be careful using them because they are part of a DLC called feastday pranks, and give you large modifiers to character approval, that would usually take a lot of talking and random gifts to achieve. Each character has +50 approval item (one they like), and a -50 approval item (one they don't like).
    However, they all turn into items, some equippable, some usable items for fun, some usable items for buffs. You get 5 permanent stat boosts for each character (I think at 60 70 80 90 100 approval but not exactly sure). These gifts just allow you to get all this stuff instantly
    Dog is already at max approval

  • @soundofnellody262
    @soundofnellody262 6 місяців тому +3

    The party banter in all 3 games are my favourites lol

    • @Whippets
      @Whippets 5 місяців тому +1

      It's vastly superior though in the 1st game. It's the standard by which I judge all games and I've never seen it topped. The effort they put into it is incredible, the characters are beyond well-developed, they're fully formed.

  • @nezkeys79
    @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому +3

    Btw if you have the legendary edition it should be noted that you can carry over some pretty good items from some of the other DLC. The reason for this is because its unlocked on every new warden automatically, like specialisations are. That is why people buy specialisations then reload the save file to get the money back. Anyway the items are...
    Lelianas Song (Battledress of the Provocateur) and Darkspawn Chronicles (Blightblood Sword)
    However, Darkspawn Chronicles is full of endgame spoilers so I wouldn't recommend it. Lelianas song happens before the main quest so just lore on her backstory and no main story spoilers. Both are short. I played Lelianas song after finishing the main game, so I could only benefit from the armour in awakening or new wardens in origins (it's still a strong item in awakening imo)

  • @Dark_Walker_
    @Dark_Walker_ 7 місяців тому +3

    To be clear, as conversation continues with your crew they will occasionally mention things in which they are interested. For example, Leliana loves shopping for clothing and shoes as mentioned to Morigan in Lothering. Don't be too concerned with guessing what each might like for a gift; you will get know them and what they like as you progress through the adventures.

  • @StarFox_MMXXIV
    @StarFox_MMXXIV 7 місяців тому +7

    >I have some questions about the NPCs I'm encountering... I hope I get some answers in the future.
    Believe me, everyone, had some questions about them when playing the game the first time. Even the second or the third one :)
    How did you guess? :D You should ask about her "fruit" if you get the chance... or maybe not... up to you :)
    More like a road. It's known as the Imperial Highway supposed to run around all of Thedas. A bit decrepit now that the Imperium hasn't taken care of it in ages, literally.
    Ever been with someone systematically picking stuff from your plate at dinner? I was. I also did pretty much the same face as Cuddlebear there :D I get there is a sharing thing going on with such people, they even expect you to pick stuff from their plate too, but still, it's hard to not bite when that happens :)
    Well, a bit too late to tell you that but be very cautious with those gifts available for free. They were part of a "prank" DLC issued by Bioware meant for people who already played the game the normal way and wanted to have some fun with the approval system. Those particular gifts can add or subtract an insane amount of approval points in one go which was never meant to be in the vanilla game mechanic and can have "consequences". One companion in particular can have her personal quest completely screwed up with that because it gives the ability to skip dialogues that are necessary for her quest to trigger.
    Bodahnn sells only one legit gift (gifts sold by other merchants are always legit): the golden rope necklace. Other gifts Bodahnn "sells" should be ignored unless you really know what you're doing. Unfortunately, Bioware stuffed those "prank" gifts in the complete edition of DAO without any warning to new players regarding possible side effects.
    Never worry, you don't need to remember. Grabbing that note from the corpse was enough for the game to mark that particular spot inside the tower for you (visible by using the tab key), so you should spot it easily enough just exploring as usual when the time comes.
    Yes, Sten is a rank in the qunari military, something around Captain or Commander. But still everybody call Sten "Sten" because non qunari believe it's his name and he certainly makes no effort to correct them because, for cultural reasons, being just called Sten is perfectly normal to him.
    For simplification I guess you could translate Antaam as "Army" even though it's more complex than that in the qunari vision.
    >32:13 "you're being quite a dick to me"
    To be honest, he's a dick as could be anyone belonging to a culture you don't understand. His answers are not meant to annoy or prod you. They are just the reflection of the qunari culture. Sten is a product of his society and his society is quite different from what we're used to. The fact that he may appear to be a dick as a result is just coincidental. :)
    I don't think you discussed those topics. A few special cases aside, topics already discussed generally disappear from the list so you can't ask the same thing twice. Those are not the same as what you discussed with Morrigan when you were still at Flemeth's hutt.
    And you struck just about every right note in this conversation with her. Joining the Morrigan's fan club, are we? :)
    When your character is male, better not talk about fruit because she gets offended (despite "swinging both ways" as you already assessed). As long as you're female though, she takes the forbidden fruit approach surprisingly well :D
    >"I don't know if I'm ready to flirt that overtly"
    Obviously not... You're kinda blushing :D Well, maybe not blushing but you're definitely not comfortable with the prospect :) That's OK, if you want Leliana can be comfortable for the both of you, she's Orlesian after all... Would that help lowering the stress? >:D
    I like how she says "chastity" just after that. Enough intonation to make it a disguised offer of... "something"; what is up to you XD
    She already knows. Remember that Last episode during a banter, Morrigan confirmed to her that Flemeth is indeed her mother so the cat is already out of the bag... :)
    >46:07 Leliana: "... eyes as beautiful and perilous as the sea"
    Which doesn't tell us a lot. Seas can range from light green to dark blue :D
    Any legend is rooted in truth but heavily distorted by hundreds of tellings by hundreds of people. There comes a point when one cannot really say anymore what is the truth and what is not. Personally I think Morrigan has the right of it because her information comes from the source, even if Flemeth's memories are "colored" by the passing of centuries and the bitterness, she's still the one who lived through these events, and she doesn't have any particular motive for lying about them.
    Anders is the name for the people living in the Anderfels.
    Well yes, Be careful about what you wish for, even as a joke, because Alistair could very well misread you. In fact I'm quite certain he just did right there :D He allows himself a level of playfulness when it comes to that kind of things but he has some boundaries beyond which he may become very serious. I guess you're learning what those are :)
    But you don't end up in a romance by accident in this game. You always have the possibility to refuse even if by chance you trigger something you don't necessarily want. Knowing you though, you probably don't want to have to do that. Remember Kaidan? Twice? :D
    There should be a relationship status with the dog too, +100/friendly. In fact the dog should appear just after Sten. Is that a side effect of the mod you have installed to call the dog as a summon? I never used it myself but chances are it's the case.
    And now would be a good time to reload and forget about the +50 stuff :) +10 boost is the max you can achieve with a companion by giving them a genuine gift they like (save for very special gifts triggering a conversation) and only the first time. Giving gifts repeatedly has some diminishing returns. +50, that's not meant to be, not outside of the "pranking" DLC anyway.
    >"Alistair is getting all sorts of stuff"
    Because you made him skip three relationship levels in one go which is not supposed to happen :)
    >"Leliana, I'm sorry. I wish I had more gifts for you"
    Be thankful you don't because in her particular case a +50 boost could very well lock you out of her companion quest. She really needs to go through the different thresholds and you talking to her between each of them, asking about subjects made available for her quest to trigger properly. I had the case once when I locked myself out of her quest by accident and that was without using any of those prank gifts, just the vanilla ones.
    Worst case, you can always buy "bad" gifts to have a negative impact and go back to neutral but it's something I never tested myself. Meaning, I don't know if a +50 boost introduces permanent changes to dialogues and if using a negative gift actually revert the dialogues back to what they should be.
    It's interesting. I never really tried to establish a link between the two. The only parallel I can think of, out of the top of my head, are the Hebrews fleeing Egypt to establish the kingdom of Israel that was later taken from them too. I suppose this is what you're thinking about? Can't really think of any other biblical story that would be close to the Dalish one.
    As a matter of fact it may be one of two special containers in the whole game that make people get upset if you try to sneak into them. Most of the time people don't care. I bet the fact this chest is forbidden makes you even more curious :D As Leliana said "forbidden fruits are the sweater" haha
    One of the good things about Dragon Age Origin is that it does let you completely free to choose the route you want to follow. The overall level of a quest-line like the Dalish or an area like the Brecilian Forest is decided according to your own level when you start it so you shouldn't have more trouble than usual. No "OMG! They're all 50 levels above me, I'm so going to die!" :D Doesn't mean it will be a walk in the park though...
    Next episode will tell how well you cope with werewolves :) I remember Bloodlines; still have nightmares about one particular werewolf :D

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому +3

      > Ever been with someone systematically picking stuff from your plate at dinner?
      "Joey doesn't share food!" XD
      > he may appear to be a dick as a result is just coincidental
      That was the funny part about ending the dialogue with him and still getting some approval points despite him being as short as he was. Oh well, I'll crack you eventually, Sten!
      > I don't think you discussed those topics.
      Ah, okay. Good to know :)
      > Is that a side effect of the mod you have installed to call the dog as a summon?
      Yes, I think I need to have him as a full party member to see the relationship status or give gifts, but it doesn't seem to prevent him from getting points through interactions.
      > Hebrews fleeing Egypt
      That's what I was thinking about. Especially when the long walk was mentioned.

    • @StarFox_MMXXIV
      @StarFox_MMXXIV 7 місяців тому +3

      >"Joey doesn't share food!" XD
      I'm with Joey on that one haha
      >but it doesn't seem to prevent him from getting points through interactions.
      Nor to react properly to the outside world (growling at Zathrian). Curious about banters though. Some companions have banters with the dog and I wonder if they may still occur when he's "summoned" .

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому +3

      > And you struck just about every right note in this conversation with her.
      No way! But awesome. I do like her quite a bit.
      Although to be fair, I don't know if I dislike anyone so far.

    • @StarFox_MMXXIV
      @StarFox_MMXXIV 7 місяців тому +3

      I'm quite OK with all of the companions in DAO. Doesn't mean I didn't struggle with some of them on my first playthrough. I had problems with Morrigan, and Sten was a pain in the ass because well... he's him! :D But by the end of my first playthrough, I can say that I quite liked all of them. Of course I have my favorites, as anybody. My top most favorite being... I let you guess, not very difficult haha

  • @vitanksi
    @vitanksi 7 місяців тому

    That merchant in the beginning sure sounds like a biotic god!

  • @nezkeys79
    @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому +4

    Levi IS a merchant btw. You have to complete his quest first
    There are also several other great reasons to do his quest asap, as well as the sepulchers pass one

  • @nezkeys79
    @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому +3

    20:58 best moment of the game XD ❤😅
    You probably have no idea how loved he is by fans of the game haha

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому +3

      No clue haha, but he is adorable

    • @nezkeys79
      @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому +3

      ​​@@LieraPlaysyeah "enchantment" is legendary 😅 his enthusiasm 😅

  • @Raidermanhc
    @Raidermanhc 7 місяців тому +3

    the plot bonuses they get is when they like you more and more. mind you they can loose those bonuses too if they start to dislike you.

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому

      Nice! And fair enough. We shall see how that all develops :)

  • @Maleficas88
    @Maleficas88 7 місяців тому +3

    I dont know if you want this, but you can also turn on subtitles for "gossips" and party banter that don't have there own conversation-window. if that makes any sense

  • @zomking4
    @zomking4 7 місяців тому +2

    Hey, lira another great video, I've said it before and I'll say it again love ur cosplay for the videos. Don't remember u doing it or seeing any in the comments mention it but the merchant in the tavern at lothering has a specialty dagger that gives u a codex entry much like the shield u got after defeating the ogre. I mention it cause once u complete one of the main quests lines ( dwarves, elves, mage's ECT) u lose access to lothering for the rest of the game. Also I can't remember it u got oathkeeper the final reward from the chantry brother in lothering for completing the board quests but if u haven't may want to get it as well before lothering disappears.

  • @meras5465
    @meras5465 7 місяців тому +6

    Giving Alistair the hand puppet and Morrigan the Alistair doll gift is alright if you've beaten the game before and you just wanna get their approval up as fast as possible. See, those and the other gifts that Bodhan offers for free are "cheat gifts" and they're meant to just give you a whole ton of approval without you doing any actual gameplay or talking with them to raise that approval.

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому +3

      I'll consider rerolling my save and not giving those +50 gifts. It would have been nice to know such things in advance, but oh well :)

    • @anieeina
      @anieeina 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@LieraPlays im not sure if it can help but bodahn also sells gifts that give -50 to lessen their approval. Im not sure if it will give you back the talks that youve missed by having a sudden massive high approval.

    • @meras5465
      @meras5465 7 місяців тому +3

      @@LieraPlays Would have told you, but didn't wanna spoil anything.

  • @nezkeys79
    @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому +3

    I dont know if morrigan would ever wear a silk dress 😅 ✨️💖

    • @keirangray902
      @keirangray902 4 місяці тому

      Remember this conversation when she plays Inquisiton

  • @SpTigerJD1
    @SpTigerJD1 6 місяців тому +2

    Zathrian's voice actor sounded familiar. Looked it up and it's Tim Russ who Tuvok from Star Trek: Voyager.
    As with the other playthroughs, I am enjoying it.

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  6 місяців тому

      Oh, you're right! That's awesome!

  • @keirangray902
    @keirangray902 4 місяці тому +1

    4:28 Remember this conversation for inquisition

  • @EmoBearRights
    @EmoBearRights 7 місяців тому +2

    Put in a pin what Leilana says about dressing Morrigan because ....reasons.

  • @robertmoritz7954
    @robertmoritz7954 7 місяців тому +1

    Ich würde zu gerne etwas spoilern aber nein, lass dich überraschen. Du spielst wirklich gut und jetzt geht es erst richtig los. Sei vorsichtig und rüste dein Team gut aus. Nimm alles mit, was du findest und loote jeden Gegner. Wichtig. Wunderschöne Quests und ich liebe diesen Wald und alles, was sich darin verbirgt. Perfektes LP. LG

  • @Amphibiot
    @Amphibiot 7 місяців тому +2

    And also, with the Mass Effect Voice actor crossovers. Lanaya is voiced by Kimberley Brooks, who voices Ashley Williams.

  • @Raidermanhc
    @Raidermanhc 7 місяців тому +2

    when you want to gift companions you need to choose them in the party inventory and just drag it to their model in the left.

  • @Whippets
    @Whippets 5 місяців тому +2

    Even Cuddlebear, who kept whining (and growled at Zathrian) while all the Elves were talking, knows a lot of bullshit when he hears it. Perspective is important in Dragon Age and everyone "colors" their stories - just look at all the variations of Flemeth's story. 😉

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  5 місяців тому +1

      Cuddlebear definitely knows more than he lets on, I better listen.

  • @PsPmoddedOUT
    @PsPmoddedOUT 7 місяців тому +2

    Dont feel any need to rush, there is no time limits on the arl of Redcliff quest

  • @Amphibiot
    @Amphibiot 7 місяців тому +2

    "Leliana swings both ways, doesn't she?"
    Well, yeah... She's pretty much the Liara T'Soni of the DA universe. A true girly girl and the most obvious love interest.

    • @violetbliss4399
      @violetbliss4399 7 місяців тому +1

      I dunno about most obvious, given the rest of the cast, but was certainly mine!. :)

    • @rpmfla
      @rpmfla 7 місяців тому +2

      A girly girl in DA:Origins but less so in her brief appearance in DA2 and totally not in Inquisition. Though a bit simplistic, I really liked the contrast between Morrigan and Leliana and disliked what they did with her in the following games.

    • @Nocternel
      @Nocternel 5 місяців тому

      Ah the series makes me sad for the progression of Leliana. Let her and my Warden live in peace :(

  • @Raidermanhc
    @Raidermanhc 7 місяців тому +2

    if you cursor over books in shelves and on the floor you can sometimes find some lore/codexes.

  • @nezkeys79
    @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому +3

    Since you cannot respec until Awakening it might be helpful to save up 4 levels of unused points so you can save, mass distribute a whole line, and then reload if you don't like them. On ps3 I restarted because I hated some points I felt I had wasted, and made sure I had a bunch of levels unused after a certain point
    Mods lets you respec though so maybe you won't need to if you are using mods

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому +2

      Yeah I'm basically exploring and trying things out at this point because I saw a respec mod. Maybe I won't need it in the end, but it's nice to know that I have some freedom to not know what I'm doing for now haha

    • @nezkeys79
      @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому +2

      ​@LieraPlays yeah they you're good if you can just fall back on that mod. Mage has a lot of options. I used three plus Leliana Archer lol. Sometimes I would switch in a warrior for the 3rd mage

  • @nobleconsejera5278
    @nobleconsejera5278 4 місяці тому

    There’s something interesting about the elves in this game… The urban elves remind me about the Jews in the Middle Ages, they live in quarters clearly segregated and differentiated from the rest of the city, and humans look down on them. On the other hand, the Dalish remind me about the Native Americans. If you are not Dalish, and especially if you are human, they will show some distrust to you at the beginning, and you may have problems with them if you come too close to their territory.

  • @redacted1093
    @redacted1093 4 місяці тому

    38:25 Whenever I play this game as a male character unless I'm playing the evil route there is a choice right here I can't resist even though it costs some approval(if I remember right) I think it went "maybe tied to a flagpole and tickled".

  • @ciphernine7824
    @ciphernine7824 7 місяців тому

    A Mage's power lies in their spells. Shapechanging turns your mage into a warrior that does less damage, has less health and can't use spells in whatever animal form you take.

  • @pgabrielrds
    @pgabrielrds 7 місяців тому +3

    Yep this game is a machine of doubts and fomo(fear of missing out). Compared to the Mass Effect series, where ME3 is best one to replay, DA1(Origins/Awakening) is easiest the best DA game to replay because of the sheerscope of choices that truly affect the gameplay directly. Whereas in any ME your class and origin didnt really affect the game, in DA1 race, class AND gender its one of the most important choices capable of changing really really lot of the game. Tip from a mage fan "dont fear any type of magic, fear the ones using it"

  • @martystocks1984
    @martystocks1984 7 місяців тому +2

    Do you have a channel where you live stream any of your playthroughs Leira?

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому +2

      I used to be semi-regular on twitch, but nowadays my internet doesn't allow me to do reliable streams :/ Perhaps if I move, I can come back to it. Sorry!

    • @martystocks1984
      @martystocks1984 7 місяців тому +2

      @@LieraPlays All good,I will look forward to your posts on UA-cam,DAO is a lengthy playthrough but well worth it!

  • @eleven2170
    @eleven2170 7 місяців тому

    The Dread Wolf?

  • @nezkeys79
    @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому +1

    Are you using a mod that makes the dog a 5th member? On ps3 it takes up a party slot (which sucks)

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому +3

      I am! It may cost me a bug later on, but I'm enjoying it so far. :)

    • @nezkeys79
      @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому +2

      ​​​​@@LieraPlaysI think with pc there is always a way to fix bugs though? Not sure though cause I played on ps3
      I heard there are bugs with Ranger pets so be careful with mods on that one too. On ps3 you can only ever have one ranger pet out no matter how many rangers you have. I've seen on PC 3 ranger pets at once. Some people have said they managed to glitch in all 3 ranger pets at once on all 3 rangers so 9 pets. Sounds like asking for bugs lol

    • @soulless_swede
      @soulless_swede 7 місяців тому +1

      @@LieraPlays You have in fact stumbled upon one minor bug/limitation already. At 1:00:02 you were cycling through the companions at camp to check each approval rating and made a comment about the dog not having a relationship status. The dog is in fact supposed to be accessible on that screen like any other companion (he has a locked +100 approval, cause he's a good boy).

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому

      @soulless_swede I tested him out in my party without the whistle, and it was working fine, so i'm not quite sure if it's a bug or just a consequence, but I'll keep in mind that I need him to be there in a game-intended way to get the full interaction :)

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому

      But also yes, Cuddlebear is the goodest boy.

  • @soulless_swede
    @soulless_swede 7 місяців тому +2

    It's unfortunate that you're using Bodahn's "Feast Day Gifts" cheat items as they will break the natural progression of the relationships. Not only will you miss out on building the relationships through characters interactions and actions in the world, but you can also suddenly end up in love-triangles involving people you have hardly even talked to just because you've boosted multiple characters to love-level approval.

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому +1

      I wish the game would have told me that since that was my very first time using those items and it didn't have a cost threshold for me to be concerned with.

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  7 місяців тому +1

      Granted, this is a save-based game, so I still have a chance to reload, but seeing that it can be game breaking without notice is pretty disheartening.

    • @soulless_swede
      @soulless_swede 7 місяців тому +2

      @@LieraPlays Yeah, they didn't even clearly tell you the purpose of those two DLCs on the store page when they were first released on an April 1st. These days most people play the Ultimate Edition which installs both DLCs by default. You're not the first to be lured in by those items, not even the first youtuber. Unless you've recorded episodes in advance it might be worth reverting to a previous save. As it stands, at 80+ approval, you're already close to a romance with Alistair.

  • @canadian__ninja
    @canadian__ninja 12 днів тому +1

    oh no you found the feastday gifts before people could warn you away from them. That's... very not good for a blind playthrough

    • @LieraPlays
      @LieraPlays  11 днів тому

      > very not good for a blind playthrough
      I got so many notes about it, so I think I stopped at a good time, minus perhaps Alistair getting the hots for my character sooner than he otherwise would have. But so far I don't think anything broke because of that mishap!

  • @rpmfla
    @rpmfla 7 місяців тому +1

    2:57 Stealing is wrong.

    • @nezkeys79
      @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому +3

      Unless it gives me good stuff XD 😅

    • @nezkeys79
      @nezkeys79 7 місяців тому

      ​​@@1aler67once you get to 4 coercion, 4 deft hands, and 20 cunning, I don't think you can ever fail any lock, any pickpocket, or any persuasion
      Leliana with no investment still opens almost any chest, which is fine because no locked chest contains rare equipment/quest item. It's all just random "trash" for selling purposes