Bagi fans yang merasa serba tau.. biar gw kasih paham ya, Moona ketemu langsung sama tiap member di Real life.. sedangkan kalian cuman tau mereka di depan kamera, penilaian moona lebih valid di banding penilaian kalian, jadi jgn merasa paling benar sendiri 😂 (harusnya gw ngomong ini di FB sih)
Justru fans yg bener bener ngikutin holoID tau kalo sebenernya kebanyakan dari mereka ya Introvert mungkin gk sampai kayak gk bisa ngomong sama orang kayak Pekora sama Aqua,nah Zeta ni dah kayak Choco, Subaru, dan Matsuri yg dimana mereka emang keliatan suka bergaul
@@K12R. sebenernya gk ngaruh.. lu ikutin talent doank atau ngikutin "talent"nya juga gk akan bisa memberi penilaian yang valid... sifat orang di sosmed sama Real life beda terutama mereka ini mau di Hololive atau kagak perannya tetep sebagai influencer bukan streamer daily life activity... Tapi ya untuk skrg yang Extrovert banget tuh subaru sama matsuri..
Sedang melihat orang² yang merasa lebih kenal member ID dibanding Moona yang bahkan sudah ketemu secara IRL dan nongkrong dengan mereka😂. Inget boy, kepribadian seseorang SANGAT mungkin berbeda dengan apa yang ia tampilkan di sosmed so yeah.....
Kobo keliatan inttovertmya pas collab sama banyak orang. Ga cuma introvert bahkan pas collab among us hampir kaya kena panic attack, berarti mungkin ada social anxiousnya juga
Bisa juga mereka gak paham arti introvert. Gw yang dulunya liat clip doang aja langsung paham dia intovert.Karena sesama introvert harusnya tau gerak gerik nya
From what i see for Zeta i think all of them will agree the most extrovert because many member already mentioned it, Kobo too most member mentioned, even herself said that she is actually quite introvert. The other member i don't know maybe they have different opinions.
Kobo klo 1v1 mungkin berasa ekstrovert krn energi bocil kematiannya bisa fokus tersalurkan ke satu orang. Tapi begitu ditempatin dalam grup besar, Kobo emang cenderung lbh kalem sih.
I would believe Moona's rankings. She based this on her personal experience, on screen and probably behind the scenes with the other members. What we see is how they are online, like how Pekora is incredibly quiet and shy IRL but energetic like Kobo on stream.
@@KingAC96Ollie is actually pretty shy when meeting new people but she warms up fairly quick if the energy is right. She tried to play it cool upon her first interactions with the girls but she’s the fan that made it. It was evident then and it still shows now. Everyone in ID is wonderful but Ollie is one of the homies. She’s also way cooler than I’ll ever be.
Once again, lemme explain what are all of these "-vert". Cuz many people keep misunderstanding introvertness and socially awkward/socially inept. 1. Extrovert People who love to socialize with other people, and being with other people. Talking, doing activities, etc, fill their energy tank. The more they socialize, the more they feel good and full of spirit. If you confine them indoor alone, they'll lose energy. They need to go out and meet other people to replenish that energy. Now, because socializing with other people gives them energy, they got almost no problem interacting with most people. 2. Introvert. Need to be underlined, BEING INTROVERT IS NOT THE SAME AS BEING SOCIALLY AWKWARD OR SOCIALLY INEPT. An introvert loves being alone, doing personal/individual activities. That relaxes them and fills them with energy. Now, normally an introvert can socialize and interact with other people just fine if they have to, but doing so, decreases their energy. If their energy is depleted, they need their lone time to replenish their energy. Because some introverts like being alone, they rarely goes out and interact with other people. This causes some of them to getting harder time to get close to other people, they also take longer time to learn how to interact and socialize. A good example of an introvert person is Pekora. She can and will socialize, interact, and communicate with other people just fine, but she prefers to be alone. Being extrovert or introvert is not about how well they socialize, or how good they are in interacting with other people. Cuz even an introvert, can be so damn good in socializing, interacting, and communicating with other people. Those three things comes from practice, not their extrovertness/introvertness. It just appears that many extroverts are better than introverts in those things, cuz they done it more, to fill their energy, while most introverts have to spend their energy to practice it. On the other hand, a socially awkward or socially inept person, is someone who almost unable to socialize/interact with other people. Most of the time, this kind of people are someone who maybe suffering from anxiety, or trauma, or maybe just an introvert who keep enabling their "no-social" life so they are not used to or don't know how to socialize. A Socially awkward/inept person, can "cure" their condition with enough practice in socializing, interaction, and communication. Unless their condition is caused by more chronic mental problem such as anxiety disorder or trauma. That kind of things need help from professionals, such as psychiatrists. So in nutshell, an introvert is not equal to socially awkward. Some people can be both, and introvertness can turn into social awkwardness if the person keep enabling their "no-social" lifestyle, especially with the help of smartphones and/or internet. Prime example of a socially awkward/socially inept are Minato Aqua, and Bocchi from Hitori Bocchi no OO seikatsu. Mind you, some extroverts can also become socially awkward/inept depends on their circumstances. Such as if they grow up under strict parents who don't allow them to socialise while growing up, or they got some kind of trauma. This kind of things, ruin them so fast, and can quickly escalated into depression, cuz being alone depletes their energy, but on the other hand, their parents, or trauma, or anxiety won't allow them to socialize or interact with other people to replenish that energy.
Mostly right. It's definitely not true that extroverts have no issues with interacting with people. I've met a lot of extroverts who are extremely awkward at conversing with others, even though they actively seek it. Being sociable is a skill that can be very independent of how extroverted or introverted someone is.
Sekali lagi pendiam dan berisik tidak sama dengan extrovert/ introvert Extrovert= suka menghabiskan waktu dengan orang lain Introvert= suka menghabiskan waktu sendiri ( gak ngajak orang ke mall atau pergi dengan orang lain atau datang ke rumah orang lain. Pergi sendiri, main sediri, belanja sendiri)
@@fadhil2831 budaya Indonesian yang mudah membuat orang bersosialisasi ( yasinan, datang ke penikahan , lahiran , doa kematian , doa selamat ) termasuk sembayang dimasjid kan rombongan. Jika ini Tidka ada ya kayak di jepang.
@@MuhammadakbarAK47 sosialisasi itu ga harus besar kayak event Ngedate atau hang out sama teman itu juga sosialisasi dan lu bisa tanya sama introvert dan mayoritas bakal bilang kalau mereka happy hanging out atau ngedate
perlu dipahami.... introvert dan pemalu itu beda.. introvert itu bisa bicara sama orang tapi bagi mereka itu draining, sangat menguras energi. sedangkan pemalu itu mukulin paku.
Reine has said she herself is an introvert, but she does have some extrovert-seeming traits like getting lonely easily. Her social battery is enormous but once or twice she has come to stream and told us she's exhausted and her social battery is drained, so it doesn't get charged by social activity like an extrovert. She also likes to do a lot of activities alone like eating out or going to the movies, which is a very introvert trait.
ya krna mau disebut introvert tpi dia yg pling rajin main ke rumah member lain. Tpi disebut Extrovert jga gak cocok krna pas Collab dgn bnyak orang dia kek kehabisan topic
biasanya org yg lebih sering di depan monitor sendirian dlm ruangan,introvert. jd hampir semua dipastikan introvert dibandingkan dgn org yg kerjaannya sering rame rame,misal konsumen PS rental 😅
I can't believe Kobo is an introvert to this extent, wherever she goes she's always noisy, and I don't know any members who often go to overseas members' houses other than Kobo, or meet non-members like Natori other than Kobo😅
Kobo INTROVERT??? Bener sih wkwk. Dia bisa chaos banget dan keliatan 'wah extrovert kali dia ini' pas sendiri ato collab 1-2 orang (maybe). Tapi kalo lebih dari itu...well yah...dia jadi lebih kalem.
CIRI CIRI ORANG INDONESIA Indonesia itu Ambivert kalau sedang berkumpul dengan teman teman Indonesia pasti serasa extrovert Indonesia ketemu orang asing selalu introvert
Ingat introvert brlum tentu tidak energetic, HOLOID kasusnya kita mengenal mereka dari layar yg dimana moyoritas introvert meluapkan energinya d dunia digital
Ingat ya introvert itu bukannya gabisa ngomong tpi sosial batterynya lebih cepet abis daripada ekstrovert, jadi kalo kalian liat orang banyak omong belum tentu dia ekstrovert begitu pula sebaliknya yg diem aja belum tentu introvert, apalagi vtuber yg kalian liat cuma gmbr animenya doang bukan orangnya langsung jadi jangan sok paling tau, ketahuilah yg kalian liat itu mereka mode kerja bukan irl-nya
Pantes dulu setiap member bercanda/ngobrol sama anya, respon anya agak gmn gitu kaya ga nyambung gitu atau terlalu serius. Kadang member ngajak bercanda tpi di respon serius wkwkwk, Tapi itu dulu sih skrg udh Klop mreka smua
bkn direspon serius, kadang dia cuma gk relate aja mw respon kayak gimana sm jokes dr id 😂, dia pernah bilang lebih relate sm jokes jp di live streamnya Inuyama Tamaki
Kobo, Risu, dan Moona iya sih kerasa introvertnya.. Tapi Anya baru tau yang paling paling Kirain dia ambivert mirip Reine Sisanya sudah sesuai ekspektasi Memang si keris sakti satu ini terlalu sulit ditebak
Anya itu emg keliatan bngt kalo komunikasi milih yg penting2 aja,, Tapi dia bagusnya kalo diajakin heboh, bakal mau2 aja ngehabisin tenaga untuk meriahin suasana.
@@SAGA_SATORU sayangnya sulit untuk menentukan seseorang introvert atau extrovert di dunia maya dan Anya di sini juga membuktikan bahwa tuntutan pekerjaan itu bisa mengubah kepribadian seseorang
Pantes anya sukanya Jepang, can't relate sama pergaulan di society Indonesia. Gua sebagai introvert pun suka jepang ya karena introvert ini, lebih senang menyendiri. Di Indo pasti ada aja acara ngumpul2 dan itu bikin capek.
I think Kobo isn’t really an introvert; she just feels awkward around new people. When she’s with someone she knows or feels comfortable with, that’s when she opens up and speaks more.
All introverts feel awkward around new people duh 🙄 i too feel comfortable only with my close friends aka certain people. Don't compare an introvert and an accute socially awkward, the level is different. Introverts can seem okay on the outside but tired inside when they're socializing. The differential between introverts and extroverts is how they charge their energy. Introverts charge their energy when alone, and extroverts charge their energy when they socialize with people
@@riaanggreanii23 no they're not, I disagree, it might be Me full of myself, but I think I do good job with engage a new people that I meet, unlike a lot of people I read online who will talk more with people they know I will just talk less and less the more I know them, because it tiring, and I prefer to hole up in my house, in fact it very often of me to just stay in house for week and talk minimal amount to people, and I felt just fine, I remember my friend need to drag me out of my room and convince me for hot hour to get with them to climb a mountain.
Mau ekstrovert atau introvert engga berarti mereka susah atau gampang dapat teman. Aku tuh introvert dan susah bersosialisasi dan susah berteman juga. Gak selevel gua sama mereka.
Kobo is extrovert if she collab with guys like holostar or Indonesian streamer like windah, Lutfi, clover. If she collab with holomem maybe maximum 3 people she still fine but more than that she Will be quite so Depending on who are u collab with
@@cincau3243 drained quickly depending who is she collabing with. with indonesian male streamer she can do 7 hours fully energy cause she exciting, but with holomem 2 hours was too much
Halahh lu cuma menggiring opini aja. Apa hubungannya energi sosial dia abis tergantung jenis kelamin partner collabnya, kocak. Akun lu sering banget muncul buat ngehate Kobo doang. Badut badut😂
@@everhart3039ga usah cba giring narasi njing,,,, orang dia main bareng holoh3ro aja berjam-jam masih bisa,, kan kalo ma temen cewek collabnya juga ga bisa lama-lama karena yg lain juga jadwalnya ga bisa lama2,, lu kira dia ngehabisin waktu dia di real ma siapa yg lebih banyak, dia lebih banyak ngumpul ma teman ceweknya di luar stream, terutama ke rumah cewek2 hololive, Collab ma cowok yg bikin dia excited itu cuma pas collab ma sirkel nya manca doang, itu pun karena dia ngefans sama manca, waktu collab ma borox aja dia jga paling dikit ngomong yg mulai obrolan duluan kan kadang windah , upi, dan Dylan. dia tinggal respon doang. Terus collab ma boy grup waktu itu yg main valoran aja dia sampe kehabisan energi. Penilaian tergoblok itu cuma punya lu yg gw baca disini.
Malah justru Ela adalah definisi sejati seorang introvert, sejak kapan si Ela malu?😂, dia kalau ngobrol luwes ae, Ama member brand lain kek JP juga lancar2 aja dia bergaul oke2 ae, cuman kalau kelamaan yah bakal cape juga. Jadi tetap dia lebih nyaman ngabisin waktu sendiri buat ngisi energi. Itu emang kebiasaan introvert.
@@manusiaikan9987 nah iya, introvert atau ekstrovert itu di nilai setelah ketemu orang, energinya nambah atau malah berasa capek. makanya suka ngakak kalo ada orang yang bilang/ngaku dia introvert kalo sama orang yang baru ketemu 😂
Moona ketemu langsung sama member lain dan tau arti introver ama extrovert kali udah di jelasin juga di stream artinya ... lu yang cuma tau dari balik layar gk pernah ketemu langsung tau dari mana cara rankingnya? kocak emang .. lagi pula selain Zeta emang semua introvert tapi gk berarti kaela lebih introvert dari yang lain
@@LoL-gf5uxok siap bang, saya juga gak bilang ela lebih introvert dari yang lain 😅. namanya tier list gini pasti ada yang namanya pro dan kontra, semua orang bebas memberikan pendapatnya mau setuju atau engga 😂. yakali ada orang mau ngasih pendapat yang beda langsung dibilang "lu tuh cuma nonton di layar gak pernah ketemu orangnya"
Well.... siapa yang tau?kepribadian orang bisa berbeda dengan apa yang iya tampilan di sosial media, Moona sebagai orang yang ngelihat versi IRL-nya tentu punya validasi yang lebih menjamin😂.
Kalo charanya emang betul, ga masuk akal, itu sekelas ENTP. Cuma kalo bicara orangnya, ya mungkin masuk introvert sih. Apalagi yang energinya cepet abis itu ada 2 biasanya, antara INTP atau INFP.
Bagi fans yang merasa serba tau.. biar gw kasih paham ya, Moona ketemu langsung sama tiap member di Real life.. sedangkan kalian cuman tau mereka di depan kamera, penilaian moona lebih valid di banding penilaian kalian, jadi jgn merasa paling benar sendiri 😂
(harusnya gw ngomong ini di FB sih)
Justru fans yg bener bener ngikutin holoID tau kalo sebenernya kebanyakan dari mereka ya Introvert mungkin gk sampai kayak gk bisa ngomong sama orang kayak Pekora sama Aqua,nah Zeta ni dah kayak Choco, Subaru, dan Matsuri yg dimana mereka emang keliatan suka bergaul
@@K12R. sebenernya gk ngaruh.. lu ikutin talent doank atau ngikutin "talent"nya juga gk akan bisa memberi penilaian yang valid... sifat orang di sosmed sama Real life beda terutama mereka ini mau di Hololive atau kagak perannya tetep sebagai influencer bukan streamer daily life activity...
Tapi ya untuk skrg yang Extrovert banget tuh subaru sama matsuri..
Gak pa2 bro, di kolom komen video ini juga banyak yg ngeyel tuh, padahal ollie pernah kasih statement yg sama persis dengan moona.
emg di fb ada pembahasan ini? dri 2 grup tercinta itu kah?
Sedang melihat orang² yang merasa lebih kenal member ID dibanding Moona yang bahkan sudah ketemu secara IRL dan nongkrong dengan mereka😂.
Inget boy, kepribadian seseorang SANGAT mungkin berbeda dengan apa yang ia tampilkan di sosmed so yeah.....
@@manusiaikan9987 iya, lucu banget wkwkwk
Pada sotoy bet padahal cuman tau dari layar kaca doang😂
Asli. Dh kek temen dr sekolah ae sotoynya 😂
Nyindir siapa nih
Langsung banyak pakar wkwkwk
When the cat is the most extroverted and the most pon. She is the chosen one, thats probably why shes moving to japan
W man i saw you everywhere
the choosen car
Moona’s rankings make sense to me! It’s always a treat to hear little tidbits of lore about HoloID 😊
Moona sama Kobo social battery nya tipis ya guys 😅
Every time I see a moona clip I have to rewatch because I stop paying attention and just sit in awe of how gorgeous her model is
Wasn't expecting Anya to be the most introverted, Moona seems like biggest introvert to me. Kobo was also unexpected, I saw her as an extrovert.
yg bilang kobo extrovert. keliatan bngt sih baru ngikutin hololive belum lama ini wkwk
Intinya mereka cuma lihat di layar kaca dan di sosmed, tpi seakan paling tau
Siap sipaling sepuh
Kobo keliatan inttovertmya pas collab sama banyak orang. Ga cuma introvert bahkan pas collab among us hampir kaya kena panic attack, berarti mungkin ada social anxiousnya juga
Bisa juga mereka gak paham arti introvert.
Gw yang dulunya liat clip doang aja langsung paham dia intovert.Karena sesama introvert harusnya tau gerak gerik nya
@@zakral1 Intorvert emang lebih berpotensi kenak panic attack
I want to see all the ID members react to this and make their own tier list in response lol
From what i see for Zeta i think all of them will agree the most extrovert because many member already mentioned it, Kobo too most member mentioned, even herself said that she is actually quite introvert. The other member i don't know maybe they have different opinions.
Padahal dari avatar dan cara pembawaannya aku kira zeta introvert
Rupanya si iwak yang asli extrovert ternyata
Sangat plot twist 🫨🫨🫨
Kobo klo 1v1 mungkin berasa ekstrovert krn energi bocil kematiannya bisa fokus tersalurkan ke satu orang. Tapi begitu ditempatin dalam grup besar, Kobo emang cenderung lbh kalem sih.
Yah itu namanya Introvert cuy😂
Who ddo you think is the most introvert and extrovert Holo Id member?
I see ollie as the most extrovert one tho thanks to her crazyness simping XD
While kaela she might look cool, she might a introvert one imo
I would believe Moona's rankings. She based this on her personal experience, on screen and probably behind the scenes with the other members. What we see is how they are online, like how Pekora is incredibly quiet and shy IRL but energetic like Kobo on stream.
I agree with Moona. For the first 4 I agree, and for the rest I couldn't make a ranking, so I agree.
@@KingAC96Ollie is actually pretty shy when meeting new people but she warms up fairly quick if the energy is right. She tried to play it cool upon her first interactions with the girls but she’s the fan that made it. It was evident then and it still shows now. Everyone in ID is wonderful but Ollie is one of the homies. She’s also way cooler than I’ll ever be.
Moona's ranking
But kinda different because I feel it has 3-4 peoples who has two sides, not only Reine
Once again, lemme explain what are all of these "-vert". Cuz many people keep misunderstanding introvertness and socially awkward/socially inept.
1. Extrovert
People who love to socialize with other people, and being with other people. Talking, doing activities, etc, fill their energy tank.
The more they socialize, the more they feel good and full of spirit.
If you confine them indoor alone, they'll lose energy. They need to go out and meet other people to replenish that energy.
Now, because socializing with other people gives them energy, they got almost no problem interacting with most people.
2. Introvert.
An introvert loves being alone, doing personal/individual activities. That relaxes them and fills them with energy.
Now, normally an introvert can socialize and interact with other people just fine if they have to, but doing so, decreases their energy. If their energy is depleted, they need their lone time to replenish their energy.
Because some introverts like being alone, they rarely goes out and interact with other people. This causes some of them to getting harder time to get close to other people, they also take longer time to learn how to interact and socialize.
A good example of an introvert person is Pekora.
She can and will socialize, interact, and communicate with other people just fine, but she prefers to be alone.
Being extrovert or introvert is not about how well they socialize, or how good they are in interacting with other people.
Cuz even an introvert, can be so damn good in socializing, interacting, and communicating with other people.
Those three things comes from practice, not their extrovertness/introvertness.
It just appears that many extroverts are better than introverts in those things, cuz they done it more, to fill their energy, while most introverts have to spend their energy to practice it.
On the other hand, a socially awkward or socially inept person, is someone who almost unable to socialize/interact with other people.
Most of the time, this kind of people are someone who maybe suffering from anxiety, or trauma, or maybe just an introvert who keep enabling their "no-social" life so they are not used to or don't know how to socialize.
A Socially awkward/inept person, can "cure" their condition with enough practice in socializing, interaction, and communication. Unless their condition is caused by more chronic mental problem such as anxiety disorder or trauma. That kind of things need help from professionals, such as psychiatrists.
So in nutshell, an introvert is not equal to socially awkward. Some people can be both, and introvertness can turn into social awkwardness if the person keep enabling their "no-social" lifestyle, especially with the help of smartphones and/or internet.
Prime example of a socially awkward/socially inept are Minato Aqua, and Bocchi from Hitori Bocchi no OO seikatsu.
Mind you, some extroverts can also become socially awkward/inept depends on their circumstances. Such as if they grow up under strict parents who don't allow them to socialise while growing up, or they got some kind of trauma. This kind of things, ruin them so fast, and can quickly escalated into depression, cuz being alone depletes their energy, but on the other hand, their parents, or trauma, or anxiety won't allow them to socialize or interact with other people to replenish that energy.
People should read this
Mostly right. It's definitely not true that extroverts have no issues with interacting with people. I've met a lot of extroverts who are extremely awkward at conversing with others, even though they actively seek it. Being sociable is a skill that can be very independent of how extroverted or introverted someone is.
@@Micheldied True,but not that much
@@Micheldied yeah, i've updated it.
Anya is THAT intovert, huh? Good luck finding her, then. Lol.
yeah, she even rarely joins ID IRL activities, IIRC.
She's AI
@@ryanIEPworse: she is JP
Keris biasanya di keluarin cmn setahun sekali
Sekali lagi pendiam dan berisik tidak sama dengan extrovert/ introvert
Extrovert= suka menghabiskan waktu dengan orang lain
Introvert= suka menghabiskan waktu sendiri ( gak ngajak orang ke mall atau pergi dengan orang lain atau datang ke rumah orang lain.
Pergi sendiri, main sediri, belanja sendiri)
Jangan lupa introvert itu juga masih bersosialisasi soalnya sosialisasi itu sifat dasar manusia
@@fadhil2831 budaya Indonesian yang mudah membuat orang bersosialisasi ( yasinan, datang ke penikahan , lahiran , doa kematian , doa selamat ) termasuk sembayang dimasjid kan rombongan. Jika ini Tidka ada ya kayak di jepang.
@@MuhammadakbarAK47 sosialisasi itu ga harus besar kayak event
Ngedate atau hang out sama teman itu juga sosialisasi dan lu bisa tanya sama introvert dan mayoritas bakal bilang kalau mereka happy hanging out atau ngedate
Anya isn't just introvert she's also secret
She's a Yagoo's daughter mate.
perlu dipahami.... introvert dan pemalu itu beda.. introvert itu bisa bicara sama orang tapi bagi mereka itu draining, sangat menguras energi. sedangkan pemalu itu mukulin paku.
Kirain pemalu itu fans nya kaela
@@djiesat6978 Itu pemaloe.
Pemalu itu no sleb, nonton stream kaela
Mohon maaf, gak harus paku
Bisa juga kepala orang
kobo pas belum kenal introvert pas udah kenal super extrovert
>surprisingly kaela
>lah iya surpres juga wkwkw
Dia bergaul oke cuma energi nya gampang abis.
Mantan pekerja kantoran dituntut harus bisa extrovert walau langsung abis batere sosial 😂
1:32 bagaimana kalau kita pakai kata bahasa Indonesia ( gak jelas) gak bisa dikategorikan.
Zenya (Zeta Anya)
> The -Pon- Agent Cat who most extrovert
> The Ancient Dagger who most introvert
Yopi extrovet sih keliatan wkwkwk
"Sometimes my brain is not in sync" she's just like me 😭
Reine has said she herself is an introvert, but she does have some extrovert-seeming traits like getting lonely easily. Her social battery is enormous but once or twice she has come to stream and told us she's exhausted and her social battery is drained, so it doesn't get charged by social activity like an extrovert. She also likes to do a lot of activities alone like eating out or going to the movies, which is a very introvert trait.
Zeta the chosen one extrovert and its interesting that Kobo is introvert even her chaotic behavior with others
Pdhl awal2 kobo bilangnya ambivert, pas awal2 masih blm gimmick2, trs sirkelnya emng bnyk cowo😂
ya krna mau disebut introvert tpi dia yg pling rajin main ke rumah member lain. Tpi disebut Extrovert jga gak cocok krna pas Collab dgn bnyak orang dia kek kehabisan topic
biasanya org yg lebih sering di depan monitor sendirian dlm ruangan,introvert. jd hampir semua dipastikan introvert dibandingkan dgn org yg kerjaannya sering rame rame,misal konsumen PS rental 😅
I can't believe Kobo is an introvert to this extent, wherever she goes she's always noisy, and I don't know any members who often go to overseas members' houses other than Kobo, or meet non-members like Natori other than Kobo😅
Bener sih wkwk. Dia bisa chaos banget dan keliatan 'wah extrovert kali dia ini' pas sendiri ato collab 1-2 orang (maybe). Tapi kalo lebih dari itu...well yah...dia jadi lebih kalem.
kobo pas collab among us aja paling diem
Indonesia itu Ambivert
kalau sedang berkumpul dengan teman teman Indonesia pasti serasa extrovert
Indonesia ketemu orang asing selalu introvert
Anya temenya banyak dan banyak ngobrol
Mungki karena dari sudut pandang moona ya, barangkali setiap kali ketemu sesama holoid pas bikin projek atau appah yg paling diem anya kali
@@muhmukarom951 maybe, sudut pandang Moona bs aja beda sama yg dialami langsung sm orangnya
introvert itu tetep bisa punya banyak temen dan ngobrol, introvert itu bukan ansos
@@icecreamieee Betul, introvert itu cuman susah cari topik pembahasan. Kalo ketemu orang banyak susahnya cari celah pas waktu ngobrol bareng2😅
Kobo kayak bg windah, di stream kelihatan rusuh pas off kalem.
after i saw 3d zeta. I came to understand that all holo IDs are extroverts
Siapa sangka
Who would've thought
So... Which means...
Extrovert/mostly Extrovert: Jeje & Yopipi(Yopipi almost an Ambivert)
Ambivert/Situational Extrovert: Reine, Olliliew, Kaela(?????), Risdu
Introvert/Very very situational Extrovert: Kobob, Muna
Hardcore Introvert: Anya
1:33 wih keren banget suaranya kukira orang lain loh. kwkwkw
I want to believe Kobo is like me, an extrovert who became introvert because of a bad social experience.
Ingat introvert brlum tentu tidak energetic, HOLOID kasusnya kita mengenal mereka dari layar yg dimana moyoritas introvert meluapkan energinya d dunia digital
Siapa sangka😂
Ya introvert bukan berarti gak bisa ngomong banyak juga sih,cuman energy sosialnya lebih terbatas aja.
Kita extervert ketika kita pada tempatnya 😅😅😅
Reine is ambivert meaning she goes both ways.
in my list all holoID is extrovert except Moona and Anya
Dapat dipahami kalo anya
Ingat ges, Introvert tidak sama dengan pemalu.
Benar, introvert tidak sama dengan Pemaloe
Introvert itu warga Jepang sedangkan extrovert warga Indonesia
Nahh ini
Yah ini yang benar@CbShroud
Ingat ya introvert itu bukannya gabisa ngomong tpi sosial batterynya lebih cepet abis daripada ekstrovert, jadi kalo kalian liat orang banyak omong belum tentu dia ekstrovert begitu pula sebaliknya yg diem aja belum tentu introvert, apalagi vtuber yg kalian liat cuma gmbr animenya doang bukan orangnya langsung jadi jangan sok paling tau, ketahuilah yg kalian liat itu mereka mode kerja bukan irl-nya
Reine alwasy terlupakan 😂
Zeta aslinya extrovert bro? WoW
Pantes dulu setiap member bercanda/ngobrol sama anya, respon anya agak gmn gitu kaya ga nyambung gitu atau terlalu serius. Kadang member ngajak bercanda tpi di respon serius wkwkwk, Tapi itu dulu sih skrg udh Klop mreka smua
bkn direspon serius, kadang dia cuma gk relate aja mw respon kayak gimana sm jokes dr id 😂, dia pernah bilang lebih relate sm jokes jp di live streamnya Inuyama Tamaki
Zeta basically has same vibe with kita ikuyo
The English was wrong 😂 it was closest to extrovert other than zeta sir
Kukira anya masih terbilang extrovert😅
gua masih gak percaya kalo risu lebih extro drpd kobo
Reine (evil) middle child confirmed?
Jaela extrovert!? 🗿🗿🗿
Yoi nasi kecap emng extrovert dari dlu
@@ZhRpNixGampang cape aja sih dia
Kobo, Risu, dan Moona iya sih kerasa introvertnya..
Tapi Anya baru tau yang paling paling
Kirain dia ambivert mirip Reine
Sisanya sudah sesuai ekspektasi
Memang si keris sakti satu ini terlalu sulit ditebak
Anya itu emg keliatan bngt kalo komunikasi milih yg penting2 aja,,
Tapi dia bagusnya kalo diajakin heboh, bakal mau2 aja ngehabisin tenaga untuk meriahin suasana.
@@SAGA_SATORU sayangnya sulit untuk menentukan seseorang introvert atau extrovert di dunia maya
dan Anya di sini juga membuktikan bahwa tuntutan pekerjaan itu bisa mengubah kepribadian seseorang
@@beebeam666 tapi dah ada testimoni dari orang yg pernah ketemu dan ngumpul bareng,, jd sudah bisa dikit tergambar,,
Anya bukannya Introvert, dia beda kewarganegaraan sama beda bahasa aja
Pantes anya sukanya Jepang, can't relate sama pergaulan di society Indonesia. Gua sebagai introvert pun suka jepang ya karena introvert ini, lebih senang menyendiri. Di Indo pasti ada aja acara ngumpul2 dan itu bikin capek.
Tapi giliran ada apa² ga ada yg bantu di jepang karna orang di sana cuek 😂
@@arya3966 begitulah kehidupan introvert
sama, makanya kyk ngerasa lahir di negara yg salah, wkwkwk
mungkin konsepnya ga gitu deh, yang introvert belum tentu juga can't relate sama pergaulan indo, itu lebih ke lingkungan mu aja.
@@icecreamieee can't relate di sini bukan tentang isi dari pergaulan di Indonesia, tapi tentang betapa extrovertnya pergaulan di Indonesia
mungkin introvert mskud muna tuh yg hrus diajak ngbrol dluan, krn kobo olie yopi sngat tidak mencerminkan introvert ya di stream
Yg lain aja bilang sama kayak mona
klo Kobo keliatan bget klo pas collab bnyakan. Dia jga jarang maen yg mainnya bnyakan member kyak minecraft, rust, gta Rp.
Kobo itu ambivert
I think Kobo isn’t really an introvert; she just feels awkward around new people. When she’s with someone she knows or feels comfortable with, that’s when she opens up and speaks more.
Thats introvert, extrovert can talk with everybody easily
@@bahrishamsulnah it is called being socially awkward, introvert can also talk to everyone it just it take energy instead of charge them
All introverts feel awkward around new people duh 🙄 i too feel comfortable only with my close friends aka certain people. Don't compare an introvert and an accute socially awkward, the level is different. Introverts can seem okay on the outside but tired inside when they're socializing. The differential between introverts and extroverts is how they charge their energy. Introverts charge their energy when alone, and extroverts charge their energy when they socialize with people
@@riaanggreanii23 no they're not, I disagree, it might be Me full of myself, but I think I do good job with engage a new people that I meet, unlike a lot of people I read online who will talk more with people they know I will just talk less and less the more I know them, because it tiring, and I prefer to hole up in my house, in fact it very often of me to just stay in house for week and talk minimal amount to people, and I felt just fine, I remember my friend need to drag me out of my room and convince me for hot hour to get with them to climb a mountain.
@@iqbalkurniawan5626 you can disagree and be wrong, its ok
Kobo's not just an extrovert, she's a *super extrovert*, because she's always the one who makes the most "jokes" :)
IRL not really
iRL she introvert
Introvert≠anti social and shy
Mau ekstrovert atau introvert engga berarti mereka susah atau gampang dapat teman.
Aku tuh introvert dan susah bersosialisasi dan susah berteman juga.
Gak selevel gua sama mereka.
Wait, Anya holoid?
why are you surpriced bro
Just for formality
Kobo is extrovert if she collab with guys like holostar or Indonesian streamer like windah, Lutfi, clover. If she collab with holomem maybe maximum 3 people she still fine but more than that she Will be quite so Depending on who are u collab with
That was introvert will do so yeah she is.
Introvert ≠ shy, Moona literally explain how Kobo can be really active but her social energy can drained quickly
@@cincau3243 drained quickly depending who is she collabing with. with indonesian male streamer she can do 7 hours fully energy cause she exciting, but with holomem 2 hours was too much
Halahh lu cuma menggiring opini aja. Apa hubungannya energi sosial dia abis tergantung jenis kelamin partner collabnya, kocak. Akun lu sering banget muncul buat ngehate Kobo doang. Badut badut😂
@@everhart3039ga usah cba giring narasi njing,,,, orang dia main bareng holoh3ro aja berjam-jam masih bisa,, kan kalo ma temen cewek collabnya juga ga bisa lama-lama karena yg lain juga jadwalnya ga bisa lama2,, lu kira dia ngehabisin waktu dia di real ma siapa yg lebih banyak, dia lebih banyak ngumpul ma teman ceweknya di luar stream, terutama ke rumah cewek2 hololive,
Collab ma cowok yg bikin dia excited itu cuma pas collab ma sirkel nya manca doang, itu pun karena dia ngefans sama manca, waktu collab ma borox aja dia jga paling dikit ngomong yg mulai obrolan duluan kan kadang windah , upi, dan Dylan. dia tinggal respon doang.
Terus collab ma boy grup waktu itu yg main valoran aja dia sampe kehabisan energi.
Penilaian tergoblok itu cuma punya lu yg gw baca disini.
Seorang ela yang tiap abis tg udah kaya batere hp 5% masuk urutan 4 🤣
Moona kayanya masih belum bisa bedain introvert sama pemalu..
Malah justru Ela adalah definisi sejati seorang introvert, sejak kapan si Ela malu?😂, dia kalau ngobrol luwes ae, Ama member brand lain kek JP juga lancar2 aja dia bergaul oke2 ae, cuman kalau kelamaan yah bakal cape juga. Jadi tetap dia lebih nyaman ngabisin waktu sendiri buat ngisi energi. Itu emang kebiasaan introvert.
@@manusiaikan9987 nah iya, introvert atau ekstrovert itu di nilai setelah ketemu orang, energinya nambah atau malah berasa capek.
makanya suka ngakak kalo ada orang yang bilang/ngaku dia introvert kalo sama orang yang baru ketemu 😂
Moona ketemu langsung sama member lain dan tau arti introver ama extrovert kali udah di jelasin juga di stream artinya ... lu yang cuma tau dari balik layar gk pernah ketemu langsung tau dari mana cara rankingnya? kocak emang .. lagi pula selain Zeta emang semua introvert tapi gk berarti kaela lebih introvert dari yang lain
@@LoL-gf5uxok siap bang, saya juga gak bilang ela lebih introvert dari yang lain 😅.
namanya tier list gini pasti ada yang namanya pro dan kontra, semua orang bebas memberikan pendapatnya mau setuju atau engga 😂.
yakali ada orang mau ngasih pendapat yang beda langsung dibilang "lu tuh cuma nonton di layar gak pernah ketemu orangnya"
@@annes5089masalahnya opini lu itu seakan merendahkan opininya Moona. Sampai bilang si Moona kagak bisa bedain introvert sama pemalu segala pula.
Yaiyalah vtuber/e girls itu introvert 😂, Zeta yg main gamenya gk serius aja sudah membuktikan extrovert
Kobo introvert is the greatest hoax we could ever hear 🤣
Well.... siapa yang tau?kepribadian orang bisa berbeda dengan apa yang iya tampilan di sosial media, Moona sebagai orang yang ngelihat versi IRL-nya tentu punya validasi yang lebih menjamin😂.
Zeta genmatenya aja pernah bilang bocahnya beneran introvert, lu orang yg nontonin clip doang berasa kenal karakter di rlnya. Kocak bet.
ahh sok tau lu
man stfu u be acting like u know her irl 😂
Kalo charanya emang betul, ga masuk akal, itu sekelas ENTP. Cuma kalo bicara orangnya, ya mungkin masuk introvert sih. Apalagi yang energinya cepet abis itu ada 2 biasanya, antara INTP atau INFP.