not likely with all the corporates towing the line they have forever..... We need stronger law against corruption a law-force to apply it and the eradication of politics. Make it business rewarded with excellence.
There is always talk about tax strike. Has anything ever been started regarding that? I hear some towns are withholding municipal taxes; keeping funds in trust and using the trust to address needs. Does anyone live in one of these towns, or know of one.
Absolutely useless - just gives the anc ammunition to use against us. No, instead WE should all use the ammunition we have - we all vote for the DA - just to get the anc out: #VoteOutTheAnc. Do NOT vote for your current favourite party - that can wait until AFTER we get rid of the ANC. Nothing else matters!!! We will not have another chance after 2024 because the country will not survive in a stable state after that time.
People are not stupid as they are portrait here. People also know what the opposition like DA stand for. We would rather not vote than voting for the DA
How about this common sense? We must demand this as individuals and command our political parties to action this. We are turning into a failed state. We have to control our own money. Reject the current political dispensation, we tell the ANC, Constitutional court and citizens that we reject ANC rule. We form our own government. This is a RIGHTEOUS decision. We don't want to rule over Black people and you can't rule over us any longer. We can turn this country around within MONTHS. Take back our prosperity. Regain our freedom. Time is running out...
I am not sure there is mutch common or sensible to the road map that the professor is actually professing as a solution. Some of the loos standing statements has value in themselves. As a whole in its anamatic completion I fear this vision is one that will result in complete destruction and desolation of the selve and a slave state for those who inherit its debris. Its a vision that calls for a sociaty of collective drones in service of a societal vision. A vision that sees the current the traditional and the spirit of man as a enemy in need of ever expanding destructive countermeasures. A Continues purge of the very emagined enemy's the professor rightfully styles as puppet enemy's of the state. I fear his version is however one that will employ all the structural elements of this one and in addition demand the desolation of the spirit and the soul so as to fulfill the need for sacrifice to the new religion.
@@shortMario yip 1984. And these numbskulls have been so deeply brainwashed that no one can get through to them. Let them destroy everything BC that's their only purpose on this earth. The trick is not to allow that slave state to come about afterwards.
When every issue is about race, everyone loses and will continue to lose. Those who cannot embrace a system based on merit instead of race are doomed. Blacks in many countries do not understand that merit is the key to change.
Agree on violence not acceptable. There should be zero tolerance to violence. There should be zero tolerance regarding the current failure of SA in equal measures though. By the time 2024 comes around to vote there will no longer be much to save of SA sadly.
Vote for the DA - irrespective of your current "favourite" party. The priority is to #VoteOutTheAnc. Nothing else matters. People must stop bickering around about this party or that party because of such-and-such. Right now the citizens must all vote for ONE party - and the DA is the most viable at the moment. Nothing else matters - just get rid of the criminals.
That is our problem right now. We don't actually have a party that can accommodate the masses and minorities. Very difficult for cultures to mix politically; there is always one who feels left out. So the masses just keep voting ANC.
Jesus also didn't like religion, especially without Faith. Spoke out more than once. There also is a difference between believing something to be true and knowing it is. Knowing at a personal level that God exists is massively different to just believing He does. Religion is, in general, a divergence from what is ACTUALLY said in the Bible and usually stems from arrogance and greed and self-centered desires. BTW, I'm not endorcing the ACDP😅 Just God
@@psylentrage My point went right over your head. I was simply making the point that one does not have to believe in God or in Christ to vote for the ACDP.
I totally agree with you, that the ACDP is actually the only party that can give the people again. I am not into politics, but we need RIGHTEOUSNESS in our country and in the politics. Violence is NOT the answer. .
I also don't understand why we are not more angry as a collective. Everyone is waiting for someone else to deal with problems. We whine, bitch and moan amongst ourselves, but we do nothing against the source of the problems. Hope is not a plan.
So please do your bit and actively tell everyone you know to vote for the ONLY viable option - the DA. That's the only way we can be 100% sure we get rid of the cancer. That is our priority. Nothing else e matters because unless we get rid of them we will simply continue sinking into anarchy and civil war.
We must demand this as individuals and command our political parties to action this. We are turning into a failed state. We have to control our own money. Reject the current political dispensation, we tell the ANC, Constitutional court and citizens that we reject ANC rule. We form our own government. This is a RIGHTEOUS decision. We don't want to rule over Black people and you can't rule over us any longer. We can turn this country around within MONTHS. Take back our prosperity. Regain our freedom. Time is running out...
Division & the unequality we live in 2 different world the poor & rich those of who doesnt want to share wealth so people have this mentality we will all suffer .
Lewis, you are right. Others will want us to destroy our South Africa to the ground. It's a No,No,No.Dear fellow South Africans let's never destroy our land and give the evil ones power. Our land is already damaged. Let's do it the right way. Go out and talk to our elderlies about truth about this country. Let's not be misled. Let's e xplain the situation in simple language they would understand.🛐✌️🇿🇦
@@sophiavorster9406 "Educate the parents" in the direction of the EFF! Sadly too many adults bow to the opinions of their "educated" children... we know the reality of this "education" SA kids especially those in townships and rural areas receive under the ANC. The militancy does not serve the greater good. The joke is that they think Malema is the best candidate for head of state. He, who could not even pass woodwork, they trust to run a modern country! We've given the ANC the keys to the state and they cannot even run a township! Imagine Malema!⚰💀
We must demand this as individuals and command our political parties to action this. We are turning into a failed state. We have to control our own money. Reject the current political dispensation, we tell the ANC, Constitutional court and citizens that we reject ANC rule. We form our own government. This is a RIGHTEOUS decision. We don't want to rule over Black people and you can't rule over us any longer. We can turn this country around within MONTHS. Take back our prosperity. Regain our freedom. Time is running out...
So make your mark - for the DA - if we all vote for just ONE party against the anc we will get rid of the cancer. Plain and simple. That is what our priority is at the moment. No other party or parties matter if the anc is still in power after the next election because the country cannot sustain it. We will sink into civil anarchy if not war.
Fantastic points raised. South African in not a democracy. Since independence it has been a one part state. Power has to be handed to another party peacefully at least once more. We had the NP and the ANC. Voters should not be fearful of change. We need to understand if we have good institutions run by professional civil servant governments can come and go. Unfortunately we voters allowed cader deployment to the civil service. What we now need is reduce the role of politicians and vote technocrats in and remove politics from our municipalities. We all want the same, safe living environment for our families, schools for our children, clean water and functioning infrastructure. Will it not be nice to become proudly South African again?
So get busy spreading the message that all should vote for the only viable option - no matter how much they hate them or how much they love their favourite party. Put aside those issues in order to achieve the one, true, main objective - #VoteOutTheANC. People must stop moaning about this or other thing in the DA - get their priorities sorted - namely to get rid of the ANC. Nothing else matters.
This democratic voice got us into the mess We empowered them by voting fools into public office and they not accountable to their constituents. Look at the Municipality horse-trading for positions to lay their dirty hands on the fiscus
Nobody is interested in what you have to say we are moving away from a Eurocentric economic structure & and yes the government is bollocks but at least this country is moving away from Europe/ America
@@sisonkeadmin6600 Absolutely! I'm glad to see someone else also telling people what their responsibility is in this case. We voted them in, we vote them out by voting for one other party - which just happens to be the DA. No matter the emotional baggage we might have about them. The only rational thing to do is throw all our votes behind the one viable option to get rid of the scum in charge. Nothing else matters.
No party is perfect. No chess piece is perfect. But you play the best piece and move that's available to you for that time. Play the game or it gets played for you.
*Simple. Just vote,* _and obviously not for the party responsible for chaos, corruption and maladministration._ Educate those that you know who do not vote, or do not understand the power of their vote. It should be as simple as... Has the party that is currently in government (or that you plan to vote for) served you well? Have they manged to decrease Crime? Have they managed to grow the Economy? Have they managed to create Jobs? Are there fewer potholes on the roads than before the party took over? Is there more Electricity than before the party took over? (Is there any Electricity at all?) Have they managed to Service and Maintain infrastructure? Do you feel safer in your home, at your workplace, etc. than 30 years ago. Have they lived up to any of their promises? Are they professional in their representation of the party? Can you trust their members in office? Have their members in parliament been implicated in any form of Crime Syndicates or Corruption? Are they fighting for a Free and Fair Democracy for all South Africans regardless of the colour of their skin? Have any of their top ranking members been convicted and served Prison Time? Have their members acted in the best interests of the country? Have they always put the country and its people first? Have they demonstrated that they wish to Serve the people of South Africa? Do they have a Track Record of Proven Success?
Sir, are you gonna give us the t-shirts we deserve? Are you going to to give us the grants and the other forms of bread crums? If we don't vote for our hyenas, what do you promise to do for us?
@@poisonboxingfitness I see your point. [and I'm pretty sure that your comment is tongue-in-cheek, so I appreciate it] How about... we end the dependency? Right? How about we allow you to earn enough to buy your own T-shirt (the size, colour, style and with the logo of your choosing), buy your own food, have dignity, freedom and independence - like a civilized, and free person.
@@Ubu94ntu exactly of the 100s of thousands of riots those were perhaps the few that actually did have good things come out of it. I would further argue that the ending of slavery was an initiative by the British over a span of hundred years and was not achieved via rioting.
Considering the average IQ in SA is 67 it is no wonder the voters vote for the voted of similar IQ. Hence why things are the way they are. Please prove me wrong.
So it's up to YOU to tell people to vote for the DA in the next election. No other party. The priority is to get rid of the criminals in charge. That's all that matters right now. People need to stop fooling around, hoping that their fav. party will somehow gain the majority that we need to get rid of the ANC. There's only one way to do that - we as a collective must all vote for the DA - it's the only viable party at the moment.
Getting a grant a food parcel and a t shirt And many cannot go against their elders or the spirits will come against them and they will have trouble in their lives
The problem with mobilising any angry sentiment in a diverse and deeply divided society likes ours, is that the level of emotional reactivity will NOT be uniform. The risk of total chaos and hence anarchy is too high as opposed to a civil, serious protest. Each community has varied anger too.
The vast majority want to be led - that's is an established fact of large groups of human beings - not just South Africa. Out of this chaos will emerge a strong, charismatic leader and the people will follow that leader.
Yes, like juju. Heaven help us. No, the priority is to vote out the anc - so use the vote one has to vote for just one party - the DA - no matter how one feels about them - the objective and priority is to save our country by getting it out of the hands of the anc - nothing else matters. Do NOT vote for your current favourite party - that will simply set up useless coalitions that will not be able to bring about the needed change. Please spread the message - don't be apathetic.
I think you're right but we also lack imagination, here's my solution. We must demand this as individuals and command our political parties to action this. We are turning into a failed state. We have to control our own money. Reject the current political dispensation, we tell the ANC, Constitutional court and citizens that we reject ANC rule. We form our own government. This is a RIGHTEOUS decision. We don't want to rule over Black people and you can't rule over us any longer. We can turn this country around within MONTHS. Take back our prosperity. Regain our freedom. Time is running out...
It is the same in the US with the blm folks making all issues into issues about race. Insuring that nothing will change. Blacks don't understand anything but racism, they cannot embrace the bigger picture of the forces that build a successful nation or how everyone could benefit from a successful nation. They are stuck, hook, line and sinker in victimhood and will destroy the nation rather than embrace a competent leader.
You go out and convince everyone to vote for the DA - whether they have a current fav. party or not. Voting for any other party will simply dilute the voting power we have. The priority is to #VoteOutTheAnc, not to support our fav. party. People need to know this is the only way to get the cancer out. If they mess around by voting for their favourite party all that will happen is that useless, non-functioning coalitions will have to be formed and we can see how that is sinking Gauteng at the moment. So people need to wizen up. Do the ONLY thing that will work to achieve the main objective - which is to get rid of the ANC.
we don’t express our anger because the ANC is broadly considered as a religion is for religious people. like catholics found it collectively very difficult to accept that their leaders sexually abused people, including children. in my own city, church members literally couldn’t believe that the local respected priest, who they socialised with, who was in their houses, was such an abuser. they just refused, it couldn’t be true … humans are seemingly so readily addicted to authority. like we can’t free ourselves from the ‘father’ authority figure, just can’t achieve individual autonomy. as william said, totally, deeply, heartbreaking.
Exactly! I'm trying to spread the message that everyone should vote for just one viable party - the DA - no matter how they feel about them. The priority is to get our country out of the hands of the criminals. People should get their priority right!!!! Please let anyone and everyone you get into contact with know this is the only way out.
Actually, Apartheid never left in my opinion. Management just changed! The only thing this time around is that there are far more less competent criminals in charge using race as a cover for their stealing. Apartheid is a financial opportunity at its core for whomever is in power and it just had different names in the various countries. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. Unless there is a party that promises to usher in a fundamental change to the entire system that it is answerable to and benefits all the people and not just a select few, it won't matter who you vote for. So far I am still looking for a single party's manifesto says this because they al want the system to stay the same and have their piece of the pie.
@@X-ManGuy The straight answer is that the anc stole the money!!! Did that not enter your mind? Who do you think bussed all the eastern cape inhabitants to the WC in order to get control of it by getting the people who would vote for them in place? Who do you think is supplying the money for all the brand new shiny zinc roof sheets to built squatter houses? Wake up mate!!! I get it that you hate the DA because to you it represents a throw-back to apartheid. I fully get that. What is not so easy to understand is that one should prefer to go into the abyss of poverty, crime and civil anarchy just in order to satisfy one's own anger at those who caused apartheid with its terrible oppression of groups of people not belonging to the ruling one. Apartheid and their instigators is a thing of the past, one needs to move on and forget about the realities of it. So here's the thing - this country is on it's last legs and the next election is OUR, the voters, only chance of fixing it - by getting rid of the cause of the problem - the anc. If you go and waste your vote for either the anc or any other party because you hate the DA or because you like that other party, well then. you need to know that YOU are the one contributing to the problems we have right now. The truly rational solution is to get rid of the cause of the problem - by using our votes and voting for the one party that is a viable alternative - no matter how much we hate it and despise the people that run it. The priority is to get rid of the anc. One has to ask oneself - is it better to commit economic suicide just because one has such a strong feeling of hatred or is it better to put that aside and really look after one's own interest? Of course if one is receiving generous flows of cash or goods from being affiliated with the anc then it's a completely different story - in which case it makes sense to keep them in power.
@@X-ManGuy . Are there no portable toilets in the rest of your country. Your arguments are like that of a child. If you are a child, please say so. Then we can understand your ignorance.
If you want to live in a country with first world standards i.e. a strong economy, low corruption, low crime and good infrastructure (water, electricity, rail, road) then you need a government with a first world attitude. This has happened nowhere in Africa and is why most Africans if given half a chance want to go to North America, Europe or Australia & New Zealand.
We are from the villages and so, our leaders and we are not inspired by the first world's We elect our village fools in the office so that, we can remain in the same state You can't campaign to us by talking about infrastructure and etc, we never cared a about that shi.. in the rural areas Just reduce the price of alcohol then, shall get my vote and I shall mobilize the other fools as well so, to follow you-you shall be our new hero of the struggle a struggle to free us fools to fool ourselves further.
Our exchange was around R2.75 per Dollar in 1993 . It's almost ten times worse since then at around R20.00 per Dollar. Is it worth being 10 x poorer now than we were then
Andrew Heeger, the Western Cape is as currupt as the ANC. ANC members join / form splinter parties or join DA and directly after elections form coalitions and hand ovrr to the ANC as is done countywide. DA/ANC ONE SND THE SAME THING. Your country is Communistic.
So true .. yet all this points to the distressing reality that if sport is the only national psyche that exists, the break up into independent local areas and a complete disintegration of the national governing structure seems inevitable. This is de facto what is happening because local communities actually can have a common psyche, because they agree on common purposes. Already this is the ANCs biggest threat.. only the can’t see it for what it is 🤔
So spread the message - we must all vote for the DA just to get rid of the anc. Do not vote for the current fav. party of choice becauase that will only lead to useless, non-functioning coalitions - as can be clearly seen in Gauteng. Put aside the emotions and vote with the head - the chief objective is to get out the ANC. Finish and klaar!
The first thing that needs to be done is the selectipn of Ministers based on their actual knowledge of the appointment in question, together with HEAVY penalties for the slightest proof of corruption
There are over 10 million eligible voters that haven't registered. Around the same amount that registered, but don't vote. If other parties were making sense to them. Then nobody would care about Anc voters. I'ts just many people don't see an alternative. That's why they don't even bother.
The EFF had a march about the exact issues that the prof is speaking about. How many of you joined the march? White South Africans never ever get involved in initiatives that they themselves did not initiate. We need to mature politically as a country, we may not agree with everything that the EFF stands for but they were right to embark on a strike and all we did was stand on the side and criticise from the comfort of our generator lit homes.
@@tanyaedwards4574 You need to learn to separate issues. The EFF march was not about land reform that you people fear so much. It wasn't about the EFF asking any of your votes. It was exactly about the topical issue of the day. Them being war mongers as you say has absolutely nothing to do with the matter at hand. This is the political immaturity I was talking about. Outside the ANC, the EFF is the only political party that can organise a march that can impact change. Trust me the DA doesn't have enough money to rent a crowd that big because the DA's real constituency has a much bigger fish to fry than marching on the streets with the masses. So my friends, if there is ever going to be some sort of a show of force on the streets of South Africa, the EFF has to be on the fore front of that whether you like Julius Malema or not. It just is what it is.
@@ronm4385 Will you ever side with the Freedom Front Afrikaner Party on so called "seperate" issue? EFF is a murderous racist seperatist (Apartheid) Party. I am sure that is not what your country needs, but if that is who you chose to be your party, then go for it. Thanks for showing you character to the world.
The problem is that there is no visible party or leader with the charisma and visibility to attract a large number of voters in order to oppose the ANC.
The problem is that the ruling party will see any honest contest as an attack against failed black rule. . It was a perfect set up. SA worked under white rule, how is it going now? How will it go in future? The same way forever. A colonized people were colonized for a reason, why not face the truth? That is the only way the nation can ever move forward, or the nation will continue to descend into the murder, chaos and disfunction it is headed for now.
@@juliechurley2716 Even blacks who thought the ANC was the answer for SA see that it has failed. The only possible solution IMO is a coalition of whites and politically astute blacks who are willing to try and prevent the failed state status the nation is heading for. Whites were so castigated by the world community for apartheid I'm sure they are hesitant to even broach forming a coalition. It is astounding that the nation that was a powerhouse of economic growth and civil society is basically destroyed.Blacks embraced the rainbow flag and thinking that they would prosper under the ANC. In reality they became worse off and the nation is floundering. When you fear to elect the leaders capable of sorting it out for fear they will be called racists simply for being white you've lost the plot. The best leaders are needed, no matter what their color. The SA blacks are simply pawns, sold down river to communism and mayhem.
May humanity awaken in consciousness on a level that brings about actual action that brings about transformation. Real transformation and growth, not the backward embarrassing criminality that our so-called leaders of the past quarter century all illustrate.
So polease, please, please...get busy spreading the message that all should vote for the only viable option - no matter how much they hate them or how much they love their favourite party. Put aside those issues in order to achieve the one, true, main objective - #VoteOutTheANC. People must stop moaning about this or other thing in the DA - get their priorities sorted - namely to get rid of the ANC. Nothing else matters.
@@kevinrtres please read the DA or any other party's manifesto for the next election and see if they say anything fundamentally different to what the ANC's does. They are tweaks of the same playbook. Even the EFF is just promising changes to certain aspects of the system. We need a party with a very radical plan to change our whole system in order to make our vote count. The Americans once thought exactly the same way about Obama as you suggest because he promised to be a better option than Bush, but look how his presidency turned out! Thus we should encourage people to take a deeper look at who the alternative parties are and who they really represent when choosing an alternative to the ANC.
@@kevinrtres . About half the DA leaders ARE ANC. After elections they simply hand over to ANC. Cape Town is portraid as DA to lure more runners from up North.
Unfortunately in stead of masses voting 1 party in power they will vote for other parties and the Anc will remain in power ...South Africa has suffered enough under ANC govt
Sir, you are right, but sometimes people get so deceived that they vote wrongly just like Zimbabweans voted for mnagagwa hoping situation would change. Unfortunately they voted for the one who was the right hand of the one they were rejecting. After voting what happened? From the frying pan into the fire+ where are they) all over. Even when their President promise to do better they don't believe! Why? Deceit. ( So, South Africa isn't different, Sir. 🛐🇿🇦And Zimbabwe ✌️
Get out of the spiral We must demand this as individuals and command our political parties to action this. We are turning into a failed state. We have to control our own money. Reject the current political dispensation, we tell the ANC, Constitutional court and citizens that we reject ANC rule. We form our own government. This is a RIGHTEOUS decision. We don't want to rule over Black people and you can't rule over us any longer. We can turn this country around within MONTHS. Take back our prosperity. Regain our freedom. Time is running out...
@@X-ManGuy . You have a point, but on the wrong end. Your country and the World is in chaos because they do not fear The Creator GOD through Jesus Christ. If you can read, I suggest you read the Bible and see for yourself how every nation on Earth disintegrate for the same reason. If you read normal history at the same time you will be able to see the connection. It has nothing to do with superior Blacks or Inferior Whites or whatever your view is. Reject God Almighty and He grants you your wish. The Evil Destroyer then steps in. It's your choice. God forces nobody.
Rioting should never be allowed but in this case I think it should happen. I mean how the hell can a rich country like South Africa all of a sudden have power problems. That’s a government problem with a government company.
I don't think rioting should be allowed. In equal measures we should not accept the failures of the cadres with immediate effect in another manner that is in line with modern day life.
SA citizens who gave a feather about the state of our country's decline, is at the moment way past the being 'de moer in' phase. We are quietly livid at this point as our cries and complaints are being brushed off and falls on deaf ears.... if we do act on our feelings, we meet serious repercussions...🤷🏻♀️
There are too many political parties, this is going to favour ANC. Let's force our political leaders to unite as a strategy to defeat ANC. We can never defeat a powerful party like the ANC without a strategy.
Unfortunately this will be fine but their is too much meddling in south africas affairs from outside forces at the moment. So we can not destablize the country any further.This will play into the hands of these evil forces . By the way Gumede Its not soccer its football
. This is an excellent channel that is very informative on current affairs and please guys keep it up. Just as side issue 😂🤣🤣it's so funny how angry this white woman is. Truth be told, even without a news channel the ANC has 1 of the best election machineries in the world and that's where the answer on un-sitting an ANC gov is located. The ANC has emotionally invested in every single black household in SA and that link will always carry the ANC on national matters regardless of the performance of an ANC gov.
South Africa is divided into two, there is a large section of population that is extremely poor and then we have those who are little bit okay but not rich. There is a thin line separating them and they don’t mix . It is the poor who often cause unrest or complain about service delivery not the middle class. Our real problem is unity, we will never defeat the evildoers like ANC.
i think south africans need to come together and create communities that will address various issues that are destroying this great nation and look at ways of solving it. These communities need to have the responsibility of educating single individuals into understanding how to vote and who to vote for in future elections seeing that many south africans are biased towards parties that aren't black or don't vote at all. millions of lives are being ruined by this political party and people need to stand up against it immediately or else it will be too late. people need to understand that hey have rights and need to know how to hold governments accountable within the real system through legal means... rioting and burning down white owned businesses only make the problem a lot worse. there are so many different groups on social media, groups for farmers, pet lovers etc etc. these groups need to start educating each other on the importance of voting for the right party regardless of skin color.
How do we get the ANC voters to start voting for a better team and stop voting for a loosing team? Just look at the before and after results of the last 30 Escom, the Rand crashing and lots more! The only party that has shown positive results is the DA in the Western Cape...that is showing excellent results. Just compare each major city in SA where they were (looked like) 30 years ago and where they are now. Cape Town is clean and smart ...where the rest of the country is a mess!! We need to teach the ANC to vote for a opposition party NOW with the DA being the best and most organized opposition party! (Use the Western Cape as an example!)
South Africa being one of the most unequal society in the world you will find people having different issues to be addressed. While the majority are feeling the exclusion of having no land, others are concerned about property rights. Until we can find each other as a society and really care for one another's interests, we will forever be complaining about some government not living up to our expectations. A paradigm shift is necessary 'ask not what the government can do for you, ask what you can do for the government ' For the people by the people that's Democracy😉
If we explain ourselves we are put in jail and not all of society except the electr minister.....some of society thouht CR is ab imbacil to elect a minister of elegricity
Let us rise up and challenge God to be accountable according to Romans 13:1, who has established governments to combat evil. Christians have not brought God into the equation but have submissivly uselessly complained. God is waiting for believers to us the keys of God's Kingdom in Matthew 16:19. God's power has not collapsed or failed but we have failed to demanded of Him to take the necessary remedy.
I am old. I remember how western liberals applauded Mandela and Mugabe and anticipated "African Jewels" to shine full power... As usual: critics is easy, do better is always a problem. Accept the great gift from The Lord - ten commandments. Better late than never.
We need to start protesting at ministers houses..
We need to take the ultimate strike… a tax strike!
Good idea. However employers will not cooperate. They are the ones deducting tax and pay it over to the government. It's a trap.
not likely with all the corporates towing the line they have forever.....
We need stronger law against corruption a law-force to apply it and the eradication of politics. Make it business rewarded with excellence.
There is always talk about tax strike. Has anything ever been started regarding that? I hear some towns are withholding municipal taxes; keeping funds in trust and using the trust to address needs. Does anyone live in one of these towns, or know of one.
@dionoliveira4058 agreed. Only problem is ANC will never approve that.
Absolutely useless - just gives the anc ammunition to use against us.
No, instead WE should all use the ammunition we have - we all vote for the DA - just to get the anc out: #VoteOutTheAnc.
Do NOT vote for your current favourite party - that can wait until AFTER we get rid of the ANC. Nothing else matters!!!
We will not have another chance after 2024 because the country will not survive in a stable state after that time.
Rise up South Africa!! You don't deserve such an uncaring government!! Get them out!!
We will try
Mr. Gumede made a very good point. Voters support the ANC like people support a soccer team.
People are not stupid as they are portrait here. People also know what the opposition like DA stand for. We would rather not vote than voting for the DA
@@patmdoda9567 . Sadly no pill to cure your condition.
@@christinefinniss6263 Condition of settlers
@@patmdoda9567 . Like yourself. 😂.
@@christinefinniss6263 Good night😂😂😂
It's amazing that we need an academic to explain something that should be common sense
How about this common sense?
We must demand this as individuals and command our political parties to action this.
We are turning into a failed state.
We have to control our own money.
Reject the current political dispensation, we tell the ANC, Constitutional court and citizens that we reject ANC rule.
We form our own government.
This is a RIGHTEOUS decision.
We don't want to rule over Black people and you can't rule over us any longer.
We can turn this country around within MONTHS.
Take back our prosperity.
Regain our freedom.
Time is running out...
I am not sure there is mutch common or sensible to the road map that the professor is actually professing as a solution. Some of the loos standing statements has value in themselves. As a whole in its anamatic completion I fear this vision is one that will result in complete destruction and desolation of the selve and a slave state for those who inherit its debris. Its a vision that calls for a sociaty of collective drones in service of a societal vision. A vision that sees the current the traditional and the spirit of man as a enemy in need of ever expanding destructive countermeasures. A Continues purge of the very emagined enemy's the professor rightfully styles as puppet enemy's of the state. I fear his version is however one that will employ all the structural elements of this one and in addition demand the desolation of the spirit and the soul so as to fulfill the need for sacrifice to the new religion.
@@shortMario yip 1984. And these numbskulls have been so deeply brainwashed that no one can get through to them. Let them destroy everything BC that's their only purpose on this earth. The trick is not to allow that slave state to come about afterwards.
When every issue is about race, everyone loses and will continue to lose. Those who cannot embrace a system based on merit instead of race are doomed. Blacks in many countries do not understand that merit is the key to change.
Violence is not going to do it; we need to go out and vote.
Agree on violence not acceptable. There should be zero tolerance to violence. There should be zero tolerance regarding the current failure of SA in equal measures though. By the time 2024 comes around to vote there will no longer be much to save of SA sadly.
We need stronger law against corruption a law-force to apply it and the eradication of politics. Make it business rewarded with excellence.
Vote???? 😄😃😀😆
You dreaming.
You stuck in a trauma bond.
Anc and zanu pf are of the same pan african college in exile .
One thing we must do is to stop calling them “Leaders” only party people should call them that… they are civil servants! They don’t lead, they serve!
I agree
Yip. That's why the term ruling party is used. Subliminal programming.
Stop voting for ANC is the only solution to a step in the right direction.
Vote for the DA - irrespective of your current "favourite" party. The priority is to #VoteOutTheAnc. Nothing else matters. People must stop bickering around about this party or that party because of such-and-such. Right now the citizens must all vote for ONE party - and the DA is the most viable at the moment. Nothing else matters - just get rid of the criminals.
@@kevinrtresDA is a demon and we will never vote for it. It's a bunch of satans
How can anyone expect them to vote for anyone who isn't them?
That is our problem right now. We don't actually have a party that can accommodate the masses and minorities. Very difficult for cultures to mix politically; there is always one who feels left out. So the masses just keep voting ANC.
Please do NOT stop voting! Make you vote count by voting for a different party, one you can live with after the elections!
Brilliant analysis. Thank you!
I am not religious, but the ACDP really looks like an option to me. Property rights, free market, firearm rights etc.
Jesus also didn't like religion, especially without Faith. Spoke out more than once. There also is a difference between believing something to be true and knowing it is. Knowing at a personal level that God exists is massively different to just believing He does. Religion is, in general, a divergence from what is ACTUALLY said in the Bible and usually stems from arrogance and greed and self-centered desires. BTW, I'm not endorcing the ACDP😅 Just God
@@psylentrage My point went right over your head. I was simply making the point that one does not have to believe in God or in Christ to vote for the ACDP.
I totally agree with you, that the ACDP is actually the only party that can give the people again. I am not into politics, but we need RIGHTEOUSNESS in our country and in the politics. Violence is NOT the answer. .
@@Michael-hm8cs Don't think it did. I was replying to one of your two statements. And I didn't disagree with you either.
@@psylentrage fair enough
I also don't understand why we are not more angry as a collective. Everyone is waiting for someone else to deal with problems. We whine, bitch and moan amongst ourselves, but we do nothing against the source of the problems. Hope is not a plan.
So please do your bit and actively tell everyone you know to vote for the ONLY viable option - the DA. That's the only way we can be 100% sure we get rid of the cancer. That is our priority. Nothing else e matters because unless we get rid of them we will simply continue sinking into anarchy and civil war.
We must demand this as individuals and command our political parties to action this.
We are turning into a failed state.
We have to control our own money.
Reject the current political dispensation, we tell the ANC, Constitutional court and citizens that we reject ANC rule.
We form our own government.
This is a RIGHTEOUS decision.
We don't want to rule over Black people and you can't rule over us any longer.
We can turn this country around within MONTHS.
Take back our prosperity.
Regain our freedom.
Time is running out...
Exactly but we need leadership to pull us out. Its not my skill set to start a total protest of the ANC
Division & the unequality we live in 2 different world the poor & rich those of who doesnt want to share wealth so people have this mentality we will all suffer .
Lewis, you are right. Others will want us to destroy our South Africa to the ground. It's a No,No,No.Dear fellow South Africans let's never destroy our land and give the evil ones power. Our land is already damaged. Let's do it the right way. Go out and talk to our elderlies about truth about this country. Let's not be misled. Let's e xplain the situation in simple language they would understand.🛐✌️🇿🇦
Very well said . We need likeminded people in govt. Prof should also be our next minister of education
Good interview. Thanks Prof.
William forgets that most voters are very poor and dont know whats going on in time to react accordingly.
I don't think so. Millenials are very clever and they buy cell phones and tv's for the parents. They also educate the parents, hopefully.
@@sophiavorster9406 "Educate the parents" in the direction of the EFF! Sadly too many adults bow to the opinions of their "educated" children... we know the reality of this "education" SA kids especially those in townships and rural areas receive under the ANC.
The militancy does not serve the greater good. The joke is that they think Malema is the best candidate for head of state. He, who could not even pass woodwork, they trust to run a modern country! We've given the ANC the keys to the state and they cannot even run a township! Imagine Malema!⚰💀
@@sophiavorster9406 ask Millenials what a woman is
People know who they want in power. If the DA takes power we know exactly where we stand in the racial hierachy.
@@patmdoda9567 who is 'we'? You think you talk for blacks?
We have been numbed
The people just sit and take what ever shit is thrown at them by the government…Enough is now enough…
We must demand this as individuals and command our political parties to action this.
We are turning into a failed state.
We have to control our own money.
Reject the current political dispensation, we tell the ANC, Constitutional court and citizens that we reject ANC rule.
We form our own government.
This is a RIGHTEOUS decision.
We don't want to rule over Black people and you can't rule over us any longer.
We can turn this country around within MONTHS.
Take back our prosperity.
Regain our freedom.
Time is running out...
The word is APATHY. No shortage of it......worldwide.
So make your mark - for the DA - if we all vote for just ONE party against the anc we will get rid of the cancer. Plain and simple. That is what our priority is at the moment. No other party or parties matter if the anc is still in power after the next election because the country cannot sustain it. We will sink into civil anarchy if not war.
Because it does exist
We need to set SA free, before everything is totally destroyed. The next vote will be a vote between the life or death of our country.
Very wise educated man.
Yes. Very woke. Even has to regurgitate the so-called 'toxic masculinity' nonsense. He toes the Academia line brilliantly.
Fantastic points raised. South African in not a democracy. Since independence it has been a one part state. Power has to be handed to another party peacefully at least once more. We had the NP and the ANC. Voters should not be fearful of change. We need to understand if we have good institutions run by professional civil servant governments can come and go. Unfortunately we voters allowed cader deployment to the civil service. What we now need is reduce the role of politicians and vote technocrats in and remove politics from our municipalities. We all want the same, safe living environment for our families, schools for our children, clean water and functioning infrastructure. Will it not be nice to become proudly South African again?
So get busy spreading the message that all should vote for the only viable option - no matter how much they hate them or how much they love their favourite party. Put aside those issues in order to achieve the one, true, main objective - #VoteOutTheANC. People must stop moaning about this or other thing in the DA - get their priorities sorted - namely to get rid of the ANC. Nothing else matters.
This democratic voice got us into the mess
We empowered them by voting fools into public office and they not accountable to their constituents.
Look at the Municipality horse-trading for positions to lay their dirty hands on the fiscus
Nobody is interested in what you have to say we are moving away from a Eurocentric economic structure & and yes the government is bollocks but at least this country is moving away from Europe/ America
@@sisonkeadmin6600 Absolutely! I'm glad to see someone else also telling people what their responsibility is in this case. We voted them in, we vote them out by voting for one other party - which just happens to be the DA. No matter the emotional baggage we might have about them. The only rational thing to do is throw all our votes behind the one viable option to get rid of the scum in charge. Nothing else matters.
The Sooner the Better
Have a referendum!!
Praying for a revolution
No party is perfect. No chess piece is perfect. But you play the best piece and move that's available to you for that time.
Play the game or it gets played for you.
No matter how we vote the rural masses will vote in the ANC to protect their social grants...
Mr Gumede, all well said and so true.
Thankyou Prof Gumede
I identifies very strongly with what the prof said.
*Simple. Just vote,* _and obviously not for the party responsible for chaos, corruption and maladministration._
Educate those that you know who do not vote, or do not understand the power of their vote.
It should be as simple as...
Has the party that is currently in government (or that you plan to vote for) served you well?
Have they manged to decrease Crime?
Have they managed to grow the Economy?
Have they managed to create Jobs?
Are there fewer potholes on the roads than before the party took over?
Is there more Electricity than before the party took over? (Is there any Electricity at all?)
Have they managed to Service and Maintain infrastructure?
Do you feel safer in your home, at your workplace, etc. than 30 years ago.
Have they lived up to any of their promises?
Are they professional in their representation of the party?
Can you trust their members in office?
Have their members in parliament been implicated in any form of Crime Syndicates or Corruption?
Are they fighting for a Free and Fair Democracy for all South Africans regardless of the colour of their skin?
Have any of their top ranking members been convicted and served Prison Time?
Have their members acted in the best interests of the country?
Have they always put the country and its people first?
Have they demonstrated that they wish to Serve the people of South Africa?
Do they have a Track Record of Proven Success?
Sir, are you gonna give us the t-shirts we deserve?
Are you going to to give us the grants and the other forms of bread crums?
If we don't vote for our hyenas, what do you promise to do for us?
@@poisonboxingfitness I see your point. [and I'm pretty sure that your comment is tongue-in-cheek, so I appreciate it]
How about... we end the dependency? Right?
How about we allow you to earn enough to buy your own T-shirt (the size, colour, style and with the logo of your choosing), buy your own food, have dignity, freedom and independence - like a civilized, and free person.
hmmm.......the French Revolution springs to mind...
Seldom does anything good come out of rioting.
The abolishment of slavery does, the end of a apartheid does, the Arab Spring does...And the list goes on. What is your point in anycase?
@@Ubu94ntu exactly of the 100s of thousands of riots those were perhaps the few that actually did have good things come out of it. I would further argue that the ending of slavery was an initiative by the British over a span of hundred years and was not achieved via rioting.
Considering the average IQ in SA is 67 it is no wonder the voters vote for the voted of similar IQ. Hence why things are the way they are. Please prove me wrong.
So it's up to YOU to tell people to vote for the DA in the next election. No other party. The priority is to get rid of the criminals in charge. That's all that matters right now. People need to stop fooling around, hoping that their fav. party will somehow gain the majority that we need to get rid of the ANC. There's only one way to do that - we as a collective must all vote for the DA - it's the only viable party at the moment.
They can't, you are telling the truth.
Getting a grant a food parcel and a t shirt
And many cannot go against their elders or the spirits will come against them and they will have trouble in their lives
The royal ANC ministers don’t have loadshedding.
In this country inocent people will die.
They are already dieing at approx 79 + a day.
My fellow SA - ANC(out) , DA/CO(in) thn go afta CR/ANC jail thm for crimes against humanity. For depriving/robbing us of our human rights.
To hell with the DA. Long live EFF. long live ANC, long PAC, long live AZAPO
I'm with YOU.........
Yes anc is very bad never good service and safety.
The problem with mobilising any angry sentiment in a diverse and deeply divided society likes ours, is that the level of emotional reactivity will NOT be uniform.
The risk of total chaos and hence anarchy is too high as opposed to a civil, serious protest.
Each community has varied anger too.
dankie pêl. jou kop werk beter as goed. ga nou dalk meer twak gooi oor die gemors wat gedoen is. dankie vir jou skerp benadering! sag salig rus.
Prof Gumede is one of our few, precious national treasures. If you love our country, our home, hear his insights
The vast majority want to be led - that's is an established fact of large groups of human beings - not just South Africa. Out of this chaos will emerge a strong, charismatic leader and the people will follow that leader.
Yes, like juju. Heaven help us.
No, the priority is to vote out the anc - so use the vote one has to vote for just one party - the DA - no matter how one feels about them - the objective and priority is to save our country by getting it out of the hands of the anc - nothing else matters. Do NOT vote for your current favourite party - that will simply set up useless coalitions that will not be able to bring about the needed change.
Please spread the message - don't be apathetic.
Majority of SA voters are not very well informed and when it comes to voting simply cant get past historical issues.
The uninformed is a thread through all socioeconomic levels and cultures in SA.
We accept the mess around us because we have learned to believe that we can change nothing.
I think you're right but we also lack imagination, here's my solution.
We must demand this as individuals and command our political parties to action this.
We are turning into a failed state.
We have to control our own money.
Reject the current political dispensation, we tell the ANC, Constitutional court and citizens that we reject ANC rule.
We form our own government.
This is a RIGHTEOUS decision.
We don't want to rule over Black people and you can't rule over us any longer.
We can turn this country around within MONTHS.
Take back our prosperity.
Regain our freedom.
Time is running out...
Areas of South Africa need to Succeed. People vote solely on Race NOT COMPETENCE.
People need to vote based on COMPETENCE AND PROBLEM SOLVING.
It is the same in the US with the blm folks making all issues into issues about race. Insuring that nothing will change. Blacks don't understand anything but racism, they cannot embrace the bigger picture of the forces that build a successful nation or how everyone could benefit from a successful nation. They are stuck, hook, line and sinker in victimhood and will destroy the nation rather than embrace a competent leader.
Question: How do we mobilize people to constructively vent their anger??
You do not friend. APATHY ensures that.
You go out and convince everyone to vote for the DA - whether they have a current fav. party or not. Voting for any other party will simply dilute the voting power we have. The priority is to #VoteOutTheAnc, not to support our fav. party. People need to know this is the only way to get the cancer out. If they mess around by voting for their favourite party all that will happen is that useless, non-functioning coalitions will have to be formed and we can see how that is sinking Gauteng at the moment. So people need to wizen up. Do the ONLY thing that will work to achieve the main objective - which is to get rid of the ANC.
On point, Mr Gumede! 👏
Foreigners do play a role in South Africa's downfall
From the N W O , yes
Um, which people were excited about the appointment of an Electricity Minister? Not the vibe I got…
I would support
we don’t express our anger because the ANC is broadly considered as a religion is for religious people.
like catholics found it collectively very difficult to accept that their leaders sexually abused people, including children.
in my own city, church members literally couldn’t believe that the local respected priest, who they socialised with, who was in their houses, was such an abuser.
they just refused, it couldn’t be true …
humans are seemingly so readily addicted to authority.
like we can’t free ourselves from the ‘father’ authority figure, just can’t achieve individual autonomy.
as william said, totally, deeply, heartbreaking.
So terribly sad…. And infuriating
*Why can't the people throw ANC out of parliament coz they destroyed everything so far*
Something is going to give
Watch this space
Why are people afraid to vote for another party? Apartheid will never come back so give another party a chance. Wake up South Africa.
Exactly! I'm trying to spread the message that everyone should vote for just one viable party - the DA - no matter how they feel about them. The priority is to get our country out of the hands of the criminals. People should get their priority right!!!! Please let anyone and everyone you get into contact with know this is the only way out.
Actually, Apartheid never left in my opinion. Management just changed! The only thing this time around is that there are far more less competent criminals in charge using race as a cover for their stealing. Apartheid is a financial opportunity at its core for whomever is in power and it just had different names in the various countries. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. Unless there is a party that promises to usher in a fundamental change to the entire system that it is answerable to and benefits all the people and not just a select few, it won't matter who you vote for. So far I am still looking for a single party's manifesto says this because they al want the system to stay the same and have their piece of the pie.
@@kevinrtres if it is viable how come black people still use "PORTABLE TOILES" in the western cape.
@@X-ManGuy The straight answer is that the anc stole the money!!! Did that not enter your mind? Who do you think bussed all the eastern cape inhabitants to the WC in order to get control of it by getting the people who would vote for them in place? Who do you think is supplying the money for all the brand new shiny zinc roof sheets to built squatter houses? Wake up mate!!!
I get it that you hate the DA because to you it represents a throw-back to apartheid. I fully get that. What is not so easy to understand is that one should prefer to go into the abyss of poverty, crime and civil anarchy just in order to satisfy one's own anger at those who caused apartheid with its terrible oppression of groups of people not belonging to the ruling one. Apartheid and their instigators is a thing of the past, one needs to move on and forget about the realities of it.
So here's the thing - this country is on it's last legs and the next election is OUR, the voters, only chance of fixing it - by getting rid of the cause of the problem - the anc. If you go and waste your vote for either the anc or any other party because you hate the DA or because you like that other party, well then. you need to know that YOU are the one contributing to the problems we have right now.
The truly rational solution is to get rid of the cause of the problem - by using our votes and voting for the one party that is a viable alternative - no matter how much we hate it and despise the people that run it. The priority is to get rid of the anc.
One has to ask oneself - is it better to commit economic suicide just because one has such a strong feeling of hatred or is it better to put that aside and really look after one's own interest? Of course if one is receiving generous flows of cash or goods from being affiliated with the anc then it's a completely different story - in which case it makes sense to keep them in power.
@@X-ManGuy . Are there no portable toilets in the rest of your country. Your arguments are like that of a child. If you are a child, please say so. Then we can understand your ignorance.
If you want to live in a country with first world standards i.e. a strong economy, low corruption, low crime and good infrastructure (water, electricity, rail, road) then you need a government with a first world attitude. This has happened nowhere in Africa and is why most Africans if given half a chance want to go to North America, Europe or Australia & New Zealand.
We are from the villages and so, our leaders and we are not inspired by the first world's
We elect our village fools in the office so that, we can remain in the same state
You can't campaign to us by talking about infrastructure and etc, we never cared a about that shi.. in the rural areas
Just reduce the price of alcohol then, shall get my vote and I shall mobilize the other fools as well so, to follow you-you shall be our new hero of the struggle a struggle to free us fools to fool ourselves further.
Pure common sense.
Viva ANC, we don't care 😘
Take what we can because we own everything😂
I think he's saying the equivalent of "oops"
can we take this as a admission of, failed state, from William
Well i am very angry
Our exchange was around R2.75 per Dollar in 1993 . It's almost ten times worse since then at around R20.00 per Dollar. Is it worth being 10 x poorer now than we were then
Looks like they must make the western cape, a country on it's own 😂
Andrew Heeger, the Western Cape is as currupt as the ANC. ANC members join / form splinter parties or join DA and directly after elections form coalitions and hand ovrr to the ANC as is done countywide. DA/ANC ONE SND THE SAME THING. Your country is Communistic.
So true .. yet all this points to the distressing reality that if sport is the only national psyche that exists, the break up into independent local areas and a complete disintegration of the national governing structure seems inevitable. This is de facto what is happening because local communities actually can have a common psyche, because they agree on common purposes. Already this is the ANCs biggest threat.. only the can’t see it for what it is 🤔
So spread the message - we must all vote for the DA just to get rid of the anc. Do not vote for the current fav. party of choice becauase that will only lead to useless, non-functioning coalitions - as can be clearly seen in Gauteng. Put aside the emotions and vote with the head - the chief objective is to get out the ANC. Finish and klaar!
The biggest threat to the ANC sure sounds a lot like Apartheid 🤔
The first thing that needs to be done is the selectipn of Ministers based on their actual knowledge of the appointment in question, together with HEAVY penalties for the slightest proof of corruption
There are over 10 million eligible voters that haven't registered. Around the same amount that registered, but don't vote. If other parties were making sense to them. Then nobody would care about Anc voters. I'ts just many people don't see an alternative. That's why they don't even bother.
The EFF had a march about the exact issues that the prof is speaking about. How many of you joined the march? White South Africans never ever get involved in initiatives that they themselves did not initiate. We need to mature politically as a country, we may not agree with everything that the EFF stands for but they were right to embark on a strike and all we did was stand on the side and criticise from the comfort of our generator lit homes.
I supported their call for CR to resign. But I couldn't be part of their cause because of their love of violence and chaos.
White people didn't join because they whole identity of eff politics is based on hating white people
@@tanyaedwards4574 You need to learn to separate issues. The EFF march was not about land reform that you people fear so much. It wasn't about the EFF asking any of your votes. It was exactly about the topical issue of the day. Them being war mongers as you say has absolutely nothing to do with the matter at hand. This is the political immaturity I was talking about.
Outside the ANC, the EFF is the only political party that can organise a march that can impact change. Trust me the DA doesn't have enough money to rent a crowd that big because the DA's real constituency has a much bigger fish to fry than marching on the streets with the masses. So my friends, if there is ever going to be some sort of a show of force on the streets of South Africa, the EFF has to be on the fore front of that whether you like Julius Malema or not. It just is what it is.
@@ronm4385 Will you ever side with the Freedom Front Afrikaner Party on so called "seperate" issue? EFF is a murderous racist seperatist (Apartheid) Party. I am sure that is not what your country needs, but if that is who you chose to be your party, then go for it. Thanks for showing you character to the world.
The problem is that there is no visible party or leader with the charisma and visibility to attract a large number of voters in order to oppose the ANC.
The problem is that the ruling party will see any honest contest as an attack against failed black rule. . It was a perfect set up. SA worked under white rule, how is it going now? How will it go in future? The same way forever. A colonized people were colonized for a reason, why not face the truth? That is the only way the nation can ever move forward, or the nation will continue to descend into the murder, chaos and disfunction it is headed for now.
I find it very hard to believe the ANC will relinquish power.
@@juliechurley2716 Even blacks who thought the ANC was the answer for SA see that it has failed. The only possible solution IMO is a coalition of whites and politically astute blacks who are willing to try and prevent the failed state status the nation is heading for. Whites were so castigated by the world community for apartheid I'm sure they are hesitant to even broach forming a coalition. It is astounding that the nation that was a powerhouse of economic growth and civil society is basically destroyed.Blacks embraced the rainbow flag and thinking that they would prosper under the ANC. In reality they became worse off and the nation is floundering. When you fear to elect the leaders capable of sorting it out for fear they will be called racists simply for being white you've lost the plot. The best leaders are needed, no matter what their color. The SA blacks are simply pawns, sold down river to communism and mayhem.
But who told u the state HS failed???life goes on
South Africans should, but we won't. Too many years raised as sheep, too late to change for most. Failed state here we come.
still to many people living in there comfort zone... wait until the shelves are empty. Then its to late my friend
May humanity awaken in consciousness on a level that brings about actual action that brings about transformation. Real transformation and growth, not the backward embarrassing criminality that our so-called leaders of the past quarter century all illustrate.
When the country is collapsing due to corruption keep the nation busy with sports, circus and build Coliseum. 2010 world cup stadium.
So polease, please, please...get busy spreading the message that all should vote for the only viable option - no matter how much they hate them or how much they love their favourite party. Put aside those issues in order to achieve the one, true, main objective - #VoteOutTheANC. People must stop moaning about this or other thing in the DA - get their priorities sorted - namely to get rid of the ANC. Nothing else matters.
@@kevinrtres please read the DA or any other party's manifesto for the next election and see if they say anything fundamentally different to what the ANC's does. They are tweaks of the same playbook. Even the EFF is just promising changes to certain aspects of the system. We need a party with a very radical plan to change our whole system in order to make our vote count. The Americans once thought exactly the same way about Obama as you suggest because he promised to be a better option than Bush, but look how his presidency turned out! Thus we should encourage people to take a deeper look at who the alternative parties are and who they really represent when choosing an alternative to the ANC.
@@kevinrtres . About half the DA leaders ARE ANC. After elections they simply hand over to ANC. Cape Town is portraid as DA to lure more runners from up North.
This guy is great. Puts it clearly and calmly.
Just go vote
Unfortunately in stead of masses voting 1 party in power they will vote for other parties and the Anc will remain in power ...South Africa has suffered enough under ANC govt
Sir, you are right, but sometimes people get so deceived that they vote wrongly just like Zimbabweans voted for mnagagwa hoping situation would change. Unfortunately they voted for the one who was the right hand of the one they were rejecting. After voting what happened? From the frying pan into the fire+ where are they) all over. Even when their President promise to do better they don't believe! Why? Deceit. ( So, South Africa isn't different, Sir. 🛐🇿🇦And Zimbabwe ✌️
The South Africans have not learnt their lessons yet, nor have the studied the history, present and future of Zimbabwe.
The votes were rigged.
South Africa is just going to continue this spiral regardless of who the governing party is
Get out of the spiral
We must demand this as individuals and command our political parties to action this.
We are turning into a failed state.
We have to control our own money.
Reject the current political dispensation, we tell the ANC, Constitutional court and citizens that we reject ANC rule.
We form our own government.
This is a RIGHTEOUS decision.
We don't want to rule over Black people and you can't rule over us any longer.
We can turn this country around within MONTHS.
Take back our prosperity.
Regain our freedom.
Time is running out...
They dont fear the Lord
It's not like the boer feared the LORD, so just chill or go to Europe
@@X-ManGuy . You have a point, but on the wrong end. Your country and the World is in chaos because they do not fear The Creator GOD through Jesus Christ. If you can read, I suggest you read the Bible and see for yourself how every nation on Earth disintegrate for the same reason. If you read normal history at the same time you will be able to see the connection. It has nothing to do with superior Blacks or Inferior Whites or whatever your view is. Reject God Almighty and He grants you your wish. The Evil Destroyer then steps in. It's your choice. God forces nobody.
Wen will people wakeup
Rioting should never be allowed but in this case I think it should happen. I mean how the hell can a rich country like South Africa all of a sudden have power problems. That’s a government problem with a government company.
I don't think rioting should be allowed. In equal measures we should not accept the failures of the cadres with immediate effect in another manner that is in line with modern day life.
The media is to soft on government is SA. I find like this interview, alot is said but most is fluf.
People should stop wishing the masses will vote out the Anc, it won't happen, we need to make a whole part ours again instead.
SA citizens who gave a feather about the state of our country's decline, is at the moment way past the being 'de moer in' phase. We are quietly livid at this point as our cries and complaints are being brushed off and falls on deaf ears.... if we do act on our feelings, we meet serious repercussions...🤷🏻♀️
Is BizNewsTV a news channel or?
There are too many political parties, this is going to favour ANC. Let's force our political leaders to unite as a strategy to defeat ANC. We can never defeat a powerful party like the ANC without a strategy.
Problem is voting according to your race rather as to vote for the star party that make things happen
Unfortunately this will be fine but their is too much meddling in south africas affairs from outside forces at the moment. So we can not destablize the country any further.This will play into the hands of these evil forces . By the way Gumede Its not soccer its football
Nope, it's Soccer. PSL???🙃
. This is an excellent channel that is very informative on current affairs and please guys keep it up. Just as side issue 😂🤣🤣it's so funny how angry this white woman is. Truth be told, even without a news channel the ANC has 1 of the best election machineries in the world and that's where the answer on un-sitting an ANC gov is located. The ANC has emotionally invested in every single black household in SA and that link will always carry the ANC on national matters regardless of the performance of an ANC gov.
South Africa is divided into two, there is a large section of population that is extremely poor and then we have those who are little bit okay but not rich. There is a thin line separating them and they don’t mix . It is the poor who often cause unrest or complain about service delivery not the middle class. Our real problem is unity, we will never defeat the evildoers like ANC.
i think south africans need to come together and create communities that will address various issues that are destroying this great nation and look at ways of solving it. These communities need to have the responsibility of educating single individuals into understanding how to vote and who to vote for in future elections seeing that many south africans are biased towards parties that aren't black or don't vote at all. millions of lives are being ruined by this political party and people need to stand up against it immediately or else it will be too late. people need to understand that hey have rights and need to know how to hold governments accountable within the real system through legal means... rioting and burning down white owned businesses only make the problem a lot worse.
there are so many different groups on social media, groups for farmers, pet lovers etc etc. these groups need to start educating each other on the importance of voting for the right party regardless of skin color.
How do we get the ANC voters to start voting for a better team and stop voting for a loosing team? Just look at the before and after results of the last 30 Escom, the Rand crashing and lots more! The only party that has shown positive results is the DA in the Western Cape...that is showing excellent results.
Just compare each major city in SA where they were (looked like) 30 years ago and where they are now. Cape Town is clean and smart ...where the rest of the country is a mess!!
We need to teach the ANC to vote for a opposition party NOW with the DA being the best and most organized opposition party! (Use the Western Cape as an example!)
Not while the government continues with social grants
South Africa being one of the most unequal society in the world you will find people having different issues to be addressed. While the majority are feeling the exclusion of having no land, others are concerned about property rights. Until we can find each other as a society and really care for one another's interests, we will forever be complaining about some government not living up to our expectations. A paradigm shift is necessary 'ask not what the government can do for you, ask what you can do for the government ' For the people by the people that's Democracy😉
And what?Burn some buildings down?
If we explain ourselves we are put in jail and not all of society except the electr minister.....some of society thouht CR is ab imbacil to elect a minister of elegricity
Let us rise up and challenge God to be accountable according to Romans 13:1, who has established governments to combat evil. Christians have not brought God into the equation but have submissivly uselessly complained. God is waiting for believers to us the keys of God's Kingdom in Matthew 16:19. God's power has not collapsed or failed but we have failed to demanded of Him to take the necessary remedy.
People should but they wont. Mid class black is more concerned about HOW they will survive. The Why they should remove anc is not strong enough
Seems to be the standard African nation. Why the outrage?
I am old. I remember how western liberals applauded Mandela and Mugabe and anticipated "African Jewels" to shine full power... As usual: critics is easy, do better is always a problem. Accept the great gift from The Lord - ten commandments. Better late than never.