Hello friends! As I meditate on the importance of being true to the best version of myself each day, I want to keep asking myself in what ways can I challenge (my) assumptions. How about you?
Yoga With Adriene Haven’t watched the new video yet, but I read the email and really appreciated this respectful update to the language. Just finished my second pass through one of the 30 days series!
I’m trying to find the best of myself everyday since I started this journey with you and this community 3 years ago! And I know you heard this million times but you did teach me a lot about myself and how strong I am and everyday when a roll the mat, I smile even though I don’t feel so good, but at the end of the practice the smile is real! I loved the new version of this video! Is great to refresh and include everyone, times changes and I’m learning to adapt to the new version of this world! Namaste!
If the whole world is doing something, don't jump on the band wagon. That's all I will say about that. I would like to see the original video. But I realize in this "woke" world we live in, there are many barriers going up where there needn't be. I still love you.
Same she has helped me a lot this year already. I had a bad neck pain the first of this year and afterwards because of the neck pain could not sleep well so she has helped me out a lot
I didn't have a pillow, so when you said to give your pillow a hug, I hugged myself and I actually ended up crying. Between my grandma passing away last week, PMS, and missing my long-distance bf, a little self-love tonight was exactly what I needed.
Why do I have a secret wish to meet a trans guy in real life? Idk. I like meeting people though. When I was 4 I really wanted to meet an Irish person. It half way came true! My best friend is half Irish and she's gorgeous. I'm sure you are beautiful as your new gender! I'm a supporter but I don't want these things for myself. I love being nice. How am I so happy with such deadly cramps?
@@upsidedown1415 oh, okay! thanks for letting me know in a respectful way! im always glad to learn more about people. and im sure he is happy. i only said that because i feel comfortable as my current gender so im saying, although i am not trans, i still support him. and i understand him. thank you so much, ill try not to make that mistake again. i was i think 11 at the time of that comment.
sad to see comments discouraging your use of gender neutral pronouns. i for one am so happy that you used them! I, as a cis woman, welcome all here to complain about their periods with me! whether you be a trans man, nonbinary, prefer not to use labels, or a cis woman.. love and support to all of you!! let's stretch away these cramps together 💞
‘Benji has your back’ literally increased my mood by 100 points. That’s all I needed to know ❤️❤️❤️❤️ namaste everyone! Much love hope you’re all feeling better soon 😊🌸
Today I started my period while on a walk. I was a little far from home when it happened and with COVID being a huge concern I didn’t want to stop and use a public restroom. When I finally got home I had the worst cramps. Shortly after I found out my card had been compromised - the day before a majority of my bills were set to go through a stranger had spent half of my money. I broke down into tears. The stress of the world situation and all these little things really had me in shambles today. So I came to you and I could not have been led to a more appropriate video. I needed this today, even more then usual. Thank you. Day 137!
This practice just saved my night. I can actually go to sleep now. I was in tears from pain before this practice. The actual practice was not short of tears, either (cue tears when Benji lays in front of the camera), but the end was just a comfortable awareness. Thank you for sharing your time, energy, expertise, and dog with us, Adriene. I feel so seen and supported after this practice. Namaste.
Your comment is the reason I’m about to do this yoga. This is my first period since my Nexplanon is out and I’ve been up and down all night crying because of this horrible pain I’m in. I will literally do anything so I am getting out of bed right now. If this helps me even a little bit I just wanted to say thanks for putting this comment here.
@@readyfuels17 She literally filmed this video again for it to be inclusive to everyone who experiences period, because not just women do Sex is not gender (sex is biologic, gender is sociologic, so none of this is about being ''non-scientific''), there is a lot of content online if you want to learn more about that :)
@@Emmareads15 I know I'm right because this is not about me having an opinion but it's about facts So you can say no if you want, that won't change the fact that sex is not gender, so you can have female genitals and be a man There's plenty of information on the internet if you're curious enough to go and educate yourself on that
Hi!!! I am barely 9 years old and I already had my period... Lately ive been having a lot of cramps and this video always helps me a lot... Thanks Adriene!
Hi Hun, Also had my first period around 8-9 and I totally understand how shocking and painful this is. Regardless of your body, you are still allowed to be a child and i hope you have someone to talk about it. Also, please see a gynecologist, just to make sure everything is going normal as it should. If the pain is very very extreme see a doctor, especially if you have it not just while your period and are collapsing. It will unfortunately at the start take a while until your body gets a rhythm, so your period could be all over the place. If you have already all of this information, just ignore my comment.
i hope your cramps are less painful now :’) i know mine didn’t start getting bad until 12ish 13ish but i’m about to be 15 and i’m finally exploring ways to cope and heal menstural pain rather just endure it!
My little sister started that young. I always encouraged her to just keep having fun and being a kid, and now that we both are adults, she told me how she valued that. If you are in the United States, the "typical American diet" is so unhealthy and sugar based, and it just wrecks havoc on our endocrine systems. I'm just recently realizing how our diet played into both mine and my sister's terrible cramps most of our lives. She used to black out!! Definitely see an Ob-gyn, and don't be afraid to keep looking for one until you find one you're comfortable with and who will help you. Even most adults don't bother shopping around until they find a doctor that will actually help them. So many want to just cover up symptoms instead of actually healing and curing our bodies.
Hey :) I’m a trans guy who has INTENSE (like enough to make me scream) periods and no one believes it’s as bad as it is, and it’s especially hard to advocate for myself and my pain since it all makes me so dysphoric and I just wanted to say thank you. This video is very helpful, and though it doesn’t get rid of the pain, it makes it bearable and makes my day more possible, and less dysphoric. Can’t thank you enough
If it doesn't make the pain go totally away, I can suggest you to try to look for hypnosis for cramps here in UA-cam. I know it sounds crazy, but it works when the pain is still there. You can give it a try. There is a video where the thumbnail shows a big full moon with a woman, that warks amazingly for me but you can try other videos too if that doesn't help. And if the pain is still there anyway, you can also try to take an anti inflammatory medicine (not pain killers, they don't work), because they tend to relax the muscles and that is exactly what causes the cramps. I hope this can help, wish you luck
I can relate, my cramps are really bad too like close to passing out and I’m also throwing up occasionally, people don’t really get how bad it can be. The only thing that works for me is if I take painkillers early on, as soon as I start to feel even slightly that it hurts. That way I can prevent it from “escalating” to severe cramps. Sometimes it’s difficult though to know which day the worst cramps are coming, so I’m too late on the meds and yeah then I’m bed bound for a few hours. Anyway, sending hugs to you!!
I'm not trans but I totally understand. I identify as a horse, and I get pain in my feet as horses get in their hooves. And this video helps with my anxiety. I'm gonna go find some hay.
Somehow this just turned into me following steps and sobbing on the floor for 20 minutes in a fuzzy blanket. This was my first session with you and it occurred to me there was more compassion in our voice over the internet then I experience on any given day. And the belly rubs also turned me in that this was the first compassionate and loving touch I've received in too long to remember. What a sad but somehow freeing realization that I can be the loving hug I need. Namaste indeed
Very true. Though something I am beginning to learn is that while Adrien and all the other lovely yogis in this community may not be where we are physically, that doesn't mean we aren't thinking of one another constantly. There is a whole world of people out there who may have never met you but who wish nothing but the best for you regardless! Namaste friend 🌻🌅
Dear Adriene, Reading your new Sunday love letter this morning, you brought me to happy tears with the conversation about why you chose to re-do this video. Thank you for seeing me and so many others. Little things like this can change lives, and my heart feels so full today thanks to you
"Learn to trust your struggle" man, this was so important for me to hear. I'm currently in the process of being investigated for potential endometriosis, and the biggest struggle for me is wondering "am I just making this up? is it really as bad as I think it is?" but I must learn to trust my struggle and what I know I have been through. Thank you, Adriene x
Oh my god, this has been me too. Wondering if all the pain was in my head for all these years. But I got a diagnosis literally 2 days ago and cried for all those times of unexplained suffering. Sending you all the luck in your struggle
As the mother of a trans son, it's hard to express with words how wonderful and meaningful this inclusivity is. Thank you for this and for all that you do!
When you said "blanket yourself" I acctualy did took the blanket and wrap it around me, than I realised its not what you ment :D but it felt nice anyways :) thank you for this routine, it was really helpful today :)
I love this redo. I love the thought and intention put into it. And I especially love that I can share this one with a dear friend of mine without causing them discomfort.
I have endometriosis and this video is one of the few things that has helped with my chronic (and excruciating) pain. Thank you, Adriene. Your classes have had a positive impact on my life.
I have it as well, I was literally crying because it’s so much pain. Took a medication and did the first ten minutes and felt better. Thank you so much Adrienne ✨💛
I have ONE day during my period when I feel a lot of pain, and this video arrives exactly at the right day. How lucky is that! I'm gonna embrace this time so much! :D
This!! It's been so hard to feel comfortable confronting self care while menstruating because of gendered language + gendered affirmations but this was so loving
This week's email about this video legit made me cry. Adriene, god bless. Your kindness and grace seem inexhaustible. This channel has been with me throughout my whole gender transition, teaching me to make contact with my body in a loving, accepting way at least once a day when I'm on the mat. I am growing into self-love. Not sure I could have done it without you!
like - seriously I've been layed in my bed the past 4 hours almost crying bc the pain killers didn't killed my pain and now a 21:00 video frkng taked all my pain away like- I'm sending this to literally every women I know
Thank you so much for this video!!! I just got my period again after months of not having it and as a trans guy it really kicked the dysphoria into high gear. It was so wonderful to be able to have a video where I didn’t feel like an outsider in my own body 😊
I just told my boyfriend that I wish yoga with Adriene had a video for PMS. Seriously like 2 hours ago..! I turn on my UA-cam and see this. I swear somehow you always know what I need. It trips me out! Thank you so so much!! 🙏💙🙏
Check out Marisa Peer. She's the best therapist out there, her videos have helped me so much in a lot of areas in my life. I'd also check out breath work, especially if you're hyperventilating. Hope this helps x
@@upsidedown1415 you can do it at any time of the month. Yoga can be practiced when, where and how you like! That's the beauty of it, I would practice it the week before your period or until it starts and then for the first two or three days when you've got cramps. Like I said though it's a nice practice to do whenever you feel like it. Hope this helps xx
Love being a woman and all that my body and period have brought to me and taught me but goodness sometimes the pain is truly breathtaking. I hope all who are here reading this find some relief 💜
i started crying when you started talking about support, and feeling supported by you and by benji and everyone practicing this with me. i'm going through a tough time right now, but taking this time to do this for myself and my body really helped me accept those feelings and know that everything will get better with time. thank you, much love :)
I have PCOS and have had intense period pains since age 10 to 38. I wish just one teacher, parent or carer had shown me how to self care using yoga. It's changed my life and allowed me to continue working. Her instruction to claw at the mat has been an epiphany for me in terms of monthly healing and pain reduction. It's also amazing for getting out your anger and frustration!
Oh my God!! My body sincerely thanked me for doing this once I was done doing it. Belly cramps were close to getting the best of me. I've said it countless times before and I'll say it again, Adriene is a lifesaver, one that always has our backs when we have no one else to open up to. Thank you, Adriene for putting a smile on my face once again, loved the vibe of the practice too. Much love. Namaste.
This might be the most cozy, calming practice i've ever done. I did this with cramps so bad i could barely breathe, this helped my body and mind feel secure. love it.
This made me tear up when you said to hug the pillow. Those little moments in these videos really do make a difference. Thank you for everything you do.
I haven't had my period in a long time due to a rough time with anxiety, but this practice helped me to be with myself and my feelings and thoughts, and find some peace. Thank you Adriene
thanks Adriene. going through a difficult miscarriage process, this helps. it's sad that miscarriage is such a ''tabu'' and silent pain that not so few of us go through. may naming and embracing it, as for all which its deep and painful, be more frequent - so that healing can be embraced. death and life as this eternal dance, in and out, on all our daily practices. thanks
Was very concerned about being misgendered by this video but my worries were unfounded! Thank you Adriene for providing a video that made me feel better physically and emotionally!
Thank you Adriene! I actually followed the original practise recently and I completely support your decision to remake it. I really enjoyed the video back then and had also noticed how you said some well-meant things you wouldn't say today. I truly admire you for always paying attention to those around you and finding ways to make them feel loved. Thank you Adriene.
Reading your newsletter about why you redid this video made me feel so welcomed and acknowledged ❤️ And what a great practice- I've been in bed all day due to cramps, and I feel infinitely better now. Thank you for all that you do!
I got my period today, and let me tell you, this practice with the pillows made me feel like a pampered little girl hugging a teddy bear. I can’t ask for anything else 🥺 Thank you, Adriene & Benji!
I’m having my first cycle after giving birth, it’s very physically and emotionally different, and I knew this channel would have a perfect practice. Before pregnancy I’d always had a negative relationship with my belly, and now I feel gratitude toward that spot where my baby grew. During the part where I rubbed circles around it and let feelings come up, I definitely shed some tears of mixed emotions. And my Buster was sweet enough to sleep through the whole practice and my writing this comment. Thank you Adriene for providing support for all kinds of people in all kinds of situations!
Adriene, I have not done this video yet (but I'm very excited to!!). I just got done reading the newsletter for this video and your reasoning behind it. I want to say: thank you. Thank you for always growing, learning, seeking to find more of yourself, and always finding what feels good with us.
How can I have so many things to write on a "small" 20-min practice?! Thank you so much, this was filled with so many little spontaneous attentions and details and with so much love and kindness. I had my own Benji supporting me at the beginning of my practice which was very healing as she crawled up her head under my arms and licked my face on the first pose. And the random pillow hugging definitely made my day. Thank you so much for being such a beautiful soul, genuinely kind and loving, this pours out of every single video. And of course, you're still the best, unrivalled teacher I've found on the internet when it comes to guiding the movements, creating flows with amazing transitions and especially guiding the breathing along all of this. Every single video is a gem, thanks!
I really love this video because not only does it help with cramps, but it also helps with sleep, stress and relaxation. Combine this with the intro to yin video, and you’ll be relaxed for days lol. Thanks Adriene for this awesome video!
I have done this practice 3 times since yesterday. This period was bad and I am so thankful for this yoga practice and the relief it brings me Thank you Adriene!
It's Teachers' Day here in India today (5th September) - and given the journey you've taken me on in the last few months, encouraging me to show up on the mat everyday, this needs to be said - thank you, Adriene, and Happy Teachers' Day. You are one of the finest.
thank you for giving the heads up in description for what props are necessary! It's so nice to know what's needed ahead of time and not have to pause the video and scramble
I am a trans guy and thank you so much for this. People don't realize how much the "little" things help. I now can give myself some self care. its hard to find things like this that are inclusive to anyone who needs it. so happy I am subscribed. sending peace and love.
I want to thank you. Everytime i wake up with cramps that are already building up to a painful amount, i do this yoga session with you and that has helped to erease the pain to almost 0% every single time. I wish all the best to you and your dog forever 💛
Grateful for your videos as always -- I'm currently a week post-op from a full hysterectomy for dysphoria as a trans man and over a decade of severe endometriosis symptoms. This is such a nice, chill, supportive way to deal with the lingering pain as I heal and keep everything moving as I do so. Your videos have honestly been a lifesaver for me on many occasions. Also, my therapist loves your stuff, too.
thank you so so much, this may now be one of my favourite videos on youtube. the energy, the calmness and gentleness of each movement, and the serenity i could feel that distracted me from the pain has made my day so much better!! hope anyone who sees this comment found some of the relief they were looking for
I think it's rad that you refilmed this to be more inclusive. I did the old video many times, and I look forward to doing this video next time I need it. Lotsa love
I literally closed my eyes as i searched “menstrual yoga” and boom of course you have a video! I love you Adriene!!! So grateful for you and your videos 😫🥺🤍
This practice felt like pure luxury, amazing the power of just breathing. It reminded me how yoga helped me prepare for my labor last year. It is so helpful no matter where you are in life. Thank you Adriene!
You’ve done such a kind thing by changing the language, thank you! That’s the world I want to be in. So many bodies, so many different ways to be, all normal…
Totally got tears all over my yoga mat when you said Benji has your back! I was like aweeeeee i love you benji! This practice is SO wonderful you are amazing and captured the way I was feeling so perfectly
Thank you, Adriene! This really helped me this morning as I began having cramps, & I didn’t want to do any heavy exercising. I don’t do yoga often but your simple poses and soothing voice was really a blessing for me. I needed this. Thank you again.
Relate so bad, was up between 4-5 AM due to bad cramps. It’s a comforting thought to think that I’m not the only one (even though I truly wish nobody had to suffer through this 🤪)
I started this video not expecting to make it through the whole thing, but was delighted to realize I made it through to the end, closing my eyes and feeling good. Thank you for this gentle, loving practice!
I am so grateful for this! Adriene, I have done this video numerous times and it is so strange as I did it again last week and I noticed that you said ladies and goils and I also wondered if it might be more inclusive eventually to do a special introduction or something that is gender inclusive. I am just SO happy that the universe came together on this. You are amazing! I am an ally and want all of my friends and yogis to be able to experience this beautiful, helpful practice!
Thank you so much for not gendering anything here! It’s so nice to know that there’s a source of comfort during this painful and dysphoric time that doesn’t slap me in the face with “women” or “ladies”. Thank you!! 💕✨
Returning here again bc at the end of the practice, when I remember there hasn’t been any gendered language, I get overwhelmed with a wave of gratitude. You’re making a huge impact with something so simple and just…thank you.
Hello friends! As I meditate on the importance of being true to the best version of myself each day, I want to keep asking myself in what ways can I challenge (my) assumptions.
How about you?
Yoga With Adriene Haven’t watched the new video yet, but I read the email and really appreciated this respectful update to the language. Just finished my second pass through one of the 30 days series!
Struggling to stay mindful but not giving up on me. 🙏💗
By listening to someone who is wiser than ourselves
I’m trying to find the best of myself everyday since I started this journey with you and this community 3 years ago!
And I know you heard this million times but you did teach me a lot about myself and how strong I am and everyday when a roll the mat, I smile even though I don’t feel so good, but at the end of the practice the smile is real!
I loved the new version of this video! Is great to refresh and include everyone, times changes and I’m learning to adapt to the new version of this world! Namaste!
If the whole world is doing something, don't jump on the band wagon. That's all I will say about that. I would like to see the original video. But I realize in this "woke" world we live in, there are many barriers going up where there needn't be. I still love you.
I am fully codependent on this woman and not ashamed of it. I love her to death, and support her channel forever.
I love her too!!!
I totally agree with you! I can't watch any other yoga videos now. And this cramps and PMS one is a lifesaver!
Same she has helped me a lot this year already. I had a bad neck pain the first of this year and afterwards because of the neck pain could not sleep well so she has helped me out a lot
I didn't have a pillow, so when you said to give your pillow a hug, I hugged myself and I actually ended up crying. Between my grandma passing away last week, PMS, and missing my long-distance bf, a little self-love tonight was exactly what I needed.
My grandma also recently passed away and I also miss my bf 🥺 You’re not alone sister❤️ Be strong
You're incredibly strong Emily!! I'm proud of you!! Lots of love from Spain x
Sending you love today ❤️
What if we have a yoga bolster?
This is awesome! As a trans guy who still gets cramps, this makes me so happy :) Thank you Adrienne!!
Why do I have a secret wish to meet a trans guy in real life? Idk. I like meeting people though. When I was 4 I really wanted to meet an Irish person. It half way came true! My best friend is half Irish and she's gorgeous. I'm sure you are beautiful as your new gender! I'm a supporter but I don't want these things for myself. I love being nice. How am I so happy with such deadly cramps?
Same here!!! I'm so glad so see other trans guys in Adrienne's comments!
Im so happy to find another trans guy in the comments!😁
@@KainoPhoeno "I don't want these things for myself". Please research. It's not a choice. And it's not his "new gender". It was always his gender.
@@upsidedown1415 oh, okay! thanks for letting me know in a respectful way! im always glad to learn more about people. and im sure he is happy. i only said that because i feel comfortable as my current gender so im saying, although i am not trans, i still support him. and i understand him. thank you so much, ill try not to make that mistake again. i was i think 11 at the time of that comment.
sad to see comments discouraging your use of gender neutral pronouns. i for one am so happy that you used them! I, as a cis woman, welcome all here to complain about their periods with me! whether you be a trans man, nonbinary, prefer not to use labels, or a cis woman.. love and support to all of you!! let's stretch away these cramps together 💞
I, as a nonbinary person who gets periods, appreciate this so much! End cis-normative language!
Thank you! As a nonbinary person currently on a period, I really appreciate this!
look at all us nonbinary peeps! :D
totally! anyone who is upset needs to get up and grow up!
‘Benji has your back’ literally increased my mood by 100 points. That’s all I needed to know ❤️❤️❤️❤️ namaste everyone! Much love hope you’re all feeling better soon 😊🌸
Jess Nolan mine too haha❤️❤️
Jess Nolan he’s the best!!!
Today I started my period while on a walk. I was a little far from home when it happened and with COVID being a huge concern I didn’t want to stop and use a public restroom. When I finally got home I had the worst cramps. Shortly after I found out my card had been compromised - the day before a majority of my bills were set to go through a stranger had spent half of my money. I broke down into tears. The stress of the world situation and all these little things really had me in shambles today. So I came to you and I could not have been led to a more appropriate video. I needed this today, even more then usual. Thank you. Day 137!
I hope you’re doing okay now☺️
How do you always have such good timing?? Woke up with horrible cramps and then I saw this! You are heaven-sent ❤️
Omg same
Me too, she must be psychic!
Me too!
Haha same , omg😀❤
Oh wow, same!!!
Adriene: “Benji has your back”
Me: awww that’s nice
Me: 🥺 ok
Same. When I started getting emotional I was like.. what the heck? Hahaha great channel!
You gotta go with it, if there's anything pms and yoga have taught me that's it.
Right lol, that was so sweet
Kudos on making it that long before the waterworks started 😭
Hahaha so relatable
This practice just saved my night. I can actually go to sleep now. I was in tears from pain before this practice. The actual practice was not short of tears, either (cue tears when Benji lays in front of the camera), but the end was just a comfortable awareness. Thank you for sharing your time, energy, expertise, and dog with us, Adriene. I feel so seen and supported after this practice. Namaste.
The "and dog" cracked me up!
Thank you for that :)
Your comment is the reason I’m about to do this yoga. This is my first period since my Nexplanon is out and I’ve been up and down all night crying because of this horrible pain I’m in. I will literally do anything so I am getting out of bed right now. If this helps me even a little bit I just wanted to say thanks for putting this comment here.
@@sierraspeight8258 Hi i know this is late but did it help?
Thank you so much Adrienne for making this so it’s for all people who have periods. It may seem small to some folks but these kinds of details matter.
Absolutely. Learning and growing. x
All people don’t have periods and a uterus. Just women. Don’t let the non-scientific folk shame you Adrienne.
@@readyfuels17 She literally filmed this video again for it to be inclusive to everyone who experiences period, because not just women do
Sex is not gender (sex is biologic, gender is sociologic, so none of this is about being ''non-scientific''), there is a lot of content online if you want to learn more about that :)
@@lailabtn6989 No, only women have periods. To believe otherwise is to walk into 1984.
@@Emmareads15 I know I'm right because this is not about me having an opinion but it's about facts
So you can say no if you want, that won't change the fact that sex is not gender, so you can have female genitals and be a man
There's plenty of information on the internet if you're curious enough to go and educate yourself on that
Hi!!! I am barely 9 years old and I already had my period... Lately ive been having a lot of cramps and this video always helps me a lot... Thanks Adriene!
Hi Hun,
Also had my first period around 8-9 and I totally understand how shocking and painful this is. Regardless of your body, you are still allowed to be a child and i hope you have someone to talk about it.
Also, please see a gynecologist, just to make sure everything is going normal as it should. If the pain is very very extreme see a doctor, especially if you have it not just while your period and are collapsing.
It will unfortunately at the start take a while until your body gets a rhythm, so your period could be all over the place.
If you have already all of this information, just ignore my comment.
I'm so glad you're doing yoga to help combat it! Yoga is truly a form or self care
i hope your cramps are less painful now :’) i know mine didn’t start getting bad until 12ish 13ish but i’m about to be 15 and i’m finally exploring ways to cope and heal menstural pain rather just endure it!
aw that’s so cute, glad you love adriene!
My little sister started that young. I always encouraged her to just keep having fun and being a kid, and now that we both are adults, she told me how she valued that. If you are in the United States, the "typical American diet" is so unhealthy and sugar based, and it just wrecks havoc on our endocrine systems. I'm just recently realizing how our diet played into both mine and my sister's terrible cramps most of our lives. She used to black out!! Definitely see an Ob-gyn, and don't be afraid to keep looking for one until you find one you're comfortable with and who will help you. Even most adults don't bother shopping around until they find a doctor that will actually help them. So many want to just cover up symptoms instead of actually healing and curing our bodies.
Hey :) I’m a trans guy who has INTENSE (like enough to make me scream) periods and no one believes it’s as bad as it is, and it’s especially hard to advocate for myself and my pain since it all makes me so dysphoric and I just wanted to say thank you. This video is very helpful, and though it doesn’t get rid of the pain, it makes it bearable and makes my day more possible, and less dysphoric. Can’t thank you enough
If it doesn't make the pain go totally away, I can suggest you to try to look for hypnosis for cramps here in UA-cam. I know it sounds crazy, but it works when the pain is still there. You can give it a try. There is a video where the thumbnail shows a big full moon with a woman, that warks amazingly for me but you can try other videos too if that doesn't help. And if the pain is still there anyway, you can also try to take an anti inflammatory medicine (not pain killers, they don't work), because they tend to relax the muscles and that is exactly what causes the cramps. I hope this can help, wish you luck
@@Alinda1308 thank you so much, I will absolutely try that out
I can relate, my cramps are really bad too like close to passing out and I’m also throwing up occasionally, people don’t really get how bad it can be. The only thing that works for me is if I take painkillers early on, as soon as I start to feel even slightly that it hurts. That way I can prevent it from “escalating” to severe cramps. Sometimes it’s difficult though to know which day the worst cramps are coming, so I’m too late on the meds and yeah then I’m bed bound for a few hours. Anyway, sending hugs to you!!
vitamin b6 if you can
I'm not trans but I totally understand. I identify as a horse, and I get pain in my feet as horses get in their hooves. And this video helps with my anxiety. I'm gonna go find some hay.
Did i crawl to my yoga mat? Yes, i did. Did this practice make me feel better? Yes, it did.
Somehow this just turned into me following steps and sobbing on the floor for 20 minutes in a fuzzy blanket. This was my first session with you and it occurred to me there was more compassion in our voice over the internet then I experience on any given day. And the belly rubs also turned me in that this was the first compassionate and loving touch I've received in too long to remember. What a sad but somehow freeing realization that I can be the loving hug I need.
Namaste indeed
Very true. Though something I am beginning to learn is that while Adrien and all the other lovely yogis in this community may not be where we are physically, that doesn't mean we aren't thinking of one another constantly. There is a whole world of people out there who may have never met you but who wish nothing but the best for you regardless! Namaste friend 🌻🌅
Dear Adriene,
Reading your new Sunday love letter this morning, you brought me to happy tears with the conversation about why you chose to re-do this video. Thank you for seeing me and so many others. Little things like this can change lives, and my heart feels so full today thanks to you
Your reasons for re-doing this video are wonderful. I commend you for this from the bottom of my heart.
"Learn to trust your struggle" man, this was so important for me to hear. I'm currently in the process of being investigated for potential endometriosis, and the biggest struggle for me is wondering "am I just making this up? is it really as bad as I think it is?" but I must learn to trust my struggle and what I know I have been through. Thank you, Adriene x
me too, you're not! (making it up)
Oh my god, this has been me too. Wondering if all the pain was in my head for all these years. But I got a diagnosis literally 2 days ago and cried for all those times of unexplained suffering. Sending you all the luck in your struggle
@@rheamalik7478 and to you, I’m so happy you finally got the answers you need 🙏 the very best of luck!!
As the mother of a trans son, it's hard to express with words how wonderful and meaningful this inclusivity is. Thank you for this and for all that you do!
When you said "blanket yourself" I acctualy did took the blanket and wrap it around me, than I realised its not what you ment :D but it felt nice anyways :) thank you for this routine, it was really helpful today :)
ha ha me too!
I love this redo. I love the thought and intention put into it. And I especially love that I can share this one with a dear friend of mine without causing them discomfort.
I have endometriosis and this video is one of the few things that has helped with my chronic (and excruciating) pain. Thank you, Adriene. Your classes have had a positive impact on my life.
I have it as well, I was literally crying because it’s so much pain. Took a medication and did the first ten minutes and felt better. Thank you so much Adrienne ✨💛
Fellow endo warrior here, you got this ❤👊🙏
I have ONE day during my period when I feel a lot of pain, and this video arrives exactly at the right day. How lucky is that! I'm gonna embrace this time so much! :D
As a non-binary person who menstruates I cannot emphasis how incredible it feels to be included. Thank you. You are THE BEST
Same! I kind of went in expecting pretty gendered language, and it was lovely to be proven wrong.
Me too!!
This!! It's been so hard to feel comfortable confronting self care while menstruating because of gendered language + gendered affirmations but this was so loving
@@Snowbird5779 has Adriene said anything about that in the video?
This week's email about this video legit made me cry. Adriene, god bless. Your kindness and grace seem inexhaustible. This channel has been with me throughout my whole gender transition, teaching me to make contact with my body in a loving, accepting way at least once a day when I'm on the mat. I am growing into self-love. Not sure I could have done it without you!
Love you, Lou! So glad you are here in this community and a part of this journey. xx
like - seriously I've been layed in my bed the past 4 hours almost crying bc the pain killers didn't killed my pain and now a 21:00 video frkng taked all my pain away like- I'm sending this to literally every women I know
Logically, I know that it's the law of probability or whatever, but - as others have pointed out - Adriene's timing is always spot on! 😁
Uchenna Ngwe same here same!
Thank you so much for this video!!!
I just got my period again after months of not having it and as a trans guy it really kicked the dysphoria into high gear. It was so wonderful to be able to have a video where I didn’t feel like an outsider in my own body 😊
Came here to write exactly that!
I just told my boyfriend that I wish yoga with Adriene had a video for PMS. Seriously like 2 hours ago..! I turn on my UA-cam and see this. I swear somehow you always know what I need. It trips me out! Thank you so so much!! 🙏💙🙏
Fell asleep at the end 😌😅 love this video!
Thank you for re-doing this video! It feels so much better now :) and you do deserve a nobel prize! Let it be known. Adriene deserves a nobel prize!
Can you make a yoga video for controlling emotions, like if you're hyper ventilating from anxiety, or trying to stop crying, or control outward anger
Check out Marisa Peer. She's the best therapist out there, her videos have helped me so much in a lot of areas in my life. I'd also check out breath work, especially if you're hyperventilating. Hope this helps x
@@kirstymacfarlane1620 hi do you know if this video is only for PMS or can it be done during your period too?
@@upsidedown1415 you can do it at any time of the month. Yoga can be practiced when, where and how you like! That's the beauty of it, I would practice it the week before your period or until it starts and then for the first two or three days when you've got cramps. Like I said though it's a nice practice to do whenever you feel like it. Hope this helps xx
I saved one of her videos that is Yoga for Anxiety.
Benjie totally cracks me up! I love it when he “stars” in these videos - he always brings a smile to my face!
Love being a woman and all that my body and period have brought to me and taught me but goodness sometimes the pain is truly breathtaking. I hope all who are here reading this find some relief 💜
Adriene deserves a Nobel (peace) prize! ❤ ❤ ❤
I open this video once a month and it always helps ❤️
Thank you Adriane & Benji ❤️
Yes, I keep coming back to this healing session too!:)
Me too!! Thank you Adriene & Benji🥰
@@iot577 it’s that time 😂
@@nouraghaith5122 😁🙄🥴
Thank you so so so much for including everyone with period pain ❤️ Will try this one tomorrow morning!
i started crying when you started talking about support, and feeling supported by you and by benji and everyone practicing this with me. i'm going through a tough time right now, but taking this time to do this for myself and my body really helped me accept those feelings and know that everything will get better with time. thank you, much love :)
I have PCOS and have had intense period pains since age 10 to 38. I wish just one teacher, parent or carer had shown me how to self care using yoga. It's changed my life and allowed me to continue working. Her instruction to claw at the mat has been an epiphany for me in terms of monthly healing and pain reduction. It's also amazing for getting out your anger and frustration!
Thank you for redoing this video and not only reflect on it yourself but help the community as well, re-evaluate. Love you and your work for this ❤️🙏🏻
All us transgender men are really freaking loving this Adrienne!!!
and us afab nonbinary people too!
Oh my God!! My body sincerely thanked me for doing this once I was done doing it. Belly cramps were close to getting the best of me. I've said it countless times before and I'll say it again, Adriene is a lifesaver, one that always has our backs when we have no one else to open up to. Thank you, Adriene for putting a smile on my face once again, loved the vibe of the practice too. Much love. Namaste.
Benji makes everything a thousand times better. I do yoga with my cat pottering about, having a pet around when you're trying to relax really helps!
This might be the most cozy, calming practice i've ever done. I did this with cramps so bad i could barely breathe, this helped my body and mind feel secure. love it.
This made me tear up when you said to hug the pillow. Those little moments in these videos really do make a difference. Thank you for everything you do.
I haven't had my period in a long time due to a rough time with anxiety, but this practice helped me to be with myself and my feelings and thoughts, and find some peace. Thank you Adriene
thanks Adriene. going through a difficult miscarriage process, this helps.
it's sad that miscarriage is such a ''tabu'' and silent pain that not so few of us go through. may naming and embracing it, as for all which its deep and painful, be more frequent - so that healing can be embraced. death and life as this eternal dance, in and out, on all our daily practices. thanks
I am so sorry for your loss... i hope this video made you feel a bit better. Sending you a virtual hug :)
Beautifully said. Sending you massive love and strength, Isabel. xx
Deeply sorry for your loss. Lots of love to you...
Isabel, I went through a miscarriage years ago and sometimes it feels like yesterday. Sending you much love.
So I actually said 'Omg I love you' out loud when I moved into cat/cow pose. This was so great, loved hugging my pillow. Thank you!
Highly recommend a warmed up rice pillow to use during this practice. This was soooo nice! Thank you Adrienne 😊 🙏❤
So much respect. So much love to you for redoing this video for the reasons you’ve redone it. Mad props my friend.
Was very concerned about being misgendered by this video but my worries were unfounded! Thank you Adriene for providing a video that made me feel better physically and emotionally!
Thank you Adriene! I actually followed the original practise recently and I completely support your decision to remake it. I really enjoyed the video back then and had also noticed how you said some well-meant things you wouldn't say today. I truly admire you for always paying attention to those around you and finding ways to make them feel loved. Thank you Adriene.
Thank you! 20 min went like 5, and I feel better now. Definitely more peaceful!
Reading your newsletter about why you redid this video made me feel so welcomed and acknowledged ❤️ And what a great practice- I've been in bed all day due to cramps, and I feel infinitely better now. Thank you for all that you do!
This is my life saver every time I have my period for 4 years, I always pray for you for this. ❤
Thank you so much for the remake. Feels good to be seen and included.
I got my period today, and let me tell you, this practice with the pillows made me feel like a pampered little girl hugging a teddy bear. I can’t ask for anything else 🥺
Thank you, Adriene & Benji!
Yes to what others have said-thank you so much for making this for all folks. Your letter and this practice felt loving and inspiring.
I turn to this practice every month to help with pain relief and feel a little held. Thank you, Adriene!❤
I’m having my first cycle after giving birth, it’s very physically and emotionally different, and I knew this channel would have a perfect practice. Before pregnancy I’d always had a negative relationship with my belly, and now I feel gratitude toward that spot where my baby grew. During the part where I rubbed circles around it and let feelings come up, I definitely shed some tears of mixed emotions. And my Buster was sweet enough to sleep through the whole practice and my writing this comment. Thank you Adriene for providing support for all kinds of people in all kinds of situations!
Why is this so emotionally healing as well as physically healing? Adriene really does it all
I have not done this video yet (but I'm very excited to!!). I just got done reading the newsletter for this video and your reasoning behind it. I want to say: thank you.
Thank you for always growing, learning, seeking to find more of yourself, and always finding what feels good with us.
Why did that pillow hug feel so darn good? I'm looking forward to doing this practice every month!
I find myself here every month, and every month I'm so happy to have Adriene's support getting through my horrible PMS. Thank you so much, Adriene❤
How can I have so many things to write on a "small" 20-min practice?! Thank you so much, this was filled with so many little spontaneous attentions and details and with so much love and kindness. I had my own Benji supporting me at the beginning of my practice which was very healing as she crawled up her head under my arms and licked my face on the first pose. And the random pillow hugging definitely made my day. Thank you so much for being such a beautiful soul, genuinely kind and loving, this pours out of every single video. And of course, you're still the best, unrivalled teacher I've found on the internet when it comes to guiding the movements, creating flows with amazing transitions and especially guiding the breathing along all of this. Every single video is a gem, thanks!
I really love this video because not only does it help with cramps, but it also helps with sleep, stress and relaxation. Combine this with the intro to yin video, and you’ll be relaxed for days lol. Thanks Adriene for this awesome video!
I have done this practice 3 times since yesterday. This period was bad and I am so thankful for this yoga practice and the relief it brings me
Thank you Adriene!
It's Teachers' Day here in India today (5th September) - and given the journey you've taken me on in the last few months, encouraging me to show up on the mat everyday, this needs to be said - thank you, Adriene, and Happy Teachers' Day. You are one of the finest.
You are a saviour Adrienne!! I love you!! I mean the way you engage & teach.. it keeps me motivated to keep going.
This came a week late on my end but that’s not gonna stop me hehe love these relaxed classes 🌿🌺❤️ Thank you
thank you for giving the heads up in description for what props are necessary! It's so nice to know what's needed ahead of time and not have to pause the video and scramble
This was amazing.. i had tears in my eyes the whole time. This was so gentle, so sweet for the body and the soul.. thank you Adriene!
this was great! the stomach massage at the end especially! thank you God for my body. thanks Adriene and Benji for this loving practice!
“A little self care goes a long way...” 💗 Absolutely true! ☺️ Thank you so much Adriene and namaste 🙏🏻✨
Thank you for this video, Adriene and Benji! And thank you for the reminder to be kinder to ourselves. :-)
I am a trans guy and thank you so much for this. People don't realize how much the "little" things help. I now can give myself some self care. its hard to find things like this that are inclusive to anyone who needs it. so happy I am subscribed. sending peace and love.
I want to thank you. Everytime i wake up with cramps that are already building up to a painful amount, i do this yoga session with you and that has helped to erease the pain to almost 0% every single time. I wish all the best to you and your dog forever 💛
Grateful for your videos as always -- I'm currently a week post-op from a full hysterectomy for dysphoria as a trans man and over a decade of severe endometriosis symptoms. This is such a nice, chill, supportive way to deal with the lingering pain as I heal and keep everything moving as I do so. Your videos have honestly been a lifesaver for me on many occasions. Also, my therapist loves your stuff, too.
It couldn't have been better! Thank you so much, and Benji too! 💫❤
these 20 minutes went by so fast, this was really relaxing ❤️❤️
thank you so so much, this may now be one of my favourite videos on youtube. the energy, the calmness and gentleness of each movement, and the serenity i could feel that distracted me from the pain has made my day so much better!! hope anyone who sees this comment found some of the relief they were looking for
I think it's rad that you refilmed this to be more inclusive. I did the old video many times, and I look forward to doing this video next time I need it. Lotsa love
I was almost throwing up with so much pain. I feel better. Thank you, Adrianne.
I literally closed my eyes as i searched “menstrual yoga” and boom of course you have a video! I love you Adriene!!! So grateful for you and your videos 😫🥺🤍
This practice felt like pure luxury, amazing the power of just breathing. It reminded me how yoga helped me prepare for my labor last year. It is so helpful no matter where you are in life. Thank you Adriene!
This felt amazing. I thought 21 min seemed a lil long but I actually wish it went longer. Yummy indeed! Thank you Adriene
You’ve done such a kind thing by changing the language, thank you! That’s the world I want to be in. So many bodies, so many different ways to be, all normal…
if we were all as welcoming, open-minded, zen and nice as adriene, the world would be a better place
Totally got tears all over my yoga mat when you said Benji has your back! I was like aweeeeee i love you benji! This practice is SO wonderful you are amazing and captured the way I was feeling so perfectly
Thank you, Adriene! This really helped me this morning as I began having cramps, & I didn’t want to do any heavy exercising. I don’t do yoga often but your simple poses and soothing voice was really a blessing for me. I needed this. Thank you again.
Benji gave me so much joy during this session, the little feet across the floor was the best 😍
This has eased the brutally painful cramps that I am having today. Thanks.
Same with me today. I have extremely bad pelvic cramps today is a bad day pain wise but this helped me so much.
I should have done this practice at 4.00 o'clock this morning. Thank you xx
Relate so bad, was up between 4-5 AM due to bad cramps. It’s a comforting thought to think that I’m not the only one (even though I truly wish nobody had to suffer through this 🤪)
Oh, this is so yummy session for when I am sore after my first day of menstruation. This is what I needed right now. Thank you.
when you said to hug the pillow for some self-love, my heart went🥺💛 bc I really needed a hug through the pain
This was such a nice yoga session. It made me emotional, I cried because it felt so good! Thank you!
I started this video not expecting to make it through the whole thing, but was delighted to realize I made it through to the end, closing my eyes and feeling good. Thank you for this gentle, loving practice!
I am so grateful for this! Adriene, I have done this video numerous times and it is so strange as I did it again last week and I noticed that you said ladies and goils and I also wondered if it might be more inclusive eventually to do a special introduction or something that is gender inclusive. I am just SO happy that the universe came together on this. You are amazing! I am an ally and want all of my friends and yogis to be able to experience this beautiful, helpful practice!
Thank you so much for not gendering anything here! It’s so nice to know that there’s a source of comfort during this painful and dysphoric time that doesn’t slap me in the face with “women” or “ladies”. Thank you!! 💕✨
Returning here again bc at the end of the practice, when I remember there hasn’t been any gendered language, I get overwhelmed with a wave of gratitude. You’re making a huge impact with something so simple and just…thank you.
I think it's so lovely you remade this to include all genders