Phil IVEY Makes The PERFECT Read! [Hustler Casino Live]

  • Опубліковано 25 лис 2022
  • There is a reason why Phil Ivey is considered to be the greatest poker player of all time! This weekly poker hand shows exactly why!
    In this poker hand Phil Ivey battles a regular of the Hustler Casino Live stream - Andy Stacks. Andy in his own right is a fantastic poker player but he openly admitted on this stream that he was a big Phil Ivey fanboy and couldn’t wait to play a hand against him! Well he managed to get his wish but I imagine he was hoping to make some more money from him after he turns a flush.
    The hand starts with a 3-bet from Ivey preflop with AKo and Andy decides to defend his open with K9s. The flop goes check/check and on the turn when Andy turns the flush he makes an overbet. Fortunately for Andy, Ivey has now made top pair. Can Ivey sniff out this value bet from Andy and find a way to fold an extremely strong poker hand?
    This particular poker stream had some of the most talked about characters in the poker industry right now including Robbi Jade Lew & Garrett Adelstein. This poker hand happened just before the hand that everyone has been talking about!
    This hand analysis was part of my Weekly Poker Hand series. I have been covering a poker hand every week for over 8 years!
    You can find all of the hands I have covered in this playlist:
    • Weekly Poker Hand
    #philivey #hustlercasinolive #pokerstrategy
  • Розваги


  • @PokerCoaching
    @PokerCoaching  Рік тому +4

    What would YOU do on the turn with A♦ K♣?
    Your Stack (UTG): $466,000
    Their Stack (3B): $760,000
    Pot: $18,700
    Board: T♦ 6♠ 4♠ A♠
    3B (3rd Blind) bets $28,000
    A) Fold
    B) Call
    C) Raise … ?

    • @MrSitemaster2
      @MrSitemaster2 Рік тому +3

      Call - See what Andy does next.

    • @jackolini
      @jackolini Рік тому +3

      Tough spot. The problem with calling is you are going to have to put in like $80K on the river to see if Andy is bluffing because you aren't beating any of his value hands. I think the worst value hand Andy can have is AT, which gives you exactly 3 outs. I guess he could have AJ/AQ but I don't think he's blasting those hands. So, you are pretty much dead to his value hands, I think it's a fold on the turn.
      Andy played his hand bad IMO. He bets something reasonable he probably gets two streets of value.

    • @Fish-rm6nl
      @Fish-rm6nl Рік тому


    • @brandonhopkins5830
      @brandonhopkins5830 Рік тому

      fold for sure

    • @steelpenpirate
      @steelpenpirate Рік тому

      Uncomfortably calling the turn. Probably folding to a big river bet.

  • @michaelmorgenroth6596
    @michaelmorgenroth6596 Рік тому +20

    I love Phil's stare downs.. he is a goat for sure.. even after folding he eyed Andy trying to get a read. Scary guy to have at your table

  • @jaredcarrick3468
    @jaredcarrick3468 Рік тому +18

    Interesting spot. Andy is the type of player who will have bluffs/semi bluffs in his range with the right blocker here. He also may be making this overbet with hands like sets or even top 2, as he is a good enough player to know that Phil won’t likely be checking back strong flush draws on the flop IP, so Andy probably wasn’t as worried about Phil having a flush if he did have a hand like trips or 2 pair, so I could see him still using an overbet to target AK, AQ and for protection against high equity draws on that turn. Given the fact that a player like Andy is very capable of having semi bluffs here, it’s tempting to want to call with the AK to see what the river looks like IP. The problem with that is if you call the overbet on the turn and a clean looking river rolls off for the AK, you’re in an even grosser spot than you were on the turn if Andy barrels again. This is what makes the fold on the turn the right play. He will be folding the winner a certain percent of the time against a player as skilled as Andy, but the rest of the time he is going to be pretty much drawing dead going to the river.

    • @hehexd4557
      @hehexd4557 Рік тому

      Imagine explaining this to someone who doesn’t play poker

  • @tenningale
    @tenningale Рік тому +4

    I like how Phil messed with his chips to check if Andy's eyes dart over, like he's excited to see the bet. Good way to extract info.

  • @kineahora8736
    @kineahora8736 Рік тому +15

    I guess Robbi couldn’t play the hand because it was J5o-she only plays J4o and J3o.🤣🤣

    • @JDL1115
      @JDL1115 Рік тому

      Becoz Gman wasn’t in play😂

  • @ScratchaholicsYT
    @ScratchaholicsYT Рік тому +1

    Little throwing that shade on the J5 XD XD XD

  • @MyPisceanNature
    @MyPisceanNature Рік тому +2

    Played a hand with AK of diamonds, I had 3 bet, and the initial raiser jammed for 100 BBs from UTG+1. It was only the second hand since he sat down, but I took several minutes and folded. I felt a lot better about it when the guy didn't play another hand for more than an hour lol.

  • @bartsupino813
    @bartsupino813 Рік тому +5

    I guess J-5 off is way to good a hand to play

  • @justsomerandomperson987
    @justsomerandomperson987 Рік тому +2

    Hi Jonathan. I really enjoy the vids. TY. What online poker sites are legit for California residents?

  • @jonshaw4344
    @jonshaw4344 Рік тому +3

    Ivey was uncomfortable folding and was still trying to get a read after the hand was finished .some you win some you lose

  • @EfficientRVer
    @EfficientRVer Рік тому +2

    I'm older and tighter than Ivey, so people donk bet into me on all sorts of scare cards. Hence I'd at least have to call, but more likely I'd do the Robbi and minraise, or 2.5x-3x it. So, I guess my actual action would be making it 70K give or take. Then nobody in their right mind can 3-bet (or call and stop/start lead the river) without the nuts or at least the nut blocker.
    It's much harder to say what I'd do if I had Ivey's table image and history. Against someone really trying to play +EV against me, folding becomes a possibility. Against someone looking to have a story of bluffing me out, I'd call and hope the river isn't a 4th spade.

  • @androiyd3233
    @androiyd3233 Рік тому +2

    yeah we could see the cards... but the overbet on the turn screams nut protection ...

    • @jaredcarrick3468
      @jaredcarrick3468 Рік тому +1

      It screams a polarized range, like the nuts/effective nuts (nut flush, 2nd nut flush), trip 10s or 6s, A10 or nothing but a high equity draw. Andy would open with said hands then flat Ivey’s button 3bet. Andy also knows that if Phil had the front door flush draw with 2 overs and a backdoor str8 draw on that flop, he would have cbet the flop at nearly a 100% frequency rather than checking back. With this said, Andy would use that overbet sizing with hands like trips or top 2 pair on the turn not really worried that much about Phil having the flush once the A of spades hit the turn, so he would be protecting what would be downgraded to a strong second best but not value hand (like trips or top 2 pair on that turn) from Phil’s potential high equity draws at that point like KQ off with the K or Q of spades to go with the broadway gutter. Phil also could have very easily paired the A with a good kicker which is what Andy was actually looking to get value from knowing he had the nut flush. Given the fact that Andy did turn the stone nuts though meant his hand didn’t really need any protection from Phil’s range, as Phil would have also cbet the flop at nearly a 100% frequency with a hand like pocket 10s for trips or pocket aces for the overpair on the flop (which made trips on the turn) with a small sizing. Phil’s check back on the flop really capped his range. Andy didn’t have to really worry about Phil drawing to boats with the line he took, so Andy was basically targeting hands like a non-believing AK or AQ given the fact that he had the nut flush. The problem was he went too big with his sizing and lost Phil. Betting on Phil Ivey to make that kind of mistake is like betting on the Powerball lottery. If Andy would have gone with like 66%-85% pot sizing on the turn, Phil may have been more enticed to call with the A and then Andy could have got another street of value on the river.

  • @mrhumble2937
    @mrhumble2937 Рік тому +2

    I'm calling.

    • @swooopg
      @swooopg Рік тому

      Same, Andy is definitely capable of representing the flush with a bluff and top/top is good enough

  • @DarraDarr47
    @DarraDarr47 Рік тому +9

    Andy revealed the strength of his hand and gave Ivey the easy fold imo.

  • @ronaldchristian1960
    @ronaldchristian1960 Рік тому +1

    My man Phil. 🎉

  • @culu37
    @culu37 Рік тому +1

    Why isn’t AQs or AQo mentioned as possible hand for Andy in this spot? Honestly curious

    • @jaredcarrick3468
      @jaredcarrick3468 Рік тому

      Because solvers say you don’t just flat a button 3bet with AQ OOP pre. It’s 4 bet or fold, however fold is usually the better option as all you can really hope for is one of the only Ax combos in Phil’s 3 bet range worse than AQ or a pocket pair smaller than queens, and you’re only ahead in one of the scenarios while flipping in the other, and you’re OOP. You would rather fold out the bottom of Phil’s button 3 bet range and just take the money pre, as you will have to play pretty cautiously post flop if Phil flats the 4 bet, even if you pair your A or Q given the ranges. However the most common line from the button 3 bettor preflop when faced with an OOP 4 bet is to jam or fold, so the plus EV play for AQ in Andy’s situation pre this hand would have been to 4 bet or fold. Most people give Andy enough credit to exclude AQ from Andy’s range given his line this hand.

    • @jaredcarrick3468
      @jaredcarrick3468 Рік тому

      I should add that the tougher the player you are facing, the wider their perceived button 3 bet range should be, so against a player like Phil, a 4 bet OOP pre with AQ would have induced a lot of folds. If Phil 5 bets or jams, then it’s an easy fold with AQ because he’s not doing that with the bottom of his button 3 bet range against an OOP 4 bet.

    • @culu37
      @culu37 Рік тому +1

      @@jaredcarrick3468 disagree bro. I’ll try and keep it brief, but I looked at a 100bb high rake and low rake solution.
      High rake - solver has LJ-CO pure calling AQs vs BTN 3! And at less than 10% frequency calls AQo HJvs BTN 3!
      Low rake - AQs is still a pure call from LJ-CO and AQo is mixing.
      Obviously they’re playing nosebleed stakes where rake is essentially non existent so Andy can flat even more than my low rake solution suggests.
      That being said they’re 200bb+ deep with straddles and antes, so idt sims are even really too applicable here but even if they were your assumption is just wrong. Just looking at it I’d assume Andy will have more AQ rather than less due to being deep and the improved pot odds he’s being given by the ante.
      I think Phil is beating some value here, I don’t like the fold

    • @jaredcarrick3468
      @jaredcarrick3468 Рік тому

      @@culu37 I suppose it depends what solvers you are looking at. Given the stakes and stack depths relating to this hand though, I agree that it’s hard to find sims that are applicable to this spot. That said, Andy is also never using an overbet sizing with just a one pair hand on the turn like that. What would he be accomplishing by doing so? He’s only getting called by better than AQ with a 1.5x sizing and folding out everything worse, including any over pairs to the flop that would have added the flush draw on the turn (which weren’t in Phil’s range given the fact he didn’t cbet the flop). The overbet is clearly targeting big aces, which is obvious was Phil’s most likely holding at this point in the hand with how capped his range was checking back that flop IP. The other most likely hands in Phil’s range given his line would have been high equity (broadway plus flush draws on the turn) draws, so if Andy were to have trips or top 2 pair, it would have also made sense for him to possibly use an overbet sizing to charge the draw while potentially getting value from AK or AQ. Regardless, Andy is too good of a player to have led with an overbet on that turn with just AQ.

    • @culu37
      @culu37 Рік тому

      @@jaredcarrick3468 it depends on the parameters you give the solve when you run the sims not what solver you use loll..
      Phil has TT,JJ,QQ,KK,A2s-A5s, maybe A6s-A9s if he’s 3betting at a higher clip then he maybe should be, a bunch of one spade hands, you’re talking about Andy being to good to bet this but apparently according to you he never has bluffs and is terrified of using a big size to get thin value…? Lolll
      You say Phil never checks back overpairs, seriously? You think that? It’s usually good to avoid saying never or always, he may not check back overpairs a lot but some of the time he will

    @CFSAGEVIP Рік тому +1

    I mean I could sit and wonder what I would do in Ivey's spot... but I'd rather wonder what Andy should have done. He rushed out there as soon as he hit the best hand and made a massive bet. A couple more seconds, and a smaller bet could have made this another story altogether. A bet like 12-15k or less gets Phil to call I think, or maybe even raise 🥵 I hope Andy rewatches this and thinks along those lines, instead of me trying to pretend I'm Phil Ivey lol

  • @EricSmyth4Christ
    @EricSmyth4Christ Рік тому +1


  • @hdnt2004
    @hdnt2004 Рік тому +1

    Fold, after turn, A/K with no spade is a bluff catcher, marginal at best. If villain is a super maniac, may call to see what river brings, but will be expecting them to bet 100% of range on the river no matter what it is.

  • @09Germ
    @09Germ Рік тому +1

    Ivey hand will most likely carry the ace and being bet big out of position like that seems strong so a fold seems reasonable, I felt like he should have check back and see what Ivey would have done.

  • @marceloflores6505
    @marceloflores6505 Рік тому +1

    It seems like the overbet made it easier for Ivey. If Andy had bet pot or less, Ivey most likely woudl've called and seen the river.

  • @laartwork
    @laartwork Рік тому

    That type of soul read isn't fair. Also Andy read that Ivey had something exactly like AK or AQ to make the over bet.

  • @AlessandroOrlandi83
    @AlessandroOrlandi83 8 місяців тому

    yeah the looks of Ivey are scary! 😅 Wouldn't like to be at his table.

  • @brad9284
    @brad9284 Рік тому +14

    Ivey is probably the only person on the planet to confidently fold in that spot

    • @paulg6274
      @paulg6274 Рік тому +1

      Its not as amazing as you think. Andy has only one bluff combo really--just KcQx and phil knows andy is not bad enough to overplay a weaker ace

  • @paulpena5040
    @paulpena5040 Рік тому +1

    Great fold by Ivey! It does make total sense though because, honestly, how often is Andy bluffing here? That turn A smashes the preflop 3 bettor's range. Do you really want to bluff somebody who will find it extremely hard to fold? LOL.

  • @The_Afghan
    @The_Afghan Рік тому +3

    I will fold here, even if Andy could have a draw here something like AxQs. He could also have KsJs, KsQs, KsTs,JsTs. Andy has here more flsuhes then Ivey does and this combined with big overbet and probably another big bet on the river. I would diffinately fold thinking that Andy might be targeting the ace, because Ivey has way more aces here then Andy does

  • @shonuff8848
    @shonuff8848 Рік тому +1

    That’s why he’s the best. I would have lost a lot of money on that hand… 😂

  • @channelfortheeveryman3139
    @channelfortheeveryman3139 Рік тому +4

    He put in a very large bet almost immediately after the turn came down. That’s a pretty good tell.

    • @isaacjfung
      @isaacjfung Рік тому +2

      Not a good tell against Andy. He’s capable of doing that with just bluffs and draws

    • @conorm2524
      @conorm2524 Рік тому +1

      I've seen him make those moves with bluffs before on this stream. He overbet to make it look bluffy. Phil is something else!

  • @TheMarceloSilva
    @TheMarceloSilva Рік тому +1


  • @dexteraip
    @dexteraip Рік тому +2

    soul read

  • @Goochy129
    @Goochy129 Рік тому +1

    crazy turn donk....

  • @moneymikz
    @moneymikz Рік тому

    Has Garrett retired from Poker I haven’t seen him play a hand since Jack 4??

    • @seslocrit9365
      @seslocrit9365 Рік тому

      No, he and Robbi can't play unless the investigation is over. I don't know the status of that, though.5

    • @Oscar_AH
      @Oscar_AH Рік тому

      He said he is not going to play for now. We’ll have to wait

  • @sluggy6074
    @sluggy6074 Рік тому +1

    This is why I'm always just gonna be a chump

  • @erictomlin
    @erictomlin Рік тому +1

    Maybe it's just because I'm a nit, but I don't think folding top top in this scenario is all that much of a "perfect read". Andy calls your 3-bet, so he should have something reasonably strong to begin with...checks the turn, then blasts it when the 3rd spade hits the board - and it's the Ace of spades. My first thought would be that he has hit his flush...and since he called your pre-flop re-raise, that it is likely Kx or maybe Qx of spades. But I could even see Andy overbetting with any combo of spades that made a flush.

  • @jayp3517
    @jayp3517 Рік тому

    that's another level right there, I think most call at least flop even though it's an overbite

  • @MrSitemaster2
    @MrSitemaster2 Рік тому +1

    Call - See what Andy does next.

  • @psychiatry-is-eugenics
    @psychiatry-is-eugenics Рік тому

    What would i do ? i would lose

  • @TheBlueDude71
    @TheBlueDude71 Рік тому +1

    I would Call

  • @webguy943
    @webguy943 Рік тому +2

    Really bad sizing from Andy over bet looked way to sus. He has K flush, what is he putting Ivey on? Unlikely overpair cuz Ivey checked the flop. Either under pair or Ax, AQ spades at best. Andy should be betting 1/2- 3/4 pot here. ivey will call then blast pot or slight over pot on river for fake bluff.

  • @sd48
    @sd48 Рік тому +1

    I don't like calling here. What do you do if it bricks off and the guy bets 70? Call? LOL.

  • @teacher_bryan_japan
    @teacher_bryan_japan Рік тому +1

    Call 🤙

  • @pankfish
    @pankfish Рік тому +2

    The 1.5X donk bet after turning a flush is so bad. He guaranteed himself to receive absolutely no value. I mean he couldn't even get 1 street from tptk.

    • @conorm2524
      @conorm2524 Рік тому

      I think he tried to make it look like a bluff.

    • @jaredcarrick3468
      @jaredcarrick3468 Рік тому

      @@conorm2524 doesn’t work against really good players unless it’s a cooler situation

  • @ThatRLpoloOutlier
    @ThatRLpoloOutlier Рік тому +1

    I would have called and lost a lot 😢

  • @Hammer.J.Helmer
    @Hammer.J.Helmer Рік тому


  • @kineahora8736
    @kineahora8736 Рік тому +1

    In Ivey’s spot? CALL. And see what happens on river.

    • @jaredcarrick3468
      @jaredcarrick3468 Рік тому

      The problem with calling such a polarized sizing with only one pair on the turn means best case scenario you are only about a 2-1 favorite, otherwise you are drawing dead going to the river. Plus you have to think ahead about what your best course of action is if a safe looking river comes for your top pair. If Phil calls and a safe looking river comes for his AK but Andy blasts again, it may still be a fold if he isn’t getting the right price unless he has some sort of a read/tell and feels like making a sick hero call. If Phil calls the turn and a safe looking river for his AK rolls off and Andy checks, you probably don’t want to be going for thin value when there’s a good chance at that point your AK is good but you really don’t want to get blown off the pot against a check raise jam. So basically Phil would be calling hoping to see a clean river and hoping Andy checks so they can check down the river and he can win at showdown. Any other scenario and Phil punted the extra $28k calling the overbet on the turn because he simply won’t be able to call the river unless given the right odds…. which won’t be likely if Andy is overbetting the turn OOP. This is a spot where Andy is either going to have the flush, trip 10s, maybe trip 6s, or maybe even A10. Andy is a good enough player to still overbet sets and top 2 on that turn despite it bringing in the front door flush because he knows a player as good as Phil is pretty much never checking back 2 overs and a strong flush draw on that flop IP, so if Andy were to have sets or top 2, he wouldn’t be that worried about Phil having the flush on the turn and would want to target AK or AQ for value and for protection against high equity draws. So like I said, this is a spot where Phil is all but drawing dead on the turn or is only about a 2-1 favorite against a high equity draw, and even if a clean river rolls off, there’s not a good strategical play to get any more value out of Andy’s busted draws that wouldn’t potentially require Phil to make a sick hero call with just top pair. The fold on the turn was simply the right play at their stack depths given the sizing Andy used. Yes, the AK will be a 2-1 favorite a certain percent of the time in this spot against a player as skilled as Andy who has semi bluffs in his range in this spot, but the rest of the time the AK will be drawing dead here, and there was little money in the pot in relation to Phil’s effective stack size. It’s not a bad thing to sometimes be willing to fold what may be the best hand when strategically you’re going to be in a bad spot on future streets. Optimal plays aren’t results oriented.

    • @jaredcarrick3468
      @jaredcarrick3468 Рік тому

      As a rule of thumb, the more frequently you are making optimal plays, the more frequently you will be in spots where you have relatively easy decisions. The more frequently you make mistakes, the more frequently you are going to find yourself in really tough spots.

  • @AC-wl7ve
    @AC-wl7ve Рік тому +1

    the bet is just too big. no point in calling 1.5 pot when you could be completely dead to so many hands already.

  • @nattywit2208
    @nattywit2208 Рік тому +1

    raise to 77k

  • @cocoman00
    @cocoman00 Рік тому +1

    This fold is annoying, but easy. He didn't even hesitate to put money in the pot. With the preflop action he has to think Ivey has a strong hand.

  • @nomilknosugar4900
    @nomilknosugar4900 Рік тому +2

    Easy call.
    More interesting is whether holding the Ks makes the river an easier or harder call. Like you say, pretty much every bluff using this sizing has Ks or Qs in. I therefore think not holding the Ks makes this an easier call, because there are loads of flushes without the Ks that would choose this line.

  • @gfirstglast5584
    @gfirstglast5584 Рік тому

    call :(

  • @deviongants3724
    @deviongants3724 Рік тому +1

    I would probably just call and see what develop on the river

  • @stylin40s
    @stylin40s Рік тому +1

    Even with top pair, there was no thought to Andy's bet, it was a snap, see the turn, reach for chips, plus it was an Ace, a supposedly scary card, if it were some one known to splash and plan ahead to insta-bluff like that, then ok I could see a call, maybe. Most of the time I'll play "old man coffee" and fold like a wet blanket or I'll bluff into the nuts and laugh about it, lol

  • @mrhumble2937
    @mrhumble2937 Рік тому +5

    She only plays bad hands against Garret to own his soul.

    • @moneymikz
      @moneymikz Рік тому +1

      Hey she knew he didn’t have shit

    • @kineahora8736
      @kineahora8736 Рік тому +1

      @@moneymikz that’s the thing-he *did* have a big hand, a straight flush draw!

  • @blackbeardgoatjr2434
    @blackbeardgoatjr2434 Рік тому

    Fold if I'm Phil. Andy bet too big he sould have done 1/4 pot bet

  • @tommyz0123
    @tommyz0123 Рік тому

    Against Andy, he folds. Against Eric P, he would call. Play the player with the right cards. Don't just play cards.

  • @michaelchin8934
    @michaelchin8934 Рік тому

    Is there such thing in study poker such as a brain overload from too much information in such a short period of time?

  • @jackyouellet3649
    @jackyouellet3649 Рік тому

    I call 100% of the time here... we ae up fromt a decent amount... and raising accomplishes for our hand . I would raise probably 0% of my range after checking back that flop. We don't have AA, TT or flushes here, since we bet flop with them... if we decided to check KK or QQ with a spade on the flop, which would be werid, what are we trying to drive out here? AT specifically? Would it even work? After checking the flop, I don't see how we can do anything but call on turn with our whole PF 3betting range.

  • @markterrin8673
    @markterrin8673 Місяць тому

    It is even hardly a poker game))) Helmute has 17 braclets and 16 of them in Holdem. And you know how many Ivey has in Holdem? Zero... he has braclets in fifferent games. He is good card player... and 3 times declared bancropcy due to huge loses in cash poker games... and now he is the goat? Really?

  • @dmcdaniel2670
    @dmcdaniel2670 Рік тому +1

    Did anybody else see the angle Ivey shot. He acts like he's pushing chips in to see if Andy flinches. Nothing spectacular to see here

  • @twanrui3222
    @twanrui3222 Рік тому +1

    No way Jon Lil can beat $.50-$1 NLH online! No chance!

  • @drewdonham
    @drewdonham Рік тому

    i fold the turn, because its andy wang doing this against phil ivey , what does andy have here that he blasts off like that, a flush draw? how, pocket pair with a spade? the only thing phil ivey could beat would be like ace queen with a spade , other than that hes fucked, i fold . ur welcome

  • @arthritisankle
    @arthritisankle Рік тому

    Anyone that says they would have folded aces with a king kicker is full of it

  • @joemanna491
    @joemanna491 Рік тому +1

    Not such a great lay down. Somewhat standard. The mid level play. And the aggressor bet half the pot 60% of the pot and a Phil can get away from that. Than that would be a great lay down

  • @denniskrook2925
    @denniskrook2925 Рік тому +1

    This is a really really really tight fold. Cannot imagine the solver is ever folding the turn. Of course Ivey is one of the most respected players, but am sure if an amateur made this fold he-she was probably charged of cheating. I think the other phill (helmuth) would also folded this one

  • @Light2share
    @Light2share Рік тому +2

    I don’t know… to me seems like an easy fold on the turn player that is out of position over bets with an ace on the turn that definitely hits heroes range you. Don’t bluff there. Easy fold on turn

  • @SwayPromo
    @SwayPromo Рік тому +2

    Not even a hard fold.

  • @adelaherling9262
    @adelaherling9262 Рік тому +1
