Get Started With Issac Sim Today! Adding Physics And Shapes Has Never Been Easier.

  • Опубліковано 11 лип 2024
  • Wish to get into the shoes of a Robotics Software Engineer without having to invest on any actual hardware. NVIDIA Omniverse™ Isaac Sim is a robotics simulation toolkit for the NVIDIA Omniverse™ platform. Soft_illusion Channel is back with a new video to get you started with the 101 of using this simulator..!! (A channel that aims to help the robotics community).
    #ISSACsim #nvidia #robotics
    0:20 Introduction for Issac Sim
    1:08 Add Ground plane
    1:27 Add shapes
    4:51 Add parent child relation
    7:07 Add Physics
    Steps to install Nvidia Isaac Sim:
    1. Download Omniverse :
    2. Navigate to the Exchange Tab on Omniverse and click on Nvidia Issac.
    Isaac Sim has essential features for building virtual robotic worlds and experiments. It provides researchers and practitioners with the tools and workflows they need to create robust, physically accurate simulations and synthetic datasets. Isaac Sim supports navigation and manipulation applications through ROS/ROS2. It simulates sensor data from sensors such as RGB-D, Lidar, and IMU for various computer vision techniques such as domain randomization, ground-truth labeling, segmentation, and bounding boxes.
    Omniverse Kit comes with a default UI that allows the user to edit a USD stage with ease. In this tutorial series, we will go over the basic steps for setting up an environment, adding and editing simple objects and their properties on a USD stage, rigging rigid bodies with joints and articulations, and adding cameras and sensors. At the end of the series, you should have the basic skill to navigate Omniverse Isaac Sim, become familiar with frequently used terms, and be able to build an environment and set up your robots via the graphical interface.
    This video covers details on:
    1. Setting Up a stage or Ground plane.
    2. We then show how to add different shapes such as Cone, a Cube and a Capsule. It shows the different ways by which you can modify the translation, orientation and scaling properties of the shapes.
    3. Parent child relationships between the different shapes are shown which is a very important concept in robotics simulation. This is necessary to have different elements of the robot move as a single unit.
    4. We finally experiment with the Physics properties such as Gravity.
    Setting up Stage Properties :
    Before anything is added onto the stage, it’s a good idea to first check if the current stage property setup matches the conventions that you are expecting. Go to Edit - Preferences to open up the Preference panel. Here you can browse the many types of setting inside Omniverse Kit grouped into categories in the column on the left of the panel. Select Stage from the left column. Here you can examine properties such as:
    The axis that determines Up: The default in Omniverse Isaac Sim is Z. If your asset is created in a program with a different up-axis, it will cause your assets to be imported rotated.
    Stage units: Omniverse Isaac Sim versions prior to 2022.1 have stage units in centimeters, but the default is now meters. However, the default units for Omniverse Kit is still in centimeters. Keep that in mind if you see USD units that are seemingly off by 100x.
    Default rotation order: The default is set so that it will execute rotation in X first, then Y, and last Z.
    Adding a Ground Plane :
    Next, we will add a ground plane to the virtual environment. The ground plane will prevent any physics-enabled objects from falling below it. Go to the top Menu Bar and Click Create - Physics - Ground Plane. The ground plane’s collision property extends indefinitely even though the plane is only visible up to 25 meters in each direction. Turn on the grid to make the ground plane easier to see.
    Creating the Physics Scene :
    Physics Scene can be added by providing the general physics simulation properties to the world, such as gravity and physics time steps. Go to the Menu Bar and click Create - Physics - Physics Scene. A Physics Scene should be added to the stage tree. Click on it to examine its properties. You can see that gravity is set to point at the -Z direction with a magnitude of 9.8, a reminder that the default unit of length is meters. Unless you are simulating hundreds of rigid bodies and robots, it is more efficient to use a CPU solver instead of GPU, so for the purpose of this tutorial, disable GPU dynamics and use MBP Broadphase inside the Physics Scene’s Property tab.


  • @arthurjeulin4171
    @arthurjeulin4171 9 місяців тому +1

    Thanks a lot can’t wait the next video !

  • @a.k.aproxi5442
    @a.k.aproxi5442 Рік тому +3

    bro, please please please keep making vidoes,
    Love your videos !!