I thought that too, but Khalil Muhummad is also a PhD and they're friends. I have heard Dr. Glaude introduce himself as Eddie. Sometimes folks would rather not create a sort of distance between themselves and an audience by using their titles.
Damn, these guys love to hear themselves talk. So much arrogance. Assuming they had "margin" in the election. All three of these guys would benifit from learning and traveling the nation, understanding why the country voted for someone so " vile"when they them selves in their arrrogance refuse to see any fault within their own ideas, and political idols. These fools would believe their political ideaology has clothes, when in plain view everyone can see its nude ugliness. Purity is not a prerequisite to be a great leader, nor was it a prerequisite to leads gods people. But humitlity was. These three should slow down, and realize that just because disagree with someone, doesnt make them lesser. They really do injustice to their bright minds by being so idealogical, and blind.
As you appear to position yourself as an intellectual luminary, and possessing so much depth, when is your speaking engagement or book due to be published? A dictator doesn't need to don clothes. Supporters "see" what they are told , not what is real or what can be discerned. Indeed for many, the weight of rhetoric and repetitive gatherings have negated, and extinguished all cognitive skills.
My new Intellectual Crush. Dr. Eddie S. Glaude, Jr.
They need to address him as Dr. Glaude..
Collegues & Friends🎉
I thought that too, but Khalil Muhummad is also a PhD and they're friends. I have heard Dr. Glaude introduce himself as Eddie. Sometimes folks would rather not create a sort of distance between themselves and an audience by using their titles.
Damn, these guys love to hear themselves talk. So much arrogance. Assuming they had "margin" in the election. All three of these guys would benifit from learning and traveling the nation, understanding why the country voted for someone so " vile"when they them selves in their arrrogance refuse to see any fault within their own ideas, and political idols. These fools would believe their political ideaology has clothes, when in plain view everyone can see its nude ugliness.
Purity is not a prerequisite to be a great leader, nor was it a prerequisite to leads gods people. But humitlity was. These three should slow down, and realize that just because disagree with someone, doesnt make them lesser.
They really do injustice to their bright minds by being so idealogical, and blind.
👆🏽the backlash
As you appear to position yourself as an intellectual luminary, and possessing so much depth, when is your speaking engagement or book due to be published?
A dictator doesn't need to don clothes. Supporters "see" what they are told , not what is real or what can be discerned. Indeed for many, the weight of rhetoric and repetitive gatherings have negated, and extinguished all cognitive skills.