5:18 That's mate in 3 if you take the queen with your queen, if they push the pawn Qa1 is mate and if they go Ka6, you go Qh7 to deliver mate on a7 next turn
ya ur right but nelson gave the wrong move for black after white plays h8=Q instead of h2 black will play a6, and now you cant give checkmate because if u take the pawn its stalemate, and the pawn is becoming a queen before you can rotate your queen around to a1 to give checkmate
Hey Nelson, at 5:19 you can just take the queen with your own queen and not the king and can still win, I have confirmed it by playing this position against stockfish too
Your biopic trailer would be narrated by the epic voice guy and start, "In a world... where chess puzzles guard the world´s secrets. A young man ventures to discover the world was not what it seemed..."
Easily one of the most complicated puzzles presented sp far, very neat! Seems like it was so long ago when this series started with the Bobby Fischer and sea serpent puzzles, and now here we are whole story and stuff going. Neat stuff nelson
a6 is never forced in any of these lines, the king can run out through b7. the point is that the main line leads to a faster mate. youre still probably winning if you force the king out with Qa1+, but youre MORE winning with the main line, plus the main line is a beautiful sequence EDIT: after running stockfish, it turns out Qx is best, but NOT because of Qa1+, the point is that Qa1 is THREATENED, which forces black to play Ka6. Then you can play Qh7, putting the opponent in zugzwang! they have to play Ka5 (only legal move) and then Qxa7 is mate
@@silvercraaken2164 So it still is better to take with the queen, since either move by black leads to either mate in 2 or mate in 1. Nice (P.S. edited my earlier comment)
@@TheMightyDozenA6 is done first overwise it is checkmate then leaving your pawn on h7 is fine it's at that point white can't take it as it would be stalemate so goes on the e5 route
I think Kin to f3 could also be winning. When the king is checked by the pawn if you don't take the pawn, but go to g3, you should be in time to deliver the checkmate with your kinght.
You were shown in the video why it's not winning. If Kg3 then e3 and if the king doesn't go after it then e8=Q is check, and if the king does go after it then the h pawn will queen on the long diagonal.
@@JimBalter He actually just shows what happens if the King takes the pawn on e5, but not what happens if he lets say moves the king to f4 and then pushes to d7 after blacks move. He will be n time to get the checkmate with the kinght. But I took another look and have to admit that I did not see the line for black immidaitly. After king f4, blck can go h2 and will win.
I love these underpromotion chess puzzles so much😀 Also I think this is a super impressive puzzle because we have to go to F1 so that we don't waste a move like F2 or F3
5:18 If Queen takes queen the king has to go to a6 (otherwise you go to a1 after the opponent would have pushed the pawn and it would be checkmate) and then goes to a7 escaping, but then it's still winning and you have to the queen. Am I missing something?
At 5:13 black needs to play a6 first (instead of h7) to “lock the door” and preserve the stalemate threat for if white ever takes their h pawn. Otherwise whites queen can take blacks queen on h1 after promotion and have an easier mating net.
No need for any underpromotion Instead of taking with king take with queen and then force black to play a6 or Ka6 If a6 happens deliver mate on a1 with queen (M2) or If Ka6 happens play Qh7 force black to play king a5 and deliver mate on a7
@5:20. Why can't you take black's queen with yours instead of the king and set up a check (if they move the king back) or checkmate (if they continue with the smother plan) the following turn? And what happens if @ 7:19, don't take the pawn but go to g3 instead?
Actually, Kf2 still works because white can move the king to the h pawn, and can still threaten checkmate and black simply still won't have time even if they push the h-pawn. Sure, black could try for perpetual check, but the knight method of being on the opposite color square of the knight gives white enough time for a checkmate. EDIT: I believe Kf1 does the same thing. If I'm wrong, someone prove it. EDIT 2: Apparently, what I missed is that black can push the e-pawn, get a queen, and now black can checkmate.
Yes, after e3+ you can move the king closer to h pawn only to g1 or g3. Then, after e2 d8-N e1-Q+ black promote with check(!) in both cases. After that, with knight versus queen the position is hopeless of course
The problem in any line, is that black can take the white pawn when it reaches h5. Now white will get a queen on the g8 square instead of the h8 square and white won’t be able to either capture the newly minted black queen on h1, nor do the Qe5 sacrifice!
Great puzzle, I've seen variations of this, but you are missing some subtleties in the forced nature of Qe5 dxe5 and the king placement. I missed that entirely first hand, mind you... I saw the stalemate idea and the concept behind h8Q-Qe5, as well when Black actually captures on h5 you can promote g to a knight and Ne7-c6#. First off, Black can just keep the pawn on h3 and threaten h2-h1 when it matters: White has no access to the back rank from either g8 or h8, so after promotion Black shuts the cage first: now White can attempt to go around with lets say 6.Qc8 h2 7.Qc1 h1Q!: with the king on f3 this is check and White has to take with stalemate. With the king on f2, Black is simply up two pawns so White may as well take the draw. Also, 7.Qxa6+!? Kxa6 8.Kg2 h1Q+ 9.Kxh1 and White prevented stalemate, but the position is completely stuck anyway. So that's why the 6.Qe5 dxe5 line is forced for White, and with the king on f3 or f2 Black takes advantage of this, as after the check White can't play Kg3 to move away and threatening h3, as e1Q+ comes with check. With the king on f1, Black's forced to either starting pushing h3 eventually forcing dxe5, or play that straight away and be a move short to stop Nb7#/Nc6#.
At 5:18, when h1Q by black, white should play QxQh1. If black then plays Pa6, then Qa1++ is mate! If black plays Ka6, then white can still play a1+, forcing the black king into the open for an easy mate. Am I missing something here?
after moving Kf2 or Kf3, if the pawn on the e line checks the king, does the king have to take? why not just move to the g line controlling the pawn on the h line? Kg1 for example… and if the pawn pushes, just take it and deliver the checkmate with the knight?
Instead of immediate dxQ you want black to push h2 ? Then black will lose like in the main line, not taking benefit of the poor placement of white king. ... h2 Kg2 h1=Q KxQ dxQ d6 e4 d7 e3 d8=N e2 Nc6#
I didn't solve the puzzle. I wish I could get some of those magical berries! I have eaten every kind of berries that I could get my hand on and nothing.
There is a different line, that i cant find a refutation to: 1.Kf2 or Kf3, b4 2.Kg3, b5 3.Kxh3, b6 4.Kg2, Ka5 5.Kf2, a6 6.h5, gxh5 7.g6, h4 8.g7, h3 9.g8N, h2 10. Ne2, h1N+ 11.Kf3, Nf2/g3 12.Nc6 mate
What if after Kg2 h1=Q you take with the Queen? Then you force the king to a6 or it it checkmate and then you force it out. Just thought to point it out. It's a longer way, but easier to see.
at the end of the next episode make sure they fail the puzzle and when the creature tries to eat them up, a stardestroyer comes suddenly out of hyperspace and uses it cannons to kill the monster and then a shuttle comes to pick them up and then they meet darth vader and thats where we will pick up the story next(hopefully this happens!?)
Why sacrifice the queen at all, if black plays H1 pawn>queen, white could take with the queen and since the king would be on G2 if black played a 6 white can play queen a1 mate
If white plays f2 or f3 and then gets checked by the pawn coming down the e column, can't white just move their king to g3 to attack the other pawn and prevent it from being promoted? The pawn in the e column, if promoted to a queen, won't be able to block the kinght move.
it can't be the same monster. if you look at the map, the lagoon is not connected to the sea. it would require the monster to walk on the land or fly to get there.
@@poornimabhahurohtu8744 i didn't think about that. I remember that the monster was big enough to devour joe and peter, and i don't know if such a big underground tunnel can exist. It's not likely, but still possible. Maybe they will meet the monster's brother/sister or friend, and he says that he heard from their friend/brother that they're good at solving puzzles, so instead of eating them, he will give them a chance to solve a puzzle to proceed.
There is still another line that needs looking at, and that is, what happens on 2... gxh? If we then went and promoted our f-pawn, it would be on the wrong diagonal.
If gxh you just push the g-pawn, get a queen and checkmate with it, this too line is too fast for black to set anything. In somes puzzles there are funny lines with doubled h pawns blocaded by a king, each time the king moves back one square, it allows two new moves for opponnents, nothing crazy like this here. If the first black h pawn is pushed the king will be on the h file, blocading the second one, direct Qg8 -> Qg1 - > Qa1 available...
Another option, instead of capturing the queen with the king, capture with the queen then when black moves the final pawn down you can slide your queen over to a1 for checkmate.
sacrificing on h5 just doesn't win. Qh5 gh g6 h2 Kg2 h1-Q K:h1 h4 g7 h3 g8 h2 and regardless of to what you promoted on the previous move, you can't avoid stalemate. If you promote on h8, you can sacrifice queen on e5; if you promote on d8, you can have a knight and mate in 1. But promoting on g8 is useless.
A usual transitional moment of the story, but a very unusual puzzle this time. That's a bit unfortunate. Such a puzzle should have been used for a special occasion.
(1) The titles of this adventure remind me of the names of the chapters in Canterbury Tales ("The Knight's Tale", "The Squire's Tale", etc.) (2) 9:05 There's always a difficulty that comes up. (3) 9:05 Will the creature from the Black Lagoon look like this? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gill-man (4) Actually, the explanation of why 1. Kf1 wins and Kf2 and Kf3 don't (7:55) isn't quite right. Black could play [SPOILER alert] . . . . . . . 1. ... b4 2. h5 b5 3. h6! b6 4. h7 Ka5 5. a8=Q a6 6. Qe5! dxe5 7. d6 e4 8. d7 e3 9. d8=N! e2+. However, the timing still works out: 10. Kxe2 h2 11. Nb7 (or c6) mate.
The puzzles are great, thanks, Nelson! There are also a lot of variations which are just beneath the surface. For example sacrificing queen on c3 or h5 could work, or some rerouting Qh8-e8-e1-a1. But ultimately they don't work, and the solution is the only one. Very satisfactory:)
Challenge: Pawn virus Every time one of Martin’s pawns get near your pieces it demotes into a pawn. Every time Martin’s pawns get near your pawns it dies. Every time you capture,your piece you used gets demoted to a pawn. Every time your pawns capture,it dies. Good Luck!
Seems nearly impossible, even with the scratch of the imagination. Martin has to somehow separate his pawns and leave them undefended, all without accidentally giving him more pawns.
Two reasons 1) Sacrificing on c3 means the black pawn only has to move two squares to get promoted 2) pxe5 releases the white pawn on d5 which can reach the top rank faster than the black pawn can reach the bottom
(@5:19) After black plays 1 … h1=Q+, you just take with the queen 2 Qxh1! Now if black moves 2 … a6??, 3 Qa1+! So black has to move 2 … Ka6 so that on 3 Qa1+, black’s king can escape 3 … Kb7. White then makes the time-wasting move 4 Qa2 (important that the queen stay on the a-file!) and black is now in zugzwang. He wants to protect the a7 pawn, but not allow white’s queen to get to a6. The only moves which don’t immediately lose the a-pawn are 4 … Ka8 or 4 … Kb8. Either one allows 5 Qa6, but which is better for black? 4 … Kb8? loses after 5 Qa6 (with BLACK to move!) Either 5 … Ka8??, 6 Qc8+, or 5 … Kc7, 6 Qxf7+ and it’s all over. So 4 … Ka8, 5 Qa6 Kb8 and it seems like now black can eke out a draw as the king covers b7 and c8, with white to move. But white doesn’t have to move his queen - any king move wins here: 6 K and now black is in zugzwang again, as we’re now back to the same position after the line above (4 … Kb8?) with - again- black to move!
When you showed the Kf2 line, I think showing the Kf3 line was completely unnecessary, and that showing why the Kf1 line works is more useful. I was waiting for that, but you never did it.
5:18 That's mate in 3 if you take the queen with your queen, if they push the pawn Qa1 is mate and if they go Ka6, you go Qh7 to deliver mate on a7 next turn
so does the puzzle not work?
@@mintu5931 It does, but the puzzle would be less hard and a little shorter
ya ur right but nelson gave the wrong move for black after white plays h8=Q
instead of h2 black will play a6, and now you cant give checkmate because if u take the pawn its stalemate, and the pawn is becoming a queen before you can rotate your queen around to a1 to give checkmate
If he takes the pawn with queen, black will go ka6 and he will run away, not sure if its winning or losing tho
@@shreyjain3197Also black can play h2 earlier, for instance immediately after 1. Kf1
At 5:19, why not take the queen on H1 with your queen to deliver the mate on A1 next turn?
Black doesn’t even need to promote to queen but idk why nelson did
Cus black would go to a6 and escape it's still winning for white tho
Exactly what I wanted to mention, because I thought this was the correct move xD but only if Black goes for Black queen i guess
I was just about to comment that I don't why he didn't show us that line
Nelson just confused the move order, black must play a6 first and after white moves only then do you promote on h1
Hey Nelson, at 5:19 you can just take the queen with your own queen and not the king and can still win,
I have confirmed it by playing this position against stockfish too
We get the "Happy Adventures on the chessboard" sign-off on this channel. A subtle touch.
It's funmy how the puzzle was similar to the 1st puzzle of the 2nd episode that you showed before.
I need a netflix adaptation of this amazing series
If that happened they would turn 1 into a black girl and the other 2 into a gay couple
@@gigachadgoose XD
No you don’t.
*death note netflix adaptation*
Blacky Fisher, Stealer Joe and Nigg3r Patzer
well, when ı become a teacher, ı will make a series similar to this.
I'm OK at chess (1400), but I LOVE the story line. Keep on creating excellent content. Can't wait to see which direction this goes.
Your biopic trailer would be narrated by the epic voice guy and start, "In a world... where chess puzzles guard the world´s secrets. A young man ventures to discover the world was not what it seemed..."
Thank you for the interesting puzzles Nelson!😊
Easily one of the most complicated puzzles presented sp far, very neat! Seems like it was so long ago when this series started with the Bobby Fischer and sea serpent puzzles, and now here we are whole story and stuff going. Neat stuff nelson
At 5:18 why not play Qxh1 and deliver the checkmate next move with Qa1?
Yeah I think Nelson missed that one but you can play a6 instead of queening which leads to the main line
@@havishmythax8438 Does it? ..a6 leads immediately to Qa1#
a6 is never forced in any of these lines, the king can run out through b7. the point is that the main line leads to a faster mate. youre still probably winning if you force the king out with Qa1+, but youre MORE winning with the main line, plus the main line is a beautiful sequence
EDIT: after running stockfish, it turns out Qx is best, but NOT because of Qa1+, the point is that Qa1 is THREATENED, which forces black to play Ka6. Then you can play Qh7, putting the opponent in zugzwang! they have to play Ka5 (only legal move) and then Qxa7 is mate
@@silvercraaken2164 So it still is better to take with the queen, since either move by black leads to either mate in 2 or mate in 1. Nice
(P.S. edited my earlier comment)
@@TheMightyDozenA6 is done first overwise it is checkmate then leaving your pawn on h7 is fine it's at that point white can't take it as it would be stalemate so goes on the e5 route
I do love a good chess puzzle with an underpromotion.
I think Kin to f3 could also be winning. When the king is checked by the pawn if you don't take the pawn, but go to g3, you should be in time to deliver the checkmate with your kinght.
It's not. After Kg3 e3 d7 e2 d8=N e1=Q+ black can put the queen on the H1-A8 diagonal, since you can't cover both e4 and h1 with your king
@@rikvannoort1065 But its whites move and Nb7 is checkmate. So Black has not the time to do so.
You were shown in the video why it's not winning. If Kg3 then e3 and if the king doesn't go after it then e8=Q is check, and if the king does go after it then the h pawn will queen on the long diagonal.
@@JimBalter He actually just shows what happens if the King takes the pawn on e5, but not what happens if he lets say moves the king to f4 and then pushes to d7 after blacks move. He will be n time to get the checkmate with the kinght. But I took another look and have to admit that I did not see the line for black immidaitly. After king f4, blck can go h2 and will win.
5:17 correct continuation is black plays h2, Kg2 h1=Q, Kxh1 Ka5, h8=Q a6
I love these underpromotion chess puzzles so much😀
Also I think this is a super impressive puzzle because we have to go to F1 so that we don't waste a move like F2 or F3
Nelson where do you get such amazing art on characters? Did you make them yourself?
Btw thanks for you another amazing chess adventure
You’re so so awesome I love your videos and how you go into them. Smashing flippin cool it is just like you
Thanks Nelson..Yesterday I requested to continue to add the puzzles..❤❤
5:18 If Queen takes queen the king has to go to a6 (otherwise you go to a1 after the opponent would have pushed the pawn and it would be checkmate) and then goes to a7 escaping, but then it's still winning and you have to the queen. Am I missing something?
I was thinking the exact same thing.
Amazing series
5:22 what if we take with queen?
2:38 I remember the Sea Monster puzzle with same trick
At 5:13 black needs to play a6 first (instead of h7) to “lock the door” and preserve the stalemate threat for if white ever takes their h pawn.
Otherwise whites queen can take blacks queen on h1 after promotion and have an easier mating net.
Imagine they all got lost and the boy's rowboat never got returned
At 8:09 what's wrong with instead of capturing the pawn you just move the king closer to the other pawn
if Kg1 or Kg3, they push the e pawn & get the queen with check, and if you move your king twice you waste time & they promote before you
No need for any underpromotion
Instead of taking with king take with queen and then force black to play a6 or Ka6
If a6 happens deliver mate on a1 with queen (M2)
If Ka6 happens play Qh7 force black to play king a5 and deliver mate on a7
this is one of the best series's ever.
@5:20. Why can't you take black's queen with yours instead of the king and set up a check (if they move the king back) or checkmate (if they continue with the smother plan) the following turn? And what happens if @ 7:19, don't take the pawn but go to g3 instead?
nelson when black promotes to queen in the solution can't we just take back queen with white queen
They bout to be real confused when they finally get that raven message lol
Actually, Kf2 still works because white can move the king to the h pawn, and can still threaten checkmate and black simply still won't have time even if they push the h-pawn. Sure, black could try for perpetual check, but the knight method of being on the opposite color square of the knight gives white enough time for a checkmate.
EDIT: I believe Kf1 does the same thing. If I'm wrong, someone prove it.
EDIT 2: Apparently, what I missed is that black can push the e-pawn, get a queen, and now black can checkmate.
Yes, after e3+ you can move the king closer to h pawn only to g1 or g3. Then, after e2 d8-N e1-Q+ black promote with check(!) in both cases. After that, with knight versus queen the position is hopeless of course
The problem in any line, is that black can take the white pawn when it reaches h5. Now white will get a queen on the g8 square instead of the h8 square and white won’t be able to either capture the newly minted black queen on h1, nor do the Qe5 sacrifice!
Great puzzle, I've seen variations of this, but you are missing some subtleties in the forced nature of Qe5 dxe5 and the king placement. I missed that entirely first hand, mind you... I saw the stalemate idea and the concept behind h8Q-Qe5, as well when Black actually captures on h5 you can promote g to a knight and Ne7-c6#.
First off, Black can just keep the pawn on h3 and threaten h2-h1 when it matters: White has no access to the back rank from either g8 or h8, so after promotion Black shuts the cage first: now White can attempt to go around with lets say 6.Qc8 h2 7.Qc1 h1Q!: with the king on f3 this is check and White has to take with stalemate. With the king on f2, Black is simply up two pawns so White may as well take the draw. Also, 7.Qxa6+!? Kxa6 8.Kg2 h1Q+ 9.Kxh1 and White prevented stalemate, but the position is completely stuck anyway.
So that's why the 6.Qe5 dxe5 line is forced for White, and with the king on f3 or f2 Black takes advantage of this, as after the check White can't play Kg3 to move away and threatening h3, as e1Q+ comes with check. With the king on f1, Black's forced to either starting pushing h3 eventually forcing dxe5, or play that straight away and be a move short to stop Nb7#/Nc6#.
nice puzzle, ive seen this one in the past
At 5:18, when h1Q by black, white should play QxQh1. If black then plays Pa6, then Qa1++ is mate! If black plays Ka6, then white can still play a1+, forcing the black king into the open for an easy mate. Am I missing something here?
after moving Kf2 or Kf3, if the pawn on the e line checks the king, does the king have to take? why not just move to the g line controlling the pawn on the h line? Kg1 for example… and if the pawn pushes, just take it and deliver the checkmate with the knight?
5:37 haha I totally missed that. I was thinking it was a trick question. Very clever! Amazing puzzle overall!!
Thanks Rob!
keep this going until at least episode 100
8:04 why we dont push pawn instead?
Instead of immediate dxQ you want black to push h2 ?
Then black will lose like in the main line, not taking benefit of the poor placement of white king.
... h2
Kg2 h1=Q
KxQ dxQ
d6 e4
d7 e3
d8=N e2
7:34 After the check, why couldn't you do Kg1?
At 5:19, queen on H1,next queen on a1
5:18 couldn't you take the black queen with your queen and then play Qa1# on the next move?
Wait, I'm confused... at 5:16 it looks like white could take black's Queen with their queen (not king), then deliver mate on A file?
5:18 take with queen
5:19 what if white plays Qxh1? Then if black plays a6 it's checkmate with Qa1#.....
5:20 why not take with the queen?
Even in 8:00 kf7 is working beacause you early when we get h8Q you pushed the h pawn but at8:00 you pushed the A pawn isn't it??
I didn't solve the puzzle. I wish I could get some of those magical berries! I have eaten every kind of berries that I could get my hand on and nothing.
Cool puzzle. @5:19; doesn't White also win by Q×h1? Now, the h6 stalemating trap doesn't work because of Qa1#.
black plays a6 before promoting on h1 and it's stalemate again
After we play h6 and h7, would the same idea work if we play h8=B instead of h8=Q? If not, what is the problem with h8=B?
At 5:19, what if you capture the black Queen with the white Queen instead of the king?
5:19 why not just take with the Queen and when black plays a6 we play Qa1# And if black playes Ka6 we have a much easier position
There is a different line, that i cant find a refutation to: 1.Kf2 or Kf3, b4 2.Kg3, b5 3.Kxh3, b6 4.Kg2, Ka5 5.Kf2, a6 6.h5, gxh5 7.g6, h4 8.g7, h3 9.g8N, h2 10. Ne2, h1N+ 11.Kf3, Nf2/g3 12.Nc6 mate
I feel like i seen this puzzle on one of your older videos before...
What if after Kg2 h1=Q you take with the Queen? Then you force the king to a6 or it it checkmate and then you force it out. Just thought to point it out. It's a longer way, but easier to see.
Yeah and then probably all the starting moves (king to f1, f2, f3) are correct
Exactly what I saw, too.
Couldn't the queen take instead of the king when the black queen promotes BC then it's mate in 1 right?
5.17 take with the queen and it js a checkmate next move, after black end this box
Why do I feel like I've seen this thing before on your channel?
Episode 2 - very similar :-). I thought this was familiar too.
Only chess OG's know that Nelson had already posted this puzzle😁😅
Hello sir you talk about last two options to sacrifice queen but need not to sacrifice we simply take h pawn just chech it
At 5:19 why can't we take with the queen
After a6 Qa1 is mate
5:19 take the queen with your queen then checkmate on the next move ?
@@Kingteleporterno pawn a6 for the stalemate trap
Exotic if queen takes queen, then you cannot sacrifice it to give black an extra move. Take with the king instead.
I think he didn't see ie
After Qxh1 and Ka6 that's still winning for white isn't it
at the end of the next episode make sure they fail the puzzle and when the creature tries to eat them up, a stardestroyer comes suddenly out of hyperspace and uses it cannons to kill the monster and then a shuttle comes to pick them up and then they meet darth vader and thats where we will pick up the story next(hopefully this happens!?)
Why doesn't hxg6 and 2 moves later g8=N work?
5:18 you could capture black queen with your queen and then Qa1 was mate
Why sacrifice the queen at all, if black plays H1 pawn>queen, white could take with the queen and since the king would be on G2 if black played a 6 white can play queen a1 mate
Why did you not go queen h1
If white plays f2 or f3 and then gets checked by the pawn coming down the e column, can't white just move their king to g3 to attack the other pawn and prevent it from being promoted? The pawn in the e column, if promoted to a queen, won't be able to block the kinght move.
dear nelson,
for ep 34, plz make it be the same sea monster in episode 2!
it can't be the same monster. if you look at the map, the lagoon is not connected to the sea. it would require the monster to walk on the land or fly to get there.
@@Player-df7ny but what if there was a secret, underground, underwater tunnel?
@@poornimabhahurohtu8744 i didn't think about that. I remember that the monster was big enough to devour joe and peter, and i don't know if such a big underground tunnel can exist. It's not likely, but still possible. Maybe they will meet the monster's brother/sister or friend, and he says that he heard from their friend/brother that they're good at solving puzzles, so instead of eating them, he will give them a chance to solve a puzzle to proceed.
Never expected this chess channel to get political 😅
There is still another line that needs looking at, and that is, what happens on 2... gxh? If we then went and promoted our f-pawn, it would be on the wrong diagonal.
If gxh you just push the g-pawn, get a queen and checkmate with it, this too line is too fast for black to set anything.
In somes puzzles there are funny lines with doubled h pawns blocaded by a king, each time the king moves back one square, it allows two new moves for opponnents, nothing crazy like this here.
If the first black h pawn is pushed the king will be on the h file, blocading the second one, direct Qg8 -> Qg1 - > Qa1 available...
Love the series ,wonder where all the ideas come from😆
"Row boat"?? LOL! I was hearing "robot" (english is not my mother language😂)
Anyway, great content, as always. Keep it coming!!
When black sacriced the queen, what if the queen took and the did Qa1 checkmate
Nelson, I have a question. Why sacrifice the queen on e5 when you can do it on h5? What is the difference?
yes. good point
Another option, instead of capturing the queen with the king, capture with the queen then when black moves the final pawn down you can slide your queen over to a1 for checkmate.
Needs d pawn to promote to knight for easy mate in just 1 more move on b7 or c6.
sacrificing on h5 just doesn't win.
Qh5 gh
g6 h2
Kg2 h1-Q
K:h1 h4
g7 h3
g8 h2
and regardless of to what you promoted on the previous move, you can't avoid stalemate.
If you promote on h8, you can sacrifice queen on e5; if you promote on d8, you can have a knight and mate in 1. But promoting on g8 is useless.
He's going to feed the creature the red pill
Can't wait to see Bobby 2800 vs Peter patzer 3500
Ep.30,Bobby Fisher became 280.
A usual transitional moment of the story, but a very unusual puzzle this time. That's a bit unfortunate. Such a puzzle should have been used for a special occasion.
What if black takes H pawn?
When will my bois get off this island
Maybe episode 100 who knows
NEVER! This is running longer than the Simpsons!
(1) The titles of this adventure remind me of the names of the chapters in Canterbury Tales ("The Knight's Tale", "The Squire's Tale", etc.)
(2) 9:05 There's always a difficulty that comes up.
(3) 9:05 Will the creature from the Black Lagoon look like this? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gill-man
(4) Actually, the explanation of why 1. Kf1 wins and Kf2 and Kf3 don't (7:55) isn't quite right. Black could play
[SPOILER alert]
1. ... b4 2. h5 b5 3. h6! b6 4. h7 Ka5 5. a8=Q a6 6. Qe5! dxe5 7. d6 e4 8. d7 e3 9. d8=N! e2+. However, the timing still works out: 10. Kxe2 h2 11. Nb7 (or c6) mate.
The puzzles are great, thanks, Nelson!
There are also a lot of variations which are just beneath the surface. For example sacrificing queen on c3 or h5 could work, or some rerouting Qh8-e8-e1-a1. But ultimately they don't work, and the solution is the only one. Very satisfactory:)
Finally, a minor.
I mean this puzzle is very fascinating!
I have seen this puzzle somewhere
8:09 isn't Kg3 winning here? We'd still get a knight before they get a queen.
But they queen with check
@@choco1101 I see. Thanks for pointing that out. Then would Ke3 work?
Challenge: Pawn virus
Every time one of Martin’s pawns get near your pieces it demotes into a pawn.
Every time Martin’s pawns get near your pawns it dies.
Every time you capture,your piece you used gets demoted to a pawn.
Every time your pawns capture,it dies.
Good Luck!
Seems nearly impossible, even with the scratch of the imagination.
Martin has to somehow separate his pawns and leave them undefended, all without accidentally giving him more pawns.
@@danielyuan9862ok I changed it
My one question is - why did we specifically sacrifice our Queen on e5, and not c3?
black either will get a queen and you lose or you will take and black wins in that position
Two reasons
1) Sacrificing on c3 means the black pawn only has to move two squares to get promoted
2) pxe5 releases the white pawn on d5 which can reach the top rank faster than the black pawn can reach the bottom
The kraken’s chess puzzle🤔
Wonderful series❤❤
Btw first comment
Why do you look like peter patzer?
What a great puzzle!
(@5:19) After black plays 1 … h1=Q+, you just take with the queen 2 Qxh1! Now if black moves 2 … a6??, 3 Qa1+! So black has to move 2 … Ka6 so that on 3 Qa1+, black’s king can escape 3 … Kb7. White then makes the time-wasting move 4 Qa2 (important that the queen stay on the a-file!) and black is now in zugzwang. He wants to protect the a7 pawn, but not allow white’s queen to get to a6. The only moves which don’t immediately lose the a-pawn are 4 … Ka8 or 4 … Kb8. Either one allows 5 Qa6, but which is better for black? 4 … Kb8? loses after 5 Qa6 (with BLACK to move!) Either 5 … Ka8??, 6 Qc8+, or 5 … Kc7, 6 Qxf7+ and it’s all over. So 4 … Ka8, 5 Qa6 Kb8 and it seems like now black can eke out a draw as the king covers b7 and c8, with white to move. But white doesn’t have to move his queen - any king move wins here: 6 K and now black is in zugzwang again, as we’re now back to the same position after the line above (4 … Kb8?) with - again- black to move!
Good morning nelson
When you showed the Kf2 line, I think showing the Kf3 line was completely unnecessary, and that showing why the Kf1 line works is more useful. I was waiting for that, but you never did it.
Obviously you should have made a bishop to sacrifice on e5 not a queen
Doesn't really matter which you do.
5:12 Black to play and draw.
The move is a6.
only nelson comment plz!
so, nelson, are you going to make a adventure series episode with DARTH VADER in it after the creature incident?
After ...h1=q why not Qxh1 instead of K takes. Qxh1 threatens Qa1 and black can't stalemate himself.
When white has the queen in the corner, and black gets the queen to sacrifice, couldn’t white capture with the queen, threatening check on A1?
why can't we just play king g3 after king f3 for white?