Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
HADITH SUNAN AN NASAI NO 2919. Muhamad said. whoever touch the Black stone ( hajjar aswad & Yemeni Corner , ( one of stone in kabah corner) can ERASE their SINS) / what a joke, !! pagan . bow down to the Stone..!
Hadith Sahih bukhari No 3175/ 17/ 400. Aisha said. ' Muhamad was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact He had not done.
I am not a Muslim, I am a Christian. Forgetting the MSM crap being fed to us, I was curious as to the whole idea of Mecca for Muslims and I came across this. Superb stuff. Be well everyone :)
@@gordonbarranger7683 You heard what was in the video. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Ismail (AS) built the Ka'baa. So it was revered by all the Arab tribes. Even the Christian Arab tribes revered the holy site before Muhammad (SAW) was even born.
Its just amazing how one verse from Allah and a following sentence of the Prophet (pbuh) can bring you protection forever. Anyone who even dares try to take the key will become and be known as an oppressor so nobody dares even try it.
I am thankful for whoever posted this video.I am a curious Christian with a huge interest in Islam and particularly Islamic eschatology.I feel the end times are right now.I am part scared and part joyful.
The end times are truly upon us, as nowadays everything is upside down; Revert to Islam as soon as you are comfortable, but don’t delay too long ! Good luck!
Love this place love ibrahim elah Salam and their descendants and the entire story that automatically everything related to this becomes so so special ❤️☺️ and that is the reason this place and people related are so special to me ❤️
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
3 ways to express Shukr (Gratitude): The classical Muslim scholars have indicated Shukr(Gratitude) can be shown in three ways: 1- Shukr of the heart (Qalb), which is achieved by harboring and intending good for all of Allah's creation. 2- Shukr of the tongue (Lisan), which involves celebrating the praises of Allah, such as utterance of Alhamdulillah, and expressing gratefulness to Allah with our tongue. 3- Shukr of the limbs (Jawarih), which is fulfilled by using our external senses to do good. Every time Allah gives us a blessing, we must use it in a way that benefits humanity and that pleases Allah.
While not personally religious, I do respect the history and traditions of different beliefs, and seek understanding through history. This video was informative, thank you.
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
May allah guide you to the truth the religion of jesus and moses and abraham ❤ i am a convert in america from christianity to islam and it was the best thing i did and my family are christians but still struggle to follow their own religion and know their book is changed , alhamdulliah for islam
SubhanAllah Alhamdulillah May Allah SWT guide those who reverted to Islam, to the true teaching of Islam and being an obedient Muslim, will grant them and all the Ummah with a place in Jannah. Aamiin..
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
*Prophet's ﷺ frequent dua to ask for goodness in this world and hereafter:* 🤲🏼 Narrated by Anas: The most frequent invocation of The *Prophet (ﷺ)* was: *اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً، وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً، وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ* Pronunciation: *Allahumma Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqinna 'adhaban-naar* _"O Allah! Give to us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire."_ *Reference:* Sahih al-Bukhari 6389 *Copy and paste this hadith for sharing from this link for Sadqa-e-Jariah
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
Unfortunately I touched the video by seeing the heading and Then I realized its from your channel.. It automatically puts smile on my face because there is some hope that I'm going learn something new today... I insisted this because you are doing a great job and wants to put a little on your faces too so you too should get motivated😅☺️🤗 Insha Allah...
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
PSP. Isa (as) aka Jesus (peace be upon him is mentioned 25 times in the NOBLE QURAAN. Please do your homework before putting keyboard to screen. Expand your mental horizons. NO MAN IS THE ALMIGHTY. OR NO MAN COULD HAVE CREATED THE PLANETS SUN MOON GALAXIES THE CONSTELLATIONS. FREE WORD OF ADVICE : WORSHIP THE CREATOR AND NOT THE CREATED.
I'm neither Muslim nor Christian. I heard in a dream the other night "Kaaba" in a voice. Not a visual. I woke up and found out it was close to the last day of Ramadan. I'm not sure what the dream means. The Kaaba is older than Islam. The voice i heard spoke to me in a dream before this one too. It said "do not give in to this universe"
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
The box is not the Tabernacle of the Congregation, the priest of Aaron is not there. Deuteronomy 32. 31. For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges.
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
@david mitchell Those are baseless claims, actually even before the declaration of prophethood miracles were witnessed during the life of the prophet peace be upon him even as a child and there was an instant on one of his blessed travels as a young child a priest recognised him as the final prophet foretold in the previous scriptures this was a well documented event. The moon would move where his blessed finger would point as a child peace be upon him, he parted the moon after the announcement of prophethood which was witnessed by a king from india and he travelled all the way to visit the prophet peace be upon him this is also documented in both indian and arabic sources. It was also recorded by the mayans as you can imagine this is not a usual occurrence. He peace be upon him is referred to in previous scriptures sometimes by name. He prophesised with great accuracy in his narrations about modern inventions things like satellite dishes, the phone etc. Many many more prophecies which came to pass with incredible accuracy. Not only that but the Quran was revealed to him which in itself is probably the biggest miracle it is full of linguistic, historic, geographical, scientific miracles. If that's not enough evidence for you he peace be upon him successfully abolished alcoholism, slavery and many other things of that nature from a society and grew a small number of followers in to one of the largest empires/dynasties known to man. Still also is the fastest growing religion in the world if I'm not mistaken and is recognised as the most influential person peace be upon him in all of history. He had the most beautiful of all characters, despite all of this he lived a life of beautiful humble ness and his character was attested to by all his followers even after his departing from this world and continues to be an example to all of creation. Coincidence? This is just a drop in the ocean
@david mitchell You can tell yourself whatever you like to sleep at night. I'm not the one who came spouting claims everything I've mentioned can be easily verified through historical evidence with simple searches. Go ahead check yourself.
Lol relax stop getting angry religion of peace. Mohammad was a Christian before 40 when Quran he invented for his war powers. You can't deny this as he was not a muslim until he was 40. Since born til 40 he was a Christian. He knows what Torah n Bible You guys have 0 claims that why can't read n write. How many christian friends he have. Basically he copied from Torah n Bible and rest he edited and told a story in abt Allah his imagination. Quran is corrupted . Even about Jesus not being crucified. Why would Allah swap someone as Jesus look when he can save jesus. Lol 😂😂 Satan deny Jesus from day 1 So now you know who's is the satan. Satan even talked about satatn in his own book about his being bad. You guys been fooled to the max in this life
@@funnelx5422 Wow, not one single reference? Not one smart argument? You just want people to believe it because you said it? I find it interesting how you cant accept that jesus peace be upon him was not crucified how god would not have humiliated his prophet jesus peace be upon him and instead saved him but yet you're willing to accept god was willing to torture his own supposed 'son or himself' you think of god as a mortal being but he is free from what you attach to him and such deficiencies. The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was always on monotheism as the rest of the prophets of god so yeah the pure unaltered message of Jesus peace be upon him and the pure messages of Moses and Jesus peace be upon them yeah sure they're all on the same beliefs of strict monotheism . Not this altered version of christianity and Judaism you have today. I think you need to go back to the drawing board.
Why did you have to add so much additional tale to the story of the Kabbah. The Kabbah is build by two black men, Ibrahim and his son Ishmael. The stone you claim came down white has never been white. It was and is a black stone for specific Reasons. ALLAHU ALIM. Allah Azzawajal never make mistakes nor forgets. Be careful with these things you tell and seek to decorate with falsehood. The native people of that land were all blacks but because of outside rulers who took colonized them throughout the history of mankind we are now left with people who look nothing like the original people who were living there. The big lies you tell. The house and key is no longer in the hands of those who are entitled to it. The story of the place is much like what happened to the natives of the America's. Stick to the facts that Allah SWT sent down in the BOOK. If you are truth full.
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
@lyric lays You, your "prophet" and Muslims kiss, bow before, and run around a pagan idol called the Kaba, but still claim you are not idol worshippers? Seriously? Who are you lying too? Islam is a pagan religion, worshipping a pagan idol. How can you or anyone deny something this plain and true?
@lyric lays I know the truth already. Jesus said, "I' am the way, the TRUTH, and the life, no one comes to the Father (God), except through me." (See, John 14:6). I have seen Jesus, and he is everything the Bible says he is ---the "I AM, that I AM." He is full of peace and love!! Have you seen Muhammad? Allah? or Isa (fake Jesus)?
@lyric lays The Quran never changed? How many different versions of the Quran? Not 26+? Did not one of the Sahabas (may be Abu Bakar) burn many Qurans in the beginning? Are there not 73 sects in Islam. How can all 73 sects of Islam follow one Quran which has not been changed? Was not the Quran revealed in 7 dialects, which of Qurans of those 7 is "perfectly preserved"? Did Aisha not narrate that "a tame sheep ate verses on breastfeeding adult men"? With all these, you claim that the Quran is "perfectly preserved"? The claim that the Quran "is perfectly preserved" is FALSE! Also, Muhammad was a fake pedophile prophet who was a pedophile, a liar, murderer, extortioner, adulterer, fornicator, etc. The Quran and the Hadith show this to be true. How can anyone believe in such a fake pedophile prophet? Wake up!!! Quit Islam, which is nothing but a fake religion, a CULT!
@lyric lays There is only one true God. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus of Nazareth is His son, and Muhammad is not his prophet. Muhammad was a liar, murderer, thief, adulterer, fornicator, extortioner, pedophile, etc. So he could never be a messenger of the Father of Jesus. Allah is a false moon god (may be even Satan). Muhammad is his messenger. So do not confuse Allah with the God of the Bible!!!
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
@@nabil5658 Did not Muhammad worship idols before he was "a prophet"? Did not Muhammad kiss, bow before and run around the Kaba? Islam is a pagan CULT which was founded by a mad man. Your own Quran and the Hadith expose Muhammad to be a pedophile, a murderer, an idolator, adulterer, murderer, thief, fornicator, etc. Anyone who does all such evil but claims to be from a good, righteous, and holy God is a fake prophet. Did not Jesus say, "after me there shall arise false prophets and Christs, and shall deceive many"? Was not Muhammad such a false prophet?
@@robertokello5201 Muhamed pbuh did not worship Idols and he never bowed for the ka’aba. He also never killed anyone and did not steal that is no where to be find in the quran or Hadith you are full of lies and hatred and the false prophet jesus is talking about is the anti christ
@@nabil5658 If Muhammad did not bow before, kiss, or run around the Kaba, why do Muslims do it? Did not one of his Sahabas say he kissed the Kaba and ran around it? Also, Jesus said there would arise false prophets after him. Was not Muhammad a fake prophet? How come he was a pedophile, liar, murderer, extortioner, adulterer, fornicator, etc? Why did he have sex with Aisha at 9 years old? Or kill those who refused to join Islam? Muhammad was a fake prophet. He even admitted reciting verses from the devil concerning worshipping the pagan goddesses. Muhammad never killed anyone? Have you read your Hadiths? Go read about the story of Asma Bint Marwan. The poet whom Muhammad ordered killed for mocking him. Just Google it. Muhammad slaughtered many people. Do you even read your own books concerning Muhammad? You are repeating lies about Muhammad told to you by your Imams, "scholars" and dawah boys. Islam is a fake religion/a CULT. STOP defending it...
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
in the name of Allah Lord God of the whole World Mecca Makkah Build-up by Prophet Abraham Peace be upon him and Prophet Ishmael Peace be upon him Prophet Last and and Final Messenger of Allah God
Sahih al-Bukhari 402 My Lord agreed with me in three things: -1. I said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), I wish we took the station of Abraham as our praying place (for some of our prayers). So came the Divine Inspiration: And take you (people) the station of Abraham as a place of prayer (for some of your prayers e.g. two rak`at of Tawaf of Ka`ba)". (2.125) -2. And as regards the (verse of) the veiling of the women, I said, 'O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! I wish you ordered your wives to cover themselves from the men because good and bad ones talk to them.' So the verse of the veiling of the women was revealed. -3. Once the wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) made a united front against the Prophet (ﷺ) and I said to them, 'It may be if he (the Prophet) divorced you, (all) that his Lord (Allah) will give him instead of you wives better than you.' So this verse (the same as I had said) was revealed." (66.5).
MashAllah Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today. These critiques of Islam come to Islamic UA-cam channels and try to lure Muslim brothers into arguments. Please do not waste you time responding to their crazy statements. Do not entertain their false allegations against Islam.
Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People: We said: "O Zul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness." (Quran 18:86) So the sun setts in murky water Even the Arabic translation indicateds it Wawajdha And he found it He literally found the sun setting in murky water I guess allah isn’t really all knowing
No problem my dear you go on and kiss your stone and turn yr face to the moon and worship Muhammad who took a tiny little girl for a wife... He sexually assaulted her from 6 yrs old and when she was 9 he raped her... Just look at any little girl of 6 and just think of an old man of over 50 who is doing all those bad things to that little girl... So you can keep yr religion... And the men in Islam I'm sure they are looking forward to the 72 virgins... I'm telling you now that your Allah is NOT the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob... Allah is NOT good... The Quran is full of fables... Cartoons... Make up stories... Please read your book by yourself and you will see what nonsence is in there
Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham AS didn't build Ka'bah. but he raised the building of Ka'bah. The foundation of Ka'bah was built for the first time by angels and the building was raised for the first time by Prophet Adam AS
Since Abraham built al-Ka'ba and called for Hajj 5,000 years ago, its doors have been of interest to kings and rulers throughout the history of Mecca. Historians say that when it was first built, the Kaaba had no door or roof and was simply made of walls.
@@mujtaba_voice5140 It's in the Torah, you know, the book Allah sent down, the one about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Muhammad gotta confused, too much going on to remember probably.
Prophet Abrahim is not the first who built the Kaaba , in the Quran he ordered to raise the Kaaba again which mean it was exist before but disappeared because of natural and environment changes .
When I heard about the white rock put in the corner that turned black, it reminded me of Jesus. Jesus is the cornerstone that came down from heaven to bear our sins. Peace be with you all.
DUA’A TO ALLAH, MY CREATOR AND THE CREATOR OF ALL, THE MAJESTIC (Al-JALEEL), THE SUBLIME (AL-ALIY) O Allah, You have created everything; the seen and the unseen. All that I cannot see is infinitesimal and what I can see and beyond is astronomical in its immenseness. My perception of all dimension is minuscule, while You and Your Creation transcend any means of measurement. Your Greatness is indescribable and I am truly humbled. Your Quran, given to humanity as a guidance, has stated some of Your innumerable Attributes. In my feeble attempt to understand Your Attributes, I am confined by the parameters of my intellect. I am seeking a glimpse, through whatever accumulated knowledge I find available, to achieve closeness to You and Your Favour. Due to my boundaries, I will never attain the comprehension of Your True Mystery nor a realization of Your Essence. You are my Rabb, and I am Your slave and worshipper. You are my Creator and I am overcome by waves of “awe” knowing that no one is able to fathom You. My faculties are limited, yet everything concerning You is limitless. On any and every level, Your Greatness is astounding and I am repeatedly reduced to abject humility. Sufficient proof of Your Divine Presence and Majesty exist in the Signs of Your Creation - Signs that strengthen my faith in You, my reliance upon You and, my submission to You; all of which I owe to You, my Creator. I have placed my faith and my trust in You and You have provided me a comforting refuge in Islam. Allah, You have surrounded me with innumerous blessings, whether apparent or hidden; some are seen but the majority are unseen. Suffice it that I declare, in my gratitude, that my Creator has provided for my wellbeing and that of His Creation, both physically and spiritually. By Allah’s Infinite Mercy, He has imbedded mankind with Fitrah, a predisposition towards the belief in the Oneness of Allah, to have Faith in Allah and, to Love Allah. Our Creator is the only One who is worthy of worship and my innate created purpose is to worship Him Alone. By Allah’s Mercy, Inshallah, I hope to be led to the pathway of eternal peace and bliss. By seeking the Pleasure of Allah, I wish to be guided on a pious mission towards the ultimate success - Jannah al-Fardous and the Eternal Closeness to Allah. Ameen, Ya Rabb al-Alameen. (Please feel free to share this attempt to express “Gratitude” for All of Allah’s Blessings.)
No one is totally sure about who built it, I think it is Ibrahim(A.S), but since the time of Adam(A.S), Kabaah was the holy place, kabaah always had signs and spiritual feelings surrounding it. Adam(A.S) has prayed around kabaah as well and as all the Messengers.
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
Hello, I have never felt so alive in my life. I have just watched this video and feel at peace. I don't know where to start though. I know absolutely nothing about Islam. I know what the western cultures have said. Like Muhammad is the Prophet of Islam and that God is named Allah. That is pretty much it. I have not followed any religions since I turned 18 (I am now 45). I was raised by a christian preacher and know quite a bit about christianity and the stories of the bible. But I always felt something was just wrong about it. I am wanting to learn more about Islam and Allah. I feel drawn to this. I feel this is the way and the truth. Please help me to find where to begin. I am open to anyone who can help. Thank you all!!!
Islam requires only a simple, sincere declaration of faith to become a Muslim. The declaration is devoting oneself to a life guided by Islamic principles is the most important act you'll ever make. You should know that accepting Islam deletes all sins which come before it. As a new convert, your record is clean; it's similar to a literal rebirth. One should strive to keep this record clean and strive to do as many good deeds as possible.
I may suggest you to get Quran and read it first, and then if you had any questions you can go to any Mosque near to you and meet the Imam and ask him any questions you have, I'm sure he will be really happy to help you, may Allah guide you to the right path
Jesus pbh musa pbh Muhammad peace be upon him they worship only one God and our real createe is Allah but i dont know why Christian thinks humans can kill God or God son and God did punished his innocent son becouse of humans sins totally sense less belief🙏🙏🙏
I truly would love to have a nice discussion with a Muslim about the history of Islam, but not a fanatic or radical, I don’t have a masters in theology or anything like that but I’m well versed in Christianity and early Middle Ages history. And I never had the privilege and or chance to discuss the history with similar-minded believer (because I have great doubts of all religions) but nonetheless I respect all and would love to talk about history and see where we find ourselves after the discussion.
What I know, the Kabah is build by angel for Adam AS, and in Nuh AS, flood destroy it, but the basic foundation still there, then Ibrahim AS rebuild it.
Petra is the place the kabah and the black stone stood , mohammed lived , it's archeological evidence proven that there is a masjid al haram stood in Petra and not in Mecca and in later stage it moved .... There is no archeological evidence to prove that Mecca is the epic centre but lots of evidence to substantiate Petra , where mohanned lived and the quibla for islam in the first century ...
My dear there were Nothing left after the flood just Noah and his family and the animals with them... And realy realy realy no angel build a Kabah... It's all fiction
Alhamdulillah, we are so much thankful to Allaah for making us-born Muslims or reverts to Islam.
True bro
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
Are you stupid? Where is the kabba mentioned in any jewish or christian tradition? None. This is pagan. Islam is pagan.
Asc my brother you are so right,Allah make us Muslims or reverts.Alhamdulillah,Allahu Akbar.
read Quran 43:61
Masha Allah,this is beautiful. I was sitting in front of Kaaba yesterday when I came across this verse and today I see this video. 😭 Tabarakalla
HADITH SUNAN AN NASAI NO 2919. Muhamad said. whoever touch the Black stone ( hajjar aswad & Yemeni Corner , ( one of stone in kabah corner) can ERASE their SINS) / what a joke, !! pagan . bow down to the Stone..!
gabriel moses your so rude have some respect
Hadis sunan abu dawud no 4933. Aisha said," Muhamad Marry me When I was 6 years old.
Hadith Sahih bukhari No 3175/ 17/ 400. Aisha said. ' Muhamad was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact He had not done.
@@gabrielmoses8505 at the end we will discover, that we know that we did not konw any thing.
I am a revert New Muslimah,
I am just about to research where and how the Kabah started and suddenly it just showed up the video... 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼
Stone worshippers
Masha Allah, walhamdulillah may Allah SWT make an everything easy for you and bless your imãn.
And then a gambling ad came on?..
@@equalrights9091 the kabaa is the direction of our prayer , we all pray in the same direction.
Allah heard you. You cannot imagine how many miracles happen to individuals, sometimes without them realizing it.
I was came yesterday at kaba and my heart and life got peace I pray to Allah
You mean Baal? Lmao you're pagan and don't even know it! 🤣
Who did you travel with?
I am not a Muslim, I am a Christian. Forgetting the MSM crap being fed to us, I was curious as to the whole idea of Mecca for Muslims and I came across this. Superb stuff. Be well everyone :)
Becca/Bakkah is mentioned by name your scriptures
@@1300wipass nonsense. Baca and Bakkah or Mecca are different places
@@1300wipass if that scripture is talking about the same place the Quran mentions, you're praying in the wrong direction ✌
@@1300wipass Mecca wasnt even formed until the 9th centary.
@@gordonbarranger7683 You heard what was in the video. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Ismail (AS) built the Ka'baa. So it was revered by all the Arab tribes. Even the Christian Arab tribes revered the holy site before Muhammad (SAW) was even born.
I have to say Arabic writing is the most beautiful writing in my opinion
Have you ever tried to write Bengali?
I prefer Hebrew
That's why Allah swt choose Arabic language
I agree with you totally. It is aesthetically pleasing. An optical feast. It soooo beautiful. The calligraphy is very very very lovely.
in total agreement
The same family holds the key ma shaa Allah
Its just amazing how one verse from Allah and a following sentence of the Prophet (pbuh) can bring you protection forever. Anyone who even dares try to take the key will become and be known as an oppressor so nobody dares even try it.
@@seeki3315 are you seriously using 1+1 to talk your way in
I am thankful for whoever posted this video.I am a curious Christian with a huge interest in Islam and particularly Islamic eschatology.I feel the end times are right now.I am part scared and part joyful.
May Allah guide you and make it easy for you! 😊😁
Becca/Bakkah (ancient name for Mecca/Makkah) is mentioned by name in your scriptures
The end times are truly upon us, as nowadays everything is upside down; Revert to Islam as soon as you are comfortable, but don’t delay too long ! Good luck!
Try reading the Quran... an English translation will make it easier
Love this place love ibrahim elah Salam and their descendants and the entire story that automatically everything related to this becomes so so special ❤️☺️ and that is the reason this place and people related are so special to me ❤️
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
Why Muslims believe in black stone?
3 ways to express Shukr (Gratitude):
The classical Muslim scholars have indicated Shukr(Gratitude) can be shown in three ways:
1- Shukr of the heart (Qalb), which is achieved by harboring and intending good for all of Allah's creation.
2- Shukr of the tongue (Lisan), which involves celebrating the praises of Allah, such as utterance of Alhamdulillah, and expressing gratefulness to Allah with our tongue.
3- Shukr of the limbs (Jawarih), which is fulfilled by using our external senses to do good. Every time Allah gives us a blessing, we must use it in a way that benefits humanity and that pleases Allah.
Alhamdullillah First
Now I will watch the vid
May ALLAH bless everyone
Great i thought u guys sain AMEN BUT AMEEN
While not personally religious, I do respect the history and traditions of different beliefs, and seek understanding through history. This video was informative, thank you.
Which religion do u belongs to?
@@nk518 Anglican, so Protestant Christian. As said though, no personal belief in religion.
@@wolfecanada6726 What about belief in God/Creator?
@@nk518 Evolution. Science fact over religious fiction.
@@nk518 Zero belief in "God"
Asad Khan mashallah
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
@@robertokello5201 lmao ur Bible is truth mixed with lies stop misleading people
@@robertokello5201 How can you rely on a book that contradicts itself?
JazakAllah I was waiting for this topic
Worshipping idols is a lovely to ae,
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
@@robertokello5201 actually, that is exactly the opposite. Islam worships only One God... and that is ALLAH (SWT)
As a non-devote Christian, I want to become as devote as an Islam habibi or habibti. Love you guys!
How could u leave Christ the greatest human,a gift of God...ur lord and savior.....pls go through Bible before accepting this religion......
@@Surya-bz2mw Yes that is true, bcause Jesus Christ is only way .Quran43;61
May allah guide you to the truth the religion of jesus and moses and abraham ❤ i am a convert in america from christianity to islam and it was the best thing i did and my family are christians but still struggle to follow their own religion and know their book is changed , alhamdulliah for islam
@@emilyhill4488Why leaves Christ that died for your sins?
@@emilyhill4488 You know the Koran has been changed too.
May Allah SWT guide those who reverted to Islam, to the true teaching of Islam and being an obedient Muslim, will grant them and all the Ummah with a place in Jannah.
Thank you allah for guiding us 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
i am a hindu but have high respect towards muslim religion
Thx buddy ❤️
Wow you want a cookie?
@@musafirghayrmaeruf1 wow you need some manners?
thanks bro 🙏 love from uk
@jamesspent7101 sorry about him the dickhead
O Allah, give us Jannah without any accountability AMEEN
I cried a lot when I touched the kabah I can't explained... I love to go back again inshallah...
Why Muslims believe in black stone?
Ma sha Allah, SubhanAllah, Allahuakbar ☺
*Prophet's ﷺ frequent dua to ask for goodness in this world and hereafter:* 🤲🏼
Narrated by Anas: The most frequent invocation of The *Prophet (ﷺ)* was:
*اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً، وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً، وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ*
*Allahumma Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqinna 'adhaban-naar*
_"O Allah! Give to us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire."_
*Reference:* Sahih al-Bukhari 6389
*Copy and paste this hadith for sharing from this link for Sadqa-e-Jariah
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
MashaAllah Beautiful History of Tbe Kaba AllahU Akbar thanks to All if my Muslim Brother's
Oh Allah please help me and every Muslim to visit Makkah to perform Hajj Ameeeen
I have to say Arabic writing is the most beautiful writing in my opinion.Alhamdulillah❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
dont copy 🗿
Unfortunately I touched the video by seeing the heading and Then I realized its from your channel.. It automatically puts smile on my face because there is some hope that I'm going learn something new today... I insisted this because you are doing a great job and wants to put a little on your faces too so you too should get motivated😅☺️🤗 Insha Allah...
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
I am proud to be a Muslim💝😓
But follow Jesus Christ is the only way, He is first and last to come. Mention Him in your prayer.
Jazak Allah khairoon wa Fidareen for the informative video.
PSP. Isa (as) aka Jesus (peace be upon him is mentioned 25 times in the NOBLE QURAAN. Please do your homework before putting keyboard to screen. Expand your mental horizons. NO MAN IS THE ALMIGHTY. OR NO MAN COULD HAVE CREATED THE PLANETS SUN MOON GALAXIES THE CONSTELLATIONS. FREE WORD OF ADVICE : WORSHIP THE CREATOR AND NOT THE CREATED.
PSP JUDGEMENT day is around the corner. Open your eyes & see the SIGNS
My beloved prophet Muhummud (peace be upon him) was not a pagan. In fact he never worshipped IDOLS. AND BECAUSE HE DID NOT WORSHIP IDOLS HE WAS PERSECUTED FOR THE SAME REASON.
Who watching in virus lockdown 😞😭
Dont cry we will be fine any day it will no longer with lockdown allah will protect you everyone protects you. Always you need to be patient
I'm neither Muslim nor Christian. I heard in a dream the other night "Kaaba" in a voice. Not a visual. I woke up and found out it was close to the last day of Ramadan. I'm not sure what the dream means. The Kaaba is older than Islam. The voice i heard spoke to me in a dream before this one too. It said "do not give in to this universe"
Seek help.
@avgrando2024 the dream warned me that Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all religions founded by false prophets. The worship of idols in disguise
ماشاءالله جزاک الله خیر ❤️🤲🤲
SubhanAllah..really nice and informative video
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
Another legend.
12:52 The key of Kaba . Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar 🇸🇦
The box is not the Tabernacle of the Congregation, the priest of Aaron is not there.
Deuteronomy 32.
31. For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges.
The 4 corners direct to east - west -south -north exactly better that the campus. Ibrahim pease upon him
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
@@robertokello5201 u follow ur own religion
Masha"Allah... Alhamdulillah ya ALLAH
I love the prophet. Muhammad I am a Muslim and the greatest man is the Prophet Muhammad.
Thank you for this video. It is full of knowledge.
This is so beautiful 😍😍😍
Jazakallah kher ( I got the answer of my question) Alhamdulilah 🤍❤️🤍 proud to be muslim
Masha Allah so beautiful
Knock knock
Ma Shaa Allah ...I can tell it’s Sheikh Mohammad Salah is narrating
Masallah Allahu akbar❤️
The prophet peace be upon him was ans always is a prophet! It was the announcement of prophet hood that occured at the age of 40 subhanallah
@david mitchell Those are baseless claims, actually even before the declaration of prophethood miracles were witnessed during the life of the prophet peace be upon him even as a child and there was an instant on one of his blessed travels as a young child a priest recognised him as the final prophet foretold in the previous scriptures this was a well documented event. The moon would move where his blessed finger would point as a child peace be upon him, he parted the moon after the announcement of prophethood which was witnessed by a king from india and he travelled all the way to visit the prophet peace be upon him this is also documented in both indian and arabic sources. It was also recorded by the mayans as you can imagine this is not a usual occurrence. He peace be upon him is referred to in previous scriptures sometimes by name. He prophesised with great accuracy in his narrations about modern inventions things like satellite dishes, the phone etc. Many many more prophecies which came to pass with incredible accuracy. Not only that but the Quran was revealed to him which in itself is probably the biggest miracle it is full of linguistic, historic, geographical, scientific miracles. If that's not enough evidence for you he peace be upon him successfully abolished alcoholism, slavery and many other things of that nature from a society and grew a small number of followers in to one of the largest empires/dynasties known to man. Still also is the fastest growing religion in the world if I'm not mistaken and is recognised as the most influential person peace be upon him in all of history. He had the most beautiful of all characters, despite all of this he lived a life of beautiful humble ness and his character was attested to by all his followers even after his departing from this world and continues to be an example to all of creation. Coincidence? This is just a drop in the ocean
@david mitchell You can tell yourself whatever you like to sleep at night. I'm not the one who came spouting claims everything I've mentioned can be easily verified through historical evidence with simple searches. Go ahead check yourself.
Lol relax stop getting angry religion of peace.
Mohammad was a Christian before 40 when Quran he invented for his war powers.
You can't deny this as he was not a muslim until he was 40.
Since born til 40 he was a Christian.
He knows what Torah n Bible
You guys have 0 claims that why can't read n write.
How many christian friends he have.
Basically he copied from Torah n Bible and rest he edited and told a story in abt Allah his imagination.
Quran is corrupted .
Even about Jesus not being crucified.
Why would Allah swap someone as Jesus look when he can save jesus. Lol 😂😂
Satan deny Jesus from day 1
So now you know who's is the satan.
Satan even talked about satatn in his own book about his being bad.
You guys been fooled to the max in this life
@@funnelx5422 Wow, not one single reference? Not one smart argument? You just want people to believe it because you said it?
I find it interesting how you cant accept that jesus peace be upon him was not crucified how god would not have humiliated his prophet jesus peace be upon him and instead saved him but yet you're willing to accept god was willing to torture his own supposed 'son or himself' you think of god as a mortal being but he is free from what you attach to him and such deficiencies. The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was always on monotheism as the rest of the prophets of god so yeah the pure unaltered message of Jesus peace be upon him and the pure messages of Moses and Jesus peace be upon them yeah sure they're all on the same beliefs of strict monotheism . Not this altered version of christianity and Judaism you have today. I think you need to go back to the drawing board.
Why did you have to add so much additional tale to the story of the Kabbah. The Kabbah is build by two black men, Ibrahim and his son Ishmael. The stone you claim came down white has never been white. It was and is a black stone for specific Reasons. ALLAHU ALIM. Allah Azzawajal never make mistakes nor forgets. Be careful with these things you tell and seek to decorate with falsehood. The native people of that land were all blacks but because of outside rulers who took colonized them throughout the history of mankind we are now left with people who look nothing like the original people who were living there. The big lies you tell. The house and key is no longer in the hands of those who are entitled to it. The story of the place is much like what happened to the natives of the America's. Stick to the facts that Allah SWT sent down in the BOOK. If you are truth full.
That's why there's a non earth materials beneath the foundation, a stone's.
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
@lyric lays You, your "prophet" and Muslims kiss, bow before, and run around a pagan idol called the Kaba, but still claim you are not idol worshippers? Seriously? Who are you lying too? Islam is a pagan religion, worshipping a pagan idol. How can you or anyone deny something this plain and true?
@lyric lays I know the truth already. Jesus said, "I' am the way, the TRUTH, and the life, no one comes to the Father (God), except through me." (See, John 14:6).
I have seen Jesus, and he is everything the Bible says he is ---the "I AM, that I AM." He is full of peace and love!!
Have you seen Muhammad? Allah? or Isa (fake Jesus)?
@lyric lays The Quran never changed? How many different versions of the Quran? Not 26+? Did not one of the Sahabas (may be Abu Bakar) burn many Qurans in the beginning? Are there not 73 sects in Islam. How can all 73 sects of Islam follow one Quran which has not been changed? Was not the Quran revealed in 7 dialects, which of Qurans of those 7 is "perfectly preserved"? Did Aisha not narrate that "a tame sheep ate verses on breastfeeding adult men"? With all these, you claim that the Quran is "perfectly preserved"?
The claim that the Quran "is perfectly preserved" is FALSE!
Also, Muhammad was a fake pedophile prophet who was a pedophile, a liar, murderer, extortioner, adulterer, fornicator, etc. The Quran and the Hadith show this to be true. How can anyone believe in such a fake pedophile prophet? Wake up!!! Quit Islam, which is nothing but a fake religion, a CULT!
@lyric lays There is only one true God. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus of Nazareth is His son, and Muhammad is not his prophet. Muhammad was a liar, murderer, thief, adulterer, fornicator, extortioner, pedophile, etc. So he could never be a messenger of the Father of Jesus.
Allah is a false moon god (may be even Satan). Muhammad is his messenger. So do not confuse Allah with the God of the Bible!!!
Rabbana taqabal Mina inaka samii ul aliim ❤️
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
Bekuar qofshin e prane Zotit paraardhesit e pasaardhesit e Ibrahimit a.s e families se tij 🙏🕊🕊
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
Alhamdulillah SubhanAllah
JazakAllah BarakAllah
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
@@robertokello5201 you worship statues of someone that is not even Jesus
@@nabil5658 Did not Muhammad worship idols before he was "a prophet"? Did not Muhammad kiss, bow before and run around the Kaba? Islam is a pagan CULT which was founded by a mad man.
Your own Quran and the Hadith expose Muhammad to be a pedophile, a murderer, an idolator, adulterer, murderer, thief, fornicator, etc. Anyone who does all such evil but claims to be from a good, righteous, and holy God is a fake prophet.
Did not Jesus say, "after me there shall arise false prophets and Christs, and shall deceive many"? Was not Muhammad such a false prophet?
@@robertokello5201 Muhamed pbuh did not worship Idols and he never bowed for the ka’aba. He also never killed anyone and did not steal that is no where to be find in the quran or Hadith you are full of lies and hatred and the false prophet jesus is talking about is the anti christ
@@nabil5658 If Muhammad did not bow before, kiss, or run around the Kaba, why do Muslims do it? Did not one of his Sahabas say he kissed the Kaba and ran around it?
Also, Jesus said there would arise false prophets after him. Was not Muhammad a fake prophet? How come he was a pedophile, liar, murderer, extortioner, adulterer, fornicator, etc? Why did he have sex with Aisha at 9 years old? Or kill those who refused to join Islam? Muhammad was a fake prophet. He even admitted reciting verses from the devil concerning worshipping the pagan goddesses.
Muhammad never killed anyone? Have you read your Hadiths? Go read about the story of Asma Bint Marwan. The poet whom Muhammad ordered killed for mocking him. Just Google it. Muhammad slaughtered many people. Do you even read your own books concerning Muhammad? You are repeating lies about Muhammad told to you by your Imams, "scholars" and dawah boys.
Islam is a fake religion/a CULT. STOP defending it...
MashAllah Allah make us be part of those who will go to jannatul fridaus
Wow what a great talk about the Kaba thank you ❤️
Mashaallah, alihamdullillah, Allah akibar
Thanks for the video,
It has a lord to protect,
It will be very Good if you can create telegraph channels,
Love this 👍
MashAllah 💖💖💖
Allahu Akbari ❤❤Islam is my life ❤❤
Barakallahu Feek
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
Subhanallah. So amazing.
muhammadallah! the best!
in the name of Allah Lord God of the whole World Mecca Makkah Build-up by Prophet Abraham Peace be upon him and Prophet Ishmael Peace be upon him Prophet Last and and Final Messenger of Allah God
@david mitchell don't try to be smart here mate. Twisting his comment to your narrow mind and spitting it out won't help here.
Sahih al-Bukhari 402
My Lord agreed with me in three things: -1. I said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), I wish we took the station of Abraham as our praying place (for some of our prayers). So came the Divine Inspiration: And take you (people) the station of Abraham as a place of prayer (for some of your prayers e.g. two rak`at of Tawaf of Ka`ba)". (2.125) -2. And as regards the (verse of) the veiling of the women, I said, 'O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! I wish you ordered your wives to cover themselves from the men because good and bad ones talk to them.' So the verse of the veiling of the women was revealed. -3. Once the wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) made a united front against the Prophet (ﷺ) and I said to them, 'It may be if he (the Prophet) divorced you, (all) that his Lord (Allah) will give him instead of you wives better than you.' So this verse (the same as I had said) was revealed." (66.5).
MashAllah Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today. These critiques of Islam come to Islamic UA-cam channels and try to lure Muslim brothers into arguments. Please do not waste you time responding to their crazy statements. Do not entertain their false allegations against Islam.
Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People: We said: "O Zul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness."
(Quran 18:86)
So the sun setts in murky water
Even the Arabic translation indicateds it
And he found it
He literally found the sun setting in murky water
I guess allah isn’t really all knowing
No problem my dear you go on and kiss your stone and turn yr face to the moon and worship Muhammad who took a tiny little girl for a wife... He sexually assaulted her from 6 yrs old and when she was 9 he raped her... Just look at any little girl of 6 and just think of an old man of over 50 who is doing all those bad things to that little girl... So you can keep yr religion... And the men in Islam I'm sure they are looking forward to the 72 virgins... I'm telling you now that your Allah is NOT the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob... Allah is NOT good... The Quran is full of fables... Cartoons... Make up stories... Please read your book by yourself and you will see what nonsence is in there
What is the lovely chant I'm hearing in the background, 2gere can I get it?
MashaAllah ❤️
JazakAllah khair
Masha allah❤❤❤
I’m going to cry 😭
💚 *Ma Sha Allah ☝ Sub haan Allah* 💚
When I was little my father told me I already knew the story but I wanted to know more
@@TheCarrparts Your Mother. For giving birth to you.
Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham AS didn't build Ka'bah. but he raised the building of Ka'bah. The foundation of Ka'bah was built for the first time by angels and the building was raised for the first time by Prophet Adam AS
Allahu akbar
Allahu akhbar
Since Abraham built al-Ka'ba and called for Hajj 5,000 years ago, its doors have been of interest to kings and rulers throughout the history of Mecca. Historians say that when it was first built, the Kaaba had no door or roof and was simply made of walls.
Direction is been the same for day one... May Allah give guidance to Muslim ummah... And kaaba is being built by Allah almighty himself....
Lol !
Kaaba was not built by Allah. It was built by Ibrahim and his Ismail(peace be upon them both).
@@yusufislam9886 The one who created whole universe , but was not able to built his own house . It's un accebtible
@@MAX-tw3qz First read and then laugh...
It's in the Torah, you know, the book Allah sent down, the one about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Muhammad gotta confused, too much going on to remember probably.
i hope ALLAH will grant me d chance to be there at kaabah this year.. Amin ya rabb
Ameen brother inshallah you make it to Kaaba.
❤❤❤ Subhan ALLAH hi WABI HAMDI hi .. Subhan ALLAH HILAZEEM ❤❤❤
Prophet Abrahim is not the first who built the Kaaba , in the Quran he ordered to raise the Kaaba again which mean it was exist before but disappeared because of natural and environment changes .
I watched a documentary that claims first kaaba was in Jordan/Petra/becca
Masha Allah
When I heard about the white rock put in the corner that turned black, it reminded me of Jesus. Jesus is the cornerstone that came down from heaven to bear our sins. Peace be with you all.
@Gpulla Array I dont know if they follow your practice.
Linga itself is controversial. Then you fellows wash it, kiss it, garland it..and what not.
O Allah, You have created everything; the seen and the unseen. All that I cannot see is infinitesimal and what I can see and beyond is astronomical in its immenseness. My perception of all dimension is minuscule, while You and Your Creation transcend any means of measurement. Your Greatness is indescribable and I am truly humbled.
Your Quran, given to humanity as a guidance, has stated some of Your innumerable Attributes. In my feeble attempt to understand Your Attributes, I am confined by the parameters of my intellect. I am seeking a glimpse, through whatever accumulated knowledge I find available, to achieve closeness to You and Your Favour. Due to my boundaries, I will never attain the comprehension of Your True Mystery nor a realization of Your Essence. You are my Rabb, and I am Your slave and worshipper. You are my Creator and I am overcome by waves of “awe” knowing that no one is able to fathom You. My faculties are limited, yet everything concerning You is limitless. On any and every level, Your Greatness is astounding and I am repeatedly reduced to abject humility.
Sufficient proof of Your Divine Presence and Majesty exist in the Signs of Your Creation - Signs that strengthen my faith in You, my reliance upon You and, my submission to You; all of which I owe to You, my Creator. I have placed my faith and my trust in You and You have provided me a comforting refuge in Islam. Allah, You have surrounded me with innumerous blessings, whether apparent or hidden; some are seen but the majority are unseen. Suffice it that I declare, in my gratitude, that my Creator has provided for my wellbeing and that of His Creation, both physically and spiritually. By Allah’s Infinite Mercy, He has imbedded mankind with Fitrah, a predisposition towards the belief in the Oneness of Allah, to have Faith in Allah and, to Love Allah. Our Creator is the only One who is worthy of worship and my innate created purpose is to worship Him Alone.
By Allah’s Mercy, Inshallah, I hope to be led to the pathway of eternal peace and bliss. By seeking the Pleasure of Allah, I wish to be guided on a pious mission towards the ultimate success - Jannah al-Fardous and the Eternal Closeness to Allah.
Ameen, Ya Rabb al-Alameen.
(Please feel free to share this attempt to express “Gratitude”
for All of Allah’s Blessings.)
Please make a video of the story of dhul-kifl
Kisi Alim ke pass Rabita karo UA-cam ke pass Nahin
Allahu Akbar.. The ending >>>>>>>
No one is totally sure about who built it, I think it is Ibrahim(A.S), but since the time of Adam(A.S), Kabaah was the holy place, kabaah always had signs and spiritual feelings surrounding it. Adam(A.S) has prayed around kabaah as well and as all the Messengers.
Why Muslims believe in black stone?
Nicely done.
I make some Islamic videos too btw and I would appreciate any support and feedback
Sure brother inshallah you wil get many support by the will of Allah
@@zendroid8313 Jazakallah Khair
Masallah 🙏❤️
Kissing, bowing before, and running around a pagan stone is pagan worship. Islam is a pagan religion. Run from it! Believe in the Jesus of the Bible, the true Son of the Creator (Father God).
My mom went to the Kaba🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤😊😊😊
Hello, I have never felt so alive in my life. I have just watched this video and feel at peace. I don't know where to start though. I know absolutely nothing about Islam. I know what the western cultures have said. Like Muhammad is the Prophet of Islam and that God is named Allah. That is pretty much it. I have not followed any religions since I turned 18 (I am now 45). I was raised by a christian preacher and know quite a bit about christianity and the stories of the bible. But I always felt something was just wrong about it. I am wanting to learn more about Islam and Allah. I feel drawn to this. I feel this is the way and the truth. Please help me to find where to begin. I am open to anyone who can help. Thank you all!!!
Islam requires only a simple, sincere declaration of faith to become a Muslim. The declaration is devoting oneself to a life guided by Islamic principles is the most important act you'll ever make.
You should know that accepting Islam deletes all sins which come before it. As a new convert, your record is clean; it's similar to a literal rebirth. One should strive to keep this record clean and strive to do as many good deeds as possible.
@@aucklanddrive3394 are you a convert to Islam in New Zealand?
Mashallah may Allah SWT guide you more. I'd advice you get to any mosque around and I promise you you won't miss a thing. All you need to learn etc
I may suggest you to get Quran and read it first, and then if you had any questions you can go to any Mosque near to you and meet the Imam and ask him any questions you have, I'm sure he will be really happy to help you, may Allah guide you to the right path
Jesus pbh musa pbh Muhammad peace be upon him they worship only one God and our real createe is Allah but i dont know why Christian thinks humans can kill God or God son and God did punished his innocent son becouse of humans sins totally sense less belief🙏🙏🙏
Assalamualaikum brother do you have Indonesia just learn about kaaba
I truly would love to have a nice discussion with a Muslim about the history of Islam, but not a fanatic or radical, I don’t have a masters in theology or anything like that but I’m well versed in Christianity and early Middle Ages history. And I never had the privilege and or chance to discuss the history with similar-minded believer (because I have great doubts of all religions) but nonetheless I respect all and would love to talk about history and see where we find ourselves after the discussion.
Sorry if this is late, but what are you willing to discuss about?
anda bisa memulainya dari sejarah penyalipan yesus...mungkin disana anda akan menemukan jejak apa yang sedang anda cari.
I love Architecture. Does anyone knows in what year this structure was built? Thank you.
@@TheCarrparts sunhannallah if u mean BIg MO to be the prophet. he was never a pagan \
What I know, the Kabah is build by angel for Adam AS, and in Nuh AS, flood destroy it, but the basic foundation still there, then Ibrahim AS rebuild it.
Petra is the place the kabah and the black stone stood , mohammed lived , it's archeological evidence proven that there is a masjid al haram stood in Petra and not in Mecca and in later stage it moved .... There is no archeological evidence to prove that Mecca is the epic centre but lots of evidence to substantiate Petra , where mohanned lived and the quibla for islam in the first century ...
My dear there were Nothing left after the flood just Noah and his family and the animals with them... And realy realy realy no angel build a Kabah... It's all fiction
Has the kaba doors and locks not changed as time has gone by and the King is the only one allowed in
Asalamukelekom sube hana allah de ka'ba is a great place for pray Aselamualekum
Allah the Almighty 🥰🥰🥰
My challenge is this, is any writing apart from the Quran that support this claim?
4 different sources stating 4 different builders and times...and yet they still worship the cube. And the lunar rock.
The Kaba was never built by Abraham.
Good, Video!