@@donhaddix3770 Of course not! They were being persecuted by Rome at the time. That doesn't change the doctrines as handed on by the Apostles, nor does it invalidate the Newman quote (Did he even mention Rome there?)
@@donhaddix3770 What you're saying is that the disciples and the successors of the apostles (watch the video!), did not have a better interpretation of the teachings of Jesus in the first century; than you have in the 21st century.
@@donhaddix3770 my friend. I studied theology, history of the Church, patristics and Koine Greek at the university. If instead of repeating things of which you obviously have not read, you'd take the time to investigate, you're going to find out that the apostles had disciples and appointed successors, and if you'd read their writings, you're going to find out that, from the very first century they believed and taught what Catholics believe today.
Saint Ignatius of Antioch knows much better than anyone today what john ment as john was his teacher, to argue that ot isnt the real presence is against both scripture and tradition
All writings about the eucharist, the scriptures and the Saints of the 1 and 2 centuries appoint to the real body and blood of Christ and not just a symbolism.
If a person leaves the Catholic Church, ask them if they believed in the real presence. They will probably say no. If they did believe, how could they leave??? So, since they did not believe in the real presence, they were not catholic. So, they did not leave the Catholic Church since they were not Catholic.
Protestants be like "Yes, I OF COURSE believe that the God of the universe who made all things and exists beyond time and is all powerful would inhabit the body of a man in order to be sacrificed to us. But inhabit a piece of bread? That's impossible!"
when His disciples left Him in John 6, Jesus should have exclaimed - "wait guys! what i meant was that in the future, you will be eating crackers and drinking grape juice. Come back!!"
Yes I understand it sounds one sided but it's a fact because Jesus establish one body and one church you can't get the truth to salvation outside the church because the world doesn't know the gospel
According to them. At the death of the last pre reformation consecrated bishop, the apostolic succession ceased. That's why Anglican priests converting to the Church need to be "re"ordained.
You need to have the intent to pass down everything that was present to you but the anglican church did not retain all seven sacraments therefore they do not have Apostolic Succession
@FaithFilledApologetics that makes no sense. Because you can use that same logic against catholics. Since they've ceased from calling down the holy spirit in communion do they not have valid apostolic succession?
Ok I got a logical question for anyone who believes the eucharist is the literal real body and blood of Christ. If the apostles were taught tht the bread is truly his body, literal flesh and not symbolic, then Jesus made his apostoles commit sin, and he himself sinned. Why Because, we know in the old testament that blood was not something you can eat, it was forbidden. And we also know that Jesus walked perfectly, he did not commit any sin, and thirdly, we know that upon his death, death and sin were defeated, meaning that prior to his death, right up until death, the old testament was still in action. So, IF Jesus taught that the wine was literally his blood, and if he truly taught that the bread, when he said this is my flesh, is truly his literal flesh, then Jesus just made his followers commit sin. They all drank blood and ate flesh, making them and Jesus break the old testament law. Correct me if I'm wrong
@@xFearGodx you are forgetting what the original Passover was then. Why did the Passover Seder involve drinking the wine and eating the lamb? 🐑 It was always seen by the people as a participation in the sacrifice offered that spared them from the final plague. It is as if they themselves were present in that moment and equally participating in it and taking part in it and getting the protection from it. Instead of a Passover lamb being an animal for our sacrifice it is now the lamb of GOD. We participate in the sacrifice offered and have to fully consume it as the rules of exodus require. No bread of wine of the Eucharist can be wasted. The church doesn’t teach that its elements are physically blood or physically flesh. Transubstantiation is being misunderstood by you. There are tons of resources online on this issue. But if you think it is a symbol then explain why Paul warned those misusing and disrespecting this “symbol” we’re getting severe punishment from GOD for doing so. Explain how right from the beginning all the church fathers somehow misunderstood a key doctrine when they were taught by the disciples directly. Explain why Jesus himself in John chapter 6 didn’t clarify he was speaking symbolically when the crowd was offended to the point of no longer being disciples. It doesn’t add up.
xfearGod….. you are making the same blasphemous error as prots make in John 6… And it’s why those in the Apostolic Church lament & pray for you…. You have a very weak & as such, a blasphemous Christology. The very idea that you would even consider the Blood of Eternal Salvation, of God Himself, He who is THE New Covenant , the New Covenant He declared consecrating the Chalice of His Devine Blood in the New Covenant….. with the the blood of animals is grotesque & obviously so… no wonder you are either a prot or anti-Christ…. You probably also revere & are totally into finding the Ark of the Old Covenant like most prots & anti-Christ Jews … yet the Ark of the old covenant only contained symbols of the Christ to come. Yet it was so holy only certain levy priests could touch it w/o dying… Yet the Blessed Mother, who scriptures teach us was prepared from the time of Genesis to be the chosen Mother of God Himself, she who gave God his flesh & blood that He carries now & for eternity , that fed Him from herself, loved, protected & cared for Him & suffered horribly watching Her Son tortured & crusified…. You prots don’t have nearly the reverence for her as you do the old Ark…. She is the immaculate Ark of the New Covenant, the Eternal covenant …. and most prots denigrate, slander & defile her holiness… it is a monstrous disgrace and you will answer to Our Lord for your abominable blasphemy, as it also directly blasphemes Our Blessed Lord. May God have mercy on your soul.
How can the foundation of the church leave the church? You seem to not know what the church is. “Philip the presbyter and legate of the Apostolic See said: There is no doubt, and in fact it has been known in all ages, that the holy and most blessed Peter, prince (ἔξαρχος) and head of the Apostles, pillar of the faith, and foundation (θεμέλιος) of the Catholic Church, received the keys of the kingdom from our Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Redeemer of the human race, and that to him was given the power of loosing and binding sins: who down even to today and forever both lives and judges in his successors. The holy and most blessed pope Cœlestine, according to due order, is his successor and holds his place, and us he sent to supply his place in this holy synod” Council of Ephesus 431, Session Three.
The eating of bread and wine is a physical reminder of the spiritual thing we should all be doing. We should spiritually be eating off of Jesus. This means we should make Christ our only teacher and feed ourselves spiritually off of him as our teacher, teaching us what we want to know. Right now, everyone is feeding themselves spiritually off of this channel and this man. No one has turned to Christ to feed themselves off of him. This world just turns to men on the topic of Christ, but not Christ himself. A disciple is a student. A disciple of Christ is a student of Christ. Christ is the teacher, not men. The bible is the textbook. Christ is the teacher.
@KaycCal Unless you make Christ your only teacher, you won't understand how wrong your comment is. Jesus is truth. Therefore, Jesus is who you turn to for truth. Turning anywhere else is a rejection of Christ. If you believe in what men teach you, then you believe in men, not Christ. You are a disciple of men, not Christ. You are an unbeliever. Jesus never knew you.
@@ManoloVintage The Church is guided by the Holy Ghost, as per 1Tim 3:15, the only pillar and foundation of truth. It is the Church of Christ, spreading His message and the teaching Church, because it is the Living Body of Christ. You are free to reject what the Bible clears quotes Jesus saying. You are free to make yourself your own teacher over scripture and reject Jesus and His Church, you have free will. PS: You are currently showing your fruits by calling me an unbeliever. Unsurprisingly, your fruits are symmetrical to your heretical theology. Be blessed.
Well even during the time of Jesus, there were lots of false teachers. How do you know if those early so called Christians were not? I do not need to base my belief to those. All I need is the compiled word of God, The Bible.
@@RJ-mf6yp So, you're a Muslim? Because that's what the Muslims believe about the Quran that it fell out of the sky and was "revealed". To further answer your question. St. Ignatius was directly taught by St. John the apostle. So, no, he wasn't a false teacher. No, we don't only follow the Bible nor worship a book like the Muslims. Since you don't know who compiled the Bible and cannonized it, it was the Catholic Church which were all those Church Fathers and through many councils to decide and vet which were authentic writings, or false teachings or forgeries. Ever heard of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas? It's a heretical text attributed to St. Thomas the apostle. That's why it's not in the Bible. Thank you Catholic Church, and thank you Church Fathers.
@@RJ-mf6yp Council of Rome (382): Pope Damasus I presided over this council, which established the canon. Jesus established his church under the authority of the apostles, and their successive heirs in council established the Canon led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus didn't tell his apostles to make a bible for it to be the sole authority of our faith. Otherwise we would have had a caon in the first century. Gospels were not even written decades after Jesus' death. Jesus taught the apostles the faith orally and in charged them to head the church and protect the faith. Bible was collection of letters of correction by apostles against heresies. Their heir bishops canonized the bible 300 years later to fight heresies in a council of bishops.
@@donhaddix3770 John 6:53-60 [53](6-54) Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen, I say unto you: except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. [54](6-55) He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day. [55](6-56) For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. [56](6-57) He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me: and I in him. [57](6-58) As the living Father hath sent me and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me. [58](6-59) This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead. He that eateth this bread shall live for ever. [59](6-60) These things he said, teaching in the synagogue, in Capharnaum. [60](6-61) Many therefore of his disciples, hearing it, said: This saying is hard; and who can hear it? Said verses he seem pretty clear
@@TheLastChapter2023 John 6:53-60 [53](6-54) Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen, I say unto you: except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. [54](6-55) He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day. [55](6-56) For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. [56](6-57) He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me: and I in him. [57](6-58) As the living Father hath sent me and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me. [58](6-59) This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead. He that eateth this bread shall live for ever. [59](6-60) These things he said, teaching in the synagogue, in Capharnaum. [60](6-61) Many therefore of his disciples, hearing it, said: This saying is hard; and who can hear it? Here
The Eucharist is a supernatural phenomenon that can't be understood with human reasoning. And this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Corinthians 2:14
If you read that passage, some disciples didn't want to accept this teaching at first either. Jesus didn't say "Oh no come back i didn't mean it "that" way". Your theology is based on that rejection of the teaching. You might want to meditate on this and change your ways. Cheers.
So I guess the Bible the book you read I is a Catholic book my friend. Learn your history and do not be like one of the disciples who walk away when they heard the truth. God bless.
How could protestants become the truth where in fact they just started since Martin Luther 1600, 1800. Ask your pastor who is the founder of your church,because Catholic was established since 33AD. Protestants dont have history they are man made religion, fake. why not go to the true church if you're looking for a ligitimate Church. Why not accept the truth and be humble.You can't deny the truth. Ony Catholic Church can teach the full truth of the bible.
Sam, tell me why the names of the church fathers you use not in the Scriptures, the book of Acts names over 30 people, None of the church fathers are named, Sam throws that letter out like It Is Scripture. Sam, give us Scripture, not writings that don't matter!!!!
Paul mentions Clement in his letter to the Philippians as a co-worker and fellow minister of the Gospel. Clement later became the Bishop of Rome. Philippians 4:3 says, "Yes, and I ask you, my true companion, help these women who have labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life".
@sasemedia Sorry my friend, hardly no scholars believe they are the same person, try again!!! All of Clements letters are highly contested too. Let me give you and Sam and anybody else some advice, if it's not in Scripture, it doesn't matter!!! Show me Scripture for the infallibility of the pope, transubstantiation, perpetual virginity of Mary, Mary as co-redemprix, praying to Mary, praying to saints, infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, pope appointing people to be saints, priesthood, Mary was sinless!!! You will not find any, because there is none!!! You better find a real Church!!!
@linomolina7855 You have the same problem here, no scholarship believes they are the same person!!! Let me educate you some, Peter wasn't even the leader of the Jerusalem Church, James the Lord's brother was!!!
The key is in the book if Genesis where God introduced Adam to the animal blood sacrifice system then gave him the prophecy of the Devine sinless savior sacrifice system so there you gave it religion is Satan's tool to keep you from being forgiven
Sam, if there are 10 people like you on Line. islam, half of it will be finished by 5 years from now, so keep the good work and help others to go online and expose islam and help those poor souls to come back to Jesus
Protestants in these comments section are competing to see who can espouse the greater heresy 🤔
@@Spsz6000 found one^
Can't out do the Catholic church there, they already got the lock on heretic dogma
Good job as always Sam. Thanks. God keep and bless you.
Hello brother 🙏
Praise God for your knowledge and wisdom,🙌👏👏 thank you so much for sharing and God bless you 🙏
“To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant” -
St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
@@donhaddix3770 Why do you doubt? The man was a renowned protestant intellectual prior to becoming Catholic, so, why wouldn't say such a thing?
@@donhaddix3770 Of course not! They were being persecuted by Rome at the time. That doesn't change the doctrines as handed on by the Apostles, nor does it invalidate the Newman quote (Did he even mention Rome there?)
@@donhaddix3770 So say you
@@donhaddix3770 What you're saying is that the disciples and the successors of the apostles (watch the video!), did not have a better interpretation of the teachings of Jesus in the first century; than you have in the 21st century.
@@donhaddix3770 my friend. I studied theology, history of the Church, patristics and Koine Greek at the university. If instead of repeating things of which you obviously have not read, you'd take the time to investigate, you're going to find out that the apostles had disciples and appointed successors, and if you'd read their writings, you're going to find out that, from the very first century they believed and taught what Catholics believe today.
Saint Ignatius of Antioch knows much better than anyone today what john ment as john was his teacher, to argue that ot isnt the real presence is against both scripture and tradition
Thank you !! Great teachings with sollid context and foundations
God bless you!
See what St. Perpetua said of the Eucharist at her trial before she was Martyred .
loved this session Sam
All writings about the eucharist, the scriptures and the Saints of the 1 and 2 centuries appoint to the real body and blood of Christ and not just a symbolism.
If a person leaves the Catholic Church, ask them if they believed in the real presence. They will probably say no. If they did believe, how could they leave??? So, since they did not believe in the real presence, they were not catholic. So, they did not leave the Catholic Church since they were not Catholic.
They don’t leave because of don’t believe but because of lack of understanding.
The Apostles, and all the Early Church Fathers were Catholics.
They where jewish first then catholic
Oh my i have been wrong my whole life and my town has no catholic church anymore how do i get right with GOD ?
Protestants be like "Yes, I OF COURSE believe that the God of the universe who made all things and exists beyond time and is all powerful would inhabit the body of a man in order to be sacrificed to us. But inhabit a piece of bread? That's impossible!"
Good onya Sam
when His disciples left Him in John 6, Jesus should have exclaimed - "wait guys! what i meant was that in the future, you will be eating crackers and drinking grape juice. Come back!!"
God bless this message and it's messengers, including Sam.
I believe in all catholic teachings except there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, it’s hard for me to stomach that
Yes I understand it sounds one sided but it's a fact because Jesus establish one body and one church you can't get the truth to salvation outside the church because the world doesn't know the gospel
God bless you Sam.
Sam looks like King Candy from Wreck-It Ralph. 🤣
I love Sam btw
I'm orthodox but when I was anglican they had an unbroken apostolic succession
According to them. At the death of the last pre reformation consecrated bishop, the apostolic succession ceased.
That's why Anglican priests converting to the Church need to be "re"ordained.
@Kitiwake Does that make any logical sense though? Because Thomas Cramner was a validly ordained archbishop who ordained other bishops
You need to have the intent to pass down everything that was present to you but the anglican church did not retain all seven sacraments therefore they do not have Apostolic Succession
One they changed the teaching of the Eucharist there succession ceased
@FaithFilledApologetics that makes no sense. Because you can use that same logic against catholics. Since they've ceased from calling down the holy spirit in communion do they not have valid apostolic succession?
Mother Mary's DNA is flowing through Jesus' Flesh and Blood.
Ok I got a logical question for anyone who believes the eucharist is the literal real body and blood of Christ.
If the apostles were taught tht the bread is truly his body, literal flesh and not symbolic, then Jesus made his apostoles commit sin, and he himself sinned.
Because, we know in the old testament that blood was not something you can eat, it was forbidden. And we also know that Jesus walked perfectly, he did not commit any sin, and thirdly, we know that upon his death, death and sin were defeated, meaning that prior to his death, right up until death, the old testament was still in action.
So, IF Jesus taught that the wine was literally his blood, and if he truly taught that the bread, when he said this is my flesh, is truly his literal flesh, then Jesus just made his followers commit sin. They all drank blood and ate flesh, making them and Jesus break the old testament law.
Correct me if I'm wrong
@@xFearGodx you are forgetting what the original Passover was then. Why did the Passover Seder involve drinking the wine and eating the lamb? 🐑
It was always seen by the people as a participation in the sacrifice offered that spared them from the final plague. It is as if they themselves were present in that moment and equally participating in it and taking part in it and getting the protection from it.
Instead of a Passover lamb being an animal for our sacrifice it is now the lamb of GOD. We participate in the sacrifice offered and have to fully consume it as the rules of exodus require. No bread of wine of the Eucharist can be wasted. The church doesn’t teach that its elements are physically blood or physically flesh. Transubstantiation is being misunderstood by you.
There are tons of resources online on this issue. But if you think it is a symbol then explain why Paul warned those misusing and disrespecting this “symbol” we’re getting severe punishment from GOD for doing so. Explain how right from the beginning all the church fathers somehow misunderstood a key doctrine when they were taught by the disciples directly. Explain why Jesus himself in John chapter 6 didn’t clarify he was speaking symbolically when the crowd was offended to the point of no longer being disciples. It doesn’t add up.
xfearGod….. you are making the same blasphemous error as prots make in John 6… And it’s why those in the Apostolic Church lament & pray for you…. You have a very weak & as such, a blasphemous Christology. The very idea that you would even consider the Blood of Eternal Salvation, of God Himself, He who is THE New Covenant , the New Covenant He declared consecrating the Chalice of His Devine Blood in the New Covenant….. with the the blood of animals is grotesque & obviously so… no wonder you are either a prot or anti-Christ…. You probably also revere & are totally into finding the Ark of the Old Covenant like most prots & anti-Christ Jews … yet the Ark of the old covenant only contained symbols of the Christ to come. Yet it was so holy only certain levy priests could touch it w/o dying… Yet the Blessed Mother, who scriptures teach us was prepared from the time of Genesis to be the chosen Mother of God Himself, she who gave God his flesh & blood that He carries now & for eternity , that fed Him from herself, loved, protected & cared for Him & suffered horribly watching Her Son tortured & crusified…. You prots don’t have nearly the reverence for her as you do the old Ark…. She is the immaculate Ark of the New Covenant, the Eternal covenant …. and most prots denigrate, slander & defile her holiness… it is a monstrous disgrace and you will answer to Our Lord for your abominable blasphemy, as it also directly blasphemes Our Blessed Lord. May God have mercy on your soul.
Where can I contact you brother
This isn't his UA-cam channel, this is a clip channel, his UA-cam channel is called "Shamounian"
@AwesomeViews. Ok thanks I'm just a huge fan and had a couple questions for clarification
@@JohnJohn-ol7hfcool, yeah he often time Hosts QnA lives to answer questions people might have.
@AwesomeViews. On what platform? Skype? I'm not trying to be weird with questions
The pope left the Church in 1054AD. Isn't that obvious by now?
How can the foundation of the church leave the church? You seem to not know what the church is.
“Philip the presbyter and legate of the Apostolic See said: There is no doubt, and in fact it has been known in all ages, that the holy and most blessed Peter, prince (ἔξαρχος) and head of the Apostles, pillar of the faith, and foundation (θεμέλιος) of the Catholic Church, received the keys of the kingdom from our Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Redeemer of the human race, and that to him was given the power of loosing and binding sins: who down even to today and forever both lives and judges in his successors. The holy and most blessed pope Cœlestine, according to due order, is his successor and holds his place, and us he sent to supply his place in this holy synod”
Council of Ephesus 431, Session Three.
The eating of bread and wine is a physical reminder of the spiritual thing we should all be doing.
We should spiritually be eating off of Jesus. This means we should make Christ our only teacher and feed ourselves spiritually off of him as our teacher, teaching us what we want to know.
Right now, everyone is feeding themselves spiritually off of this channel and this man. No one has turned to Christ to feed themselves off of him. This world just turns to men on the topic of Christ, but not Christ himself.
A disciple is a student.
A disciple of Christ is a student of Christ.
Christ is the teacher, not men.
The bible is the textbook. Christ is the teacher.
And Jesus gave us His Church, the foundation and pillar of truth 1Tim 3:15, to continue to teaching and spread the gospel.
@KaycCal Unless you make Christ your only teacher, you won't understand how wrong your comment is.
Jesus is truth. Therefore, Jesus is who you turn to for truth. Turning anywhere else is a rejection of Christ. If you believe in what men teach you, then you believe in men, not Christ. You are a disciple of men, not Christ. You are an unbeliever. Jesus never knew you.
@@ManoloVintage The Church is guided by the Holy Ghost, as per 1Tim 3:15, the only pillar and foundation of truth. It is the Church of Christ, spreading His message and the teaching Church, because it is the Living Body of Christ. You are free to reject what the Bible clears quotes Jesus saying. You are free to make yourself your own teacher over scripture and reject Jesus and His Church, you have free will.
PS: You are currently showing your fruits by calling me an unbeliever. Unsurprisingly, your fruits are symmetrical to your heretical theology. Be blessed.
Alot said little wisdom and knowledge shared
Well even during the time of Jesus, there were lots of false teachers. How do you know if those early so called Christians were not? I do not need to base my belief to those. All I need is the compiled word of God, The Bible.
@@RJ-mf6yp Who compiled and canonized the Bible?
@Sunny-hv7pt God
@@RJ-mf6yp So, you're a Muslim? Because that's what the Muslims believe about the Quran that it fell out of the sky and was "revealed". To further answer your question. St. Ignatius was directly taught by St. John the apostle. So, no, he wasn't a false teacher. No, we don't only follow the Bible nor worship a book like the Muslims. Since you don't know who compiled the Bible and cannonized it, it was the Catholic Church which were all those Church Fathers and through many councils to decide and vet which were authentic writings, or false teachings or forgeries. Ever heard of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas? It's a heretical text attributed to St. Thomas the apostle. That's why it's not in the Bible. Thank you Catholic Church, and thank you Church Fathers.
@@RJ-mf6yp Halfway there. You need to do more research. Unless you think you are a one person church.
@@RJ-mf6yp Council of Rome (382): Pope Damasus I presided over this council, which established the canon. Jesus established his church under the authority of the apostles, and their successive heirs in council established the Canon led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus didn't tell his apostles to make a bible for it to be the sole authority of our faith. Otherwise we would have had a caon in the first century. Gospels were not even written decades after Jesus' death. Jesus taught the apostles the faith orally and in charged them to head the church and protect the faith. Bible was collection of letters of correction by apostles against heresies. Their heir bishops canonized the bible 300 years later to fight heresies in a council of bishops.
Ignatious came after the fact . Christ would not impose a cannibalism ritual .
He litterly said my flesh is food and my blood drink and when he was questioned he doubled down
@@donhaddix3770 John 6:53-60
[53](6-54) Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen, I say unto you: except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you.
[54](6-55) He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.
[55](6-56) For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed.
[56](6-57) He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me: and I in him.
[57](6-58) As the living Father hath sent me and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me.
[58](6-59) This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead. He that eateth this bread shall live for ever.
[59](6-60) These things he said, teaching in the synagogue, in Capharnaum.
[60](6-61) Many therefore of his disciples, hearing it, said: This saying is hard; and who can hear it?
Said verses he seem pretty clear
@@TheLastChapter2023 John 6:53-60
[53](6-54) Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen, I say unto you: except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you.
[54](6-55) He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.
[55](6-56) For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed.
[56](6-57) He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me: and I in him.
[57](6-58) As the living Father hath sent me and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me.
[58](6-59) This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead. He that eateth this bread shall live for ever.
[59](6-60) These things he said, teaching in the synagogue, in Capharnaum.
[60](6-61) Many therefore of his disciples, hearing it, said: This saying is hard; and who can hear it?
@@TheLastChapter2023 Ignatius was taught by John the Apostle he knows better than the both of us just read John 6 please
Did Jesus say it is his ACTUAL flesh? No. His ACTUAL blood? No. Are we suppose to be cannibals?
Not literally physically, it's substantially..
It is real
The Eucharist is a supernatural phenomenon that can't be understood with human reasoning.
And this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.
1 Corinthians 2:14
If you read that passage, some disciples didn't want to accept this teaching at first either. Jesus didn't say "Oh no come back i didn't mean it "that" way". Your theology is based on that rejection of the teaching. You might want to meditate on this and change your ways. Cheers.
@@KaycCal That's right, the Protestants are doing the exact same thing when it comes to this teaching.
Sounds what Mohammed was preaching, that Jesus wasn’t crucified
Was thinking the same thing. Might be the same demon at work.
hahahah so literally the people that learned from the Apostles are heretics now? I guess only Luther can save you then
Just another idolatry from Roman Catholics...
yes exactly all apostolic churches are wrong, but protestants they know the truth, they even throw the holy spirit under the bus.
@@Matze1988ok"I Luther, an apostle of John.
Oh, wait...."
@@Matze1988okThe guy is just a troll. This is what happens when people are their own Pope.
So I guess the Bible the book you read I is a Catholic book my friend. Learn your history and do not be like one of the disciples who walk away when they heard the truth. God bless.
How could protestants become the truth where in fact they just started since Martin Luther 1600, 1800. Ask your pastor who is the founder of your church,because Catholic was established since 33AD. Protestants dont have history they are man made religion, fake. why not go to the true church if you're looking for a ligitimate Church. Why not accept the truth and be humble.You can't deny the truth. Ony Catholic Church can teach the full truth of the bible.
Sam, tell me why the names of the church fathers you use not in the Scriptures, the book of Acts names over 30 people, None of the church fathers are named, Sam throws that letter out like It Is Scripture. Sam, give us Scripture, not writings that don't matter!!!!
Where does it say in the Bible that Christians are only confined to the Bible alone?
Paul mentions Clement in his letter to the Philippians as a co-worker and fellow minister of the Gospel. Clement later became the Bishop of Rome.
Philippians 4:3 says, "Yes, and I ask you, my true companion, help these women who have labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life".
@sasemedia Don't forget Linus who was the second Pope after Peter in 2 Timothy 4:21. Amen, brother.
@sasemedia Sorry my friend, hardly no scholars believe they are the same person, try again!!! All of Clements letters are highly contested too. Let me give you and Sam and anybody else some advice, if it's not in Scripture, it doesn't matter!!! Show me Scripture for the infallibility of the pope, transubstantiation, perpetual virginity of Mary, Mary as co-redemprix, praying to Mary, praying to saints, infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, pope appointing people to be saints, priesthood, Mary was sinless!!! You will not find any, because there is none!!! You better find a real Church!!!
@linomolina7855 You have the same problem here, no scholarship believes they are the same person!!! Let me educate you some, Peter wasn't even the leader of the Jerusalem Church, James the Lord's brother was!!!
The key is in the book if Genesis where God introduced Adam to the animal blood sacrifice system then gave him the prophecy of the Devine sinless savior sacrifice system so there you gave it religion is Satan's tool to keep you from being forgiven
Sam, if there are 10 people like you on Line. islam, half of it will be finished by 5 years from now, so keep the good work and help others to go online and expose islam and help those poor souls to come back to Jesus