Rabbi Tovia Singer EXPOSED_ The deceit of Rabbis on Isaiah 53_ Sam Shamoun
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- Rabbi Tovia Singer EXPOSED_ The deceit of Rabbis on Isaiah 53_ Sam Shamoun @shamounian @reasonedbelief #shamounian #catholic #orthodox
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Amen teacher!✝️🙏🏻 I absolutely love it when you talk about Tovia swinger!!!
Sam shoutman never reads these scriptures and maybe you haven’t either because you’re thinking about swingers 🤭
Isaiah 41:8, Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:1, Isaiah 44:21, Isaiah 45:4, and Isaiah 49:3 explains Israel is suffering servant
Truly, Tovia Swinger is a repulsive man. He's a false teacher.
I’m happy someone is finally confronting this extremist Jew!
Jesus Christ is the light of the world!
The Rabbinic Judaism(s) of today is the invention of Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai after the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of Herod's Temple by God (using Rome as the hammer) in 70AD. In 90AD it was codified by his followers as I recall reading. Since the sacrifices were impossible to perform without the Temple, he cherry picked Scripture and formed a new religion based on works and study - minus sacrifices. The Karaite Jews reject rabbinic-ism and reject the Talmud as authoritative.
On his death bed Yohanan was terrified at the prospect of meeting God which stunned his disciples. He had no assurance as to his eternal destiny. St. Paul, however, spent his last days in a dungeon/prison in Rome waiting to be executed by decapitation - the punishment of a Roman citizen. He died fearless and in confidence fully knowing that he had fulfilled the Creator's will for his life - spreading the Gospel and building His kingdom on earth. St. Paul fought the good fight... he kept the faith... and a crown of glory awaited him as he was ushered into the presence of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Thanks for the story of Y. ben Zakkai, I didn't really know the origin of rabbinic Judaism.
@@ThefrenchFranz You are welcome.
Jesus bless St. Paul his loyal servant.
@@HollywoodBigBoss AMEN!
Such a load of nonsense
Thanks so much! And for posting link to original video, too! ❤
Wahoo! I made it onto the Apologist Cut! God bless bro!
I really love the topic! Tovia Singer has been the last target of mine for Christian Apologetics. I even bought his book set. His whole Apologetics however by passes all the strides made recently in archeology and 2nd Temple Judaism studies on 2 Powers in Heaven, Memra in the Targums etc. and tends to be based on older modern scholarship and the stuff the sages of the Talmud said about Christians.
If we read with an open mind, and heart, Christ is in every verse of the Torah.
In other words, if you read it with circular reasoning, you'll find him and anyone else for that matter in any verse you want. I assure you I could find you and me in there too. If you read it without looking for him and manipulating every verse to point to him, you'll see him nowhere. Show me the verse that says God is 3 persons in one and he has a son who is divine who will die for us if we have faith in him. None of these fundamental doctrines exist in the ot.
The whole point of Isaiah is Israel failed to be the servant, so he's sending his righteous servant to accomplish what the old servant couldn't
😂 have you read the entire book?
Ok so a Jew wrote a prophetic book about themselves losing an eternal covenant? 😂
I'm not so sure about that. Wasn't Jesus called the Last Adam to undo the curse placed on us by the first Adam?
@@jaredhill4425 not losing, the messiah is called Israel, and even called David despite not being the nation or david
Every time you go to sleep, time flies , it is very close to the experience of death. So death may seem to many as a symptom of consciousness lost. Some people get hit on the head and lose all memory of who they are , completely , as if they died and now living some other life they never expected to experience. So Life and Death is a Mystery of God.
Yahshua (Jesus) is that suffering servant and the one whom they pierced. Book of Melchizedek The History of the Vase. From the Dead Sea Scrolls. Translated to English. Chapter 5:2,9 and chapter 7:6...
IF you read the book of Wisdow, chapter 2, 12-20 also despicts Jesus... it was written year 50B.C. but not a recognized book by the jews.
@rubemartur8239 I'll check it out! Thanks! Much appreciated!
Isaiah 53: Israel is suffering servant - Isaiah 41:8, Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:1, Isaiah 44:21, Isaiah 45:4, and Isaiah 49:3 explains this
first of all, the Rabbi‘s are not hiding anything these books are public and in circulation if you don’t know about them, it’s because of your own negligence and ignorant second of all, you lied when you said Jews, believe that The Messiah, son of Joseph will be resurrected
Isn't that incredible. He assumes nobody would notice him sticking that in and the guy is so mesmerized by this. They are so desperate to distort anything they can
@ yeah, I find it hilarious to argue with any position that opposes Hebrew knowledge, atheist, globalists, Muslims, Christians, they’re all hilarious to me
@@Yosaif-Israel Yeah. It's the deception that is so amazing to me. If you have to distort and manipulate in order to get it to say what you want, you already show it's not the truth you want. It's the old circular reasoning problem where they read everything with very stained Jesus glasses and a preconceived agenda they will fit in no matter how many lies they have to say to do it.
That intro vs cat lmao 🤣.
The sense of you being alive, is a continuum of the information connected moment to moment by a fabric of space time, like a weaver of cloth the strings are woven together as one piece of cloth . But if you had gaps in time and you lose consciousness every twelve seconds , blank out and revive, you may lose your total identity of who you are, and be forced to start all over on the "Yellow Brick Road" on another travel , where you need to connect past to present to future as one piece of woven cloth or you drop out and you experience the death of Memory . So there are many types of death, and many types of REBIRTH , based on connecting the dots or weaving the cloth as Whole, so that everything stays together and moves through time and space , each unique moment being relevant .
There was only one jew, one armenian, one syrian, one greek! That was the Lord Jesus Christ. And he defeated death and Satan, and rules forevermore. He is the most high God of all religions, philosophies, and traditions. To the nay-sayers, i say "Stop trying to take the glory from the Lord"
Isaiah 53: Israel is suffering servant - Isaiah 41:8, Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:1, Isaiah 44:21, Isaiah 45:4, and Isaiah 49:3 explains this
But Isaiah 49 says this servant will bring Jacob back to him and gather Israel to the LORD. If the servant is Israel, then how does Israel return Israel to God?
Hitler agrees.
@ yes, keep reading it also said Israel is to be a light to you, the gentile. 🤭💡 the more you learn the more you know
The Catholic Church is the one who went out into the world to end human sacrifices and bring the God of Israel to the gentiles, the Catholic Church is the largest and oldest charitable institution in the world.
Meanwhile the Talmud teaches stealing from gentiles is okay as long they don't see you doing it (Choshen Mishpat 348), gentiles are not human (Bava Metzia 114b), and killing gentiles is also okay (Sanhedrin 57a). You became a darkness to the world, exactly as prophesized.
"I was found by those who did not seek me; I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me. But concerning Israel he says, 'All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations- a people who continually provoke me to my very face.'” - Isaiah 65:1-3
"After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed." - Daniel 9:26-27
yup. changes the field when you know the terrain
Genesis 1:11 "Tree of the same "Kind". Tree, Fruit Seed, The same cause of one DNA design perpetuates the life cycle of the First Tree to move through the Fruit that carries the Seed. The Fruit moistens the dry ground, the Seed dies in the earth and then comes Isaiah 53 verse 2 "He grew up before him ( before the Father , the Tree of Life, the Parent ) as a tender shoot ( perpetual life cycle of the Tree described in Genesis 1:11) and like a ROOT out of dry ground". So it is exacting Genesis 1:11 ( note Genesis 1 verse 11 is THREE ONES to speak of ONE TREE OF ONE KIND HAVING THE TREE , THE FRUIT OF THE TREE< THE SEED IN THE FRUIT OF THE TREE TO BE ONE KIND. ) So to eat of the TREE of LIFE brings one to the perpetual nature of the Tree of LIFE, you eat the FRUIT , you get Water of a WOMB , holding the SEED, that is the SPIRIT , you get SEED , which you eat , like eating the Passover Meal, you put the SEED that Jesus described himself as , The Seed must die in the ground to shoot up as new life. You ingest the seed, carried by the Fruit, then that is Isaiah 53, verse 2. It identifies the Holy Trinity as a TREE OF LIFE and the GIFT of the Parent Tree, is FRUIT, Jesus said "You can tell the Tree by it's FRUIT, "SAME KIND " , the SEED is the SAME KIND as the FRUIT in substance or message, the DNA is a MESSAGE , you eat of the Tree of Life, which came to Israel from the PARENT TREE, the FATHER , who is not seen , but the FRUIT , that you know what is coming from the FATHER. You take in the SEED, since your flesh body came out of the dust of the earth , you are Adam , the Ground, formed and indwelt by SPIRIT, God breathed into Adam's nostrils, now you EAT the Passover, the SEED, which is identical as the MESSAGE or DNA GENOME, the factor that causes the SAME KIND OF A TREE TO RETURN OVER AND OVER INTO THE FIELDS. This infers the need of a Succession of Persons of God in a Processional Way of the Lord, to bring back the FIRST TREE , revealed by a mystery over time to be appearing again on the Earth in the appropriate times and Seasons. 3=1
Man when you start to talk about DNA I know you are confused . And I'm saying this with great respect . But why do you complicate what is so simple? I mean how difficult explanation of the tree can be?
Jesus was the tree that produced many seeds .Luke 8: 11“Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.
Seed the Word is in you (earth) . Seed need water to grow,so He is coming out of Clouds/Holy Spirit,to water the Word. So as the seed grow and form you it start to produce the fruit : Wisdom,knowledge,understanding. And that tree parable just debunk almost whole Christianity,that dont understand that the fruits are not : you doubt watch porn,you dont smoke,you are model citizen. Fruit tree produce is not to look nice,but to feed the people so that they may eat and live... You been role model will help no one..
And when it say ´´He is coming in the Clouds´´ you bet Holy Spirit is 2nd coming... There will be no fleshly God like 2k years a go.. And you bet everyone that does not believe this,receive not the Holy Spirit John 14:17 - The Word of God expose everything.
2 Co 3 :17
@danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb DNA is the modern Scientific Proof that LIFE is A MESSAGE SUBJECTED TO MATTER. The mathematics of DNA GENOMES is a MESSAGE or REVELATION . It is mathematical and it is attached to ALCHEMY where in the Bible it says "GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE". So the Alchemist Theorem of FIRE to dissolve a mixture and reduce it to a COMPOUND OF ONENESS, that is Biblical. God revealed that KNOWLEDGE would be increasing to the Last Days . So our Science is catching up to God, where in Parables things were described amazingly accurate and the reasonable proof is that it can be objectively proven in Science. Albert Einstein said 'You cannot have Religion without Science and you cannot have Science without Religion ". he was a very smart guy.
@@JehovahIsthetruth-jg6tp So, if a man and a woman marry, God said they are ONE FLESH ??? true or false ? If you say true, you have already repented. Now a FAMILY is a singular UNIT OF ONE, ONE FAMILY, but at the least it is a mother and father with their child. NO. ?/ What did you do with the money your mother gave you to attend school ??? You played hooky ??
@@JehovahIsthetruth-jg6tp Eve said "I have begotten a man with the help of the Lord". This means the Parent Tree of Life has EVE as a sign of the FRUIT carrying the water, for the seed, and so a role play of many as one, the Tree is singular, until you delve into the minutia of parts of a system that moves the story along, form the First Tree to the Fruit to the Seed that has the identical mathematical DESIGN "WORD OF GOD" as a PLAN to commit as a perpetual revelation of LIFE, the Tree has the same cause as the Fruit and the Seed the CAUSE IS THE WORD or DESIGN , like a Drafting Plan made in the Mind before executing the design into the matters used . It is like Heaven is of another matter, an eternal matter, but Earth is a mimicry , a model , an imitation of the real world, but the Earth was made of WOOD AND STONE, like an IDOL.
So the WORD WAS ETHEREAL a PLAN , and the actors made of flesh and blood carry out the theater of afflictions , but with the help of the LORD. So every conception has some help from God , but God can cause a STERILE WOMAN , to have a baby, like the birth of SAMSON.
2 flesh become one is just foreshadowing of Christ in you,hope of glory. You as a bride,and the Christ in one body..
Blind people think Jesus coming in body,like2k years ago ,while thee is no single verse about that.
He is coming in His body
Ephesians 5: 30 For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.
Head and body become 1 flesh Eph 5:32
This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church
Holy Spirit is 2nd coming,2 Co 3 :17 and people do not receive Him,because they waiting for carnal Jesus John 14:17 .... been deceived by religion,like those before them 2k years ago..
The idea of souls that sleep , means they are still mortal living people who first came into the congregation and were awake in the spirit, active in the Church ,but then cares of the world overwhelm them and they leave the group and become isolated as if asleep in the earth. It has nothing to do with physical death , and what happens at the moment of death, is like Jacob was wrestling with the semblance of a man whom Jacob realized was GOD , and just before the break of Dawn , a figure of speech meaning "RESURRECTION DAY", then God had to hit Jacob on the hip to make him let go for the moment of the RISING SUN ends the appearing of the MORNING STAR as the Illumination , and then Jacob would have died in the flesh and his soul would rise up in the DAWN , which follows the early rising and shining of the Morning Star. So God had to hit Jacob on the hip, if he continued past the moment of the breaking of Dawn , Jacob would have been TRANSLATED UP TO HEAVEN with the one who appeared to him as the semblance of a man , but was God.
So when any man physically dies his soul leaves the body , carrying the DATA or MEMORIAL of his life's story in memory , sentience and consciousness, there is no period of sleep, the term used was mistaken as the parable or analogy meant to answer what happened to the backsliders, and many have used that to mean people die and sleep until the material time of the last day. The Lord has no time barrier, when you die, you CATCH UP TO GOD IMMEDIATELY , God does all things at once, without consuming time , as some sort of resistance or barrier to the Acts of God. Time between events is only a barrier to the physical mortal man as the observer of the times. But if you saw through God's eyes, everything from the beginning to the very end happens all at once , like a wink in the eye of God. There is no soul sleep, but living people fall away from the Congregation and so the phrase for their temporary condition is fallen asleep, but later ,they will awake or like a dying ember removed form the fire, they seem to go out , but as soon as the ember is returned into the fireplace, it fires up again.
Adam had two distinct sins. First he ate the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and by being WISE, he figured he was no longer innocent and knew he was totally Naked before God. and so he hid himself. separating himself from God. That is a sin of separation from God. It is a condition , based on fear, not an evil act, or having malice . Then God denied Adam the chance to reach out his hand and eat of the Tree of Life and thus by ingesting or eating the Fruit of the Tree of Life, Adam would gain Eternal Life based on the meal he ate from the Tree of Life. So that is two types of SIN, Being afraid of walking with God, whom you cannot see, and fearing for your own nakedness, and running away from God, to hide. Then being forced out of Eden before you finish your education and be short of obtaining final Salvation , not having then the TRAIT of living forever, and then passing that failure to your descendants. These sins do not reflect that Adam was a mean or malicious or bad person. It is a failure rate , missing the mark , not getting fully educated and thrown out of the School , discharged before finishing the program and obtaining your diploma. So this is the Original Sin, passed through the legacy of the design or DNA CODE or Mathematical Language that procreates the humanity, all come up short because the first Patriarch flunked out of school . So Jesus as a TEACHER of a "FINISHING SCHOOL". takes you flunkies back into his class to finish the Salvation Plan for your soul . Unless I use Parables , as did Jesus, you will never be able to catch on, in your own mind, what the problem is and how it is solved, because you firstly don't even understand yourself, how wonderfully you were made, how close you already are to God and as Saint Augustine said "Familiarity Breeds Contempt "
Singer's article does not say what Sam claims. Maybe Sam spent so much time on hot air that he forgot the question.
Thats tactics of the Rev 2:9 and 3:9 people
Dang that’s crazy, why are they being deceptive about the messiah.
Why Jews being deceptive? You serious?
What are they NOT being deceptive about? I suggest you take a look at their talmud and see for yourself what it says about decieving people.
They've been being deceptive about Jesus for 2000 years.
@@halil3685maybe take a look at Paul and see what he says about deceiving people. As for Isaiah 53, if it’s about the messiah, it is about the Jewish concept of the messiah. It cannot be about a god/man. God doesn’t call himself his own servant. God doesn’t need to bribe Himself in order to get God to do what He Himself what He wants to do in the first place. (53.12). That is the kind of thing Sam won’t tell you, because it destroys his claim.
Isaiah 53: Israel is suffering servant - Isaiah 41:8, Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:1, Isaiah 44:21, Isaiah 45:4, and Isaiah 49:3 explains this
Hebrews 11:5a "By faith Enoch was taken up so that he did not see death:.."
-A person could say, if God did not take Enoch, he could of been killed. but Jesus said, "The Spirit gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life."
In modern terms, Jesus has a busy schedule, He was busy doing something else right after His last body had the last breath on the cross. 1 Peter 3: 18b-19 ".. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit, in whom He also went and preached to the spirits in prison"
-The point is both can be true at the same time. not only could Jesus be killed but also was very much alive at the same time.
@@JehovahIsthetruth-jg6tp What in the OP raises this concern of yours? or why did you ask that question?
@@JehovahIsthetruth-jg6tp I possibly could of worded it clearer, but no. Jesus did not cease to exist, only the flesh and blood died..
@@JehovahIsthetruth-jg6tp That sounds like modalism.
Jesus was not prophesied in Isaiah 53 as when jesus came he did not claim that isaiah prophesied about him.Could be somebody else.jews pray to Hashem only and Jesus was a jew so at what point he left Judaism and become a Christian
Sam needs to stick to his religion and beliefs. Simply put, the Hebrews during exodus after knew nothing about Jc and many still don't. Isaiah is a Hebrew book and in Hebrew. It is not Christian or a Christian book. Why is it the only ones refuting are christians, protestant christians. Catholics, where your beliefs come from, don't even bother with this nonsense. At the end of the day, Sam's conclusion or purpose for this video is to only get views... Sam has every right to say, write, or believe what he wants. Hashem, blessed be his name, does not change like us humans do. One day Sam and those who follow him will know the truth. It won't be by me or anyone else correcting him, but one day everybody will praise Hashem, blessed be his name, with the 3rd temple built and sacrices to our one and true Gd. One day everyone will grab onto a Jew and follow them. Only one belief in Gd will exist and when that time comes, it wont be christianity. Christianity does have a purpose, but it isn't to reign or to be worshiped. Gd already has a chosen people, those are the Jews. Jews have a purpose, a mandate given not by church fathers, but by Gd, the creator of heaven and earth, that can never be broken.
Descartes brought to Christianity doubt,, reflection, and forbearance. In a word, he brought forth the wisdom of Christianity, tracing its Root from the wisdom of Isaiah, King David, and Paul's understanding. Rabbi Singer knows Paul and at once acknowledges his role, is well-versed in it, and yet condemns Paul for what he perceives is an affront to Judaism, for making Christ equal to God for advocating the idea that only through Christ can one know God. Listening to this discussion, it is easy enough to isolate the pivotal moment where the crux of the divide is isolated and brought to the table. It is at 29:08 in the video. Sam is discussing Maramari's comment (a Christian Assyrian) that "God cannot be born." Sam argues, "What he meant was, "How can God ever be born? How can God ever die? How can God ever sleep? So it wasn't God that was born because God as God has no beginning.So it was that child that was born, but that child 29:08 is still fully God but it was God, who as a Man, was born, but as a God has no beginning. Let them define what they mean." The crux of the matter is how a Man or Woman may ever be perceived to be equal to God and in what manner and to what extent? To isolate it further, the problem boils down to the question, "In what manner is the eternal born in the flesh? In what manner may the deceased conquer death? It is no accident that images of Christ and Pi appeared at address 29o8 matching this timestamp, this key moment in Sam's testimony. God has long wished to give clarity on this topic. He has made the most significant revelation about himself since Christ died and since St Helen identified the True Cross, a pivotal clue to God's Hope for us. The images brought me to Proverbs 29 8 and Psalm 29 8, one describing God's role and the other Man's responsibility. God is eternal, the power of Nature belongs to Him. His voice is not a Man's mimicking Nature but is the sound and fury of the storm in the wilderness, I.e., even when no human observer is around to witness it. In Proverbs 29 8 man's role is simply put, he is to be humble, to turn away anger, set aside his plots and schemes for vengeance, his temptation to take God's fury into His own hands. And he is to counsel his brother and neighbor and community in the same manner such that strife will not leave their city in ruins. Man is to be vigilant, not a vigilante. We are to leave to God the power of his storms and all creation. We are not to rise in anger against our fellow man in dispute, war, and terror. Inspired by God, I wrote my thesis on aviation security and moved to Japan where I met my better half, in Kumiko. That her father was a bizenyaki artist and that the images of Christ and Pi appearing in our home were on fired clay bricks was no accident. Bizenyaki is the only art form in which the artist spins his creation at the wheel then leaves it to God to make provide the finishing touches. He places his pieces unglazed, unpainted by the artist's hands, an invitation extended to God to lay his mark on it. On our first date, she took me to his kiln, bringing me back to my thoughts of Christ and Pi. It would take my wife's intuition to solve a 2,700-yr old mystery. I date it to Isaiah's appeal for Hope not in the bodily resurrection of King David but in the root of the root, the Source, extending to God. He called it, "the Root of Jesse." Through Kumiko's discovery of Christ's Arrow of Time, Judaism and Christianity are reconciled. King David, the Star of David, Christ, and His Cross are given beautiful prominence in her find, her mathematical treasure, and in His arrow, It was first published as Spiral 935:The Holy Grail Spiral of Life and is also referred to as Mathwave 935 at Quora.
You can't tell Sam Shamoun what to teach and what not to teach.You are not qualified to do that.Keep your emotions in check.
Sam Shamoun gets most things wrong.
Nobody in the NT expected a “suffering messiah”.
Nobody in the NT used Isaiah 53 to prove Jesus was messiah.
Jesus did not fulfill OT messianic prophecies.
And don’t say second coming.
A second coming is not taught in OT.
And Sam is misrepresenting what Tovia Singer has said.
Sam thank you
25:31 Nestorius
im noticing this too 29:00-30:52
Sam is a master of distraction and avoiding the substance of the question. I am not a Jew but Isaiah was about Israel, no proof it was inspired. But Sam there many jewish denominations and I agree, how about 40k + christian denominations?
Wen he goes ,can u pray over this cat? Can someone explain so I can understand what is happening with that? I believe the invisible is bothering him .? Is he having paranormal activity going on when he is doing these videos?
Maybe he is in the new age..it was my firtd taught when he startef to ask Sam his 1sth quistion...Or kabbalah akso occult...whatevdr is gounv on with him it is not from our Lord Jesus Christ. Sam is protected by our Lord Jesus..And may mr reasond belief come to know the true God Jesus Christ Son of Yahweh...
It's a literal cat , that's making noise near him while he's streaming. So he's making it go away.
I have to do the same thing with my cat before I stream or she will climb on gear and meow the whole time lol
Sam is so deceitful, it's incredible. I only heard 7 minutes and he already said so many lies and wrong things. He says that Rashi says that this second messiah will be killed and then resurrected. Where does it say this anywhere? Sam made this last part up. Sure there is another messiah who will die. He aint coming back. Then he says how Rashi says the subject of the one coming from Bethlehem in Micah is the messiah. Wrong again. Read it again and look at the first Rashi this time. The one from Bethlehem is David. The one COMING from him is the messiah. The Messiah comes from David. He deliberately tried to be deceptive by distorting what Rashi says. If the truth was on your side, you wouldn't need to resort to lies
It means you don't understand anything he has said.
@@ese6126 lol. Not quite. Tell me what you think I don't understand. Go ahead and show me where it says the messiah will be resurrected. Then you could show me where Rashi says the messiah will be from Bethlehem. Good luck but although Sam wants you to believe this, it doesn't exist
@@nothingbutthetruth613 here read?1. First, it (oddly) disagrees with traditional Jewish views on the verse and the birthplace of the messiah.
Let me just go through a couple of ancient sources, showing that Bethlehem Ephrathah was understood as a place-name (and not a clan-name), both in Micah and in other passages in which the name occurs.
First, Rashi:
In the Micah passage, he says:
"And you, Bethlehem Ephrathah" - "whence David emanated, as it is stated (I Sam 17:58): 'The son of your bondsman, Jesse the Bethlehemite' and Bethlehem is called Ephrath, as it is said (Gen 48:7): 'On the road to Ephrath, that is Bethlehem" [Notice that Rashi links our Micah passage to Gen 48.7, in which BE (Bethlehem Ephrathah) is explicitly a place ("near B"), as noted by the annotator in the Sapirstein edition of Rashi--"He does so to contrast his failure to bury Rachel within the city of Beth-lehem..."]
And, in the 1 Sam 17:12 passage the site refers to, Rashi is even more explicit in his translation:
"And David was the son of this Ephrathite man -- 'Bethlehem is situated in the land of Ephrath"
The Reformers believe in the Theotokos and they viewed their movement as Reformed Catholicsm and called each other Catholics.
If you don't believe in the Theotokos you don't believe in the true Christ
He took all of you an a trip...and does not explain the lies.
Why rabbis..see in bible....it is jews and not Jesus.
Tobia Singer....says 2 things...it may be about messiah...but Jesus does not fit that criteria.....
the one who is asking also understood the black magic....bless you with all your confusion.
Amen teacher!✝️🙏🏻 I absolutely love it when you talk about Tovia swinger!!!