Jagex's ban system is BROKEN

  • Опубліковано 9 лип 2024
  • Scam everyone, avoid bans


  • @KrazzyKlown
    @KrazzyKlown 18 днів тому +6

    I got a permanent mute for being mildly to severely inflammatory.

    • @SaniOsrs
      @SaniOsrs  17 днів тому +2

      Ive seen so many players get perm muted for nothing

  • @BRUHH139
    @BRUHH139 17 днів тому +5

    Gagex literally only cares about streamers, theres two sets of rules. If ur a streamer gagex will break and change rules to keep u happy. if ur not a streamer gagex will false ban, abuse and silence. Us regular players are pieces of garbage with a wallet in gagex eyes

  • @Mike.The.Jeweler
    @Mike.The.Jeweler 17 днів тому +1

    Meanwhile my account was stolen and every dime I had was removed, and they said "its untraceable and we have no way to tell it wasn't you, you get nothing back"

  • @iamgem
    @iamgem 17 днів тому +3

    Imagine banning manual players and not bots 🙄

  • @IMScriptScape
    @IMScriptScape 7 днів тому +1

    for those who wanna know how to skip the grinds by writing some undetectable AHK scripts for OSRS, feel free to checkout my videos
    if you ever had one main banned falsely, you know the feeling of wanting to get back there, but not really wanting to invest the time and that risk again

  • @John-yk4bp
    @John-yk4bp 10 днів тому

    Crazy that they think you should audit anyone you open a trade window with. And imagine hosting a bingo and having to audit everyone buying in

  • @Apriliars
    @Apriliars 17 днів тому +1

    their system is 100% broken

  • @thecaybob1
    @thecaybob1 16 днів тому +1

    Here's something we can do as as community: donate to GG with RWT'd gold. If nobody gets banned we know the truth

    • @SaniOsrs
      @SaniOsrs  16 днів тому

      You know that they dont ban streamers

    • @thecaybob1
      @thecaybob1 16 днів тому +1

      @@SaniOsrs Imagine if one got banned, then they cried to Jagex like they always do...Would Jagex give them the cold shoulder as well? Personally MY account got hacked and I lost over 100m gp. Contacted Jagex and got told "too bad, should've played RS3." I haven't redeemed a bond since. They couldn't even tell me HOW the person even logged in. That 100m was all skilling as well, no bosses as I cannot do them. A SIGNIFICANT amount was Smithing...I've got 22m xp in smithing as it's F2P and a good moneymaker if you've got the gp to do it and I no longer do. EDIT: I was in the top 5k for Smithing when this happened as well

  • @iguanaassassin9893
    @iguanaassassin9893 18 днів тому +1

    I stopped playing started up and was just ge flipping for fun. I made like 600m or so and then i woke up one day with a 2 day ban on a few of ny accounts. I legit never manually traded anyone but myself from the same pc. They even took 200m from me. I have no idea how i got flagged

  • @eddiethealbatross5734
    @eddiethealbatross5734 17 днів тому

    So how are there still bot farms in game?
    If rwt is bannable, why isn't botting that contributes to a large portion of it?
    Botters have to get their equipment from a main mole somewhere right? Then that main mole from another mole etc etc.
    Unless Jagex can't detect botters dropping equipment for their mains to pick up, in that case that's ridiculous.

  • @TuKgamerS
    @TuKgamerS 19 днів тому +1

    Any ffa cox?

  • @Zirt_Nerd
    @Zirt_Nerd 17 днів тому +1

    im scamming everyone now, thanks for the tip!

    • @SaniOsrs
      @SaniOsrs  15 днів тому

      @@Zirt_Nerd no worries!

  • @stormhubert2109
    @stormhubert2109 18 днів тому +2

    i got my account highjacked and it got banned for RWT major when it was on the others persons jagex launcher and they gave me the account back to put on a new launcher and couldnt remove the ban. Like how the fuck is that possible when clearly they see the account was banned on a diffrent ip lol

  • @HoisinCrispyOwl
    @HoisinCrispyOwl 19 днів тому +1

    Babe wake up, new Sani vid

  • @StolenPw
    @StolenPw 16 днів тому +1

    I have like 4 maxed out accounts I've suicide botted lol

  • @consolplyrsrpoor2459
    @consolplyrsrpoor2459 17 днів тому

    they ban for rwt but rwt themselves with bonds. Mhm yes, makes sense. good job gagex

  • @TheIndirectgaming
    @TheIndirectgaming 18 днів тому

    Jagex doesn’t ban the buyers - they ban the sellers. So when they track someone bought gold, they take their gold. And whoever provided the sellers account with the gold gets banned. This is typically how they handle bot farms/sellers, if they banned everyone who bought gold/items 50% of end game accounts would be gone instantly.

    • @SaniOsrs
      @SaniOsrs  18 днів тому +1

      This is still a broken system though, because if you unknowingly trade a gold seller you will be banned.

    • @TheIndirectgaming
      @TheIndirectgaming 17 днів тому +1

      @@SaniOsrs I agree. As someone who buys items and gold, I never trade shit to anyone. I’d rather have my shit taken and given a warning than considered a farm/mule and perm banned

  • @uthgerd666
    @uthgerd666 17 днів тому

    Meanwhile f2p is infested with bots they give zero fucks about. Haven't played in awhile and kinda never want to again. Been playing since 04 on and off and Jagex has never been helpful in any situations. Too busy working on shitty Blender trailers than actually fixing problems.

  • @Torbarian
    @Torbarian 19 днів тому +2

    look at the other comments he had more evidence the dude was rwt he was linked to selling accounts and services so not a stretch that he knew they were selling.

    • @SaniOsrs
      @SaniOsrs  19 днів тому +1

      @@Torbarian that could be true, but I think the point still stands that if you trade gp to an account that rwts it you can get banned. That’s the main issue I want jagex to address, if you don’t own both accounts you shouldn’t be liable for what the other person does with that gold

  • @JustGeoffs
    @JustGeoffs 18 днів тому +4

    came here to say that Ayiza sucks

    • @zeeeb
      @zeeeb 18 днів тому

      false, quit glazin

  • @Stuff-Does-Happen
    @Stuff-Does-Happen 18 днів тому +1

    And this my friends is why I don't join clans....

    • @SaniOsrs
      @SaniOsrs  17 днів тому

      Could happen anytime though. Raising with a random and split it and he sells the gp, boom ur banned

  • @apolloniusbeitsman5444
    @apolloniusbeitsman5444 18 днів тому

    Maybe stop botting and selling gold so you don't get banned? Just an idea🤔

    • @SaniOsrs
      @SaniOsrs  18 днів тому +5

      @@apolloniusbeitsman5444 literally nothing to do with this video. Jagex falsely bans tons of players