Too much rubato and awkward pauses. Muddy textures / disjointed phrasing from pedaling and volume. First time I've felt slightly annoyed listening to Feux Follets. It's ok in #7 when you have a page of unvarying FF octaves, but there's something missing elsewhere, idk
so useful thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
콩쿨때보다 안정감있고 듣기가 더좋네요 피아노는 콩쿨때게 소리는 더좋구요 2년넘게 맨날듣고 행복하게해줘서 감사합니다😂
반 콩클때 친게 맞는거같은데요 ??^^천번정도ᆢ잘듣고있어요~~~볼수록 들을수록 경이 롭습니다~~
Too much rubato and awkward pauses. Muddy textures / disjointed phrasing from pedaling and volume. First time I've felt slightly annoyed listening to Feux Follets. It's ok in #7 when you have a page of unvarying FF octaves, but there's something missing elsewhere, idk