Both Peter & Judas BETRAYED Jesus - But This ONE KEY Difference DETERMINED Their Fates [EMOTIONAL]

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @ChristOverAllJeremy
    @ChristOverAllJeremy  3 місяці тому +51

    You made the right choice to click this long video. To guide you, here are the timestamps:
    0:00 The 2 major sins of Judas [Stealing money & betraying Jesus]
    10:53 How Satan could control Judas? Isn’t he one of Jesus’ Apostles? [Spoiler: It’s Judas’ love for money]
    15:23 So what can we learn from Judas’ sins?
    20:34 Jesus “killed [Judas] with kindness”: Desired to save him, but Judas destroyed himself
    25:16 What did Jesus promised his disciples including Judas? [Heaven is where Jesus is]
    29:25 Now what about Peter? [This will be even MORE emotional]

    • @noelmoodley2003
      @noelmoodley2003 2 місяці тому

      @ChristOverAllJeremy thank you for this relevant content.
      Does Sam have teachings on the destined role of Judas? Judas is rightly seen as the contrast to Peter regarding repentance. But he had to betray Jesus or there would be no crucifixion, was he not chosen or predestined for this role? If it wasn't him, would there not have been someone else, as Scripture makes it clear that the Lamb of God had to be betrayed then crucified for the sins of the world?

    • @mollymcvey569
      @mollymcvey569 2 місяці тому

      Thank you, Sam. God has used you to bless others. I learned so much I can apply in my life and teach others.

    • @chowdhurymeherali-mf9vz
      @chowdhurymeherali-mf9vz Місяць тому

      Both Peter & Judas BETRAYED Jesus !!! why i every time told, new testament is the book of imposters. see all are the imposter not only two.

    • @chowdhurymeherali-mf9vz
      @chowdhurymeherali-mf9vz Місяць тому

      who are those nine legendary imposters of the world? anybody can guess? this nine person created one unwanted religion. this religion got popularity in the pagan Europe and other pagan western countries.

    • @peterk.6930
      @peterk.6930 15 днів тому

      some thoughts on Judas I made on a video with Bart Ehrman some years ago:
      With regard to contradictions in the Bible Bart Ehrman has presented on various occasions the case of Judas Iscariot. He considers the two different accounts, in Matthew 27 and in Acts 1 as incompatible. He is right I suppose, but he overlooks something important. I have responded in different ways, but there is some confusion. To clarify, I want to evaluate my thoughts and rewrite my comment in a more subtle way.
      The two accounts indeed seem very weird, it is plausible to reject them as incompatible. So there must be something else going on rather than a hanging or another accident in which Judas burst open and his guts came out. To argue that Judas did not strangle himself, but is still alive when Jesus appeared to the twelve disciples, I would like to mention nine points.
      This is also an attempt to rehabilitate Juda(s), the Jew.
      John 20:24 says: now Thomas one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came.
      Jesus appeared to eleven disciples, so including Judas, since he is only replaced after the Ascension. There is a problem with the grammar when you take 'the twelve' as a technical term. Please read carefully, the pronomen personel 'them' refers directly to ‘the twelve.’ The pronoun cannot refer to a situation in the past.
      1 Corinthians 15:5 says: …and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
      When Paul writes about the appearance of Jesus, he writes about the situation before the Ascension, so before the replacement of Judas by Matthias which happened after the Ascension. And then there were twelve disciples, Judas including. So it's not the question that Judas is replaced, but that he didn't hang himself.
      The translation ’hanged himself’ is reasonable but disputable.
      The Greek απάγχω, composition of από and άγχω means literally squeeze (esp. the throat), strangle, throttle and is also used in derivative or metaphorical meanings as choked with anger, of pressing creditors, of a guilty conscience etc.
      In Matthew 27:5 απήγξατο appears as 3rd sg. Aoristus Medium and can therefore be translated as strangled or hanged himself. But as I said, a derivative meaning is obvious and more plausible. Therefore I propose the following translation: And hurling the pieces of silver in the sanctuary he left; and after he went off, he got very scared.
      Interestingly, the Dutch Statenvertaling, which is considered one of the most accurate translations in existence, translates with 'verworgde zichzelf.' It places the reflexive pronoun 'zichzelf' in italics, meaning that this word is not in the text, but has been added as a clarification. This is a textbook example of precise translation. In fact, it then says that his throat was constricted. So it doesn't say that he squeezes his throat himself. A derivative or metaphorical meaning is more likely in that case. The only English translation I know that lists the reflexive pronoun in italics is the Disciples' Literal New Testament (DLNT): And having thrown the silver-coins into the temple, he departed. And having gone away, he hanged himself.
      So again, this translation is not that literal as to get rid of the hanging.
      After the Ascension the disciples assembled again to replace Judas. I consider the translation of Acts 1:18 to be very disputable.
      Only if we assume that Judas has hanged himself and felt, the translation is conceivable.
      First I would like to mention the passage in the King James Bible: Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the middle, and all his bowels gushed out.
      Let ‘s focus on the second part of verse 18: καί πρηνής γενόμενος έλάκησεν μέσος καί έξεχύθη πάντα τά σπλάχνα αύτού
      The word translated as headlong, πρηνής can mean: with the head foremost, but the first meaning of πρηνής (nom. sg.) is: with the face downwards, bended or lying on ones stomach. By the way, the word 'prone' is still used in English in the meaning of 'prone position.' It means: to lie on the stomach. Derived meanings are: susceptible, amenable, receptive, open minded, open for suggestions and even vulnerable.
      Nota bene: the word falling is not in the Greek text, γενόμενος (nom. sg. part. Aoristus of the verb γίγνομαι) means: come into being, take place.
      People have in their mind, Judas has hanged, so he has to fall. That is what we call prejudice. If we look at the text with an open mind, we will translate differently. I propose: (being) with his face turned to the ground; or shortly: stooped or knelt.
      To support my argument I mention the way in which the Vulgate reconciled the two reports. The Vulgate translates Acts 1:18 as following: …et hic quidem possedit agrum de mercede iniquitatis et suspensus crepuit medius et diffusa sunt omnia viscera eius (…. he hanged, burst in the midst and his viscera gushed out). The Wycliffe Bible remains the same. But these translations are plainly wrong. Does the Roman church want Judas to hang?
      Subsequent (protestant) translations, as the King James Version, changed the text in the falling headlong.
      The word translated as burst, έλακησεν (3rd. sg. Aoristus of the verb λάσκω, λακάω or ληκέω) means: ring, rattle, crack or burst (especially of things) and scream, shout or cry aloud (especially of animals or human beings). (1)
      That his bowels gushed out is a way of saying, to express a deep sort of compassion or affection. In Hebrew it is referred to as rechamim. In particular it is used to mention God's mercy. The Dutch language has a great word for it, namely: barmhartigheid.
      Σπλάχνα is been used at several places in the New Testament: 1 John 3:17; 2 Cor. 6:12, 7:15; Col. 3:12; Philemon: 7, 12, 20; Philippians 1:8, 2:1, Luke 1:78. To mention only Luke: Through the tender mercy of our God, whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us. If it is metaphorically translated in those places, it is likely to do this here as well.
      To conclude, I suggest the following translation: Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity, when he knelt down, he screamed with great compassion.

  • @clesheanj
    @clesheanj 3 місяці тому +414

    I drive 600 miles a night. My shift is about 12 hours. For the last 2 weeks I have been listening to Sam for 6 of those 12 hours a night . I found Sam by chance and for the 2 weeks I have learned more about the Bible and Jesus than I ever have in my life. This is awesome.

    • @JSVHere
      @JSVHere 3 місяці тому +25

      Glad to hear that ; Sam has been a great blessing in my spiritual life too . Praise be to JESUS ALONE!

    • @James-ke2ir
      @James-ke2ir 3 місяці тому +16

      Drive safe ❤

    • @Tinytim3264
      @Tinytim3264 3 місяці тому +7

      God bless you and I pray the spirit gives us all the thirst for the lord. He longs for us to be with him 🙏

    • @JlYlElNlJ
      @JlYlElNlJ 3 місяці тому +10

      600?? I'm at work complaining about 350 miles a night!!

    • @elchavalito305
      @elchavalito305 3 місяці тому +5

      May the Lord bless you on this lifelong , neverending journey

  • @michaelsonoyao9881
    @michaelsonoyao9881 3 місяці тому +122

    Man, this video wrecked me. No one but Jesus can make a 40 year old man like me cry. Praise you, Lord! You make all things new! Thank you for loving such a wretch like me.

  • @AlistairCalvert
    @AlistairCalvert 3 місяці тому +55

    Sam is the reason i found the Holy Spirit and gave my life to Christ, this man is doing the lords work and I pray he never stops 🙏☦️ ALL THANKS TO THE MOST HIGH!

    • @AlistairCalvert
      @AlistairCalvert 2 місяці тому +1

      @@InspiralJez no ones worshipping Sam brother, Sam doesn’t do anything by himself, all glory goes to God and sam himself says that. It doesn’t change the fact that before I heard the Holy Spirit speaking through Sam shamoun I was the lost sheep that had strayed, now my life is owed to Christ and I only hope to one day be a vessel for the Holy Spirit to turn more people to the love of the most Highs embrace ☦️

    • @AlistairCalvert
      @AlistairCalvert 2 місяці тому +1

      @@InspiralJez you’ve misunderstood what I mean is, had I not been introduced to Christian apologetics by Sam then I wouldn’t have given my life to Christ. I get what you’re trying to say but no one’s worshiping Sam, simply thanking the Lord for working through Sam to spread the gospel 🤦‍♂️ ALL GLORY TO THE LORD, ALL THANKS TO THE LORD, AND ALL PRAISE TO THE LORD, stop putting words in my mouth saying I worship a man because I said I’m praying he never stops preaching Gods message and that he’s what exposed me to the truth ☦️

    • @AlistairCalvert
      @AlistairCalvert 2 місяці тому

      @@InspiralJez I get what you’re saying brother, I know that it’s All Gods doing, I’m just saying this man is doing the lords work in spreading Christianity and exposing other religions, and I truly hope God willing he never stops

    • @AlistairCalvert
      @AlistairCalvert 2 місяці тому

      @@InspiralJez "no mention of god or Jesus" … my brother, who is Christ? 😂😂 you’re literally trying so hard to twist my words, Sam is what lead me to Fully commit to my faith in Jesus, I don’t know how much clearer I can be 🤦‍♂️ Sam is not why I’m saved nor is he the reason I am, he is however the human being through the will of God responsible for my undying faith in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ

    • @AlistairCalvert
      @AlistairCalvert 2 місяці тому

      @@InspiralJez I’ll accept that maybe it could be understood that way, I’ve corrected it to better illustrate my position that all things happen by will of the Father and that all praise belongs to him ☦️

  • @peros.5219
    @peros.5219 3 місяці тому +35

    I cannot explain how much i love our lord.. everytime i see verses like this - i cry and it strengthens my love more and more. Thank you Father for sending Jesus Christ and protecting and leading us with the holy spirit. Christ is KING, AMEN ❤

  • @annemariemcgowan9273
    @annemariemcgowan9273 3 місяці тому +76

    Peter was frightened for his life. He didn't have time to think and regretted denying him. Judas was calculated. Big difference.

    • @Seweyn
      @Seweyn 3 місяці тому +13

      It makes it seem worse. However, can you imagine Peter saying to Jesus the reason he denied him was because he was afraid he would die, essentially trying to justifiy himself and his Sin? Its like Sam said in the video; that you should not cover your sin but convess your wrong doing, seeking to be healed.

    • @Verge63
      @Verge63 3 місяці тому +7

      Eventually Peter would lead the apostles after Christ forgave him. Judas had remorse whether he was forgiven by Jesus we don't know​.

    • @BPtruth
      @BPtruth 3 місяці тому +3

      Simon was an enforcer who when Jesus could trust him called him the “rock” of his ministry. Rock means Peter in Hebrew. Jesus changed his name when he realized Andrew’s brother was trustworthy. Simon the zealot into Saint peter who was faithless but never betrayed Jesus. Judas was a zealot too but he betrayed Jesus for some coin, Judas served money and use to steal from Jesus according to Mark. Judas got mad when they anointed him with perfume, and didn’t just betray Jesus but sold him out for 30 pieces of silver then went to create his own rebellion against god by creating a anti messianic sect of assassins under the name Judas Iscariot. Eventually his soul came to fruition from guilt and once he understood they were going to crucify jesus he hung himself. Simon Peter was really about it and Jesus had to teach him to control his anger where as Judas was a weak spiritual man and would sell his soul to the devil being possessed according to biblical scripture.

    • @moganfreeman6036
      @moganfreeman6036 3 місяці тому +2

      Why would someone who spent time with Jesus firsthand be afraid of death?

    • @exgtt2061
      @exgtt2061 3 місяці тому +4

      Nobody here on earth can judge Peter, the circumstances are too extreme to consider. Absolutely no one can say “I wouldn’t have done what Peter did”

  • @daniellukac2605
    @daniellukac2605 3 місяці тому +21

    My brother in Christ, thank you for your teachings Sam.

  • @JSVHere
    @JSVHere 3 місяці тому +17

    I don't have the time to watch Sam's livestreams and your uploads have been very helpful. Can't thank you enough , Jeremy ! Loads of love to you in CHRIST ❤!!

  • @brbas33
    @brbas33 3 місяці тому +13

    I love ur channel because sam can talk a lot. You have shifted out the Gold all the important stuff. God Bless , tk u lord for Sam and this channel. Prayers of wisdom courage strength patience for sam and his family and all who seek the truth in Jesus Name Amen

  • @walterchristensen7667
    @walterchristensen7667 3 місяці тому +8

    Sam! Your knowledge of scripture is inspiring to all of us in Christ. Thank you Lord for reaching out to Sam. lifting him up and moulding him for this time! This is awesome!

  • @maranatha8524
    @maranatha8524 3 місяці тому +10

    Thank you my brother. I too weeped during that account. Oh, I pray for His return like you Sam. I’ve never personally met you Sam but I truly have a Christian love for you dude and one day very soon I look forward to meeting you in heaven along with all His saints. Oh what a day that will be. MARANATHA 🙏🙏🙏

  • @joeyz5577
    @joeyz5577 3 місяці тому +16

    Absolute GOLD

  • @MrMacguitar
    @MrMacguitar 3 місяці тому +6

    Peter has always been my favourite disciple because his story gives me hope that I too can be forgiven.

  • @dannicolon6836
    @dannicolon6836 3 місяці тому +7

    Wow hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus Christ 🙏🏼

  • @markrobson8747
    @markrobson8747 3 місяці тому +2

    Im on the road to understanding Christ and after listening to Sam have jumped further than i could have ever hoped. I can now say God Bless to others in joy rather than good day. Thankyou Sam through Christ

  • @robertgelley6454
    @robertgelley6454 3 місяці тому +2

    Such a loving and awesome God that we get to serve. Oh how we need to wake up to what is truly important.

  • @smartiesubunk2thnubuts397
    @smartiesubunk2thnubuts397 12 днів тому

    I have just watched the account from you of the tree of forbiden knowledge and now this. never have i witnessed another who evidencs God's love for us individually in such a conclusive way that my heart was breaking along side yours for the love of God. You are truely blessed my the Spirit of God brother and I give thanks to our God that he used you to tell me his reason for the grace extended to us. i was totally amazed listening to you speak as i have heard many sermons from speakers and elders who focus on eternal life, the crown we recieve in heaven, the new Jerusalem etc etc etc but none of that has ever interested me. I gave my life to God through our |Lord and came to love him so much because I new that he was the only one who would never betray me or lead me wrongly. They say that Faith is not blind and this is so true, I don't need pilars of fire or water flowing out of rocks to know God loves me. I just had to repent and folow him and I have seen the truth of God's love for me within my own life. We only have to follow our lords commands to know he means the very best for us and ironically, this is how we were created to be - correct relationship with God. I thank our God that through the Spirit, he used you to tell me exactly the thing my heart has always wanted to hear even though it already new. I hope we get to shake hands after the trumpet call brother. Marinatha

  • @ioanniskalher6030
    @ioanniskalher6030 3 місяці тому +4

    Thank you sam for your teachings. Honestly i was always in a mental battle of where Judas would end up. Betraying Jesus was Gods will which he carried out. However, learning his past behaviours sets my intelect at peace. Thankyou ❤

  • @curtesamoangelos5995
    @curtesamoangelos5995 3 місяці тому +8

    Great study. Thank you.

  • @Rizzycat1
    @Rizzycat1 3 місяці тому +4

    This was beautiful and moving. Thank you 🙏

  • @midimusicforever
    @midimusicforever 3 місяці тому +4

    We need to put our trust in Jesus for our salvation!

  • @almiaquinn225
    @almiaquinn225 3 місяці тому +2

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. He will never leave you nor forsake you, He sees your heart and is closer than a friend 😊

  • @helensarkisian7491
    @helensarkisian7491 2 місяці тому +1

    Wow! That was off the chain. Answering questions I’ve had for forty years in 36 minutes.

  • @KoLecnac
    @KoLecnac 3 місяці тому +2

    The love of Christ is overwhelming. Since I was baptized with the Holy Spirit, I find myself crying almost daily from joy, or love, or just being overcome by how amazing our God is.
    It’d make me laugh how crazy we must look to the world, if I didn’t know the suffering it’s stuck in because of such little faith.
    Lord, let your love shine through your elect in all things!

    • @RionBraggs
      @RionBraggs 3 місяці тому

      I'm very happy for you, brother. But 'elect'? Are you a Calvinist? If so, watch Sam's other sessions on Calvinism and how it deceives true believers. The session on 'Jacob I loved, Esau I hated' at Christ over All's UA-cam channel is a good place to start, even if you're not a Calvinist.

  • @jameslanik9433
    @jameslanik9433 11 днів тому

    Heavy context. Left me in tears from the greater clarity that I have now on how much Jesus loves us.

  • @horseradishwithchives
    @horseradishwithchives 3 місяці тому +3

    This hits the heart in a beautiful way, thank you for these continued edits.

  • @alanestabillo6254
    @alanestabillo6254 3 місяці тому +1

    powerful exchange between 2 folks about God's unconditional love for His people, to what Christ has done for us.

  • @mralsinister
    @mralsinister 19 днів тому

    God is so great! Sam has taught me alot about understanding. I'm thankful to the Father, Son and Holy spirit for always teaching me and giving me grace to still be here. Thank u Sam

  • @jeffdiaz1225
    @jeffdiaz1225 9 днів тому

    I’m not worthy of him. Praise the Lord Jesus. I felt that within my spirit I cried along side Sam.. 😢 we all need to be better.

  • @fidelespiritu2110
    @fidelespiritu2110 3 місяці тому +3

    awesome exposition , never saw it this way . . .

  • @user-yg3ih4sz2t
    @user-yg3ih4sz2t Місяць тому +1

    John 14:21
    Glory be to the Lord Yeshua Hamashiach.

  • @vk7639
    @vk7639 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Sam for taking a fresh look at a deep teachings of scriptures and showing us a character our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

  • @darenvaloie7037
    @darenvaloie7037 Місяць тому

    Thank you brother for sharing your love and knowledge of scripture. God bless you in abundance.

  • @notfromthisworld7558
    @notfromthisworld7558 3 місяці тому +3

    Amen powerful massage 🔥

  • @joelohas
    @joelohas 11 днів тому

    I'm Nigeria and a theology student but I think God is using this man for better understanding the scripture, I believe he must be a member of the church of christ because this are only people with sound doctrine of Jesus Christ without strife 💪🏽

  • @sonja11.11
    @sonja11.11 3 місяці тому +1

    Thankyou for this teaching. It makes clear to me how I will have to pray for strength in my battle against my visces

  • @holyarmor578
    @holyarmor578 3 місяці тому +6


  • @claytonhider7175
    @claytonhider7175 Місяць тому

    Thank you Father for the revealing of your love through your holy word spirt. May you Lord continue to be my all.

  • @practicalcivilian3259
    @practicalcivilian3259 3 місяці тому +1

    I love to see the conviction in his heart these verses almost bring me to tears

  • @ArmOr_of_the_Alpha_and_Omega
    @ArmOr_of_the_Alpha_and_Omega 3 місяці тому +3

    The difference was between worldly sorrow in which the person relies on their feelings, the world and the foolish "wisdom" of men which leads to destruction vs godly sorrow which requires you to 100% rely on God for redemption and salvation. This leads to repentence, transformation and everlasting life.

  • @tahirfarooq7337
    @tahirfarooq7337 Місяць тому

    Thank you my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for all your love.❤❤❤❤❤
    And secondly lots of respect for brother sam shamoun for such a wonderful and powerful message. I was crying while watching.. May God bless you and protect you so that we can keep learning from a true teacher like you.

  • @d.a.pofficial2316
    @d.a.pofficial2316 3 місяці тому +1

    Dawg this video just hit me so hard 😢 I don’t deserve Jesus’s love man I fall down everyday n I fight everyday I can’t fathom the love Jesus has for me. Just wow. Thank u Lord for dying for me and always being forgiving

  • @Controle9165
    @Controle9165 3 місяці тому +1

    Don’t forget you need to forsake your sin and the Lord will have mercy.
    Forsaking your sin is the definition of repentance Matthew 12:41 Jonah 3:10

  • @imtisanen4869
    @imtisanen4869 25 днів тому

    Praise the Lord Jesus. He is almighty.❤

  • @DominicGordula
    @DominicGordula 13 днів тому +1

    WOOOOWWWWWW i felt crying... this is wonderful.. Thank you Sam God bless you.. Hope you can teach about Salvation.. or do you already given this topic, if so, can you share the link?? Thank you again and God Bless

  • @geevee7
    @geevee7 22 дні тому

    My Lord and Savior, how faithful you are. Thank you for coming to save us. ❤

  • @ProdigalSon_8
    @ProdigalSon_8 Місяць тому

    1 John 5:13
    We MAY KNOW WE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. Rest in Jesus y’all you’re saved the moment you BELIEVE and TRUST in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Acts 16:30-31. The Lord is amazing

  • @jsomename
    @jsomename Місяць тому

    This is beautiful! Thank so much for your preaching Sam!

  • @outloudthinking2691
    @outloudthinking2691 Місяць тому

    Thank you Sam...Numbers 6:24-26 KJV
    [24] The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: [25] The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: [26] The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

  • @saibharathan531
    @saibharathan531 3 місяці тому

    Thank you so much for making these edited videos. Sam is a teacher with rare insight into the Scriptures. Are used to listen to him earlier. Stopped listening to him sometime back because of the triggering content which always kept coming in in the way he had to refute those who interrupted the teaching sessions. Now I am able to listen to pure Nuggets of teaching.

  • @mirielle128
    @mirielle128 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank God I've been following you, thank you Lord.

  • @sonja11.11
    @sonja11.11 3 місяці тому

    Sam, your teachings are a great blessing to those who watch. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart

  • @johnsalazar5681
    @johnsalazar5681 11 днів тому

    I needed this thank you so much.

  • @Tearfree709
    @Tearfree709 3 місяці тому

    this is good. This morning i was reading John 15...where Jesus gives His commandment....and I never thought of this connection. Jesus is amazing!!!!!!!

  • @cheslyndefreitas676
    @cheslyndefreitas676 3 місяці тому

    Praise be the our Lord and Savior for people like Sam. I pray that The Holy Spirit will open my eyes to a new understanding of our sacred scripture like Sam. Wow this man is truly blessed. Wish I can delve so deep in the sacred text like him. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @sanctifiedbarber3936
    @sanctifiedbarber3936 Місяць тому

    God is very tolerant, but to a point. You can reach a point of not return. This whole study it keep reminding me of king Saul's life.

  • @IzabellaCamacho
    @IzabellaCamacho 3 місяці тому +1

    I don’t feel comfortable confessing my sins to the elder. Not everyone has a pure heart

  • @SaltyBallzz
    @SaltyBallzz Місяць тому

    This episode was a tear jerker ! Wow I love the deep dives into scripture! Praise Jesus! Christ is King! 👑

  • @jameskerrigan2997
    @jameskerrigan2997 29 днів тому +1

    Peter said Lord we need money to pay our taxes. Lord didn't even ask where's Judas he's the money guy. He told Peter go catch a fish it will have a coin in it's mouth, pay your tax and mine with it.

  • @sarahconger2375
    @sarahconger2375 3 місяці тому

    🕊️ he said the Holy Spirit has been with him this whole time. 🤗 Yes, yes He has. God bless him 🙏❤️

  • @jurusco
    @jurusco 3 місяці тому

    I love your passion when talking about Jesus, who is the Way the Life the Truth, everything is about Him and for Him, i pray many many times for you Sam, that God blesses you, your ministery and keep bringing people to Christ and i also pray that God in his mercy free you from any idolatry through his Holy Spirit, you can't win againt the Holy Spirit of God, i pray that He brings you clarity that you already know, Jesus is Lord, all the glory to Him forever and ever, Amen.

  • @janetdavis6473
    @janetdavis6473 3 місяці тому +2

    In the Old Testament, the price of a slave was 30 pieces of silver.

  • @christopherlauter9403
    @christopherlauter9403 2 місяці тому

    Sir, you will always send. We are supposed to turn from our stand and try to be more Christ. Like.

  • @thomasjohn9558
    @thomasjohn9558 3 дні тому

    Thanks to Lord Jesus Christ for gifting us br. Sam
    I will be 73 by 10 September 2024
    Never in my life have I had access to a person, who touched my filthy heart while typing I am I tears for someone who showed my sinful life
    May God bless you and your family 🌿🌾🙏

  • @monicaprazeres
    @monicaprazeres Місяць тому

    Amazing channel, thank you so much. God bless you and your family.

  • @martinlopez1184
    @martinlopez1184 3 місяці тому

    Thanks for this reminder Sam, was much needed today.

  • @ginacarrasco3749
    @ginacarrasco3749 3 місяці тому

    Oh what a wonderful God we serve, now more than ever he is the Light of this dark and wicked world.

  • @christopherlauter9403
    @christopherlauter9403 2 місяці тому

    Sam, this is beautiful! Every day you bring more and more to Lord

  • @mashariel
    @mashariel Місяць тому

    HalaluYaH! 7 x 70 = 490 490 = Thamym "Whole, Complete, Perfect" HalaluYaH - Thank you Brother(s) for another great talk, teaching, glorifying His Word! HalaluYaH!! Love & Respect

  • @arcamdomain
    @arcamdomain 3 місяці тому

    These things had to come to pass for our God's plan to be fulfilled, Amen

  • @HeWhoShams
    @HeWhoShams 3 місяці тому

    And the Lord turned and looked at Peter.
    That is such a powerful sentence... You not thinking the Lord would know you denied Him only for Him to turn and immediately lock eyes with you in the middle of a crowd.
    The eyes of God in the Flesh staring at you must have been... earthshattering. It gives me chills to put myself in Peter's shoes.

  • @marcusdelacruz4730
    @marcusdelacruz4730 2 місяці тому

    I love this, Beautifully done💐

  • @dirmusloner7963
    @dirmusloner7963 Місяць тому

    I always had a feeling that when we read that verses of the Gospel of John the questionsl of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ asks Peter 3 times, the same question apply to anyone of us also.

  • @vicmaralmonte5909
    @vicmaralmonte5909 3 місяці тому

    This is beautiful. Thank Jesus. 🙏🏼

  • @FunkyDeleriousPriest
    @FunkyDeleriousPriest 24 дні тому

    This taught me that I need to give my money box to God, not Satan. I guess I've been the Unjust Steward from the book of Luke 16.

  • @daveyJ213
    @daveyJ213 2 місяці тому +1

    Interesting. When Judas went out to kill himself by hanging, did he repent first? Did he ask forgiveness from God? Did the Father grant him forgiveness? Did not Jesus himself say that there would be many who "cast out demons and do miracles. in my name", but at the end He will say, "Depart from me into the eternal flames prepared for the Devil and his angles, for I never knew you"? Judas certainly fits that description.
    So, even though Judas allowed himself to be possessed by Satan, and never really truly walked with Jesus, he will be in a position to judge Israel? Why? Simply because that is what the Lord wants? Unless the Lord specifically has chosen to overlook Judas' sin (which the Lord can do in His own free will, and which is the method all are saved), I find that difficult to understand.
    In Acts 1 Judas' station was given to another. As recorded in Psalms: “For,” said Peter, “it is written in the Book of Psalms: “ ‘May his place be deserted; let there be no one to dwell in it,’ and, “ ‘May another take his place of leadership."
    Maybe Matthias will occupy the 12th throne over Israel? I'm asking questions because I do not know. Please advise.

  • @legacymatters1916
    @legacymatters1916 2 місяці тому

    This is so good!!! You are such an effective teacher!!!

  • @reggiesmith5909
    @reggiesmith5909 3 місяці тому +1

    Remember that Jesus said, Father of the 12 that you gave me I have not lost one. This included judas.

    • @r.c4914
      @r.c4914 3 місяці тому

      You taking it out of context

    • @robertfrank6058
      @robertfrank6058 3 місяці тому

      John 17:12 read it again without putting your own spin on things.

  • @user-dn3qf3nf3y
    @user-dn3qf3nf3y 3 місяці тому

    Comare Acts 1:20 verse: 'May ("his,") place be deserted let there be no one to dwell in it.' Then read Psalm's 69:25 verse: 'May their place be deserted let there be no one to dwell in their tent's.' See the difference?

  • @sandyfoot
    @sandyfoot 16 днів тому

    I was taught that only the feet needed to be washed because they were the part that touched the (unclean) Earth. The rest of their body was pure. But that no longer makes sense knowing Jesus washed Judas’s feet.

  • @SonnyHagos-wk5nb
    @SonnyHagos-wk5nb Місяць тому

    Amen my dear bŕother. Ptl.

  • @MikeCook-ww2fe
    @MikeCook-ww2fe 3 місяці тому

    I'm Catholic raised but until recently didn't comprehend how amazing the Bible is. I'm trying to reeducate myself. Question, possible insight, is this about Judas, telling us that the closer you are to Jesus the more we need to guard ourselves, because our souls are more coveted? Question. What do we call God the Father Jehovah, Yahweh, I am? don't want to pray to a false God. Lucky I pray threw Jesus. Him I know. Or am trying to know.

  • @jazzmankey
    @jazzmankey 2 місяці тому

    What does this text mean? ““I do not speak concerning all of you. I know whom I have chosen; but that the Scripture may be fulfilled, ‘He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me.’”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭13‬:‭18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    1. Why is it that scripture needs to be fulfilled?
    2. Was it possible that this particular scripture not be fulfilled?
    3. Would Jesus have been wrong if Judas had not chosen to betray Him?
    4. Is your understanding of the use of the phrase “scripture must be fulfilled” consistent with your understanding of other texts that use this phrase?

  • @A.Man..
    @A.Man.. 2 місяці тому

    And the verse that says those who do such things put Jesus to the cross again

  • @merissacarlisle8043
    @merissacarlisle8043 2 місяці тому

    I believe forgiveness only closes when you die or take the mark of the beast. You can alway confess and ask forgiveness at anytime other than that, but you must repent and turn from sin. If you love Him you will obey.

  • @reynoldwolter4186
    @reynoldwolter4186 2 місяці тому

    There is also the aspect in Peter's repentance to the Lord that two of the Greek words for love were the same but the final different

  • @user-tt9jz5ym8h
    @user-tt9jz5ym8h 3 місяці тому

    Jesus is my reward. Where your treasure is, there also your heart will be. Jesus is eternal and infinite love.

  • @user-dn3qf3nf3y
    @user-dn3qf3nf3y 3 місяці тому +1

    Psalms 69:25 verse wasn't a prophecy about Judas Iscariot as the apostle Peter took and said that it was a scripture that had to be fulfilled if king David never wrote about Judas Iscariot on in the book of Psalms

  • @BryanKimakowich
    @BryanKimakowich Місяць тому

    1 Corinthians 6:19-20(KJV) 19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit,
    which are God's.
    “The kingdom of Heaven is within us”. when you invite Jesus into your life, you agree that Jesus is the Son of God. That Jesus died for our sins and you repent and decide to allow the Godhead to change your life, rule your life, you submit your life and you give the reigns of your life over to Jesus, then Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit come and make their abode within you.”
    ~ David Bower - Providing a Faith-Based Teaching Ministry through God's Word

  • @forsakenbanksy1269
    @forsakenbanksy1269 3 місяці тому

    Simon Peter is brilliant. It's always him objecting in good faith, its him in his innocent but broad self latching onto Jesus's bosom to seek the truth of the betrayer. It was him that walked on water with our Lord and got wet doing so. What a character lol.

  • @lalthatluangahmar7282
    @lalthatluangahmar7282 3 місяці тому

    I'm so glad we have good Christian like sam

  • @cainansworld2016
    @cainansworld2016 Місяць тому

    Beautiful ❤

  • @PapaGeorgio23-111
    @PapaGeorgio23-111 3 місяці тому

    I hate the fact I fall to sin daily and I’m ashamed to admit it but I too, lust and have addictions that I know are wrong but I keep doing it and I’m afraid that I’m unworthy to be a child of God and be welcome into his kingdom; all I want is to be pleasing to the Lord and him be happy with me ; I hate sin I feel so disgusting; I am weak and I need you Lord 😭🙏🏻❤️

  • @dirmusloner7963
    @dirmusloner7963 Місяць тому +1

    Only John followed Jesus all the way from when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Baptized to the Sanhedrin Council and then to Golgotha. Remember Jesus told to John his beloved Disciple "Behold your mother" Jesus entrusted His Mother to John. And Jesus turn to his mother and said "Behold your son". John was the Beloved Disciple of Jesus because among all the Disciples John was the youngest. John followed Jesus at the age of 16 and when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Crucified John was 19 years old

  • @aeonflutter
    @aeonflutter 2 місяці тому

    God bless sam

  • @theotherorange3586
    @theotherorange3586 2 місяці тому

    Hell is the absence of God. You have never been without the light of God unless you go to hell. New experience for most people.

  • @livingtoaster1358
    @livingtoaster1358 3 місяці тому

    This reminds me of these verses in the Bible
    ‭Ezekiel 33:30-33 ESV‬
    [30] “As for you, son of man, your people who talk together about you by the walls and at the doors of the houses, say to one another, each to his brother, ‘Come, and hear what the word is that comes from the Lord.’ [31] And they come to you as people come, and they sit before you as my people, and they hear what you say but they will not do it; for with lustful talk in their mouths they act; their heart is set on their gain. [32] And behold, you are to them like one who sings lustful songs with a beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument, for they hear what you say, but they will not do it. [33] When this comes-and come it will!-then they will know that a prophet has been among them.”

  • @joesanchez3646
    @joesanchez3646 3 місяці тому

    When we do sin we have a spokesperson in Jesus that will speak to the Father in our behalf ✝️

  • @maxwell-nn8hc
    @maxwell-nn8hc 3 місяці тому

    Sam you are so Deep. Greetings from germany .

  • @juancarlosaliba4866
    @juancarlosaliba4866 3 місяці тому

    The treachery of Judas and the denial of Peter moved me most. I contemplated that in the Stations of the Cross, the one made by Pope St. John Paul II