brother. you can copy and paste the "Ketarike MAhder የመፈንቅለ መንግስቱ ሚስጢር ክፍል 1 " on the search tab, and it will come automatically. That is how I got part 1
@@hermonogbamichael7726 thank you so much for your suggestion. But, it had not been there, when i had written the comment. If you scrutinized it critically, you could see that it was uploaded on May 24, 2019. Where as part two of it had been uploaded on May 21,2019.
1000000 gize mokero mengston le megedel alchalom yeh holo muhore general 1 sew megedel aktachew!! Egzeabeher new be mote en be heywet mekakel ye mewesenew !! Melez manem saynkaw kezeno mote , Ethiopian endetel fetare kesefew !!
Everyone is talking about Ethiopian generals most of whom are dead. Apart from tigrai media none talk about the brave weyane generals who dismantled the so called largest army in Africa. No wonder Meles locked them up and tigrai is now on verge of secession.
Oh my God what talented person he is, this Colonel. He know everyone's history and biography by heart
ከታሪክ ማህደር እባካችሁ ክፍል አንድን UPLOAD አድርጉልን! ፕሮግራማችሁ እጅግ በጣም አስተማሪ ነው! ታሪክ የማንነት መሰረት ነውና በህይወት ያሉ ታላቅ ታሪክ ሲፈፀሙ የነበሩ ሰዎችን ምስክርነታቸውን መቀበል ታላቅ ቁምነገር ነውና አቶ ተስፋዬ ካሳሁን ልትመሰገን ይገባሀል! እናመሰግናለን፡፡
brother. you can copy and paste the "Ketarike MAhder የመፈንቅለ መንግስቱ ሚስጢር ክፍል 1
" on the search tab, and it will come automatically. That is how I got part 1
@@hermonogbamichael7726 thank you so much for your suggestion. But, it had not been there, when i had written the comment. If you scrutinized it critically, you could see that it was uploaded on May 24, 2019. Where as part two of it had been uploaded on May 21,2019.
በጠም ጨዋና የበሰሉ መኮንን ናቸው እኚህ መኮንን።
ኢትዮጵያ የታሪክ ሀብት አላት እንጠቀምበት
መንግስቱ ስልጣኑን ለማሰጠበቅ እንዲህ የሀገሪቷን ገንዘብ ዘርፎ ሊሄድ ሰንቱን አዋቂ ጄኔራሎች ጨርሶ ሄደ
ኡኡ ክፍል አንድ የት ሄድ
1000000 gize mokero mengston le megedel alchalom yeh holo muhore general 1 sew megedel aktachew!!
Egzeabeher new be mote en be heywet mekakel ye mewesenew !!
Melez manem saynkaw kezeno mote , Ethiopian endetel fetare kesefew !!
G. Vick uhc
ጋዜጠኛውም ሆነ ይህ ተናጋሪ ይህንን ያዳምጡ፦
ክፍል አንድ አቤት
መንጌ ሌባው ሠው በላ በላሐው የን ሑሉ ወጣት
a b ህውሀት እንጅ መንጌ እንዴት ነው ወጣት ሚበላው ያኔም ዛሬም እነሱ እንደሚበሉ እኮ እያስመሰከሩ ነው
አበሻ ማንም ቢመጣ አታመሰግኑም
Everyone is talking about Ethiopian generals most of whom are dead. Apart from tigrai media none talk about the brave weyane generals who dismantled the so called largest army in Africa. No wonder Meles locked them up and tigrai is now on verge of secession.
Eshe Lule eplf were in charge
Eshe Lule ወያኔ በ17 ዓመት የበረሃ ቆያታው ተዋግቶ ድል ያደረገበት ወይም የያዘው ከተማ እስኪ ንገረኝ ከሽሬ በስተቀር እሱም በሻዕብያ እርዳታ ወያኔን ኣዲስ ኣበባ ድረስ ያደረሳት ሻዕብያ ነው ምክንያቱም ወያኔ መካናይዝድ ሃይል ኣልነበራትም ፡ እነዚህ የወያኔ ጀነራሎች ሻዕብያ ውስጥ ሹመት ይሰጣቸው ቢባል ከመስመር መሪ (መራሒ መስርዕ) በላይ ኣያገኙም ነበር።