She is among the highly intelligent people. This kind of people, if born in Muslim family will not hang in to the religion of Islam very long. It is an insult to their intelligence to be fed with garbage day in and day out by the zealots.
@@karimouslimhammamet764 I understand the Chinese don't want Islam to grow in their country. But China is not a Muslim majority country. But in Algeria itself, are there specific factors that make the Algerians leave Islam? I mean , like in the video you sent me, it's so difficult for Muslims to leave the religion but according to you , Algerian apostasy is increasing fast, by that it means the the Algerians apostates are willing to forsake family and friends and risk themselves getting jailed because Algeria is an Islamic country isn't it? I am curious to know what driving factors make Algerians so brave and "reckless" as to declare themselves ex Muslims in a country like Algeria. Even in my country, which is not Muslim majority, and the Muslims in my country are actually quite lax, the Muslims who leave the religion here are very quiet about it cos they don't want their families and friends to know. We don't even know the numbers who left the religion. I can't imagine what is it like for ex Muslims living in Muslim majority countries like Algeria.
@@Catherinetatethefkingliberty Many thanks for your comment. The phenomenon “ ISLAMEXIT” is gaining ground in the whole middle east. What promotes and encourages that exode is the access to internet. Through the media, muslims have known that it is possible to criticize islam, prophet Mohamed, the quran, etc. They are now exposed to the flaws and weak points of islam. They are also looking for mental freedom as islam closes all doors of free thinking , criticism and expression. Even it condemns to death anyone who leaves Islam So you can see that when you close all doors, the inmates even try to escape through the windows and key holes. Besides, most Muslims know that certain koranic verses cannot come from the true God. When you read verses like 9:30 ot 5:34 or 4:24 , you feel like vomiting. When you see that the so called Allah authorizes slavery and even give guidelines on how to treat your slaves, then you can easily confuse Allah and Satan. When you read “kill the associators, “ then you ask who created those associators and why did he creat them. Then why does he kill them by himself instead of sending us to do the killing. So bother, Islam is just a poison which is very strong. I am happy that God gave me the strength and courage to escape. There are other factors that push middle east muslims to quit islam. The Evangelical Churches are growing strong there. In Morroco, there is a Moroccan called Brother Rachid, an ex-muslim who is now an Evangelist. There is madam WAFA SULTAN who is now a super star because she left islam and has vowed to expose its danger on the media. Type these 2 names and see what is going on here. 1 - FRERE RACHID 2 - WAFA SULTAN. Then get back to me
Atlas24gh Pity, Fay Rahman did not have a competent Imam to teach her. Islam esteems womanhood as the symbol of purity and motherhood as gateway to Paradise, and gives woman rights alongside man from birth to Paradise.
@@tima67 You are portraying yourself as an idiot! Against which religion are you contrasting woman? Do not confuse Islam with Muslims! Islam is the only Liberator woman has known. Islam gives woman rights alongside man from birth to Jannah; it leaves her nothing more for which to strive.
@@abunajam6787 from where are you getting your point of view? Are you in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia? It makes me very sad to see that this ignorance still exists.
Islam has been an unbroken chain of ignorance and abuse since its birth 1,400 years ago. Respect and love to all who are smart enough to break this ugly cycle ❤
I admire this woman for being brave enough to go her way. I do not however share her view regarding the disappearance of Islam. She said that if Islam were to be left out of the spotlight (something not possible by the way) it would slowly and quietly dissappear "like the other mythological religions". The thing is, the other mythological religions, and Christianity for that matter, did not dissappear neither slowly nor quietly, but the opposite way. They disappeared over a very long period of cultural challenge and many, many bloodbaths, and that is what actually is going on today. I say this as an historian, people do forget or sometimes ignore the greatest challenges of humanity past the 20th century, there were many and they were often brutal. In a positive light, I do believe however that the process has actually started, and Islam has started its long journey to obscurity. Unfortunately, it will continue to be a violent journey
Islam is surprisingly resilient. The christian world and those with an atheistic bent of mind have been saying this for more than 1400 years now but doesn't happen.
itz rona Pity, Fay Rahman did not have a competent Imam to teach her. Islam esteems womanhood as the symbol of purity and motherhood as gateway to Paradise, and gives woman rights alongside man from birth to Paradise.
I'm equally an ex- Muslim from Nigeria, Islamic religion is a toxic and one man religion, God never fore once talk to Muhammed only an Angel in a cave of Haira
It is stupid and crude to follow a book written over 1300 years back. Science is advancing rapidly. These people are living in hell thinking about afterlife and jennah.
Not only one book There are 22 different book that is being written by Manu people. Also these books were written 200 years later the death of Muhammad. Muhammed was not a prophet he was fabricating with god. )allah.
It's infuriating that religion makes some people forget their humanity, their families. How can you place your religion above your kids? How can you justify that?
I a an Egyptian, The God or leader or even the father that is not happy that you are curious about any thing that is not a God that cannot be a friend. As a scientist I cannot accept any one to stop my curious mind that is me, my best thing in me and any religion or teaching contradict the proven fact is a cult or for crazy people.
Hone your intelligence, and your lifelong learning, Fay. Connect quantum mechanics, Krebs cycle, and keep your mind open, recognizing humans still comprehend little
its her hair and life...and she left a cult of sex and hate,child brides,4 wives,72 virgins,what sort of religion offers that ??? ,,,she now has free will,bless her courage.the islamic god can not die and rise,,,so he is not all mighty...but a false god
I noticed a few Fay said that I'd Christianity is weak in certain things and Islam is strong. She has no clear understanding of Christianity. Christianity was not meant to a political nor military force. She brought up the Crusades of she understood anything about them she know there was no goal to convert people to Christianity. The strength of Christianity is the love through sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. Their was more converts to Christianity in one day then 13 years of Islam. Listening to her she still in struggle of is there is God (JHWH) You can not reform Islam with calling the prophet a liar and Allah false. That will make the Quran false as well. Just note the region outside Islam that talks about horde with wings is Greek and Roman mythology of pegasus
Islam prescribes such circumscribed lives for women. I've often wondered if Islamic men view having to be "in charge" of women's lives as crippling their own lives. I would not want to be responsible for another adults whereabouts, dress,words,thoughts as a great imposition on my life and insulting to the other's.
We can go to the rooth of all cults : 'meraj'...transcendence...lifting the Buraq going in highher consciousness....being innocent ,innocare means not disturbing not harming others , get out of punishment system....❤
Peace to humanity... Your inner soul will always remind you that the almighty God is the one worthy of worship. The misunderstandings of people's life's and how they live needs to be separated from the true and original religion. The concept of Islam is worshipping of our creator according to his instructions and the rewards will be evident on judgement day.. If one looks at Islam from a business point of view and we trade with good deeds in exchange for living in paradise and avoiding hell forever, then from that logical point of view it makes sence. I don't understand how we can risk such an eternal concept in exchange for our own desires for such a life equivalent to a blink of an eye. We belong to God and to him we return. Are we to return home expecting a beautiful end or otherwise. Our actions and intentions will determine that. I pray we see the light collectively.
Fay is one of those spirits too strong to be kept down. She was always meant to be her own person, which would have been impossible under Islamic dogma, as the social control is absolutely maddening in those circles. Glad for her that she gets to be free from that. Ex-Muslims deserve the very best, for all the non-sense they deal with.
If anyone wants to continue to stay a muslim, read the Koran, but do not make any effort to understand what you have read. If so once you start to understand and question you will definitely leave this cult.
Read! Knowledge is power. Root word of knowledge is " KNOW! NOW is the root word of kNOW 🥰 To know happens in the presence of now, the present moment...' TIDINGS' surah781-17. At this age I had to block family members, to seperate myself from five pillars and and looked down apon for dressing just the way I always dressed sice childhood. The changed to black clothing. I'm not cross or angry, I just needed space to enjoy living life well. I admire your great spirit to speak out 💞thank you. History is like fantasy. Voice speaks ,exaggerate, what is remembered..his story is history.
COMMENT: NO FREE WILL IN QURAN... ANSWER: ‘WILL’ is “the mental faculty by which a person decides or conceives himself as deciding upon and initiating his actions”[. When we ask the question, “Do we have free WILL?”, the answer depends very much upon what we mean by “free” in this context. If we ask, ‘Is our WILL free from compulsion?’, the answer is ‘YES’ but if we ask, ‘Is our WILL free from causation?’, the answer is ‘NO’. “A man is free from compulsion when he is not restrained or coerced by forces or persons outside of himself. He is free when he can follow his own desires, his own WILL, regardless of how that WILL may itself have come to be what it is”. According to the Quran, man is (born) free to aim at definite ends, free to choose between alternatives, free to choose good from evil and free to act in accordance with his WILL. The Quran says, “Do whatever you will”; “there is absolutely no compulsion in the Deen”; “the Truth [has come] from your Sustainer: let, then, him who wills, believe in it, and let him who wills, reject it.”; “Verily, We have shown him the Way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will)”. Allah says in the Quran that if human beings had not been endowed with freedom of choice, all those who dwell on earth would have been made to believe (in that which Allah asks them to believe). But this was not Allah’s way. He says, “Would you compel people to believe?”, signifying that people are under no compulsion by the Almighty to believe or disbelieve and that they should not be compelled in this regard by other people. “None can attain faith except in accordance with Allah’s law”, which is that “Allah lays the loathsome evil [of disbelief] upon those who will not use their reason”. People believe or disbelieve according to Allah’s law of universal causation. Human WILL is absolutely free from compulsion but not free from causation. Everything, including our every act and decision has a prior cause. The important point to keep in mind is, however, that the cause is not always outside of us. The cause may also be within us. Our own character, which we ourselves have helped to form, our own past habits, resolutions and decisions may also be the cause of our present decisions and acts. There are many passages in the Quran which elucidate that man is free from compulsion but not free from causation. However, when some verses of the Quran are viewed in isolation from the other verses, that appear in other parts of the Quran but related to the same theme, then the confusion may arise. For example, Sura Al-Bakara, verse 7-8 says, “As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether you warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing and there is a covering over their eyes, and there is a great punishment for them”. It appears from the verses that the disbelievers are under compulsion from Allah and since Allah has set seal upon their hearts, they will never believe. However, if we look at Sura An-Nisa, verse 155, it says, “Allah set a seal upon them because of their disbelief”. So there is causation here, not compulsion. The cause of the seal from Allah is their own disbelief. If they start believing, of which they have choice , the seal will go off. The Quran says that “Any calamity that befalls you is because of your own misdoings; (whether these are committed by an individual or collectively because of an improper social system)”. “Verily, as for those who do not believe that they are destined to meet Us, but content themselves with the life of this world and do not look beyond it, and are heedless of Our messages. Their abode is the Fire, because of the (evil) they earned. [But] those who believe, and work righteousness,- their Lord will guide them because of their faith: beneath them will flow rivers in gardens of bliss.” Determinists rightly assert that every effect has a cause but Materialistic Determinists wrongly assume that all effects including thoughts, values, volitions, decisions or acts are caused only by physical or chemical or physiological processes going on in human body. However, they forget that Psychological reasons (related to the nafs) may also be the cause of many effects. An implicit assumption in Fatalism is that “a given event will take place regardless of what you or I may do to promote or prevent it”. This concept of Fatalism is utterly against the Quranic Teachings. The Quran says, “Allah does not change the condition of a people until they bring about a change in their inner-selves (Anfus: psyche)”. “Allah would never change the blessings with which He has graced a people unless they change their inner-selves”[13]. This clearly implies that people can change their conditions by changing their inner-selves (anfus or psyche) and that all causes of an effect are not always outside (or external) of them but there may be some (internal) causes within their inner-selves and hence within their control. A distinction must be made between Activistic Determinism and Fatalistic Determinism. “Activistic Determinism, though recognizes that every effect is the result of a cause, is a call to action and utmost exertion of man’s physical and mental capacities”. On the other hand Fatalistic Determinism “paralyzes the will and makes man passive and lethargic”.
@@salimhusain2814 Read Hadith story of Moses blaming Adam and Adam seeking justification finally Muhamma supporting Adam-inference No Free Will Quran also references of being meaningful to some subject to whats in their hearts.... Again lack of free will. Another Hadith where Muhammad and Aisha discuss about death of child stating predestiny.... If man by nature is not sinful freewill makes no sense...... For eg 48:2 Allaha is going to forgive future sins of pbhu......ofcourse past sins forgave why... This is ill logical for a Loving and Just God.... If you are created by God and no sinful nature why hasn't Allaha gave sinless causation nature.....Is any human by your objective standatds sinless?? Where does proclivity to sin come from..... Free will is meanigful when there is original sin..... Most of your reply is based on 21 century modern education... Just objectively examine truth
@@ArthurCor-ts2bg …I would suggest discussing foundational concepts first which will clear a lot of misconceptions you have about esoteric topics like free will. Because most of the comments you made about the Quran and free will are ….incorrect. So lets start from the beginning. Question: Who do you worship and what is your concept of God?
@@salimhusain2814 Esoteric nature lends itself to lack of free will , as those without higher knowledged to be hardwired ... Samuel Patty beheaders actions are free will or ordained by Allaha.... I don't need to clarify any concepts as I am adequately qualified on theology of both Quran Hadith and Bible......In fact your theology is so determinstic that Issa on the day of judgement will destroy crosses and kill pigs.... Best wishes to you in your continued exploration
Question:- "Why can’t religions coexist peacefully?" Answer:- It has often been said that more wars have been fought in the name of religion than anything else. While that statement is completely inaccurate, many people still ponder the question, "Why can’t religions coexist peacefully?" The short answer is because the various religions are competing with one another for the hearts and souls of men. The very nature of religious belief is exclusive, because each religion makes claims about truth that are at odds with the claims of other religions. Every religion addresses these basic questions: Where did man come from, and why is he here? Is there life after death? Is there a God, and how can we know him? These questions help frame one’s worldview, the foundational philosophy of how one deals with life. When two people have different answers to these questions, there is bound to be conflict of some sort. This conflict can range from a friendly disagreement to a life-and-death battle, depending on the people involved. Since there are hundreds of different religions in the world, and millions of people framing their worldview, it is easy to see how things can escalate. Typically, when the question "why can’t religions coexist" is asked, the focus is on the historic struggles among Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, although other religions are often included. Sometimes, a contrast is drawn between the pacifism of Eastern mysticism and the violence of traditional monotheism (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), though violence and extremism can also be found among the mystic religions. A brief look at history will confirm that every religion has its extremists and carries its share of blame for violence. An important question to ask is whether the bloodshed can be attributed to a religion’s essential teachings, or if it comes from a twisted application of those beliefs. Christianity is often blamed for atrocities committed in the name of Jesus Christ. The Crusades (1096-1272), the Inquisition (1200-1800), and the French Wars of Religion (1562-98) are common examples. All these events were carried out under the auspices of and with the approval of the Roman Catholic Church, yet they were clearly in violation of the teachings of Jesus Christ. In fact, both the Inquisition and the French Wars of Religion were attacks by Catholics against Christians who disagreed with the doctrine and practice of the Catholic Church. Writing of this history, Noah Webster said, "The ecclesiastical establishments of Europe which serve to support tyrannical governments are not the Christian religion but abuses and corruptions of it." When the teachings of Jesus and the apostles are examined, it is clear that Christians are expected to live lives characterized by peace. Romans 12:14 and 18 say, "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. . . . If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Jesus said in Matthew 5:39, "Do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." Peter wrote, "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing" (1 Peter 3:9). Judaism is accused of stirring up violence, yet throughout history, the Jews have been on the receiving end of violence for more than two thousand years. In every country where they have lived, they have been maligned and persecuted, even though they lived peacefully and provided goods and services to others. Some will point to passages in the Old Testament in which the Jews were commanded to exterminate other nations and say this proves the violent undertones of Judaism. Interestingly, even though God commanded the Jews to wipe out the inhabitants of the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 7:1-5) in order to prevent His people from falling into idolatry, He also commanded them not to "mistreat or oppress a foreigner"(Exodus 22:21). And He extended an invitation to everyone, not just Jews, to believe in Him and be saved (Isaiah 45:22; Romans 10:12; 1 Timothy 2:4). God’s intention is to bless all people through the Jews (Genesis 12:3; Isaiah 49:6). Judaism teaches people "to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8). Islam has also been accused of violence, and in recent years many have tried to distinguish between Islamic extremism and the "religion of peace," as Islam is sometimes called. There is no doubt that there are many peaceful followers of Islam, but it is also clear that the very foundation of Islam is rooted in violence. Muhammad (570-632), the founder and prophet of Islam, was raised in the city of Mecca and began preaching his revelations at the age of 40. When some tribes opposed him, he led his followers on a brutal campaign to defeat and convert them. Many revelations were given encouraging Muslims to kill those who did not believe (Surah 2:191; 4:74; 8:12), and that is the primary way Islam has spread throughout its history. When the United States was at war with the Barbary pirates, Secretary of State Timothy Pickering said, "Taught by revelation that war with the Christians will guarantee the salvation of their souls, and finding so great secular advantages in the observance of this religious duty, their inducements to desperate fighting are very powerful." In contrast to Christian extremists who have clearly twisted Scripture to justify their violence, Muslim extremists can point to the clear teaching and practice of their founder to support their acts. It is the moderates in Islam who have to explain away verses condoning violence. One word can sum up the reason why religions cannot coexist peacefully: sin. Because sin affects all men, the tendency to fight can rise up even in religious contexts. While different religions may have similar positive benefits to society, all religions are not equal. Only Christianity addresses the sin problem by changing the heart of man. "If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" (2 Corinthians 5:17). God Bless You Amen! 🙏
What a load of Crap . You cannot have a god with a circumcised penis. Farting , pissing and shitting in the corner like an animal. Thanks , but no Thanks. Why you ask ? Because now his Farts become Devine, his Piss becomes Devine and his shit becomes Devine too. But coming back to his Penis that Devine too? And if he had a Penis , His erections would be Devine too .....Go figure ! Stop being a brainwashed Zombie....!
@@salimhusain2814 god can be whatever he is. don't listen to an idiot like mohammad who was immoral. when mohammad was asked where he would go after death, Mohammad said 'i don't know' mohammad was a pig who had sex with anything that moved. guess you are waiting for judgement day when allah will show up and reveal his shin to you.
"Wars of Religion were attacks by Catholics against Christians who.." Or other Christians attacking Catholics. Remember under Henry 8 and Elizabeth thousands of Catholics were killed. It's not all one way.
What is hidden are the many others around who feel the same way. Telling others the experiences of your own life can be hidden by letting the others speak of the experience in their life. If the opportunity arises can run away cool. However in the mean time. Asking personal questions and listening of the one who is in front of you does two things. A) It hides what you do in life. Without any shame. B) It let's you know exactly what they are currently thinking about. Therefore with questions you can guide what someone is thinking about. And might as well get them thinking on activities they enjoy. Then they will enjoy talking with you. And when it's been enough, excuse yourself for acceptable reasons. Ending with "Thank you for the update. Have a nice day." Never assume anyone cares about any Idea of yours. For even if you are naturally inventive and your Idea actually as the most worthy of the bunch. The plain fact it is not theirs. And the Pride of human kind gives resistance. In one way everyone will know you. And in another, noone will at all. Then be smart in your free time and cover your tracks. Make reasons for travel, and save up. Then blip away as the unknowable free man and start your life fresh. Question all you know and prove it at yourself. And when you know that you know you will indeed know what you want to do in your life. May the Lord Jesus Christ watch over you. Amen.
I came to KNOW what Did not know in the month of Ramadaan in 1985.. Question: Is Islam a regions of peace? Answer: is in what I witnessed as a young child. At dawn my mother would look at the sky and say: "assalaam- mu- alaykum- elm dunja" every morning. In the still, silent sky and earth of the dawn of day is the peace, not in the 'words' or Qur'an. In the breathing of human being is the same peace. The healthy or unhealthy behaviour is seen in human nature (personality) . Healthy behaviour is developed in the first seven years through experience, " play is work and work is play ", side by side with the responsible adult living domestic science and home economics. Every age has a stage in child development. Life is just so, (impartial-just).
Feels like everyone in the comment section who is against Islam is wildly un informed. If it is just a book, why do people use years of their life online to hate it, lie about it. But not a day or maybe a few days to read the book, to actually become informed?
Her comment on the far-right wanting to use ex-Muslim people made me think. I can see that would be another obstacle ex-Muslim people face other than hostility from the conservative members of their own community…they left their religion for liberal or humanitarian beliefs yet the far-right idiots who always sneers at those exact values trying to act like they are on their side for political convenience is enraging. On the other hand, the western liberals generally seem to ignore this issue out of fear of being called racist and I hear some even call ex-Muslims who left or critical of Islam “Uncle Tom”.
Holy Quran 3- 86. How ALLAH would guide to such People who disbelieve after accepting the Belief, and after they had testified that the Messenger is True, and after that the clear Signs from ALLAH of His Sovereignty had come to them. And ALLAH does not guide the Wrongdoing People: 87. Their recompense will be the Curse of ALLAH and of Angels and of Mankind altogether on them:
I'm glad that this woman has left Islam but there are so many logical errors here I would hardly know where to begin! I'll just mention one here. She says we can never know the answer to the question of the existence of god. Not true. God can be known through reason. The Universe did not make itself. Therefore there must be something that accounts for its existence. This something else would need to be eternal and self-sufficient otherwise you have an endless line of causation. This something else we call God. Some other errors: The answer to bad food is good food not no food. The answer to bad music is good music not no music. The answer to errors is truth not nihilism. And so on. I think you can guess where I am going with that.
@Zatchooze Naut Wrong! God is not your god-of-the-gaps. God is the God of everything. You are the ignorant one here. There is no explanation for the existence of the Universe other than the Creator. If you know of something else, let's hear it, oh ignorant one. Waiting..
@Zatchooze Naut Gravitation is part of the physical world. God is not a part of the physical world. He is the creator of the physical world. God can be known through reason. For instance: the universe did not make itself and does not contain within it the explanation of its existence. Therefore there must be a cause of the universe that exists apart from the material world. This is God. God would have to be eternal otherwise silly people ask: Who made God thus missing the point.
@Zatchooze Naut Totally wrong. Your list of wizards etc. couldn't make the universe. To continue with reason, which seems to be a stranger to you, the creator of the universe would have to be something indescribably powerful. Your fairy friends don't fit the bill. Your idea of men creating God is a circular argument. Look it up. If you insist there is no creator, then please tell us how it is the universe exists. Waiting..
@Zatchooze Naut If you want practical evidence I would point to the Gospels. Jesus raised the dead. That's more than a speck of dust. Even if you reject the Gospels then reason remains. We know God exists because of the reasons i have already given. Those reasons are backed up by such things as intelligent design, miracles, individual will (which cannot be explained either by science or your fairies) and many other things.
Actually the Bible has nothing to do with the Quran. The God of the Bible is not the same as the God of the Quran. Where is the Truth of Quran for your life?, Almost 114 Surahs in the Koran are sourced from Bible verses:
A prophet of God must be right when he tells about life after death. Jesus and Muhammad can not both were prophets of the same God since they contradicted each other about life after death. Saying both were prophets of the same God is just logically false. Muhammad is logically false. After comparing all aspect of Jesus and Muhammad, I trust Jesus for my life after death, and left Islam.
The command to "read" the Quran was made when there was nothing else to read, and almost all people were illiterate and so could only have it read to them by a religious authority..
I've also been stripped of fear, since I can to realise, recognise and contemplate, at age 70.. I feel so well and creative, supportive , I know now what was unwell, and the ROOT of the life sense, the constitution of life, the caring sense that root is to dwell where life is WELL. I KNOW the Shariah law as " find the water, the well. River of life..' life is in the blood.💦🌦️🍃🏝️..created in pairs: Qur'an: surah 78:1-17 set me free " live life from nature's point of view..verse 4,5 WILL KNOW! A command. Born to know Tidings 'universe is the GREAT news. Who wrote this surah or chapter??? I laugh as I question this🤩🤔😃
Alhamdulillh many people come to Islam in multiple fold. If one is gone 1000s come.I still see Islam you and will one day becomes islamic preacher inshaAllah my sister.
@@R-rr1 Correct. This is why it's troubling when I see atheists advocate abortion and shunning the family. At this rate, the muslims will win through sheer numbers.
@@tiarabite The growth of Islam in Europe is mostly due to the number of war refugees they take in. Islam is a supremacist ideology like naz!sm ,they want to dominate the world and we are helping them. They would never allow Christians to do the same in their land.
@@R-rr1 But european populations are also growing slower than islamic populations, so it's not a big enough counter influence going by demographics yet. Not just ideology.
the statistics say otherwise... islam isnt growing because of conversion rates, but because of birth rates. (Makes sense, since religious women are taught to be baby making machines, in EVERY religion). Time will come and islam will be forgotten - just like all the greek and roman gods. Or the gods before that. And before that.
All religions are not same. Every religion has its own scope. Buddha came to teach self realisation through meditation. Islam came to teach law's and legislations . Islam the first ever law institution founded on earth Jesus came to teach mercy and spiritualism , sanatan dharma teaches vedas and yoga. so we have to respect all religions
Judaism, with its laws and mandates predates Islam by more than a millennium. And no, I don’t have to respect Islam. Islam is a disgusting, vile, and evil religion.
Both books agree that the Lord Jesus is the only virgin birthed blameless, sinless messiah or savior who is still alive in Paradise having successfully accomplished his mission as the the lamb sacrifice for forgiveness of sins and eternal life with the Lord Jesus forevermore. Both books agree it’s the Lord Jesus Christ is returning to the mount of Olives near Jerusalem to Judge and reign and rule. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be forgiven and have Paradise forevermore
People like these need to understand the origin of Abrahamic tradition.... their fight is with this but never realise... need to read dharmic texts for Question s
@@childofgod4862 with due respect You are saying this because u r indoctrinated with religion of books and probably u r taking abt judgement day... Empty ur mind for a minute and try to grasp if God is of the same dimension as of ours like a person sitting there high up in the sky or is it something inbuilt in the nature around us whose dimension we can not comprehend...if you can not free urself from the book then Muslims can not be blamed as whatever they do is also as per their book.
@@part2759 My friend, your gods and goddessses were born in India Why? Why they do not have any other god's concept? Why did they not leave any evidences? so your books are all fairy tales. And Mhmd took from it like man is created right shoulder were white and left shoulder were black people He also took your Shiv linga as his Black stone and framed it in v*g*n*l shape Go look its pictures Also they walk around 7 times like you do So stop talking about them They are worshiping the same god of Hindus Ok? You do not have any idea where is my God He is All over this world at the same time. Ok? He does not require us to do anything but trust in him Ok? You trust in the your Murti and even though you are educated, you will fall on your face to an idol which cannot see, cannot speak cannot walk around and cannot handle anything There is NO miracles in your Books other than fairy stories Ok? Just look at Gautam Buddha was born from Hindu parents but he give up Hinduism because he knew there is not truth in it. Then look at Guru Nanak, who was also born from Hindu family but he left his Hinduism and started a new religion Then look at Dr Ambedkar who said, "Though I was born as a Hindu, I will not die as one" Just google his words and you will be able to see that those educated people knew that there is no Truth in Hinduism Ok? Krishna died with an arrow shot in his foot. Wow What a god! He did not know some one will shot an arrow at him? Or his god did not tell him not to go out on that day because some one will kill him? That is your god? And just look at Rama, he died drown in water. And some of you tell me Yes he did because he had curse on him and some say, his duty was finished I don't care if you do not believe in my God but I am just educating people like you what your books says. Ok? Don't be emotional about the your gods just read your books. I am telling you what is written in your books Ok?
Sister got freedom from religious bondage. She can eat whatever she wants and wear any dress like Christians. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus(Galatian 3:28). By the sacrificial death of Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ human beings have got full freedom from everything including all kinds of rituals and bondages.
@xmuslimuk Timeline: 5:04 Fay Rahman: Apostasy is treason and it deserved to be punished. Oops! Just realized I am apostate. CHANGE THE RULES AND MOVE THE GOAL POST FAR AWAY. Apostasy is now OK. LMAO!
@@sammuel2988 the quran (65:4) itself says that it is possible to divorce your wife before she had her first menstrual cycle. Proving that men married young girls.
@@henktmmr you got wrong understanding. Is not a woman who has not her first menstrual cycle but who has not her menstrual cycel after divorced (for sure pregnant or not)
In my childhood I used to feel sorry for ex Muslims but now I think you are a decent person you can choose your way but it is real painful for a Muslim parent to have an apostate child...
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; -BIBLE
The biggest delusion of humanity is the belief that there is anything after death. There is nothing. And that thought is scary. Very scary. That is why to cope with that thought, people invented stories that turned to beliefs that turned to religions with institutions. And those institutions have done so much evil in the name of religion. Wake up. An all-knowing and all-merciful God would never be so evil to create a hellfire for people to burn eternally. Do you really believe God to be so evil, to punish finite "mistakes" with an infinite punishment? Isnt God all fair? Because that is not fair at all. To add on that, your chance on eternal hell or heaven completely depends on the randomness of your birthplace. Someone not born into a certain religion will with a way higher probabilty never end up dying as a believer of that faith. Instead they will die as believer of the faith they were born into. How is that a fair God? Only one religion can be true, right? So how is that fair? Or you admit that all religions are somewhat right, to bypass that dilemma. But which rules to follow? Are there rules? Are our morals the rules we should then live by? Is there even a God, or is that just a coping mechanism to face death with more ease? Do you still want to believe in made up stories, just because the scope of living a human, finite life is just too painful? Do you want to keep yourself delusional? Or do you want to learn what it really means to be human?
She is among the highly intelligent people. This kind of people, if born in Muslim family will not hang in to the religion of Islam very long. It is an insult to their intelligence to be fed with garbage day in and day out by the zealots.
Wow. Is it among the young adults who are leaving Islam? What are the specific factors that make the Algerians disillusioned with Islam?
Your reply appeared on my notification but can't read your reply in full here. ☹️. UA-cam censoring your reply?!
@@karimouslimhammamet764 I understand the Chinese don't want Islam to grow in their country. But China is not a Muslim majority country.
But in Algeria itself, are there specific factors that make the Algerians leave Islam? I mean , like in the video you sent me, it's so difficult for Muslims to leave the religion but according to you , Algerian apostasy is increasing fast, by that it means the the Algerians apostates are willing to forsake family and friends and risk themselves getting jailed because Algeria is an Islamic country isn't it? I am curious to know what driving factors make Algerians so brave and "reckless" as to declare themselves ex Muslims in a country like Algeria. Even in my country, which is not Muslim majority, and the Muslims in my country are actually quite lax, the Muslims who leave the religion here are very quiet about it cos they don't want their families and friends to know. We don't even know the numbers who left the religion.
I can't imagine what is it like for ex Muslims living in Muslim majority countries like Algeria.
@@Catherinetatethefkingliberty Many thanks for your comment. The phenomenon “ ISLAMEXIT” is gaining ground in the whole middle east. What promotes and encourages that exode is the access to internet. Through the media, muslims have known that it is possible to criticize islam, prophet Mohamed, the quran, etc. They are now exposed to the flaws and weak points of islam. They are also looking for mental freedom as islam closes all doors of free thinking , criticism and expression. Even it condemns to death anyone who leaves Islam
So you can see that when you close all doors, the inmates even try to escape through the windows and key holes. Besides, most Muslims know that certain koranic verses cannot come from the true God. When you read verses like 9:30 ot 5:34 or 4:24 , you feel like vomiting. When you see that the so called Allah authorizes slavery and even give guidelines on how to treat your slaves, then you can easily confuse Allah and Satan. When you read “kill the associators, “ then you ask who created those associators and why did he creat them. Then why does he kill them by himself instead of sending us to do the killing.
So bother, Islam is just a poison which is very strong. I am happy that God gave me the strength and courage to escape. There are other factors that push middle east muslims to quit islam. The Evangelical Churches are growing strong there. In Morroco, there is a Moroccan called Brother Rachid, an ex-muslim who is now an Evangelist. There is madam WAFA SULTAN who is now a super star because she left islam and has vowed to expose its danger on the media.
Type these 2 names and see what is going on here.
Then get back to me
I'm only 10 minutes in and I relate to everything you've said so far.
You're too easy, fella.
@@cc-bj9kvhe is too easily impressed
I am also ex muslim from Taliban country Afghanistan
"Misunderstanding Islam is the only way it's going to survive as an idea"-Fay Rahman
Pity, Fay Rahman did not have a competent Imam to teach her. Islam esteems womanhood as the symbol of purity and motherhood as gateway to Paradise, and gives woman rights alongside man from birth to Paradise.
@@abunajam6787 Seems like a woman is only valued when she’s a mother, daughter, wife and ‘pure’ in Islam.
@@tima67 You are portraying yourself as an idiot! Against which religion are you contrasting woman? Do not confuse Islam with Muslims! Islam is the only Liberator woman has known. Islam gives woman rights alongside man from birth to Jannah; it leaves her nothing more for which to strive.
@@abunajam6787 from where are you getting your point of view? Are you in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia? It makes me very sad to see that this ignorance still exists.
@@jaycristoval6155 Kindly explain your point about "this ignorance" of mine. Thank you.
"Misunderstanding is Islam is probably the only way that it will survive." is one hell of an indictment.
Very very shallow
Same as communism
I felt like all of us who left Islam are having same doubts. I left Islam after this past Ramadan.
Welcome to the other side! what were your reasons?
@@xmuslimuk7521 so many but, the main one is when i found out Muhammad owned slaves.
@@uptothetime6348 that's a good enough reason!
@@xmuslimuk7521 please subtitle Indonesia 🙏🙏
Islam has been an unbroken chain of ignorance and abuse since its birth 1,400 years ago. Respect and love to all who are smart enough to break this ugly cycle ❤
@@orth82 LETS START WITH YOU.. I HAVE YET TO MEET SOMEBODY AS STUPIDLY IGNORANT AS YOU …. Respect and love is something you know nothing about…
@@MohdMohsin-os7hs its a 3 year old comment.....dont bother replying to them....they are licking their wounds in a corner...dead and forgotten by now.
All ExMuslims have a beautiful glo on their face as we can see it on Fay Rahman.
That lovely spark in their eyes ❤
For me she has no beautiful halo, unless immodest promiscuous girls have one. She rather looks like a mundane Latina.
You mean the spark from Hell, yeah.
She doesn't seem happy at all. There is no light in the face the way l see on Muslims faces.
Yer carnt see there faces 😂😂😂
Such a sorted lady. I’m sure her opinions on other issues would be worth a listen.
I admire this woman for being brave enough to go her way. I do not however share her view regarding the disappearance of Islam. She said that if Islam were to be left out of the spotlight (something not possible by the way) it would slowly and quietly dissappear "like the other mythological religions". The thing is, the other mythological religions, and Christianity for that matter, did not dissappear neither slowly nor quietly, but the opposite way. They disappeared over a very long period of cultural challenge and many, many bloodbaths, and that is what actually is going on today. I say this as an historian, people do forget or sometimes ignore the greatest challenges of humanity past the 20th century, there were many and they were often brutal. In a positive light, I do believe however that the process has actually started, and Islam has started its long journey to obscurity. Unfortunately, it will continue to be a violent journey
I agree. It will take a minimum of 200years for obscurity of Islam
Islam is surprisingly resilient. The christian world and those with an atheistic bent of mind have been saying this for more than 1400 years now but doesn't happen.
I and 1000+ people i know left islam we feel so free and liberated from falsehood (islam)
Which country are you from?
She made the right choice.
Such a powerful statement and you’re very articulate!!!!!
itz rona Pity, Fay Rahman did not have a competent Imam to teach her. Islam esteems womanhood as the symbol of purity and motherhood as gateway to Paradise, and gives woman rights alongside man from birth to Paradise.
I'm equally an ex- Muslim from Nigeria, Islamic religion is a toxic and one man religion, God never fore once talk to Muhammed only an Angel in a cave of Haira
Very articulate and eloquent lady, an inspiration to all ex muslims.
Manifestly an intelligent and insightful young woman.
Actually, a shallow twit.
Oh ! You are a Bengali, therefore you look so sweet and beautiful, with a strong reasoning sense
shes a woman,a smart woman,a great loss to islame
Fay your resilience is infinite…. From an ex Muslim to another… continue being yourself… you will never be disappointed
@@matinoutho9058 and your mama should have kept her legs crossed… the day of your conception….
Great testimony, sister
Christians God directly speaks with Christians whereas Gabriel only spoke to their final prophet
Me too. Left Islam last week.
Congratulations my brother!
Bro share your story on Ex muslim channels.
Great. If safe, share your story. Either way well done.
❤❤❤God bless you and your family 🙏🙏🙏
I wish an ex muslim could create child friendly content for children. Childhood is where doctrination begins.
May True God, guide muslim masses to find the truth, and help them find happiness in this life and also the heavenly salvation.
She is smart , logical in her arguments, and looks gorgeous in sleeveless western attire , kudos and best wishes to her .
You are an inspiration to me thank you I love you ❤️ and stay strong 💪.
Those in the UN, are you listening to what Fay is saying?
They'd never want to be labeled bigots. Who cares if billions are oppressed by the religion.
It is stupid and crude to follow a book written over 1300 years back. Science is advancing rapidly. These people are living in hell thinking about afterlife and jennah.
John g and his hubby hate all religion I wonder why
Not only one book
There are 22 different book that is being written by Manu people. Also these books were written 200 years later the death of Muhammad.
Muhammed was not a prophet he was fabricating with god. )allah.
It's infuriating that religion makes some people forget their humanity, their families. How can you place your religion above your kids? How can you justify that?
Omg! Such a huge , broad way of thinking even after going through such situations..❤️
You right 'bout broad
Excellent analysis of Islam God bless you Fay! and protect you!
Powerful testimony
My respect to all ex Muslims you need to be brave to leave Islam
I a an Egyptian, The God or leader or even the father that is not happy that you are curious about any thing that is not a God that cannot be a friend. As a scientist I cannot accept any one to stop my curious mind that is me, my best thing in me and any religion or teaching contradict the proven fact is a cult or for crazy people.
Hone your intelligence, and your lifelong learning, Fay. Connect quantum mechanics, Krebs cycle, and keep your mind open, recognizing humans still comprehend little
Freedom Fay Rahman is wonderful!!! Good for you!
Intelligently articulate.
I really enjojed listening to your speach it is full of wisdom .i hope you are doing wel and good luck.
Removing hijab , colouring hair and wearing lipstick makes her more courageous
its her hair and life...and she left a cult of sex and hate,child brides,4 wives,72 virgins,what sort of religion offers that ??? ,,,she now has free will,bless her courage.the islamic god can not die and rise,,,so he is not all mighty...but a false god
You are a very.lucky woman
I noticed a few Fay said that I'd Christianity is weak in certain things and Islam is strong. She has no clear understanding of Christianity. Christianity was not meant to a political nor military force. She brought up the Crusades of she understood anything about them she know there was no goal to convert people to Christianity. The strength of Christianity is the love through sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. Their was more converts to Christianity in one day then 13 years of Islam. Listening to her she still in struggle of is there is God (JHWH)
You can not reform Islam with calling the prophet a liar and Allah false. That will make the Quran false as well. Just note the region outside Islam that talks about horde with wings is Greek and Roman mythology of pegasus
I am happy for her.
Islam prescribes such circumscribed lives for women. I've often wondered if Islamic men view having to be "in charge" of women's lives as crippling their own lives. I would not want to be responsible for another adults whereabouts, dress,words,thoughts as a great imposition on my life and insulting to the other's.
Living by a book written 1400yrs ago without question is a problem, my problem is I as a kafir want to be left alone
dismantle Islam with the truth. Boycott the IMAMS.
We can go to the rooth of all cults : 'meraj'...transcendence...lifting the Buraq going in highher consciousness....being innocent ,innocare means not disturbing not harming others , get out of punishment system....❤
Peace to humanity...
Your inner soul will always remind you that the almighty God is the one worthy of worship.
The misunderstandings of people's life's and how they live needs to be separated from the true and original religion.
The concept of Islam is worshipping of our creator according to his instructions and the rewards will be evident on judgement day..
If one looks at Islam from a business point of view and we trade with good deeds in exchange for living in paradise and avoiding hell forever, then from that logical point of view it makes sence.
I don't understand how we can risk such an eternal concept in exchange for our own desires for such a life equivalent to a blink of an eye.
We belong to God and to him we return.
Are we to return home expecting a beautiful end or otherwise.
Our actions and intentions will determine that.
I pray we see the light collectively.
Such a great speech!
Fay is one of those spirits too strong to be kept down.
She was always meant to be her own person, which would have been impossible under Islamic dogma, as the social control is absolutely maddening in those circles. Glad for her that she gets to be free from that. Ex-Muslims deserve the very best, for all the non-sense they deal with.
Great lovely Testimony. God bless you and your family 👪🙏❤♥💕💙👪🙏Welcome home
Come to speakers corner. Many are decieved by the dawahgandist there and you can help prevent that by your testimony
If anyone wants to continue to stay a muslim, read the Koran, but do not make any effort to understand what you have read. If so once you start to understand and question you will definitely leave this cult.
Are you in hallucination ?
@@sammuel2988 Read with Hadis to make sense.
Wow incredible one that all muslims all over the world do not realize as you do. was it something happen to yo ?
@@sammuel2988 85% muslims don't speak Arabic
Very intelligent lady, all the best to her🎉❤
Knowledge is power.
Root word of knowledge is " KNOW!
NOW is the root word of kNOW 🥰
To know happens in the presence of now, the present moment...' TIDINGS' surah781-17.
At this age I had to block family members, to seperate myself from five pillars and and looked down apon for dressing just the way I always dressed sice childhood. The changed to black clothing. I'm not cross or angry, I just needed space to enjoy living life well.
I admire your great spirit to speak out 💞thank you.
History is like fantasy. Voice speaks ,exaggerate, what is remembered..his story is history.
No free will as per Quran.....
ANSWER: ‘WILL’ is “the mental faculty by which a person decides or conceives himself as deciding upon and initiating his actions”[. When we ask the question, “Do we have free WILL?”, the answer depends very much upon what we mean by “free” in this context. If we ask, ‘Is our WILL free from compulsion?’, the answer is ‘YES’ but if we ask, ‘Is our WILL free from causation?’, the answer is ‘NO’.
“A man is free from compulsion when he is not restrained or coerced by forces or persons outside of himself. He is free when he can follow his own desires, his own WILL, regardless of how that WILL may itself have come to be what it is”. According to the Quran, man is (born) free to aim at definite ends, free to choose between alternatives, free to choose good from evil and free to act in accordance with his WILL. The Quran says, “Do whatever you will”; “there is absolutely no compulsion in the Deen”; “the Truth [has come] from your Sustainer: let, then, him who wills, believe in it, and let him who wills, reject it.”; “Verily, We have shown him the Way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will)”.
Allah says in the Quran that if human beings had not been endowed with freedom of choice, all those who dwell on earth would have been made to believe (in that which Allah asks them to believe). But this was not Allah’s way. He says, “Would you compel people to believe?”, signifying that people are under no compulsion by the Almighty to believe or disbelieve and that they should not be compelled in this regard by other people. “None can attain faith except in accordance with Allah’s law”, which is that “Allah lays the loathsome evil [of disbelief] upon those who will not use their reason”. People believe or disbelieve according to Allah’s law of universal causation. Human WILL is absolutely free from compulsion but not free from causation.
Everything, including our every act and decision has a prior cause. The important point to keep in mind is, however, that the cause is not always outside of us. The cause may also be within us. Our own character, which we ourselves have helped to form, our own past habits, resolutions and decisions may also be the cause of our present decisions and acts.
There are many passages in the Quran which elucidate that man is free from compulsion but not free from causation. However, when some verses of the Quran are viewed in isolation from the other verses, that appear in other parts of the Quran but related to the same theme, then the confusion may arise. For example, Sura Al-Bakara, verse 7-8 says, “As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether you warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing and there is a covering over their eyes, and there is a great punishment for them”. It appears from the verses that the disbelievers are under compulsion from Allah and since Allah has set seal upon their hearts, they will never believe. However, if we look at Sura An-Nisa, verse 155, it says, “Allah set a seal upon them because of their disbelief”. So there is causation here, not compulsion. The cause of the seal from Allah is their own disbelief. If they start believing, of which they have choice , the seal will go off.
The Quran says that “Any calamity that befalls you is because of your own misdoings; (whether these are committed by an individual or collectively because of an improper social system)”. “Verily, as for those who do not believe that they are destined to meet Us, but content themselves with the life of this world and do not look beyond it, and are heedless of Our messages. Their abode is the Fire, because of the (evil) they earned. [But] those who believe, and work righteousness,- their Lord will guide them because of their faith: beneath them will flow rivers in gardens of bliss.”
Determinists rightly assert that every effect has a cause but Materialistic Determinists wrongly assume that all effects including thoughts, values, volitions, decisions or acts are caused only by physical or chemical or physiological processes going on in human body. However, they forget that Psychological reasons (related to the nafs) may also be the cause of many effects.
An implicit assumption in Fatalism is that “a given event will take place regardless of what you or I may do to promote or prevent it”. This concept of Fatalism is utterly against the Quranic Teachings. The Quran says, “Allah does not change the condition of a people until they bring about a change in their inner-selves (Anfus: psyche)”. “Allah would never change the blessings with which He has graced a people unless they change their inner-selves”[13]. This clearly implies that people can change their conditions by changing their inner-selves (anfus or psyche) and that all causes of an effect are not always outside (or external) of them but there may be some (internal) causes within their inner-selves and hence within their control.
A distinction must be made between Activistic Determinism and Fatalistic Determinism. “Activistic Determinism, though recognizes that every effect is the result of a cause, is a call to action and utmost exertion of man’s physical and mental capacities”. On the other hand Fatalistic Determinism “paralyzes the will and makes man passive and lethargic”.
@@salimhusain2814 Read Hadith story of Moses blaming Adam and Adam seeking justification finally Muhamma supporting Adam-inference No Free Will
Quran also references of being meaningful to some subject to whats in their hearts.... Again lack of free will.
Another Hadith where Muhammad and Aisha discuss about death of child stating predestiny.... If man by nature is not sinful freewill makes no sense......
For eg 48:2 Allaha is going to forgive future sins of pbhu......ofcourse past sins forgave why... This is ill logical for a Loving and Just God....
If you are created by God and no sinful nature why hasn't Allaha gave sinless causation nature.....Is any human by your objective standatds sinless?? Where does proclivity to sin come from..... Free will is meanigful when there is original sin.....
Most of your reply is based on 21 century modern education... Just objectively examine truth
@@ArthurCor-ts2bg …I would suggest discussing foundational concepts first which will clear a lot of misconceptions you have about esoteric topics like free will. Because most of the comments you made about the Quran and free will are ….incorrect. So lets start from the beginning.
Question: Who do you worship and what is your concept of God?
@@salimhusain2814 Esoteric nature lends itself to lack of free will , as those without higher knowledged to be hardwired ... Samuel Patty beheaders actions are free will or ordained by Allaha.... I don't need to clarify any concepts as I am adequately qualified on theology of both Quran Hadith and Bible......In fact your theology is so determinstic that Issa on the day of judgement will destroy crosses and kill pigs.... Best wishes to you in your continued exploration
kamaldev kga what is stopping you from speaking about God . Samuel Patty, Allaha as Allah is called in Aramaic , the Bible ? Or Arrogance ?
"Why can’t religions coexist peacefully?"
It has often been said that more wars have been fought in the name of religion than anything else. While that statement is completely inaccurate, many people still ponder the question, "Why can’t religions coexist peacefully?" The short answer is because the various religions are competing with one another for the hearts and souls of men. The very nature of religious belief is exclusive, because each religion makes claims about truth that are at odds with the claims of other religions.
Every religion addresses these basic questions: Where did man come from, and why is he here? Is there life after death? Is there a God, and how can we know him? These questions help frame one’s worldview, the foundational philosophy of how one deals with life. When two people have different answers to these questions, there is bound to be conflict of some sort. This conflict can range from a friendly disagreement to a life-and-death battle, depending on the people involved. Since there are hundreds of different religions in the world, and millions of people framing their worldview, it is easy to see how things can escalate.
Typically, when the question "why can’t religions coexist" is asked, the focus is on the historic struggles among Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, although other religions are often included. Sometimes, a contrast is drawn between the pacifism of Eastern mysticism and the violence of traditional monotheism (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), though violence and extremism can also be found among the mystic religions. A brief look at history will confirm that every religion has its extremists and carries its share of blame for violence. An important question to ask is whether the bloodshed can be attributed to a religion’s essential teachings, or if it comes from a twisted application of those beliefs.
Christianity is often blamed for atrocities committed in the name of Jesus Christ. The Crusades (1096-1272), the Inquisition (1200-1800), and the French Wars of Religion (1562-98) are common examples. All these events were carried out under the auspices of and with the approval of the Roman Catholic Church, yet they were clearly in violation of the teachings of Jesus Christ. In fact, both the Inquisition and the French Wars of Religion were attacks by Catholics against Christians who disagreed with the doctrine and practice of the Catholic Church. Writing of this history, Noah Webster said, "The ecclesiastical establishments of Europe which serve to support tyrannical governments are not the Christian religion but abuses and corruptions of it."
When the teachings of Jesus and the apostles are examined, it is clear that Christians are expected to live lives characterized by peace. Romans 12:14 and 18 say, "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. . . . If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Jesus said in Matthew 5:39, "Do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." Peter wrote, "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing" (1 Peter 3:9).
Judaism is accused of stirring up violence, yet throughout history, the Jews have been on the receiving end of violence for more than two thousand years. In every country where they have lived, they have been maligned and persecuted, even though they lived peacefully and provided goods and services to others. Some will point to passages in the Old Testament in which the Jews were commanded to exterminate other nations and say this proves the violent undertones of Judaism. Interestingly, even though God commanded the Jews to wipe out the inhabitants of the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 7:1-5) in order to prevent His people from falling into idolatry, He also commanded them not to "mistreat or oppress a foreigner"(Exodus 22:21). And He extended an invitation to everyone, not just Jews, to believe in Him and be saved (Isaiah 45:22; Romans 10:12; 1 Timothy 2:4). God’s intention is to bless all people through the Jews (Genesis 12:3; Isaiah 49:6). Judaism teaches people "to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8).
Islam has also been accused of violence, and in recent years many have tried to distinguish between Islamic extremism and the "religion of peace," as Islam is sometimes called. There is no doubt that there are many peaceful followers of Islam, but it is also clear that the very foundation of Islam is rooted in violence. Muhammad (570-632), the founder and prophet of Islam, was raised in the city of Mecca and began preaching his revelations at the age of 40. When some tribes opposed him, he led his followers on a brutal campaign to defeat and convert them. Many revelations were given encouraging Muslims to kill those who did not believe (Surah 2:191; 4:74; 8:12), and that is the primary way Islam has spread throughout its history. When the United States was at war with the Barbary pirates, Secretary of State Timothy Pickering said, "Taught by revelation that war with the Christians will guarantee the salvation of their souls, and finding so great secular advantages in the observance of this religious duty, their inducements to desperate fighting are very powerful." In contrast to Christian extremists who have clearly twisted Scripture to justify their violence, Muslim extremists can point to the clear teaching and practice of their founder to support their acts. It is the moderates in Islam who have to explain away verses condoning violence.
One word can sum up the reason why religions cannot coexist peacefully: sin. Because sin affects all men, the tendency to fight can rise up even in religious contexts. While different religions may have similar positive benefits to society, all religions are not equal. Only Christianity addresses the sin problem by changing the heart of man. "If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" (2 Corinthians 5:17). God Bless You Amen! 🙏
What a load of Crap . You cannot have a god with a circumcised penis. Farting , pissing and shitting in the corner like an animal. Thanks , but no Thanks. Why you ask ? Because now his Farts become Devine, his Piss becomes Devine and his shit becomes Devine too. But coming back to his Penis that Devine too? And if he had a Penis , His erections would be Devine too .....Go figure ! Stop being a brainwashed Zombie....!
@@salimhusain2814 god can be whatever he is. don't listen to an idiot like mohammad who was immoral.
when mohammad was asked where he would go after death, Mohammad said 'i don't know' mohammad was a pig who had sex with anything that moved. guess you are waiting for judgement day when allah will show up and reveal his shin to you.
"Wars of Religion were attacks by Catholics against Christians who.." Or other Christians attacking Catholics. Remember under Henry 8 and Elizabeth thousands of Catholics were killed. It's not all one way.
Apart from your blaming Catholics for most of the violence in christian history I pretty much agree with what you say.
@@salimhusain2814 Crude and pathetic.
Amazing testimon🙏
If more & more women are leaving Islam, then there won't be enough hooris. So suicide bomber will be a total disaster
i feel like want to do i do it with all d peer pressure, pls advise
What is hidden are the many others around who feel the same way. Telling others the experiences of your own life can be hidden by letting the others speak of the experience in their life. If the opportunity arises can run away cool. However in the mean time. Asking personal questions and listening of the one who is in front of you does two things.
A) It hides what you do in life. Without any shame.
B) It let's you know exactly what they are currently thinking about.
Therefore with questions you can guide what someone is thinking about. And might as well get them thinking on activities they enjoy.
Then they will enjoy talking with you. And when it's been enough, excuse yourself for acceptable reasons. Ending with "Thank you for the update. Have a nice day."
Never assume anyone cares about any Idea of yours. For even if you are naturally inventive and your Idea actually as the most worthy of the bunch. The plain fact it is not theirs. And the Pride of human kind gives resistance.
In one way everyone will know you. And in another, noone will at all. Then be smart in your free time and cover your tracks.
Make reasons for travel, and save up. Then blip away as the unknowable free man and start your life fresh.
Question all you know and prove it at yourself. And when you know that you know you will indeed know what you want to do in your life.
May the Lord Jesus Christ watch over you. Amen.
make more videos like this please
I came to KNOW what Did not know in the month of Ramadaan in 1985..
Question: Is Islam a regions of peace?
Answer: is in what I witnessed as a young child. At dawn my mother would look at the sky and say: "assalaam- mu- alaykum- elm dunja" every morning. In the still, silent sky and earth of the dawn of day is the peace, not in the 'words' or Qur'an. In the breathing of human being is the same peace. The healthy or unhealthy behaviour is seen in human nature (personality) . Healthy behaviour is developed in the first seven years through experience, " play is work and work is play ", side by side with the responsible adult living domestic science and home economics. Every age has a stage in child development.
Life is just so, (impartial-just).
Feels like everyone in the comment section who is against Islam is wildly un informed. If it is just a book, why do people use years of their life online to hate it, lie about it. But not a day or maybe a few days to read the book, to actually become informed?
Leaving religion means you have to loose every thing.
Her comment on the far-right wanting to use ex-Muslim people made me think. I can see that would be another obstacle ex-Muslim people face other than hostility from the conservative members of their own community…they left their religion for liberal or humanitarian beliefs yet the far-right idiots who always sneers at those exact values trying to act like they are on their side for political convenience is enraging. On the other hand, the western liberals generally seem to ignore this issue out of fear of being called racist and I hear some even call ex-Muslims who left or critical of Islam “Uncle Tom”.
I love you fay
Holy Quran 3-
86. How ALLAH would guide to such People who disbelieve after accepting the Belief, and after they had testified that the Messenger is True, and after that the clear Signs from ALLAH of His Sovereignty had come to them. And ALLAH does not guide the Wrongdoing People:
87. Their recompense will be the Curse of ALLAH and of Angels and of Mankind altogether on them:
Fay Rahman ❤❤❤😀😀😀
I'm glad that this woman has left Islam but there are so many logical errors here I would hardly know where to begin! I'll just mention one here. She says we can never know the answer to the question of the existence of god. Not true. God can be known through reason. The Universe did not make itself. Therefore there must be something that accounts for its existence. This something else would need to be eternal and self-sufficient otherwise you have an endless line of causation. This something else we call God.
Some other errors: The answer to bad food is good food not no food. The answer to bad music is good music not no music. The answer to errors is truth not nihilism. And so on. I think you can guess where I am going with that.
@Zatchooze Naut Wrong! God is not your god-of-the-gaps. God is the God of everything. You are the ignorant one here. There is no explanation for the existence of the Universe other than the Creator. If you know of something else, let's hear it, oh ignorant one. Waiting..
@Zatchooze Naut Gravitation is part of the physical world. God is not a part of the physical world. He is the creator of the physical world. God can be known through reason. For instance: the universe did not make itself and does not contain within it the explanation of its existence. Therefore there must be a cause of the universe that exists apart from the material world. This is God. God would have to be eternal otherwise silly people ask: Who made God thus missing the point.
@Zatchooze Naut Totally wrong. Your list of wizards etc. couldn't make the universe.
To continue with reason, which seems to be a stranger to you, the creator of the universe would have to be something indescribably powerful. Your fairy friends don't fit the bill. Your idea of men creating God is a circular argument. Look it up.
If you insist there is no creator, then please tell us how it is the universe exists. Waiting..
@Zatchooze Naut If you want practical evidence I would point to the Gospels. Jesus raised the dead. That's more than a speck of dust. Even if you reject the Gospels then reason remains. We know God exists because of the reasons i have already given. Those reasons are backed up by such things as intelligent design, miracles, individual will (which cannot be explained either by science or your fairies) and many other things.
@Zatchooze Naut Can you raise the dead?
congratulations. keep safe.
Islam dies without lies
Her last name means merciful. Her first name means fairy. Awesome girl! Seems to fit.
You were right initially on homosexuality although I wouldn't suggest the Qurans harsh punishment.
its their body,and we are the ones NOT to judge,,,does god have a gender ???
Actually the Bible has nothing to do with the Quran.
The God of the Bible is not the same as the God of the Quran.
Where is the Truth of Quran for your life?,
Almost 114 Surahs in the Koran are sourced from Bible verses:
Jesus is God ❤
Well done
A prophet of God must be right when he tells about life after death. Jesus and Muhammad can not both were prophets of the same God since they contradicted each other about life after death. Saying both were prophets of the same God is just logically false. Muhammad is logically false.
After comparing all aspect of Jesus and Muhammad, I trust Jesus for my life after death, and left Islam.
You just accepted a false God whom humans crucified.
@@adm2399 Which requirement is valid for entering the heaven? The requirement acvording to Jesus or Muhammad?
Apostacy is the solution. Most Muslims are already apostate. They just don't admit it because of fear..
The command to "read" the Quran was made when there was nothing else to read, and almost all people were illiterate and so could only have it read to them by a religious authority..
Well said sista...
Good job 👏 👍 👌 🙌 😄 😀 👏 done by you
I've also been stripped of fear, since I can to realise, recognise and contemplate, at age 70.. I feel so well and creative, supportive , I know now what was unwell, and the ROOT of the life sense, the constitution of life, the caring sense that root is to dwell where life is WELL. I KNOW the Shariah law as " find the water, the well. River of life..' life is in the blood.💦🌦️🍃🏝️..created in pairs: Qur'an: surah 78:1-17 set me free " live life from nature's point of view..verse 4,5 WILL KNOW! A command. Born to know Tidings 'universe is the GREAT news. Who wrote this surah or chapter??? I laugh as I question this🤩🤔😃
Alhamdulillh many people come to Islam in multiple fold. If one is gone 1000s come.I still see Islam you and will one day becomes islamic preacher inshaAllah my sister.
Only 0.007 of muslims are converts and they leave after 2 years at most.
Islam is growing because of breeding.
Because you breed insanely
@@R-rr1 Correct. This is why it's troubling when I see atheists advocate abortion and shunning the family. At this rate, the muslims will win through sheer numbers.
@@tiarabite The growth of Islam in Europe is mostly due to the number of war refugees they take in.
Islam is a supremacist ideology like naz!sm ,they want to dominate the world and we are helping them.
They would never allow Christians to do the same in their land.
@@R-rr1 But european populations are also growing slower than islamic populations, so it's not a big enough counter influence going by demographics yet. Not just ideology.
the statistics say otherwise... islam isnt growing because of conversion rates, but because of birth rates. (Makes sense, since religious women are taught to be baby making machines, in EVERY religion).
Time will come and islam will be forgotten - just like all the greek and roman gods. Or the gods before that. And before that.
yes I Hershey welcome you
Jainism is surely a religion of "peace"
All religions are not same. Every religion has its own scope. Buddha came to teach self realisation through meditation. Islam came to teach law's and legislations . Islam the first ever law institution founded on earth Jesus came to teach mercy and spiritualism , sanatan dharma teaches vedas and yoga. so we have to respect all religions
Judaism, with its laws and mandates predates Islam by more than a millennium. And no, I don’t have to respect Islam. Islam is a disgusting, vile, and evil religion.
Let me guess the most common Muslim counter argument is because you wanted to lead a “loose” lifestyle and green/blue hair above all 😂
Both books agree that the Lord Jesus is the only virgin birthed blameless, sinless messiah or savior who is still alive in Paradise having successfully accomplished his mission as the the lamb sacrifice for forgiveness of sins and eternal life with the Lord Jesus forevermore. Both books agree it’s the Lord Jesus Christ is returning to the mount of Olives near Jerusalem to Judge and reign and rule. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be forgiven and have Paradise forevermore
Your names "beast man" says everything about your and god Allah
People like these need to understand the origin of Abrahamic tradition.... their fight is with this but never realise... need to read dharmic texts for Question s
Partha pal Are you a muslim?
@@childofgod4862 No Sanatan the eternal dharma the operating system for all religious apps
@@part2759 My friend, No religion is Eternal One day everything will be destroyed Ok . Only God is Eternal Rest all disposables!
@@childofgod4862 with due respect You are saying this because u r indoctrinated with religion of books and probably u r taking abt judgement day... Empty ur mind for a minute and try to grasp if God is of the same dimension as of ours like a person sitting there high up in the sky or is it something inbuilt in the nature around us whose dimension we can not comprehend...if you can not free urself from the book then Muslims can not be blamed as whatever they do is also as per their book.
@@part2759 My friend, your gods and goddessses were born in India Why? Why they do not have any other god's concept? Why did they not leave any evidences? so your books are all fairy tales. And Mhmd took from it like man is created right shoulder were white and left shoulder were black people He also took your Shiv linga as his Black stone and framed it in v*g*n*l shape Go look its pictures Also they walk around 7 times like you do So stop talking about them They are worshiping the same god of Hindus Ok?
You do not have any idea where is my God He is All over this world at the same time. Ok? He does not require us to do anything but trust in him Ok? You trust in the your Murti and even though you are educated, you will fall on your face to an idol which cannot see, cannot speak cannot walk around and cannot handle anything There is NO miracles in your Books other than fairy stories Ok?
Just look at Gautam Buddha was born from Hindu parents but he give up Hinduism because he knew there is not truth in it. Then look at Guru Nanak, who was also born from Hindu family but he left his Hinduism and started a new religion Then look at Dr Ambedkar who said, "Though I was born as a Hindu, I will not die as one" Just google his words and you will be able to see that those educated people knew that there is no Truth in Hinduism Ok?
Krishna died with an arrow shot in his foot. Wow What a god! He did not know some one will shot an arrow at him? Or his god did not tell him not to go out on that day because some one will kill him? That is your god? And just look at Rama, he died drown in water. And some of you tell me Yes he did because he had curse on him and some say, his duty was finished I don't care if you do not believe in my God but I am just educating people like you what your books says. Ok? Don't be emotional about the your gods just read your books. I am telling you what is written in your books Ok?
Sister got freedom from religious bondage. She can eat whatever she wants and wear any dress like Christians. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus(Galatian 3:28). By the sacrificial death of Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ human beings have got full freedom from everything including all kinds of rituals and bondages.
4:28 Wow.
@xmuslimuk Timeline: 5:04 Fay Rahman: Apostasy is treason and it deserved to be punished. Oops! Just realized I am apostate. CHANGE THE RULES AND MOVE THE GOAL POST FAR AWAY. Apostasy is now OK. LMAO!
Your a good thinker.
Aishah was 14 or 15 years old when she married muhammad saw/pboh (was not 9 neither nor 6 years old)
Show proof please. Please watch Ex muslim channels. First victim of Islam are muslim themselves🙏.
@Uncertainty Eclipses
hadist is not a holy book and person who wrote hadist was not the massenger of god (prophet). It is posible of mistaken.
@@sammuel2988 the quran (65:4) itself says that it is possible to divorce your wife before she had her first menstrual cycle. Proving that men married young girls.
@@henktmmr you got wrong understanding. Is not a woman who has not her first menstrual cycle but who has not her menstrual cycel after divorced (for sure pregnant or not)
In my childhood I used to feel sorry for ex Muslims but now I think you are a decent person you can choose your way but it is real painful for a Muslim parent to have an apostate child...
islamaphobia, stupid word, it's not a race. Right to have a phobia about it though
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; -BIBLE
Keep up the good work.
By the way Islam, has the same signs you mentioned of the last days.
Seek protection with God, and our families
The biggest delusion of humanity is the belief that there is anything after death. There is nothing. And that thought is scary. Very scary. That is why to cope with that thought, people invented stories that turned to beliefs that turned to religions with institutions. And those institutions have done so much evil in the name of religion. Wake up. An all-knowing and all-merciful God would never be so evil to create a hellfire for people to burn eternally. Do you really believe God to be so evil, to punish finite "mistakes" with an infinite punishment? Isnt God all fair? Because that is not fair at all. To add on that, your chance on eternal hell or heaven completely depends on the randomness of your birthplace. Someone not born into a certain religion will with a way higher probabilty never end up dying as a believer of that faith. Instead they will die as believer of the faith they were born into. How is that a fair God? Only one religion can be true, right? So how is that fair? Or you admit that all religions are somewhat right, to bypass that dilemma. But which rules to follow? Are there rules? Are our morals the rules we should then live by? Is there even a God, or is that just a coping mechanism to face death with more ease? Do you still want to believe in made up stories, just because the scope of living a human, finite life is just too painful? Do you want to keep yourself delusional? Or do you want to learn what it really means to be human?
Same is my case
Please start youtube shorts on ur channel