Deep Vein Thrombosis - Overview (pathophysiology, treatment, complications)

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024
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  • @kathym6603
    @kathym6603 3 роки тому +45

    I was glued to this video every second. No loud voice. No crappy noise. Just beautiful, understandable teaching. I'm practically on my knees thanking you.

  • @smosniak1
    @smosniak1 5 місяців тому +8

    My story of illness and healing.
    My leg (left calf) hurt for 3 days, on the first day I woke up with pain, for no specific reason, I walked with it for 2 days, on the 3rd day my ankle swelled. Only then did I go to the doctor, who immediately sent me to the hospital, where blood tests revealed a problem with excessive clotting. High D-dimer.
    I was diagnosed with thrombosis on February 2, from that day I started treatment in the hospital because I was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis. On April 22, after 11 weeks, the clots disappeared. (the doctor told me earlier that I would have to undergo treatment for at least 6 months or even longer.
    I had several large clots, Doppler ultrasound showed clots in the veins of the left leg, in the popliteal veins, peroneal veins, in the upper part of the lower leg, and in sections in the posterior tibial veins. Thrombosis of the soleus venous sinuses., Front of the thrombus in the femoral vein, in 14/ lower thigh. I spent 5 days in the hospital, they gave me anticoagulant injections in my stomach (completely painless), they told me to lie down and not strain myself with my leg raised up. I had slight swelling which went down two days after the injections and the swelling was no longer visible the next day. I stayed at home for two more weeks with my leg up and received injections. In the meantime, I also started a diet, I ate from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., then a 16-hour break from eating, and I minimized my intake of sugar, salt, and fatty foods. I drank about 3 liters of water a day, with added electrolytes (3 effervescent tablets in the water). I also started fasting every Friday (24 hours only on water. Apparently, during fasting, the body eats disease cells... (I think these factors were also important, because I developed these clots due to a terrible diet, overweight and low fluid intake, plus frequent sitting at the computer for 6 hours without much movement. But above all, I prayed to Jesus and asked for healing, I cried often. This disease cannot be ignored, it is dangerous to health and life. After two weeks, the doctor told me to start moving and walking. take more exercise, but don't overdo it and don't strain your leg, he also banned strength training, no lifting weights, I also bought a compression stocking. After 6 weeks, I had a D-Dimer test and the result was 0.11, which is a very good result, but the doctor brought me back. to the ground and said that D-dimers do not mean that the clots have disappeared, although they are a signal that new ones are not forming.
    After 11 weeks I did another Doppler ultrasound, and it turned out that the clots had completely disappeared. It's really a miracle, because the doctor had previously said that after a few months there should not be much improvement and that the treatment for such a condition would take up to a year because the clots were large. I want to give glory to God that I no longer have these clots, I know that without His help I might no longer be in this world. I didn't expect that I would recover so quickly, although now I have to check myself from time to time. A message to you, for those who are sick, trust God, pray, this disease is curable. my contract

    • @nmlifekannada
      @nmlifekannada 3 місяці тому +1

      Glory to Jesus

    • @becomingher8941
      @becomingher8941 Місяць тому

      Thank you for your testimony. I'm dealing with dvt right now. I'm trusting in God to heal me and preserve my life.

    • @nmlifekannada
      @nmlifekannada Місяць тому

      @@smosniak1 post thrombotic syndrome?

  • @ricsi137
    @ricsi137 4 роки тому +136

    1)signs and symptoms @0:33
    2)pathophysiology @01:08
    3)Risk factors @4:01
    4)Investigation @05:23
    5)management @07:27

    • @afroditigrigoriadou2237
      @afroditigrigoriadou2237 4 роки тому

      Great video content! Apologies for the intrusion, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you thought about - Carnbigail Reputable Cure (just google it)? It is a good one of a kind guide for eradicating your varicose or spider veins without the hard work. Ive heard some decent things about it and my close friend Aubrey after a lifetime of fighting got cool results with it.

    • @SairaSabir1443AH
      @SairaSabir1443AH 2 роки тому

      Thank you

    • @jabeenashaik1035
      @jabeenashaik1035 Рік тому

  • @paksanity911
    @paksanity911 8 років тому +52

    I really hope you become the future pathoma guy with these videos and drawings! simply amazing!!

  • @sooryan_1018
    @sooryan_1018 3 роки тому +57

    This is what Speedrunning Just Cause 3 can do to a mf

  • @marvzgatchi2408
    @marvzgatchi2408 4 роки тому +10

    Having dvt myself got me into this channel. Now recuperating at the hospital. I hope all goes well. Working from home sitting long hours. It maybe the one that activated my dvt

    • @profbfc
      @profbfc 4 роки тому

      How did it go? My brother has it

    • @marvzgatchi2408
      @marvzgatchi2408 4 роки тому

      @@profbfc i was admitted 1 week in the hospital, been in ICU for 2 days and the rest being monitored in my room, got a lot of injectable blood thinners until i switched to xarelto tablets, im now at home, my leg is still swollen . I dont know why. My doc asked me to do another ctscan and ultrasound in my legs .

    • @donnasmyth45
      @donnasmyth45 4 роки тому

      @@marvzgatchi2408 hi, what were your symptoms? Was the pain severe? I'm querying one myself and I also have been sitting for long periods lately work wise.

    • @marvzgatchi2408
      @marvzgatchi2408 3 роки тому

      @@donnasmyth45 symptoms were pain in the leg lower part first, the it escalated upwards until my whole right leg got swollen. Then i was coughing for days with no mucus or phlegm. But thats the scary part, didnt know that it progressed to pulmonary embolism which is why im coughing bec the blood clots went up in the lungs. Good thing i went to the hospital. Also when i walk i tire so fast and i was heavily breathing like gasping for air. Sometimes i felt like im gonna vomit.

    • @Yogesh-qz3ek
      @Yogesh-qz3ek 3 роки тому

      @@marvzgatchi2408 So now r u fine

  • @justaweirdowithglasses7540
    @justaweirdowithglasses7540 3 місяці тому

    You are a lifesaver. Hope you get all the good things you deserve in life.

  • @javeriyakarim1341
    @javeriyakarim1341 7 років тому +14

    I have a presentation on this tomorrow, thanks so much for your help

  • @oneandonly2115
    @oneandonly2115 4 роки тому +10

    This channel is literally helping me survive online nursing school during this quarantine!

  • @jaskarenmahal9505
    @jaskarenmahal9505 5 років тому +23

    You make learning such a great experience, thank you for this diligent piece of educational art.

    • @syedshayand527
      @syedshayand527 5 років тому

      Dr aizaz ishrat is also one of greatest teacher at advanced level. Means for USMLE mrcp plab.he is also good. Try Dr aizaz ishrat lec as well

    • @remycanaan3168
      @remycanaan3168 3 роки тому

      You all prolly dont care but does anyone know a method to log back into an instagram account??
      I was dumb lost my password. I appreciate any tips you can give me!

    • @eliedwin4106
      @eliedwin4106 3 роки тому

      @Remy Canaan instablaster =)

    • @remycanaan3168
      @remycanaan3168 3 роки тому

      @Eli Edwin i really appreciate your reply. I got to the site on google and Im in the hacking process atm.
      Takes a while so I will get back to you later when my account password hopefully is recovered.

    • @remycanaan3168
      @remycanaan3168 3 роки тому

      @Eli Edwin It worked and I now got access to my account again. Im so happy:D
      Thanks so much, you really help me out !

  • @smosniak1
    @smosniak1 5 місяців тому +1

    Moja historia choroby i uzdrowienia.
    Noga (lewa łydka) bolałam mnie 3 dni, pierwszego dnia obudziłem się już z bólem, bez jakiejś konkretnej przyczyny, chodziłem z tym 2 dni, na 3 dzień spuchła mi kostka. Wtedy dopiero zgłosiłem sie do lekarza który mnie skierowała natychmiast do szpitala gdzie z badań krwi wyszedł problem z nadmierną krzepliwością Wysokie D-dimery.
    Zakrzepicę wykryto u mnie 2 lutego od tego dnia zacząłem leczenie w szpitalu ponieważ wystawiono diagnozę zakrzepica żył głębokich. , Już 22 kwietnia po 11, tygodniach zakrzepy zniknęły. ( co wczesniej lekarz mi powiedział że będę musiał leczyć minimum 6 miesięcy albo i dłużej.
    Miałem kilka sporych zakrzepów, USG Doppler wykazało zakrzepy w żyłach lewej nogi, w żyłach podkolanowych, , strzałkowych, w górnej części podudzia, oraz odcinkowo w żyłach piszczelowych tylnych.Zakrzepica zatok żylnych m. płaszczkowatego., Czoło skrzepliny w żyle udowej, w 14/ dolnej uda. Spędziłem 5 dni w szpitalu, podawano mi zastrzyki antyzakrzepowe w brzuch (zupełnie bezbolesne) kazali leżeć nie nadwyrężąć sie z nogą uniesiona do góry. Miałem lekka opuchlizne która zeszła mi dwa dni po podawaniu zastrzyków w sumie już na następny dzień opuchlizna nie była widoczna. W domu lerzałem jeszcze dwa tygodnie z nogą do góre i zastrzyki. W międzyczasie zacząłem też dietę, jadłem od 10:00 do 18:00 potem 16 g. przerwy z jedzeniem, zminimalizowałem spożycie cukru, soli, tłustych potraw. Piłem około 3 litry wody dziennie, z dodatkiem elektrolitów (3 tabletki musujące do wody). Zaczęłam również co piątek pościć(24 godziny tylko na wodzie.Podobno w czasie postu organizm wyżera komórki chorobowe.. (wydaje mi się że te czynniki też były ważne,gdyż nabawiłem sie tych zakrzepów przez fatalną dietę, nadwagę i mała ilość płynów, plus często siedzenie przy kompie 6 g. bez większego ruchu. Ale przede wszystkim Modliłem się do Jezusa i prosiłem o uzdrowienie, często płakałem. Nie można tej choroby lekceważyć, ona jest niebezpieczna dla zdrowia i życia. Po 2 tyg lekarz kazał juz zaczać sie ruszać spacerować, zażywać wiecej ruchu, choć też nie przesadzać i nie przesilać tej nogi, zakazał też wysiłku siłowego, nie dzwigać ciężarów, zakupiłem też pończochę uciskową. Po 6 tygodniach zrobiłem badanie D-Dimerów i wyszło mi 0.11 co jest bardzo dobrym wynikiem, ale lekarz mnie sprowadził na ziemię i powiedział że D-dimery nie oznaczaja że zakrzepy już znikły choć są sygnałem że nowe sie nie tworzą.
    po 11 tyg zrobiłem kolejny USG Doppler, i okazało się że zakrzepy zupełnie zniknęły. To naprawdę cud, bo lekarz wczesniej powiedzila ze po kilku misiącach nie powinno byc dużej poprawy i ze leczenie takiego stanu to nawet rok, bo zakrzepy były spore. Chcę Bogiu oddać chwałę że już nie mam tych zakrzepów, wiem że bez Jego pomocy moglo by mnie juz nie być na tym świecie. Nie spodziewalem sie że tak szybko wyzdroweiję, choć musze teraz co jakiś czas się badać pod tym kontem. Przesłąnie do Panstwa, dla tych którzy chorujom, zaufajcie Bogu, modlcie się, ta choroba jest wyleczalna. mój kontrakt

  • @ExplorerClub05
    @ExplorerClub05 Рік тому +9

    Risk factors for DVT :
    T- Trauma
    H- hormones/ocp
    R- RTA
    O- orthopaedic surgery
    M- malignancy
    B- blood related ( polycythemia)
    O- obesity
    S- serious illness
    I- immobility
    S- splenectomy

    • @1961-v9k
      @1961-v9k Рік тому

      I developed a freak DVT aged only 36. I was a very fit, slim and healthy runner. The only risk factor involved was the contraceptive pill.

    • @gabigab1066
      @gabigab1066 9 місяців тому

      ​@@1961-v9kthey did you good

    • @anisausman7432
      @anisausman7432 Місяць тому

      Birth control pills are one of the causes.

  • @lmnop87
    @lmnop87 7 років тому +7

    I'm happy I came across this, I was just diagnosed with a DVT as my superficial blood clot has moved. I'm more of a visual learner so this was a good way for me to better understand it. Thank you.

    • @Qafu13
      @Qafu13 4 роки тому

      Can you tell me how do you treat you DVT?

  • @zahramoridi1478
    @zahramoridi1478 4 роки тому +7

    Video quality, explanations and even drawings! ALL spot on! Thank you!

  • @Caprow
    @Caprow 8 років тому +32

    Low MW heparin is SQ injection. UFH is IV or SQ

  • @trotterglobe9278
    @trotterglobe9278 5 років тому +1

    Thank you so much! Very thankful that there are people like you!

  • @george13H
    @george13H 7 років тому +8

    Great overview. I did my final year(2016) thesis on Deep Venous Thrombosis. Well done, keep it up.

  • @joyace9674
    @joyace9674 5 років тому +2

    WOW you are better then a teacher I can learn a lot from you thank you professor 😊👌

  • @meebebe_
    @meebebe_ 8 років тому +8

    love you videos. i'm always amazed at your perfect artwork!

  • @memomorph5375
    @memomorph5375 3 роки тому +2

    Thanks for the video! I got diagnosed with factor V Leiden, not just one copy but both! I got it from both mom and dad

  • @danfengcao8700
    @danfengcao8700 Рік тому

    Thank you so much for lots of clear precise explanation of anatomy and physiology. Thought I'd really hope the font of letters could be easier to read, well, they look cute.

  • @liiastrosnider5578
    @liiastrosnider5578 3 роки тому +7

    Thank you very much. I had a large blood clot under my knee in an artery, the size of a large grape. The doctor prescribed pills, I drank them, but the general condition was very bad, I could not step on my foot, and I had no strength at all, I even spoke with difficulty, I just lay there. It was so bad that I thought it was all over. Cellular nutrition helped me, I began to take it, and after the first intake, strength appeared, it is easier to speak. A week later, an ultrasound scan showed that the thrombus had resolved, although the doctor warned us that you should adjust for 3 months not earlier. I am sure that it was due to the cellular nutrition that the thrombus was so quickly resolved, it turns out that cellular nutrition thins the blood and improves the quality of the blood. A month later, blood tests were normal👌😁

    • @joanferov443
      @joanferov443 2 роки тому +2

      Thank for your comment. I am having almost the same problem. I am wondering if you could explain more about cellular nutrition please.

    • @RmBxox2
      @RmBxox2 2 роки тому +1

      Yes what is cellular nutrition?

    • @liiastrosnider5578
      @liiastrosnider5578 2 роки тому

      @@RmBxox2 Cellular nutrition is a balanced meal in a capsule or powder form. It is not a medicine!!! 📌 It nourishes the body at the cellular level, thanks to the complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements contained, the body itself gets rid of diseases!

    • @ShivaniSingh-vf2qf
      @ShivaniSingh-vf2qf 7 місяців тому

      Hey, My mother has DVT. Elaborate more on this cellular nutrition please.

  • @ethanuchiha3870
    @ethanuchiha3870 3 роки тому +8

    B O A T

  • @ekytube1850
    @ekytube1850 3 роки тому +1

    Beautiful explanation. Thank you sir.

  • @irilhamramadhan
    @irilhamramadhan 7 років тому +17

    armando is next ganong and guyton

  • @munirabdullatif2022
    @munirabdullatif2022 5 років тому +3

    Thank you, its simple, nice and informative

  • @pierre2458
    @pierre2458 3 місяці тому

    Remarkable presentation

  • @annieimafidonmusic8126
    @annieimafidonmusic8126 4 роки тому +1

    Amazing, you are awesome. Excellent expository of DVT. Well done.

  • @amrsalama9012
    @amrsalama9012 Рік тому

    Thank you for such well detailed and informative video.

  • @carlosfrostygreen6855
    @carlosfrostygreen6855 Рік тому

    Very important for a physical check.

  • @cilla4000
    @cilla4000 2 роки тому

    Wow, your a really great teacher, storyteller and amazing artist!! I enjoyed this video!! I did hit the like and subscribe button

  • @cireniopizano4506
    @cireniopizano4506 8 років тому +8

    Great video. I suffered early this year from a DVT and PE as you described in the video. Thank you for the info.

  • @preethishree6523
    @preethishree6523 7 років тому

    wonderful artistic explanation.. very impressed with the chart and description..

  • @ketevankvatadze8985
    @ketevankvatadze8985 8 років тому +1

    perfect videoes , so helpful for medical students.

  • @tulsiramneopaney1077
    @tulsiramneopaney1077 7 років тому +3

    I think I have to study at least one hour to understand this topic from the lecture book,but this interesting vid helps me a lot!Thanks!

  • @alonglongkumer2964
    @alonglongkumer2964 2 роки тому

    Excellent Teaching!

  • @yadagirimbbs1
    @yadagirimbbs1 Рік тому

    Nicely explained. Thank you🙏 sir😊

  • @chipomudyiwa779
    @chipomudyiwa779 6 років тому +1

    Brilliant lecture thank you

  • @bubblezovlove7213
    @bubblezovlove7213 2 роки тому

    Brilliant and informative. Thankyou! I'll make an appointment to see my Doctor right away. It looks like I'm high risk and have all the symptoms....

  • @teya9031
    @teya9031 4 роки тому +3

    I was a patient of ceberel deep vein thrombosis after ny first pregnancy when i was in india and take medication and do yoga now i am alright

    • @akshathaakshu148
      @akshathaakshu148 4 роки тому

      Te ya brother was patient of left leg deep vein thrombodis doctor suggested him to take injections &tablets but no improvement i found ..please suggest me which type yoga better to cure

    • @sapnathakur242
      @sapnathakur242 4 роки тому

      Ple name which type of yoga

    • @prabhakarwadhwani1026
      @prabhakarwadhwani1026 3 роки тому

      "Sarve santu niramaya" 🙏

    • @sacredhealingartbykaveri461
      @sacredhealingartbykaveri461 3 роки тому

      hi te, please tell me more about how are you managing
      It happened with me too after c section
      Bilateral pleural effusion
      And many more
      Pls tell me

  • @tristandelabroye799
    @tristandelabroye799 7 років тому +1

    i love all of your work it reqlly helps leqrning, keep doing great !

  • @carabing724
    @carabing724 5 років тому +1

    Great video. THANK YOU!

  • @mukarramarashid9520
    @mukarramarashid9520 3 роки тому

    Great job! Your videos are really helpful!

  • @breayonnapearson2596
    @breayonnapearson2596 5 років тому

    Beautifully done

  • @jirieskelinen5607
    @jirieskelinen5607 3 роки тому +2

    DVT also known as

  • @avrittibhakat6332
    @avrittibhakat6332 Рік тому

    Please add the links to the notes of Google would be so much helpful. The videos are very concise for a rapid revision.

  • @gcvoon286
    @gcvoon286 4 роки тому

    clear and easy to understand. thank you.

  • @jayakrishnanb8950
    @jayakrishnanb8950 5 років тому

    Simply amazing brooo. .... Go ahead

  • @Lesloi6227
    @Lesloi6227 4 роки тому +1

    wish they covered things like DVT in an ulnar vein, tissue damage, regaining power in your arm back and muscle strength.

  •  6 років тому

    great work, thanks a lot.

  • @jennynewman8618
    @jennynewman8618 4 роки тому +1

    DVT s hurt so bad I've had 2 in my calves now have to take blood thinners for the rest of my life witch I stopped taking for 6 months now I have another blood clot on my left calf so back to the doctor tommrow to start blood Thinner's again I should have listened to the doctor the first time wen she said I have to take them the rest if my life

  • @shandanaghaffar4595
    @shandanaghaffar4595 8 років тому

    superb...just love ur drawing

  • @Lorraine538
    @Lorraine538 3 роки тому

    Very helpful! Thank you so much!

  • @kebblechipepera7337
    @kebblechipepera7337 8 років тому +1

    Great video, very helpful

  • @chaushkahekashan2180
    @chaushkahekashan2180 4 роки тому +1

    😘😘very much help ful sir , thanq soooooo much

  • @paulaharrisbaca4851
    @paulaharrisbaca4851 3 роки тому +2

    What about being told to stay in your house for a year with a mask on????

  • @hindoiaahmed3516
    @hindoiaahmed3516 Рік тому

    Nice video elegant and simple but LMWH sc and UFH IV I think you have said it the other way round

  • @aayush4306
    @aayush4306 4 роки тому +1

    Great video sir ..... Sir can you please tell me more about the post thrombotic syndrome and the post phlebitic leg .....will be a great help....😁

  • @rafaelyovanhendriek.skedmb3012

    The valves to slow to open.
    Laminar flow and tubular flows of the fluid (blood). Cohesion and adhesion.

  • @syedshayand527
    @syedshayand527 5 років тому

    Dr aizaz ishrat is also one of greatest teacher at advanced level. Means for USMLE mrcp plab.he is also good

  • @expendableround6186
    @expendableround6186 2 роки тому +16


  • @clostridum
    @clostridum Рік тому

    Thank you شكرا لك ❤

  • @jonathanlindsey7623
    @jonathanlindsey7623 Рік тому

    That last commercial

  • @myriamarriaga2766
    @myriamarriaga2766 8 років тому +3

    Thank you for the explanation!! Great video! :) your drawings are awesome!!!
    Could you do a video about pleuropulmonary syndromes?

  • @lilymartinez8188
    @lilymartinez8188 4 роки тому +5

    My dad has dvt currently in one leg and I’m so new to this information I feel extremely on edge and emotional. He’s on blood thinners except all of this is so new. Tomorrow’s Father’s Day and I just want know what there is to do to get him through it. What can I do to help and will blood thinners for sure make the clot go away? He originally got the blood clot from an injury

    • @rq3306
      @rq3306 4 роки тому +1

      Same here, any answers yet? Any recommendations on moving or exercise?

    • @lilymartinez8188
      @lilymartinez8188 4 роки тому +1

      Rudy Qassim WELL they put a needle in and drained it a few times suppper weird and I’d say to ask the doctor about a leg wrap it apparently helps depending on the situation. Because after they drained his they recommend compression stockings to help from it reappearing

    • @lilymartinez8188
      @lilymartinez8188 4 роки тому +1

      Rudy Qassim his was caused by an injury so it depends on your situation

    • @lilymartinez8188
      @lilymartinez8188 4 роки тому +1

      Rudy Qassim as for my dads situation the issue is still there but seems like it’s been alottt better he is able to do light work outs

  • @massielr3116
    @massielr3116 Рік тому


  • @GigglePoot23
    @GigglePoot23 4 роки тому

    Awesome, thank you

  • @aCaramelCrunchie
    @aCaramelCrunchie 8 років тому +1

    Great vid!

  • @docmasyful
    @docmasyful 2 роки тому +1

    i accidentally cured my long time deep venous thrombosis on my left leg. last week i had my wisdom tooth extracted( third molar) so i took hemostan 500mg capsule 3x a day for 2 days then 1 capsule once daily since im a bleeder. on the second day after the tooth extraction i noticed that severe pain on my left leg was gone until now( more than 1 week).

  • @gabrielaiglesias2694
    @gabrielaiglesias2694 2 роки тому

    thanks a lot for the video.

  • @christinedevaughn5189
    @christinedevaughn5189 6 років тому +1

    Thank you, you must ne a professor or teacher. I have a pinch in my inner thigh and i can feel my veins move in my legs. My feetband legs hurt all the time.

  • @ehe3653
    @ehe3653 9 місяців тому

    Thank you~!

  • @calientelatinomarak9702
    @calientelatinomarak9702 3 роки тому

    Gracias muy buen video

  • @miamisalem8706
    @miamisalem8706 4 роки тому

    You're amazing!

  • @sahara9814
    @sahara9814 5 років тому

    Simply amazing!Quality time!

  • @jedofadoul1177
    @jedofadoul1177 8 років тому

    very good video

  • @stefanokirindo6521
    @stefanokirindo6521 5 років тому

    Thank youuuuuu soooo much......u have helped me alot.

  • @sammywilkins3685
    @sammywilkins3685 6 років тому

    Many of us haven’t realized that varicose veins can be gone within weeks or days, not months or years. We all know there are a few ways to make it happen, Mabel Ridenbel's website and laser surgery are just two examples.

  • @truckman1472
    @truckman1472 4 роки тому

    Best Video & drawings..making understanding easy..👍👍..can you do a video bout Lipomas & treatment Please..

  • @alijaunbaccus208
    @alijaunbaccus208 7 років тому

    dude you're the best😃

  • @andreacalubad9739
    @andreacalubad9739 3 роки тому +1

    i enjoyed

  • @kcmullins6179
    @kcmullins6179 2 роки тому +2

    Dvt sucks iv had it 3 times 😂. It hurts bad like bad bad mine never went up though they always went down to my ankle n foot n went away

  • @Emb-hs
    @Emb-hs 3 роки тому

    thank you

  • @MrsAA-zn4yj
    @MrsAA-zn4yj Рік тому

    Great video! Do you also have a video on the process of healing a DVT in the leg? Also what if you are still having issues 10 months later? Ex. Compression socks worn and low dose aspirin taken daily but still a lot of pain when active?

  • @dianewomble527
    @dianewomble527 3 роки тому


  • @MultiMusik4
    @MultiMusik4 7 років тому +1

    Я жив ещё.
    Щедрее будьте, люди

  • @arivasyivaa
    @arivasyivaa 2 роки тому

    Thanks a lot

  • @itisinthebones
    @itisinthebones 4 роки тому

    So what does one do in this instance: DVT & PE, RLL & Rt Lung in 2013 post arthroscopic knee surgery. Coumadin levels could not be stabilized and I was prescribed Xarelto. Genetic testing was done and there was no genetic cause. In 2018, with Doctor's advice, I withdrew gradually from Xarelto completing that in April of that year. In 6 months, I was back in the ER with DVT in LLE - unprovoked. After hospitalization, I was again prescribed Xarelto. I was not given an ultrasound on the RLE at that time. When I was given a followup ultrasound on the LLE, I asked for a followup on the RLE and it was denied. After the followup meeting with the hematologist I requested that the next time I was to get an ultrasound, I wanted both extremities examined. This was done in Oct of 2019 and occlusions were still present in my RLE while taking Xarelto. The hematologist said it was a drug failure and now my options were: Inject my abdomen with Lovenox twice daily or try coumadin again. Neither appealed to me, and my physician said I could continue to take Xarelto. I do not think that modern medical science can help me with this one. What has saved my arse so far is: 1. I fought when I was misdiagnosed in the ER and shot up with steroids. 2. At 68, I work out for 1 1/2 hours every other day at the gym and I garden organically with Non-GMO seeds.
    I think a Native American Shaman nailed it 30 years ago. I have "Bad Blood", that is, bad family relations. ACE Score is 9. I also need to inform you for research's sake that I now have 4 nodules on my thyroid, which all came after taking Xarelto. Family trauma carries epigenetically to our children. My military son of 20 years recently committed suicide. Someone should tell the Pope that homosexuals aren't born that way, pedophiles create them. My family is proof of that. Epigenetics has been around since 1942 and I wonder why it had not become mainstream.

    @NICEAVADESH 8 років тому

    u r awesome dear ,thank u so much .

  • @6ganthi4
    @6ganthi4 4 роки тому

    A friend of mine passed away yesterday 3.2.2020 due to deep vein thrombosis. Her age 39

    • @rikabchand6036
      @rikabchand6036 3 роки тому

      How long she was suffering from DVT?

    • @damnright4
      @damnright4 3 роки тому +1

      So sorry for your loss...My brother passed away 8/1/2021 from a dvt and sudden massive PE. He was 60..

    • @rikabchand6036
      @rikabchand6036 3 роки тому

      @@damnright4 Sorry for the loss. How long he has been suffering from DVT?

    • @damnright4
      @damnright4 3 роки тому

      @@rikabchand6036Maybe two or three months.. He didnt even know he had it.. We found out from the medical examiner after autopsie.

  • @mattscott6591
    @mattscott6591 2 роки тому +2

    I had DVT in Aug, didn’t get it checked and Sept turned into PE. I am now on Xarelto. I had trouble with Dorsiflexion and developed drop foot. It improved but suddenly got worse just yesterday. What can I do? Is this permanent?

  • @fairwind8676
    @fairwind8676 2 роки тому +1

    is it possible the swelling and redness and pain to reside only around calf and on top of foot ?

  • @shankarga7808
    @shankarga7808 5 років тому +1

    clinically, how to differentiate between leg cramps and DVT in Patients of 60 yrs +. please clarify.

  • @alanomer6523
    @alanomer6523 2 роки тому

    Thanks, so informative, What app do you use for your explanation?
    Anyone knowing the app he use? thanks

  • @priyankashah2726
    @priyankashah2726 7 років тому

    thankyou so much. your videos are great!

  • @almamorgan5758
    @almamorgan5758 3 роки тому +1

    But I had a DVT and my test where normal ? So why is that ?

  • @unmikgawai6364
    @unmikgawai6364 2 роки тому

    I have dvt and its genetic my life is absolute hell

  • @nancysinha765
    @nancysinha765 4 роки тому

    Nurse is taking care of client with DVT.Which position should be provided to the client?? Please reply the position name 🙏🙏

  • @legacymedicalsalesllc1016
    @legacymedicalsalesllc1016 2 роки тому

    This is a great video! I'm glad you've explained the subject so well. We actually provide a product that helps prevent this from happening post surgery, have you heard of the Plasma Flow? We have a video of it on our youtube channel.

  • @omoyajowotolulope2598
    @omoyajowotolulope2598 8 років тому

    best Video