And the key is to...make a key. lol. BTW, the key and lock are cheapazz, and your clone is very crude. The technique wouldn't work on a lock with multiple precise tumblers.
When I saw him get glue, I genuinely thought he was going to make a bump key with hot glue, which can be done. It's just a bit of a one use thing. Nope I was giving him way too much credit.
I can't say that watching your video was a waste of time because I found it to be amusing. I'm a retired tool & die maker so if I wanted to make a spare key, I would simply place the original key in a vice with a blank then file the blank to the original. Now this is the hilarious part, why would I do that? I would have to make a trip to a hardware store to buy a blank key!!! As long as I have to be there, I'll just have the hardware store cut me a spare key. God, I love being retired. I spend lot of time in my shop but at the end of the day I cruise You Tube to see what other information craftsmen have to offer concerning their craft. One thing I know for sure, there are tons of things that can be done with graphite, baking soda, ca glue and hot glue, some of which can be useful. With all due respect your video should read " How to waste time making a spare key".
This video is by a young someone who figured all this key stuff out, they're all proud of themselves and they want you to know how amazing they are(nt). Reminds me of these young guys driving around who sport some kind of loud muffler and some added LED lights on the car. You're supposed to think they're amazing mechanics.
I think you are missing the point this key according to the inventor sic, will open any lock. im gonna build up my doorways with blocks before he gets to my house with this mind blowing invention, Are we been invaded from outer space? or just spacers. phew
Der korrekte Titel für dieses Video: "Wie man die KOPIE eines vorhandenen Schlüssels herstellt mit dem man das dazugehörige Schloss genau EIN EINZIGES mal aufschließen und danach NIE WIDER verwenden kann, weil es zugeklebt ist". Vielen Dank für dieses unerlässliche Wissen!
Dokładnie a poza tym taką kłódkę zatrzaskową to nawet agrafką się otworzy. Prosta jak budowa cepa. Dodatkowo zniszczył zamek w środku, pchając to badziewie do środka. Wyjmując to z powrotem z zamka o ile w ogóle wyciągnął, pewnie sporo tego badziewia zostanie w środku i jest szansa na całkowite unieruchomienie zamka. No mistrz.
At the end of this video the key probably broke off or got stuck trying to pull it out, why go thru all that trouble when you can get a copy at a hardware store for around two bucks. Si no tienes nada que hacer y quieres perder tiempo en ideas tontas, este video es perfecto para usted 😄😊..!!
Was ein Schwachsinn! Mit dem hergestellten Nachschlüssel kannst Du gerade mal dieses Schloß öffnen, aber nicht ALLE! Ein Nachschlüssel vom Schlüsseldienst ist auch nicht derartig teuer, daß ich so einen Aufwand betreiben würde. Und wenn der Graphitschlüssel im Schloß abbricht - dann herzlichen Glückwunsch.
there is a diffrence between "a key that unlocks all locks" and "an inferior copy of a key that barely opens only one lock" BTW a comb pick that cost about as mush as that pencil you destroyed will open most of this cheap locks in 3 seconds or a lock smith will make an exact copy of that key for half the price in less than duration of this video.
brilliant. I am wondering how much stronger it is to add the graphite. And would it be made stronger with any other easily accessible products found at home? One thought I had was cotton or polyester thread cut into small 5mm pieces. I have also heard tissue paper or ashes of burnt paper can be effective.
Le titre ne vas pasla vidéo. Il est écrit faire une clef qui déverrouillé toute les serrure. Alors qu'il devrais être écrit comment faire une copie de clef !
Ein Schlüssel, der ALLE Schlösser aufschließt? Wohl eher nicht, der geht ja kaum in das original Schloss. Wenn ich den original Schlüssel habe gehe ich damit zum Schlüsseldienst . Ist einfacher und funktioniert .
Il titolo più corretto sarebbe "come DUPLICARE una chiave, avendo l'originale". Ma con 3 euro lo fa il ferramenta. Il casino è aprire un lucchetto se la chiave è stata persa. Ma se c'è l'originale, va bene questo trucco eventualmente per farsi in casa una copia. Sarebbe utile per la chiave della macchina (solo per aprire le portiere però) perchè sono chiavi che costano 75 euro al duplicato. Però non ci si può guidare perchè ci vuole il cip o qualcosa del genere.
Para grafito mejor bicarbonato y más rápido, pero este vídeo muestra como partir la copia dentro y perder el candado y tiempo por no hacer una copia autentica.
Beware! this video can cause the butterfly effect, whilst I wasted my time watching it, my wife walking out, and my dog was run down in the street chasing after her. Every cloud has a silver lining, how I miss buddy. Don’t watch this video, save your dog.
Guy makes a key copy using silicone for the mold and graphite and super glue for the material. Not something the likes of the lockpicking lawyer or that masterlock smasher guy
I love his post! "In this video I will show you how to open a lock without a key" ...then proceeds to show a process that SPECIFICALLY REQUIRES a key... boooooo! 👎
This key won't open any lock. It barely opened that lock and it must have been a very poor quality lock to begin with. The maker of this video deserves nothing but scorn. I give it's 0 out of 10.
This key does NOT "unlock all locks". It is a copy of the original key, and will only unlock that lock. But why would you do this...when you have the original key? - which will only unlock that lock, not "all locks". Ttsschsskk!!!
y eso abre todas las cerraduras?ni tú te lo crees, esa llave solo abre el candado por qué es la copia de la llave del candado, nada más, y no te abre otra cosa ó otra cerradura ni loco.
This video is not titled correctly. It doesn't show how to make a skeleton key, it just shows how to copy a key.....which can he done with playdough or plaster of Paris with much less effort 😂😂😂
EIN Schlüssel, der ALLE Schlösser aufschließt - clickbaiting title, does not reflect, what you see in the video. It's just false. Interesting, but wrong title!
Se podría aplicar en la situación de tener la llave original rota en dos o más partes. Hacer el molde permite obtener un ejemplar completo. Además, es bueno saber que se puede hacer con materiales disponibles en casa cuando no puedes ir al cerrajero a hacer una copia.
This is silly. A very complicated way to make a copy of your key, as you can let it do much faster and just as cheap in the hardware store around the corner.
just put the glue graphite and baking powder directly into the lock that way you get the same result of ruining your lock much faster and with greater efficiency.
That's not baking soda. Baking soda is a POWDER. What you used is granulated. Probably salt or sugar. Also that will maybe open the lock it is made for, but NOT all locks as you state in the title. Reporting this for incorrect information.
Ce n’est pas très malin... Pour faire une copie, il faut l’original. Donc pourquoi faire une copie si on a déjà la clé ?!? Et puis si vous voulez faire une copie, il y a plus simple : des magasins font ça ! PS : cette copie ne déverrouillera jamais toutes les serrures donc le titre est une putaclic 🤮
In this video I will show you how to open a lock without a key:
By making a....key....
With a much weaker and inferior clone of the...Key.🤔
And the key is to...make a key. lol.
BTW, the key and lock are cheapazz, and your clone is very crude. The technique wouldn't work on a lock with multiple precise tumblers.
in this video how to open a lock without a key using a key made using a key 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Actually, that is exactly what you do not show. Idiotic video and a complete waste of time.
This video will forever unlock 4 minutes out of your precious life, that you're never gonna get back.
I was going to say the exact same thing
Exactly, it took me less time and effort to learn how to pick a lock like this
I wish I'd read your comment first.
lmfao good one greg
When I saw him get glue, I genuinely thought he was going to make a bump key with hot glue, which can be done. It's just a bit of a one use thing. Nope I was giving him way too much credit.
When this video started I went to the hardware store and made a perfect copy for $1.- , came back home, and this guy were still shaping his product.
Brilliant Idea!
1$ though. Come in we know that’s not possible.
Ha ha ha. Yeah. Whoever thought up the hardware store did so after watching this vid and saying "bullshit!" Ha ha ha:)
I picked the lock with 2 bobby pins in a few seconds...those locks can be raked quickly.
I can't say that watching your video was a waste of time because I found it to be amusing. I'm a retired tool & die maker so if I wanted to make a spare key, I would simply place the original key in a vice with a blank then file the blank to the original. Now this is the hilarious part, why would I do that? I would have to make a trip to a hardware store to buy a blank key!!! As long as I have to be there, I'll just have the hardware store cut me a spare key. God, I love being retired. I spend lot of time in my shop but at the end of the day I cruise You Tube to see what other information craftsmen have to offer concerning their craft. One thing I know for sure, there are tons of things that can be done with graphite, baking soda, ca glue and hot glue, some of which can be useful. With all due respect your video should read " How to waste time making a spare key".
i agree
lmfao again
This video is by a young someone who figured all this key stuff out, they're all proud of themselves and they want you to know how amazing they are(nt). Reminds me of these young guys driving around who sport some kind of loud muffler and some added LED lights on the car. You're supposed to think they're amazing mechanics.
Don't forget Ramen noodles and super glue (CA glue)
I think you are missing the point this key according to the inventor sic, will open any lock. im gonna build up my doorways with blocks before he gets to my house with this mind blowing invention, Are we been invaded from outer space? or just spacers. phew
Der korrekte Titel für dieses Video: "Wie man die KOPIE eines vorhandenen Schlüssels herstellt mit dem man das dazugehörige Schloss genau EIN EINZIGES mal aufschließen und danach NIE WIDER verwenden kann, weil es zugeklebt ist". Vielen Dank für dieses unerlässliche Wissen!
you just made a key that unlocks only that lock ..since you simply made a duplicate key ....LOL
It is, but in this way you can make any key)
Thank you for your comments, in the next video I will make such a universal key!
@@CreativeHacker7 i did learn this and for that i give you credit:)
Until it breaks. Then you have a ruined lock.
@@lillianreid1878 So he just made a key that locks or unlocks only that lock... forever
He did not make a key that unlocks all locks. He made a less durable copy of a key that unlocks one lock.
He got you to click on his stupid video. Didn't he?
@@learningwithlyricsandsongs Indeed he did. lol
Heck yeah 😅silly
An extremely low quality lock too.
If the piece breaks inside the slot and you have to throw the lock away 🤑
Not the "piece", but the sh*t!
You made a so-called key to open one (1) lock, not all locks as you stated.
Ya this moron lied to us all just to get us to watch his stupid video
That's how clickbaits work.
Alle Schlösser aufschließt??? Wo? 🤣🤣🤣 Ein Duplikat kann ich für 5 Eur kaufen.
All this video did was show everyone how to make a click bait video.
You better hope and pray it doesn't break off in the lock....
Awesome, I'm going to save this video for all the times I need to open a lock that I already have the key to...
That's a clever idea! 🗝️🔓.
Key to open any lock? No, just a duplicate!
Hardware stores only charge a few dollars to make a real copy!
Ja tu widzę zlepek grafitu, który ledwo otwiera jeden zamek, a nie wszystkie.
thank you for your opinion
Dokładnie a poza tym taką kłódkę zatrzaskową to nawet agrafką się otworzy. Prosta jak budowa cepa. Dodatkowo zniszczył zamek w środku, pchając to badziewie do środka. Wyjmując to z powrotem z zamka o ile w ogóle wyciągnął, pewnie sporo tego badziewia zostanie w środku i jest szansa na całkowite unieruchomienie zamka. No mistrz.
How to waste loads of pencil’s,superglue,your time and make a mess,brilliant idea!
super glue? Lmao
Der Titel ist sehr irreführend! Dieser Schlüssel schließt natürlich NICHT ALLE Schlösser auf!
ou est la façon d ouvrit TOUTES les serrures .............,,,?????????????????????? autant acheter les kit de crochetage sur amazone ................
Merci pour votre avis, dans la prochaine vidéo je ferai une serrure universelle
That duplicate would have been more useful if he'd have put an eraser on the end of it.
when your key doubles as a pencil
Ein Schlüssel, der ALLE Schlösser aufschließt?
Muy bien, maistre.
At the end of this video the key probably broke off or got stuck trying to pull it out, why go thru all that trouble when you can get a copy at a hardware store for around two bucks. Si no tienes nada que hacer y quieres perder tiempo en ideas tontas, este video es perfecto para usted 😄😊..!!
Well, that's 3 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.
I think it might be easier/quicker/cheaper to go to the hardware store and have a key made.
Was ein Schwachsinn! Mit dem hergestellten Nachschlüssel kannst Du gerade mal dieses Schloß öffnen, aber nicht ALLE!
Ein Nachschlüssel vom Schlüsseldienst ist auch nicht derartig teuer, daß ich so einen Aufwand betreiben würde. Und wenn der Graphitschlüssel im Schloß abbricht - dann herzlichen Glückwunsch.
It's time for a 3d printer buddy. Lol
Five years later 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Five years later... and still unlocking all locks with this brilliant idea! 🔓🔑
People here not understanding what a "shit post" actually is. I say bravo and tip my hat to your ingenuity.
Thank you for appreciating the ingenuity behind the idea! 🎩💡.
O título está errado !!
Fizeste uma cópia de uma chave de cadeado, mais nada.
Hay dise clarito...abre todas las cerradura lo cual es mentira
Si tiene una llave de bloqueo, puede hacer cualquier llave
@@CreativeHacker7 oui peut-être mais le titre est mensonger!
How to make a key that opens one lock but not quite as well as the original.
... and risks clogging the padlock, so that you will end up throwing it away.
there is a diffrence between "a key that unlocks all locks" and "an inferior copy of a key that barely opens only one lock"
BTW a comb pick that cost about as mush as that pencil you destroyed will open most of this cheap locks in 3 seconds or a lock smith will make an exact copy of that key for half the price in less than duration of this video.
يمكن فتح هذه الأنواع بأي مفتاح أصغر من المفتاح المخصص لها ، بطريقة بسيطة
ولهذا عفى عنها الزمن.
Cheap lock.
You could open that one with a paper clip.
Thanks for the advice !
Title misleading
brilliant. I am wondering how much stronger it is to add the graphite. And would it be made stronger with any other easily accessible products found at home? One thought I had was cotton or polyester thread cut into small 5mm pieces. I have also heard tissue paper or ashes of burnt paper can be effective.
Explain how this key will open any lock? unless i am missing something it will only open the lock that key was copied from.
It will open _any_ lock that was copied from the original.
Al brayan le gusta este video.
¡Gracias por tu apoyo! Espero que sigas disfrutando de mis ideas brillantes en futuros videos 🔑💡.
Muy ingenioso 👏👏👏
Yeah, how you suppose you’re gonna get that back out…?
Le titre ne vas pasla vidéo. Il est écrit faire une clef qui déverrouillé toute les serrure. Alors qu'il devrais être écrit comment faire une copie de clef !
Pov if its break in lock😂
Ein Schlüssel, der ALLE Schlösser aufschließt?
Wohl eher nicht, der geht ja kaum in das original Schloss.
Wenn ich den original Schlüssel habe gehe ich damit
zum Schlüsseldienst . Ist einfacher und funktioniert .
Das ist wahr, manchmal ist der klassische Weg der beste Weg! 💡🔑.
OMG give me back my 4 min. NOW
Sorry 😢
misleading title
Dieser Schlüssel schließt genau 1 Schloss auf! - Irreführender Titel !
Il titolo più corretto sarebbe "come DUPLICARE una chiave, avendo l'originale".
Ma con 3 euro lo fa il ferramenta. Il casino è aprire un lucchetto se la chiave è stata persa. Ma se c'è l'originale, va bene questo trucco eventualmente per farsi in casa una copia.
Sarebbe utile per la chiave della macchina (solo per aprire le portiere però) perchè sono chiavi che costano 75 euro al duplicato. Però non ci si può guidare perchè ci vuole il cip o qualcosa del genere.
Para grafito mejor bicarbonato y más rápido, pero este vídeo muestra como partir la copia dentro y perder el candado y tiempo por no hacer una copia autentica.
Key to open all locks - Crowbar !! Just more dufficult to make though 😂
i suspect that lock could be opened with ANY key or thin metal object !
Don't need any key - use your teeth.
ooo bien !! donnez des idées au voleurs ::::
Désolé, je ne peux pas aider avec ça ! 🙅♂️🔒
Beware! this video can cause the butterfly effect, whilst I wasted my time watching it, my wife walking out, and my dog was run down in the street chasing after her.
Every cloud has a silver lining, how I miss buddy.
Don’t watch this video, save your dog.
A Pikey can open any lock 😁😁
The Best video❤❤❤
Guy makes a key copy using silicone for the mold and graphite and super glue for the material.
Not something the likes of the lockpicking lawyer or that masterlock smasher guy
No lo creo
No lo creas hasta que lo intentes 😉.
all locks? I only counted one. better think about what you say
He made a key!!
That wasn’t Baking
Powder buddy. Duh. LoL
these padlocks open by themselves when you sneeze too loud.
In Soviet Russia, all lock use same key. Brilliant!
Why do u think so?
ALL LOCKS? Really now. Pleeese give me back my 4 mins. This was a complete waste of time.
Welcome on my channel my best friend! Watch my new videos, you’ll like it!
I wish I'd read the comments before I clicked the play button. Facepalm.
Ok but this key doesn't unlock all locks....LOL
Das Schloß bekommst du mit einer Büroklammer auf, wenn es nicht vorher von alleine aufgeht, wenn du es böse ansiehst.
4 Minuten Lebenszeit verschenkt
I love his post! "In this video I will show you how to open a lock without a key" ...then proceeds to show a process that SPECIFICALLY REQUIRES a key... boooooo! 👎
This key won't open any lock.
It barely opened that lock and it must have been a very poor quality lock to begin with.
The maker of this video deserves nothing but scorn.
I give it's 0 out of 10.
has the homemade key ever break inside the lock making it hard to remove?
Yes, look close... it broke on the way in.
I don't know, but it will probably break when he tries to get it out.
This key does NOT "unlock all locks". It is a copy of the original key, and will only unlock that lock. But why would you do this...when you have the original key? - which will only unlock that lock, not "all locks". Ttsschsskk!!!
I went to Timpsons and purchased a duplicate key because that’s the type of guy I am.
Picking is 100% faster
Greetings: The trick is U have 2 use glitter glue.
Dieser Schlüssel sperrt nur das eine Schloss, und nicht alle 👎🏻
thanks for your comment! I will make a universal key for all locks in the next video
Se si sbriciola dentro butti il lucchetto 😂😂😂
Pov if its broke in lock
Muy buena idea para los ladrones 😢
¡Gracias por tu comentario! Recuerda siempre utilizar tus habilidades para el bien 😉🔑.
y eso abre todas las cerraduras?ni tú te lo crees, esa llave solo abre el candado por qué es la copia de la llave del candado, nada más, y no te abre otra cosa ó otra cerradura ni loco.
¡Gracias por tu comentario! En el video expliqué que la llave solo abre el candado específico para el que fue hecha la copia. 🔑🔒
You made a really crappy key to this one lock, by having the key to this one lock.
it is not all useless. At least the music is good and calms the mind. Just close the eyes while playing the video
This video is not titled correctly. It doesn't show how to make a skeleton key, it just shows how to copy a key.....which can he done with playdough or plaster of Paris with much less effort 😂😂😂
EIN Schlüssel, der ALLE Schlösser aufschließt - clickbaiting title, does not reflect, what you see in the video. It's just false. Interesting, but wrong title!
Clickbait! Creative Quacker!!!
Эти видео действительно отнимают наше драгоценное время, а суть их в этом и заключается. 80% видео такого плану пустышки не имеющие никакой пользы.
Co ma tytuł do filmiku no i efekt końcowy porażka 👎👎👎👎👎
...btw, mix fibergass with JB weld for your copy next time. Trim it with a Dremel tool, with a carbide cutting bit... just sayin'
Why take so much trouble when u can get a new key from the hardware shops at very cheap price
Why? How did i get here?
Se podría aplicar en la situación de tener la llave original rota en dos o más partes. Hacer el molde permite obtener un ejemplar completo. Además, es bueno saber que se puede hacer con materiales disponibles en casa cuando no puedes ir al cerrajero a hacer una copia.
Então é verdade! obrigado pelo comentário
@Zoilaugarte una pregunta ...baking soda es bicarbonato??
@@tatoVD si lo es, pero Creative Hacker es el autor del video y puede darte mejor información que yo.
In that case, why not use the superglue to glue the pieces back together!
Supongo que para una urgencia sirve, pero para uso cotidiano en 2 veces tiene la llave partida dentro del candado.
How to make a key that jams all locks forever !!!!! Brilliant idea !!!!!!
Brilliant way to give me a headache
This is silly. A very complicated way to make a copy of your key, as you can let it do much faster and just as cheap in the hardware store around the corner.
I don’t think that key will open any lock. I will probably do a poor job at opening this one
just put the glue graphite and baking powder directly into the lock that way you get the same result of ruining your lock much faster and with greater efficiency.
Muy mal video
That's not baking soda. Baking soda is a POWDER. What you used is granulated. Probably salt or sugar. Also that will maybe open the lock it is made for, but NOT all locks as you state in the title. Reporting this for incorrect information.
You have to have the key to make the mold so how tf does this help?? I could just use the key to unlock the lock instead of wasting my life
Better title for this video: How to make a key that can barely unlocks one lock - Stupid idea!
What a waste of time. Pure click bait!
That looks like sugar instead of baking soda ;/ seems granular like sugar - Also, are you using crazy glue
That's actually baking soda! It helps create the perfect key 😉🔑.
Ce n’est pas très malin...
Pour faire une copie, il faut l’original.
Donc pourquoi faire une copie si on a déjà la clé ?!?
Et puis si vous voulez faire une copie, il y a plus simple : des magasins font ça !
PS : cette copie ne déverrouillera jamais toutes les serrures donc le titre est une putaclic 🤮
Merci pour vos commentaires, je vais bientôt enregistrer une vidéo sur la façon de faire une telle clé !