Prey (ft. Shadow, Sonic, Silver, Starved & Furnace)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1 тис.

  • @Misax17
    @Misax17 2 роки тому +1095


  • @BlandyBoiYT
    @BlandyBoiYT 2 роки тому +1175

    I love that Shadow's guns aren't just for show and that he's actually throwing lead.

    • @UhhGuysSomethinsWrongWithRaven
      @UhhGuysSomethinsWrongWithRaven Рік тому +33

      i thought that toooo lols

    • @otamanyura5972
      @otamanyura5972 Рік тому +32

      And he reloads it🥶

    • @mainGhostslayer101
      @mainGhostslayer101 Рік тому +33

      I wish Shadow could just use them up against Xenophanes, tho. Hell, I wish he could use them against any demonic Sonic imposter. He might not be able to kill said demons, but at the very least he can defend himself without having to get up close and personal like Knuckles had to do.

    • @venomasmark14
      @venomasmark14 Рік тому +13

      Shadow always got that thang on him

    • @lolbrawlrefferencerawat3657
      @lolbrawlrefferencerawat3657 Рік тому +5

      It looks like a TV remote more than gun.

  • @inkchariot6147
    @inkchariot6147 2 роки тому +1709

    Story: Starved, after eating the animals of his home dimension (all except for Tails, who managed to get away using a time travel post) uses the chaos emeralds to travel to the modern timeline to further satisfy his hunger.
    However, he bites off more than he can chew when he encounters not just Sonic, but Shadow and Silver, who were warned of his arrival by the Tails of the other timeline.
    Ass kicking ensues.

    • @Floofmaster5000
      @Floofmaster5000 2 роки тому +185

      Nice pun with "he bites off more than he can chew

    • @inkchariot6147
      @inkchariot6147 2 роки тому +86

      @@Floofmaster5000 I knew someone would get it

    • @brawlmetaknight
      @brawlmetaknight 2 роки тому +48

      read the description and it tells the story,But your story is good either way

    • @blueotter5954
      @blueotter5954 2 роки тому +13

      The second game has Knuckles.

    • @t.g.r8703
      @t.g.r8703 2 роки тому +12

      And shadow now uses guns

  • @SuperPerry1000
    @SuperPerry1000 2 роки тому +735

    Considering that the starved lore is Classic era, I'd like to imagine this is "prime" Sonic and co hearing of the monstrous things Starved has done and have across universes to kick his ass for all those he consumed.
    ...yeah, that's Canon now.

    • @blueotter5954
      @blueotter5954 2 роки тому +35

      Oh. Poor Classic Sonic and Amy.

    • @kathiecraig2803
      @kathiecraig2803 2 роки тому +32

      @Sausage Supreme Metal would most definitely say " *Come and get me. Faker.* " to furnace

    • @kamakiriisabean7059
      @kamakiriisabean7059 2 роки тому


    • @kamakiriisabean7059
      @kamakiriisabean7059 2 роки тому

      @Sausage Supreme

    • @UhhGuysSomethinsWrongWithRaven
      @UhhGuysSomethinsWrongWithRaven Рік тому +10

      but what if all the sonic characters of the
      different games/shows all attacked
      (Yes, even the eggs and the exes)
      it would be chaos 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @moxikyutube6924
    @moxikyutube6924 Рік тому +195

    Did i forget to mention that i love how even in this Shadow remains in character? He banters with Sonic, boasts to Eggman, and is looking out for Silver like a genuine mentor. So many cool things about this video!

    • @ewanscott5331
      @ewanscott5331 9 місяців тому +14

      Also gun. That is an important part of his character.

    • @moxikyutube6924
      @moxikyutube6924 9 місяців тому +11

      @@ewanscott5331 Apologies, I forgor to mention his love of semi-automatic rifles. And the classic: A Glock 19

    • @riadsky
      @riadsky 7 місяців тому

      Doesn't starved events takes place in sonic CD where sonic never met shadow nor silver?

    • @moxikyutube6924
      @moxikyutube6924 7 місяців тому +6

      @@riadsky Time travel shenanigans!!

  • @SulphurMind
    @SulphurMind 2 роки тому +1124

    This trio is downright unbeatable when they all have the same goal, I can imagine starved however gets a bit too greedy with all three of them there, not to mention he would think he knows all of Shadow's weaknesses, while not thinking much about the white shaded newcomer.

    • @vito6197
      @vito6197 2 роки тому +102

      Sonic is kinda the dead weight in the trio, all he has going for him is that he's the fastest. He is the only one who can't attack Straved and Furnace from a distance.
      Edit: Proven wrong, put down the pitchforks
      Edit 2:
      1, I said I think this is a Sonic before Frontiers. 2, stop saying homing attack or any attack where it involves Sonic going out of his way to ram himself into the enemy. 3, I already said I take back my statement guys.
      Those who be praying on my downfall: please stop. You won.

    • @unknownboi2447
      @unknownboi2447 2 роки тому +74

      @@vito6197 "sonic wind"

    • @dylansanimatingchannel127
      @dylansanimatingchannel127 2 роки тому +48

      @@unknownboi2447 spindash

    • @dylansanimatingchannel127
      @dylansanimatingchannel127 2 роки тому +36

      @@unknownboi2447 time stop

    • @just_sonic
      @just_sonic 2 роки тому +69

      I'm 100% sure Furnace would lose sense this is suppose to be in the classic timeline(CD) so Eggman would have no idea about Shadow or Sliver(unless he uses the time stones to go foward in time) not to mention all of them are in their Modern designs/forms. 🤓🤓🤓🤓

  • @switchnx
    @switchnx 2 роки тому +568

    Furnace: I am not a pet!
    Shadow: Sonic! We’re here to help!
    Silver: With what, I don’t know, but I value our friendship!

    • @GreenStorm8200
      @GreenStorm8200 2 роки тому +33

      I understood that reference

    • @Kirby-cq5pb
      @Kirby-cq5pb 2 роки тому +62

      Starved: Heeeyyyy, what’s uuuuppp~
      It’s meeeee~
      Sonic: sTOP!!

    • @heinoussage
      @heinoussage 2 роки тому +28

      Shadow: jesus christ watch out for that son of a bitch

    • @rain68832
      @rain68832 2 роки тому +16

      Sonic: thanks! I kinda almost died....this robot here is stronger then metal me!

    • @reesewhittington6778
      @reesewhittington6778 2 роки тому +10

      Starved: Oh, how *quaint*, ow the edgehog and the wallflower are trying to use the power of friendship. This is *nothing* to me you alive mean *nothing* to me you mean *nothing*

  • @expired267
    @expired267 2 роки тому +243

    I love the detail of shadow actually reloading his gun and you can hear the clicking sounds when its out of ammo, usually in song covers if a character has a gun they have unlimited ammo in the clip.

    • @ploom3
      @ploom3 6 місяців тому +4

      I remember, in the song for the Big Brother song, "Survive" or "Survival" The enemy had a gun, and before the song he said he had thirteen bullets.
      He fired over twenty. (I think. this was like, a year or two ago.)

  • @summer_coggs3570
    @summer_coggs3570 2 роки тому +166

    I like how when Shadow talks to the other two hedgehogs, he's kinda passive aggressive towards Sonic, but more 'Motherly' to Silver. It's adorable, and going into my headcanons.

    • @Shattered-Glass_Fan
      @Shattered-Glass_Fan 7 місяців тому +18

      I was thinking more 'Fatherly' to Silver but still works nonetheless.

  • @filipesimoes618
    @filipesimoes618 2 роки тому +2403

    Imagine Silver just denying Furnace saying "it's no use!" and just tossing Furnace into oblivion? lol

    • @gloccc
      @gloccc  2 роки тому +557

      the truest ending

    • @benjaminperez6200
      @benjaminperez6200 2 роки тому +166

      Sonic 06 Style

    • @applebottomjeans7455
      @applebottomjeans7455 2 роки тому +182

      *ITS NO USE, YEET*

    • @babyyoda4203
      @babyyoda4203 2 роки тому +96

      Its possible but due to Furnace's size it'll be a bit hard because he's quite Big to cook Sonic in his stomach you know!

    • @filipesimoes618
      @filipesimoes618 2 роки тому +131

      @@babyyoda4203 Maybe, but if you think that Silver was able do grab and throw a god damn meteor in the Iblis phase 3 boss fight in Sonic 06, I think Furnace would be a piece of cake to throw

  • @trellman7676
    @trellman7676 Рік тому +349

    Can we take a second to recognize how unreasonably badass that art of Starved is? Like honestly.

    • @MilkshakeVA
      @MilkshakeVA Рік тому +22

      he's doing the sans pose

    • @Kallichore09
      @Kallichore09 Рік тому +7

      ​@@MilkshakeVAHe IS Sans

    • @mainGhostslayer101
      @mainGhostslayer101 Рік тому +3

      @@Kallichore09 New Sans AU: RedSkull Sans

    • @Kallichore09
      @Kallichore09 Рік тому +2

      @@mainGhostslayer101 HELL YEAH SOMEONE MAKE IT HAPPEN

    • @YURITUBE121
      @YURITUBE121 Рік тому +3

      @@mainGhostslayer101 it aleardy exist

  • @zacharythegamerorztg4512
    @zacharythegamerorztg4512 Рік тому +19

    I’m just imagining Silver carrying a crate of ammo and weapons and every time shadows gun clicks he swaps it out for something more lethal

  • @ItsSoraval
    @ItsSoraval 2 роки тому +538

    Everything from the combination of voice lines, character switches and gun shot sound effects and so on, everything is immaculate!

    • @gloccc
      @gloccc  2 роки тому +66

      cheers dude, im also glad to see your yt channel growing bigger

    • @shadowhedgehog9254
      @shadowhedgehog9254 2 роки тому +13

      @@gloccc Luigi and Shadow the Hedgehog edit please Bro

    • @ItsSoraval
      @ItsSoraval 2 роки тому +11

      @@gloccc Thank you so much! And right back at ya! There has never been a bad vid coming from you, keep it up! ^^

  • @RhythmOSauce
    @RhythmOSauce 2 роки тому +223

    My head cannon for this take is that due to the shenanigans Starved Robotnick did with the time stones. He ripped a tear in time and space, summoning the three from Sonic 06’s storyline.

    • @blueotter5954
      @blueotter5954 2 роки тому +4

      Oh dear

    • @neoterumi4772
      @neoterumi4772 2 роки тому +15

      Of all the times to get the trio it would be the time they were already dealing with a being who could time travel and caused a horrific future timeline with many dead

    • @fxcf8082
      @fxcf8082 2 роки тому +34

      Oh he'd be Uber Screwed. An angry Sonic, Shadow being stocked with Chaos Attacks out the ass, and little mister "I've been fighting God since I was a little kid" Silver.

    • @santago6470
      @santago6470 2 роки тому +2

      ​@@fxcf8082 na he isn't angry but he's as wise as he should be

    • @luna_lxnes2.026
      @luna_lxnes2.026 Рік тому +1

      Actually no he Summon the latest shadow the latest silver and the latest sonic So that means he has to deal with frontier sonic

  • @redspartan0614
    @redspartan0614 2 роки тому +1028

    What I imagine a “bad ending” for this cover would be, is pretty much that as Shadow and Sonic use Chaos Control, they’re skewered through the chest by Furnace. Furnace immediately cooks Sonic, and drops Shadow before returning to Eggman. Silver, terrified teleports away with Shadow, and they have to figure out what to do next. Little do they know, a little fox already has a plan…

    • @nifzy255
      @nifzy255 2 роки тому +26


    • @Sallidish
      @Sallidish 2 роки тому +54

      Furnace isn't even that strong lol

    • @phoniexdragon4562
      @phoniexdragon4562 2 роки тому +21

      So tails plan is to attack starved knowing he can easily just call furnace over to cook him?

    • @_skye8660
      @_skye8660 2 роки тому +18

      literally impossible

    • @_customer_
      @_customer_ 2 роки тому +50

      Furnace really said "fuck you in particular" to sonic

  • @Codyiguess
    @Codyiguess 2 роки тому +341

    If shadow was in prey, eggman would’ve been praying the whole time.

    • @Nonagonab1
      @Nonagonab1 2 роки тому +2


    • @keyanims1978
      @keyanims1978 2 роки тому +3

      You mean preying?

    • @Codyiguess
      @Codyiguess 2 роки тому +3

      @@keyanims1978 no.

    • @Destoroyahpng
      @Destoroyahpng Рік тому +10

      More like silver
      Silver can deny furnace of his main method of attack
      What’s shadow gonna do to furnace? Shoot him?

    • @Codyiguess
      @Codyiguess Рік тому +30

      @@Destoroyahpng shadow would just obliterate him instead of running from him. Simple, shadow is a killer fighter, and he’s stronger and faster than sonic. Plus he’s way more proficient with chaos powers. He’s just more brutal than sonic and silver. Silver would probably just let himself get caught somehow like sonic did. Shadow has already killed egg man before anyway so we know he can.

  • @TID129
    @TID129 2 роки тому +308

    This is the definition of “Worth the wait”.

  • @WolfTrooperRex
    @WolfTrooperRex 2 роки тому +82

    (Transition to Starved)
    Sonic: Man! Seems like Metal Sonic bit off a bit more than he can chew this time… Smoke was killing me…
    Shadow: Seems like I’m stuck working with you two now…
    Silver: I see it!
    Starved: You don’t know your fate hedgehogs…
    Sonic: I know one things for certain… You’re going down!
    Shadow: LET’S GET *MOVING*!
    Sonic: Nice try, but we’re outta here egg-head!
    Shadow: Chaos… CONTROL!
    Furnace: WHAT THE-?! *he slams into starved-

  • @Homnicidal_doktor
    @Homnicidal_doktor 2 роки тому +119

    I feel like in the second half, when starved joins in, shadow is in the front providing the trio with covering fire and taking shots at eggman when he can. Silver is in the back likely grabbing objects in telekenisis to shield them or to toss at Furnace, and sonic is in the middle taunting starved and furnace while providing morale support of the other two and making sure theyre all sticking together.

    • @tylerthegachasanswhitfield842
      @tylerthegachasanswhitfield842 2 роки тому +4

      But if shadow was in-front wouldn’t furnace just take shadow and bring him to the doctor I do like this though but I think silver would notice furnace on the bottom and go in front so when furnace comes he can throw something so he backs off

    • @tylerthegachasanswhitfield842
      @tylerthegachasanswhitfield842 2 роки тому +2

      Because starved needs furnace for his feast and if he breaks his plan is over

    • @mioko5679
      @mioko5679 Рік тому +13

      @@tylerthegachasanswhitfield842 starved would probably focus more on sonic rather than shadow since he wouldn't know who shadow or silver were, so he'd go after the one he had already fought before

    • @Homnicidal_doktor
      @Homnicidal_doktor Рік тому +4

      @@tylerthegachasanswhitfield842 Mid song shadow says "Don't slow me down sonic. SIlver, don't fall behind!" implying he's in front and silver is rearguard.

  • @ritapatel1383
    @ritapatel1383 2 роки тому +112

    Starved doesn’t want one hedgehog but he wants all the hedgehog. The old hedgehog, the present hedgehog, and the future hedgehog.

  • @gloccc
    @gloccc  2 роки тому +307

    it's been a while haha

  • @АрсенийБыков-е7м
    @АрсенийБыков-е7м 2 роки тому +302

    I really liked this version of prey. I also created a theory/headcanon of what's happening.
    After starved used time stones too much, the fabric of timeline started to breaking. There was a time paradox that caused modern sonic, shadow and silver appear in starved timeline. Starved was quite happy to see three new hedgehogs. But he didn't even realised what he's was going to face.
    Sonic: Have you spotted any of them guys?
    Silver: No. There wasn't any animals for miles.
    Shadow: That's strange, even for doctor.
    Sonic: Huh?
    Shadow: Another robot of doctor.
    Silver: But, why do i smell smoke?
    Second dialogue
    Silver: He's solving down!
    Shadow: Still be prepared. I have a bad feeling about this.
    Sonic: Hey egghead! Might wanna repair your toys!
    "Maniacally cockling"
    Shadow: Are you finished already? I'm getting bored.
    Finale dialogue.
    Sonic: Man you really like-
    Silver: Sonic, LOOK OUT!
    "Grabs furnace with his telekinesis and destroys him"
    Sonic: Few! That's was a close call. Thank silver.
    After this starved run in panic. He didn't even understand, that this was just a begin of his end
    P.s. Can you make version of prey but with sonic, tails and knuckles, if that possible, please?

    • @Kirby-cq5pb
      @Kirby-cq5pb 2 роки тому +10

      Are you referring to Tails with the “Fight or Flight” vocals? 👀

    • @АрсенийБыков-е7м
      @АрсенийБыков-е7м 2 роки тому +9

      @@Kirby-cq5pb Yes because i saw that they already used it prey but with tails. But i just wanted to see version where classic team will fight against starved.

    • @Kirby-cq5pb
      @Kirby-cq5pb 2 роки тому +7

      @@АрсенийБыков-е7м Hell yea!
      Tails’s voice in “Fight or Flight” just hits *different* for me (Idk about other people)

    • @ThefifthBishopofGord
      @ThefifthBishopofGord Рік тому +3

      Slivers powers could probably end the chase almost immediately as he has been shown to be able to break most of Egg man’s stuff in the comics.

    • @totallycreativenname
      @totallycreativenname 11 місяців тому +2

      @@ThefifthBishopofGord any of them could beat furnace and starved since their modern versions get way stronger

  • @neo537
    @neo537 2 роки тому +173

    I don't know why but it feels funny seeing Shadow challenge Furnace with a literal glock-

    • @joanndickson6188
      @joanndickson6188 2 роки тому +42

      Lmao, when the rapping is done, shadow just shoots furnace with the glock

    • @genji2191
      @genji2191 2 роки тому +14

      *Tink* not very effective consudering I'M A ROBOT SHADOW

    • @joanndickson6188
      @joanndickson6188 2 роки тому +14

      @@genji2191 YOU FORGOT I HAVE A RPG?

    • @genji2191
      @genji2191 2 роки тому +6

      @@joanndickson6188 *shakes finger* IM OUTTA HERE *jumos off screen (If you know the referance good for u)

    • @joanndickson6188
      @joanndickson6188 2 роки тому +3

      @@Whatareyoudoinnhere the worst ending😔

  • @moonlightdiamonds9758
    @moonlightdiamonds9758 2 роки тому +43

    SSS team vs starved and furnace, the showdown that will fix their time as they know it.
    Bro this was really well done, the incorporated voice lines, gun shots, reloading, triple voices that dudeee this had got to have its own mod cover.

  • @Minju509
    @Minju509 2 роки тому +55

    Starved: hey furnace, just came to see what was take-
    Furnace: *getting jumped by all three of them* HELP
    Sonic, shadow and silver: you next
    Starved: ah sh!t

  • @user-1mc0n4us.ed-_-
    @user-1mc0n4us.ed-_- 2 роки тому +136

    Great concept for a cover, and awesome execution as well.
    Sonic bringing the boys with him to haunt Starved down. Very cool alternative timeline.

    • @neoterumi4772
      @neoterumi4772 2 роки тому +10

      Modern sonic off to avenge the alternate timeline classic self, Classic Amy, and Ray and all the other dead animals with his pals silver and shadow for backup.

    • @muisupersaiyanblueboyfrien5737
      @muisupersaiyanblueboyfrien5737 2 роки тому +1

      @@neoterumi4772 na sonic saw classic was kidnaped by santiago and classic cant stop egghead so he just go there.

    • @soughtbeetle
      @soughtbeetle 9 місяців тому +1

      Dont screw with the homies.

  • @benjaminperez6200
    @benjaminperez6200 2 роки тому +238

    I can just imagine Metal Sonic barging in from the middle of nowhere and saying I will not be replaced

    • @benjaminperez6200
      @benjaminperez6200 2 роки тому +62

      And then just beating furnace to a pile of scrap as everyone just watches

    • @nekunucria
      @nekunucria 2 роки тому +32

      @@benjaminperez6200 They'd probably join forces.

    • @nifzy255
      @nifzy255 2 роки тому +20

      This makes sense cuz furnace isn't metal sonic, they're silver sonic in sonic 2

    • @architect2359
      @architect2359 2 роки тому +12

      @@nekunucria Nah Metal Sonic would probably down right refuse to share the villain spot

    • @nekunucria
      @nekunucria 2 роки тому +4

      @@architect2359 WHY??? In Sonic CD he literally has no emotions he's literally just an A.I made to beat Sonic and if we take Bad Future lyrics on Metallic Madness as him speaking he literally wants Sonic dead. Nah, he'd literally team up with fire element him and kick Sonic's ass then waddle his finger cockly as Starved laughs in the background.

  • @michaellennerman7844
    @michaellennerman7844 2 роки тому +30

    I like the idea of shadow trying to shoot Eggman out of the sky and missing every single shot.

    • @Kirby-cq5pb
      @Kirby-cq5pb 2 роки тому +19

      Shadow: *And then I fired, and then I missed. Then I fired, and then I fired, and then I missed. I missed both times.*

    • @Kaylee-Bear
      @Kaylee-Bear 2 роки тому +10

      @@Kirby-cq5pb and then I fired and I missed. This went on for several hours.
      And then I fired, and then I missed. And then I was out of bullets.

    • @Kirby-cq5pb
      @Kirby-cq5pb 2 роки тому +7

      @@Kaylee-Bear *Then I got sad, l had a popsicle, then I passed out in the snow.*

  • @ZiaThe1st
    @ZiaThe1st 2 роки тому +157

    BRO ITS SO GOOOOD!! The cover is great, but the art makes everything a million times better than it already was!

  • @SnakeRoadComicsOfficial3677
    @SnakeRoadComicsOfficial3677 Рік тому +32

    I'm guessing in this version of the Starved Timeline, Sonic and his friends manage to discover and release Shadow much earlier and got him to join their fight seeing how monsterous the cousin of Maria had become. As for Silver, well it's self explanatory as his future is in danger from Eggman's endless hunger, and has traveled back to end his evil.

  • @RexGaming107
    @RexGaming107 2 роки тому +119

    I love the voiceline mixing as well as the many sound effects, and the singer swap between Sonic, Shadow and Silver was amazing, great job!

  • @glitchyglados3095
    @glitchyglados3095 2 роки тому +50

    god this is such a banger song, and now we got shadow and silver? Perfection

  • @arbitrary_dumpster-fire
    @arbitrary_dumpster-fire 2 роки тому +50

    man i forgot this guy existed, i remember how much i loved these remixes

  • @Elstratigos
    @Elstratigos 2 роки тому +48

    Honestly this feels like shadow is leading the assault with some of his lines to take down both Furnace and Starved down, amazing work here 😌

  • @leonardogil352
    @leonardogil352 2 роки тому +163

    Dude, this is the most epic Prey cover/remix i heard on a while, seeing Silver and Shadow coming to help Sonic against Furnace and Starved is very epic, and the vocals are pretty good for everyone of the Hedgehog gang (although i would prefer you let Sonic his original Prey vocals, but it stills pretty good)
    I hope you something like this but with Fight or Flight, with Starved trying to trap Tails now that Sonic escaped, messing with his mind to make Tails think he get Sonic, it would be absolutely awesome

    • @chuckflash
      @chuckflash 2 роки тому +7

      I hope somebody makes a playable version🤞

    • @aidan_metallix72
      @aidan_metallix72 2 роки тому +8

      I mean, it's modern Sonic. The voices from Prey are for Classic Sonic.

    • @otamanyura5972
      @otamanyura5972 2 роки тому

      @@chuckflash one dude did!

  • @thecoolchip8015
    @thecoolchip8015 2 роки тому +70

    The art along with the cover are top tier.
    amazing work

  • @AlmondTheGuy
    @AlmondTheGuy 2 роки тому +19

    i can already see the sprites: Phase 1: Shadows on his motorbike, shooting furnace down, Silvers floating, and Sonic running like the modern run. Phase 2: Shadows motorbike explodes, as he starts to skate and pulls out another glock. silvers aura grows tremendously, and sonic goes full speed ahead. My idea for a phase 3 would be the super hedgies, and instead of shadow using guns, he uses chaos spear.

  • @BunkerChapa08
    @BunkerChapa08 2 роки тому +22

    Words cannot says how much I love this. I never thought Team SSS would ever sing a song together in FNF but now that this is a thing, I can 100% say this is the best thing I ever heard and seen. Nice job glocc.

  • @takeshihada9689
    @takeshihada9689 2 роки тому +15

    god, still love that line so much from Shadow

  • @ovatails
    @ovatails 2 роки тому +52


  • @Dan-Gaming573
    @Dan-Gaming573 2 роки тому +7

    The thing that makes this so much better is that sonic & his team isn't nerfed to the f*cking ground. LOL

  • @Electrical010
    @Electrical010 2 роки тому +93

    This would only happen if Sonic heard what happened with the animals. Shadow would be disgusted while Silver...actually would silver still exist if eggman messes with the timeline? Meh don't think about it too much.

    • @neoterumi4772
      @neoterumi4772 2 роки тому +46

      Pretty sure silver exists outside of time due to constantly travelling to the past leaving him unaffected to changes in history

    • @AHun-t
      @AHun-t 2 роки тому +32

      When the metal virus happened in the idw comics silver still existed so I’m guessing he would

    • @thestarryeyedobserver
      @thestarryeyedobserver 2 роки тому +20

      yes, he would. in-fact, he’d definitely come back from the future to help with a situation like this.

    • @genji2191
      @genji2191 2 роки тому +5

      @@AHun-t end of metal virus every thing is normal in present and future exept sonic isn't there for like 3 minutes bc he is in blazes world

    • @aidan_metallix72
      @aidan_metallix72 2 роки тому +1

      It's an alternate universe lmao.
      Isn't canon.

  • @allisonjordan3784
    @allisonjordan3784 2 роки тому +52

    if starved took place in the modern universe:

    • @JJdangerzone55
      @JJdangerzone55 2 роки тому +13

      now You Say it maybe must be a better history if starved took place in the IDW cómics

    • @genji2191
      @genji2191 2 роки тому +5

      @@JJdangerzone55 Oh that's just chaos

    • @elisabethsun7059
      @elisabethsun7059 2 роки тому +6

      @@JJdangerzone55 IDW Sonic probably solos furnace. If not then team SSS should be more than enough

    • @JJdangerzone55
      @JJdangerzone55 2 роки тому +3

      @@elisabethsun7059 thats a god point

  • @KSKY2012
    @KSKY2012 2 роки тому +11

    I like to imagine that during the shooting segments, Silver is using his telekinesis to direct the bullets to hit their target, which is a shield that Eggman has surrounding his Eggmobile.

  • @justaregularcroc9380
    @justaregularcroc9380 2 роки тому +74

    This is probably the best prey cover I've heard in a while
    I really like shadow and silver's vocals are good
    And the art is amazing
    I really like starved eggman's design is base off from eggman's design in sonic 06

    • @vorikus6832
      @vorikus6832 2 роки тому +4

      It's the voice from tails gets trolled

  • @nerdycookiebunny856
    @nerdycookiebunny856 2 роки тому +67

    I Imagine silver using his telekinesis and literally crushing furnace into a metal ball

    • @Kirby-cq5pb
      @Kirby-cq5pb 2 роки тому +8

      Like Mewtwo did to Heatran?
      (It’s aight if you didn’t get the reference)

    • @rjthedj7632
      @rjthedj7632 2 роки тому +4

      @@Kirby-cq5pb Don't worry I get it

    • @jerryjohn7982
      @jerryjohn7982 2 роки тому

      Than hitting starved with it

    • @gamerdude0455
      @gamerdude0455 2 роки тому

      Oh from terminal montage

    • @TheVera800
      @TheVera800 Рік тому

      @@gamerdude0455Ah yes, a man of culture

  • @Jbirdofficial1
    @Jbirdofficial1 2 роки тому +28

    When we needed it most, it’s back!

  • @KeriAce
    @KeriAce 2 роки тому +55

    This looks extremely incredible amazing job with the cover I just freaking love it keep doing of what your doing and keep on making great content glocc also I'm happy that your back.👍❤️😊

  • @ultimatewiseguyyyyyy
    @ultimatewiseguyyyyyy 2 роки тому +16

    i have listened to this 4 times straight and i have not gotten bored of it.

  • @cell-shaded
    @cell-shaded 2 роки тому +11

    this just makes me want more creepypasta/horror stories based in the modern setting, classic neat but this is a breath of fresh air

  • @silliestseraphim
    @silliestseraphim 2 роки тому +53

    good to know glocc still making bangers

    • @botbow
      @botbow 2 роки тому

      for some reason I thought you meant the gun lol

  • @Trihan_98
    @Trihan_98 2 роки тому +22

    this is what i rate the cover:
    the cover overall: 48/10

  • @SpiderYeen
    @SpiderYeen Рік тому +4

    Je-HESUS, the amount of pure BASS is Shadow's voice.

  • @davianclarke5247
    @davianclarke5247 2 роки тому +27

    A supersonic hedgehog with an arrogant attitude? Starved can handle.
    But that same hedgehog coupled with another hedgehog with a fucking gun and is the ultimate lifeform and ANOTHER hedgehog with telekenesis?
    Starved would probably be sweating if his sweat glands probably were there.

    • @starpanda25
      @starpanda25 2 роки тому +8

      And remember. This is MODERN sonic. Who has way better combat capabilities than his classic counterpart

    • @tyrekerobinson2394
      @tyrekerobinson2394 Рік тому

      Yes SIR

    • @alanbowen8516
      @alanbowen8516 5 місяців тому +1

      It's actually called psychokinesis, but close enough. The only real difference between telekinesis and psychokinesis that I can think of is that psychokinesis can be used to crush all of a person's organs and probably to strangle someone without touching them.

  • @lyuoiwz
    @lyuoiwz 2 роки тому +22

    amazing art and excellent cover? the full package for sure

  • @Princess_Jade64
    @Princess_Jade64 2 роки тому +17

    Shadow could canonically beat Starved, he has no emotional attachment to anyone starved has killed, maybe except Sonic, and if he did it would just make him madder, he practically always a gun, and Starved canonically is not immortal, and the wiki straight up says "he can still die by getting stabbed or shot" or something along those lines. so shadow could just shoot him. everyone survives, and grab the timestones to bring back anyone who has died.

  • @tovarsaint-hilaire3638
    @tovarsaint-hilaire3638 2 роки тому +6

    While everyone's talking about how good this is, This sonic voice actor never creeped me out when they were yelling but when they're talking you just get chills like his eyes are wide open I hate that feeling.

  • @VQ0x
    @VQ0x 2 роки тому +5

    I can see an animation for this in my head and sonic just says "You're too slow" or "C'mon step it up!"

  • @randomgames3918
    @randomgames3918 2 роки тому +19

    If Furnace wasn't from a creepypasta and he would totally fit in as a Sonic character like another version of Metal or Mecha Sonic. Who else thinks the same?

    • @heystarkeagle9609
      @heystarkeagle9609 2 роки тому


    • @genji2191
      @genji2191 2 роки тому +6

      In the normal sonic world he would probely use a flamethrower like attack from his stomach

    • @randomgames3918
      @randomgames3918 2 роки тому +1

      @@genji2191 That's what I was thinking too lol. He would have fire attacks as his abilities.

    • @genji2191
      @genji2191 2 роки тому

      @@randomgames3918 and a race like metal sonic has but a little harder and eggman will try to cheat a little

    • @randomgames3918
      @randomgames3918 2 роки тому

      @@genji2191 :0 You're right. Like it's Metal Sonic 2.0

  • @Vengefultildeath
    @Vengefultildeath 2 роки тому +6

    I imagine sonic running, silver flying, and shadow being carried with telekinesis so he can shoot behind them at starved.

  • @siristhevirus2710
    @siristhevirus2710 2 роки тому +47

    This is a absolute banger, the voice lines and everything are just perfect 👏

  • @NickTheFighter
    @NickTheFighter 2 роки тому +2

    This is a MASTERPIECE!!! Everything here is PERFECT!!! Excellent video, glocc!!

  • @NeonLightsYT1
    @NeonLightsYT1 2 роки тому +10

    I love all of their voices so much

  • @viktorszemesi5987
    @viktorszemesi5987 2 роки тому +13

    I can just imagine a playable version where its a good ending like the first part furnace is chasing them and the next part they are chasing eggman and in the last part they turn into their super forms and just like float infront of furnace and eggman while they are chasing them

  • @SamuelSegovia-x4m
    @SamuelSegovia-x4m 2 місяці тому +3

    Totalmente cine 🎥
    Estaría espectacular un cover de Trinity con Sonic, Shadow, Eggman y Sega contra Silver
    (Contexto: Silver le pidió a Sega su propio videojuego)

  • @cassanovax8368
    @cassanovax8368 2 роки тому +12

    This sounds great! Well done!

  • @lashonnakennybrew4847
    @lashonnakennybrew4847 2 роки тому +3

    I just now found this video this is a true badass video imagine if Shadow and silver with Sonic in Sonic.exe 3.0 modplay they would have murdered and killed that f****** track the hardest I love it

  • @youroverlord5664
    @youroverlord5664 Місяць тому +1

    Starved: Its no use sonic!
    Silver: *pops up behind him with shadow* Thats my line...

  • @you_better_smile
    @you_better_smile 8 місяців тому +3

    reason why Starved survived that long against Shadow's guns was because he is doing a sans pose

  • @danielodimensions
    @danielodimensions 2 роки тому +2

    I just realized that this exists, and thanks for using the FLP I made with Misax, the cover sounds great!!

    • @gloccc
      @gloccc  2 роки тому +1

      thank YO too for a banger FLP

  • @rayer3274
    @rayer3274 2 роки тому +13

    to be honest I dont understand why people are so hellbent on Starved always ending Sonic in every single AU. I mean, its obvious that its because it makes for a good history, but like we have to acknowledge that Sonic could probably by himself beat Furnace just like he did in CD WHILE taunting Eggman

  • @moxikyutube6924
    @moxikyutube6924 Рік тому +3

    I can just imagine the mod with these four:
    (Its a little detailed, bare with me)
    ("Target Spotted.") They start running, Furnace is only chasing Sonic, with every note that Silver sings, he pulls Furnace away from Sonic while Shadow fires shots at the machine, knocking it off course, both hedgehogs protecting their confident counterpart who slows down when hes not singing, taunting the blazing bot, until it cant take anymore and shuts down. But not before it put up a good fight.
    ("LETS. GET. MOVING!") Shadow fires at the strange doctor whenever he sings, but stops singing whenever he has to reload. Leaving Silver and Sonic to fight/taunt The Eggman until he starts calling Badniks to trip up Sonic, which Silver has to move out of the way every few notes.
    ("You're getting on my nerves!") The end of the song! Sonic boots The Mad Doc back to whatever hole he came from, leaving the trio to savor the victory.
    ("ITS NO USE!") Furnace is back!? Sorta. He gets immediately caught by Silver before he can lay a finger on Sonic. Leaving Shadow to put a hole through his already smoking head.
    (I read a comment on this last part and it made me chuckle 😅)

  • @An_Sn108
    @An_Sn108 2 роки тому +4

    0:13, 2:11, 2:30 EPIC Moments!

  • @LoneFox-zs5rj
    @LoneFox-zs5rj Місяць тому +1

    Sonic: We will defeat you with the power of friendship-
    Shadow: And this gun I found!

  • @DanielMCcool2
    @DanielMCcool2 2 роки тому +75

    True Ending: The Hedgehogs Destroyed Starved And Furnace! 😀

  • @sfvmexe
    @sfvmexe 4 місяці тому +2

    Prey but Silver travels back in time with Shadow to get mobians off the menu

  • @AbigailSkinwalker2210
    @AbigailSkinwalker2210 2 роки тому +4

    The subtitles on dialogues are fucking amazing, especially the ones before Starved Eggman.

  • @Seeking_rings
    @Seeking_rings 18 днів тому +2

    The most ez thing that silver can fo is throw rubber,rouble or anything at furnace but guess they wanted a play fight and damn the cover art and voiceline ROCK 🪨,THIS IS THE BEST COVER
    So Silver was walking around hills and then sae the dead flickys all around him and went to go tell sonic and shadow but silver just met up with them when they saw furnace cooking some kfc then they all just spind dash into caseoh

  • @PEPE_RamosJr4
    @PEPE_RamosJr4 2 роки тому +11

    Wow good cover man you did a masterpiece

  • @zizuedarkwitch3425
    @zizuedarkwitch3425 9 місяців тому

    I usually listen to this in the background whenever I play it, so for the longest time I heard 'I'll skewer you' as 'huh, who are you?' as if furnace didn't care about Sonic's taunting and cared more about the hedgehogs that weren't supposed to be there

  • @KelpsCovers
    @KelpsCovers 2 роки тому +7

    As Shadow and Sonic run, Silver was holdin' Furnace until Sonic and Shadow come up with a plan. It turns out that this doesn't work as Furnace almost defeated Silver, and then Shadow started shooting at Furnace to scare him away. As Silver and Sonic tried to use Chaos Control, Shadow took the lead by shooting Starved. Until Shadow simply gave up on waiting for the two of them and used the Chaos Control to teleport the three to a safer place.

  • @rageman1778
    @rageman1778 2 роки тому +3

    This was spectacular my friend

  • @childinthebasementreal
    @childinthebasementreal 2 роки тому +12

    THE GOAT IS BACK 🐐‼️‼️

  • @LucasHenrique-ld1br
    @LucasHenrique-ld1br 2 роки тому +4

    Shadow, Sonic, Silver: this isn't even my final form yet!

  • @adibossmarechef9704
    @adibossmarechef9704 2 роки тому +14

    Very cool cover!!

  • @DuckyToon.
    @DuckyToon. 2 роки тому +3

    Sounds Amazing Glocc

  • @SaddieMoon
    @SaddieMoon 2 роки тому +4

    I love seeing Silver be included
    He’s one of my favs

  • @Catohat52
    @Catohat52 8 місяців тому +2

    Bro is getting wrecked this will be over in 2 seconds

  • @ShadowlightXX03
    @ShadowlightXX03 2 роки тому +7

    I wanna play this as a mod now, especially with bullet notes

  • @zel416
    @zel416 2 роки тому +1

    i love how you used the best chromatics of them

  • @memelord2135
    @memelord2135 2 роки тому +4

    Bro this 2:29 gave me chills

  • @2clear4it2Btrue
    @2clear4it2Btrue 2 роки тому

    Shit bro these gun shots with the beat is so GOOD! Plus great job on the vocals, they sound PERFECT!

  • @idlewaves0638
    @idlewaves0638 2 роки тому +4

    Alright but I took a lazy look when Starved came in and really thought I saw Sans Undertale for a second there.

  • @Cynnahmon
    @Cynnahmon 2 роки тому +2

    Holy carp this is epic. I never would have expected this.

  • @Reddar_Rebellion
    @Reddar_Rebellion 2 роки тому +6

    was that a gunshot sound i heard? or was it Furnace?

  • @bozoweegee1935
    @bozoweegee1935 Рік тому +2

    Absolutely loving the music and art! Although something about starved just looks a bit off and shadows face looks weird from this angle. But I shouldn't complain and instead turn the loop on.

  • @mewtwoboi2535
    @mewtwoboi2535 2 роки тому +52

    I love the art and voice lines. Really hope you the hedgehog trio in another cover, because they sound fantastic together.

  • @punzythehedgehogstaff
    @punzythehedgehogstaff 2 роки тому +4

    Ok this is just pure amazingness. I mean, imagine if this was the original of the starved, it would be so god damn cool. I wish this was a mod

  • @RenPlayzBR
    @RenPlayzBR 2 роки тому +7

    Heck Yeah! Loved the Song!

  • @ciy_ro
    @ciy_ro 2 роки тому +5

    So to explain how Shadow and Silver are with Sonic; instead of Sonic kicking Shadow to the ice age in Sonic Boom, he kicked him to the Starved timeline after Sonic 1. Silver then came by accidentally teleported to the wrong place when his universe was on fire. Silver then recognized Shadow and helped him dodge a fatal attack from the race between Furnace and Sonic. If you dont like this then think of something else idc i thought of this ok the spot.