@@jlhughes1152 its just my personal opinion and nothing more. And ofcourse they have made some really good builds but i loved that to. It may be just the fact that i love playing a mage in general. And again just my personal opinion that was propably their best mage build ever
@@spartanhuntergaming sir / mam may I ask how the Breton used to be Nord ? As far as I know Breton are basically the result of interbreeding between the Direnni elves and the Nedic humans population
I hope your next mage build uses that Ordinator perk that allows you to shoot magic from your bow. I really want to try one of those but couldn't manage to build one on my own
You know considering how she such a scholar and is very intrigued by her Dragonborn bloodline and wishes to study it extensively wouldn’t the thunderchild mod be a good addition
@@Kassadin8088 I also suggest Summermyst enchantments (from the same creator as Ordinator and Apocalypse) because it adds something Skyrim sorely lacks: actual enchantments to boost the power of spells instead of reducing their cost
Idea for new game mechanics in ES6, mix races for new unique stat boosts and weaknesses. During character creation, a choice of lineage from parents is part of it so instead of being pure nords, you could be nord and redguard, or breton, etc.
The time lord, a worshipper of Akatosh blessed with the dragonblood and time abilities(I recommend this certain spell mod which lets you warp time and such)and will farther his lords bidding or will whatever that may be
@fudgemuppet thank you guys so much for making all the awesome builds. My sister just had a heart and liver transplant and watching pretty much all of your videos helped keep my mind occupied during the 15hr operation. I'm going to sign up for your patreon when I get a chance too. P.S. please keep making no mods builds for us poor ps4 players too!
Why is it my cat doesn't talk to me since I started taking meds? Is it cause he disagrees with the ethics of them? I don't know where else to ask this and this was the most relevant place I could think of.
Fudgemuppet you have to try and make an Aztec warrior build! You got quite a few Mexican fans man and my group of friends have all been trying to figure out how to do this in game. I know it might be impossible, but you've made Samurai, Vikings, and Roman Centurions, so I know you're the guy to do it! Please and thank you.
@Impaleification thanks man! I've had it on my mind for a while now so I've been hoping he might see this comment and try it out, it's definitely one of the more challenging asthetics to accomplish in game. Personally, I don't know if Imperials would fit the facial features very well, and while I do like the Argonian idea, something just doesn't seem right about it. Although, if you haven't seen Fudgemuppet's video on the races of Akavir, I suggest you watch it. It turns out there are a type of Cat people out there as well, like the Khajiit, but they are all Jaguars. And some can even turn into dragons if I remember correctly. The picture he showed definitely reminded me of an Aztec aesthetic, and I think one could use a Khajiit that looks like a Jaguar and roleplay as a native of Akavir who's end up in Skyrim somehow. I'd have no idea how it would go storywise. But I highly suggest you check out his video, it was very interesting.
@Impaleification Oh and since I'm Mexican myself I'd love to roleplay an Aztec warrior in Skyrim, as would my friends. Maybe with tribal looking armor, but glass weaponry? That would be dope.
@Impaleification I'm not sure yet but I think I'll wait and see if Fudgemuppet does it before I start to try and innovate it on my own. He writes awesome backstories and really helps the roleplay aspect of it. Fingers crossed for Glass weaponry and Tribal Armor.
@@alphacraig2001 I know this is an old post but for anyone else that runs across this, 1) great character idea 2) I'd suggest all Barbarian Hero or swap in a plain barbarian body armor with the bracers and boots to go bare chested as a male (from immersive armors) for the aesthetic but use the headdress from the warchief set and a painted wooden shield. Immersive weapons would give some great weapon options too.
@@Aewon84 Probably not seeing how long they've had to work on it and knowing Bethesda theyve been doing that since the end of skyrim which also explains why Fallout 4 was so mediocre
Hi guys ! What do you think about this build : the Penitus Oculatus agent. An imperial soldier secretly send to Skyrim by the emperor himself to help the general Tullius against the Stormcloak but he has an other more secret mission : he must join the Dark Brotherhood and kill the emperor because the emperor knows he can't unify men against the Thalmor in the next Great War so he decided to end the Mede bloodline. This way, a new emperor, stronger than him, will defeat the Thalmor.
I just ran across this comment 10 months after you last edit. That's a great idea. I tend to play all three archetypes when I'm on a Skyrim tear (like now) and alternate among them according to my mood. I didn't feel like playing an evil character since I tend to run with Inigo and Lucien and would feel guilty, though, so I haven't made a stealth character yet. That would be a great way to justify a stealthy Dark Brotherhood run that's still a "good" character overall. I've never used the "I'm a member of the Penitus Oculatus" start either. Thanks for the inspiration.
zThat would be boring. We've just had a warrior province where magic is throwned upon. After the mundane Skyrim it would be a breath of fresh air to get a province like High Rock, full of magic and unique creatures. I would also expect there to be more types of Daedra than just Atronachs and Dremora.
Same. Hammerfell has an intresting backstory and lots of locations to explore. The Redguards are also one of the few who continue to resist the Thalmor. High Rock would be EXTREMLY boring to me. Maybe we will get High Rock as DLC?
I got an idea for a red king build. Most evil character build. Start the game as high elf with white soulless eyes. Old complexion. White long hair like eorlund graymane. Make the eyes very dark and give it the eye warpaint Vilkas and farkas have.After the dragon attack follow Ralof and help the stormcloacks in missions. Keep in mind you can mess with the thalmor if you wear their hooded outfit. So now you're a werewolf and finished the vanilla questline and start with dawnguard. Now become vampire lord. The only reason you were a stormcloack is because now you have an whole army to feed on and you got your revenge on the empire and the thalmor.
@FudgeMuppet , I'd be interested in seeing a "Jafar" build of a Redguard Mage using a magical staff and potions. He'd be skilled in Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration, Illusion, Alchemy and Speech.
They go beyond just despising magic in Elder Scrolls Online, specifically with regards to necromancy, the Redguards are frightened to death of anything to do with the dead, especially with how Redguard honor their dead and their warriors of old 🙂
Thank you for all the great content, guys! I started following you while playing Fallout 4 and enjoyed three of your builds before eventually creating a hybrid build of my own. I haven't played Skyrim much, however, and never completed the main quest, but this "modded" build caught my eye. Do you have a primer somewhere that shows a new-to-Skyrim player like myself how to utilize your Skyrim builds beginning at level one? The level-by-level style of your Fallout builds was easy to follow, but this format is new and slightly confusing (for me, anyway!). Thanks again! You guys are the best at what you do and it is appreciated!
apocalypse magic and ordinator make a kajiit for the stealth. Get all the illusion perks in ordinator and probably some speech perks, like bribe and max it out. Also sneek will be a handy one in combat. You'll mainly use spells like calm, fury, fear, muffle and invisibillity or something with those effects. The apocalypse magic mods let you have much more options in illusion based spells of which my favorite are: mind control, enslave the weak and mind vision. Mind control let's you control an enemy character's body, so it will engage combat with another enemy while you hide somewhere closeby, you'll be able to control the victim as you like, being able to attack and move freely in a certain radius. Enslave the weak allows you to enslave an enemy character so it will become an alie in combat and it will follow you around permanently untill they die, but you need to be precise with your shot and it will take lots of magic if you aren't that skilled in illusion, besides that, the victim needs to be at 20% health or lower. Mind vision is like mind control, but it can only be used to see what an npc sees. With the ordinator illusion perks you'll be able to trick people into thinking you're their best friend or you completed some quests for them, becouse of that you'll be able to take everything from their houses without it being seen as stolen goods, also it can unlock other quests and prviliges with the jarl you can normally only get when completing their thane questlines. Also you'll be able to get 10% discounts with vendors. You'll mainly try to stay out of combat by making the enemy kill eachother, while staying in the shadows, but when one is still standing, you'll be able to use the nemesis perk from the illusion perk tree which will finish the job for you. Also you'll be able to boost your illusions with the dream eater perk and you'll be able to make a dream thrall with the dream thrall perk, you need to target an npc that's sleeping for that one. The master of minds perk enables you to affect the undead and dwarven machinery with your illusion spells. The shadow stone near riften allows you to turn invisible once a day to escape when things go bad.
Any restoration build is a good build from this awesome channel. So how about a restoration & conjuration build where you heal your own summons so they essentially live forever in combat? Granted when the run off it'll be difficult, but certain abilities should be able to help the character navigate the field quickly enough to get back and forth between say, two Dremora thralls that the player reanimated with the atronach forge and the master level reanimation spell.
Modded build called storm caller, a destruction damage build. Uses witch hunters of Skyrim, Aurora standing stones, ordinator perk overhaul, imperious races, summermyst enchantments, and apocalypse magic. Breton (gender doesn’t matter, you decide also I haven’t come up with a backstory) Go for shock magic because it’s the coolest, get every shock perk, and everything on the force of nature branch choosing shock. Get some restoration perks, namely descending light though, that’s the only one necessary for the build. Max out the clothing enchantment perks (don’t bother with the spellsword or staff ones), and go for extra magicka and amplify destruction, don’t bother with cost reduction even though you’re using the atronach stone. Get all of the speech perks after and the universe listens, learn stork call. Get the aspect focus: shock damage book from witch hunters (it’s a spell that activates with the power button) and get whatever shock spells you want. The new atronach stone basically takes the old one but gets rid of regen entirely. The only way you can regain is through forced means like perks and powers, or through killing enemies. However, it also halves casting cost (multiplied by your base reduction, not added) and has 20% boosted damage and effect. That speech perk I mentioned regens all stats based on cool down when you shout, descending light uses your restoration skill as a factor to regen magic really fast for the first 15 seconds of a battle. Put together all of the destruction perks, your enchantments, and the atronach stone and you get about a 450% increase in destruction damage for shock and a 60% cost reduction. As long as stuff is dying you basically just have infinite magic which means so much damage, but also healing as well. Don’t bother putting level ups into stamina or magic, as long as you have over 300 with your enchantments, just get all health since you have literally no defensive investment. Also enchant your boots with swiftness so you can dodge everything. How to use: put a destruction spell in one hand and a restoration spell in the other or have two different shock spells (I like shock nova and lightning strike or thunderbolt) use shock focus and storm call, lace up your unarmored running boots, and one shot alduin. Probably a good guy since the build doesn’t really fit in with any of the bad guy factions and probably shouldn’t go vampire. I haven’t come up with a backstory but I’d really appreciate if someone does.
Hey Fudgemuppet! After playing Skyrim a lot the last months I created a build myself and I would love to make a video about it but I'm not very good at doing videos so if you like this build I would be honored if you do a video about it or use it just as an inspiration. Backstory: The build is called the "Dwemer scientist". He is a Breton and comes from High Rock where he studied archeology and had a huge passion for Dwemer artifacts since his childhood. However this passion led him to Skyrim after his father wants him to marry the daugther of a noble merchant. In Skyrim he first becomes a part of the mages guild to have complete access to the library and to learn how to cast spells because his father never allowed him to learn how to cast spells. Then he tries to explore every ruin and will search for every Dwemer artefact and every book about the Dwemer in the game. Playstyle: Weapons: - Dwemer Crossbow - One handed Dwemer weapon - Lightning spells - Runes ( Frostrune etc.) - maybe other Dwemer artifacts like Keening or the Spell to cast the lost mage of winterhold you get when getting keening. Armor: - Dwemer gloves - Dwemer shoes - Blue dunmer clothes (only the chest piece) - Atherial Crown Perks: - Sneak - Archery - One handed - Destruction magic In combat I first casted runes, then shot with the crossbow at the enemy while sneaking and finally charged in with destruction magic and the dwemer axe (you could switch the Magic and instead use keening in your second hand to get some life back). It was pretty fun to play because there is such a variety of skills you can use. To make the playstyle a little bit more realistic the "Dwemer scientist" could collect even Dwemer plates, forks etc.. Hope I could give you guys some inspiration and sorry for my bad english I'm from germany :D Cheers !
I used ordinator my third playthrough, I can’t go back. If I see a really cool mod but it adds a single perk somewhere and has no ordinator patch, it’s a no go for me. I think it’s one of the best Skyrim mods out there.
Ordinator is a game changer for me. I put so much into Skyrim first time around I wasn't too keen on getting the special edition but I'm glad I did with Mods its changed the whole game for me
You should add the restoration perk "Tome of Many Pages" to improve 1 skill by 15 points and the spell "King's Heart" to improve your healthregen alot while it also improves most skills by 15%. Also you should really look at the master restoration spells as they are really powerfull if you want an example just look at "Worm Shroud".
I have an idea for a lore video that I think would be quite interesting. The Dark Brotherhood's doors. What are they? Who speaks to you when you want to enter? What is their history and how were they made?
Hopefully in TES6 it'll have more magic variety, also can't wait for the next guard memes, like they might say "Hey stop playing with that magic" or "You wouldn't mind if you cool down my mead", That's all I got so far, also good build.
How to make this build in 5e D&D! Pretty simple, play a war magic wizard, giving you an understanding of evocation and abjuration both. Another option is the Tempest cleric, which will give you healing magic and power with lightning, something D&D wizards can’t get. This does go against the non-religious idea, but is somewhat necessary to be mechanically similar. War magic is still the class more similar in theming to our Court Wizard.
I have two great ideas for you to do! Both are modded, but they are AWESOME. The Aetherial Warrior (time traveling Nord) and the False Dragonborn (a construct of a powerful Daedric Prince)
You guys should check out a new mod that came out for Skyrim and SE. Called path of the Anti-mage the way it changes the game is so dramatic you guys can do something really crazy with it
Thought I was dreaming when I saw this. Was going through your Fallout builds and said to myself, "This is great and all, but I'm getting a little bored of Fallout. Wish there was a Skyrim build." Lo and behold, you delivered. Love you guys.
Here's an idea for something else you could do while waiting for Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls 6 to come out: start doing builds for Oblivion. How would you create unique characters for Oblivion, what would they focus on, when would they become Sheogorath and so on
Congrats guys this build i am making right now cant wait to use it. But its a shame they took the armor mod you use down months ago and havent brougt it back
Does anyone else hope that the alteration tree of magic includes something like earth bending from avatar, because imagining a spell where you pick up stones to throw or causing the ground around a opponent to trap (or smash) them would be amazing. Ps excuse my poor grammar.
can you do a rune mage/assassin who uses the ghostwalk and invisibilty to place runes combined with demolition job from perk overhaul mod to make runes deal more damage whilst stealthed and also take the destruction rune that allows further placement along with up to 3 runes at a time, also he is an argonian.
Also you could do something similar to heroicx- whatever happened to him- where u do either a series of daedric prince follower builds or aedric follower builds, of course you've already done things like the champion of molag bal and so on, so I'd skip those
Your builds have what we call in D&D “level one syndrome”. Your characters start with low skills and only know flames, healing, and possibly fury or sparks to begin. These backstories are appropriate for starting at level 10 or so, not starting at level 1.
Shouldnt you also have the patch for apocalypse and ordinator so for example if you cast an apocalypse restoration spell it actually levels up your restoration
Woah woah woah watch the magic!
Matthew Chirino Take care with those flames
Go fancy your magic someplace else
Nice blood angel
Matthew Chirino conjure me up a warm bed would you?
Ahh... Your a conjouror? What about conjuring me a nice warm bed?
As much as I want elder scrolls 6 to be really good, I still secretly hope it has hilarious voices and dialogue like oblivion
Hilarious voices? I'll take some of that. Dialogue like Oblivion? Send that back, please.
I miss that old Morrowind and Oblivion charm as well. Glad they're both backward compatible on the Xbox.
I want the wacky facial expressions from oblivion
You'll make a fine pair of boots lizard!
Nooooo!!.. Haha 😂
That was one of THE BEST BUILDS you guys have ever made !!
Agreed! I really love this!
@@jlhughes1152 its just my personal opinion and nothing more. And ofcourse they have made some really good builds but i loved that to. It may be just the fact that i love playing a mage in general. And again just my personal opinion that was propably their best mage build ever
Toxicologist is fun
Redguards and Bretons are my favorite races so this combo is beautiful to me. This is amazing in both story and build as well.
Ying Yang badda boom badda bing.
The Bretons are probably my favourite race, it used to be Nord
@@spartanhuntergaming sir / mam may I ask how the Breton used to be Nord ? As far as I know Breton are basically the result of interbreeding between the Direnni elves and the Nedic humans population
@@painxsavior7723 I meant the Nords used to be my favourite
@@spartanhuntergaming oh god I just realized sorry my bad
I didn't think it was possible... But FudgeMuppet have reached a new level of impressive! What a build!
Reece, they help keep me living in Tamriel.
Mods add so much replay value to this already amazing game
One of my favorite parts of this channel, seriously you guys are really good at pulling me in, I really want to know more each time
I may have just came a little
I came even more during the video, fuck you guys improved in your build creativity, I have missed so much.
I hope your next mage build uses that Ordinator perk that allows you to shoot magic from your bow. I really want to try one of those but couldn't manage to build one on my own
Sinitar has that one check it out
You know considering how she such a scholar and is very intrigued by her Dragonborn bloodline and wishes to study it extensively wouldn’t the thunderchild mod be a good addition
Lost Joker32 yep I agree
@@Kassadin8088 I also suggest Summermyst enchantments (from the same creator as Ordinator and Apocalypse) because it adds something Skyrim sorely lacks: actual enchantments to boost the power of spells instead of reducing their cost
It would be cool but Ordinator and Thunderchild aren't really all that compatible unfortunately 😢
@@Doomseer *Looks at my load order*.
Since when?
her look plus the spells that she is using compliment each other
Can''t wait for elder scrolls 6
Still waiting 🤣
Idea for new game mechanics in ES6, mix races for new unique stat boosts and weaknesses. During character creation, a choice of lineage from parents is part of it so instead of being pure nords, you could be nord and redguard, or breton, etc.
I'd like that. You could have A Character with the Appearence of a Nord but with The Magical ability of an Altmer.
The time lord, a worshipper of Akatosh blessed with the dragonblood and time abilities(I recommend this certain spell mod which lets you warp time and such)and will farther his lords bidding or will whatever that may be
I have a feeling yall are never gonna run out of ideas
oh...praise the talos builds are back
Can it be true!! Another build is here 😍
It’s crazy how you are still playing this game and you still have viewers keep up the fabulous work.👍🏼
13:00 - Anuriel just standing there like, 'B***h stole my seat!!'
That’s one epic build you made guys. Good job!
I could listen to that background music all day.
By far one of the coolest looking characters
@fudgemuppet thank you guys so much for making all the awesome builds. My sister just had a heart and liver transplant and watching pretty much all of your videos helped keep my mind occupied during the 15hr operation. I'm going to sign up for your patreon when I get a chance too.
P.S. please keep making no mods builds for us poor ps4 players too!
I love your builds. Best characters with best backstory keep it up👌🏼
Missed these so much :D
Why is it my cat doesn't talk to me since I started taking meds? Is it cause he disagrees with the ethics of them? I don't know where else to ask this and this was the most relevant place I could think of.
@@PivotAngelic Khajiit also don't like people botching their name that badly...
"Fingers of the Mountain" Nice Oblivion reference there 😎
Fudgemuppet you have to try and make an Aztec warrior build! You got quite a few Mexican fans man and my group of friends have all been trying to figure out how to do this in game. I know it might be impossible, but you've made Samurai, Vikings, and Roman Centurions, so I know you're the guy to do it! Please and thank you.
@Impaleification thanks man! I've had it on my mind for a while now so I've been hoping he might see this comment and try it out, it's definitely one of the more challenging asthetics to accomplish in game. Personally, I don't know if Imperials would fit the facial features very well, and while I do like the Argonian idea, something just doesn't seem right about it. Although, if you haven't seen Fudgemuppet's video on the races of Akavir, I suggest you watch it. It turns out there are a type of Cat people out there as well, like the Khajiit, but they are all Jaguars. And some can even turn into dragons if I remember correctly. The picture he showed definitely reminded me of an Aztec aesthetic, and I think one could use a Khajiit that looks like a Jaguar and roleplay as a native of Akavir who's end up in Skyrim somehow. I'd have no idea how it would go storywise. But I highly suggest you check out his video, it was very interesting.
@Impaleification Oh and since I'm Mexican myself I'd love to roleplay an Aztec warrior in Skyrim, as would my friends. Maybe with tribal looking armor, but glass weaponry? That would be dope.
@Impaleification I'm not sure yet but I think I'll wait and see if Fudgemuppet does it before I start to try and innovate it on my own. He writes awesome backstories and really helps the roleplay aspect of it. Fingers crossed for Glass weaponry and Tribal Armor.
@@alphacraig2001 argonians are heavily inspired by Aztec culture that would be the best fit in my opinion
@@alphacraig2001 I know this is an old post but for anyone else that runs across this, 1) great character idea 2) I'd suggest all Barbarian Hero or swap in a plain barbarian body armor with the bracers and boots to go bare chested as a male (from immersive armors) for the aesthetic but use the headdress from the warchief set and a painted wooden shield. Immersive weapons would give some great weapon options too.
Playing this right now. First time trying imperious mod. Amazing!
No matter what I do I always turn into an alchemist.
@@Unknownguy5461 the money is too good
Outdone yourselves! Great work.
She remembers me of a certain telvanni wizard living in a stronghold on the Illinalta... Anyone else ?
Never forget.
RIP Izara.
R.I.P Izara. You'll be missed
I hope the next elder scrolls has more than one province
That would force them to dumb down both/all provinces culturally. No thanks!
@@Aewon84 Probably not seeing how long they've had to work on it and knowing Bethesda theyve been doing that since the end of skyrim which also explains why Fallout 4 was so mediocre
Isaac McFerrin you know if a crappy fallout ends up with an amazing TES VI i won’t be mad
@@lostjoker3263 Same Elder Scrolls is better than Fallout imo
With the amount of time they've had to make this game we could have an Elder scrolls 6: Tamriel hopefully
Oh awesome new build! Nice guys
Hi guys ! What do you think about this build : the Penitus Oculatus agent. An imperial soldier secretly send to Skyrim by the emperor himself to help the general Tullius against the Stormcloak but he has an other more secret mission : he must join the Dark Brotherhood and kill the emperor because the emperor knows he can't unify men against the Thalmor in the next Great War so he decided to end the Mede bloodline. This way, a new emperor, stronger than him, will defeat the Thalmor.
I just ran across this comment 10 months after you last edit. That's a great idea. I tend to play all three archetypes when I'm on a Skyrim tear (like now) and alternate among them according to my mood. I didn't feel like playing an evil character since I tend to run with Inigo and Lucien and would feel guilty, though, so I haven't made a stealth character yet. That would be a great way to justify a stealthy Dark Brotherhood run that's still a "good" character overall. I've never used the "I'm a member of the Penitus Oculatus" start either. Thanks for the inspiration.
I hope The next TES is in Hammerfell
zThat would be boring. We've just had a warrior province where magic is throwned upon. After the mundane Skyrim it would be a breath of fresh air to get a province like High Rock, full of magic and unique creatures. I would also expect there to be more types of Daedra than just Atronachs and Dremora.
@Veni Vidi Vici Don't get our hopes up too high now.
Veni Vidi Vici shhhhhh
Same. Hammerfell has an intresting backstory and lots of locations to explore. The Redguards are also one of the few who continue to resist the Thalmor. High Rock would be EXTREMLY boring to me.
Maybe we will get High Rock as DLC?
@@Aewon84 Maybe we will get a part of High Rock as DLC?
You guys should make a wandering knight build 💪
Great build! Can’t wait to test it!
Nice bulid i love the mage ones keep up the good work
Love the builds
I love your content! Been watching since the beginning, keep it up! ❤️
I sputtered out my breakfast in exclamation when I saw a new modded build
Awesome Build, I'm Definitely Trying It (:
Can't wait for the Fudge man to start making tons of Fallout 76 videos!!!
I got an idea for a red king build. Most evil character build. Start the game as high elf with white soulless eyes. Old complexion. White long hair like eorlund graymane. Make the eyes very dark and give it the eye warpaint Vilkas and farkas have.After the dragon attack follow Ralof and help the stormcloacks in missions. Keep in mind you can mess with the thalmor if you wear their hooded outfit. So now you're a werewolf and finished the vanilla questline and start with dawnguard. Now become vampire lord. The only reason you were a stormcloack is because now you have an whole army to feed on and you got your revenge on the empire and the thalmor.
@FudgeMuppet , I'd be interested in seeing a "Jafar" build of a Redguard Mage using a magical staff and potions. He'd be skilled in Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration, Illusion, Alchemy and Speech.
Jafar is what I called my Redguard! But he isn't a mage
Indeed ! ☺️
Marinanor redguards despise magic
LEᎶENDЅ NEᏉER DIE That's why Jafar is so hated. ;)
They go beyond just despising magic in Elder Scrolls Online, specifically with regards to necromancy, the Redguards are frightened to death of anything to do with the dead, especially with how Redguard honor their dead and their warriors of old 🙂
Thank you for all the great content, guys! I started following you while playing Fallout 4 and enjoyed three of your builds before eventually creating a hybrid build of my own. I haven't played Skyrim much, however, and never completed the main quest, but this "modded" build caught my eye. Do you have a primer somewhere that shows a new-to-Skyrim player like myself how to utilize your Skyrim builds beginning at level one? The level-by-level style of your Fallout builds was easy to follow, but this format is new and slightly confusing (for me, anyway!). Thanks again! You guys are the best at what you do and it is appreciated!
Fudge muppets the type of fellas to make a build inspired from a game nobody knows anything about
Beautiful build
Please remake the Puppet Master build
apocalypse magic and ordinator make a kajiit for the stealth. Get all the illusion perks in ordinator and probably some speech perks, like bribe and max it out. Also sneek will be a handy one in combat. You'll mainly use spells like calm, fury, fear, muffle and invisibillity or something with those effects. The apocalypse magic mods let you have much more options in illusion based spells of which my favorite are: mind control, enslave the weak and mind vision. Mind control let's you control an enemy character's body, so it will engage combat with another enemy while you hide somewhere closeby, you'll be able to control the victim as you like, being able to attack and move freely in a certain radius. Enslave the weak allows you to enslave an enemy character so it will become an alie in combat and it will follow you around permanently untill they die, but you need to be precise with your shot and it will take lots of magic if you aren't that skilled in illusion, besides that, the victim needs to be at 20% health or lower. Mind vision is like mind control, but it can only be used to see what an npc sees. With the ordinator illusion perks you'll be able to trick people into thinking you're their best friend or you completed some quests for them, becouse of that you'll be able to take everything from their houses without it being seen as stolen goods, also it can unlock other quests and prviliges with the jarl you can normally only get when completing their thane questlines. Also you'll be able to get 10% discounts with vendors. You'll mainly try to stay out of combat by making the enemy kill eachother, while staying in the shadows, but when one is still standing, you'll be able to use the nemesis perk from the illusion perk tree which will finish the job for you. Also you'll be able to boost your illusions with the dream eater perk and you'll be able to make a dream thrall with the dream thrall perk, you need to target an npc that's sleeping for that one. The master of minds perk enables you to affect the undead and dwarven machinery with your illusion spells. The shadow stone near riften allows you to turn invisible once a day to escape when things go bad.
Yes please
Any restoration build is a good build from this awesome channel. So how about a restoration & conjuration build where you heal your own summons so they essentially live forever in combat? Granted when the run off it'll be difficult, but certain abilities should be able to help the character navigate the field quickly enough to get back and forth between say, two Dremora thralls that the player reanimated with the atronach forge and the master level reanimation spell.
Modded build called storm caller, a destruction damage build. Uses witch hunters of Skyrim, Aurora standing stones, ordinator perk overhaul, imperious races, summermyst enchantments, and apocalypse magic. Breton (gender doesn’t matter, you decide also I haven’t come up with a backstory) Go for shock magic because it’s the coolest, get every shock perk, and everything on the force of nature branch choosing shock. Get some restoration perks, namely descending light though, that’s the only one necessary for the build. Max out the clothing enchantment perks (don’t bother with the spellsword or staff ones), and go for extra magicka and amplify destruction, don’t bother with cost reduction even though you’re using the atronach stone. Get all of the speech perks after and the universe listens, learn stork call. Get the aspect focus: shock damage book from witch hunters (it’s a spell that activates with the power button) and get whatever shock spells you want. The new atronach stone basically takes the old one but gets rid of regen entirely. The only way you can regain is through forced means like perks and powers, or through killing enemies. However, it also halves casting cost (multiplied by your base reduction, not added) and has 20% boosted damage and effect. That speech perk I mentioned regens all stats based on cool down when you shout, descending light uses your restoration skill as a factor to regen magic really fast for the first 15 seconds of a battle. Put together all of the destruction perks, your enchantments, and the atronach stone and you get about a 450% increase in destruction damage for shock and a 60% cost reduction. As long as stuff is dying you basically just have infinite magic which means so much damage, but also healing as well. Don’t bother putting level ups into stamina or magic, as long as you have over 300 with your enchantments, just get all health since you have literally no defensive investment. Also enchant your boots with swiftness so you can dodge everything. How to use: put a destruction spell in one hand and a restoration spell in the other or have two different shock spells (I like shock nova and lightning strike or thunderbolt) use shock focus and storm call, lace up your unarmored running boots, and one shot alduin. Probably a good guy since the build doesn’t really fit in with any of the bad guy factions and probably shouldn’t go vampire. I haven’t come up with a backstory but I’d really appreciate if someone does.
You guys nearly have 700k subs!
Hey Fudgemuppet! After playing Skyrim a lot the last months I created a build myself and I would love to make a video about it but I'm not very good at doing videos so if you like this build I would be honored if you do a video about it or use it just as an inspiration.
The build is called the "Dwemer scientist". He is a Breton and comes from High Rock where he studied archeology and had a huge passion for Dwemer artifacts since his childhood. However this passion led him to Skyrim after his father wants him to marry the daugther of a noble merchant. In Skyrim he first becomes a part of the mages guild to have complete access to the library and to learn how to cast spells because his father never allowed him to learn how to cast spells. Then he tries to explore every ruin and will search for every Dwemer artefact and every book about the Dwemer in the game.
- Dwemer Crossbow
- One handed Dwemer weapon
- Lightning spells
- Runes ( Frostrune etc.)
- maybe other Dwemer artifacts like Keening or the Spell to cast the lost mage of winterhold you get when getting keening.
- Dwemer gloves
- Dwemer shoes
- Blue dunmer clothes (only the chest piece)
- Atherial Crown
- Sneak
- Archery
- One handed
- Destruction magic
In combat I first casted runes, then shot with the crossbow at the enemy while sneaking and finally charged in with destruction magic and the dwemer axe (you could switch the Magic and instead use keening in your second hand to get some life back). It was pretty fun to play because there is such a variety of skills you can use.
To make the playstyle a little bit more realistic the "Dwemer scientist" could collect even Dwemer plates, forks etc..
Hope I could give you guys some inspiration and sorry for my bad english I'm from germany :D
Cheers !
I hope to see more cool builds with the Wintersun mod.
If you’re wearing robes and playing a destruction mage, get robes of the magi literally an offensive version of the mage armor perk
I used ordinator my third playthrough, I can’t go back. If I see a really cool mod but it adds a single perk somewhere and has no ordinator patch, it’s a no go for me. I think it’s one of the best Skyrim mods out there.
Ordinator is a game changer for me. I put so much into Skyrim first time around I wasn't too keen on getting the special edition but I'm glad I did with Mods its changed the whole game for me
I can not wait to get my hands on Elder Scrolls 6. I am an Elder Scrolls NUT! ❤️
You should add the restoration perk "Tome of Many Pages" to improve 1 skill by 15 points and the spell "King's Heart" to improve your healthregen alot while it also improves most skills by 15%. Also you should really look at the master restoration spells as they are really powerfull if you want an example just look at "Worm Shroud".
I have an idea for a lore video that I think would be quite interesting. The Dark Brotherhood's doors. What are they? Who speaks to you when you want to enter? What is their history and how were they made?
Hopefully in TES6 it'll have more magic variety, also can't wait for the next guard memes, like they might say "Hey stop playing with that magic" or "You wouldn't mind if you cool down my mead", That's all I got so far, also good build.
Dude I wanna try this in the next game , never did a mage before
How to make this build in 5e D&D! Pretty simple, play a war magic wizard, giving you an understanding of evocation and abjuration both. Another option is the Tempest cleric, which will give you healing magic and power with lightning, something D&D wizards can’t get. This does go against the non-religious idea, but is somewhat necessary to be mechanically similar. War magic is still the class more similar in theming to our Court Wizard.
I have two great ideas for you to do! Both are modded, but they are AWESOME. The Aetherial Warrior (time traveling Nord) and the False Dragonborn (a construct of a powerful Daedric Prince)
You guys should check out a new mod that came out for Skyrim and SE. Called path of the Anti-mage the way it changes the game is so dramatic you guys can do something really crazy with it
John Lantino *Cries in PS4*
Thought I was dreaming when I saw this. Was going through your Fallout builds and said to myself, "This is great and all, but I'm getting a little bored of Fallout. Wish there was a Skyrim build." Lo and behold, you delivered. Love you guys.
Here's an idea for something else you could do while waiting for Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls 6 to come out: start doing builds for Oblivion. How would you create unique characters for Oblivion, what would they focus on, when would they become Sheogorath and so on
Here before 1k
Video starts *magestic music*
Congrats guys this build i am making right now cant wait to use it. But its a shame they took the armor mod you use down months ago and havent brougt it back
Yet another backstory of a fiftieth level character assigned to someone who starts at first level.
I like this I might try it
You guys should do a Gladiator build
There already is one I think.. Look at their old playlist.. not the special edition
Pew pew pew pew pew love it!
Does anyone else hope that the alteration tree of magic includes something like earth bending from avatar, because imagining a spell where you pick up stones to throw or causing the ground around a opponent to trap (or smash) them would be amazing. Ps excuse my poor grammar.
can you do a rune mage/assassin who uses the ghostwalk and invisibilty to place runes combined
with demolition job from perk overhaul mod to make runes deal more damage whilst stealthed
and also take the destruction rune that allows further placement along with up to 3 runes at a time, also
he is an argonian.
A cool challenge would be to make a build based on one of the Greek gods
You can use fire, but make sure you dont go burning down any buildings!
You’re the illusion mage, been casting those spells? Must say I’m impressed.
Woah, woah, woah! Watch the magic!
You’re a conjurer? Conjure me up a nice warm bed, would you?
Go cast your magic someplace else!
So you can cast a few spells. Am I supposed to be impressed?
Play road most traveled more often
Better than the court wizard in white run that’s for sure
Could you make a build based off of the Warden class from The Elder Scrolls: Online?
I like it.
Missed an opportunity to use racemenue and add some other races to her face.
Also you could do something similar to heroicx- whatever happened to him- where u do either a series of daedric prince follower builds or aedric follower builds, of course you've already done things like the champion of molag bal and so on, so I'd skip those
I want to suggest a build. "The naked nord". He fights buck ass naked and only wields a fork and knife.
You could also use the anti mage mod from brodual's showcase to make an interesting character
Hey FudgeMuppet which of your characters creations are your all time favorite I’ll let you choose 3 I love your Assassin builds
You guys need to remake The Champion Of Molag Bal.
Your builds have what we call in D&D “level one syndrome”.
Your characters start with low skills and only know flames, healing, and possibly fury or sparks to begin.
These backstories are appropriate for starting at level 10 or so, not starting at level 1.
D&D is also limited to a lvl cap of 20, which is part of why in that universe they have to start further in level.
Love the builds can u make more argoinan builds?
I figured out a cool combo. Tharn's prison, Static Dome and Fingers of the Mountain. Smell what I'm cooking?
You guys should use the Path of the Anti-Mage mod in a build. Unfortunately it’s only available in the original Skyrim
Dats my characters offspring.
Redguard mage!!!
Hey can I ask you guys a huge favour my mods are limited to that of PS4 I know it's a lot to ask but could you please try to make a build for PS4 🙏
DLAssassin 56 that I would love! I only play on PS4
Do a Shekelstein build
I've got an idea for a build! The Time Lord!
That would only work if Apache updated the hair mod to include the Tennant hair style.
question. is the Apachii Divine Elegance Store mod on console?
Better not let Camel see this
Shouldnt you also have the patch for apocalypse and ordinator so for example if you cast an apocalypse restoration spell it actually levels up your restoration