@@grantstidham9599 I read fairytales in the 1st grade. I'm to grown for that. It funny that the only time your God is going to save u, is when u die. Come out of fairytale land.
@@grantstidham9599 That’s a common viewpoint. Let me ask you, have you experienced some bad things in your life?Devil is God’s worst enemy. If God sends people to a fiery hell to be tormented by the Devil, wouldn’t that imply a level of cooperation between God and the Devil?
I once read a book with a title something like "18 Minutes in Hell" and it felt like PTSD afterward. Ran outside to see the deep blue sky. Later I was talking to the neighbor who happened to say "I don't think there's really a hell". So I mentioned this book and how horrifying it was. After I felt God say "I love you". He really does not want people to go there but it's real
@@micheleh5269 The Devil did not want you to know The Bitter Truth Beloved of GOD, If You Are Thirsty for The Undiluted Word Of GOD Check out This Anointed platform On YOU TUBE : Apostle Simon Gichinga ETV GOD BLESS, You
No it’s not actually it’s just none of them know what they’re ready and misconstrue all it’s scriptures…. It’s simple if you read 1 Timothy 2:3,4 Gods will is for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth… Does God get what he wills? Every knee will bow every tongue confess Jesus Christ is lord… 🤔 The Bible teaches that we can’t do that but by the Holy Spirit…. Every knee… Christians today make god a weak god who loses 8/10 souls daily to the devil… They have no clue what they’re reading. Christians today limit the redemption of Christ on the cross… HE DIED FOR ALL THE SINS OF THE WORLD… Why would he do that if he knew 8/10 were going to Hell… 🤦♂️
@@Ponysoldier12 The Bible also says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” - implying the necessity of a choice to serve him We also get the verses: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God” (I Cor. 6:9-10) But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matthew 7:14) And for the sake of saving space check out - Matthew 25:31-46 He died for the sins of the world yes, he died to be an acceptable sacrifice for our sins but, you must choose to serve him and accept him as a living sacrifice in order to be saved. He wants us all to be saved but, unfortunately most will chose not to follow Him. Also even the demons confess Jesus is Lord and must bow at His name but, that does not mean they serve him. Same goes for all people, you must serve Him to be saved. Regardless all will confess Him as Lord whether it be now or upon judgement. Hope this helps
Jesus also said we are allready dead in the sinfull body of the flesh but saved after in the spirit. Jesus saved us for nothing but 100% Salvation. Jesus is the only one who knows who is thinking of creator and that is more than we might think. Grace means alot.
So just who will that take in? Just what do you have to do to be saved? Romans 10: v9) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. And just how many will do that? That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2: 10
Christian faith is well meaning, most of it and most of them, however, they believe several false premises based on a book written thousands of years ago for a different culture in at least three different languages. It's been translated badly from the originals and the intent and meaning inadvertently and advertently, meaningfully and indirectly changed by culture, language, and not so well meaning heads of the church and well meaning but un-knowning translators. It was written by men and there are many contradictions. Used to believe in the christian ideas but it's clear it's not God that they usually profess about and confound others with. If something doesn't make sense with itself, if something seems like it is NOT God, it's NOT God. God made Adam with Even inside him and in his image, therefore God has both male and female aspects. In addition, the Bible doesn't tell all---God had to make other Adams and Eves after the first otherwise we're a race born from incest and we’re still incestors or incesting. Shhh. We’re not. In addition, there were whole books of the Bible that some Pope decreed as not part of the Bible and took away. In those books, among other things, was the belief of reincarnation. Most Christians before that (and some after that) believed in reincarnation. Not eating meat on Fridays was because…the fishing industry needed a boost. That had nothing to do with God. There are also those in the Christian/Catholic faith that are NOT well meaning. Well, I guess. Was it well meaning to try to force Christianity on natives who believed otherwise? I guess it was to save their souls, which was meaningless. Was it Christianity to cause wars against the Mid Easterners who held the “Holy Land” (Christians lost that war BTW)? Was it Christianity to allow the Children’s Crusades, which led to hundreds of children and teenagers being sold into slavery and those that weren’t died? Some time ago, the Pope felt bad about all the artefacts that the Catholics stole from the Jews after KILLING them (your weapons are what now?) and decided to open up the vaults of the Vatican. He declared that he wanted to give back HALF of what was stolen by murder. How nice of him? God is not a human being. He does not punish, he does not kill, he does not hate, he does not seek revenge, he does not make anyone suffer, he does not allow anything near a hell to exist or a demonic devil of evil to exist. God loves and his actions follow suit in that. He/she is not like us when we are out of the spirit and let’s face it, most of us are out of the spirit in our actions most of the time. The Bible is wrong on many counts and accounts. Yet at times it is correct. It cannot be the last word on God and spirituality. It was made by well meaning people (Most of them) to keep order in a confusing, murderous world of people gone wild. And it worked…until it was then used to create more strife, more rivals groups, and more division. There are only two categories of people: those in the spirit and acting as such and the other category of those who are NOT in the spirit and acting as such. Kirk Cameron and his end of the world movies are science fiction supernatural wrongness in their filthy “I’m right and you’re wrong and will die for it and suffer in hell for eternity” nonsense. Truth is: THEY are wrong and that will NEVER happen that way at all and certainly we are nowhere near an event or events like that. Or Damien the OMEN. Anyway, NO ONE has to fear death. Betty White has a good perspective BUT even if someone didn't live a full life like she did or made more mistakes than she did, NO ONE has to fear death. I know it's a very human thing to do but experts say that being born into this world is a more traumatic event than death and leaving this world. I know you said that no one knows for sure what happens to us when we die but that's not accurate. Many do know. For me, personally, it's beyond faith now. I have so much evidence of an after life and of a God (by the way God has male/female aspects of him/herself---I don't fully believe in the Bible as a last word but think about this: God took EVE OUT OF ADAM so Adam was he/she, too before that and if God made US in his image, then He/She is like that, too). Even people who have made the wrong choices and been "bad" have a chance at redemption, and yes even Hitler. God loves and forgives EVERYONE (she/he does not play favorites). It's hard for us as humans who are not God to understand that. Now, if there are a small percentage of human beings who are the dark ones (and only by their choice), they have turned their backs on God BUT here and there they have a chance to change their minds (a few that are both dark/light humans DO but most dark ones do not) and if they do not, even they will be brought somehow into God's light (of this I'm a bit unsure as to how). A loving God would not do some of the things written down about him. These things were written for another time and another place and another culture to keep law and order which in the far past, most did not have, in fact at one point very few individuals had and chaos almost ruled so well meaning men and some women wrote down laws and rules to follow to keep man and woman kind from exterminating themselves. Some of these may have come from God (of which ones I'm unsure). I am sure about this: God would not allow a devil like we think of as the devil (there IS an angel in charge of the Dark Ones to make sure they do NOT do much damage). God would not allow eternal damnation and suffering so I'm sorry horror fans there is NO hell. None. There are no demons. Only beliefs can make your own spirit create your own hell and your own demons. NO ONE is going to a fire pit for eternity to suffer forever: God, a loving God (and she/he is) would never allow that or let that exist. GOD LOVES. NO ONE has to fear death of any kind because death is just a transition. No one is lost, no one is gone, no one vanishes forever. I think even people who don't believe in God and an afterlife deep down know this somewhere inside them. And these things are not just my opinion, my belief, my whatever. These things I have written here ARE FACT. Of course with free will, your beliefs may vary but I'm sorry about that but even that's okay, you are still, against all human media and human nature, SAFE FOREVER. No one has to worry or fear death ever. And even if you do, when it happens and you transition to the other side, you'll be as perfect as you were when you were created. Chances are you've been through a life and death before (some have been through it a lot----the church once believed in reincarnation until some pope in Venice decided that he wanted to take holy parts of the "holy" Bible out and censored it. Don't rely on a billion year old book or books to know what your spirit inside, some of us deep inside, already knows: God is a loving God, God does not judge or punish or allow evil, God does not go against anyone's free will, and God has provided for an afterlife that is nothing like us sitting on clouds doing nothing but sleeping, resting, and playing harps. Heaven is nothing like we think: it is the most excellent energy, the most wonderful of multiverses and you will have lots to do (that you WANT and LOVE to do) and the energy to do it.
He says that he just couldn’t “understand” the concept on hell, yet the Bible says “lean not on your understanding but trust in the Lord and he will make your path straight.” This is why believers must read the Bible for themselves. You can’t just go to church and trust someone else to teach you everything you learn about God’s word. If you don’t, it’s easy to be lead astray.
Well understand this. The original word to translate hell is sheol. Study that Hebrew word. The Greek word used to translate sheol was hades. Study that word. "Lean not unto your own understanding." You said that so now open your mind, heart and soul and go study. The Bible was manipulated by man for man. God is real. There is a God and after you study, you can worship in spirit and in TRUTH.
That’s why we all must be filled with the Holy Ghost and he will lead us into all TRUTH. He will teach us. They don’t believe in the filling of the Holy Ghost.
Wake up, your life has purpose, no matter what you do who you are we all are imperfect. At the end end of your life you move on to a higher form of spiritual being as well as being with god.
@k0smon well, Jesus Christ own words is in the Bible too but not all. The Bible has been misinterpreted by us for many years. It has been rewritten more than twice throughout the years. There's a ton of different versions of the Bible. People has taken things out and put what they want instead of keeping the right one which is not on earth anymore. Choosing and picking is what happened with the Bible
Amen 2 Corinthians 11:3-5 Open menu Christian Standard Bible Open menu 3 But I fear that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your minds may be seduced from a sincere and pure[a] devotion to Christ. 4 For if a person comes and preaches another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or you receive a different spirit, which you had not received, or a different gospel, which you had not accepted, you put up with it splendidly! 5 Now I consider myself in no way inferior to those “super-apostles.” Titus 1:16 “They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.” King James Version (KJV) 2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;”
@@tanawilliams7498 He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 You're deceived as well. God Bless you.
I really loved Carlton Pearson deeply, his fervency in teaching, preaching, singing and inspiring young and upcoming ministers. And I was so honored the day I got a chance to meet him and shake his hands while I was in ministry training in Oklahoma. But at the end of the day, even Paul said "Follow me, AS I follow Christ" 1 Corinthians 11:1. Paul himself even put a stipulation on Himself to his followers. The implication being, if he ever got to a point that he no longer followed Christ and began following some strange doctrines then don't follow, BUT keep following Christ.
Bingo. And that is why so many fail. Looking to man instead of realizing they are "christians" which means you follow the example of CHRIST and what HE did and followed.
@@jeffreyjules8423 How does faith get "loose". I bet you mean "lose". If a person lost their "faith"; it doesn't mean they lost forgiveness but for some reason lost their confidence in God. The fault being their own.
@Ted miles One who spends time in their Bible should know not to be too judgmental. People aren't perfect and need prayer not accusation. Christ died for all. Self judgment is for them as well as you.
Carlton reveals the fatal miscalculation that led to his downfall. He thought he could pull it off. He actually believed that he could change 2,000 years of Christian theology without any consequences. When he realized that he was wrong he went into face-saving mode and he's been in it ever since. Can you say "DELUSIONAL"?
Do you not have it in your heart to believe what you want to believe and to let others believe what they want to believe? Oh sorry I forgot you were an Evangelical
@@tanawilliams7498 Have you ever heard that the Word of GOD doesn’t change??? Believe what you want, but only GOD’s Word is true. Romans 3:3-4 KJVS [3] For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? [4] God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
@@tanawilliams7498 It isn't simply about "what you want to believe". If you call yourself a Christian and are *teaching non-Christian concepts to people*, then you are harming those people. Deceiving them. Better to say "I have made up my own god and my own religion. Wanna join?". Most people would laugh, as they should. Teaching something opposed to what you *call it* is not a "live and let live" issue. It is deception. And, spiritual deception is a truly evil thing.
“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teach[ings] to suit their own passions” 2 Timothy 4:3
God bless you. There is no greater love than that of witnessing the gospel of Jesus so people may be saved by the sacrifice of Jesus who atoned for our sins, saved from eternal punishment. Go out into the world and spread the good news!
His words reminded me of what Jesus said about false teachers, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons vin your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
You have a built in Internal Guidance System, what some call Conscience, or Holy Spirit. Where people get confused is they mistake their egos for the voice of the guides. The ego will steer you wrong. The Still and Quiet inner voice will let you know when things are false. But don't mistake your cultural biases and traditions for being the one true voice. (Just a hint, If a leader 's or other popular figure's words are making you feel good about your beliefs, be suspicious. They are appealing to your Ego.)
@@markmanenator Good insight there, but I disagree with the Conscience being mistaken for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is holy and a part of the Trinity.
He said correctly in the interview "the bible doesn't sound like the god he knows". Because the god he knows is the god of this world, not the creator. He never knew the true living God. The holy bible is the creator's book.
@Chris C ///// That "image" could very well be the mental image he created for mankind. Nothing is impossible to God. First, we must have a working description and meaning of the word "God", so there can be no arguing on that point.
@Chris C /// It would only contradict your own idea of what the bible means. "He" because it is a fluke of the English language. Perhaps you would be happier with referring to God as "He/She/It". What I see as impossible here is your clear thinking.
“Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons” - 1 Tim 4:1
Whew we. That true statement to the bone. God is all. He created life, takes life. Satan is powerless to Christ. Mr. Pearson looks deceived. Old in the face. Sad he has allowed Satan to still his soul. I hope he turns back before it's too late
@@dayaaron87 2 Peter 3:3-9 New International Version 3 Above all, you must understand that in the last days(A) scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.(B) 4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised?(C) Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”(D) 5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word(E) the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water.(F) 6 By these waters also the world of that time(G) was deluged and destroyed.(H) 7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire,(I) being kept for the day of judgment(J) and destruction of the ungodly. 8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.(K) 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise,(L) as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient(M) with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.(N)
@@servantofjesuschrist839 as usual, christians contradict themselves with their own bible. Firstly, time is a constant and time disprove the bible more than anything. Secondly, your twisted book talks of a day being 1,000 years and 1,000 years being a day but yet your phony god will judge people on what they did in way less than a finite day, by his definitions of a day, and their consequences last for infinity. How is that patience and how does that makes any sense???
@@keithburch8997 There is historical evidence that Jesus Christ walked this earth in early A.D. For example, the secular historian Josephus wrote about the man Christ Jesus. So no, Jesus is not a myth. Hell is not made up from Greek mythology, although the Greeks may have come up with their own version of it. The concept of hell is clearly depicted in the Bible. I do agree that Jesus is the main character, but by his grace we are also part of the story. God the Father sent his son Jesus into the world to save sinners, among whom are you and I. By putting our faith in Jesus, we can be forgiven of our sins and spend eternity in Heaven, rather than Hell (John 3:16). I know you consider all this a myth now, but I hope one day you will come to believe in this life-saving Truth.
@@briancannon4607 Wrong. Josephus who. What year, What calendar, that is a claim by Preachers only. ...Not a document verified by history or science. Not language or Jewish script in AD 0-33
Michael f No so. (And not that I fully agree with him... Umm... Folks, what you are assuming is not actually what his message is. His message, in short, is that the work of the cross is a completed work. That when Jesus said it is finished, it really was - sins are washed away. Hes saying that if they are washed away, then there is no penalty (hell) because Jesus paid the debt in full. Its probably best to get a full understanding before agreeing or disagreeing so that you know fully what you agree or disagree with.
roycey32 uh no he is in error . From what I understand according to his doctrine you don't even have to believe in Jesus to be saved which totally goes against scripture. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Carlton does not believe in hell...He is wrong. What he is teaching is contradictory to the Word of God. The Bible is God's Word. Yes it was written by man, but it was inspired by God. If you teach a half truth, it becomes a whole lie. To tell people that hell does not exist is damnation to himself. I hope he comes back to the Truth as well as those who follow him
2nd TIMOTHY 4:3-5 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
This is a very sad story of a man who had a powerful calling on his life, he came from a family of 4/5 generations of preachers. He started off his ministry with a zeal for God but pride got in the way and he came under deception. He was a gifted and talented individual but sadly the devil trapped him in a web of lies and deception. This is why we as ordinary believers have to be on guard - its not the theological qualifications, the charisma, the accolades, the titles and status which preachers have that matters, it is their heart which matters most. Carlton Pearson came to Durban, South Africa (my home country) in 1998 to hold the Azusa Conference. He said 'I have come here to meet with the King of the Zulus' - such arrogance! We were shocked. Just because you're American, does not give you a right to visit a country and then demand to see the president, prime minister or any other leader. Well, a few years later we heard about the collapse of his church and ministry. Very, very sad indeed!
1 Timothy 4:10 New International Version 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.
"I mastered the craft. I knew what to say over the pulpit. I knew what words they needed to hear." I, I, I. It doesn't sound like the leading of the Holy Spirit.
"A higher form of Christianity?" Now, we need a "higher form" of Christianity? So, what we have is the "lower" form? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Cross is offensive because it demands a life-change. It confronts the sinner, bringing the sinner face to face with his sinful nature, which many do not want to face.
RedCarpet NBA I have heard gospel singers say the same thing; they do know what to do and how to do it and when to do it and folks will ALWAYS get in their emotions and react to it; the person pulling everybody else's strings already know this is the work of the flesh their own apparently this is why Carlton was bored!
Like Eve in the garden, "He began to listen to that which was stirring inside him." He should have rebuked those thoughts instead of listening and yielding to them. "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" 2 Cor. 10:5
It's clear that he's battling a sin he doesn't want to give up, so for the sake of comfort he's somehow convinced himself there's no Hell for the consequences for his actions
Hell is made up by the Catholic Church. Others follow suit. It comes from the Greek Hades. A river of fire underground. The grave is only 6 to 7 ft deep in most states
That's very sad because, if there is no hell, for which there is, then the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection would have not been needed but oh how we need Christ for the forgiveness of our sins, so that we may enter into heaven having escaped a very real hell. Jesus is Lord!
TheCarolinaMan1 Videos umm... But Thats not actually what his message is. His message, in short, is that the work of the cross is a completed work. That when Jesus said it is finished, it really was - sins are washed away. Hes saying that if they are washed away, then there is no penalty (hell) because Jesus paid the debt in full. Its probably best to get a full understanding before agreeing or disagreeing so that you know fully what you agree or disagree with.
A lot of Jesus' parables had weeping and gnashing of teeth which speak of hell. If he doesn't believe people will go to hell then that is deception. What is judgement for then? Why separate sheep from goats? He should read that parable with the rich man and poor man Lazarus. If you don't stay in the Holy Spirit of Truth and the Word of God then deception is inevitable. You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. That's why a bunch of Christians are delusional because the reality of hell is not being preached.
Walt///// Believe everything you read? There is justice in the afterlife, but it is NOT as the bible describes. He does know the truth, that is why he is free.
When you live life like there is no hell trust and believe you will live life like there is no God. This man is serving a god in his own image,likeness and understanding.
This is nothing but the truth. 👏 So sad. No wonder God tells us in His word to "pray without ceasing". I didn't realize the importance of it until this past year.
See that's how you know Man created God God didn't create man because why would he be in our image the white men believe God looks like him black people believe God look like them the real Creator will never look like men
@@MegaDede25 Well both you and the OP are wrong. There are literally billions of people who who do not believe in hell, and they live more godly than most Christians do. Even atheists. Quit being delusional and isolated and limited on purpose in your research. You will always have false conclusions. The bible is no more "exclusively" the truth to spirituality, than boxing is "exclusively" how to fight. There are other ways. Some are even better, depending on what benefits you intend to draw.
The sad thing is many saints didn't recognize this man's error until he formally denounced in plain speech the basic tenets of the Bible. We should be familiar enough with the word and character of God to recognize wolves without needing them to announce to us they are wolves. Study, saints! Study!
SBS///// It you were truly involved with the character of God, why would you believe in a sadistic God who will torture you forever? Why would you believe that a perfect God would have the short-comings of men's emotions, jealousy, hatred and wrath. God is love. Ever heard of that? All the rest is biblical fiction!
@@k0smon I want to ask an honest question: Do you believe the Bible is truth or fiction? I'm just wondering where you got the idea that God is love? Another question: Do you believe the human judge who sends a criminal to jail for life without parole is sadistic? Last, where do you believe humanity came from? Popped out of absolute nothingness, fully developed? Or randomly occurred due to a cosmic explosion? Evolved from apes?Dropped off on earth by aliens? What? I'm just wondering what your worldview is. I'm hoping it's not simply the default of "I'm right, you're wrong." I'm really interested.
I heard Carlton preach and sing at a local church in the early 80's. He was a dynamic preacher and singer but, I remember that some of the stories he told in his sermon didn't sit right with me, like maybe they were not genuine. I really think it is a shame that his life went this way and I know he must have been miserable feeling like a fraud. When a person believes the Bible is not the inspired word of God, then they lose all sense of the true character of God. It allows them to create a god in their own image and there is usually some sin that they are enslaved to. God is love, but He is also Holy and just. He gave mankind freewill to either choose Him or reject Him both now and for eternity. Hell was not created for humanity and God does not send people there, they choose separation from God. Where God is not is very bad-no love, joy, peace, and demonic beings are free to torment them. The blood of Jesus forgives all sins, and we just need to turn to Him and ask forgiveness.
I was a part of a church years ago, where the preacher told us that if he ever started preaching anything but God's Word he would rather everyone walk out of the church than sit and listen to him. That's the kind of preacher who walks in humility. The kind of preacher who revere's God, not man.
FYI there are alot of preachers that have come to the same conclusion that hell does not exist but they are afraid to open up and talk about it because they know they will lose everything. Generations of people upon generations of people raised in the church are too brainwashed to think outside of the box and fear of going to hell if the question this. Most people do not do research just blindly follow. In Jerusalem hell means trash dump not a place where people burn for eternity. Also some people lack critical thinking because how can you burn and suffer for eternity if you don't even have a physical body anymore. Need a body with nerve endings to fill pain. Another reason Christianity contradicts itself is the God sent his only son to die for ours sins which does not make any sense. Most say Jesus is God in the flesh which would mean God sent his self to save us from himself which don"t make no sense what so ever. If these religious leaders knew they would burn for ever then there would not be preachers and priest molesting children. There is no devil only people making poor choices. Also there is documentation that Jesus went to different countries around the world to study different religions if HE WAS REALLY GOD IN THE FLESH OR THE SON OF GOD THERE WOULD BE NO NEED FOR THAT. People need to understand that religion is not all bad it teaches people to be kind and love but religion was created to control the masses. Most people probably don't know that Christianity was influenced onto others by the Romans mainly Constatine influenced the Jews. I can't believe so many people can put trust in a book that was written by man with alot. But thats how they get people to follow pump them up with fear. Main stream religion was created to control the masses. I can give them some credit they were pretty smart using this technique. And thats why they change the bible so much they say it was to correct misinterpretation of scripts when actually it's to modify the bible for current times to keep believers believing. And thats why the church don't like science because science might destroy their narrative. Where was this holy religion when native americans were being mistreated and slaughtered or slave being raped murdered and tortured by these same Christians. This was also another way they kept slaves in check giving them hope and something to believe in but at the same time reminding them Thy shall obey thy master. Common sense how could slave owners and settlers force slaves to accept their manmade religion telling them it will save their soul but at the same time killing , beating raping, them Yeah right i smell bull. Also lets not forget all the people Christians killed back in the day trying to convert people and make them believe saying they was doing what God wanted them to do yeah right. God don't need any mortal to take another life if God wanted them dead he would have done it himself. There is bits of truth in the bible "God is a jealous God" not talking about God creator of all but a ruler of ancient Egypt who was very jealous and wanted everyone to bow down to him and worship him . They took reincarnation out of the bible for a reason because if you can reincarnate then you can't burn in hell🧐
Everything in the Bible was written by men. It wasn't divinely inspired by God it was divinely inspired in their own brains. Why don't you do some investigating and read what a lot of men who are Jewish or Christian Scholars have to say? At what they have been seeing is that early Jewish and Christian texts shows that these two gods wanted people to be curious and that lasted until men could see that revising and rewriting the text could profit them. King James is one of the worst examples because he decided to completely turn a couple of sentences around that would bring him great profit and more power. That part that says suffer not a witch to live? That was Rewritten so James could start condemning women as witches along with their husbands and take their land on everything they owned. The original line was something that I suspect people living in an arid country were much more worried about. The original line was suffer not a poisoner( of Wells) to live. And that one you Ram into people's faces in order to prove that God hates homosexuals was actually written so that Roman soldiers wouldn't be giving Jews any bad ideas. The original, before it was changed, said for a man who lays with a boy as with a woman it is an abomination. That was kind of a bad habit with Romans and the soldiers were no better than the senators in Rome. But of course you won't believe any of this because your mind is completely closed for business
@@nothereyetlost it has always been anti inclusion. If you don't believe the same thing they believe then you are doomed. What they don't understand is the Bible that they read today has been manipulated by power-hungry men for the last 1500 years and what it says is not the original intent. But we must remember also that two-thirds of that book was written by Jewish men and Judaism is a supreme anti inclusion religion. They don't even want converts.
What do u think the Bible is man's own interpretation if everybody believe the word of God then why do we have so many different religions why the Vatican church didn't fall when they switch to Catholicism took Jesus right up out of the picture I dont expect you to give me an answer because you don't have it
@@bigdaddyromeo9631 The reality my brother is that everyone does not believe in God. God has given humanity a free will to choose and everyone will account one day, we cannot live as we please without consequences. Jesus has never been out of the picture for He is the only way, the truth and the life. Many in the world have chosen a path that does not lead to God as a result we see the damage that it has done to humanity, and man’s inhumanity to man. The heart and mind needs transformation by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. The word of God stands on its own, so I will not argue about what I cannot change. Jesus Christ is Lord, do you know Him?
Kenny Thomas Are the scriptures true?....Man wrote it determined what made the cut...The book of Enoch didn’t make the cut....Why?? many Blacks feel cause he was black man but what did I discover alll in the Bible were people of color!
"I" came up with the conclusion....this means that he got NO confirmation. Also, if the Bible was the inspired word of man about God, there would be MANY CONTRADICTIONS in it. Inclusion fits the narrative of 2.Tim 4:3-4...it is NOT biblically sound doctrine
@@kennythomas2516 the bible is not even an english book ... even if there was a hell in it it's just a book ... you are a follower of mammon, of the flesh and in a very morbid, sadistic cult ... does it give you a hard on ?
@@thebookofwages7150 the bible that you call just a book.....the world will be judged by what's written in the book. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall never pass away Matthew 24 chapter verse 35.
satan is intelligent. he decieved a third of the angels. Even while they saw God create the stars etc...Pray for this man. The word will always be. #EndTimes
Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will confess to them, 'I have never known you, remove yourselves far from me, you workers of evil.' Matthew 7:22
T/////// Sorry, it does not work that way. That whole scenario is made up and not realistic at all. It is much simpler than you think. Study the plethora of NDE reports to get a better idea of how it works.
@@k0smon The beauty of deception is that the deceived don’t realize it. Satan is a deceiver, and you had better wise up and believe the Word of GOD over the testimonies of those who have been deceived
@@roblane5699 Wow That's crazy. So you mean to say" All these evil hearted people in this Earth , can do evil die and still go to heaven????. Come on Man
@@k0smon NDE'S is in the Bible..,..there is judgement all thru the bible...... Revelation 13:10 “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints..... Shalawam
If Hell does not exist, then what exactly did Jesus Christ die for? Saying Hell doesn't exist is saying Jesus sacrificed himself for absolutely nothing. It's saying that sin isn't real and if there is no sin, then there is no need for repentance. Saying Hell doesn't exist is 100% fully denying The Gospel of Jesus Christ and denying a person can be Saved and denying Eternal Salvation. This pastor preached Another Gospel.....not the True Gospel of Christ. And to think, so many more are like that in this world today, preaching the same false doctrines.
So “permitting everyone access to infinite heaven” means Jesus died for nothing? In what fucking world? I couldn’t imagine a more ecstatic, wonderful outcome than everyone getting to enter the gates of Heaven, together. Anything less is a tragedy. Bring Hell into the picture, and we’re discussing an abject failure on God’s part. Yet you EMBRACE it, and declare that no truth could be higher. It’s a betrayal of common sense, let alone truth. But no, go grovel to your perverted monster some more, I’m sure that gradually waiting to learn you’re wrong has been a fruitful endeavor.
The craft of it: 1. Shuck and jive "preacher" cliches, to get the _traditionalists._ 2. Attracting the attractive and prosperous young people who will make it grow, and you can also bask in their reflected glory. 3. Learning how to effectively use media and online "for the Lord". 4. Ingratiating yourself to politicians and celebrities, on a "you scratch my back; I'll scratch yours", basis. 5. Learning the ropes of how to sell yourself as The Man of the Future, to change agents in search of the spiritual controllers of the New Thing. Mapping out the road to the megachurch campus/campuses, and beyond.
FL//// It is all religious fiction. Those that live in heaven tell us so. Many who have had NDEs tell us so. Those are current information not coming from a 2000 year old book of fables.
He's mentioned a couple of times how concerned he is with human affirmation. You can either please man or God. Satan wants all of us to believe hell doesn't exist.
@@thesage90 I can respect your opinion. I believe you can have hope and joy that surpasses understanding while in your physical body on earth, yet I'm hoping there is a Paradise beyond what our own minds can create. We humans get so tired of things easily, even things that used to be euphoric to us.
@@siberiancajun I know I understand that you people want to go somewhere after this but don't say it's guaranteed where going somewhere after this and pull up a book saying here's the proof that's really the issue. I'm not seeing you speaking in general
This is a shining example of what happens when someone doesn't 'die to self'. He was off-base previously, now he is just further off-base. He's busy preaching what 'he' wants to preach and not what "HE" instructs us to preach. Above all, God wants our OBEDIENCE. Pray for his soul.
That god whom you talk about does not exist, man-made for empties like you.....poor chap, get yourself a life and forget about fairy tales not even meant for children. Yes, you just keep praying and don't ever ask yourself where it all comes from. Have you ever asked yourself when christians became lawful citizens of the empire (now look up what empire)? Do you know who and when took upon himself the largest marketing project of that time? Any idea what and which year we are talking about? Have you ever wandered why there are so many interpretations, versions of bibles, versions of christian cults?When you read for yourself history....nothing to do with his-story (all BS) you will know a little more than you do now.
1 Timothy 4:10 New International Version 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.
Its amazing that literally every warning jesus and the bible told us about false preachers and false believers is true. All the warnings are there, right in front of our faces, coming to past.
It's amazing that literally jesus and the bible spoke like the end was going to happen within THEIR lifetimes and people are still believing it 2000 years later.
@Nathaly polanco "An Antichrist"?? There will be only one Antichrist. And I am damn sure it ain't trump. Wasn't Obama neither. No..the Antichrist will get all to follow him..meaning all nations. That isn't happening with trump at the moment.
will SEE on the other side!!! guess God doesn't exist for you, either. 'cause i know you haven't seen Him or shook His hand. and, though i haven't a need for such earthling evidence, i proudly, very proudly KNOW there is no fairytale going on here. pray you come out of the DARKNESS into God's marvelous LIGHT before it's too late.
The devil is not a liar it is the creation of god. It is the darkness where god is the light. Without it you would not know to follow the light, god, when it shines through the darkness
Thats right, and he ONE ALONE and not a man. Hosea 11:9, Isaiah 40-48, Eph. 4:6. Carlton left the deceived harlot church as I did after 55 years in the strong delusion. The mystery of Jesus Christ = The Christ WITHIN YOU is the hope of glory. The new man that rises within you by Gods word. The word of God is the way truth and life, not a man.
Jesus said there is a Hell. That’s good enough for me. God doesn’t have to give us every detail or all the reasons. God told us enough to let us know that is a place that exists and a place to avoid. Hell was not created for man but for the Devil and the fallen angels. But when people don’t want to be in the presence of God, they have to go somewhere, right? Pearson had a powerful ministry. That is why Satan came to deceive him. Whatever questions we have and whatever aspects of the Scriptures we can’t quite resolve, we must humble ourselves before God. Revelation comes from the top down, from God to us. Not from the bottom up, from us to God. We are not left to figure God out. We are to receive God’s revelations to us of who He is and what He requires of us. Whenever we don’t understand something, we don’t have the privilege to redesign God’s word to make it fit our understanding. Rather, we humble ourselves and submit to God. We ask God to help us to understand. God always answers to tell us as much as we can bear in this life. Whatever He chooses not to reveal or not to reveal fully, that is His privilege and he has reasons for doing so. By maintaining a humble spirit in the presence of the Almighty, this is how we avoid false teachings and misleading the faithful.
But the [Holy] Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons, [misled] by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared as with a branding iron [leaving them incapable of ethical functioning], 1 TIMOTHY 4:1-2 AMP
@chatnboy Evryone has that right to believe in what they want. Like I have that right to post what I want. Even if feelings get step on. If you want to live in a fantasy world then do so. But don't be surprise if others don't share your "Tune in and Obey" attitude. Facts will always trump feelings.
Voltage controlled Ovulator go right ahead... BELIEVE what you want...but the TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN IN THE END!!! doesn't matter what you say....the TRUTH will be revealed!!!
Matthew 7:13“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
@@ngatoa1018 so are you suggesting that Jesus isnt who and what he said he was and is . or that Christianity has become a business no different than a car wash.
@@geraldhoskins2021 religion is just a concept made by men to go along with this game we're playing. do you really think if it was a place called heaven there would be wars on this planet don't you think everybody would be trying to do right so they can go to this place with gold gate's lol.. Gold gate's that is something only men desire and then why would it have Gates 😂😂
You are right! You would have thought that with everything that happened to him and the fact that he’s older he would have changed himself. He’s still a loser and still trying to bring souls to hell!
Christianity would loose all its appeal without a hell. The belief that those who do not share the same worldview and morals and values will end up in eternal torment is just too sweet. There is no hate quite like Christian love.
"They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be manifest that they were not of us." (1 John 2:19) "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1) This man said it himself; he knew the words to say and the "game" to play, but he was never born again by the Spirit of God. He was and still is a false teacher/preacher telling people there is no hell. Yet Revelation 20:11-15 says something totally different. You can't have a gospel that provides salvation through love and grace (John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9) without understanding that you're a sinner (Romans 3:10-18, Ephesians 2:1-3, Jeremiah 17:9, etc.). Pearson wants a philosophical spirituality with no true answers, just many questions to start an endless "conversation" that negates the holiness of God and the sinfulness of man. Of course unbelievers gravitate to this because it feeds into their sin nature and gives them an excuse not to repent and trust the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for the soul of this misled, misguided man.
Eric Smith I agree with you and I love how you use scriptures throughout your ENTIRE post. What you say is affirming scripture and not vice versa. Prayer is what is NEEDED most desperately here.
I had him figured out when he said "I mastered the craft". He had a form of godliness but never understood the power thereof. He prospered using the craft but had no relationship with God. No man having had a true relationship with God ends up like he did. This is the danger of the many showbiz ministers around today. I'm very careful about following them
You’re so right I didn’t even think about how much money TV ministers make. There are a couple who I like example TD Jakes and Joyce Myers. But I’ve been turned off by many others and some on UA-cam
@talktome they that are mainstream are ALL liars and deceivers. If you repent and pray for discernment God will reveal this to you. You will be given eyes to see and ears to hear. If they are on TV or have a megachurch and millions of dollars, they are a liar and their father is of the devil. The two that you listed are some of the worst offenders. I pray that you see this some day. Try instead pastors: Carter Conlon, Charles Lawson, David Wilkerson and YT channels: Stephen Darby Ministries, Shattered Paradise (Shepherd's Watch Ministries) and Revelations of Jesus Christ Ministries (Brother Werk's & Lioness).
You are so wrong All he has to do is come back and start preaching how he use to preach and he will have his mega church again. Y’all are so focus on hell and heaven that y’all don’t have that personal Relationship with the Almighty My focus is not on heaven or hell it’s about living a life that I was created to live , it was at first when i didn’t know who God was but when I came to the knowledge of Him I realize it’s about love peace kindness honesty, forgiveness, faithfulness, etc etc not because of a reward or a punishment. When Jesus himself taught he didn’t teach hell and damnation he taught to repent from our wicked ways because the kingdom of Heaven is at hand . He told then go teach the good news. Instead Christians teach hell.
My goodness ..the stupidly and ignorance of people will always baffle me! How can you call a being who sends people for eternal torture a wonderful god? Who goes to hell? Atheists, anyone having sex out of marriage, liars, gays and people who love their family and children more than anything - heaven must be a lonely place!🤣 I could never morally follow anything or anyone who is this evil and is totally cool with war, slavery, child sex, genocide. Also says a lot about what kind of a person that makes you.
I have no interest in the thoughts of any being or entity that would drown an entire planets worth of people due to a mistake he made in the first place. God allowed the so called "Devil" to live and then to corrupt his own creation ... And then God wiped out his creation, he could of wiped out Satan, or maybe Adam and Eve and start again, but nooooo, he waited until there were millions of people on earth!!!!!!!!!!!... Not saying there is no God, but the God of the Bible is obviously an Idiot.
If your name is blotted from the book of life you cease to exist. So many of you have read the entire Bible and yet you are still without understanding.
He said he mastered the craft? And so now Satan is definitely mastering him and spiritually blinding him. I hope that he comes to the truth of God’s word.
Lol God is real, hell and heaven are ideas that are used to keep persons in a state of fear. When we die our character or new creature receives a new body. But we must cultivate this character in this lifetime. That's it, no heaven or hell nonsense. Study to show thyself approved, I know this may be hard for you to grasp but it is what it is. Now you have a choice, continue believing the fantasies you were thought or start exploring the real gospel truth.
@@acetrainermat4201 //// Your statement is based of faith, not fact. There never was a real Jesus (see Caesar's Messiah) so he could not say anything.. The bible is a quagmire of truth and fiction, and as itself says, must be rightly divided.
I promise you.., God spoke to me about Pearson around the tender age of 15 or so in the mid 80’s. I was watching the Higher Dimensions broadcast one Sunday evening.., and while Pearson was preaching.., he paused and was speaking in tongue’s .., when GOD VERY CLEARLY SPOKE TO ME .., and said …, “that is not me, that is not my Holy Spirit!” I was stunned. I NEVER EVER mentioned those words to ANYONE for a couple of decades.. because I really liked Pearson.., and I tried my best to convince myself that I had not heard from God because I was so young as a believer .., but I KNEW with an unexplainable certainty.., it was God that spoke that word to me. Fast forward… when all the Carlton Pearson stuff began to come to light.. well over 20 years later.., the Holy Spirit reminded me what he said to me that day as a teenager about Pearson… so that I would know and acknowledge when the Holy Spirit speaks a thing.
@@ernesttakor2374 No… you absolutely DO NOT have to believe me.., and I most certainly am not asking you to either … because it is literally of ZERO importance to me to attack Pearson or to be believed by anyone.., I literally don’t care who does or who doesn’t. That word was spoken to me, was for me.., out of a personal relationship with God. But I will say this .., Jesus said .., a tree is known by the fruit it bears. The place that Pearson went to spiritually .. is not a “backslidden” place .. the place he went to .. was a he never had it in the first place, so there was nothing to “backslide” from. It is IMPOSSIBLE for Pearson to have ever known Jesus or to have been filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost .., to turn into the unapologetic, unrepentant, blasphemous, atheistic, apostate, heretic he is today. Pearson is no different than many religious folks around the world.., who know ritual and culture.., who study theology.., who are philosophical, metaphysical, spiritualist, soothsayers, occultist, and deceivers who have been deceived by Satan…., the proud, arrogant, haughty, blind, the foolish, deaf, those who consult with dark entities in the spirit, witches, warlocks, rebels, .all of these unfortunate ones operating in familiar spirits of various sorts etc.., who have no real knowledge of God or the true Holy Spirit. …. By a man’s own words is he justified.., and by his own words is he condemned.., out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh! Carlton Pearson has spoken FOR HIMSELF… and in the words of a lovely poet.., when someone shows you who they are.., when someone TELLS YOU who they are .. (with their words, deeds, and actions) … BELIEVE THEM! You can’t believe JESUS and BELIEVE Carlton Pearson too. You can’t believe the Gospel, the Bible, or believe the Words of the Holy Spirit AND believe Carlton Pearson too! People don’t believe JESUS and reverence nothing he said .., and if folks don’t believe Jesus, when folks blaspheme the Holy Spirit.. when people are very comfortable rejecting God and don’t believe GOD .., then who am I to be believed??? Let me answer that for you .., NOBODY!!! Believe whatever you want to believe.., knock yourself out.., but I BELIEVE JESUS, and I BELIEVE THE GOSPEL.., that’s all I know!!!!
@JaTall2 I know exactly what you're saying. Jesus came to me in a dream one night and spoke a message meant directly for me on something that I had been reflecting upon before falling asleep. Even though I knew in my spirit that it really was Jesus Himself that spoke to me then, it took several years before I truly admitted it and reflected upon it and discussed it with others. Sometimes we can be pretty stubborn and hard-hearted in our ways. It's a good thing that we have such a patient and loving God.
Do some deep studying of the Bible with the original Hebrew and Greek and you will realize that hell is not real as western pastor teach it. Some very bad translating led to the hell being used. Use the Blue Letter Bible website and. you can study for yourself and find out what Jesus and the prophets were actually talking about.
I have to give props to his congregation, for recognizing his heresy and choosing the Gospel over a personality. If they hadn't done that they wouldn't have been the first church to choose a man over God.
@@brianmorris2847 To clarify, Sunday worship was actually begun not merely "by man", but by God's divinely-appointed apostles, who were guided by the Holy Spirit and selected the new day of worship in celebration of the Resurrection of Christ, which happened on a Sunday. Jesus was crucified on a Friday, but rose from the dead on a Sunday. So, the apostles determined that Sunday was the most appropriate day to gather as the church and worship our risen Savior (Acts 20:7, etc.). Since Jesus himself had disregarded tradition himself on many occasions (healing sick people on the Sabbath, for example) and had taught that "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27), they clearly felt convicted that this change gave greater glory to Jesus by making his Resurrection the central focus of our worship of him.
I think he stop believing the white lie and actually met the real God 🙏 what if he is telling the truth. I believe his "new" way of thinking and always thought this way..
@@terrifictomm I choose to focus on loving thy neighbor and forgiveness not hell if I'm condemned there's nothing I can do about it I can never be perfect so y worry myself over going to hell. I don't believe in the white European concept of Jesus anyway but thanks for your concern
Hell does exist as a state of mind and being as does Heaven. The preacher seems to have seen the light while others remained in the dark. The Bible is allegorical and meant to be taken literally only by those without the proper knowledge to discern its true message which leads to strong delusion for many. The Bible is about the Human Psyche and how to experience Heaven on planet Earth.
@@travislittle4076 Yes you can. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you(Jesus's words), if we allow it to manifest. We choose our own dwelling place in this world. I'm a follower of Christ (disciple) and a believer in God but not at all religious.
@@stevedyches4635 God and only God can Make heaven. You are mistaken and have been lead astray. Dont take others with you. Read your Bible and stop preaching this new age nonsense.
@@travislittle4076 Understanding the symbolism and the recondite (look it up) nature of the Bible is vital for the discernment of its true hidden meaning. You are right about God creating Heaven for us but that relies upon our will and the way is through Christ. We are the temples where God will dwell if the temple is made suitable. The Bible is not to be taken literally. Never listen to ANY Creationist, Fundamentalist, or Apologist for they are leading many astray. I spent 40 grueling years wandering through the desert trying to make sense of it all, nearly giving up and offing myself. I thank God for allowing me to see the light. Religion and fears and negative emotions shackle the mind, we must escape the bondage before we are able to enter the Promised Land which is what Exodus is all about. Seek first the Kingdom of God for it is within you. Let no man steal your crown for we are all kings meant to reign with Christ as our King. This is old age wisdom that has been kept from many. Jesus said his people suffer from a lack of Knowledge.
Whenever a mere man is held up higher than the Lord of all creation, specifically within the "church" he is tasked to serve, surely it will fall apart. Be not deceived.!! WE are the church... not a building or an institution. Be not deceived.!! This man was preaching the doctrines of demons.
@@tagabulodchastityobedience7292 Protestants and Catholics have both done it. I don't know what your point is, but if there's a Biblical topic you'd like to discuss, let's do it. You have these poor Catholics now, invalidating all these baptisms over a wrong pronoun. Ridiculous. The baptisms weren't valid to begin with, if they were performed on infants. You want to talk about unscriptural? That's as unscriptural as you can get.
@@thesage90 That's not true, nor even close to true. The Bible has marks of divine inspiration literally all over it. The Biblical writers recorded things that were unknown in their days, and there's no way they could even have known what they were writing about. Want some examples?
“You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.” Morpheus, The Matrix
If there’s no hell, there’s no devil, and no sin, so why did our Lord Jesus Christ come to die on the cross shedding every drop of His Precious Blood for all humanity?? The pastor is teaching heresy!
Here's why: ■ "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) That's right: we either *perish* - dead forever - or we receive the gift of eternal life. How do the unsaved perish? In the "second death" (Rev 2:11, 20:6, 20:14 and 21:8) after resurrection for judgment. After that second death there is no more hope of life or resurrection. It's the end of you -you perish.
@@kennymichaelalanya7134 to keep the masses in line. In elementary we learned about the no see ums who were said to see everything we did and said. It's all indoctrination
False equivalency. Just because there is no such thing as "Hell" does not instantly mean Lucifer does not exist and does not mean Sin was not a problem which Jesus took care of on the Cross. Scripture says Jesus died for our Sin. It doesn't say Jesus died to keep us from a burning "Hell". Indeed, if "Hell" was so important, why wasn't Adam and Eve warned about it before eating the forbidden fruit? - Why weren't they told after eating that this was their punishment for having eaten? - Why wasn't Cain concerned about "Hell" when God confronted him on killing his brother? - Why wasn't Noah telling people if they drowned they'd go from swimming in water to burning in fire? - Why didn't God mention "Hell" to Abraham as a result of breaking the covenant when He cut the Abrahamic covenant with the man? - Why wasn't Hell mentioned in the Levitical Law to Moses and Aaron? Just because "Hell" is unscriptural does not mean other things aren't real. It just means you should actually study Scripture from its original languages and cultural meaning rather than reading flawed translations of English and thinking you have "the Word of God!" The Word is Jesus, not written down Scriptures. Study Scriptures. Scripture reveals a loving God that wishes none to perish. A God that gets what He wants. Grace and Peace to you.
TK JOHN: I thought that God never lied. Yet how could he deny the existence of "any" of his children? The Bible say's "I knew you when you were in your mothers womb." I thought God knew the amount of hair on every scalp of his children. Are you saying that God only knows the existence of "Christians"? That He, Himself created ALL of his children no matter where they were born, what denomination they are or what they believe, he still created them. So if God states "Depart from me, I never knew you", then why would he deny the creation of ANY of his children? Because of their "works"? Because they live on the other side of the world and were raised as Muslims or Buddhists or even Christians. How could he deny his creation of his children, no matter what faith they are? How is he supposed to judge them if he never even knew them? Is that what good fathers do? Deny the existence of their own kids?
kimberly johnson, when anyone quoting verses and reading the Bible out of CONTEXT, they miss what the Bible's really saying in perspectives.This creates wrong interpretations. It very easy to tell. Carlton Pearson does the same thing. I'll explain what i mean from your comments and questions.
kimberly johnson, in context Jesus was talking to those people who refuses to do the (Will of God), but we're doing wrong, using His name for their own selfish interest, like many today in some Christian religions.That's why he rejected them at the end. I knew you in your mother's womb. In context God was talking SPECIFICALLY to Jeremiah the Prophet NOT EVERYONE. Not everyone in the world are God's children or His sons and daughters. Jesus told some of the Jews, the religious leaders from his time, that their father is the devil. God is real like you and me, and you can know him, speak and walk with him just like in a normal relationship but it spiritual with different principles. It a spiritual journey or walk, it called faith. If you give your life to Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour and follow him and obey his teaching AS (HIS) DISCIPLE, he will lead you to God who will be your (FATHER). Not everyone have this relationship, even some/most in the churches. God extended His arm with love to (EVERYONE) to adopt them back through Jesus Christ but most people refuses to KNOW JESUS AND GOD TO HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. How can everyone be His children? At the end, Jesus will says, he never knew them. When you agree to follow Jesus, he will give you his Spirit which is his images and likeness, you will have new spiritual life, new identity, you become a new person, you belong to Him. Not everyone has this, they have a different nature to God, they don't want to know God. It has nothing to do with religions, denomination, but LIVING IN GOD KINGDOM WITH GOD'S RIGHTOUENESS (IN) JESUS CHRIST. (Relationship) In the Bible it refers to people as the wicked and the righteous or sons of God and children of devils. It very important to KNOW the distinction in this matter. It important to read or study each book of the Bible in context to have full and better understanding of every message.
TK JOHN: I believe that scripture should be interpreted within the context of the ENTIRE Bible. The message on every page is about salvation and the GOOD news, not the bad.
kimberly johnson. I get what you are saying but it's VERY IMPORTANT TO WARN people of the CONSEQUENCES for rejecting the GOOD NEWS.The Bible messages should always have balance interpretations as it is written in the Bible. Everything/good or bad is for our good, to learn from.
Soon as I heard him say, "I mastered the craft of it!" My ears shuned out quickly. I always look to the example of Jesus when I look at ministers, and it's about humility. Always humility.
We're in the last days. It's more important than ever to stay in the word of God and seek his face. Don't be deceived. Men will let you down, but God promised to never leave you or forsake you.
Remember these europeans educated us and brainwashed to not believe in the God of Israel. That white Pastor was his mentor to groom him to not believe in God at all. the longer we live among the heathens we will think like them. Revelation 21:12 King James Version (KJV) 12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:
All these guys that have traded in their hypocrisies and finally gone to the poop house heyyyy I don't really know what to say except Carlton, Eddy and all of you fakers /heart breakers I'm glad THE WORD of GOD Finally is/has exposed. You as you continue on your journey serving Satan / Lucifer. /diablo full time... It won't belong before you see your master
When people conspire to create a version of God that’s not according to the biblical scriptures, then they’re guilty of creating false idols and worshiping someone who is NOT God, but a false god.
@@dootdoot94xo44 because he's talking about creating false gods and worshipping a different God, and connecting some weird ass dots. There isn't person on earth living 100% by the scriptures in the Bible. His reaction, yours, and all the other religious thugs always get triggered and over react when someone challenge your belief system. Relax first grow up second, then debate & debunk. But being dramatic is a female's trait
What’s the difference between that and making God the way you want him to be or sound using NOTHING but the Bible as backup? That’s just a Grade A example of a Frankenstein’s monster😂
Before I came to the knowledge of God my purpose is not to go to hell. But one day as God change my life I came to the conclusion it’s not about heaven as a reward or hell as a punishment. It’s about staying true to the the Father who change me by living in Love peace kindness honesty forgiveness , etc etc People are so focus on street of gold and not burning forever that they don’t the true God. So yes I get what he is saying. I just want to know I live in Love and Peace every day of my life and if by some chance I don’t come back on my dying bed I want to know I live a life pleasing to the Almighty.
19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’ 25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’ 27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father’s house, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’ 29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’ 30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ 31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’ “
It is typical of people to go to this verse, and yet it is always taken out of context. This is not evidence that "hell" exists. It is, in fact, a parable, and should be seen as such. This man may be wrong about many things theological, but he's not wrong about hell, as many believe it to be. Hell, biblically speaking, is the grave, the tomb, this earth. Not a subteranean pit with hot magma and fire where the unrighteous go to burn eternally.
@@i10v3mu5icThat is the lie of the devil to deceive you that there is no hell, so it is too late before you realize it. But like the rich man said warn my brothers. I am warning you, Hell is very real, get right with Jesus today and always. Jesus Christ says in Matthew 25:41, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into EVERLASTING FIRE, prepared for the devil and his angels." In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: "And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." HELL IS REAL & FOREVER! All who enter hell - abandon all hope!
Be careful @@k0smon .... I don’t care if you call me a liar, but calling Jesus a liar is another matter altogether. Here are several scriptures wherein hell is mentioned: Matt 5: 29-30 Matt 10: 28 Matt 25: 46 Luke12: 23 Jude 7 Daniel 12: 2-3 Rev 21: 8 Before you reply, be courageous and actually read the aforementioned texts. If you have no belief, then you shouldn’t be commenting. This former pastor believes in Jesus. Unfortunately he’s chosen to cherry-pick scriptures and ignore the ones he finds hard to fathom. This is called deception.
@City Of Charles Dirt - Here a just a few verses about hell. I pray that God will open your eyes to the truth of sin, man's need of a Saviour and the reality of hell if we don't accept Him. www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/hell-bible-verses/&ved=2ahUKEwi70f3Vl83fAhUBVd8KHf00AisQFjAAegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw0hGw9sAWla-U7OuD7MNkgF
@@meemee5660 Hell and heaven do not exist, open YOUR eyes man. As technology advances and knowledge becomes more easily accessible, science has and is debunking the bibles "Truths". It has become very obvious that the bible is a book of mythology. You are being mentally held captive and are fearful of an imaginary sky daddy. Does it make sense to you that your God created this entire universe with billions of planets just to enable life on 1 planet and have a relationship with one species of primate? Does it make sense to you that Earth is made up of 70% water but only less than 3% of it is drinkable? Use your brain and think, conduct research outside of the bible, then your eyes will truly be open
@City Of Charles Dirt It appears that what's being addressed in that scripture is a dead man's presence, reputation and riches, in a living world after he's passed on. First, people who are alive know they will die, its inevitable, but what would a living person know about being dead? Claiming a dead man knows nothing is more a reflection of a living person's knowledge of what happens when one dies than anything. Also, this could be used as a way to warn the living. Something like "It's not too late. As long as you're alive, you can change yourself for the better." It would be too late once you're already dead. Second, where it says "they have no further reward" this refers to worldly possessions. Whether it's things or money, a dead man has no use for them, let alone a way to earn them. Once you're dead, it'll be too late to change or do good deeds in exchange for rewards or accolades. Third, the most telling part of this scripture is the section that says their names will be forgotten. Even if a dead man was a great man during his life, at some point his memory in the hearts of the living will begin to fade. Tl;dr With all that being said, this scripture is in no way referring to an afterlife but the world that continues on after death. Even the example of ashes to ashes and dust to dust is referring to a physical body in a living world, not the spiritual aspect that Christians believe exists. Rather than reading only verse 5, try reading verses 3 through 6 and I think you'll have a better understanding of what I mean. This particular scripture isn't giving insight into what happens or where one goes after death.
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14. Repent and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Being a born again christian is not of our mastering. It is a gift of God and then a process to yield to the Holy Spirit and let him subdue all of you to glorify him.
Carlton Pearson is a prime example of how the devil can deceive anybody if you not in tune with what God says and stick to what God says the devil can deceive you
I understand how you got to where you are Carlton - I struggled with the same issue. How could a benevolent, all merciful, all loving God send people to eternal damnation??? It was hypocritical. At first I thought: There can not be a hell - it makes no sense. I struggled & struggled & agonized for it; begging God to help me. And God did. You see truth is: Hell is real - it does exist. It has to because evil is real and does exist. But God does not send people there! People make a choice - from their free will - they reject God and in doing so commit themselves to hell!! Lucifer & others of the angelic realm turned against God; and they had already dwelt with Him! So in feeble human condition why is it difficult to understand people - mere humans - rejecting God? See! No more dilemma or confusion!! God Is GOD!!!! Eternity in hell is of our own making!!! ✨
Did you or anyone else make a choice to receive Adams gift of sin or was it passed down to them. WAKE UP and read your bible. 1 Timothy chap 4 v 9-11 For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of ALL men, specially of those that believe. 1 John 2 2And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. (PROPITIATION) means The act of appeasing the wrath and conciliating the favor of an offended person; the act of making propitious. PROPITIOUS means The act of appeasing the wrath and conciliating the favor of an offended person; Romans chap 6 v7 for he that is dead is freed from sin.
You Know The Scriptures? Where it's say's if thy Brother, Sins Against Thee Thou, Shall Punish Him With 39 Stripes No More Least You Look VILE In The Eyes Of Your Brother's, GOD Told The Children Of Israel Not To Over Punish Are Punisher Would Look EVIL or VILE In The Eye Of His Brothers, And So I Will Ask You A Question? Do You Think ?That GOD IS VILE ???
@@jesseandjan You Know The Scripture, That's Great Brother, So Do We Have The Same PASTOR? I Hope So It's Sounds like you do, So You Fellow The Good Shepherd, PASTOR JESUS, And CHURCH I GO TOO Is IN Heaven, The name is in The Scriptures it's Called The General Assembly Of The Firstborn Born In Heaven, it's Tells us in the book of Hebrews For The Kingdom of God is Within You !(The Corporate Body Church) Age is OVER! Jesus Has Departed From The "Buildings" Of The" Temple",( The Churches), Satan Has Infiltrated The Churches , His Ministers Have Crept in Unaware,and Satan Ministers have binded the Strong Man and Have Spoiled The House,Every House Divided Against it's Self Can Not Stand and Will Come To Desolation , Like Judas Iscariot has risen from the Bottomless Pit The Son of Perdition , Jesus Called Judas Iscariot, The (Son Of Perdition) in the Gospel According John, Judas means Praise and Iscariot means Buildings, So The (Praised Buildings)The Churches( Judas Iscariot) Betrays For MONEY Judas is The Spirit Of The Antichrist, as Satan Entered into Him Judas Iscariot means (Praised Buildings) just it's says Certain Men would Creep into the Church Ungodly Men of Prediction , who would be Greedy For Filthy Lucre MONEY, JUDAS HAS Been RISEN From The Bottomless Pit, Let His Days Be Few, And Let Another Take His Bishopship,
@@davidherrera2054 Did the children being not yet born or Pharaoh have a choice? NO ROMANS 9 K.J.B 11(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) 12It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. 13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. 14What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. 15For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. 16So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. 17For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. 18Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. 19Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? 20Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? 21Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
@@davidherrera2054 They never did read the scripture below or study what it was saying when I was going to church. They were too busy telling people how they would be burned up in a hell fire, if they didn't do what the preacher said to do. Didn't learn it until after I retired. WEBSTER SAYS! abounded means To be in great plenty; abound means to be very prevalent; to be plentiful. Prevalent means Gaining advantage or superiority; having superior force, influence, or efficacy; prevailing; predominant; successful; victorious. NOW HOW IN THE WORLD COULD CHRIST GRACE BE MORE PREVAILING, SUCCESSFUL AND VICTORIOUS IF IT DID NOT TAKE IN ALL CREATION AS DID THE SIN OF ADAM. ANIMALS AND ALL. Romans Chp 5 K.J.V 18Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. 19For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. 20Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: 21That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans Chp 5 GOD'S WORD® Translation 18Therefore, everyone was condemned through one failure, and everyone received God's life-giving approval through one verdict. 19Clearly, through one person's disobedience humanity became sinful, and through one person's obedience humanity will receive God's approval. 20Laws were added to increase the failure. But where sin increased, God's kindness increased even more. 21As sin ruled by bringing death, God's kindness would rule by bringing us his approval. This results in our living forever because of Jesus Christ our Lord.
It's official, we, who are in the northern hemisphere are officially in the biblical Kingdom of Heaven. Last night (March 19) I went to sleep in Hell and awoke in Heaven (March 20). Crawling out of the grave (winter) is nothing more than getting out of bed into spring.
RedCarpet NBA : Thats right, I guess he thought his way was the best way..... Trust in the LORD with all they heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct your path.(Proverbs 3:5-6).
Thought I was the only person that heard him say that he was the one that came up with that conclusion.... its an extreme case of Jeremiah 17:9. the Word tells us to keep ourselves in check and in tune with the His Word, and the Holy Spirit in order to keep from falling.
Fear, guilt, and ignorance are the pillars of religion. He is breaking open the trade secret. Too much money at stake for the other Preachers...so now they come against him!
What you say is so true preachers cherry pick scriptures out of the bible. Find me one that can answer the question below. Please read below what they don't say or preach. Question, who wrote the first 5 books of the Bible? Answer Moses did. Well In Exodus 20:13 Moses said God told him to give the comment, Thou shalt not kill. Then you turn a page to Exodus 21: and it says verse 15 And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death. 17 And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. QUESTION DID GOD CHANGE HIS MIND OR DID MOSES GET IT WRONG?
@@jesseandjan The is no Moses in actual ancient documents. Jewish leaders or the 12 century in Europe picked Moses Maimonides to codify the Jewish Talmud. 1235-1204.
@@jesseandjan Be the great pretender. Remember, it is all promoted as a "belief"... since you agreed with religious authorities you cannot sue for fraud or unjust enrichment. The Bible has lessons but no dates.
@@jesseandjan The Catholic Church! Next question. All bow to the Pope in Rome! All babtismal certificates are turned over the the Catholic Church Archdiocese. All presidents and world leaders are under the ecclesiastical power of Rome no matter what the denomination is called. Unam Sanctum! 606 Anno domini. By Pope Boniface. Know the facts. All from Ancient Egyptians Diety Osiris, Isis, and Hourus. Preserved by the Vatican in Rome. Papal authority is still supreme.
Oh boy... Vatican church in Rome were all responsible for translating our Bibles we have today. That should tell you something because the Vatican church in Rome is the synagogue as satan. They are using the Bible as a manipulative tool to get people to obey in society for the new world order agenda. If you guys would start doing your research you would see that the philosophy of hell and Heaven stem from pagan origins. Greek mythology. Dontes inferno. Go look at the book called pagan christianity. People are so deceived. The evil satanic globalists are using the spirit of fear to create a place that God did not create. And since we are made in the images of God, we are also creators. But these evil doers that are trying to rule the world I had the power to create like any of us do. But they choose to defy and rebell against God and to create a place so illusionary that it feels real to everybody. And the way that most people come to know Jesus today is through the fear of hell. That turn or burn theology. This is the most satanic thing ever in the church right now. And people better repent. Change your minds on it. By the way the word sin literally means missing the mark. So when people say die in your sins, it doesn't make sense at all. People going to die in missing their mark? Nobody's going to be perfect when they pass from this world. But I'll tell you this Jesus was preaching everlasting life and he was teaching that this everlasting life is in us in our bodies right now on this earth. it's also funny that the Bible says a lot of people won't reach everlasting life. But it never was saying that God was going to let people go to hell. And if you guys believe in the theology of hell, how come some people claim to go to hell and then come back and are saved from hell. How come some people claim that Jesus save them from hell and give him a second chance but other people weren't given the same chance.? That's favoritism. That means others weren't worthy of it but other people were. Other people were given chances while other people didn't get that chance. People better start questioning everything because almost everything that we've been taught to believe is a pure lie. This whole world is an illusion and everybody's walking around like zombies. Pull your head out of religion and cling to the father who lives inside you. God lives within you and the kingdom of God is within you. This is what Christ preached. But nobody is talking on this. And said everybody preaches fear-based hellfire churchianity. Too bad it's from pagan origins
The Bible just like every other holy book, religion and personal God is the biggest Lie ever told. That is why the Bible has zero concrete evidence which equals zero credibility. Think about it. 🤔
Hell is as real as heaven. I died and went their .I have changed my wicket ways since being brought back .to this day I still hear the screams ,yells ,smell the burning flesh ,the laughter of the demons as they burn the sinners .God did not tell him there is no hell, the devil did that for sure .after more sinners .
Awesome. Since there’s no hell, then that means there’s no devil. Since there’s no devil then that means there’s no sin. As a matter of fact, since MEN decided to write a book about God, then that means ALL the prophecies were fulfilled coincidentally. WOW!!! My heart cries for the souls he has lulled to hell just because he got bored. SO SAD 😞
@Marlon McDonald man my notifications does not work well. I guess I spit too much truth lol. But anyway, why would you ask a shrink that??? That educated fool has no more answers than your own heart. Also there is no need to be confused but settling for the easiest choice, the bible, is not the answer either. I hope you find peace because I have. And I use to be a devout christian, sort of lol.
@Marlon McDonald Matthew 27 Judas returns money to chief priests and hangs himself over grief. Acts 1 Judas does not return money and buys a field with it but dies after tripping on a rock falling and his intestines burst out.
When you turn from what you knew about God and you new the truth you then have rejected God's salvation then Hell will be your home it's sad because you can't go to heaven like this.
Good point! Heaven is not a destination for humans in general. (Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. (cf Matthew 5:5).
@@miniprepper8284 : Jesus was SENT by God to pay off Adam's sin's penalty (Galatians 4:4). Read Genesis 3:15 where God promises to SEND a redeemer to restore what Adam had lost. What had Adam lost? The ability for humans to live FOREVER ON EARTH. (John 3:16) “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.
After hearing you, I came to the conclusion that you never knew Jesus Christ, and you don’t have the Holy Spirit. I pray that you will come to know Him in Jesus name Amen!!
Exactly, the Holy Spirit gives you wisdom❤❤❤ Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!! Netflix also made a movie out of this man's story. Of course they would, in the movie this man also claimed that it's fine to be a homosexual and such "since Jesus died for all, we're all automatically saved even those who sin willfully". God loves all but not our sins ❤❤❤❤❤
And not one of you know Jesus cause he never existed show me any grave site of anyone in the bible and I will pay all your bills for the rest of my life believing in white man's lies a Damn snake talking to a woman named eve really. Your bible is inside of you not in a book
Jesus mentions hell in the gospels way more than He mentions heaven... He warns so many about hell, the rich, the unbelievers, the ones who think or thought they were saved, ext.... In the book of Peter, he says, "that before Jesus ascended he descended into hell to take the keys of hell (victory) and to set the captives free.." There is definitely a hell, if it wasn't we can live however we want and sin all day everyday, like having a license to sin.. Apostle Paul says, "shall we continue in sin so that grace my abide, Certainty Not!!!" Jesus will turn away alot of people, on that great day and send them to hell!
Ant////// That is a biblical fallacy . Look it up. There is definitely a hell because you have been there? Or did you read about it in a book? Better watch that sinning stuff as there is justice in the afterlife, but it is not like the bible says it is.
"There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to destruction."
-The Holy Bible
The word bible means 2 bulls. What does Bi means, 2.
@@larrybillups5689 nice one, but the Bible is far from bull. Read it first if you haven't already and you will see that.
@@grantstidham9599 I read fairytales in the 1st grade. I'm to grown for that. It funny that the only time your God is going to save u, is when u die. Come out of fairytale land.
Many people believed that really bad people go to hell when they die and that they’re tormented there forever.
@@grantstidham9599 That’s a common viewpoint. Let me ask you, have you experienced some bad things in your life?Devil is God’s worst enemy. If God sends people to a fiery hell to be tormented by the Devil, wouldn’t that imply a level of cooperation between God and the Devil?
Him saying "I mastered the craft and I knew what they wanted to hear" was enough for me. Beware of wolves that come in sheep clothing
beware of wolves
A minute in I seen the narcissist in him 🤦🏻♀️.
People who left were not bitter people, they were people with discernment
I once read a book with a title something like "18 Minutes in Hell" and it felt like PTSD afterward. Ran outside to see the deep blue sky. Later I was talking to the neighbor who happened to say "I don't think there's really a hell". So I mentioned this book and how horrifying it was. After I felt God say "I love you". He really does not want people to go there but it's real
The Devil did not want you to know
The Bitter Truth
Beloved of GOD,
If You Are Thirsty for The Undiluted
Word Of GOD
Check out This Anointed platform
Apostle Simon Gichinga ETV
No it’s not actually it’s just none of them know what they’re ready and misconstrue all it’s scriptures….
It’s simple if you read 1 Timothy 2:3,4
Gods will is for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth…
Does God get what he wills?
Every knee will bow every tongue confess Jesus Christ is lord… 🤔
The Bible teaches that we can’t do that but by the Holy Spirit….
Every knee… Christians today make god a weak god who loses 8/10 souls daily to the devil…
They have no clue what they’re reading.
Christians today limit the redemption of Christ on the cross… HE DIED FOR ALL THE SINS OF THE WORLD… Why would he do that if he knew 8/10 were going to Hell… 🤦♂️
@@Ponysoldier12 The Bible also says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
- implying the necessity of a choice to serve him
We also get the verses:
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God” (I Cor. 6:9-10)
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matthew 7:14)
And for the sake of saving space check out - Matthew 25:31-46
He died for the sins of the world yes, he died to be an acceptable sacrifice for our sins but, you must choose to serve him and accept him as a living sacrifice in order to be saved. He wants us all to be saved but, unfortunately most will chose not to follow Him.
Also even the demons confess Jesus is Lord and must bow at His name but, that does not mean they serve him. Same goes for all people, you must serve Him to be saved. Regardless all will confess Him as Lord whether it be now or upon judgement.
Hope this helps
Jesus said to him: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me”
John 14:6
You speak the language of slaves...
John 14:6
Jesus also said we are allready dead in the sinfull body of the flesh but saved after in the spirit. Jesus saved us for nothing but 100% Salvation. Jesus is the only one who knows who is thinking of creator and that is more than we might think. Grace means alot.
So just who will that take in?
Just what do you have to do to be saved?
Romans 10: v9) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
And just how many will do that?
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2: 10
Christian faith is well meaning, most of it and most of them, however, they believe several false premises based on a book written thousands of years ago for a different culture in at least three different languages.
It's been translated badly from the originals and the intent and meaning inadvertently and advertently, meaningfully and indirectly changed by culture, language, and not so well meaning heads of the church and well meaning but un-knowning translators.
It was written by men and there are many contradictions. Used to believe in the christian ideas but it's clear it's not God that they usually profess about and confound others with. If something doesn't make sense with itself, if something seems like it is NOT God, it's NOT God.
God made Adam with Even inside him and in his image, therefore God has both male and female aspects. In addition, the Bible doesn't tell all---God had to make other Adams and Eves after the first otherwise we're a race born from incest and we’re still incestors or incesting. Shhh. We’re not.
In addition, there were whole books of the Bible that some Pope decreed as not part of the Bible and took away. In those books, among other things, was the belief of reincarnation. Most Christians before that (and some after that) believed in reincarnation.
Not eating meat on Fridays was because…the fishing industry needed a boost. That had nothing to do with God.
There are also those in the Christian/Catholic faith that are NOT well meaning. Well, I guess. Was it well meaning to try to force Christianity on natives who believed otherwise? I guess it was to save their souls, which was meaningless. Was it Christianity to cause wars against the Mid Easterners who held the “Holy Land” (Christians lost that war BTW)? Was it Christianity to allow the Children’s Crusades, which led to hundreds of children and teenagers being sold into slavery and those that weren’t died?
Some time ago, the Pope felt bad about all the artefacts that the Catholics stole from the Jews after KILLING them (your weapons are what now?) and decided to open up the vaults of the Vatican. He declared that he wanted to give back HALF of what was stolen by murder. How nice of him?
God is not a human being. He does not punish, he does not kill, he does not hate, he does not seek revenge, he does not make anyone suffer, he does not allow anything near a hell to exist or a demonic devil of evil to exist. God loves and his actions follow suit in that. He/she is not like us when we are out of the spirit and let’s face it, most of us are out of the spirit in our actions most of the time. The Bible is wrong on many counts and accounts. Yet at times it is correct. It cannot be the last word on God and spirituality. It was made by well meaning people (Most of them) to keep order in a confusing, murderous world of people gone wild. And it worked…until it was then used to create more strife, more rivals groups, and more division.
There are only two categories of people: those in the spirit and acting as such and the other category of those who are NOT in the spirit and acting as such.
Kirk Cameron and his end of the world movies are science fiction supernatural wrongness in their filthy “I’m right and you’re wrong and will die for it and suffer in hell for eternity” nonsense. Truth is: THEY are wrong and that will NEVER happen that way at all and certainly we are nowhere near an event or events like that. Or Damien the OMEN.
Anyway, NO ONE has to fear death. Betty White has a good perspective BUT even if someone didn't live a full life like she did or made more mistakes than she did, NO ONE has to fear death.
I know it's a very human thing to do but experts say that being born into this world is a more traumatic event than death and leaving this world. I know you said that no one knows for sure what happens to us when we die but that's not accurate. Many do know. For me, personally, it's beyond faith now. I have so much evidence of an after life and of a God (by the way God has male/female aspects of him/herself---I don't fully believe in the Bible as a last word but think about this: God took EVE OUT OF ADAM so Adam was he/she, too before that and if God made US in his image, then He/She is like that, too).
Even people who have made the wrong choices and been "bad" have a chance at redemption, and yes even Hitler. God loves and forgives EVERYONE (she/he does not play favorites). It's hard for us as humans who are not God to understand that.
Now, if there are a small percentage of human beings who are the dark ones (and only by their choice), they have turned their backs on God BUT here and there they have a chance to change their minds (a few that are both dark/light humans DO but most dark ones do not) and if they do not, even they will be brought somehow into God's light (of this I'm a bit unsure as to how).
A loving God would not do some of the things written down about him. These things were written for another time and another place and another culture to keep law and order which in the far past, most did not have, in fact at one point very few individuals had and chaos almost ruled so well meaning men and some women wrote down laws and rules to follow to keep man and woman kind from exterminating themselves.
Some of these may have come from God (of which ones I'm unsure). I am sure about this: God would not allow a devil like we think of as the devil (there IS an angel in charge of the Dark Ones to make sure they do NOT do much damage).
God would not allow eternal damnation and suffering so I'm sorry horror fans there is NO hell. None. There are no demons. Only beliefs can make your own spirit create your own hell and your own demons. NO ONE is going to a fire pit for eternity to suffer forever: God, a loving God (and she/he is) would never allow that or let that exist.
GOD LOVES. NO ONE has to fear death of any kind because death is just a transition. No one is lost, no one is gone, no one vanishes forever. I think even people who don't believe in God and an afterlife deep down know this somewhere inside them. And these things are not just my opinion, my belief, my whatever. These things I have written here ARE FACT.
Of course with free will, your beliefs may vary but I'm sorry about that but even that's okay, you are still, against all human media and human nature, SAFE FOREVER. No one has to worry or fear death ever. And even if you do, when it happens and you transition to the other side, you'll be as perfect as you were when you were created.
Chances are you've been through a life and death before (some have been through it a lot----the church once believed in reincarnation until some pope in Venice decided that he wanted to take holy parts of the "holy" Bible out and censored it.
Don't rely on a billion year old book or books to know what your spirit inside, some of us deep inside, already knows: God is a loving God, God does not judge or punish or allow evil, God does not go against anyone's free will, and God has provided for an afterlife that is nothing like us sitting on clouds doing nothing but sleeping, resting, and playing harps.
Heaven is nothing like we think: it is the most excellent energy, the most wonderful of multiverses and you will have lots to do (that you WANT and LOVE to do) and the energy to do it.
He says that he just couldn’t “understand” the concept on hell, yet the Bible says “lean not on your understanding but trust in the Lord and he will make your path straight.” This is why believers must read the Bible for themselves. You can’t just go to church and trust someone else to teach you everything you learn about God’s word. If you don’t, it’s easy to be lead astray.
Well understand this. The original word to translate hell is sheol. Study that Hebrew word. The Greek word used to translate sheol was hades. Study that word. "Lean not unto your own understanding." You said that so now open your mind, heart and soul and go study. The Bible was manipulated by man for man. God is real. There is a God and after you study, you can worship in spirit and in TRUTH.
That’s why we all must be filled with the Holy Ghost and he will lead us into all TRUTH. He will teach us. They don’t believe in the filling of the Holy Ghost.
I wonder who and what declared the Bible to be Gods word, Gods word is silence, because there are no words .
@@davidcrosby2672 Thou fool!
I was going to write a long thoughtful reply to your insult, however your Bible says cast not your pearls to the swine.
That is why you have to read and study the Bible for yourself so that you know when someone is preaching False Doctrine.
@@s.o.y.w.yyahawadahyasharah4043 where did satan and the other rebellious angels go then?
@@cheds-uy7wj the angles don't rebel
Wake up, your life has purpose, no matter what you do who you are we all are imperfect. At the end end of your life you move on to a higher form of spiritual being as well as being with god.
I did read the Bible for myself, that's when I realized it was not the inerrant word of God. In the very first book god admits to making a mistake.
Gotta read more than the Bible to know the truth 🤦🏾♂️
He was too busy "mastering the craft" rather than reading and accepting God's Word.
Lexo//// There is no God's Word". As bible scholar Ehrman says, it is a book filled with contradiction, discrepancy and error.
@@k0smon You're not going to get very far listening to Bart. Why weren't you able to find the "contradictions" on your own?
What wrong the craft ...we rule for GOD.
When anyone is obedient to a healthy and virtues command of GOD...You rule in his stead.
@k0smon well, Jesus Christ own words is in the Bible too but not all. The Bible has been misinterpreted by us for many years. It has been rewritten more than twice throughout the years. There's a ton of different versions of the Bible. People has taken things out and put what they want instead of keeping the right one which is not on earth anymore. Choosing and picking is what happened with the Bible
This is what happens when your church is not Biblically based..its not all about you pastor.
No burning
Tell that to Osteen and Duplantis.
Yah said, “See to it no man deceive you.”
2 Corinthians 11:3-5
Open menu
Christian Standard Bible
Open menu
3 But I fear that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your minds may be seduced from a sincere and pure[a] devotion to Christ. 4 For if a person comes and preaches another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or you receive a different spirit, which you had not received, or a different gospel, which you had not accepted, you put up with it splendidly!
5 Now I consider myself in no way inferior to those “super-apostles.”
Titus 1:16
“They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.”
King James Version (KJV)
2 Timothy 4:3
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;”
He's being deceived by Satan, and he's deceiving many others.
@Jonny12 John no no no you don't want to insult them. It was written by men long after Jesus died who felt they were divinely inspired.
@@bigdaddygru he hasn't been deceived by a man-made deity and he is only speaking his truth, something evangelicals seem to not be able to do
@@tanawilliams7498 He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
You're deceived as well. God Bless you.
I really loved Carlton Pearson deeply, his fervency in teaching, preaching, singing and inspiring young and upcoming ministers. And I was so honored the day I got a chance to meet him and shake his hands while I was in ministry training in Oklahoma. But at the end of the day, even Paul said "Follow me, AS I follow Christ" 1 Corinthians 11:1. Paul himself even put a stipulation on Himself to his followers. The implication being, if he ever got to a point that he no longer followed Christ and began following some strange doctrines then don't follow, BUT keep following Christ.
This is powerful. Thanks
He was following the cash
Bingo. And that is why so many fail. Looking to man instead of realizing they are "christians" which means you follow the example of CHRIST and what HE did and followed.
I know he'll exist
Wow, I understood that in my soul!
One who spends time in their bible know to be aware of these feel good preachers
End time
The told us folks will loose faith ... The end time
How does faith get "loose". I bet you mean "lose". If a person lost their "faith"; it doesn't mean they lost forgiveness but for some reason lost their confidence in God. The fault being their own.
@Ted miles
One who spends time in their Bible should know not to be too judgmental. People aren't perfect and need prayer not accusation.
Christ died for all. Self judgment is for them as well as you.
@@jeffreyjules8423 "the told us folks would loose faith" doesn't make any sense.
"..I came up with the conclusion, we probably got it all wrong.....I couldn't reconcile in MY mind.." - nuff said
Yeah, as tho his mind is greater than God's🧠
He was a Bible scholar . Once you have done half of the studying he has maybe we would listen to you.
Carlton reveals the fatal miscalculation that led to his downfall. He thought he could pull it off. He actually believed that he could change 2,000 years of Christian theology without any consequences. When he realized that he was wrong he went into face-saving mode and he's been in it ever since. Can you say "DELUSIONAL"?
There is a lot of that going on.
I always perceived him as egotistical, a showman of sorts. Quite off-putting.
Do you not have it in your heart to believe what you want to believe and to let others believe what they want to believe? Oh sorry I forgot you were an Evangelical
Have you ever heard that the Word of GOD doesn’t change???
Believe what you want, but only GOD’s Word is true.
Romans 3:3-4 KJVS
[3] For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? [4] God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
@@tanawilliams7498 It isn't simply about "what you want to believe". If you call yourself a Christian and are *teaching non-Christian concepts to people*, then you are harming those people. Deceiving them.
Better to say "I have made up my own god and my own religion. Wanna join?".
Most people would laugh, as they should.
Teaching something opposed to what you *call it* is not a "live and let live" issue. It is deception. And, spiritual deception is a truly evil thing.
There Is A Way That Seems Right To A Man BUT THE END IS DESTRUCTION
Marsha Ware ...leads into death is the King James.
If you call God a liar for what he said of his son then you and the devil is on the same path.
Vicky Williams WHAT PATH ARE YOU ON????
“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teach[ings] to suit their own passions” 2 Timothy 4:3
Inclusion fits the narrative of 2.Tim 4:3-4...it is NOT biblically sound doctrine
If I could like this twice
I agree with you sister 1000%
there is a hell, the good news is you don't have to go there, if you call on Jesus and ask him to save you, he will
God bless you. There is no greater love than that of witnessing the gospel of Jesus so people may be saved by the sacrifice of Jesus who atoned for our sins, saved from eternal punishment. Go out into the world and spread the good news!
Yes and Amen 🙏🏾
His words reminded me of what Jesus said about false teachers, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons vin your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Powerful truth!
You have a built in Internal Guidance System, what some call Conscience, or Holy Spirit. Where people get confused is they mistake their egos for the voice of the guides. The ego will steer you wrong. The Still and Quiet inner voice will let you know when things are false. But don't mistake your cultural biases and traditions for being the one true voice. (Just a hint, If a leader 's or other popular figure's words are making you feel good about your beliefs, be suspicious. They are appealing to your Ego.)
The truth hurts
@@markmanenator yes indeed. Always searching and studying the truth is a 100% Must.
@@markmanenator Good insight there, but I disagree with the Conscience being mistaken for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is holy and a part of the Trinity.
He said correctly in the interview "the bible doesn't sound like the god he knows". Because the god he knows is the god of this world, not the creator. He never knew the true living God. The holy bible is the creator's book.
08// There is only one God.
@Chris C ///// You will never see God because He has no form that you can see.
@Chris C ///// That "image" could very well be the mental image he created for mankind. Nothing is impossible to God. First, we must have a working description and meaning of the word "God", so there can be no arguing on that point.
@Chris C /// It would only contradict your own idea of what the bible means. "He" because it is a fluke of the English language. Perhaps you would be happier with referring to God as "He/She/It". What I see as impossible here is your clear thinking.
@Chris C Blessed are those who have not seen, but still believe.
“Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons” - 1 Tim 4:1
Whew we. That true statement to the bone. God is all. He created life, takes life. Satan is powerless to Christ. Mr. Pearson looks deceived. Old in the face. Sad he has allowed Satan to still his soul. I hope he turns back before it's too late
How long have we been in the last times??? Geesh do christians have any sense of time???
@@dayaaron87 2 Peter 3:3-9
New International Version
3 Above all, you must understand that in the last days(A) scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.(B) 4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised?(C) Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”(D) 5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word(E) the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water.(F) 6 By these waters also the world of that time(G) was deluged and destroyed.(H) 7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire,(I) being kept for the day of judgment(J) and destruction of the ungodly.
8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.(K) 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise,(L) as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient(M) with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.(N)
@@servantofjesuschrist839 as usual, christians contradict themselves with their own bible. Firstly, time is a constant and time disprove the bible more than anything.
Secondly, your twisted book talks of a day being 1,000 years and 1,000 years being a day but yet your phony god will judge people on what they did in way less than a finite day, by his definitions of a day, and their consequences last for infinity. How is that patience and how does that makes any sense???
This guy didn't like the idea of hell, so he decided it must not exist. But truth is not defined as that which is pleasing to the ear.
No. He’s on the something
Hell is made up from Greek mythology! Know the fear factor it includes. Jesus is a Myth too. Every storyline has a main character.
@@keithburch8997 There is historical evidence that Jesus Christ walked this earth in early A.D. For example, the secular historian Josephus wrote about the man Christ Jesus. So no, Jesus is not a myth. Hell is not made up from Greek mythology, although the Greeks may have come up with their own version of it. The concept of hell is clearly depicted in the Bible. I do agree that Jesus is the main character, but by his grace we are also part of the story. God the Father sent his son Jesus into the world to save sinners, among whom are you and I. By putting our faith in Jesus, we can be forgiven of our sins and spend eternity in Heaven, rather than Hell (John 3:16).
I know you consider all this a myth now, but I hope one day you will come to believe in this life-saving Truth.
@@briancannon4607 Wrong. Josephus who. What year, What calendar, that is a claim by Preachers only. ...Not a document verified by history or science. Not language or Jewish script in AD 0-33
If there is no hell then there is no sin & if no sin then Jesus died in vain.
Michael f No so. (And not that I fully agree with him...
Umm... Folks, what you are assuming is not actually what his message is. His message, in short, is that the work of the cross is a completed work. That when Jesus said it is finished, it really was - sins are washed away. Hes saying that if they are washed away, then there is no penalty (hell) because Jesus paid the debt in full. Its probably best to get a full understanding before agreeing or disagreeing so that you know fully what you agree or disagree with.
roycey32 uh no he is in error . From what I understand according to his doctrine you don't even have to believe in Jesus to be saved which totally goes against scripture. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Mf///// No hell, no sin, no Jesus. Just God.
CUH//// He is actually quite truthful. The bible has the spirit of error.
Carlton does not believe in hell...He is wrong. What he is teaching is contradictory to the Word of God. The Bible is God's Word. Yes it was written by man, but it was inspired by God. If you teach a half truth, it becomes a whole lie. To tell people that hell does not exist is damnation to himself. I hope he comes back to the Truth as well as those who follow him
There is coming a day when they will no longer endure sound doctrine...
Coming a day? You blind on purpose or is it a natural disposition due to naivety in Christ?
Yes! And it’s happening right now!
This is called … “doctrines of demons” … !!
2nd TIMOTHY 4:3-5
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
Every time the devil reminds me of my past, I remind him of his future.
That's what Carman always used to say.
What language does he speak?
@@debbiegrubb6235 You do know that carma/karma is the devil.
@@stephencummins7589 EVERY LANGUAGE.
This is a very sad story of a man who had a powerful calling on his life, he came from a family of 4/5 generations of preachers. He started off his ministry with a zeal for God but pride got in the way and he came under deception. He was a gifted and talented individual but sadly the devil trapped him in a web of lies and deception. This is why we as ordinary believers have to be on guard - its not the theological qualifications, the charisma, the accolades, the titles and status which preachers have that matters, it is their heart which matters most. Carlton Pearson came to Durban, South Africa (my home country) in 1998 to hold the Azusa Conference. He said 'I have come here to meet with the King of the Zulus' - such arrogance! We were shocked. Just because you're American, does not give you a right to visit a country and then demand to see the president, prime minister or any other leader. Well, a few years later we heard about the collapse of his church and ministry. Very, very sad indeed!
1 Timothy 4:10
New International Version
10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.
Makes ng big money off gullible followers.
@@keithburch8997 are you saying he's more compassionate than God?
I wonder if had some inner secrets he was battling with 🤔
@@garyprater8139 He found out Bible stories are pretended history. The more myth and miracle, the stronger the faith and belief.
"I mastered the craft. I knew what to say over the pulpit. I knew what words they needed to hear." I, I, I. It doesn't sound like the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Ms..... That is who got him out of there. He was ready for a higher form of Christianity.
You're right, that is who got him out of there.
"A higher form of Christianity?" Now, we need a "higher form" of Christianity? So, what we have is the "lower" form? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Cross is offensive because it demands a life-change. It confronts the sinner, bringing the sinner face to face with his sinful nature, which many do not want to face.
RedCarpet NBA I have heard gospel singers say the same thing; they do know what to do and how to do it and when to do it and folks will ALWAYS get in their emotions and react to it; the person pulling everybody else's strings already know this is the work of the flesh their own apparently this is why Carlton was bored!
Like Eve in the garden, "He began to listen to that which was stirring inside him." He should have rebuked those thoughts instead of listening and yielding to them. "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" 2 Cor. 10:5
It's clear that he's battling a sin he doesn't want to give up, so for the sake of comfort he's somehow convinced himself there's no Hell for the consequences for his actions
Hell is made up by the Catholic Church. Others follow suit. It comes from the Greek Hades. A river of fire underground. The grave is only 6 to 7 ft deep in most states
That's very sad because, if there is no hell, for which there is, then the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection would have not been needed but oh how we need Christ for the forgiveness of our sins, so that we may enter into heaven having escaped a very real hell. Jesus is Lord!
TheCarolinaMan1 Videos umm... But Thats not actually what his message is. His message, in short, is that the work of the cross is a completed work. That when Jesus said it is finished, it really was - sins are washed away. Hes saying that if they are washed away, then there is no penalty (hell) because Jesus paid the debt in full. Its probably best to get a full understanding before agreeing or disagreeing so that you know fully what you agree or disagree with.
A lot of Jesus' parables had weeping and gnashing of teeth which speak of hell. If he doesn't believe people will go to hell then that is deception. What is judgement for then? Why separate sheep from goats? He should read that parable with the rich man and poor man Lazarus. If you don't stay in the Holy Spirit of Truth and the Word of God then deception is inevitable. You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. That's why a bunch of Christians are delusional because the reality of hell is not being preached.
CMan//// You have been there? Or you just read about it in a book? God does not need any of that stuff, He is all powerful. Why did he need a son?
Walt///// Believe everything you read? There is justice in the afterlife, but it is NOT as the bible describes. He does know the truth, that is why he is free.
You have questions, God has answers.
Talk to Him
IT'S NOT a story, IT'S the TRUTH.
When you live life like there is no hell trust and believe you will live life like there is no God.
This man is serving a god in his own image,likeness and understanding.
This is nothing but the truth. 👏 So sad. No wonder God tells us in His word to "pray without ceasing". I didn't realize the importance of it until this past year.
See that's how you know Man created God God didn't create man because why would he be in our image the white men believe God looks like him black people believe God look like them the real Creator will never look like men
You said the Truth clearly!
@@MegaDede25 Well both you and the OP are wrong. There are literally billions of people who who do not believe in hell, and they live more godly than most Christians do. Even atheists. Quit being delusional and isolated and limited on purpose in your research. You will always have false conclusions.
The bible is no more "exclusively" the truth to spirituality, than boxing is "exclusively" how to fight. There are other ways. Some are even better, depending on what benefits you intend to draw.
Wrong because you serve a much much much mightier God one who saves everyone
This is why we all have to know the the bible for ourselves. Know what Jesus said about Hell, not what we all want to accept about it.
This is why we all have to know "The Prisoner of Azkaban" for ourselves. To know what Harry Potter said about Voldemort.
Baz////// Jesus did not say anything about hell, whoever wrote the bible said it.
Leo, now is that any way to talk? Besides, I cannot go to a place that does not exist.. Crawl back in your hole for the rest of the day.
k0smon I love u man lol very funny Christianity is a joke
There is no hell
The sad thing is many saints didn't recognize this man's error until he formally denounced in plain speech the basic tenets of the Bible. We should be familiar enough with the word and character of God to recognize wolves without needing them to announce to us they are wolves. Study, saints! Study!
Amen and AMEN!
SBS///// It you were truly involved with the character of God, why would you believe in a sadistic God who will torture you forever? Why would you believe that a perfect God would have the short-comings of men's emotions, jealousy, hatred and wrath. God is love. Ever heard of that? All the rest is biblical fiction!
@@k0smon delusional ideas you have pulled out of the air or the lower area of your own bod.
@@k0smon I want to ask an honest question: Do you believe the Bible is truth or fiction? I'm just wondering where you got the idea that God is love?
Another question: Do you believe the human judge who sends a criminal to jail for life without parole is sadistic?
Last, where do you believe humanity came from? Popped out of absolute nothingness, fully developed? Or randomly occurred due to a cosmic explosion? Evolved from apes?Dropped off on earth by aliens? What?
I'm just wondering what your worldview is. I'm hoping it's not simply the default of "I'm right, you're wrong."
I'm really interested.
Best comment I’ve seen all day
He got it right! God is good! All the time!
I heard Carlton preach and sing at a local church in the early 80's. He was a dynamic preacher and singer but, I remember that some of the stories he told in his sermon didn't sit right with me, like maybe they were not genuine. I really think it is a shame that his life went this way and I know he must have been miserable feeling like a fraud. When a person believes the Bible is not the inspired word of God, then they lose all sense of the true character of God. It allows them to create a god in their own image and there is usually some sin that they are enslaved to. God is love, but He is also Holy and just. He gave mankind freewill to either choose Him or reject Him both now and for eternity. Hell was not created for humanity and God does not send people there, they choose separation from God. Where God is not is very bad-no love, joy, peace, and demonic beings are free to torment them. The blood of Jesus forgives all sins, and we just need to turn to Him and ask forgiveness.
God bless you for being bold, speaking the truth in love!
Yes, God's truth will outlive all the preacher's who preach lies.
I was a part of a church years ago, where the preacher told us that if he ever started preaching anything but God's Word he would rather everyone walk out of the church than sit and listen to him.
That's the kind of preacher who walks in humility. The kind of preacher who revere's God, not man.
Amen 🙏🏾
FYI there are alot of preachers that have come to the same conclusion that hell does not exist but they are afraid to open up and talk about it because they know they will lose everything. Generations of people upon generations of people raised in the church are too brainwashed to think outside of the box and fear of going to hell if the question this. Most people do not do research just blindly follow. In Jerusalem hell means trash dump not a place where people burn for eternity. Also some people lack critical thinking because how can you burn and suffer for eternity if you don't even have a physical body anymore. Need a body with nerve endings to fill pain. Another reason Christianity contradicts itself is the God sent his only son to die for ours sins which does not make any sense. Most say Jesus is God in the flesh which would mean God sent his self to save us from himself which don"t make no sense what so ever. If these religious leaders knew they would burn for ever then there would not be preachers and priest molesting children. There is no devil only people making poor choices. Also there is documentation that Jesus went to different countries around the world to study different religions if HE WAS REALLY GOD IN THE FLESH OR THE SON OF GOD THERE WOULD BE NO NEED FOR THAT. People need to understand that religion is not all bad it teaches people to be kind and love but religion was created to control the masses. Most people probably don't know that Christianity was influenced onto others by the Romans mainly Constatine influenced the Jews. I can't believe so many people can put trust in a book that was written by man with alot. But thats how they get people to follow pump them up with fear. Main stream religion was created to control the masses. I can give them some credit they were pretty smart using this technique. And thats why they change the bible so much they say it was to correct misinterpretation of scripts when actually it's to modify the bible for current times to keep believers believing. And thats why the church don't like science because science might destroy their narrative. Where was this holy religion when native americans were being mistreated and slaughtered or slave being raped murdered and tortured by these same Christians. This was also another way they kept slaves in check giving them hope and something to believe in but at the same time reminding them Thy shall obey thy master. Common sense how could slave owners and settlers force slaves to accept their manmade religion telling them it will save their soul but at the same time killing , beating raping, them Yeah right i smell bull. Also lets not forget all the people Christians killed back in the day trying to convert people and make them believe saying they was doing what God wanted them to do yeah right. God don't need any mortal to take another life if God wanted them dead he would have done it himself. There is bits of truth in the bible "God is a jealous God" not talking about God creator of all but a ruler of ancient Egypt who was very jealous and wanted everyone to bow down to him and worship him . They took reincarnation out of the bible for a reason because if you can reincarnate then you can't burn in hell🧐
When we contradict God’s word by adding your own twist to it, then the fall will come.
Everything in the Bible was written by men. It wasn't divinely inspired by God it was divinely inspired in their own brains. Why don't you do some investigating and read what a lot of men who are Jewish or Christian Scholars have to say? At what they have been seeing is that early Jewish and Christian texts shows that these two gods wanted people to be curious and that lasted until men could see that revising and rewriting the text could profit them. King James is one of the worst examples because he decided to completely turn a couple of sentences around that would bring him great profit and more power. That part that says suffer not a witch to live? That was Rewritten so James could start condemning women as witches along with their husbands and take their land on everything they owned. The original line was something that I suspect people living in an arid country were much more worried about. The original line was suffer not a poisoner( of Wells) to live. And that one you Ram into people's faces in order to prove that God hates homosexuals was actually written so that Roman soldiers wouldn't be giving Jews any bad ideas. The original, before it was changed, said for a man who lays with a boy as with a woman it is an abomination. That was kind of a bad habit with Romans and the soldiers were no better than the senators in Rome. But of course you won't believe any of this because your mind is completely closed for business
@@tanawilliams7498 2Tim 3:16-17
@@nothereyetlost it has always been anti inclusion. If you don't believe the same thing they believe then you are doomed. What they don't understand is the Bible that they read today has been manipulated by power-hungry men for the last 1500 years and what it says is not the original intent. But we must remember also that two-thirds of that book was written by Jewish men and Judaism is a supreme anti inclusion religion. They don't even want converts.
What do u think the Bible is man's own interpretation if everybody believe the word of God then why do we have so many different religions why the Vatican church didn't fall when they switch to Catholicism took Jesus right up out of the picture I dont expect you to give me an answer because you don't have it
@@bigdaddyromeo9631 The reality my brother is that everyone does not believe in God. God has given humanity a free will to choose and everyone will account one day, we cannot live as we please without consequences. Jesus has never been out of the picture for He is the only way, the truth and the life. Many in the world have chosen a path that does not lead to God as a result we see the damage that it has done to humanity, and man’s inhumanity to man. The heart and mind needs transformation by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. The word of God stands on its own, so I will not argue about what I cannot change. Jesus Christ is Lord, do you know Him?
"There will be a great falling away in the endtimes and many false prophets" 1 Timothy 4:1 📖
5150 The California code for a nutcase. There is always a falling away. And always those who enter the fold. It is a 2way street.
@@k0smon Your California code has nothing to do with the scriptures.
Kenny Thomas Are the scriptures true?....Man wrote it determined what made the cut...The book of Enoch didn’t make the cut....Why?? many Blacks feel cause he was black man but what did I discover alll in the Bible were people of color!
@@kennythomas2516 //// What's in a name?
@@k0smon Its about the individual who is worthy to have the name. The question is.....what's in the person.?
"I" came up with the conclusion....this means that he got NO confirmation. Also, if the Bible was the inspired word of man about God, there would be MANY CONTRADICTIONS in it. Inclusion fits the narrative of 2.Tim 4:3-4...it is NOT biblically sound doctrine
If there is so many contradictions. Then how do you know it's true..😂😂...
But there ARE many contradictions in the bible!
I'm interested to here what the contradictions are? Don't Google them tell me of the ones you know.
His decision is based on personal feelings and not the word of God.
@wulfgar3000 Do you have a good relationship with Christ?.
@@kennythomas2516 the bible is not even an english book ... even if there was a hell in it it's just a book ... you are a follower of mammon, of the flesh and in a very morbid, sadistic cult ... does it give you a hard on ?
@@thebookofwages7150 the bible that you call just a book.....the world will be judged by what's written in the book. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall never pass away Matthew 24 chapter verse 35.
I concur
satan is intelligent. he decieved a third of the angels. Even while they saw God create the stars etc...Pray for this man. The word will always be. #EndTimes
Charles P. That’s it right there, my brother!!!
Charles P. Preach my brother 🖒🖒🖒🖒🖒
Hail the dark adversary!!!!
Dogs And Yoga Pahahahhah you mean the creature that forgot he was created Lol...Have fun with the cockroach!!
Charles P. 😂
Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’
And then I will confess to them, 'I have never known you, remove yourselves far from me, you workers of evil.'
Matthew 7:22
T/////// Sorry, it does not work that way. That whole scenario is made up and not realistic at all. It is much simpler than you think. Study the plethora of NDE reports to get a better idea of how it works.
The beauty of deception is that the deceived don’t realize it.
Satan is a deceiver, and you had better wise up and believe the Word of GOD over the testimonies of those who have been deceived
@@roblane5699 Wow That's crazy. So you mean to say" All these evil hearted people in this Earth , can do evil die and still go to heaven????. Come on Man
Show me where I said that nonsense
@@k0smon NDE'S is in the Bible..,..there is judgement all thru the bible......
Revelation 13:10
“He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints..... Shalawam
If Hell does not exist, then what exactly did Jesus Christ die for? Saying Hell doesn't exist is saying Jesus sacrificed himself for absolutely nothing. It's saying that sin isn't real and if there is no sin, then there is no need for repentance. Saying Hell doesn't exist is 100% fully denying The Gospel of Jesus Christ and denying a person can be Saved and denying Eternal Salvation.
This pastor preached Another Gospel.....not the True Gospel of Christ. And to think, so many more are like that in this world today, preaching the same false doctrines.
So “permitting everyone access to infinite heaven” means Jesus died for nothing? In what fucking world? I couldn’t imagine a more ecstatic, wonderful outcome than everyone getting to enter the gates of Heaven, together. Anything less is a tragedy. Bring Hell into the picture, and we’re discussing an abject failure on God’s part. Yet you EMBRACE it, and declare that no truth could be higher. It’s a betrayal of common sense, let alone truth. But no, go grovel to your perverted monster some more, I’m sure that gradually waiting to learn you’re wrong has been a fruitful endeavor.
1:00 "I mastered the craft of it"
Wicked words.
Ya witchcraft
Man looks crazy , all those hair products and chemical perms
Very wicked words! So it’s a craft
The craft of it:
1. Shuck and jive "preacher" cliches, to get the _traditionalists._
2. Attracting the attractive and prosperous young people who will make it grow, and you can also bask in their reflected glory.
3. Learning how to effectively use media and online "for the Lord".
4. Ingratiating yourself to politicians and celebrities, on a "you scratch my back; I'll scratch yours", basis.
5. Learning the ropes of how to sell yourself as The Man of the Future, to change agents in search of the spiritual controllers of the New Thing. Mapping out the road to the megachurch campus/campuses, and beyond.
I JUST said that n then saw this comment. Smh
He still hasn't learned. Pray that he doesn't die in his sins. For he will know, without a doubt, that Hell does exist :(
FL//// It is all religious fiction. Those that live in heaven tell us so. Many who have had NDEs tell us so. Those are current information not coming from a 2000 year old book of fables.
@@k0smon sure. If that is what you want to believe. However, I would appreciate you not pushing your beliefs on me. Thanks.
@@FirstLast-zk5ow /// You are free to believe what you wish. Try to make it factual is my only recommendation.
@@k0smon Please keep your beliefs .. and your recommendations to yourself. It's not very civilized to force your opinions on others.
He's mentioned a couple of times how concerned he is with human affirmation. You can either please man or God. Satan wants all of us to believe hell doesn't exist.
Question what is Hell ???
@@thesage90 simply put, hell is the absence of the Creator.
@@siberiancajun I don't believe hell and heaven is somewhere you go I believe it's your mental state. My opinion
@@thesage90 I can respect your opinion. I believe you can have hope and joy that surpasses understanding while in your physical body on earth, yet I'm hoping there is a Paradise beyond what our own minds can create. We humans get so tired of things easily, even things that used to be euphoric to us.
@@siberiancajun I know I understand that you people want to go somewhere after this but don't say it's guaranteed where going somewhere after this and pull up a book saying here's the proof that's really the issue. I'm not seeing you speaking in general
This is a shining example of what happens when someone doesn't 'die to self'. He was off-base previously, now he is just further off-base. He's busy preaching what 'he' wants to preach and not what "HE" instructs us to preach. Above all, God wants our OBEDIENCE. Pray for his soul.
That god whom you talk about does not exist, man-made for empties like you.....poor chap, get yourself a life and forget about fairy tales not even meant for children. Yes, you just keep praying and don't ever ask yourself where it all comes from. Have you ever asked yourself when christians became lawful citizens of the empire (now look up what empire)? Do you know who and when took upon himself the largest marketing project of that time? Any idea what and which year we are talking about? Have you ever wandered why there are so many interpretations, versions of bibles, versions of christian cults?When you read for yourself history....nothing to do with his-story (all BS) you will know a little more than you do now.
1 Timothy 4:10
New International Version
10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.
Its amazing that literally every warning jesus and the bible told us about false preachers and false believers is true. All the warnings are there, right in front of our faces, coming to past.
It's amazing that literally jesus and the bible spoke like the end was going to happen within THEIR lifetimes and people are still believing it 2000 years later.
@Claude Williams Yikes.
@Nathaly polanco "An Antichrist"?? There will be only one Antichrist. And I am damn sure it ain't trump. Wasn't Obama neither. No..the Antichrist will get all to follow him..meaning all nations. That isn't happening with trump at the moment.
You mean "coming to PASS"
@@thetimeisnigh3115 //// See Mark 9.1
That's exactly what the devil wants...he wants people to believe he and hell is non-existent. The devil is a liar.
Anon/// The devil does not want anything, for he is not.
The devil doesn't even exist. Have you seen him or shook his hand? I rest my case. Stop believing in fairytales.
will SEE on the other side!!! guess God doesn't exist for you, either. 'cause i know you haven't seen Him or shook His hand. and, though i haven't a need for such earthling evidence, i proudly, very proudly KNOW there is no fairytale going on here. pray you come out of the DARKNESS into God's marvelous LIGHT before it's too late.
Anon////// You do not know that at all. You just read it in a book, a quagmire of truth and fiction that you have not rightly divided.
The devil is not a liar it is the creation of god. It is the darkness where god is the light. Without it you would not know to follow the light, god, when it shines through the darkness
The LORD said ," I CHANGE NOT".
@Charisma 101 So you sons of Jacob are not consumed
Lpve that!!!!!!
But he does, have you even compared the old and new testament?
@@stinkyjoshua5753 🙂
Thats right, and he ONE ALONE and not a man. Hosea 11:9, Isaiah 40-48, Eph. 4:6. Carlton left the deceived harlot church as I did after 55 years in the strong delusion. The mystery of Jesus Christ = The Christ WITHIN YOU is the hope of glory. The new man that rises within you by Gods word. The word of God is the way truth and life, not a man.
Jesus said there is a Hell. That’s good enough for me. God doesn’t have to give us every detail or all the reasons. God told us enough to let us know that is a place that exists and a place to avoid. Hell was not created for man but for the Devil and the fallen angels. But when people don’t want to be in the presence of God, they have to go somewhere, right? Pearson had a powerful ministry. That is why Satan came to deceive him. Whatever questions we have and whatever aspects of the Scriptures we can’t quite resolve, we must humble ourselves before God. Revelation comes from the top down, from God to us. Not from the bottom up, from us to God. We are not left to figure God out. We are to receive God’s revelations to us of who He is and what He requires of us. Whenever we don’t understand something, we don’t have the privilege to redesign God’s word to make it fit our understanding. Rather, we humble ourselves and submit to God. We ask God to help us to understand. God always answers to tell us as much as we can bear in this life. Whatever He chooses not to reveal or not to reveal fully, that is His privilege and he has reasons for doing so. By maintaining a humble spirit in the presence of the Almighty, this is how we avoid false teachings and misleading the faithful.
But the [Holy] Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons, [misled] by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared as with a branding iron [leaving them incapable of ethical functioning],
Did some touched your no no when you where a kid. I bet it was a priest.
Voltage controlled Ovulator why do you say that... because of the truth that is posted?
@chatnboy Evryone has that right to believe in what they want. Like I have that right to post what I want. Even if feelings get step on. If you want to live in a fantasy world then do so. But don't be surprise if others don't share your "Tune in and Obey" attitude. Facts will always trump feelings.
Voltage controlled Ovulator go right ahead... BELIEVE what you want...but the TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN IN THE END!!! doesn't matter what you say....the TRUTH will be revealed!!!
No////// Or is it that the bible itself is deceitful and seductive, a quagmire of truth and fiction that must be rightly divided.
Matthew 7:13“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
@@ngatoa1018 so are you suggesting that Jesus isnt who and what he said he was and is . or that Christianity has become a business no different than a car wash.
2 Timothy ch 3 vs 1-9
@@geraldhoskins2021 religion is just a concept made by men to go along with this game we're playing. do you really think if it was a place called heaven there would be wars on this planet don't you think everybody would be trying to do right so they can go to this place with gold gate's lol.. Gold gate's that is something only men desire and then why would it have Gates 😂😂
It’s sad when one becomes foolish in their later years of life
And he still refuses to REPENT!!
Yep. He's a reprobate now
Omg. Grow up. Hell isn't real. God isn't real. Stupidity? That's very real
@@XxXXxxXXxx78 You aren't real
You are right! You would have thought that with everything that happened to him and the fact that he’s older he would have changed himself. He’s still a loser and still trying to bring souls to hell!
We got to be careful who we listen to and believe..this man is shame
Christianity would loose all its appeal without a hell. The belief that those who do not share the same worldview and morals and values will end up in eternal torment is just too sweet. There is no hate quite like Christian love.
"They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be manifest that they were not of us." (1 John 2:19) "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1) This man said it himself; he knew the words to say and the "game" to play, but he was never born again by the Spirit of God. He was and still is a false teacher/preacher telling people there is no hell. Yet Revelation 20:11-15 says something totally different. You can't have a gospel that provides salvation through love and grace (John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9) without understanding that you're a sinner (Romans 3:10-18, Ephesians 2:1-3, Jeremiah 17:9, etc.). Pearson wants a philosophical spirituality with no true answers, just many questions to start an endless "conversation" that negates the holiness of God and the sinfulness of man. Of course unbelievers gravitate to this because it feeds into their sin nature and gives them an excuse not to repent and trust the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for the soul of this misled, misguided man.
Beautiful and Truth
Eric Smith well said thank you for that stay strong godbless
Eric Smith I agree with you and I love how you use scriptures throughout your ENTIRE post. What you say is affirming scripture and not vice versa. Prayer is what is NEEDED most desperately here.
Amen brother Eric Smith!!!
I had him figured out when he said "I mastered the craft". He had a form of godliness but never understood the power thereof. He prospered using the craft but had no relationship with God. No man having had a true relationship with God ends up like he did. This is the danger of the many showbiz ministers around today. I'm very careful about following them
Would you say he acted like the sons of sceva.
Well said, couldn't be more truer
You’re so right I didn’t even think about how much money TV ministers make. There are a couple who I like example TD Jakes and Joyce Myers. But I’ve been turned off by many others and some on UA-cam
@talktome they that are mainstream are ALL liars and deceivers. If you repent and pray for discernment God will reveal this to you. You will be given eyes to see and ears to hear. If they are on TV or have a megachurch and millions of dollars, they are a liar and their father is of the devil. The two that you listed are some of the worst offenders. I pray that you see this some day. Try instead pastors: Carter Conlon, Charles Lawson, David Wilkerson and YT channels: Stephen Darby Ministries, Shattered Paradise (Shepherd's Watch Ministries) and Revelations of Jesus Christ Ministries (Brother Werk's & Lioness).
You are so wrong All he has to do is come back and start preaching how he use to preach and he will have his mega church again. Y’all are so focus on hell and heaven that y’all don’t have that personal Relationship with the Almighty
My focus is not on heaven or hell it’s about living a life that I was created to live , it was at first when i didn’t know who God was but when I came to the knowledge of Him I realize it’s about love peace kindness honesty, forgiveness, faithfulness, etc etc not because of a reward or a punishment. When Jesus himself taught he didn’t teach hell and damnation he taught to repent from our wicked ways because the kingdom of Heaven is at hand . He told then go teach the good news. Instead Christians teach hell.
“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.” -Isaiah 55:8
@@SpiceyHot100 Amen, sis! HalleluYAH!
Therefore, anything that is written or said on the subject is inherently a distortion. I found that truth long ago. Thank you for confirming it.
My goodness ..the stupidly and ignorance of people will always baffle me!
How can you call a being who sends people for eternal torture a wonderful god?
Who goes to hell? Atheists, anyone having sex out of marriage, liars, gays and people who love their family and children more than anything - heaven must be a lonely place!🤣
I could never morally follow anything or anyone who is this evil and is totally cool with war, slavery, child sex, genocide.
Also says a lot about what kind of a person that makes you.
I have no interest in the thoughts of any being or entity that would drown an entire planets worth of people due to a mistake he made in the first place. God allowed the so called "Devil" to live and then to corrupt his own creation ... And then God wiped out his creation, he could of wiped out Satan, or maybe Adam and Eve and start again, but nooooo, he waited until there were millions of people on earth!!!!!!!!!!!... Not saying there is no God, but the God of the Bible is obviously an Idiot.
If your name is blotted from the book of life you cease to exist. So many of you have read the entire Bible and yet you are still without understanding.
He said he mastered the craft? And so now Satan is definitely mastering him and spiritually blinding him. I hope that he comes to the truth of God’s word.
That's all preachers. It's a craft...
Lol God is real, hell and heaven are ideas that are used to keep persons in a state of fear. When we die our character or new creature receives a new body. But we must cultivate this character in this lifetime. That's it, no heaven or hell nonsense. Study to show thyself approved, I know this may be hard for you to grasp but it is what it is. Now you have a choice, continue believing the fantasies you were thought or start exploring the real gospel truth.
What is the truth of God's word? Does hellfire (a purportrdly burning pit) exist?
You can really come to know God and really be born again made a new creature
This is the most DANGEROUS teaching I have ever heard. He basically just called God a liar
Afolabi Samuel 🔥
Afolabi Samuel don't ever accuse anyone of calling God a liar...just because you disagree.
AS///// He called the bible a liar. God does not lie.
@@k0smon everything that JESUS says and everything in the Bible is truth
@@acetrainermat4201 //// Your statement is based of faith, not fact. There never was a real Jesus (see Caesar's Messiah) so he could not say anything.. The bible is a quagmire of truth and fiction, and as itself says, must be rightly divided.
I promise you.., God spoke to me about Pearson around the tender age of 15 or so in the mid 80’s. I was watching the Higher Dimensions broadcast one Sunday evening.., and while Pearson was preaching.., he paused and was speaking in tongue’s .., when GOD VERY CLEARLY SPOKE TO ME .., and said …, “that is not me, that is not my Holy Spirit!” I was stunned.
I NEVER EVER mentioned those words to ANYONE for a couple of decades.. because I really liked Pearson.., and I tried my best to convince myself that I had not heard from God because I was so young as a believer .., but I KNEW with an unexplainable certainty.., it was God that spoke that word to me.
Fast forward… when all the Carlton Pearson stuff began to come to light.. well over 20 years later.., the Holy Spirit reminded me what he said to me that day as a teenager about Pearson… so that I would know and acknowledge when the Holy Spirit speaks a thing.
You are an idiot as much as Carlton Pearson is.
🤣🤣🤣🤣and we should believe u instead???? Total Hogwashh
@@ernesttakor2374 No… you absolutely DO NOT have to believe me.., and I most certainly am not asking you to either … because it is literally of ZERO importance to me to attack Pearson or to be believed by anyone.., I literally don’t care who does or who doesn’t.
That word was spoken to me, was for me.., out of a personal relationship with God. But I will say this .., Jesus said .., a tree is known by the fruit it bears. The place that Pearson went to spiritually .. is not a “backslidden” place .. the place he went to .. was a he never had it in the first place, so there was nothing to “backslide” from.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for Pearson to have ever known Jesus or to have been filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost .., to turn into the unapologetic, unrepentant, blasphemous, atheistic, apostate, heretic he is today.
Pearson is no different than many religious folks around the world.., who know ritual and culture.., who study theology.., who are philosophical, metaphysical, spiritualist, soothsayers, occultist, and deceivers who have been deceived by Satan…., the proud, arrogant, haughty, blind, the foolish, deaf, those who consult with dark entities in the spirit, witches, warlocks, rebels, .all of these unfortunate ones operating in familiar spirits of various sorts etc.., who have no real knowledge of God or the true Holy Spirit.
…. By a man’s own words is he justified.., and by his own words is he condemned.., out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh! Carlton Pearson has spoken FOR HIMSELF… and in the words of a lovely poet.., when someone shows you who they are.., when someone TELLS YOU who they are .. (with their words, deeds, and actions) … BELIEVE THEM!
You can’t believe JESUS and BELIEVE Carlton Pearson too. You can’t believe the Gospel, the Bible, or believe the Words of the Holy Spirit AND believe Carlton Pearson too! People don’t believe JESUS and reverence nothing he said .., and if folks don’t believe Jesus, when folks blaspheme the Holy Spirit.. when people are very comfortable rejecting God and don’t believe GOD .., then who am I to be believed??? Let me answer that for you .., NOBODY!!!
Believe whatever you want to believe.., knock yourself out.., but I BELIEVE JESUS, and I BELIEVE THE GOSPEL.., that’s all I know!!!!
@JaTall2 I know exactly what you're saying. Jesus came to me in a dream one night and spoke a message meant directly for me on something that I had been reflecting upon before falling asleep. Even though I knew in my spirit that it really was Jesus Himself that spoke to me then, it took several years before I truly admitted it and reflected upon it and discussed it with others. Sometimes we can be pretty stubborn and hard-hearted in our ways. It's a good thing that we have such a patient and loving God.
Hell is definitely real. I pray that He receives wisdom regarding this and preaches the Truth of the Gospel on fire again 🙏🏾
How u know have u seen it know one has
lol no it's not. You're just a gullible religious kook.
Do some deep studying of the Bible with the original Hebrew and Greek and you will realize that hell is not real as western pastor teach it. Some very bad translating led to the hell being used. Use the Blue Letter Bible website and. you can study for yourself and find out what Jesus and the prophets were actually talking about.
Yes, Our Lord spoke about hell many times.
I hope Carlton and many others come to saving faith in Jesus before it’s too late.
@@ConcerningTheTimes Amen! Keep the faith 🙏❤
I have to give props to his congregation, for recognizing his heresy and choosing the Gospel over a personality. If they hadn't done that they wouldn't have been the first church to choose a man over God.
Not the first..Sun-Day worship was instituted by men
@@brianmorris2847 To clarify, Sunday worship was actually begun not merely "by man", but by God's divinely-appointed apostles, who were guided by the Holy Spirit and selected the new day of worship in celebration of the Resurrection of Christ, which happened on a Sunday. Jesus was crucified on a Friday, but rose from the dead on a Sunday. So, the apostles determined that Sunday was the most appropriate day to gather as the church and worship our risen Savior (Acts 20:7, etc.).
Since Jesus himself had disregarded tradition himself on many occasions (healing sick people on the Sabbath, for example) and had taught that "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27), they clearly felt convicted that this change gave greater glory to Jesus by making his Resurrection the central focus of our worship of him.
The gospel is many personalities what are you talking about many people had inputs in those books
The good news is Jesus Christ loses 8/10 souls to the devil daily?
Or the Good news is everyone Is saved and goes to heaven?
Facts and truth TomK.
Sad story about a man who lost his faith and he believes his own word over God s word
He never had the faith
I think he stop believing the white lie and actually met the real God 🙏 what if he is telling the truth. I believe his "new" way of thinking and always thought this way..
I will be tuning in to the new Carlton Pearson
You do that. Just make sure Jesus isn't part of your belief system because His teaching is where we get 90% of our doctrine of Hell.
@@terrifictomm I choose to focus on loving thy neighbor and forgiveness not hell if I'm condemned there's nothing I can do about it I can never be perfect so y worry myself over going to hell. I don't believe in the white European concept of Jesus anyway but thanks for your concern
When you live for your own glory, You fall for Satans lies! Gods glory is Gods glory! We live and serve God for God to receive Glory!
So You serve Glory holes
Chris Mcgee Amen!
@@Free-Speech-Banned-By-Google What are glory holes?
I’ve believed this for years… the idea of heaven and hell makes no sense to me.
Well for something that doesn't exist, Jesus sure talked about it more than anyone else.
Hell does exist as a state of mind and being as does Heaven. The preacher seems to have seen the light while others remained in the dark. The Bible is allegorical and meant to be taken literally only by those without the proper knowledge to discern its true message which leads to strong delusion for many.
The Bible is about the Human Psyche and how to experience Heaven on planet Earth.
@@stevedyches4635no it's not. We can't create our own heaven. Are you Christian?
@@travislittle4076 Yes you can. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you(Jesus's words), if we allow it to manifest. We choose our own dwelling place in this world. I'm a follower of Christ (disciple) and a believer in God but not at all religious.
@@stevedyches4635 God and only God can Make heaven. You are mistaken and have been lead astray. Dont take others with you. Read your Bible and stop preaching this new age nonsense.
@@travislittle4076 Understanding the symbolism and the recondite (look it up) nature of the Bible is vital for the discernment of its true hidden meaning. You are right about God creating Heaven for us but that relies upon our will and the way is through Christ. We are the temples where God will dwell if the temple is made suitable.
The Bible is not to be taken literally. Never listen to ANY Creationist, Fundamentalist, or Apologist for they are leading many astray. I spent 40 grueling years wandering through the desert trying to make sense of it all, nearly giving up and offing myself. I thank God for allowing me to see the light. Religion and fears and negative emotions shackle the mind, we must escape the bondage before we are able to enter the Promised Land which is what Exodus is all about. Seek first the Kingdom of God for it is within you. Let no man steal your crown for we are all kings meant to reign with Christ as our King.
This is old age wisdom that has been kept from many. Jesus said his people suffer from a lack of Knowledge.
Whenever a mere man is held up higher than the Lord of all creation, specifically within the "church" he is tasked to serve, surely it will fall apart.
Be not deceived.!!
WE are the church... not a building or an institution.
Be not deceived.!!
This man was preaching the doctrines of demons.
This is what happens when someone places their own opinions and finite reasoning above the inspired Word of God.
They’re called Protestants 👿
@@tagabulodchastityobedience7292 Protestants and Catholics have both done it. I don't know what your point is, but if there's a Biblical topic you'd like to discuss, let's do it.
You have these poor Catholics now, invalidating all these baptisms over a wrong pronoun. Ridiculous. The baptisms weren't valid to begin with, if they were performed on infants.
You want to talk about unscriptural? That's as unscriptural as you can get.
@@NCMemoryMakers sorry no time for idiots
All religion books is nothing but opinions a lot of people had their inputs in them books
@@thesage90 That's not true, nor even close to true.
The Bible has marks of divine inspiration literally all over it. The Biblical writers recorded things that were unknown in their days, and there's no way they could even have known what they were writing about. Want some examples?
“You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”
Morpheus, The Matrix
If there’s no hell, there’s no devil, and no sin, so why did our Lord Jesus Christ come to die on the cross shedding every drop of His Precious Blood for all humanity??
The pastor is teaching heresy!
So you’re basically admitting that your sect has no appeal unless people are threatened? Interesting lol
Here's why:
■ "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
That's right: we either *perish* - dead forever - or we receive the gift of eternal life. How do the unsaved perish? In the "second death" (Rev 2:11, 20:6, 20:14 and 21:8) after resurrection for judgment. After that second death there is no more hope of life or resurrection. It's the end of you -you perish.
@@heckinbasedandinkpilledoct7459 there is good and there is evil. It's always been that way . Almost all cultures have a variation of hell
@@kennymichaelalanya7134 to keep the masses in line. In elementary we learned about the no see ums who were said to see everything we did and said. It's all indoctrination
False equivalency.
Just because there is no such thing as "Hell" does not instantly mean Lucifer does not exist and does not mean Sin was not a problem which Jesus took care of on the Cross.
Scripture says Jesus died for our Sin. It doesn't say Jesus died to keep us from a burning "Hell".
Indeed, if "Hell" was so important, why wasn't Adam and Eve warned about it before eating the forbidden fruit?
- Why weren't they told after eating that this was their punishment for having eaten?
- Why wasn't Cain concerned about "Hell" when God confronted him on killing his brother?
- Why wasn't Noah telling people if they drowned they'd go from swimming in water to burning in fire?
- Why didn't God mention "Hell" to Abraham as a result of breaking the covenant when He cut the Abrahamic covenant with the man?
- Why wasn't Hell mentioned in the Levitical Law to Moses and Aaron?
Just because "Hell" is unscriptural does not mean other things aren't real. It just means you should actually study Scripture from its original languages and cultural meaning rather than reading flawed translations of English and thinking you have "the Word of God!" The Word is Jesus, not written down Scriptures. Study Scriptures. Scripture reveals a loving God that wishes none to perish. A God that gets what He wants.
Grace and Peace to you.
The scariest words in all existance, Depart from me
I never knew you
Matthew 7.23
Get Right
TK JOHN: I thought that God never lied. Yet how could he deny the existence of "any" of his children? The Bible say's "I knew you when you were in your mothers womb." I thought God knew the amount of hair on every scalp of his children. Are you saying that God only knows the existence of "Christians"? That He, Himself created ALL of his children no matter where they were born, what denomination they are or what they believe, he still created them. So if God states "Depart from me, I never knew you", then why would he deny the creation of ANY of his children? Because of their "works"? Because they live on the other side of the world and were raised as Muslims or Buddhists or even Christians. How could he deny his creation of his children, no matter what faith they are? How is he supposed to judge them if he never even knew them? Is that what good fathers do? Deny the existence of their own kids?
kimberly johnson, when anyone quoting verses and reading the Bible out of CONTEXT, they miss what the Bible's really saying in perspectives.This creates wrong interpretations. It very easy to tell. Carlton Pearson does the same thing. I'll explain what i mean from your comments and questions.
kimberly johnson, in context Jesus was talking to those people who refuses to do the (Will of God), but we're doing wrong, using His name for their own selfish interest, like many today in some Christian religions.That's why he rejected them at the end.
I knew you in your mother's womb. In context God was talking SPECIFICALLY to Jeremiah the Prophet NOT EVERYONE.
Not everyone in the world are God's children or His sons and daughters. Jesus told some of the Jews, the religious leaders from his time, that their father is the devil.
God is real like you and me, and you can know him, speak and walk with him just like in a normal relationship but it spiritual with different principles.
It a spiritual journey or walk, it called faith. If you give your life to Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour and follow him and obey his teaching AS (HIS) DISCIPLE, he will lead you to God who will be your (FATHER). Not everyone have this relationship, even some/most in the churches.
God extended His arm with love to (EVERYONE) to adopt them back through Jesus Christ but most people refuses to KNOW JESUS AND GOD TO HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. How can everyone be His children? At the end, Jesus will says, he never knew them.
When you agree to follow Jesus, he will give you his Spirit which is his images and likeness, you will have new spiritual life, new identity, you become a new person, you belong to Him. Not everyone has this, they have a different nature to God, they don't want to know God.
It has nothing to do with religions, denomination, but LIVING IN GOD KINGDOM WITH GOD'S RIGHTOUENESS (IN) JESUS CHRIST. (Relationship)
In the Bible it refers to people as the wicked and the righteous or sons of God and children of devils. It very important to KNOW the distinction in this matter.
It important to read or study each book of the Bible in context to have full and better understanding of every message.
TK JOHN: I believe that scripture should be interpreted within the context of the ENTIRE Bible. The message on every page is about salvation and the GOOD news, not the bad.
kimberly johnson.
I get what you are saying but it's VERY IMPORTANT TO WARN people of the CONSEQUENCES for rejecting the GOOD NEWS.The Bible messages should always have balance interpretations as it is written in the Bible. Everything/good or bad is for our good, to learn from.
Soon as I heard him say, "I mastered the craft of it!" My ears shuned out quickly. I always look to the example of Jesus when I look at ministers, and it's about humility. Always humility.
Master the craft of deception. It was all theatrical for him. How he let the enemy infiltrate his his. what a fool.
It was about money for him
@@deborahwilliams1579 Serving both God and Mammon
I thought the same thing about he "mastered the craft" as if the highest calling on earth is a craft to be mastered by sinful man.
We're in the last days. It's more important than ever to stay in the word of God and seek his face. Don't be deceived. Men will let you down, but God promised to never leave you or forsake you.
No we are not
"The fool has said in his heart.....that there is no God."
Remember these europeans educated us and brainwashed to not believe in the God of Israel. That white Pastor was his mentor to groom him to not believe in God at all. the longer we live among the heathens we will think like them.
Revelation 21:12 King James Version (KJV)
12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:
@max marrero exactly
All these guys that have traded in their hypocrisies and finally gone to the poop house heyyyy I don't really know what to say except Carlton, Eddy and all of you fakers /heart breakers I'm glad THE WORD of GOD Finally is/has exposed. You as you continue on your journey serving Satan / Lucifer. /diablo full time... It won't belong before you see your master
@ Edward Gore this verse isn't your license to call another person a "fool". This is for self judgment.
A man in love with himself, he never knew Jesus…
This guy’s mentor was Oral Roberts. That explains it.
He came to the conclusion that "maybe we got it wrong". He wanted to create a cult but his congregation wasn't having it, lol 😆 😅
😂😂😂😂😂...yes, they made him run.
@@sodvine3486 🤡
He just realized that the Bible is garbage.
That's it. It became about him.
Hell doesn't exist.
Only God does.
And all go to Heaven.
When people conspire to create a version of God that’s not according to the biblical scriptures, then they’re guilty of creating false idols and worshiping someone who is NOT God, but a false god.
All be did was say the devil, hell, & eternal suffering doesn't exist... don't change the narrative
@@dootdoot94xo44 because he's talking about creating false gods and worshipping a different God, and connecting some weird ass dots. There isn't person on earth living 100% by the scriptures in the Bible. His reaction, yours, and all the other religious thugs always get triggered and over react when someone challenge your belief system. Relax first grow up second, then debate & debunk. But being dramatic is a female's trait
What’s the difference between that and making God the way you want him to be or sound using NOTHING but the Bible as backup?
That’s just a Grade A example of a Frankenstein’s monster😂
Before I came to the knowledge of God my purpose is not to go to hell. But one day as God change my life I came to the conclusion it’s not about heaven as a reward or hell as a punishment. It’s about staying true to the the Father who change me by living in Love peace kindness honesty forgiveness , etc etc
People are so focus on street of gold and not burning forever that they don’t the true God. So yes I get what he is saying. I just want to know I live in Love and Peace every day of my life and if by some chance I don’t come back on my dying bed I want to know I live a life pleasing to the Almighty.
19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’ 25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’ 27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father’s house, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’ 29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’ 30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ 31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’ “
It is typical of people to go to this verse, and yet it is always taken out of context. This is not evidence that "hell" exists. It is, in fact, a parable, and should be seen as such. This man may be wrong about many things theological, but he's not wrong about hell, as many believe it to be. Hell, biblically speaking, is the grave, the tomb, this earth. Not a subteranean pit with hot magma and fire where the unrighteous go to burn eternally.
@@i10v3mu5ic Precisely
@@i10v3mu5icThat is the lie of the devil to deceive you that there is no hell, so it is too late before you realize it. But like the rich man said warn my brothers. I am warning you, Hell is very real, get right with Jesus today and always.
Jesus Christ says in Matthew 25:41, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into EVERLASTING FIRE, prepared for the devil and his angels." In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: "And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." HELL IS REAL & FOREVER! All who enter hell - abandon all hope!
He became deceived, Hell exists, and it's sad that this man has fallen so far.
Sue///// No fiery hell. Biblical bunkum. God don't play that.
Be careful @@k0smon ....
I don’t care if you call me a liar,
but calling Jesus a liar is another matter altogether.
Here are several scriptures wherein hell is mentioned:
Matt 5: 29-30
Matt 10: 28
Matt 25: 46
Luke12: 23
Jude 7
Daniel 12: 2-3
Rev 21: 8
Before you reply, be courageous and actually read the aforementioned texts. If you have no belief, then you shouldn’t be commenting. This former pastor believes in Jesus. Unfortunately he’s chosen to cherry-pick scriptures and ignore the ones he finds hard to fathom. This is called deception.
@@suenevin57 Amen 🙏🏾 🙏🏾 to God be the glory
Show me where is it. There's no heaven nor hell nor their boss. That's all human creation. Its just bull.
@@Koloviv48i There are 7 scriptures listed above.
Be courageous and actually read them.
What a wonderful man. Anyone willing to grow & change like that is a strong minded individual.
“Let God be true and every man a liar”
What does the BIBLE say about Hell? Let that be your conclusion.
@City Of Charles Dirt - Here a just a few verses about hell. I pray that God will open your eyes to the truth of sin, man's need of a Saviour and the reality of hell if we don't accept Him.
The Bible says we have the choice of eternal life or death. It does not give us the choice of eternal life in heaven or eternal life in hell
@@meemee5660 Hell and heaven do not exist, open YOUR eyes man. As technology advances and knowledge becomes more easily accessible, science has and is debunking the bibles "Truths". It has become very obvious that the bible is a book of mythology. You are being mentally held captive and are fearful of an imaginary sky daddy. Does it make sense to you that your God created this entire universe with billions of planets just to enable life on 1 planet and have a relationship with one species of primate? Does it make sense to you that Earth is made up of 70% water but only less than 3% of it is drinkable? Use your brain and think, conduct research outside of the bible, then your eyes will truly be open
@City Of Charles Dirt It appears that what's being addressed in that scripture is a dead man's presence, reputation and riches, in a living world after he's passed on.
First, people who are alive know they will die, its inevitable, but what would a living person know about being dead? Claiming a dead man knows nothing is more a reflection of a living person's knowledge of what happens when one dies than anything. Also, this could be used as a way to warn the living. Something like "It's not too late. As long as you're alive, you can change yourself for the better." It would be too late once you're already dead.
Second, where it says "they have no further reward" this refers to worldly possessions. Whether it's things or money, a dead man has no use for them, let alone a way to earn them. Once you're dead, it'll be too late to change or do good deeds in exchange for rewards or accolades.
Third, the most telling part of this scripture is the section that says their names will be forgotten. Even if a dead man was a great man during his life, at some point his memory in the hearts of the living will begin to fade.
With all that being said, this scripture is in no way referring to an afterlife but the world that continues on after death. Even the example of ashes to ashes and dust to dust is referring to a physical body in a living world, not the spiritual aspect that Christians believe exists. Rather than reading only verse 5, try reading verses 3 through 6 and I think you'll have a better understanding of what I mean. This particular scripture isn't giving insight into what happens or where one goes after death.
Screaming and gnashing of teeth!
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14. Repent and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Amen!! Hallelujah!! ❤❤❤ Jesus said "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away." Matthew 24:35
AMEN 🙏🙏🙏
"Mastering the craft" is exactly the right phrase. We have become so witty with the trimming of scriptures, that we have forgotten TRUTH.
Being a born again christian is not of our mastering. It is a gift of God and then a process to yield to the Holy Spirit and let him subdue all of you to glorify him.
1 Timothy 6...read whole verse..reminds me of alot of these pastors
Carlton Pearson is a prime example of how the devil can deceive anybody if you not in tune with what God says and stick to what God says the devil can deceive you
I understand how you got to where you are Carlton - I struggled with the same issue. How could a benevolent, all merciful, all loving God send people to eternal damnation??? It was hypocritical. At first I thought: There can not be a hell - it makes no sense.
I struggled & struggled & agonized for it; begging God to help me. And God did.
You see truth is: Hell is real - it does exist. It has to because evil is real and does exist. But God does not send people there! People make a choice - from their free will - they reject God and in doing so commit themselves to hell!!
Lucifer & others of the angelic realm turned against God; and they had already dwelt with Him! So in feeble human condition why is it difficult to understand people - mere humans - rejecting God?
See! No more dilemma or confusion!! God Is GOD!!!! Eternity in hell is of our own making!!! ✨
Did you or anyone else make a choice to receive Adams gift of sin or was it passed down to them. WAKE UP and read your bible.
1 Timothy chap 4 v 9-11 For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the
living God, who is the Saviour of ALL men, specially of those that believe.
1 John 2 2And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. (PROPITIATION) means The act of appeasing the wrath and conciliating the favor of an offended person; the act of making propitious. PROPITIOUS means The act of appeasing the wrath and conciliating the favor of an offended person;
Romans chap 6 v7 for he that is dead is freed from sin.
You Know The Scriptures? Where it's say's if thy Brother, Sins Against Thee Thou, Shall Punish Him With 39 Stripes No More Least You Look VILE In The Eyes Of Your Brother's, GOD Told The Children Of Israel Not To Over Punish Are Punisher Would Look EVIL or VILE In The Eye Of His Brothers, And So I Will Ask You A Question? Do You Think ?That GOD IS VILE ???
@@jesseandjan You Know The Scripture, That's Great Brother, So Do We Have The Same PASTOR? I Hope So It's Sounds like you do, So You Fellow The Good Shepherd, PASTOR JESUS, And CHURCH I GO TOO Is IN Heaven, The name is in The Scriptures it's Called The General Assembly Of The Firstborn Born In Heaven, it's Tells us in the book of Hebrews For The Kingdom of God is Within You !(The Corporate Body Church) Age is OVER! Jesus Has Departed From The "Buildings" Of The" Temple",( The Churches), Satan Has Infiltrated The Churches , His Ministers Have Crept in Unaware,and Satan Ministers have binded the Strong Man and Have Spoiled The House,Every House Divided Against it's Self Can Not Stand and Will Come To Desolation , Like Judas Iscariot has risen from the Bottomless Pit The Son of Perdition , Jesus Called Judas Iscariot, The (Son Of Perdition) in the Gospel According John, Judas means Praise and Iscariot means Buildings, So The (Praised Buildings)The Churches( Judas Iscariot) Betrays For MONEY Judas is The Spirit Of The Antichrist, as Satan Entered into Him Judas Iscariot means (Praised Buildings) just it's says Certain Men would Creep into the Church Ungodly Men of Prediction , who would be Greedy For Filthy Lucre MONEY, JUDAS HAS Been RISEN From The Bottomless Pit, Let His Days Be Few, And Let Another Take His Bishopship,
Did the children being not yet born or Pharaoh have a choice? NO
ROMANS 9 K.J.B 11(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)
12It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. 13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
14What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. 15For he saith to Moses,
I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
16So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
17For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
18Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
19Thou wilt say then unto me,
Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? 20Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God?
Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
21Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
@@davidherrera2054 They never did read the scripture below or study what it was saying when I was going to church. They were too busy telling people how they would be burned up in a hell fire, if they didn't do what the preacher said to do. Didn't learn it until after I retired.
abounded means To be in great plenty; abound means to be very prevalent; to be plentiful. Prevalent means Gaining advantage or superiority; having superior force, influence, or efficacy; prevailing; predominant; successful; victorious.
Romans Chp 5 K.J.V
18Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. 19For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. 20Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: 21That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans Chp 5 GOD'S WORD® Translation
18Therefore, everyone was condemned through one failure, and everyone received God's life-giving approval through one verdict. 19Clearly, through one person's disobedience humanity became sinful, and through one person's obedience humanity will receive God's approval. 20Laws were added to increase the failure. But where sin increased, God's kindness increased even more. 21As sin ruled by bringing death, God's kindness would rule by bringing us his approval. This results in our living forever because of Jesus Christ our Lord.
chat//// But he is not, which proves the bible wrong.
k0smon huh.... what are you talking about???
k0smon the Holy Bible is NEVER WRONG!!!
chatnboy The word of God is never wrong but the writings of men are sometimes wrong.
Angel Jackson and that is why you need the HOLY GHOST to understand God's Word!!!
"He mastered the craft of it?
That’s the reason he failed,the gospel is not craft,it’s the power of God for those who believe.
He’s right. Hell was made up by men.
It's official, we, who are in the northern hemisphere are officially in the biblical Kingdom of Heaven. Last night (March 19) I went to sleep in Hell and awoke in Heaven (March 20). Crawling out of the grave (winter) is nothing more than getting out of bed into spring.
Matthew 24:35 Jesus said "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away."
"I" came with the conclusion that we probably got it wrong. Wow. Sad.
RedCarpet NBA “I” will get you in trouble every time!!!
You're right. It's pride. Pride comes before a fall.
RedCarpet NBA : Thats right, I guess he thought his way was the best way..... Trust in the LORD with all they heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct your path.(Proverbs 3:5-6).
Thought I was the only person that heard him say that he was the one that came up with that conclusion.... its an extreme case of Jeremiah 17:9. the Word tells us to keep ourselves in check and in tune with the His Word, and the Holy Spirit in order to keep from falling.
RedCarpet NBA Heard that!
//: He was an unbeliever teaching in a Christian church, he was searching for God then, and still searching now.
Keep on searching, for a god, and a Big foot monster and a loch nest monster...you fools!
@@Acokeek Well you just proved that they don't teach Science in Kenya
So the man has been searching for god for 40 years and still can't find him. ? Lol. What does that tell you about god? Is God playing hide and seek?
Fear, guilt, and ignorance are the pillars of religion. He is breaking open the trade secret. Too much money at stake for the other Preachers...so now they come against him!
What you say is so true preachers cherry pick scriptures out of the bible. Find me one that can answer the question below. Please read below what they don't say or preach.
Question, who wrote the first 5 books of the Bible? Answer Moses did. Well In Exodus 20:13 Moses said God told him to give the comment, Thou shalt not kill.
Then you turn a page to Exodus 21: and it says verse 15 And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death. 17 And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. QUESTION DID GOD CHANGE HIS MIND OR DID MOSES GET IT WRONG?
@@jesseandjan The is no Moses in actual ancient documents. Jewish leaders or the 12 century in Europe picked Moses Maimonides to codify the Jewish Talmud. 1235-1204.
@@keithburch8997 WHAT, now what am I going to do for next week's Sunday school lesson?
@@jesseandjan Be the great pretender. Remember, it is all promoted as a "belief"... since you agreed with religious authorities you cannot sue for fraud or unjust enrichment. The Bible has lessons but no dates.
@@jesseandjan The Catholic Church! Next question. All bow to the Pope in Rome! All babtismal certificates are turned over the the Catholic Church Archdiocese. All presidents and world leaders are under the ecclesiastical power of Rome no matter what the denomination is called. Unam Sanctum! 606 Anno domini. By Pope Boniface. Know the facts. All from Ancient Egyptians Diety Osiris, Isis, and Hourus. Preserved by the Vatican in Rome. Papal authority is still supreme.
He blatantly calls God a liar! He's made a god for himself and is willing to double down on the falsity. May God have mercy on his soul.
Yeeeeesss Father! Please have mercy on him. 🙏
Oh boy... Vatican church in Rome were all responsible for translating our Bibles we have today. That should tell you something because the Vatican church in Rome is the synagogue as satan. They are using the Bible as a manipulative tool to get people to obey in society for the new world order agenda. If you guys would start doing your research you would see that the philosophy of hell and Heaven stem from pagan origins. Greek mythology. Dontes inferno. Go look at the book called pagan christianity. People are so deceived. The evil satanic globalists are using the spirit of fear to create a place that God did not create. And since we are made in the images of God, we are also creators. But these evil doers that are trying to rule the world I had the power to create like any of us do. But they choose to defy and rebell against God and to create a place so illusionary that it feels real to everybody. And the way that most people come to know Jesus today is through the fear of hell. That turn or burn theology. This is the most satanic thing ever in the church right now. And people better repent. Change your minds on it. By the way the word sin literally means missing the mark. So when people say die in your sins, it doesn't make sense at all. People going to die in missing their mark? Nobody's going to be perfect when they pass from this world. But I'll tell you this Jesus was preaching everlasting life and he was teaching that this everlasting life is in us in our bodies right now on this earth. it's also funny that the Bible says a lot of people won't reach everlasting life. But it never was saying that God was going to let people go to hell. And if you guys believe in the theology of hell, how come some people claim to go to hell and then come back and are saved from hell. How come some people claim that Jesus save them from hell and give him a second chance but other people weren't given the same chance.? That's favoritism. That means others weren't worthy of it but other people were. Other people were given chances while other people didn't get that chance. People better start questioning everything because almost everything that we've been taught to believe is a pure lie. This whole world is an illusion and everybody's walking around like zombies. Pull your head out of religion and cling to the father who lives inside you. God lives within you and the kingdom of God is within you. This is what Christ preached. But nobody is talking on this. And said everybody preaches fear-based hellfire churchianity. Too bad it's from pagan origins
The Bible just like every other holy book, religion and personal God is the biggest Lie ever told. That is why the Bible has zero concrete evidence which equals zero credibility. Think about it. 🤔
@@MilkyWayGalaxyy 🗑🤖
Instead of bashing the man. Pray for him.
Hell is as real as heaven. I died and went their .I have changed my wicket ways since being brought back .to this day I still hear the screams ,yells ,smell the burning flesh ,the laughter of the demons as they burn the sinners .God did not tell him there is no hell, the devil did that for sure .after more sinners .
The world of God says hell is real, and people have being there and came back to life, I believe your testimony
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i believe u had a spititual encounter. But common man. U died and came back from hell?🤣🤣🤣 pure cock n bull
The demons are not burning the sinners or running hell - the demons themselves are in the lake of fire
@@ernesttakor2374 🗑🤖
@@anthonylucero6650 🤣 u gon be alright
Awesome. Since there’s no hell, then that means there’s no devil. Since there’s no devil then that means there’s no sin. As a matter of fact, since MEN decided to write a book about God, then that means ALL the prophecies were fulfilled coincidentally. WOW!!! My heart cries for the souls he has lulled to hell just because he got bored. SO SAD 😞
Well there is no any of that. No god, no devil, no heaven, no hell. You create hell in your mind slim. Why does your heart cries???
No evidence of God. Bible has too many flaws. Enjoy life as we can and when it is over it all goes black.
@Marlon McDonald man my notifications does not work well. I guess I spit too much truth lol. But anyway, why would you ask a shrink that??? That educated fool has no more answers than your own heart. Also there is no need to be confused but settling for the easiest choice, the bible, is not the answer either. I hope you find peace because I have. And I use to be a devout christian, sort of lol.
@@patrickbering1988 yep
@Marlon McDonald Matthew 27 Judas returns money to chief priests and hangs himself over grief.
Acts 1 Judas does not return money and buys a field with it but dies after tripping on a rock falling and his intestines burst out.
When you turn from what you knew about God and you new the truth you then have rejected God's salvation then Hell will be your home it's sad because you can't go to heaven like this.
If everybody's going to heaven then what is there to preach about?? Smh 🤦🏽♂️
Good point!
Heaven is not a destination for humans in general.
(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. (cf Matthew 5:5).
Honestly 😭
And what is the Good News??? Jesus dropped in to say hi and die a painful death at the crux of history to save us from... what???
@@miniprepper8284 : Jesus was SENT by God to pay off Adam's sin's penalty (Galatians 4:4).
Read Genesis 3:15 where God promises to SEND a redeemer to restore what Adam had lost.
What had Adam lost? The ability for humans to live FOREVER ON EARTH.
(John 3:16) “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.
We could fix homelessness overnight. Stop being a centrist
After hearing you, I came to the conclusion that you never knew Jesus Christ, and you don’t have the Holy Spirit. I pray that you will come to know Him in Jesus name Amen!!
Exactly, the Holy Spirit gives you wisdom❤❤❤ Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!! Netflix also made a movie out of this man's story. Of course they would, in the movie this man also claimed that it's fine to be a homosexual and such "since Jesus died for all, we're all automatically saved even those who sin willfully". God loves all but not our sins ❤❤❤❤❤
He may be dealing with bondage of sexual sin. This is a BIG stumbling block for believers. It blinds people from the truth.
And not one of you know Jesus cause he never existed show me any grave site of anyone in the bible and I will pay all your bills for the rest of my life believing in white man's lies a Damn snake talking to a woman named eve really. Your bible is inside of you not in a book
Jesus mentions hell in the gospels way more than He mentions heaven... He warns so many about hell, the rich, the unbelievers, the ones who think or thought they were saved, ext.... In the book of Peter, he says, "that before Jesus ascended he descended into hell to take the keys of hell (victory) and to set the captives free.." There is definitely a hell, if it wasn't we can live however we want and sin all day everyday, like having a license to sin.. Apostle Paul says, "shall we continue in sin so that grace my abide, Certainty Not!!!" Jesus will turn away alot of people, on that great day and send them to hell!
Ant////// That is a biblical fallacy . Look it up. There is definitely a hell because you have been there? Or did you read about it in a book? Better watch that sinning stuff as there is justice in the afterlife, but it is not like the bible says it is.
Antwone Roberson FUCK JESUS
Sound like you are hell bound.. Jesus is Lord and Savior! I'm praying for your soul..
He is a man with an actual conscience , others are not willing to lose the money and fame.
But they'll crucify him for that which is kinda ironic considering the teachings of Christianity.
@@modernfreeman4228what is the teaching of Christianity? What is the teaching of the Gospel? You will find your answer. 2 different answers.
Conscious is flesh, God's will is Holy.
So pedophiles go to heaven too since everybody's included?